#rhett abbott x reader angst
writingdumpster · 9 months
goodbye kisses
pairing: Rhett Abbott x reader
warnings: none
summary: the morning after a bad fight with rhett you don’t give him his goodbye kiss.
word count: .8k
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You woke up without Rhett beside you for the first time in years. The night before you had instructed him to sleep on the couch, but waking up without his arms around you still felt uncomfortable. You sighed.
The fight had been bad. The worst you ever had. And it was your first since being married. You had made it a year without having one, which you were informed by all your friends was a very long honeymoon period.
Earlier that night Rhett had gotten thrown off his bull in the first round. He had been immediately rushed off to the hospital. He was fine. The doctor said he had two broken ribs and a mild concussion. When you got home that night you had said you would stay home with him for the week, but Rhett had told you he didn’t need it. He said he would just keep working. You spent the next two hours fighting about how he didn’t take care of himself enough. It turned into a fight about how you didn’t support his career and then a fight about how bull riding was going to kill him.
“You always want me to stop! You’ve never supported me!” Rhett yelled.
“That’s not true and you know it!” You spit back. “I go to every single one of your competitions.”
“Because you’re scared! Not because you care about it!” Rhett yelled.
“Of course I’m scared, Rhett!” You shouted. “You could die and you never let me help you when you’re hurt!”
“That’s because I don’t need you!”
That had ended the fight. You had left the room without another word and slammed the bedroom door behind you.
You took a deep breath as you headed out of your bedroom for the kitchen. Rhett was standing at the counter with breakfast made as he waited for you. You stopped in the doorway when you saw him.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Rhett called hopefully. You stared at him for a moment.
“I don’t need breakfast. There’s always donuts in the teacher’s lounge on Fridays,” you said. Rhett’s whole posture deflated.
“I thought you were going to stay home with me,” he said.
“I thought you didn’t need me,” you responded. You gathered your things by the door. “Bye, Rhett.” You left without another word. Rhett stood in the kitchen in complete crisis.
You didn’t kiss him goodbye. That had never happened before. Rhett started rushing to clean up so he could go after you but immediately gasped in pain when he moved too fast. He almost started rushing again, but paused. He was doing exactly the thing you hated.
Rhett took his time getting ready, being sure not to stretch himself too far. Rhett called Royal to drop him off at your school. He waved at the receptionist and then made his way back to your classroom. He opened the door and looked at you, a small smile on his face. You looked at him and then at your class full of second graders. They were in the midst of a reading assignment. You reluctantly rose from your desk and stepped into the hall with him.
“What?” You asked in a whisper.
“You didn’t kiss me goodbye,” Rhett said. You screwed your eyebrows together.
“Yeah, I know—”
“And I’m sorry,” Rhett continued. “And I need you. More than I need anything.” His hands came to rest gently on your hips. “I’m sorry,” he said again. You sighed.
“Me too,” you said, letting your hands fall against his chest. Rhett smiled.
“Please come home and take care of me,” Rhett requested.
“You don’t have to do it just to humor me,” you said.
“I’m not. It’s for me. I love it when you take care of me,” he said. “I just don’t always think I deserve it.” You gave him a sympathetic look before leaning up on your toes to kiss him. There was a small commotion behind the door. You looked over and saw a pair of eyes peeking through the crack in the door.
“Mrs. Abbott’s kissing the cowboy!” You heard a much too loud whisper. Rhett chuckled.
“Can you watch them while I go get someone to cover the class?” You asked. Rhett’s eyes went wide.
“You want me to walk into that room after that and let all those kids question me?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said. “It’ll be good practice for when we have ours.” Rhett beamed.
“Will making them be part of your caretaking?” He asked. You shook your head in disbelief.
“No,” you said with a smile. “You have two broken ribs.” Rhett groaned. “Don’t whine, you know I’m right.”
“Can I at least have the goodbye kiss you stole from me?” He asked. You giggled.
“You just got one,” you said.
“That was a makeup kiss,” Rhett said. “I want my goodbye kiss too.” You rolled your eyes before giving him a short peck. You started to release him to go find a substitute, but his hands stayed on your hips.
“You’re leaving me again,” Rhett said. “I get another goodbye kiss.”
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sebsxphia · 11 months
gentle, rough and loving.
rhett abbott x reader.
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→ description: rhett abbott’s aftercare is the final piece to the puzzle you need.
→ word count: 2.5K.
→ music: listen to the incredible and beautiful playlist made by @laracrofted for this fic here! 💽
→ c/w: endings of smut, endings of BDSM/rough sex, mentions of BDSM, rope, derogatory language used towards reader, one mention of no previous aftercare in previous relationships, sub space, soothing injuries, kissing, swearing, rhett giving you proper aftercare, rhett being an absolute sweetheart and fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ a/n: i’m dedicating this piece to the wonderfully talented @lewmagoo. their writing is absolutely phenomenal, and what always gets me most, is the beautiful aftercare that they write. therefore, this piece was born! please kindly check out their writing, i cannot recommend it enough! <3 i hope you enjoy! <3 my main masterlist can be found here! 💌
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Gentle, rough and loving are the three words you would use to describe what it felt like to make love to Rhett Abbott. He had your face pushed down with one hand, onto the hard and cold floorboards of your living room floor. His other hand was gripping at your hip so hard, you knew his fingertips would leave bruises. Yet, the hand that was pressed on your face had his fingers curling round to the rise of your cheek, so the wooden floorboards wouldn’t hurt too much. The hand on your hip worked to steady your wrecked frame, so you would never fall forward and hurt your neck.
He had secured your wrists tightly together with some rope. The rope itself wasn’t some tattered and fraying rope that he had found in his barn, no. Rhett had insisted that he purchased proper bondage rope. Your safety was of the upmost importance to him, regardless that he was treating you like a common whore in this very moment. He used his extensive, and ever growing knowledge of cowboy knots, to tie your wrists together and let them rest on the arch of your back. It was the perfect centre of gravity so that you wouldn’t topple over when his thrusts became particularly rough.
At the beginning of your relationship, before any rougher type of sex had occurred, you explained to Rhett your prior experience of aftercare with previous partners was, minimal, to say the least. It was during the quiet confines of your shared bed during one moonlit night. You remember the look on his face, shadowed gently by the moonlight filtering in through your lacy curtains. His face contorted into hard lines above his eyebrows, yet his eyes still wore a soft and loving gaze for you. He was both angry beyond belief that no one would take care of you like that, and deeply consoling to your fears and hurt.
“I promise you, I’ll never let that happen to you, m’love. You’re safe with me. I hope y’ can come to trust me, in time.”
He understood that he had to earn that trust from you in time, and he made a promise to himself that gentle night that he would.
A year later and Rhett had kept his promise.
After the scene was over and he came down from his own ecstasy inducing high, the word loving, was about to replace the word rough. He could still hear your faint whimpers that escaped your mouth in time with your body twitching from your heightened sensitivity. With heightened caution, he slowly slipped his fingers out from under your cheek to allow for your face to gently meet the floorboards. His other hand still had a hold on your hips to steady you, but his moved his fingertips an inch upwards so he wouldn’t press down on the particularly sore points. His hand from your face traveled over the base of your skull, along your spine in your neck and dipped in between your shoulder blades. This was when you first registered his voice.
“Darlin’, can y’ feel that? Feel my hand on your neck?” You let out a small grunt in response. You had intended it to be a hum in agreement, but with lack of water it distorted your voice. He understood your tone none the less and made a mental note to get you water as soon as he was able. He continued to trace your spine with his hand until he reached your tied wrists. He was allowing you to feel his gentle touch, to remind you that his far rougher touch was finished now. His fingertips reached your bound wrists and you heard him speak again.
“I’m goin’ un-tie your wrists now, darlin’. I won’t let y’ go, I promise.” He worked his set of fingers nimbly to un-tie the knots. He only ever used knots that were quick and easy to un-tie, especially with one hand. As you felt the rope be pulled out from underneath your wrists like a table cloth off a table, your wrists went limp and they slid down your hips. Rhett was quick to grasp onto them to allow your centre of gravity to stay. You huffed out a groan that he could only register as, exhaustion.
He made another mental note. “Your poor back and wrists, they must be so sore. Cream, after water.”
“Shh, m’love. I know, I know. I’m goin’ turn you over now, okay?” The hand on your hip guided you down to the floor and then slid round to your belly, to turn you around to face him. The gentle hold on your wrists let go momentarily before he gathered them back in his hand to rest on your stomach. He had you turned over and now sat in his lap, as he sat on the floor. He had one hand resting in between your shoulder blades, allowing him to hold you up right and see your face. Your cheeks were flushed a rosy red, with tear stains tracking down your flesh. Your eyes were drooping and completely glazed over, and you wore a cock drunk, lopsided smile.
He was proud that he could fuck you so good that you would end up as a wreck like this, but that was done now. It was now his responsibility to be gentle and loving with you, and take care of you.
“Can you tell me your name?” Rhett avoided using any pet names that would be used during a scene like that, as to not push you into subspace any further.
“Bambi?” You croaked out with your eyebrows furrowing slightly. His lips quirked up in the corner of his mouth, but he kept it hidden from you.
“That’s not your name right now. Can y’ tell me your name?”
Your brow furrowed deeper and you inhaled a shaky breath. Your glazed over eyes scanned his face and he felt a wave of relief when he saw your eyes crinkle in the corners ever so slightly. It was a tell tale sign that you were coming back around and you remembered Rhett as your lover and someone who was safe, to you. You called out your own name and he placed a softening kiss to your forehead with praise.
“Atta’ girl.” He beamed in delight. “That’s your name ‘nd I’m here to take care of y’ now, okay, darlin’?” You nodded in response and removed your hands from his to grab onto the collar of his plaid shirt. You buried your face into his neck, letting your cheeks scratch over his stubble and your nose inhale his familiar scent, grounding you further.
“Rhett, Rhett, Rhett…” You mumbled incoherently into his flesh.
He smiled to himself and moved his hand to cradle your head. “That’s right, sweetheart. It’s me, you’re safe now. I’m gon’ take y’ upstairs ‘nd get y’ cleaned up, okay?”
You nodded against his shoulder and let him scoop you up under your thighs, allowing himself to get off his knees and cradled you next to his torso. He carried you up the stairs to your shared bedroom, letting you down softly onto the mattress below. He shed his own plaid shirt and instructed you to sit up briefly. He guided your arms into the sleeves and wrapped it around your bare chest, noticing you were shivering slightly. You held tightly onto his biceps as he pulled away from you. There was a look in your eyes, a pleading desperation for Rhett not to leave you. He recognized it instantly and reassured you within a second.
“I jus’ need to get y’ some water and ointment first, m’love. I’m gon’ be ten seconds.” He pressed another praising kiss to your forehead. Your glazed over eyes looked almost tearful and it caused his stomach to drop through the floor. It teared at his heartstrings, knowing that you entrusted him so deeply like this.
You watched as he left your bedroom, with the glass from your nightstand in his hand. You kept your eyes intently focused on the doorway and awaited for his return from the bathroom. You heard the faucet running and the pipes shaking throughout the rest of your home. When he returned, you held out your hand, as to beckon him for his reassuring presence. He squatted down by the bedside and handed you the glass. He reached up to brush the hair out of your eyes, looking up at you with a prideful smile when you gulped down the soothing liquid within seconds.
“I’ll get y’ another glass in a bit. Can I have your wrists first, please?”
Rhett was well aware of the fuzzy headspace that you could be in. Regardless of the stage, he understood that you may be unable to communicate back to him. Therefore, asking for your permission, or telling you what he was doing was always first on his mind.
You held out your wrists and let him take them delicately into his own hands. His calloused fingertips had always been rough, since the day you met him, but somehow, when they were drawing over your skin it seemed as though it was a featherlight and tender touch. You adored how your rough and tough cowboy, could be so gentle and loving.
He moved the ointment over your wrists and asked you to sit up next so he could soothe your aching back. He could feel your eyes fixated on him the whole time. You were tracing and following his every move. But he knew it wasn’t because you didn’t trust him, it was because you were finally receiving the proper aftercare that you deserved and you wanted to burn it into your memory forever. He could feel how your body was keening into his loving touch, with every simple swipe and stroke of the cooling ointment. When his fingertips ran over your wrist, he could sense your pulse coming back to a resting rate, which pleased him greatly.
When the pain points that he was aware of were covered, he moved onto your needs that you perhaps hadn’t yet communicated to him.
“Darlin’, can y’ tell, or point, to any other parts that hurt, please?” You out stretched your finger to point at your knees and he let out a quiet chuckle to himself. “Of course. I’m not surprised, y’ took me s’ well, sweetheart.”
He moved up and onto the bed, and caught your gaze in the process. Your eyes had lit up and sparkled brightly at his sweet praise. Your mouth was parted with an anticipated smile.
“I— I did?”
Your fingers twiddled with one another in your lap. He recognized how your body language shifted and the look you wore on your face. You were asking for praise and reassurance, something that you had never had prior.
“Oh, m’love,” he scooted up to where you sat against the headboard. He knelt next to you and took your face in his hands again. “You did incredible for me. I’m s’ proud of you. You’re such a good bunny for me.” He leaned down to gingerly press a kiss to your cheek but your lips met his instead. You hovered mere millimeters away from his lips and you swore you could’ve felt a zap! of electricity connect you both. You felt his warm breath fan over your lips and you gazed up at him through your lashes.
He swallowed thickly and his voice got caught in his throat. “Can I kiss you, darlin’?”
“Please, Rhett.” You breathlessly pleaded. He leaned in to meet your lips and your body almost went limp against his. The first loving kiss that came after a particularly rough fucking, was always the final piece to the puzzle. Like clockwork, you came back around and you were now fully understanding of your surroundings and who you were with. You were with your Rhett, who was gentle, rough and loving.
He pulled away, with you both letting out a small gasp at the sudden contact of air. He held your gaze for a couple of moments longer. He loved the way how you keened into his touch, how you were moving your face to press your cheeks harder against his large hands.
“Let me finish taking care of your knees, ‘nd then I’ll cuddle up close to you, okay?” You nodded in his hold and let him slip away, back down to your legs.
Moments later your body was smoothed out with the ointment, you had another glass of water down you and you had been moved back into Rhett’s arms. He’d pulled out your old laptop from underneath your bed to watch something easy, alongside some emergencies snacks for occasions such as these.
He had taken his plaid shirt off you at your request. You wanted to feel the ever comforting feeling of skin on skin contact. He was sat back against the headboard with you in between his legs. His broad and toned thighs were locking around you and keeping you protected. His hands ran up and down your arms in soothing strokes, and sketched out mindless shapes on your flesh. He occasionally dipped into the snack you had in your hand to feed you one or feed himself, which always earned a giggle from you.
“Do y’ want a bath after this, darlin’? I’ll give y’ a proper massage too, the lavender oil and everythin’.”
Your head rolled back into the crook of his neck and onto his shoulder. You let out a satisfied hum and looked upwards towards Rhett. Your hands moved to cradle the back of his skull and toy with the lick of hairs at the base of his neck. He craned his face down to catch your satisfied, yet still drooping gaze.
“Please, lover.” You paused for a second and sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth. “You’re s’ gentle, rough and loving to me.”
If your hand was on his chest right now, you’d be able to feel his heart beating in double time. So fast, it could burst right through his chest. Your trust was solidified in Rhett and it made his heart feel as though there was a bed of wildflowers blooming inside of him.
“Anythin’ for you, m’love. I’ll always take care of you.”
“I’ll always take care of you too, cowboy.”
Your own statement was as true as his. After a particularly rough ride and having his knees scraped and his shoulder pushed out of his socket, you would be there. Your hands would roughly grip at his chest and shoulder to pop the bone back in its place, but your hands would turn gentle as you pressed the cotton pad to his bloodied knees. You would lovingly run your hands through his hair as he lay with his cheek pressed on your bare chest, when the exhaustion would wrack his body entirely.
You loved and cared so deeply for each other, that you both knew no one would, or could, ever match that.
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @currentlybradshaw @unmistakablyunknown @iloveprettyboysblog @wkndwlff @flames-thebitch @randomfandomgirl97
tagging who maybe be interested: @sunblchdfly @bradshawsbitch @rhettabbotts @bobfloydsbabe @bobfloyds @peachystenbrough @sugarcoated-lame @sushiwriterhere
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rhettabbotts · 4 months
angels with filthy souls - pornstar!rhett abbott x fem!reader
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taglist | drabbles
pairing: pornstar!rhett abbott x inexperienced!fem!reader
setting: las vegas, nv. 1987.
summary: when the lives of a struggling cocktail waitress and an adult film star cross paths, it’ll change them both. in ways they’d never expect.
warnings: 18+ only. SMUT. lots of it. there will be some angst and fluff. age gap. drinking. smoking. some religious and familial trauma mentioned. each chapter will have its own individual warning.
coming soon…
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attapullman · 7 months
That Abbott Boy | Rhett Abbott
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GIF by delopsia
Summary: You and Rhett have stayed in each other's orbit since you were children. But what if there's something more than just friends?
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings & Notes: Rhett Abbott x f!reader, brief mentions of underage drinking and violence, fluffy and angsty (?), childhood friends, Rhett's the town whore and likes boobs, bad mouthin' Perry Abbott, destruction of pinatas, 18+ as always. Happy Halloween, witches! You can play your tricks, but here's your treat!
Children flooded the barn, your daddy’s ranch overtaken by sugar-hyped little hands and giggles as your classmates pet the horses and pretend to drink from the trough. Set up outside were balloons and presents, marking the momentous occasion of your birthday. The sun shines bright upon your cheeks as another year blesses you.
Your ma wrangles the hyperactive group and announces the piñata. A cheap, store-bought thing, meant to resemble a puppy dog but failing. Your classmates scramble to line up, eager to be the one who breaks open the winnings of more sugar. And as you turn to lead the battle, you see that Abbott boy.
Rhett. Cerulean eyes hidden under his baseball cap. That thin smile that says more than his mouth ever does. With only a decade of life under his belt, he comes across like there’s more layers to him than anyone could know. He’s affectionately stroking his hand along the nose of your mare, soothing her after too many grabby fingers. Too distracted by his care to notice everyone else has left the barn.
“You coming?” Your voice is small in the old building. His gaze snaps to you from his thoughts, running his hand along the horse’s flank before following you outside. You’re accurately aware of him trailing behind you. His heavy footfalls into the dusty ground. A dusty rose spreading along his cheeks when your eyes accidentally meet.
Joining the group and taking your rightful place at the front of the line, your ma wraps a bandana around your eyes and twists you twice. Orientation lost as hands straighten your shoulders toward the misshapen papier mâche. The burden of embarrassing yourself overwhelms your small frame, but you swing with purpose. You’re the birthday girl and you will knock it down!
Swing one. Miss. Swing two. Miss. Swing three. Miss.
Rules dictate your turn is over and you hand the blindfold and bat over to the next child in line. Swing. Miss. Swing. Hit. It’s a compilation of hits and misses as the line dwindles. Next to bat is Rhett. You give him a small smile as he steps up. He takes the wood between his hands, shoulders squaring to the challenge as he runs his fists over the woodgrain. His eyes are focused, a boy with only one goal.
Swing one. Miss. Swing two. Miss. Swing three. Hit! A bit of paper dislodges from multiple blows and a few treats fall to the ground. The next kid in line holds their hand out expectantly for the bat. But that Abbott boy has other plans.
Thwack. Thwack. Two more hits directly to the piñata, splitting it and upending every sweet in its arsenal. Children flock to the ground as they pick up as many as possible. Rhett’s face is proud - the winner of the arbitrary game - and he bends to pick up a chocolate.
The kid not picking up candy? You. A slow heat rises from your chest and the tips of your ears flood a rosy color. How dare he cheat! On your birthday! Squaring your shoulders, your ma catches you quickly. She knows your temper. Gives you a shake of her head and advises you to spend your energy on other ventures.
“That Abbott boy is gonna be trouble, just you wait and see.”
The church is stifling, holding the hot July air hostage. Sunday best sticks to sweaty skin. Programs are used as makeshift fans to create a breeze. The preacher drones into the still air that threatens to choke the life from this joyous union.
How Perry Abbott found someone to marry him is beyond you. Aloof one moment, violent the next. You saw what he did to Trevor Tillerson at the skating rink all those years ago. His brother may be a piñata cheater, but Perry was actual bad news. This poor blonde woman must be missing some grey matter to think this was a good idea. 
The preacher finally starts saying words you recognize (“Do you take this man…”)  and the church doors open as Perry kisses his bride. The wash of fresh air clears your head and allows you to be happy for the couple. Love is in the air!
At the reception you mingle with a few girls from class. Only a year until you escape this hellhole. Wabang is nothing but girls turning into their God-fearing mothers and boys becoming their drunken cowboy fathers. Before you’ve hit drinking age most of them will be married, taking over their families homesteads and pushing out children. You’re not even eighteen and yet this is the dream floating through every classmates mind. Your skin crawls at the idea of settling down with someone like a Tillerson.
Food and dancing is outside - thankfully - and various members of the community are congratulating the newlyweds. Your own parents are wrapped in conversation with the sheriff and your neighbors. Land disputes are as frequent as phone bills here. A classmate asks if you’re going to the ol’ back roads that evening. Wink wink. You barely begin to answer her when a laugh carries over from the church, a group of high school boys leaning against the cracked siding, swigging from smuggled beers over quiet conversation.
You catch Rhett Abbott’s eye. He smirks back over the lip of his bottle, a twinkle in his eye. Good money could be bet that he’s been drinking since this damn service began. He draws the bottle away and holds a finger to his lips, his smile quirked to the right as he asks you to keep his secret. As if you’d ever tell. 
His eye slips into a wink. God, he is such a flirt.
Since that fateful piñata day, you and Rhett have stayed in the same orbit. Although, while you’ve remained studios with your head down to ensure an easy exit from the town, he seems to always be mixed in something. Too many nights at the ol’ back roads, scrapes from roughhousing with friends, more than one girl making insinuations the next morning in the girls restroom. But that Abbott boy has always been good to you. A tip of his cap when he walks by you in town, feed sack in hand. That slow smile when he returns the pencil you dropped in class. Last fall the two of you had spent the afternoon sprawled in the sunshine behind the school, skipping out on government because the government can go fuck itself. And it was too nice a day to be cooped up in a concrete building.
Your friendship was easy. Rhett soothed the tension in your brain, that drawl of his like music as he went on about ranch work and dreams of riding bulls one day like his dad. You were going to miss him when you left. 
Your head shakes to indicate silly boy and you return his naughty grin so he knows he’s still in your good graces. He turns back to the group, and you miss him looking back at you when you join your parents.
Staring out from behind the curtain, you see your parents and other relatives of your family sat near the front of the audience. Holy hell, this is real.
You’ve been dreaming of high school graduation since the day Wabang lost its appeal. That printed diploma claiming that you paid your dues in this town and the world is your oyster now. 
The dinky auditorium they held graduation in each year was filled with the sound of chairs scraping and families clapping each other on the back for their children’s newest accomplishment. Behind you, your graduating class is alive with nervous titters.
A hand slides across your waist, high enough to not raise question, and Rhett peeps his head next to yours. His newly grown stubble is neater than usual, and his curls are actually combed. You lift a hand to smooth the collar of the shirt that’s crumpled under his graduation robe. You’re so proud of him for making it here.
You follow his eyes and catch where his family is sitting. Royal and Cecelia both deep in conversation with their neighbors, Perry and his little family occupied in their own bubble. What’s the daughter’s name again? Ashley? Anna? Amy? You don’t worry too much, she’ll come up soon enough in conversation with Rhett. Not even two and she’s the center of their household. He adores her.
The two of you share a smile as you acknowledge the moment. So many of your shared dreams have centered around this day and what it means. Finally leaving this godforsaken town. His eyes twinkle with the promise of leaving his family behind. That Abbott boy is finally going to make his own path. You’re so fucking proud.
A microphone crackles. The ceremony is commencing. Rhett squeezes your hip excitedly before finding his spot at the front of the line. Let the beginning of your lives begin.
The door squeaks open, letting a blast of icy air flood the bar. Patrons let out their individual noises of complaint. The Handsome Gambler fills with more bodies, huddling around booths as holiday greetings are exchanged. Yet another Christmas in Amelia County. You’ve avoided the town the last few years, but when your roommate’s parents took a last-minute cruise she begged you for a “traditional cowboy Christmas”. She had been disappointed that your parent’s ranch didn’t look out of a House Beautiful spread.
She’s delighted by The Handsome Gambler though. The “quaint” charm as sun-beaten men drink their Jameson and Rainier. You’ve already seen several people you know, raising your chin in hello. 
But it’s the one face that hasn’t returned your greeting that plagues your mind. Sat beside a buckle bunny blonde who cannot keep her hands off his arms - Do you blame her? That ranch is doing everyone favors - and you can’t seem to catch his eye. You haven’t seen him since your final goodbye three years prior, your daddy’s truck full with your things. 
You’ve heard about him though. One of your parents always has something to say about that Abbott boy. 
Ridin’ bulls like his ol’ man. Pretty damn good too.
Seen him with half the girls in town. He’s gon’ get one of ‘em pregnant if he don’t watch out.
Always in a brawl, limpin’ around town. Never know if it’s a bull or person throwing the punches.
No one ever talks about how Rhett still lives at home, in his plaid bedroom at the end of the hall. Never making it out of Wabang like he so desperately wanted.
You glance over one last time. His head ducks down. What happened to him?
That next summer you get stuck in Wabang when your car won’t start after visiting your parents. The mechanic in town gives you a week minimum for the part to come in. Theresa at the library offers you a few shifts of your high school job, something to pass the time until you can get to your real job a few hours away.
The last few days have been pleasant, mostly elders in the community and the odd teenager whose homestead doesn’t have dial-up. The monotony of checking in battered paperbacks feels good. When you had a moment you spruced up the children’s display with summer books you had enjoyed as a child. 
“H’ya.” The distantly familiar voice startles you. Your heart thumps against your chest as your gaze raises to two wide blue eyes and a sheepish smile. “D’nt mean to startle ya.”
Next to him is Amy, nearly as tall as the stack of books she’s carrying. She’s participating in the daily summer program led by Theresa. Every day this week a member of her family has dropped by to pick her up, stopping by to inquire about your folks or your life away. Your mouth goes dry after so long away from the presence of that Abbott boy.
You go along scanning Amy’s books, listening to her prattle on about this and that. She’s an inventive kid, the stories are never dull. Rhett keeps rubbing the back of his neck, that strong bicep hidden underneath a shirt stained with pasture mud. You suppress the urge to tuck an unruly strand back into his cap. But that privilege died years ago.
The two leave with a polite goodbye and your head is reeling. Especially the next morning when Amy strides through the library doors chattering excitedly, her uncle on her heels balancing two coffees. Dropping her off with the other kids with a tap of his elbow. You make yourself busy arranging a shelf when he turns toward you.
He slides the styrofoam cup toward you. You can smell the cinnamon, exactly how you take it. 
“S’for you.” A tension breaks between you two as you accept the coffee, tentatively raising it before enjoying that first sip. Your lips curl in a smile as that warm feeling envelopes your entire being. 
“Thanks. How’d you know I’d want a coffee?” While you know the answer is because he’s thoughtful, he mumbles something about Amy and his mother and a barista. Your smile lets him know that you’re thankful regardless of the reason. 
There’s so many things you want to ask him. What is his life like? Is bull riding everything he imagined it to be? Why didn’t he leave Wabang?
But before you can launch into that conversation, he’s excusing himself back to the ranch, Carhartt jacket out the door before you can ask if he wants to grab a drink later.
Every morning as Amy walks in for the summer program, Rhett trails behind her. A coffee in each hand. Drops it off without any explanation, just a smile so hard to read it plagues your mind. 
This goes on until the part for your car finally comes and you can leave this town - and the people in it - behind you.
You’re running late. Another Wabang wedding that has eaten up your weekend with the drive you loathe. There’s a pair of heels and a lipstick in your glovebox for “emergencies” after forgetting and wearing your dusty work boots and a slip dress at the last one. The “Entering Amelia County” sign whips by as you toe the speed limit.
Pulling into the church lot, you’re thankfully not too late. You slip into the back and hope your parents don’t notice, but you’re easy to miss amongst the ten gallon hats.
Vows exchanged. Preacher preaches. A kiss to top it off. And now you’re back where you were ten years previous, standing to the side of the dance floor catching up with classmates while Rhett Abbott drinks a beer leaning against the church.
The biggest difference is that he’s a man now. He’s no longer that Abbott boy. All sinful broad shoulders and muscle from hours of labor. Skin tanned and scarred from sun exposure and barbed fences. That damn brace on the hand not nursing a beer. And instead of cracking jokes with the other twentysomething cowboys, his focus is solely on you.
Neither of you makes a move to connect, letting your gazes linger as you stay with your respective parties. The afternoon fades into dusk. The string lights at the edge of the reception area come to life, offering an amber glow to the increasingly drunken crowd. Even you have enjoyed more than your fair share of whiskey. When the ol’ timers leave, the festivities really begin.
“Care t’dance?” He’s drunk, sliding up behind you smelling of leather, malt, and cinnamon. You know he has three left feet, but when those warm hands wrap around your waist, any worries about your toes promptly disappear.
He’s intoxicatingly close. You’ve never been this close, touched this much. Just quick hip squeezes and the occasional shoulder push, the odd side hug after high school afternoons sitting amongst the grass. At this distance you can see that his eyes have dark spots of indigo. That one eyebrow dips lower than the other. At this distance you fully realize how attracted to him you are.
Rhett’s always been a friend, nothing more. Someone who shared the dream to leave. Another animal lover. The piñata cheater who ruined your tenth birthday. So why did he smile always make you heart flutter?
His dancing is as bad as anticipated. He steps on your toes every few steps, muttering “S’ry” each time. Eventually succeeds to just swaying back and forth, letting you take the lead. His blush feels like a reward, your favorite bashful cowboy.
The music slows to a hauntingly sweet melody and you allow your head to fall to his chest, already missing watching his beautiful face. There’s a wall between you two, unspoken and heavy. It weighs on your chest. Where are the words to express what you’re thinking?
Before you can summon the words - the courage? - to say what you want, the song ends. Panic floods you. And you’ve always been one to choose flight over fight. An excuse tumbles from your lips and suddenly you’re fleeing the makeshift dance floor as quickly as those godforsaken heels will allow. 
The blood is rushing in your ears, too loud to hear your name called out behind you. The church is too full of partygoers. Your feet turn toward your car and the solace it provides. 
He catches up to you in the parking lot, his legs longer and faster. Takes the creamy white Stetson off his head while he catches his breath. He didn’t realize you were so fast. 
The two of you are suddenly alone for the first time in years, no distractions  to disrupt the brewing emotions. Your back to the driver’s seat door, eyes alight with confusion. Him towering over you with the kindest expression painted over his features.
“Why’d’you run?”
His breath washes over you, warm and comforting. Every instinct tells you to run, to get away from the rush of emotion consuming your soul that has been building for a decade. But then…fingers intertwine with your own, a soothing thumb over your palm. You’re reminded he’s still that Abbott boy, smelling like trouble but gentle as the prairie grass. You have no need to worry about being vulnerable with him.
A deep breath shudders through you. You break eye contact to answer his question. “Got a little too wrapped up in the moment and forgot I’m not one of your buckle bunnies.” 
He lets out a hesitant laugh. Hands released as he cups your chin to look into your eyes. Such pretty eyes.
“I’d trade every one of ‘em for a moment with you.” It’s silent as both your breaths cease, his heartbeat vibrating between you. Your eyes plead for more reassurance, more proof that you’re more than another conquest for a man with too many trophies. He licks his lips. “You remember that piñata?”
You nod. Hard to forget being that mad.
“S’ry for cheatin’. I wanted t’be the one t’get the candy out. Impress ya, show I was the best.” He chuckles. “I’m s’stupid. You like rules. And probably wanted the candy yerself. Surprised ya didn’t kick my ass.”
“I wanted to.” Another low laugh escapes his lips.
“Figured you’d want nothin’ to do wit’me and was good with it for a while, but the summer you grew tits? Came back t’school and nearly passed out. So self-conscious and kept coverin‘em. Wanted to smack your arm, I couldn’t look away. Luke Tillerson brought ‘em up on the way home ’n I punched ‘im in the jaw. That’s when I knew I liked ya. Wanted you to be mine.”
That dirty cowboy. Naughty smiles exchange as you both glance down at your chest, much more developed and pushed up thanks to underwire. He blinks hard to clear his mind.
“When you left, figured t’was time to move on. Beat myself up for never gettin’ the courage to leave too.” Your hand slides up his forearm, sharing comfort for such a raw nerve. He smiles his thanks and runs his own hand up your arm, resting a thumb on your shoulder. “Thought maybe y’were back perm’nently when I saw ya a’the library.”
“It was just until my car was fixed.”
“Know that now. But a guy can dream, right?” The wall has completely crumbled now, your bodies close, breaths intermingling. Your mouth opens to speak, to fill the space.
The words are stopped by a warm cowboy mouth fitting over yours. 
The stars align. Planets shift. The cars leaving the party around you fade into the distance. All that remains is Rhett and everything he offers.
Maybe Wabang is worth it after all.
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lewmagoo · 1 year
the ferris wheel | rhett abbott
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description: in which a fearless cowboy isn't so fearless anymore
pairing: rhett abbott x gn!reader
warnings: angst, fear of heights, toxic masculinity (aka rhett trying to unlearn all the harmful things his father taught him about masculinity), mention of a broken arm, slight panic attack, vomiting, working through familial trauma, rhett learning how to communicate, therapy, i think that's it
*inspired by a convo with @damrlova :)
Rhett Abbott hated being perceived as weak. 
More specifically, he hated being perceived as weak by you. His light, his love, his darling. You were so sweet, so loving, and you looked at him as if he’d set the very stars in the sky. 
You always told him how strong he was. You’d squeeze his big arms and marvel at his strength after he’d just finished hauling bales of hay or wrangling a stubborn horse. You’d cheer the loudest in the stands when he managed to have a good ride, and you’d come running to him and exclaim what a wonderful job he did, how proud you were of him. 
In your eyes, he was your hero, your protector, your knight in shining armor. And he was terrified of tainting that view. He didn’t want you to think of him as a failure. Yes, it was irrational. He knew that. But he was terrified of losing what you shared. The healthiest, most loving relationship he had ever taken part in. So he fought to keep on that mask of strength for as long as he could. 
Until it all came crashing down one night on the tippy top of a Ferris wheel at the Amelia County Fair. 
You were teeming with excitement over going to the fair. It was always your favorite event of the summer. You loved the energy, the atmosphere, and the nostalgia of it all. 
You also loved being able to watch your man ride. This year, however, was his first year attending the fair as just a spectator. The year prior, he’d finally hung up the reins, so to speak, and decided to step away from bull riding. It was not a decision he took lightly, but ultimately, he did it for himself, and for you. 
His father had always dreamed of Rhett following in his footsteps as a bull rider. Riding was the only thing that earned Rhett a hearty “good job” or “proud of ya, son.” The only time Royal ever seemed to be truly proud of him. And Rhett chased that feeling, the elation, the satisfaction, the warmth that bloomed in his chest when his father said those words. 
But it was never enough. No matter how many good rides he had. How many dislocated shoulders or fucked up wrists. He would never get his father to look at him the way he looked at Perry. The golden son. The boy who could do no wrong. 
Rhett loved his brother, he really did. But his entire life, he’d been endlessly compared to Perry. Held up to an impossible standard. And Rhett knew he would never measure up. 
Even so, he still tried in vain to make his rodeo career work. But why was he so determined to do so? Was it because he was truly passionate about the sport? Or was it only because he craved validation from his dad?
You posed these questions to him well into your relationship, after you’d seen him fall too many times. After you’d watched in horror as a 1,500-pound animal’s hooves nearly clipped him in the head. After you’d come home together at night after a ride and listened to his pained groans in the shower as he tried to wash his hair, but couldn’t, because he was in too much agony to even do so. 
It weighed heavily on you. You didn’t want to tell him to walk away from his dream, but there was a part of you that knew this wasn’t his dream. It was Royal’s. And you wanted Rhett to come to that conclusion on his own. 
It took a little tough love, but eventually, he did come to that conclusion. Unfortunately, it took shattering the radius and ulna of his riding arm under a bull’s hoof to bring him to that point. 
He realized, finally, that the blood, sweat, and tears were not worth it. None of it was, not compared to the excruciating pain he was in. Rhett had always considered himself to have a high pain tolerance, and he did. But even the highest pain threshold was no match for this sheer misery. 
He was out for the rest of the season. And in his heart, he knew he’d never ride again. His arm wouldn’t be the same after this. It would be too weak to hold onto the back of an angry, thundering bull. It was suicide to climb onto the back of another one of those beasts again. And Rhett didn’t only have himself to think of anymore. He had you. And he would never forget the frightened look on your face as he was being placed into the back of an ambulance. He never wanted to be the cause of that look again. 
So he walked away from the rodeo circuit. He stopped using it as a crutch to receive his father’s praise. Instead, he put his focus on you, and your relationship. He worked to build a good life for you both. 
His injury had begun to heal after many months of recovery and physical therapy, and after he was given the go-ahead to get back to normal, he set about making arrangements to build a home for the two of you. 
And through that process, he watched you stare at him in awe. You were deeply moved by the way he cared for you. You admired him for his strength and resilience, and he wanted to show you that he was a man of his word, that he was going to give you the house you deserved, the life you deserved. 
He was your guy. The one who always took care of everything. The one who made sure you had gas in your car. The one who wasn’t afraid to go check out a mysterious bump in the night just to give you peace of mind. The one who was brave. That was why he struggled so much with being perceived as anything less than that in your eyes. 
He never would’ve thought a damn Ferris wheel at the county fair would be his undoing. But he should’ve known it from the second he walked through the gates. 
He admired the way your eyes lit up as you took in the sights and sounds around you. You were on cloud nine, and he was glad he was able to fully experience it with you this year and be a spectator, rather than being a spectacle. 
He was perfectly fine at the beginning. You dragged him into the barn area to see the horses and other livestock. You insisted on stopping by a lemonade stand to grab one to share. You visited each vendor and made sure to say hello to friends that were working the fair that day. 
And then there was the Ferris wheel. The second you saw it, a grin broke across your face, and you grabbed Rhett’s hand. “Oh, babe! Let’s go on the Ferris wheel!” You exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement. 
It would’ve been fine, except for one very small issue: Rhett was terrified of heights. For an adrenaline junky, it was an interesting predicament to be in. He could handle sitting on the back of a raging bull. He could wrangle spooked horses. He could go up against his own brother when he went off on one of his fits of rage.
But he couldn’t handle being high off the ground. It made his heart race, his head spin, and his palms sweat. But when you tugged on his hand and gave him your pretty doe-eyed glance, he tried to swallow that nauseating fear and follow after you. If it made you happy, it was worth it.
However, as you stepped into the line for the ride, Rhett found himself looking up at the wheel, and his knees went weak. It was so much bigger up close. It loomed imposingly overhead, and he forced himself to look back down at the ground so he couldn’t get dizzy. 
His heart had begun to race in his chest, and he focused on his footsteps carrying him forward. Right, left, right, left, right, left. Then you were at the entrance to the wheel and he climbed into the seat, trying desperately not to react when the seat began to rock a little. 
The entire time, you were talking animatedly about what you wanted to do after the ride, but he hardly registered a word you were saying. He sat there and stared ahead and willed himself not to throw up. 
The chill of anxiety bubbled to life within his chest, and he bit the inside of his cheek. He knew anxiety, he felt it every time he climbed onto a bull, just before he shot out into the ring. But that anxiety always melted away the second the gates opened and he was thrust out into the ring. During those few seconds he felt high off of adrenaline, he felt invincible. 
But here, sitting on a simple Ferris wheel seat, he didn’t feel invincible. He felt like a scared child. Suddenly he was small again, crying over a crushed bouquet of wildflowers he’d just picked, only for his father to tell him picking flowers was for girls, and that he needed to man up. 
And that’s what he tried to tell himself as you settled in beside him. Told himself to ‘man up’. Even though the term was ridiculous and incredibly harmful. It was difficult for Rhett to unlearn this ideology because it was all that had been drilled into his head. 
Men don’t cry. Men don’t show fear. Men are strong and steady. But Rhett didn’t feel like any of those things, especially not when the seat suddenly jerked forward and made him jump out of his skin. 
You noticed it, and you looked at him. “Are you alright?”
He nodded. “Y-yeah, ‘m fine. Just wasn’t expectin’ that, is all.” He thought it must’ve been convincing enough, because soon, you settled beside him, your shoulder touching his. 
The ride ascended higher and higher, and Rhett was already white-knuckling the bar in front of you. You noticed he was tense, and this time, when you looked at him, his eyes were squeezed shut. 
That’s when you realized he was trembling. 
“Rhett, baby, look at me,” you gently coaxed. 
He let out a soft sound, a whimper of fear, and he mentally cursed himself for it. But he couldn’t help it. “No,” he whispered. 
“It’s okay. Just turn your head and keep your eyes on me.”
Slowly, he turned his head, and you lifted your hand, gently cupping his cheeks in your hands, moving them high enough so that your fingers blocked his peripheral. 
Slowly, he opened his eyes. “You’re safe. Just keep your eyes on my face. Don’t look anywhere else but at me, alright?”
There were tears glimmering in his cerulean eyes. His bottom lip quivered. And all at once, you felt terrible for even suggesting this ride in the first place. You didn’t realize he was frightened until it was too late. 
But instead of asking him about the fear, you made an effort to distract him. You could have a discussion when you were back on solid ground. For now, you kept his focus on you. 
“That’s it. Doing so good, baby. I’m right here. I want you to keep your eyes on me and tell me five things you see, okay?”
“O-okay,” he breathed. His eyes flickered about your face. “U-um…I see your…your eyes. I see your nose. I, uh, I see your mouth. I see your cheeks.”
“Good job. That’s four, I need one more.”
“And I see your chin.”
“There you go, that’s it.” You gave him an encouraging smile. For the next part of the grounding technique, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to get him to take his hands off the bar to find four things he could touch. So, instead, you skipped to the next step. “How about three things you can hear?”
He took in a deep gulp of oxygen. “The…the music from the merry-go-round across the way. I can kinda hear people talking. An’ I can hear machines movin’.”
You kept your voice steady as you replied. “You’re doing so great, Rhett,” you encouraged. However, at that very moment, your seat reached the tippy top of the Ferris wheel, and it stopped. 
That jerked Rhett entirely out of the calm headspace you’d been guiding him into. “Oh, God,” he breathed. “Fuck, why did it stop?” Panic started to heighten his tone. 
“Baby, look at me. It’s part of the ride, they stop it at the top for a little bit before you go back down.”
“No, no, no. Why the fuck would they do that?! I can’t…I can’t do this.”
You kept your hands where they were, cradling his face. “Yes, you can. I’m right here with you, I promise. We’re doing this together.”
Tears had begun to well in his eyes again. Your heart ached for him, and you longed to wrap your arms around him, but you knew it would cause your seat to rock, and you didn’t want to send him further into panic. 
“I-I’m so fuckin’ scared,” he whimpered. 
“It’s okay to be scared. But it’s almost over, I promise. Just keep your focus on me. I’m gonna ask you another question, okay?” 
He gave you the go-ahead. “Okay.”
“What are two things you can smell?”
His brow furrowed as he breathed in deeply. “Your, uh, your perfume. And your shampoo.”
You beamed at him. “Great job baby.”
You continued to gently speak to him, keeping him distracted as best as you could. You had him focus on breathing, placing your hand on his broad chest as you told him to breathe in and out slowly. 
And little by little, the ride began to descend back to the ground. “We’re almost there, just a little more,” you assured him. Now that you were lower to the ground, Rhett was able to look away from you, his eyes flickering about to take in his surroundings. His shoulders began to visibly relax.
It was all going to be okay. Just a few more moments and his feet would be back on the ground. He found himself counting down in his head, until finally, the seat stopped at the bottom. Without hesitation, Rhett bolted from the ride, nearly tripping over his own feet as he did so. 
As you trailed after him, you passed Trevor Tillerson and his new Flavor of the Week, waiting next in line for the Ferris wheel. You should have known the eldest Tillerson would run his mouth, because that was what he was prone to do. Especially after he’d had a few drinks, and judging by the fact that he smelled like a bottle of Jack Daniels, he’d had more than a few. 
He snickered as Rhett bolted past him. “Ain’t no way the big bad bull rider gets sick on kiddie rides!” He jeered, eyes wide in disbelief. 
The comment sent fire through you, enraged that he would pick on Rhett after what he’d just endured. A surge of protectiveness drove you forward, and without a second thought, you whirled around. “Shut the fuck up, Trevor!” And then you sharply slapped him across the face. 
You didn’t stick around to see his reaction. Instead, you promptly turned back around on your feet and rushed after your man, driven by your need to make sure he was okay. Just ahead, Rhett skidded to a halt beside a trash can, and promptly lurched forward, letting nausea overcome him, releasing the contents of his stomach into the trash can. Your heart ached as you trailed behind him, placing a comforting hand on his back and rubbing slow circles with your palm. 
“I’ve got you, honey,” you assured him. You hated the sound of his pained heaves, and you felt terrible knowing that they were all because you had insisted that he go on the Ferris wheel. 
Groaning lowly, he rose, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Shit,” he grumbled under his breath. 
“Are you done? Or do you think you’ll throw up again?” You asked.
He nodded, grimacing slightly. “I-I think ‘m done,” he replied.
“Okay. How about you sit down here for a minute? I’ll go get you some water,” you softly coaxed, taking his arm and gently guiding him to a nearby picnic table. “I’ll be right back.” Then you slipped away to request a cup of water from one of the nearby food vendors.
Meanwhile, Rhett lowered his head to his hands, groaning to himself. “Fuck,” he cursed. He was so embarrassed for the way he’d reacted on that stupid Ferris wheel. Surely you thought he was a complete idiot.
But that couldn’t be further from the truth. And when you returned holding two cups of water, and saw that his head was in his hands, your heart broke. “I’m back,” you quietly announced, placing the water in front of him. He grabbed the cup, his large hand engulfing the plastic container, and eagerly gulped down the cool liquid.
As he did so, you sat across from him, slowly sipping your own water. He wouldn’t look at you, and you could see shame burning brightly on his cheeks. “Fuckin’ embarrassin’,” he grumbled. 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Rhett,” you soothed.
“Yes it is. What grown-ass man goes up in a Ferris wheel and fuckin’ cries?”
You shook your head, your eyes filling with tears. “Baby, stop. That has nothing to do with you being a man or not. It’s okay to be scared of things.” Then you leaned forward. “You should have told me you were scared. I never would’ve had you go on it with me.”
He shrugged sheepishly, still refusing to meet your gaze. “Didn’t want you t’ think I was weak.” And there it was. 
“Look at me.”
He did.
You reached out and placed your hands over his own ever-fidgeting ones. “I could never, ever think you were weak. Nothing you have ever done says “weak” to me. You are the strongest man I know, and being emotional or scared is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. To be that vulnerable in front of someone? That takes courage.”
Rhett’s bottom lip quivered. “I…I know it’s stupid to think that way, but it’s just so fuckin’ drilled into my head. I can’t get rid of the mindset.”
A hot flash of anger flared in your chest, because you knew who was responsible for instilling that mindset in him. But you couldn’t let your anger come to the surface, so you kept it at bay. “I know it’s hard to shake it. But those are lies, you hear me? It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be scared.”
“It’s just…I’ve been on the backs of some of the meanest bulls in the rodeo. I stared down the barrel of a shotgun when I was a teenager when I got caught trespassin’ on someone else’s land. I’ve had m’ own fuckin’ brother throw punches at me. You’d think I’d be able to handle a measly little fair ride.”
“We all have our limits. And I want you to know something. You don’t ever have to do something you don’t want to, just because of me, okay? I don’t want you to feel like you have no other choice, or like you have to make me happy. Because your own well-being is more important than making me happy. You hear me?”
He nodded slowly. “The thing is, I know all that. But…how do I get myself to start believin’ it?”
You squeezed his hands. “Well, for starters, you don’t have to do it alone. I don’t want you to shut me out. You aren’t supposed to carry your burdens by yourself. I wanna carry them with you.”
That was so difficult for Rhett to wrap his mind around. He was so used to being alone, to navigating his warring emotions all by himself. It had been a point of contention in your relationship. You were always telling him you didn’t want him to shut you out. That you wanted him to communicate and tell you how he was feeling. But that fear of vulnerability was crushing. Even so, he knew he needed to be better about expressing how he was feeling. He just wasn’t sure how to go about it.
“Will…will y’ help me figure out how to share ‘em with you?” He asked earnestly.
“Of course, baby. I’ll help you navigate it all, I promise.”
He nodded, his eyes glittering with emotion. Then he looked down at your intertwined hands. “Y’know how you kinda…hinted at seein’ a therapist?”
You nodded, because you had. You didn’t want Rhett to feel pressured into it, but in passing, you had mentioned to him that seeing a therapist was helpful to you. He hated to admit it, but he knew he needed to start seeing someone to help him navigate the muddled mess that was his brain. There were years of unchecked trauma and repressed emotions that needed to be dealt with. 
Before you, he wouldn’t have been caught dead admitting that he needed help. But you had made him see that it was okay to ask for help. And after the moment on the Ferris wheel, and how terrified he’d been to show you “weakness”, it hit him like a ton of bricks that, in order for your relationship to thrive, he needed to get a handle on those feelings.
“I think it’s time I started seein’ one,” he continued, his voice soft, as if he was afraid of admitting such a thing.
You reached out and gently tipped his chin up so he was looking at you again. “Oh, baby, you have no idea how happy that makes me. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you to say. I’m so proud of you, Rhett.” You lifted his hands to your mouth to press your lips to his knuckles. “I’ll help you find the perfect therapist just for you. I won’t let you do this by yourself, alright? I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
He managed a small smile. “Alright. I trust you.”
Those three words were music to your ears. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he answered with conviction.
“We can talk more about this at home if you want. But I’m sure you’re exhausted after that awful ride. Do you wanna head home? Or stay here a little longer?”
He hesitated. “I…know you had your heart set on comin’ to the fair, but…I think maybe I need t’ go home and rest after that ordeal.”
You offered a warm smile. “That’s okay, we can go right home. Whatever is best for you, I don’t want you to force yourself to stay just to please me.”
You rose to your feet and held your hand out to him, which he gratefully accepted, allowing you to pull him to his feet. You leaned in to kiss him gently, and he melted into you. “Let’s get you home, cowboy.”
“Wait,” he said, as you began to lead him away. 
You stopped to look back at him.
“D’ya think we could, uh…get some funnel cake before we go?”
Your face broke into a grin. “Of course we can.”
Happily, you led him to a funnel cake stand, where you purchased the sugary treat to share. Then, you walked out of the fairground, with you nestled against Rhett’s side as you ate bites of the fried cake while you walked. It was a lighthearted end to a rather difficult night, but both of you were at peace, because the difficulty had lead to some revelations that would soon improve your relationship and deepen your bond. 
Rhett had a long journey of healing ahead of him, and the thought was rather frightening. But with your unwavering love and support, he knew he could do it. And you knew he could, too.
@xoxabs88xox @alexandra8484 @kmc1989 @elusive-honeydew @vallyb @cdauni @happyrebelruins @bobfloydsbabe @myfandomchangesalot @mikpieboo @krys-orion @petersunderoos96 @eighthwvnder @mastercontrol123 @powerlvr25 @audri-janis @yanna-banana @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @chieflawyerpastatoad @roosters-girl @wkndwlff @acatwriteshere @backupcasmitchell @marchingicenotes7 @percysaidnever @cherrycola27 @diorrfairy @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @milesmillergf @damrlova @thedroneranger @bradshawsbitch @bobfloyds @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @withahappyrefrain @up-thereinthesky @peachystenbrough @lovinglyeternal @laracrofted @callsign-magnolia
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sorchathered · 4 months
It’s Rhett’s first out of town rodeo trip since you’ve been together and he is painfully reminded of his playboy past everywhere he goes. You weren’t able to make the trip with him which has led to every buckle bunny in a 5 mile radius to proposition him at every turn, nausea creeping up in his throat when he thinks of what life was like before you. Lonely days seeping into lonelier nights, none of those girls ever stuck around for more than a quick fuck, just wanting the thrill of claiming they held his attention for an evening. It had always made him feel cheap, he knew he wasn’t boyfriend material but damnit if he didn’t wish sometimes that he had something more, something lasting.
But now he has you and he can’t get away from the group of persistent scantily clad girls fast enough, finally getting to his hotel room he breathes a sigh of relief when he opens the door. You may not have made it in time to watch him ride but the look of shock on his face when he finds you perched on his bed in just one of his old pbr t shirts is enough to have the two of you surging towards each other. You can feel the tension leave his body in your embrace and he lets out a shaky breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. This was it, what he’d been missing all those lonely days, and it was everything.
Thanks for the emotional damage, here’s some for you babes 😂
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Outer My Mind / Rhett Abbott
Chapter One: America Is Wrong
Summary: Rhett Abbott, found a distraction from his grief in the form on Maria Olivares when she came back to Wabang. You? Well—you lost yourself and became a recluse of sorts. Until Rhett found out you needed help fixing the boundary fence.
Warnings: Rhett Abbott x F!reader. Miscommunication. Mentions of miscarriage. Mental health issues. Best Friends to Lovers Trope.
Word Count: 3.8k
Author Note: It’s been a while. But out boy Rhett deserved some attention this week. Outer My Mind Masterlist
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“They aren’t serious about him riding Mickey Bull are they?” You asked Perry curiously as he handed you a beer. Taking a sip, you watched as Rhett settled onto the back of his latest bucking bull. Mickey Bull. “Oh fuck, he’s in for a real treat isn’t he?” You chuckled as Perry nudged at your shoulder, agreeing that this wouldn’t be Rhett’s best ride. 
“He’ll be fine, he knows what he’s doing.” Perry replied through the corner of his mouth as he clapped and hollered out for Rhett. You did the same, perched up in the crowd with Rhett’s family, cheering him on with all the love and support you could. Because that’s what you and Rhett did. 
Things had been complicated to say the least the last two months—some days you felt like the world had ended. Others felt like it had just begun. 
“Go Rhett!!” You shouted as he came barreling through the gates, holding on for dear life as Mickey Bull tried to rid his back of Rhett Abbott. “Hold on Rhett, hold on!!” 
“Well Folks, you gotta love the effort!” The announcement came through the speakers and the buzzer sounded. 
“Ohh—!” Perry cringed as you buried your face in his shoulder, squinting your eyes shut at the sight of Rhett hitting the deck and hitting the deck hard. It wasn’t long enough—you knew it, Perry knew it and above all you knew Rhett knew it too. 
“It wasn’t enough, I’m not advancing.” Rhett mumbled from inside the fence as you stood between Royal and Perry. The found family that had somewhat adopted you, especially since you lost your dad a few months back. Royal Abbott knew you were as strong willed and as stupid as your old man had been. But that didn’t mean you were any less deserving of company. 
“Ah you did fine.” Royal sighed, he didn’t agree. “That bull hasn’t ridden well in forever.” 
“Yeah that was a bullshit bull Rhett—“ You couldn’t help but to laugh as Perry cussed his daughter out for using bad language, she looked to you like you had her back or something. “What? Y/n said it, not me!” 
“Aye now, I said Mickey bull was a bad ride, that didn’t mean you could say he was bullshit.” You pulled Amy close as you picked her up to piggy back her. She draped her arms around your shoulders as you stood back up. “You did as good as you could with the hand you were dealt, Rhett.” You sighed as you looked at Rhett like he hung all the stars in the night sky just for you. 
“Thanks Rebel.” 
Expect those stars were never meant for you. They were always meant for Maria. Rhett spotted her in the crowd and couldn’t keep his eyes off her. You looked to where the trajectory of his eyes were going and you just knew. 
Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Forever the friend and never the wife. 
“We’ll see you at home.” Cecilia cooed as she reached out for her son's hand. He nodded softly, confirming what she already knew as you turned back to Rhett. 
You would never be the one he hung stars for. 
And that was just something you were going to have to accept and move on from. Because as Rhett looked at Maria like anyone with working eyes could see you looked at him, your heart sank into your stomach as you let a hand rest against your stomach. Still holding Amy on your back. 
Hoping for a little kick that wouldn’t come. Because you’d lost your baby two months ago and Rhett hadn’t said a word about it since. 
Rhett’s baby. The mistake that you’d made in a drunken accident that never should have happened. Two months had passed and you still couldn’t sleep, could eat, couldn’t think. Couldn’t get yourself to move on. 
But as you watched Rhett smile up at Maria in the crowd as you looked back over your shoulder, you knew Rhett was fine. He’d moved on, he could sleep and eat and ride. He'd let you go and all he could have owed you go. 
“I just need you to be you, Rhett.” You could remember asking as you walked away. Not entirely sure you were ready to be truly alone. “I just need you to be you, Rhett.” 
But you knew you were entirely alone. Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell was a battle that you couldn’t fight. Not alone. So you fell and you could already feel yourself spinning out of control from the fall. 
***~***~***~***One Month Later & The Events Of Outer Range Season One***~***~***~***~
“God dammit—“ You huffed as you came to a stand still on top of the ridge. Looking out across the now empty paddock, you could just see that your herd of cattle had taken it upon themselves to head on over to Spencer’s Cutting, the creek that ran through seven of the eleven properties that littered the small country backyard of Amilia Counties far west. 
The border fence that you’d only just fixed a few months ago was down again, some crazy herd of bison had trampled it to oblivion and beyond last night.
“Alright Chester—Let’s load up the truck hey?” You reached down to pat Chesters chest as he blew air through his nose and stomped a single horse shoe into the ground. “Atta boy, let’s go.” 
It was a fact you were going to have to accept, after about a month of solitude besides grocery runs and farming supply top ups, you needed to accept you were going to have to head on over to the Abbotts place. Your post hole digger was still busted—had been since before you dad passed. And with the boundary fence down and your cows running a muck down in Spencer’s Cutting—you needed a fucking post hole digger. 
Abbott Ranch was the closest in proximity, it only made sense. The last time you’d spoken to Rhett was at that rodeo where he barely made it through to nationals. It wasn’t all his fault, you were partly to blame—but in the month following he’d made not a single attempt to check in with you. See how you were doing. You hadn’t seen him since Trevor Tillerson's funeral, and even then you didn’t stick around to chat. 
The drive over felt as unfamiliar and unfair as it was engraved into your heart. You’d driven this road a million times and would do so a million times more. It was only as you turned off the gravel road onto the dirt drive of the Abbott Ranch that your heart sunk to your arse. 
And it sucked knowing that a thief came into your home and stole your peace, your lack of boundaries gave them permission. You were just the gift that kept on giving. First you let Rhett slip between your fingers, then you stepped away the moment you knew Maria was back in town thinking it would protect your heart to not see a thing. 
Turns out that hurt more. 
You were just a Santa Claws to her, just with no Christmas and no returns. But there was no excuse you could give yourself to excuse yourself from not putting yourself first because you were afraid to lose the only person you thought ever cared enough about you to give you the time of day. 
If Rhett didn’t want you? You weren’t about to grovel. If he wanted Maria Olivares then that’s who he could have. 
You weren’t a constellation prize, not even for your best friend.
“So she’s alive huh?” Royal chuckled to himself as he and Rhett countered the castle in the yards ready for market. Rhett didn’t quite catch what his dad had said until he looked up and saw your Ute kicking up a plume of red dirt behind it as you slowly crept up the drive. “Haven’t seen Rebel in just over a month—I thought she’d dropped off the face of the earth.” 
Had it really been that long? Rhett thought to himself as he went back to counting the cattle. One by one until there wasn’t any left to count. He watched with a slight glare your way as you pulled up, opened your door and stood from your car seat. 
“Hey Royal—“ You started, tilting your hat his way as he did so you. You turned for a brief moment to acknowledge Rhett, but he’d already looked away. Too ashamed that he’d all but forgotten about you for an entire month while he’d been off chasing a girl who was beyond him. 
So you didn’t bother saying hello. You didn’t bother saying anything at all. Rhett has suddenly become a stranger to you and honestly? You didn’t mind. Not if it meant that you were screaming at a brick wall begging for him to love you the same way you knew he knew you loved him. 
“Rebel—how you been?” Royal asked with a crooked smile. “Haven’t seen you in a while?” That man barely knew how to be happy and it showed in the lines on his tired face. 
“Ah you know me, overworked and under fucked.” You chuckled at the way Royal cringed at your forwardness and missed the soft laugh that escaped from Rhett’s heart. “I need to borrow your post hole digger?” You asked in more of a i'm not asking but telling you I’m about to borrow your post whole digger tone. “Boundary fence is down in the south pasture, guess that herd of Bison took it out last night.” 
Royal wasn’t inclined to not believe you. He’d been out there when they came barreling through. 
“I’ll take Perry if he’s around too. Need an extra pair of hands if you’ve got ‘em to spare.” 
“Post hole diggers in the shed.” Royal pointed. “But Perry’s not here, you can take Rhett though we’re just about finished here.” Oh how you couldn’t have thought of a worse idea. Redoing the boundary fence on your own was going to take a few days, if not the entire week. But doing it by yourself would be far less painstaking than rebuilding whatever broken friendship remained between you and Rhett.
“I’ll just take the post hole digger then.” You looked back to Rhett who had finally drawn his attention to you. You looked good, really good. “Thanks, I’ll just grab it and be on my way.” 
“No problem Rebel, keep yourself well.” Royal was quick to wave you off as you kept your gaze locked on Rhett a little longer than you should have. It was like a guilty pleasure to look at him, to stare into his ocean blue eyes that held so much promise behind them. 
Rhett Abbott could be anything he wanted to, if only he believed he could. 
“Will do—“ You tipped your hat and started up the drive, slamming your door behind you as Rhett watched you disappear up towards the shed. 
“What the hell did you do that’s so bad that she’d rather put that boundary fence up herself than have you give her a hand Rhett?” Royal asked as he finished up at the gate, making sure the snap lock was on tight and secure. 
“I didn’t do nothin’—“ Rhett grumbled out of the corner of his mouth. “Haven’t seen her in a while is all.” 
“Any particular reason that might be?” Royal had been the one who eventually picked Rhett and Maria up after he totaled his truck at the America is wrong sign late last night. Royal knew he was set on running—all Rhett had ever wanted to do was run. But even at the edge of what could have been freedom, something kept him tethered to Wabang. 
Someone by the name of you.
“Or anyone perhaps? Because I know all you’ve ever wanted was the Y/l/n girl—and judging by the fact it was that Olivares girl in your truck last night on the edge of town, I'm assuming you finally came to your senses and realised that she wasn’t who you thought you wanted.” Royal chuckled to himself as he took his gloves off and shoved them in his back pocket. “Now I can’t do math worth a damn but if two and two equals four Rhett then what the fuck are you doing here helping me still and not going after that Y/l/n girl?” 
Rhett thought on it for a moment, he stood there in the silence of the afternoon sun and watched the drive away up to the shed. 
“Rebels cows are probably out if the south boundary is down—I’m gonna go check down at Spencer’s Cutting for her, see if I can herd em up.” 
“Sure, you do that Mr. Casinova—“ Royal couldn’t help but to chuckle as he tapped Rhett on the shoulder. He still didn’t know about Perry. 
No one knew about Perry. 
Rhett didn’t wait up for you to finish loading up the post hole digger before he set off. He was off before you even put your truck in reverse. 
You thought you’d get a little peace and quiet in the burning heart of the mid afternoon as you tried your best to fix the boundary fence. It was a mess. It was technically a two person job at the bare minimum and if you were being completely honest with yourself it probably wasn’t a good idea to try and attempt to fix it on your own. But you had something to prove. 
“Come on you son of a bitch!” You groaned as you tried to feed the wire through to no avail. “Come on—“ 
“Need a hand?” Rhett called out as he came to a standstill, his horse Ranger looked at you as if he knew him being here was a bad idea too. 
“Not from you, that’s for sure.” You barely looked at Rhett, it made his heart ache inside his chest a little more than he was comfortable with. “You checkin in on me Abbott?” 
“Depends if you need to be checked in on?” Rhett chuckled as he lowered himself from off his horse, watching as you finally got the wire to feed through the small hole you’d drilled. You’d happily take the small wins to combat the overwhelming losses. “Guess I lost track of time, having seen you in a while?” 
“Yeah well, time slips by when your tunnel visioned, doesn’t it?” You kept working as Rhett stood hovering in your sunlight, casting a shadow down on you that left you cold and heartless. “How’s things going with Maria anyway?” 
“I dunno if they’re even going.” Rhett sighed, he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong by you. “We uh, we were heading outta town last night—“ 
“Ah, so you were finally gonna get away were you?” You chuckled as you shook your head in disbelief. “So what are you doing here annoying me for if you were so close to freedom Rhett?” 
If Rhett were honest he hated the way you kept working through your conversation, barely giving him the time of day. Beggars couldn’t be choosers though could they? He hadn’t been around to see you in a month or so. 
“Same herd of bison that busted the fence sent me off roading into the sign on the main road.” He explained. “Couldn’t really get the hell outta dodge without a truck could I?” The conversation seemed cold, one sided even. You really didn’t wanna know and you sure as shit didn’t care. “Maria was pretty upset when I called someone to come get us, she was as pretty keen on leaving town.” 
“She left, didn’t she?” You asked just for curiosity's sake, Rhett was quick to nod in response, quietly pressing his lip together in a solemn line. 
“Left this morning—text me to meet her at the cafe but I just couldn’t”. 
“Smart—yeah good strategy Rhett, hey I bet she was real pleased when you pulled the rug out from underneath her.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rhett remained silent after he asked you that as he watched you work. There was a fire in you he hadn’t seen before, you were angry at something, someone. Probably him. “Rebel?” 
“People are like dogs Rhett, you kick 'em around enough they’ll start thinking they did something to deserve it.” You paused momentarily to wipe the sweat from your forehead as you looked to Rhett like you didn’t have a clue who he was anymore. “If you love her and you wanna be with her and the two of you really want to leave this place behind then you would have gone with her no hesitation.” Rhett watched as you fed the wiring through the post. You could do this by yourself—you didn’t need Rhett or anyone else for that matter. “Don’t lead her on, you tell her straight how it is or else she’ll start to think she did something wrong and that’s not fair on nobody.” 
“What do I say to her?” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” You shrugged. “Hell you told me you’d be there for me but I haven’t heard from you in a month—“ You paused what you were doing and rose to your feet to meet Rhett’s gaze. “So tell her whatever you need to do to make it easy to walk away I guess.” 
“You’re really good at that.” You weren't going to give Rhett a chance. It was best he knew that now before he even tried. “Go home Rhett, I’ve got it from here.” 
“Your cows are still out—“ 
“If you having fucking noticed Abbott I don’t have a fence up to keep em in!” You hissed. “Can you just—god can you just leave me to be in peace? I’ve been fine all on my own for the past month and I don’t need you coming around pretending you care because if you cared even a little about me? You wouldn’t have forgotten I live right next door—a beer and a hi you doing alright would’ve sufficed.“ 
“I’ve had a lot going on, if you hadn’t noticed I was being accused of murder!” Rhett spat at you as you rose to your feet finally. “None of us know where Amy and Perry are at the moment either.” Rhett added before he took a turn at you, shoving the blame back on your shoulders. “And where the fuck where you when I needed you huh? No call no text not a fucking word from you so don’t you dare take the high ground on this when you and I both know you couldn’t reached out too!” 
“I’m sorry I was busy trying to get over the loss of our child!” You shoved at Rhett's chest so hard he faulted back. He stumbled a little as you smashed your fist against his shoulder. “Remember that? Huh, tough guy!” You didn’t hold back as you raised your voice and shoved at Rhett again. “We were gonna have a child together and suddenly I was fucking nobody to you!” 
“Rebel stop—!” Rhett pleased as he tried to catch your wrist as you hammered into his chest. “Stop! It’s been three months!” At that moment you truly didn’t know who Rhett had become over the last month. You felt sick as your hand came up to rest against your stomach. Rhett saw the look in your eye’s and immediately backtracked. He didn’t mean that, he knew he said it but that’s not what he meant. “Rebel I didn’t mean that—“ 
“Are you saying that I should just get over it? Like you did?” You could have strangled him, Rhett had unintentionally crossed a line no man should ever go near let alone cross. “Get the hell off my property before I shoot you in the goddamn foot!” 
“Y/n wait, that’s not what I meant it’s just—“ Rhett tried to reach out but all you did was step back. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“You’re a bastard—“ You and Rhett stood what felt like a million miles apart but in reality you were face to face. “For the record, you stopped choosing me and you stopped caring about me the second she walked back into town.” 
Rhett hated what the two of you had become. 
“You’re my best friend? My only friend?” Rhett sighed as he reached out to thumb at your cheek. He curled his digits into your hair and pulled you closer. “Hey—I’m right here yeah?” There was nothing Rhett could say that could make you feel the slightest bit full. You were entirely empty and exhausted. “I’m right here, look at me?” 
But you couldn’t look at the man you loved for a second more without wanting to burst into flames. 
“I could never just be friends with you Rhett and you know that.” Being this close to Rhett after so long was really doing a number on your sanity. He was your home and suddenly you couldn’t recognise the photos on the walls or the layout of the living room. “Your eyes remind me of the nights we spent together.” You admitted softly, just barely above a whisper as Rhett trailed the pad of his thumb across your cheek to catch the tears that spilled over your lash line. “I can’t look in the eyes I once saw a future together in and I can’t look in the eyes of the father of the child I’ll never get to watch grow up.” You pushed yourself away before you could completely lose yourself and turned your back on Rhett. “I can’t be just your friend—“
“Rebel im—“ Rhett had no words, he couldn’t formulate a sentence that could even come close to being enough of an apology. He couldn’t say he didn’t know you loved him and he couldn’t say he didn’t love you back. He was just confused. He thought he knew what he wanted but now that you were standing in front of him telling him that you’d given him all that you could—Rhett wanted to take all his actions back. He wanted you back. “I’m sorry—“ 
“I don’t need your apology, Rhett.” You spoke over your shoulder. “I just need you off my damn property because your part in my story is finished and I have no intention of letting you back in close enough to hurt me.” 
In the silence of the afternoon sun Rhett watched you return to your work like he wasn’t still standing there. 
“It was my baby too, you know.” Was all Rhett said as you went back to working on the boundary fence. Your heart burned inside your chest. “You lost our baby and you wanna blame me for everything—“ Again, you said nothing. You simply picked up the pair of wire cutters and used them to twirl the wire around a few times before cutting it off. “Fine Rebel, you wanna be petty?” Rhett snapped. “Your cows are wandering dangerously close to the Tillerson's property.” Rhett explained as he mounted back onto Ranger.
 “Round 'em up yourself, miss ‘can do’.”
Tags: 🏷️ @bradshawseresinbabe @seresinsaint @lewmagoo @delopsia @xoxabs88xox @jynxmirage @pono-pura-vida @lumpypoll @thinemineours
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mothdruid · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Abby! 🥳 Can I request “thank you for picking me up- i know it’s late” with Rhett Abbott?
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
Fuck Up
pairing: Rhett Abbott x afab!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: MEGA-ANGST AHEAD (you've been warned)
a/n: what would an event be if i didn't accidentally write too much for one request....
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The old pick up rattled down the random dirt road, it having replaced the music long ago. Rhett's grip on the stirring wheel was tight, almost as tight as his heart at the point in time. His heart had grown tight as soon as he saw the message. Just his luck honestly. He had barely even been home for fucking fifteen minutes.
can you come get me?
The texted had illuminated his entire bedroom. For a moment he had been happy, hoping that it was maybe, finally, you were asking for him to come by or just anything. Which he did get, but at what cost. Especially after he watched your next text pop up, an address that wasn't yours. He knew that things between the two of you weren't the same as they once would, but he wishing for him to take back what he had said. It'd been years but it still hurt like it happened yesterday.
He checked his phone one more time to make sure it was the right driveway and pulled in. Rhett couldn't help but think that you looked small in his headlights. You were dressed for to cool summer night. A pair of ripped jeans that showed enough skin to drive him wild. A black cropped tank top that also was making him more jealous of whoever was in the house you were leaving. You had a flannel pulled tightly around you, trying to keep at least a little warm.
He unlocked the door, keeping his head straight as his eyes followed you around the front of his truck. He tugged on the brim of his trucker cap, pulling it down a touch more. He sat there, slowly starting to dissociate now that you were sitting next to him.
"Hey," you said after getting situated and buckled in.
"Hey," Rhett's voice was low and gruff.
“Thank you for picking me up- I know it’s late,” you folded your hands in your lap.
All Rhett could do was let out a hum, knowing that if he spoke his words might betray him. He put the truck into reverse, backing up out of the drive way. A tense silence accented by the rattles from his truck encompassed the both of you. Rhett could feel how tense it was, but he wasn't sure if he was just making it up or not. Something that only he could feel.
"Did I wake you up?" You asked, hands still folded while you stared out the window at the black of the night.
"No," Rhett replied briefly. Awkwardness started to seep into the silence after that.
Rhett clenched his jaw as his mind started to swirl with jealousy, wondering what the fuck had happened inside of that house you came from. Better yet, why the fuck were you outside when he got there. Did whoever that touched you not have the decency to even let you wait inside? All he wanted to say was that you deserved better, that he could give you that. But that was a lie.
The two of you sat in the tense awkward silence the entire way back to the tiny apartment that you were renting above the local pharmacy. Once he pulled up to the side of the street he parked. He had expected you to just leave, thank him then bail, just like always since six months ago. Rhett couldn't believe that it had even been that long.
"I can hear you thinkin'," your voice was barely audible above the hum of the engine.
"Hmm?" Rhett asked, having not heard you.
"If you have something to say, say it."
Rhett noticed a change in your tone. It was cold yet, but sharp. That was when he finally broke his stare away from the lifeless gauges on his dash. You looked beautiful. Even with the crinkle between your eyebrows and conflicted look on your face.
"I don't got any-"
"Oh come on, Rhett. You really think I can't fuckin' tell," you interrupted.
Rhett felt a little irritation simmer in his chest, sensation rising up into his throat. You face had changed from conflicted to annoyed. Or at least that's what Rhett clocked it as, maybe it was irritation just like his. The two of you stared at each other for a while, waiting for one of you to break and talk first.
"Why are you out trampin' around?" Rhett's voice was deep.
"You don't know that, I could have been doing anything," you retorted.
"Yeah? That why your car wasn't there and you needed me for a pick up?"
"I didn't fucking need you for anything," your irritation was becoming more obvious now.
"Damn right, you fuckin' texted me," Rhett's own face was starting to show his irritation.
"I could have texted anyone el-"
"Bull shit, and you know it."
Rhett moved his body a little more to face you, you doing the same. Neither of you really wanted to do this at 1am on a Saturday, but when else would you do it.
"Why does it matter what I'm doing anyways?" You asked, eyes locked with his.
Rhett paused for a moment, wondering if he should even say it. Wondering that if he said it would it fix everything. Wondering about how your relationship would change even more.
"'Cause you deserve better."
He watched something change in your expression. It was still irritated, but there was something else. Maybe pain? Pity? He hoped to god it wasn't pity.
"No," you muttered, "Rhett don't."
"You do," Rhett pressed on.
"Rhett Abbott," you cleared you throat, "you do not get to tell me that. You had a chance to give me better, I had fucking asked you for better, and what did you say?" You paused, for some reason thinking he might actually reply.
He didn't.
"You told me that 'you ain't the one' and 'it was a mistake'," you said with air quotes. "So, don't come fucking acting like some stoic cowboy coming to save me, when you're the one who left me out for the wolves to begin with."
Rhett couldn't say anything. You were right. He had left you out for the wolves.
He had woken up in your bed hung over six months ago. You were curled into his side, hand resting over that bull tattoo on his chest. He was shocked by it, headache pounding to reminded him why it happened. Or at least why he thought it had happened. Once you had woken up he left no time for anything. He had only stayed that late to explain to you that it shouldn't have happened.
"Rhett, it wasn't a mistake for me."
"It was for me, and trust me, I'm not the one for you."
And now here he was. Reliving the same thing but from the other side. Watching the person he loves get out of his truck and walk away.
Once you were in the side door, that lead you up to your apartment, he cried. Tears falling even though he didn't want them too. He slammed his hand against his steering wheel in frustration, hating himself for fucking everything up.
What he didn't know was that you were doing the same. Crying as soon as you out of his view, running up the stairs to your apartment. and for the first time ever, you wondered why Rhett would fuck something up this badly.
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I'M SORRY THAT IT CAME OUT A LOT MORE ANGSTY THAN I INITIALLY INTENDED. but thank you so much for requesting it and I really enjoyed writing this tbh. i love the stinky cowboy but also like to see him suffer cause he is my blorbo.
don't forget to send requests in for my birthday weekend!
birthday weekend blurb event
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saltsicklover · 6 months
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Title: Fated to Run - Fated to Fly ꨄ︎ Part One of Two
Prompt from THIS ASK
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5000+
Rating: T
Warnings: Swearing, Creepy Dude, Rhett and Jake rescue reader, one use of Y/N, airports and flying, argument, nothing too crazy, angst
To all the people that said finding their soulmate was just so easy, and that they didn't even have to look deserve a giant middle finger shoved right into their face. After all, sometimes people's soulmates just fall right into their fucking laps like the divine are throwing them a goddamn bone. 
Most of us have to earn the privilege of finding our soulmates. You would think that the universe would have come up with a better system, some way to be sure that you've found exactly who you're supposed to. But it's truly fucking coincidence.
What a goddamn pain in the ass. 
Those little words scripted onto skin give only a hint, a shred of an idea that comes with far too much hope and no direction. 
In a perfect world, that script would glow when you find your person, or maybe your person would be the one to say them. Maybe there'd be a way to just know that you've found your other half. Maybe the universe could've bloomed with color upon first contact, the whole world coming to life around you. Hell, maybe the fucking ink would itch when you came close, or, maybe it could turn colors, burning like a cinder straight to the skin. 
It could have been a name, or map quadrants, an number even...
But no. 
All we get is the first thing someone else in our earshot says about our other half. It could be anyone, really, family and friends, lovers or enemies. The universe doesn't care, like it's all one big cosmic joke.  
And if you get stuck with something common? You're pretty much royally fucked. 
The amount of sorry souls who are stuck with "oh, he's a great guy," or "she's so pretty!" Have to live with hearing that damn phrase over and over again, just hoping that maybe it will lead them in the right direction.
It's sick, really, the whole goddamn thing. Especially because I want nothing else. 
"Oh, it's just Bob," is etched deep into my skin, the little letters marking over my collar bone like it's laced with disappointment. There's something about the word "just" that make's me clench my jaw. I can feel the muscle tick as I grind my teeth against each other, feeling the ridges catch. 
Whoever Bob is sure as hell isn't just anything. He is everything, and the unlucky bastard who dares say anything different has a swift right hook in their future, or maybe a hard shove, if the mood strikes. Anything that might take the edge off. 
Though I haven't met Bob yet, I feel fiercely protective over him, over the way others see him. After all, his heart is worth more than words like "just". 
The airport is just a little too dead for 3am, a few too few people ambling around half awake. Those who are here wear dark bags under their eyes, snuggled deep into their jackets to keep the too cold air conditioning from hitting their bare skin. Some pull luggage behind them, kicking it at they go, getting more and more pissed off every time their heel catches on their suitcase. Others talk too loudly on the phone, their cell's pressed to their cheeks by shoulders, by hands, others taking through their headsets. 
A sharply dressed man, clad in a brown suit and loafers argues with a woman in a language I don't speak. She is pointing at the board with a well polished fingernail, one that matches her power suit, while the man is shoving his phone into her face. It's obvious they are arguing about their flight, but neither of them seem to budge on their side. 
It's comical, really, how animated they are. I wonder if they are soulmates, if they found each other out if the sheer passion and dedication they are displaying. After all, if one has this much passion for a flight, it would only stand to reason that the business of finding their soulmate would be met with equal fever. They are a good match, too. The universe doesn't always deal out people who look like they should be together. Aesthetics clash, personalities not quite off set. But these two just have an air about them- like they belong; also like they are going to miss their flight.
I pass them as quickly as I can, as the anger rolls off of them. It's much too late, or maybe much too early to witness such an argument, and I have to make it all the way down to gate 93. With each step, my duffle bag seems to get heavier, no doubt taking after my eyelids. 
Whoever designed the Dallas airport needs to be given some sort of medal for "longest hallways that seem to lead nowhere". With every turn I take I feel like I'm headed further away, but the signs keep pushing me forward. 
Almost there, almost there. 
Gate 88 and Gate 89. 
Gate 90. 
As I walk by Gate 91, I catch two men laying on the dirty carpet in front of the lines of chairs. Their forms stand out against the oddly patterned carpet, though they almost look like they belong there. They are waiting in front of a gate that reads no destination. I know I shouldn't stare, but I can't seem to stop the slowing of my feet. I slide one side off my headphones back off of my ear, doing my best to be inconspicuous. I hope to catch a word, a whisper of what they might be saying but their lips are sealed, it seems, neither one saying a thing. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I take in their position on the ground. One has a cowboy hat pulled down over his face to try and keep the buzzing fluorescents out of his eyes. His head is balanced on a small duffle bag, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. His hands sit on his stomach, fingers laced together. His skin is golden, one of those tans you get from being stuck outside day after day. 
He doesn't move a muscle. It barely looks like he's breathing, really. There's something a bit eerie about it, the stillness of him. 
The other man, blond with a cropped haircut and equally bronzed skin sits on the ground a few feet from the other. His back is leaned up against the side of a chair, his knees bent. He looks equally exhausted, eyes closed, head leaned back exposing the long line of his neck. 
He shivers a bit, the wholeness of it rolling through his body. Though he keeps his eyes closed, his expression scrunches before relaxing again. He doesn't look even remotely comfortable, unlike his stony counterpart. 
The pair have very different looks about them, the former all home grown cowboy with still muddy boots while the ladder is clean cut and chiseled. The blond has his hands shoved into the large pocket on the front of his hoodie, trying to starve off the chill that hangs in the terminal. 
Not soulmates, that's for sure. Over the years, I have been able to pick out soulmates from just a few calculated but fleeting glances. There's always something about a pair that just reads right, a vibe that they give off when they are finally buzzing together. But one thing is for sure, these two aren't soulmates, the fact that they're even friends feels funny. 
It's not an impossible fact, to be sure. The predestined soul mate, the way it's written into the universe, could be anyone. That's part of the difficulty of it, for sure, but there's always something that seems to click. Souls are like metronomes, clicking away, othering ticking, always out of time; until the right person comes along and you're right on time with each other. With this pair, they are just a little too jagged around the edges, too seasoned in their own rights to slot together. Friendship is different- nothing knit into the weave of the universe, there, though it may have been easier if it were. 
The moment I make it to my gate, I throw my bag down, by body feeling a bit too much like jelly from all of the travel to hold it any longer. The men are just a gate down, living in their own little bubble. I can't fight the smile that blooms across my face. There's that word, about knowing everyone has their own lives, their own loves. Sonder, I think it is, and in this moment it washes over me. 
"Hey," A voice rings out through the quiet of the terminal, over the loudness of my mind. I look up, my eyes meeting a man who must be in his later forties. He's balding on top, glasses shoved awkwardly onto the bridge of his nose. His clothes are a mismatch of dressy and unkempt. A suit jacket thrown over his hoodie, a pair of pajama pants adorning his bottom half. The whole ensemble is wrapped up with the cowboy hat sitting on the chair next to him, crocs on his feet. 
"Hi," I nod more than speak, a strange feeling blooming in the pit of my stomach. This is not a man I care to be around. If I keep my eyes down, hands busy, maybe he will get the message.
"Why don't you sit down and we'll have a chat," There's a sort of greasy smile that spreads across his face. A shudder dances down my spine at the sight, gooseflesh breaking out over my already cold body. The feeling of them breathing to life makes my skin go almost clammy, an uncomfortable feeling under my warm layers. 
"No, thank you," The answer is curt as I push my duffle just a little further away with my foot. It drags against the well walked carpet, the sound it makes echoing the one in my chest. It's a sort of stuck sensation, what it morphs into, one that I feel with my whole body. 
"Oh, come on, what's a little chat going to hurt?" The man tries again, leaning closer to me, sliding to the seat next to him. We are no further apart now than when we started. My foot meets the side of my duffle again, ready to push it once more. Each little move he makes my eyes train on, from the way his hand curls around the armrest to the way he seems to be peering, leering, over the tops of his too thick glasses. 
"Nope," I pop the 'P', waving my hand a bit, "I'm not entertaining this any longer."
I stoop down to grab my headphones from my bag, only to have the strange man's hand appear in front of me as he is reaching too. The step back I take is almost involuntary, more focused on getting away from his incoming touch than my things now sitting in between us. The glare I send the man is lacking due to the bubbling fear popping in my chest. I place my headphones around my neck in a shallow attempt to keep my hands from shaking. 
"Oh come on sweet-"
"Tommy Grace! There ya'are! Ya'walked right past us, girl," An arm is thrown around my shoulder, warm and lean. I shift my eyes over quickly, mind and body shooting from high alert to a sort of easy when I see the cowboy from the gate over, now standing to my side, folding me protectively under his arm. The feeling of being protected shouldn't feel quite so strong coming from a stranger. However, the way he keeps his hand right atop the cap of my shoulder, his heartbeat thrumming against my other shoulder just bleeds that feeling. 
"Oh! Seriously? You must've been hiding," I do my best to play along, instantly feeling a little more at ease as the man across from us looks less so. I can't help but revel in the uncomfortable look on the greasy man's face, as well as the warmth pouring from the cowboy. 
"Is this guy a friend o'yers?" The cowboy asks, looking at the man from under the brim of his hat. I can feel the way the pads of his fingers dig into the muscle of my arm, each finger individually curling into the thickness there. It doesn't hurt. Instead it's a grounding point, from him to me and back again. Two strangers bound together if only for a moment. 
"Oh, no, we've never met before," I tell him, gazing up at his face. The scruff of his cheek is fuller at this angle, the defined slope of his jaw easily tracible with my eyes. He's handsome from this angle, which I bet means he's even better looking from head on. 
"I see, well," The cowboy narrows his eyes, "Your brother'sa waitin' and y'know how Jake gets," 
"Boy do I," I chuckle from the safety of his embrace, throwing a sideways glance to the man who seems to be in some sort of staring match with the cowboy. Their eyes are trained on each other, fighting for dominance over the situation. From the way the greasy man's eye twitches slightly, I know the cowboy must be winning. 
"Go on an' see 'em, I'll grab your bag," He is pushing me towards the other gate, a warm palm between my shoulder blades. It's not a hard shove, but the way his hand is pressed firm to my back gives me a clue on just how quickly I need to get out of there. The cowboy shoots me a wink before turning back to the strange man, his eyes narrowing again. 
I don't want to see the look in his eye when it's turned on the greasy stranger. I can imagine just how dark those blue green eyes could tint given the right amount of rage flowing behind them. So, I keep my eyes forward, keep focused on just where I'm headed. 
Quickly, I make my way over to the now standing blond, Jake. The moment his eyes meet mine he is smiling, the kind of smile that instantly eases my nerves. I wave a bit, my hand not making it any higher than my midsection. I can't help but feel the same tiredness in my limbs that I see in his eyes. There is something weighing us both down, and something tells me it's more than just the travel. More than the overly saturated interactions with strangers and flight attendant served booze. 
The moment I'm in earshot, he's already saying hello, opening his arms wide for me. I step into his space, wrapping my arms around his middle. Carefully, almost too lightly, the blond is wrapping his arms around me. It's one of those hugs- the kind you give that estranged relative at Thanksgiving. It's a tad bit awkward from my end, but Jake squeezed me just a little bit tighter as relax against his broad frame and I can't fight the urge to press my face into the soft fabric of his hoodie. 
"Thank you," I mumble into his sweatshirt. As I pull back, the blond squeezes my shoulders quickly, a quiet "you're welcome" in return. I peer up at the tall blond, taking in the gentle curves of his smile lines, how they frame his headstone like teeth, polished white and perfectly straight. His tongue flicks over the corner of his mouth, eyes positioned somewhere behind me.
There is something in that look of his, something playing behind the sea glass tint of his irises. It's a sort of mirth, if mirth was more gentle than the definition explains. Maybe it's a fondness for the other man, one that's hidden behind layers of faux dislike and teasing. The pair bonded together as brothers are, all bemused, an oath, blood of the covenant, that they don't remember taking.  
As I turn to follow his eyeline, Jake folds me carefully under his arm just as the cowboy had before. Maybe their friendship is stronger than I had originally thought. The way they seem to work in unison to the very clear way they've each folded me into the safety of their embrace. It's different with Jake though. He's more calm, his heartbeat isn't hammering out of his chest. I can scarlessly feel it where our bodies are pressed together. 
"Does he do this kind of thing often?" There's a sideways glance shared between us before Jake's chest raddles with a light chuckle. It awakens him just a bit behind the eyes. 
"Yes, but we usually know the girl," The humor in his voice makes the anxiety in my stomach settle a bit. His voice is too warm, too kind to elicit anything but safety in this moment. 
I can feel the small smile ghosting over my lips, the image of the pair many years younger fluttering through my brain. The cowboy and Jake, rescuing girls in the school hallways, folding innocent girls, with glasses and hair pulled back into tidy braids, into their embrace. There's a sort of teamwork in the way it all went down today, through I missed the progression. From the moment the cowboy tucked my body into his, the intense hammering of his own heartbeat be damned, to the way Jake greeted me with literal open arms. There's so much warmth here. 
"And he'd not your soulmate," It's a statement, plain and simple. That get's him laughing for real this time, his whole face coming to life from how his smile overtakes his expression. 
"Not remotely," The words make it out a moment later as Jake still fights a bit to catch his breath. "We grew up near each other, down the same county road just outside a forgettable town here in Texas," 
"Escaping while you still can?" I chide, nudging him with my elbow. 
"I escaped a long time ago," Jake corrects, a small shrug pulls away his body heat for just a moment before it returns. 
"But you're back?" 
"Rhett and I are headed to California," The explanation comes easy, and for a moment I wonder why he's even explaining it all to me, but I am thankful to know the real name of the cowboy, "He's helping get me settled in Miramar, new permanent station," 
"Station? Does that make you Army?"
There's that laugh again. 
"Naval Aviator," There's no sharpness in the correction, as cocky as it is.
"Wouldn't it be a new port for you then, Sailor?" I nudge him again, playfully. There is something so easy about talking to Jake, his arm folding me into his warmth. Something truly sibling like about it, my place here under his sturdy frame. His protective nature and warm smile, a sort of family for just a few fleeting moments. 
"I guess you're right," There's a tad bit of humor in that sentence, but it's hiding behind the tiredness layered in his voice. 
"Wait, did you say Naval Aviator?" I look up at him so directly, eyebrows pulled tightly together as I fight to keep a smile off of my lips. "And you're going to Miramar?" 
I watch as he pulls his own well groomed eyebrows together in a furrow, his lips curving into a ghost of a frown. 
"Yes, Ma'am," 
I can't fight the laugh that bubbles past my lips, the whole thing sounding a bit too sharp, a bit too loud. Where most men are put off by the sound, Jake just looks at me with curious eyes. His tongue flicks over the corner of his slightly upturned mouth, that grin silently begging for me to continue. 
"What're you lot laughin' bout?" Rhett calls out, his voice filling my ears. 
"Well, turns out my brother," I wink at Rhett now, turning my attention his way, "works under my father,"
If the progression of thought could be clearly mapped through faces with flicks of tongues and furrowing of brows, the pair would have told a whole story in the matter of seconds, of squinted eyes and the pursing of lips. 
"Your father?" The pair speak in unison, accents blending together. I can't help but laugh as I flick my eyes between them. Both wear a sort of confused expression, bemused with eyebrows scrunched together, head tilting just so. 
"Yes, my father. Rear Admiral Simpson?" I offer the name as a sort of clarification, though it comes out as a question. Rhett's eyebrows knit together a little tighter, eyes darting to Jake for assurance, or maybe it's confirmation. Jake's eyebrows are raised, his mouth slightly agape by the time my gaze slips back over him. 
"You're Cyclone's kid?" There's more to it, from the way his mouth opens and closes a couple of times before he catches the tip of his tongue between his perfect front teeth. "Are you Arrow?"
"Oh, hell no!" I can't hold back the laughter, my cheeks no doubt pinking up from the way my smile pushes them out, "That's my older brother, Anthony! He's an Aviator too, hoping to get selected for Top Gun any day now... Though I doubt that they'll send him anytime soon with Dad stationed there," 
Rhett's arms are crossed over his chest, his eyebrows no less furrowed than before. Jake's expression is still scrunched up a bit, but the lines are slowly relaxing with the more information he gets, so I continue.
"My name is Y/N Simpson, but everyone calls me Birdie," I hold my hand out first to Rhett, as I'm still tucked close to Jake, his arm slung over my shoulders. 
"Birdie, is'a pleasure," Rhett removes his hat with one hand, shaking my outstretched one with the other. He gives it a quick squeeze before letting go, a kind smile on his face. 
"Birdie?" Jake asks, tip of his tongue snug in the corner of his lips. 
"Yeah, Birdie. You know, Cyclone, Arrow, Birdie, all things that have to do with wind and flying? My dad and brother both got call signs, but I had zero interest in doing anything with the military, but Uncle Solo dubbed me Birdie when I was tiny and it's stuck ever since." 
"Solo? Is'e Navy too?" Rhett chimes in. He scratches at the back of his head, his hat tipping forward into his eyes a bit. 
"Sure is. Admiral Solomon Bates, goes by Warlock," Jake stiffens a bit at the name, but relaxes a bit soon after. I bump his hip with my own, shooting a wink up his way. 
"Well then, Birdie, it's nice to officially meet you," It's a bad recovery, but he clears his throat and keeps speaking, "I've gotta say, your dad didn't mention he had a daughter," 
"Oh yeah, that's not at all a surprise. You know how Sailors can be, and my Dad is a bit over protective of me. He's big on me keeping men at a distance. And if said man is Military? Ha! Not an ice cubes chance in hell that they'd make it within a hundred feet of me," 
Rhett smirks a bit, eyes flicking from my own glare down towards the floor. I know Jake's arm is still wrapped around my shoulder, just as I know that he is still sparing quick glances over to the greasy man a few yards away. I kick the toe of Rhett's boot with my own, wrinkling my nose at the way he snickers. 
"So no soulmate yet?" Jake asks, tilting his chin down to look me in the eye. The question is so full of genuine curiosity and for once I don't feel terrible answering.
"Nope, not yet. Not even a damn lead, but that's okay. I'm a firm believer that it's going to happen when it's supposed to. I'm not in a rush," That last part may be a bit of a lie. I want nothing more than to finally meet the person that's supposed to be mine, mind, body, and soul. Their supposed to be this sort of connection, one that most people who have met their soulmate have only been able to hint at. It's one of those things where words just don't do it justice, even the great poets seem to have failed to find the words. 
"Tha's too bad, 'cause I'd've jumped at the chance to take ya ta dinner," Rhett shoots me a wink, his blue eyes twinkling under the stark white lights. 
"I bet you say that to all the girls," I jest, sticking my tongue out at him. There's another nudge between boots. 
"Oh, he does, but he sure does have a knack for finding the prettiest ones," Jake interjects, bumping my hip with his own. I push him back with my shoulder, causing him to finally drop his arm he's had draped around me for the better part of the last twenty minutes. 
"Whatever you say," I roll my eyes, "What about you boys, either of you found your better half?" 
The way Jake's face lights up at the question gives me the answer before his words can. Rhett is just shaking his head, mumbling a "here we go" under his breath. 
"I sure have! Rooster, he's an Aviator too," Jake begins eagerly, "We met like eight years ago? Maybe nine? I'm not sure, but it was in the middle of the ocean on a carrier, and we butted heads better than the best of 'em. I had graduated Top Gun not too long before, and he hadn't been yet, though he went shortly after that deployment. I don't think we would've figured it out if we hadn't decided to-"
"Don't even say it, Seresin," Rhett threatens with a point of his finger, aim fixed right between the taller man's eyes. 
"I wasn't gonna go into detail," Jake laughs, though there's a glint of trouble in his eyes, "All I'm saying is that if we hadn't hauled each other into that bathroom stall at the bar and-"
"Flight number 4582, Dallas to San Diego is now boarding Group 1, priority members and military members traveling on active orders,"  A woman voice crackles through the intercom.
"Saved by the fuckin' bell," Rhett comments loud enough for Jake and I to hear. The boys begin to grab their bags, each only traveling with a small duffle bag. Rhett heads for the gate first, his bag slung over his shoulder, hat in hand. Jake follows after him, his bag clutched tightly in his hand. 
"Thanks again you two" I call after them with a little wave. Jake stops in his tracks, turning back around to face me.
"Aren't you coming, Birdie?" There's that cock of his head again. 
"Us lowly civilians have to wait until the next group to board," I joke back.
"Not anymore, you're boarding with me, come on!" Then Jake is all but hauling me through the ticket line and onto the plane. Jake throws my carryon into the bin above the row of seats Rhett has claimed and Jake waved me into the same row with a tilt of his head. Without assigned seating, the pair having decided that I'm going to be sitting in the middle seat between them. Maybe I should be more nervous, sitting between two strange men, but sitting here now the only thing I feel is safe. 
The whole flight my head switches between resting on either one of their shoulders, sleep evading me completely. I went from tracing the lines of Rhett's hat as it sat atop his knee to counting just how many times Jake bounced his knee. 
Part of the way through, he admitted that he's a terrible passenger, had been since he graduated from flight school. Maybe it's a control issue, or maybe it's the surrounding people moving all around the large aircraft. Either way Jake bounces his knee the whole flight. Sometimes he'd wipe his palms down his jean clad thighs to ease the tension and give a slight reprieve to the constant movement. 
Rhett snored gently next to me, though he murmured in his sleep just a little. No words ever slipped past his lips, just half cut off sounds and the ghosts of sentiments. He kept his hands folded across his belly, head lulled towards the small window. I hate to admit it, but I admired the long line of his neck as his head was laid against the wall. 
Neither man listened to any sort of music during the flight, which struck me as odd. My headphones sat snug over my ears through most of the flight, a folk country playlist thrumming through them. 
The flight was fast, in the grand scheme and everyone aboard seemed to be thrilled to get off the plane. This terminal is busier than the last. The early morning traffic of the airport filled with people in suits, both sweat and formal. The boys and I walk side by side by side, making our way through the crowd like a force. Maybe it's the sheer size of the men at my sides, but the crowd seems to part for us. 
The trilling of a cellphone breaks up the sounds of the terminal, following us as we walk. 
"Jake," Rhett flicks his gaze towards his friend, a silly look on his face. 
"That's your phone, dude," I nudge him with my shoulder, our bags bumping together. By the time Jake fishes the device from his front pocket, the factory set ringtone has gone silent. 
"Eyes up, Cowboy," I warn as we approach the tram. Rhett's eyes flick up just long fast enough that he doesn't trip over the gap.  The doors closing behind us quickly, and Rhett bumps into one of the stationary poles in attempt to get out of it's way. 
"It truly amazes me that he's a bull rider, since his sense of personal space sucks so bad," Jake mutters, leaning a bit closer to my ear. I can't help but snicker too. 
"Bull rider?" The question is met with a nod from Jake as he presses the phone up to his ear. 
Jake stands near, phone pressed to his ear with knit brows. The look of concentration on his face is tight, like he's trying to make out a hard to hear piece of information on the other side of the line. He pulls the phone away from his ear as we step off the tram, heading for baggage claim. 
They bracket me between them once again, a tall man on each side of me. We share smiles as we walk in time with one another. A little trio formed because one sleazey dude at the Dallas airport couldn't take a hint. Life is funny that way. 
They say the universe only hand picks soulmates, decorating skin just to prove that point. I, however, think friends are found in the flick of the same pen. After all, there's magic left over in the spaces between the letters, in the flick of the wrist of the universe. There has to be. 
"Long message," Rhett comments, "Who was it anyway?"
"Oh, it's just Bob," Jake informs us. Rhett hums in response, but my feet stop moving. They retreat into the tunnel of my vision, blending in with the other travelers moving around us. Their once recognizable frames, broad and welcoming, melt into the sea of movement. Nothing in my vision sticks out, my brain too busy playing those damn words on loop. 
Oh, it's just Bob. Oh, it's just Bob. Oh, it's just Bob. 
There's a fleeting feeling in my fingertips from where my bag as slipped from them. There's the far off sound of it hitting the tile. My vision buzzes with people but god, those words are in the forefront of it all. 
Oh, it's just Bob. 
This moment may be stillness surrounded by the bustle of the San Diego airport. It may be bodies bumping into my own, shoulders connecting as someone passes. It may be one day be a memory of the way my whole body seems to have gone slick with sweat, far too warm and mildly uncomfortable. It may be a realization, both now and in the future. This moment may be the beginning of the rest of my life. 
I'm not ready. Not for the future. Not for Bob. Not for facing his friends who must have noticed that I'm no longer by their side by now. I'm not ready for any of it. Not even remotely. I guess it sure wasn't a lie when I told them that I wasn't "in a rush". 
The chill of the air hits me as I all but break through the sliding doors, out to the taxi line up. There's shouting, it's far off, covered by those four little words and the beating of my heart. I slide into the back of a taxi, my bag discarded onto the seat next to me. With the slam of the door, the taxi is pulling away from the curb. I press my forehead to the glass of the window, my breath fogging up the sight of Rhett and Jake breaking through the crowd. They stand there, confusion written into their features as they watch the cab pull away. 
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I squeeze them together. A deep sigh escapes me, the realization hitting me. They know my dad, at least Jake does. And we are all going to Miramar. It's only a matter of time before our paths cross again.
Maybe it wasn't even my Bob, I try and rationalize with myself. After all, how many people in the world are named "Bob" anyway? It's shallow in theory, a sort of knowing feeling sitting heavy in my gut. That was my Bob on the other end of that message; the feeling deep in my chest aches in a way that it just has to be true. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
It's only a matter of time before our paths cross again. On base, in the commissary as we grocery shop. Eye contact over fresh produce, hands busy but eyes filled with questions. Or in my father's office, Jake dropping by on business as my dad and I sit on either side of his large desk. Words caught in our throats, my father's gaze wandering between us. Maybe it will be at the bar, our eyes locking from across the room. Questions shouted over the music; over the smell of alcohol. 
And maybe Bob would be there too, looking positively like a dream I haven't fully allowed myself to have. He'd be there like the sunshine, glowing and warm and something I just wouldn't be able to outrun. He'd be all smiles and kind hands, wrapping me into his embrace in the same way his friends had. 
It's only a matter of time, but I'll run now. 
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Knight in Flannel
Summary: Rhett Abbott comes to your rescue in Wabangs only convenience store. 
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x afab!Reader
Warnings: Harassment, alcohol and swearing.
Word count: 1642
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You had stopped at Wabangs only convenience store to pick up a list of stuff you had been compiling throughout the week. You had already gotten most of the list but still needed a handful of stuff. Rounding the corner for the chip aisle you were about to make your way down it until you ran into someone's chest. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You said stepping back a couple feet looking up to see who you ran into. You didn’t recognize the man but the look on his face made you a little uncomfortable. So you went to step around him and go get the chips you needed. 
Right when you made your first step he stepped in front of you stopping you in your place. You stepped back and decided to just go down a different aisle instead. As you turned around you felt a hand grab your arm harshly. Hissing you tried to pull your arm out of the man's grasp which only had his hand squeezing harder. 
“Let go of me.” you hissed out at him yanking your arm again. He pulled you closer, having you stumble and drop your basket to the floor causing a loud clatter to echo out through the empty store. 
“No pretty girl, I think I want you to come home with me.” He said with a nasty grin looking you up and down. The smell of alcohol wafting to your nose had you scrunching your nose up in disgust. You were about to speak up again until you heard a voice behind you and a hand on the small of your back. 
“Hey darlin, I found that toothpaste you wanted.” The voice spoke out to you. You turned your head to look up at the face the voice belonged to, very much surprised to see Rhett Abbott. Before you could ask him what he was doing he had dropped the toothpaste into the basket on the floor and had his hand around the guy’s wrist. 
“I suggest you get your fucking hand off my girlfriend before we have a fucking problem. I ain’t joking Jay, I’ll tell your wife you’ve been drinking again.” He spat out at the guy, the veins on his hands prominent as the vice grip of his hand became tighter. The guy’s hand started to loosen around your arm until you were free. Rhett's hand stayed around his wrist however. 
“I’ll be right back darling, I just gotta take the trash out.” He spoke to you, dragging the guy out by his wrist. You took a deep breath and picked up your basket wondering what the hell just happened. You had never spoken to Rhett a day in your life yet here he was saving your day. Who knows what would’ve happened if he hadn’t been there. 
“Hey are you okay? Did he hurt you?” The low drawl of his voice broke you out of your thoughts. You didn’t know what to say to him so you just sat there staring at him, mouth slightly open. You had always known he was attractive but seeing him up close had your head spinning. The stetson on his head hiding his dirty blonde hair was a bit upsetting. Then your eyes made their way to his seeing the concerned look. You slowly worked your gaze down his face. The slight stubble had you wanting to run your fingers across it. You hadn’t realized he was talking until you looked at his lips seeing them moving. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked him as you shook your head trying to clear your thoughts. He let out a deep laugh before talking again.
“I asked if he hurt you.” he waved a hand towards your arm. You looked down at your arm knowing it was bruising underneath the long sleeve shirt you had on. 
“It’s probably going to bruise a little but I’m alright. Thank you for coming over and helping me. I really appreciate it.” You said, shrugging your shoulders slightly. 
“No need to thank me.” He replied sheepishly, scratching at the small beard he was starting to grow. It hadn’t been going too well for him. It was patchy and extremely itchy. But he had been lazy and in need of a change so thought he would try it out. 
“Are you doing anything right now?” You asked him boldly, surprised at your own confidence. You had never asked anyone out before. If someone had told you a couple years ago you’d be standing in front of Rhett Abbott asking him out you wouldn't have believed them. You probably would’ve laughed in their face even. 
“Uh, just grabbing some groceries.” He answered you hesitantly. He wasn’t sure where the conversation was going and unsure whether he could trust you or not. 
“Do you wanna go grab lunch?” You didn’t want to leave his company so soon. You looked at him expectantly as he seemed to ponder the question.
“I could eat.” He replied simply shrugging his shoulders. He figured there wasn’t much harm in eating with you. He thought you were quite pretty anyhow. 
“Alright awesome! I’m gonna get the rest of my stuff then I’ll meet you at the diner up the road? Let’s say twenty minutes?” You asked him quickly not wanting to lose your confidence. 
“I’ll meet you there in twenty minutes.” He nodded at you. You both separated grabbing your stuff and then you were making your way to the diner. You went in and grabbed a table for the both of you. Your eyes scanned the menu as you waited for the cowboy to join you. 
The bell above the door rang out and you looked up from the paper in your hands. You could see a head of dirty blonde hair over the line of tall booths leading towards the door. You called out to him, waving him over to your table. He slid into the booth across from you as he greeted you. 
“I was thinking about it as I was driving over here and I swear I know you from somewhere.” He said as he studied your face. He knew everyone in Wabang, the perks of being such a small town. But he couldn’t place a name to your face. 
“I went to school here up until Freshman year of high school when my mom got a new job out of state. You were only a year older than me.” You thought back to the younger version of Rhett, big dreams of being a rodeo star. You’d wondered if he had achieved that dream. 
“Oh yea that makes sense! What has you back in Wabang?” The question caused a bitter taste in your mouth. 
“My grandparents are getting older and need some help around the house. They can’t afford to pay anybody. So I decided to come back and help them out.” It had worried you when you got the call that your grandfather had started showing signs of dementia. But you tried not to dwell on it as you looked at the man sat across from you. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure my ma and her group at the church would love to get some meals together for you guys if you’d like?” He asked you as the waitress came up to your table. You both ordered quickly, already knowing what you wanted. 
“That might be something I look into. It’s been a little hard for me to get to the store consistently and make food for every meal.” You would have a good amount of weight taken off your shoulders with that help. 
“I can give you my ma’s number then.” He held his hand out expectantly. You slipped your phone into his large palm admiring the way it dwarfed the device. 
“Why don’t you put your own in it as well.” You asked him hopefully. 
“I can do that.” He said with a smirk on his lips. Then he was sliding your phone back toward you. 
“When we were in school I remember all you could talk about was being a rodeo star. Is that something you’re currently pursuing?” His face lit up as he replied. Occasionally showing you photos and videos on his phone. The conversation came to a close as your food was brought to your table. You ate in comfortable silence enjoying each other's company. 
As the bill was placed on the table you both reached for it. Rhett grabbed it first, however, holding the paper close to him. A look of confusion on his face as he looked at you. You gave him a look of bewilderment as you held your hand out.
“What do you think you’re doing? I ain’t about to let a lady pay for her own food let alone mine.” His country accent was heavy as he spoke giving you a pointed look. 
“Please let me pay? I insist actually. As a thank you for being my Knight in flannel.” you pleaded with him as you reached for the bill again. He started to hand it over to you but paused as your fingers grazed the paper. 
“Only if you let me take you on a date this weekend.” He bargained with you, a blush came across your face.
“I could eat.” You mirrored his sentence from earlier. He gave you a small smile, hope filling both of you at the prospect of meeting again. You gave him his toothpaste that he had left in your basket at the convenience store before you parted ways. He laughed as you gave him the box. As you slipped into your car you pulled your phone out and changed his contact name from Rhett Abbott to Knight in flannel. You couldn’t wait for this weekend.
A/N: I was supposed to post part of ASLTW but a hiccup came up in my plans to finish it last night so you get Rhett Abbott instead!
Tags(open): @wkndwlff​ @sylviebell​ @eternallyvenus​
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Help I have a thot so rotten I need professional help.
Rhett is working and you rile him up - so.far so usual. At one point he snaps and ties you to a breeding stand and then proceed to mount you. All the while snarling how your going to be breed like an animal in heat when you act like one. No amount of pleading and begging will help you
→ a/n: lemme fucking tell you something anon. i got this. read it. and was in shock for the next ten minutes. i love this so so so much it’s unhealthy 😵‍💫 welp! we’re going down!
→ c/w: rhett using derogatory language towards the reader, comparing you to an animal in heat, rhett being mean and degrading to you, cnc, p in v, daddy kink, manhandling you, what’s in the ask is what you’re gonna get.
you’re both working in the barn through the afternoon, moving hay and other supplies, cleaning out the horses and keeping the rest of the livestock in check. the humid summer heat has past it’s highest point since midday, but you’re both still struggling through the heat. it’s unbearably hot inside your stuffy barn and understandably, you’re both agitated.
every so often when you pass by rhett, you squeeze at his bulging biceps or at his crotch that’s already supporting a semi from your heated touches. he lets out a low grumble the fifth time you pass him by and you mock pout at him.
“what is it, daddy?” you elongate the last part of your wording with a flirtatious touch and bat your eyelashes teasingly at him.
rhett’s jaw is set firm as he scowls at you. his eyebrows are knitted tightly together in frustration as he bites back at you. “quit it. you’re actin’ like a fuckin’ whore right now and it ain’t helping.”
“but, daddy—” you whine out again, but rhett is there to cut you off instantly.
“enough. fuckin’ help me finish this and maybe, i’ll be nice to y’ later.”
his tone is firm and unwavering, and you should know better than to push him, but you excuse the heat for your lack of better judgement.
“fuckin’ fine. i’m goin’ inside and finishing myself off, somethin’ you can’t do.”
that snaps the final cord of patience that rhett has inside of him for you. he’s quick to grab at your forearm with a bruising grip as you leave the barn. you yelp out and struggle against him as he manhandles you, pushing you closer to a corner of the barn. it overwhelms you how strong he can be. your thrashing is no use.
your eyes are wide when you see him dragging you closer to a breeding stand, yet you feel the inside of your stomach somersault at the prospect of what rhett is suggesting. you still go along with it however, pleading with desperation as he ties you to the breeding stand.
“r-rhett? what are you fuckin’ doin’?!” you land with a final thud as rhett pushes your neck down to rest on the head stand that would be used for animals. you’re bent over and on all fours, with your feet teetering and scraping along the hay covered floor. your dress is flipped over your ass and you feel rhett’s hot and calloused fingers hook inside your underwear and tear them completely from your frame.
“if you’re gon’ act like an animal in heat,” rhett’s voice behind you is an ugly snarl, his teeth biting at one another. “i’m goin’ to be breedin’ you like an animal in heat.”
you hear his belt buckle clang against itself before a harsh smack is delivered to your exposed ass and the backs of your thighs. in reaction, you let out a cry that ends with an embarrassing moan. you hate yourself for being so incredibly aroused by this, but you don’t hate yourself for playing into his fucked up little fantasy.
his hands grip tightly at the flesh of your hips as he mounts you like an animal himself. you let out another pleading moan as you feel his tip push through your folds.
“rhett! please, please—” you’re begging and pleading with him, but you don’t know what for.
another curt smack is issued to your ass as he stuffs himself full inside of you. “animals in heat don’t get a say in this, quit your whinin’ or i’ll stuff your mouth with a horse bit.”
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
“you’re trouble, little tillerson.” | dilf!rhett abbott x babysitter!reader masterlist
inspo tag!
*denotes smut (please read each warning carefully)
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wired frames
rhett achieves the highest dilf status.
no rules in unbreakable heaven*
when a late night turns into a learning experience.
you give me fever*
you did a little shopping for your weekend getaway with rhett and you can’t wait to show him what you bought.
you’re running late for an important rancher’s event and you’re supposed to be meeting your brothers there. rhett has other plans.
tonight, i’ll be your naughty girl*
friday night in a dingy motel room.
burning desire*
you can’t help yourself around him.
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dilf rhett x babysitter fucking after the kids go to bed*
dilf rhett making you beg*
the moms flirting with dilf rhett
dilf rhett asking his girls about proposing to babysitter
motel sex tape with babysitter*
breeding kink with dilf rhett*
dilf rhett fucking you in his truck*
dilf rhett x babysitter + accidental pregnancy
dilf rhett and his rowdy boys
dilf rhett fucking babysitter on the kitchen counter*
dilf rhett calls you trouble
dilf rhett beating a guy up for you
dilf rhett checking babysitter out
movie night with dilf rhett and the girls
dilf rhett x babysitter at the fair*
calling dilf rhett an old man*
“if you wanna come, you better beg”*
surprising dilf rhett with a new lingerie set
treat me like a fool
secret’s out
look what you do to me*
at it like rabbits*
nothing’s perfect
babysitter is a tease
rhett letting you rest after a long day
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ereardon · 1 year
Have Your Space – Rhett Abbott x Reader
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Summary: Rhett has been dying to get out of Wabang for as long as you can remember. But when the time actually comes, the money is saved, the bags are packed, you’re crippled with fear. Fear of leaving the only place you’ve ever known. But Rhett can’t stay a minute longer, and you won’t chain him to your door. So it’s time to say goodbye, even if it breaks both of your hearts.  
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, angst, illusion to smut, alcoholism 
A/N: This is based on a fav Kacey Musgraves song of mine, Space Cowboy. All italicized lines are lyrics. 
WC: 2.2K
You look out the window while I look at you. 
“We gotta go,” Rhett says as the mountains slip by, your arm resting on the windowsill, bracelets rattling as the truck bumps down the dirt road. “Baby, we gotta get out of here.” 
“I can’t. Not yet.” Tears squeeze out of your eyes, down your cheeks, dripping onto your threadbare tank top. 
“Why not?” he demands, his voice raspy. You would know Rhett’s voice anywhere. It penetrates your dreams. His voice is your alarm, your goodnight prayer. It’s your salvation. And it’s about to be ripped away. 
“You know why,” you choke out. 
He knows. The whole town knows. It’s your grandfather, ill on his deathbed. It’s your mama, unable to make ends meet with a drunk for a husband. It’s your niece, who needs someone in her life to take care of her where a floozy of a mother and an absent father fail her. 
It’s the fact that you can trace every inch of Wabang with your eyes closed. It’s the fact that a part of you doesn’t know who you would be anywhere else. 
And that terrifies you to your core. 
Rhett is scared, too. He’s terrified. But he’s done. Done letting this town call him names. Done letting Perry and his dad dictate how he should act, what he should say, telling him he’s not good enough when you both know the truth. 
He’s better than both of them combined. He’s better than you, too. 
And that’s why he has to go. 
But roads weren’t made to not go down. And there ain’t room for both of us in this town. 
You were fifteen the first time you laid eyes on Rhett Abbott. You had heard about the local bull rider, of course you had. Even then, his reputation preceded him. You were the mousy girl in class who had never had a boyfriend. What would Rhett Abbott of all people see in you? 
But he saw something. He started to wait for you after class, offering to walk you home. One Friday night, he invited you to the rodeo and behind the bleachers he kissed you for the first time, his soft lips and rough hands smoothing over you and you felt like you might float away.
You were seventeen the first time you realized you loved Rhett Abbott. Sitting in the passenger seat of his beat up truck, listening to songs that you didn’t know the lyrics to. Pulling over and letting Rhett lay out blankets in the bed of the truck, tasting vodka for the first time as the stars glittered above you. 
And before you could even say it, Rhett said it first. “I love you,” he whispered, his blue eyes locked on yours. 
You stroked one hand down his arm, feeling the bumps and bruises from his ride the day before. “I love you, too,” you murmured and he sealed his lips over yours, slotting one thigh between your legs, leaning you back against the blankets, making you his. 
After, as you lay with his shirt wrapped around your body, sticky with sweat, he looked at you. “I want more than this place,” he said. “Come with me.” 
And boots weren’t made for sitting by the door, since you don’t wanna stay anymore. 
The bags are packed. The money is in the safe. Rhett rumbles through the door after a long day, finding you near the stove, stirring a pot of chicken and dumplings. 
“Hi darlin’,” he murmurs, kissing your cheek. He smells like dirt and sweat and the sun, all things you have come to associate with Rhett. 
You stir the wooden spoon in the pot, a hand-me-down from your grandmother when you and Rhett moved into your place three years before, the silence overwhelming. 
He leans back and squints. “Baby, what is it?” 
You finally look up. Taking in how tired he looks. He’s caked in dirt, he has scratches all up and down one arm, a tear starting to form in his jeans that you know in a few weeks you’ll have to clumsily patch. 
He wants more than this. This small life. This small town. These small people. He deserves more. 
You smile tiredly. “It’s nothing. Go get cleaned up, dinner is ready.” 
Rhett watches you for a moment, eyes trailing over your face, trying to find the fault lines of the lies. But what he doesn’t know is that there are no cracks, no fissures. Because the lies are no just longer cracks along your surface. It’s the entirety. You’re lying to him. You’re lying to yourself. It’s who you are, it’s what you are. 
You are no longer the girl he fell in love with. 
He just has yet to see it. 
Well, sunsets fade, and love does too. 
“I told you she ain’t a threat!” Rhett’s voice booms. The open air is thick with humidity and you feel your small sundress sticking to your legs, your stomach, your ass, this heat makes everything stick in places you don’t want it to, especially Maria fucking Olivares. 
“Then why is she sidling up to you?” you hiss. Maria has been a thorn in the side of your relationship ever since she set her eyes on Rhett. And no matter how many times he tries to tell you he’s not interested, there’s a voice in the back of your head that tells you otherwise. 
It’s the same voice that told you he was the one. It’s the voice that tells you it’s not time to leave. 
It’s a voice you trust. 
Rhett tosses up his arms in frustration. “Darlin’, you’re going to send me to an early grave. Maria is a friend, that’s all.” He steps closer, one rough hand sliding beneath your chin, tipping your eyes toward his. “Do you trust me?” 
Saying I don’t know would be like saying that the sky ain’t blue. 
“That Abbott boy ain’t gonna take you anywhere except a dirt hole next to your granddad.” 
You turn, eyes wide and burning. “Don’t say that.” 
Your father tips back in his recliner, so many stains mixed in with the brown fabric that it looks like a pattern. He lights a cigarette, fiery ember practically staring you in the face. “You’re gonna end up just like your mama,” he croaks. “Knocked up and stuck.” 
You tighten your fists together at your side. You had just broken your one rule. Never tell your father anything. He was known to kill hope, along with liver cells.
His water eyes search yours. “You ain’t getting out of here, princess. None of us are.” 
Yeah, we had our day in the sun.
The sun is hot on your bare skin. You and Rhett spent the morning swimming in the lake. The warm July sun scorches your exposed skin but you don’t care. 
It’s hard to care for anything more than what’s in front of you, when what’s in front of you is Rhett, a hat tipped over his face, his naked body spread out on a towel, muscular arms crossed over his bare chest. 
You lean down, pressing your lips to his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin. 
He removes his hat, turns to you with a smile. 
“Wish everyday was like this,” you say softly. 
“It could be,” Rhett murmurs, voice deep and gruff, sending shivers down your spine. How could one person be so perfect? 
“What do you mean?” 
“Let’s get out of here,” he says and it’s the first time he’s brought it up. But the idea has been bubbling at the surface for him for a while. Perhaps forever. He wants more than this. 
He wants it all with you. 
Rhett props himself up on his side, blue eyes sparkling. “I’m saving up,” he confesses and it feels like chains dropping off of his limbs, confiding in you. “Doing the rodeo circuit until I make enough money for the both of us.” 
“To do what?” 
“Leave,” he says. “Get out of here. Start fresh. Somewhere where they don’t know me or my family. Somewhere where I can do something important.” 
“You can do important things here.” You think of your family, your friends, your burdens. You had never thought about what it would be like to leave Wabang. It had never been an option. 
Rhett shakes his head, grabs your hand, kisses the back of it softly. “Nothing here for me, but you. So let’s go. Let’s get out, while we still can.” 
Shoulda learned from the movies that good guys don’t run away. 
“It ain’t running,” Rhett corrects. “It’s leaving. They’re different.” 
“Feels the same,” you say, folding your clothes, but it feels like your arms are underwater and you’re struggling against the current. 
“It’s not.” 
You look up. Rhett’s bag is packed. On his left hand, the new gold band glints in the afternoon sun that streams through the window. The gold is yet unmarred, no weathered scratches. Your thumb automatically reaches down to trace the edge of your matching ring, the feeling still foreign. 
The finger feels pinched even though the jeweler assured you it was the right size. Maybe it’s not the ring that feels cloying. 
“What about Amy?” you ask. He looks up, stunned. She’s his Achilles heel and you know it. 
His face contorts in pain. “Don’t bring her into this.” 
“That’s inevitable, Rhett,” you cry. “Can’t you see? We’re leaving a hole and everyone in our lives is going to fall into it.” 
“They’ll be fine,” he assures you. 
“What if we stay?” you ask softly. 
Rhett’s face goes stone cold. “Then I’ll be the one falling into the hole,” he says. 
I know my place and it ain’t with you. 
Rhett thinks you’re asleep but how could you be? You’re lying on your side, eyes closed, as his side of the bed jiggles, the familiar wobble of the crappy mattress as he rolls out of bed, feet stamping onto the hardwood floor. A sliver of light illuminates the room and then it’s gone the moment he closes the door behind him. 
You wait a few minutes before sitting up, trailing after him. 
You know, before you even make your way through the house, that he’s outside sitting on his rocking chair, looking out over the green lawn. As you stand at the door, watching him, tears fill your eyes. 
His left arm is in a cast, only fingers visible beneath the white netting. It was a hard ride. A bad one. 
Usually on bad nights like tonight, you would take care of him. Help him shower, rinse off the dirt, sit down as he eats whatever warm meal you left for him in the oven. Take him to bed, press your lips to every bump and bruise on his skin, real or imagined, kiss away the pain, hold him as he falls asleep. 
Tonight, he came home to find you already in bed, room shrouded in darkness. No food waiting on the warmer. 
You both knew. Tonight was his last ride. Tomorrow was meant to be the start of it all. 
It would be the start of something. Just not what Rhett wanted. 
Rhett turns, just as you’re about to retreat from the window. He catches your eyes and suddenly you’re frozen, rooted in place. He knows. You both know. 
I’ll see you around again. 
Morning sun streams through the curtains but you’re already awake. 
The bags are packed, the bathroom cabinets are half cleared. The mudroom is suspiciously empty of coveralls and dirty boots and ripped shirts. 
You sit up, drag yourself out of bed, look at the reflection in the mirror. Who is she? 
Outside, Rhett sits on the edge of his truck bumper, head hung low. The familiar squeak of the screen door – he promised to fix it and never did – forces Rhett to look up. 
“Sugar?” he says softly. 
You step closer until you’re pulled into his orbit. His hands on your waist, pressing firmly against your shirt, his t-shirt, that hangs on your frame, legs bare. You raise your eyes to him. “Rhett.” 
“I love you, darlin’.” 
“I know.” 
Neither of you says anything as he presses his lips to your forehead and you back away, Rhett stepping forward, pulling open the driver’s door, sliding inside, rough hands gripping the wheel.  
Go on ride away, in your Silverado. 
He looks in the rearview mirror. You stand with your hand covering your mouth, unable to say goodbye. Rhett notices that your finger is bare, the gold band that once constricted your finger lying at the bottom of his now empty sock drawer. 
He tugs the truck into drive. He holds his breath, thinking the taillights might wake you up. He waits and hopes that you’ll change your mind, shake your head, jog forward, say you made a mistake, say you want to go, say you don’t need space, say all you need is him. 
But you don’t. 
He lets out his breath and drives toward the sun. 
You can have your space, Cowboy.
Tag list/people I think might enjoy this:
@bobfloydsbabe @wkndwlff @double-j @momc95 @sadpetalsstuff @seresinhangmanjake @shanimallina87 @writercole @coffeeandcuriosities @xoxabs88xox @xomrsalliej4787xo @iangiemae @djs8891 @rosiahills22
@a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby @blue-aconite @fudge13 @avengers-fixation @valkyrja-siren-blog @callsign-joyride @beyondthesefourwalls @mandylove1000 @callsign-magnolia @yanna-banana
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attapullman · 2 days
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He clocks you the second you’re through the door. 
Tense shoulders, furrowed brow, irritated pout. A storm is brewing in that temperamental brain of yours and he’s about to bear witness.
He grew up with bad moods, a family of suppressed emotions that dug graves for any sentiment that dared to enter that worn homestead. Joy became nonchalance and anger became a quiet simmer. To wear those big feelings on your face was a taboo.
So when you stand in the doorway, raw emotion pouring from every plane of your face, Rhett fights every instinct to let you be on your way. He’s a better man than he was in that house. You’ve taught him that. You’ve shown him that.
“Y’wanna talk ‘bout it?” His voice is a low rumble of thunder to your approaching storm. 
The slight shake of your head and the glossy flicker of your eyes is all he needs to know.
Four seconds and that lumbering cowboy is across that room, flannel straining against muscle as he opens his arms. Gathers you to his chest, noting how you immediately fold into him as your fight gives up before it can begin. Gently rests that scruffy chin atop your head, surrounding you on all sides. Not a cage, but a contained spot to let all your thoughts ping about your head. 
He’s your safe space. Even when he doesn’t know what’s going on.
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Burning House
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♤ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Blue Jeans Masterlist
♤ Pairing: Rhett Abbott x Y/n "Tilly" Tillerson
♤ Word Count: 6.3K
♤ Warnings: Smut 18+, family fighting, reader gets hit (not by Rhett), angst, fluff
♤ A/n: I haven't written smut in years, so let me know. Also, I'm 30 minutes late, but this week has been a lot. Also, you are responsible for your own content consumption. This is an 18+ fic, please respect that.
♤ Library | Main Masterlist
The shatter of glass pulls you from your thoughts, a reminder of where you were. Thrown once again into the fire. Tugging your jeans the rest of the way up, you button the brass button. The tank top you’re wearing sticks to you like a second skin, in the hot Wyoming weather.
Yanking it off you grab an old Coors shirt, slipping it over you frame, before reaching down to tug on your boots. Mud flicks off on to the carpet, making you roll your eyes, you’d have to clean it before your mother saw.
You hadn’t been home in almost four years, leaving Wabang in the dust when you got accepted to Montana State to pursue a degree in business.
Montana had been your number one choice in schools for two reasons; it was out of state away from family, and it was still close enough that Rhett could drive down. It’d been at least 8 months since you’d last seen him, to say you were wound tight was an understatement.
The harsh reality of your father getting sick and you having to come home was thrown into your face, not even a week ago. Your mother made it quite clear, that whether you wanted to or not, you would be coming home with her.
Growing up as the youngest Tillerson, and a girl at that, hadn’t been an easy feat. The constant reminder that you would never fully be in control of your life, not while being a part of this family at least.
Luke and Billy were fine, as fine as they could be. Luke was so far up your mother’s ass, that you were surprised he could even function when she wasn’t around. While Billy was completely brainwashed by your father.
Though you would have happily dealt with them over your father and Trevor. Those two had tempers and matched against your own; the state of your life had been on fire for as long as you could remember.
The three of your tempers flaring at every incident, ended in more fist fights than you could remember, and the list of broken items was never ending. Fuel was just added to the fire when your mom was home, having all four of you in the same room always ended with Sheriff Joy, coming out on calls of domestic disturbances.
A quick look in the mirror, you double-check your makeup and hair and decide that you're more than hot enough to make a surprise appearance at the Handsome Gambler. Another crash has you looking back at your door, silently wondering what the hell was wrong now. Pulling open your bedroom door, you can hear the yelling voices of Luke and Trevor. Forgoing your hat for the night, you make your way to the den.
There was only one hat that you be wearing tonight, come hell or high water it would be yours.
Both voices raise, nearly scream, when suddenly a third voice cuts through causing you to pause your descent down the stairs.
“What she wants doesn’t matter, damn it.” A rough cough rises from your father’s chest, “She doesn’t even know what the hell’s going on, if you two idiots could keep your voice down.”
You mind races, trying to think of anything they could be talking about. Though you come up blank, having been gone you hadn’t worried about your father and brothers.
What in the hell could be so important that they needed to keep it from you? Staying on the stairs, out of sight you wait for them to go on.
“She’s gonna find out, I’m surprised Rhett hasn’t already told her. Abbott doesn’t know how to keep his fucking mouth shut.” You’d known that was Luke, his voice not rough like your fathers and Trevor’s. 
Though you couldn’t figure out why in the world they were talking about you and Rhett. It had been years since they’d seen the two of you together and there was no way they knew the two of you were still a thing.
The two of you grew up together, best friends since you were children. You knew every part of each other, sharing your deepest secrets, and eventually an unbreakable love. Puberty had hit the both of you like a fright train, leading to you two fucking in every pasture between his and your house. Fucking; eventually turned into more, friends falling in love hard and fast.
You’d officially been together three years when you graduated, though your story tale came to a sudden halt when you received your acceptance letter. With you moving and Rhett actively pursuing bull riding, the both of you had decided to end your relationship.
The both of you left it on good terms, and Rhett still came up to Bozeman, the six-hour drive nothing compared to trips he made on the circuit. You hadn’t told Rhett that you were coming home, the spur of the moment decision made by your mother prevented it, but you knew he’d be out tonight.
No longer giving a shit if they saw you, you make your way down the stairs. Their talking cutting off completely when you came into view, your brothers and father staring holes into your head as you push through the den into the kitchen.
“Don’t stop talking on my account.” The snap in your voice is evident.
The four sets of eyes following your every move, still not talking, as you dig around in the key jar.
“What are you doing?” It’s Trevor that speaks up first, his tone already pissy.
“What’s it look like?” You throw him a look over your shoulder, your gaze condensing in every way. His gaze back is still questioning, and you wonder if he truly is an idiot.
“I’m getting the fucking keys Trevor.”
A smile graces your face as you find the set to your father’s new pickup, the one he hadn’t been able to drive since he’d gotten sick. You raise your hand in triumph showing them, and silently waiting for the pushback.
“Where do you think that you're going?” This time it’s Luke that questions you, his tone less sharp not wanting to set off your temper.
Luke had learned over the years what buttons not to push, while Trevor knew exactly which one to push. It was like he thrived off the idea of making you mad, to see just how much you’d blow up.
“I’m not going to just sit around; I don’t really feel like listening to ya’ll fight. Mom might have forced me back, but she didn’t say I had to stay on the ranch.” Your eyebrow slightly raises “I’m going for a drink.”
Before you can turn to leave, a harsh, forced laugh falls from Trevor’s lips.
“When did you turn into such a fucking bitch? Saying that mom forced you here, like this ranch isn’t the thing that’s given you everything.”
Your jaw ached from how tightly you’d clenched it, all of them just staring at you. No words to defend you, you hadn’t expected it, but it would have been a nice surprise.
Trevor might have been right about your childhood. Getting everything you wanted, it wasn’t like you asked for it, it was just there. The exact way it was for each of your brothers, the only difference is that you left, and when you left so did daddy’s money.
Sure, you could have asked, begged, but you didn’t need it. You maintained a job with a company up in Bozeman, that paid you more than enough to live and the thought to being debited to this place, was enough for you to live on a smaller means.
“Unlike you Trevor, I no longer live off Daddy’s money. Though since I’m being forced to stay here, I will be taking liberties. The first on being, using the damn pickup.” The rattle you made with the keys, finally setting him off.
You’d said the wrong thing before, but the fire in Trevor’s eyes hadn’t been one you’d personally seen. Before you can make a move for the door, he was on you, the whip of your head and crack of the back of his hand on your face echoing through the kitchen.
Silent rage, you couldn’t feel the pain. The heaving of your chest should have been notion enough that you were pissed. It’s not till you feel the blood running down your lip, that you realize he’d done damage.
Sure, Trevor and your father had hurt you before, but it had been a long time since they had struck you on the face. You raise your hand up, still clutching the keys and brush your fingers over you lip. The blood smears as you do, feeling an evident spilt and swelling.
No one moves, Trevor stands just in front of you, while the other three don’t do so much as comment.
The harsh laugh that falls from your lips, should scare them. You never wanted to see a pissed off woman laugh, that was common sense, but to see a pissed off Tillerson woman laughing.
They should have been running.
Acting on pure instinct your fist reals back, flying at Trevor before anyone can react. The resounding crack of his nose brings you joy, his figure doubling over sightly. Your fist already rising back, ready to maim him. You’d seen bright red and you didn’t want to stop, not when he was the one doubled over in pain.
It’s only the feeling of Luke wrapping his arms around your waist, and dragging you back from Trevor that makes you stop.
“Calm down, damn it.” It’s your father that yells, the four of your gazes snapping directly to him.
Your lips curl back in disgust, of course it wasn’t an issue if you were the one bleeding. Oh, but if anyone touches poor Trevor, the fucking world was ending.
You scoff, shaking Luke off and double check that you still have your keys. Grabbing your purse, that had fallen, you move to leave, leaning into Trevor as he tries to stop the bleeding.
Your voice as sharp as a knife, “I’m not little anymore Trev. You touch me again, and I’ll kill you.”
Pushing past him ,you brush off your shirt noticing that drops of blood had collected on it. Cursing you brother once again, you head out the door, only offering Billy a goodbye.
Walking to the truck, you can’t stop the smirk that rises on your lips. You were ready to get absolutely hammered and fall into Rhett’s bed in a tangle of limbs.
Not caring that it’s your father’s truck, or that it was in fact brand new, you peel out the drive gravel flying. Your fingers beat along the steering wheel, music blasting and windows down.
Flicking down the visor you silently thank your father, you didn’t smoke normally, but occasionally you’d light one up. Flipping open the box of Marlboro’s, you slip one between your lips. Grabbing the lighter in the cup holder, the sweet relief the nicotine gives you instantly calms your jittery limbs.
The cigarette only just brushes against the left side of your bottom lip and has you wincing, the pain finally setting in. You’d need a stiff drink to take that edge off, the glowing neon sign of the Handsome Gambler a welcomed sight.
You’d checked your lip in the mirror, grimacing slightly at the swelling and taking a wet napkin to your chin, removing the dried blood. The music can be heard before you even make it to the door, upon opening it, it increases ten-folds. Rumbling through your body and instantly soothing you. The red glowing neon of the bar was a tad obnoxious but wasn’t unbearable.
The click of your boots draw eyes to you instantly, though the only set you're looking for sits at the end of the bar. Leaning over a glass of whiskey, unfazed by his surroundings.
You don’t take time to acknowledged anyone else, your sights set and your feet carrying you without another thought in the world.
He doesn’t notice you leaning on the bar next to him, surely overthinking his last ride, and it isn’t until you grab the hat off his head that you get his attention. You’re sure that bar goes silent as the hat settles on your head, a familiar piece; one you’ve worn on many occasions.
Your hand is reaching for his whiskey before he can even comprehend that it’s you. Shooting the drink back, you rest the glass once again between his fingers and let your eyes finally meet his.
Wonder and questioning cross his face. His eyes going to your lip and your positive you see a flash of rage, before his eyes move to the hat on your head and a smug smirk settles on his lips.
“You know there’s a certain rule about stealing a cowboys hat Tilly?”
His nickname for you falling from his lip, nearly has you melting into a puddle on the ground, but you hold strong.
A hum and a nod of your head is the only recognition you given him, before moving to him. His legs opening for you like muscle memory, and your arms lacing around his neck. Your mouth resting just inches from his ear, your breath hot against him.
“And I fully intend on cashing in on those rules tonight, Abbott.”
The way his grip tightens on your waist has your toes curling in anticipation, the burning in your core igniting now that Rhett’s within your hold. Your eyes meet his and your breath catches, the blue of his eyes no longer visible. His pupils blown, watching your every move, and full of want.
It’s his hand that comes up and knocks the brim of his hat up, his eyes taking in the way your lips part as tiny soft pants fall from them.
Every time, it was like this. Like no time had passed since the last time your trembling form was under him. The way that your body became putty in his hands would have been annoying, if you didn’t like it so damn much.
No, those hands and his mouth were a God sent you were sure, or maybe hell sent. Given the way they could have you trembling like a leaf and Rhett’s name falling from your lips like a prayer.
Your lip slips between your teeth, gently biting it, not caring any longer about the cut. Your stare is unwavering, neither of you paying mind to the bar surrounding you and you can’t deny the way your body craves him.
The whiskey you shot earlier didn’t come close to warming you up like he did, as his hands leave a trail of flames in their wake gently rub up your sides.
“You that needy, you have to come down here to me? Nobody work you over like me, hmm Tilly.”
You know he’ll question you later, want to know the full story. But it’s the fact that he knows just what you need to hear, the need to forget all the shit, that has you wanting to crawl up into his lap.
“No baby, I came cause I heard you needed me.”
Your hands slip into the hair at the base of his neck, lightly scratching and he can’t hide the shiver that slips up the base of his spine.
“Heard none of the bunnies could take you like I can. They're just too breakable for you.”
The tension has the both of you leaning in closer to each other, waiting for the other one to beg. You can feel Rhett’s breath hot against your lips, just barley touching, though not nearly like how you’re craving him. The need to have him flush against you, making your legs shake as tears run down your face.
Rhett caves just barely, his tongue slipping out and licking at your bottom lip. Swiping over the cut, a stinging jolt of pain and need courses through your veins. The moan that erupts from your chest, makes him smirk and pull you closer to him.  Your thigh barley nudging the front of his pants, his cock hard and pulsing against the thick denim.
Glancing down, the imprint against his jeans has your core clenching and a tiny whine coming from your throat. A chuckle falls his lips, his hand coming to rest on your cheek, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“You that needy, girl?”
Your head is nodding before you can even think to stop it. The need to be owned by Rhett, out-weighting your usually independent nature. He knew it, he always did. It was one of his favorite things about you; how you were a spitfire to anyone else, but when he pushed just right, you’d be on your knees.
The closeness in proximity to each other, leaves no room for outside interference.
You hadn’t seen her coming back from the bathroom, in her barley there shorts, and trashy boots. Though the whiny voice stating Rhett’s name pulls your gaze to the girl standing next to you.
Rhett’s vision never leaves your face, waiting to see how you’d react. He always loved to see you get territorial, and had a habit of forgetting to tell you about other girls hitting on him at the bar.
Your eyes rack up her form, your head tilling to the side as you take in her appearance. Looking back the Rhett, you see him shrug his shoulders, silently telling you to handle it.
Turning to her, the smile dropping from your face, “He’s got his hands full bunny.”
The hands once on your waist, slip down to grab your ass. Giving it a harsh squeeze, that has your legs clenching.
“I already claimed him for the night.” Her tone bitter, acting like she has made some miraculous point.
Your jaw ticks at her stupidity and the fact that she thinks that she has some claim over him.
The only person that had a claim over Rhett Abbott was you, and it always would be you.
Turning to full face her, Rhett’s hands settling on your hips, hands sneaking under your shirt.
“No bunny, you didn’t.” The tone of your voice is sharp and you’re sure the once loud bar has gone silent.
“For one, he’s a person, not an object, and “claims” can’t be made over him.” You take a step closer to her, your gaze unwavering. “Though if anyone has a claim over him, it’s me and this damn hat proves it.”
The flick of your finger against the hat, has her eyes rising to the hat resting on your head. Her eyes find yours again, and you can see the gears trying to turn in her head. Just as her mouth opens to say something; you’re quick to shut her up.
“I think you’d better leave bunny, unless you wanna find out just how I got the split lip.”
Her eyes flicker to your lip then back to your eyes, fire burning behind your gaze, and you watch as she realizes how serious you are. Her face falling and a slight fear crosses her eyes before she’s turning and walking away.
You turn back around to Rhett, a smug smirk resting on his lip. A new hunger burns in his eyes as he watches you and his hands slide back down to grab your ass.
“You put a claim on me girl?”
“I’ve had a claim on you, since that first time you fucked me behind the church.”
You can see the memory flashing through his mind, and before you realize it, he’s up and pulling you out of the bar to his pickup.
Your back hits the passenger door of his pick, your gazes watching one another. It’s you that sneaks up a hand around his neck, pulling his lips to yours. Not caring that you were the one to break this time, all you knew was that you needed Rhett like you needed air to breathe.
The clash of your lips against one another, stings slightly against your split lip, but the way Rhett’s leg slots between your knees has you forgetting.
It’s when Rhett nips at your bottom lip that has you cursing. Rhett’s fast to pull back, his eyes dropping to your lip and that anger from earlier reappears.
“Who the fuck did it?” the question leaves no room for you to evade it. Trapped within his arms and his hard gaze.
“Trevor.” His name taste like acid on your tongue and your sure Rhett doesn’t miss the way your grimace.
The hands at your hip tighten, surely causing bruises, and your hands drop to rub Rhett’s shoulders. A silent gesture from you, telling him that you’re okay.  
“I’ll fucking kill him.” And the heat between you is forgotten by him. The only thing incasing him now, was his anger aimed directly at your brother.
Rhett feels the way his breath picks up, he knew that your family was a bunch of assholes and that you all fought religiously. Hell, he’d been there for a few of them when you were both still in high school.
But to hear that Trevor had physically put his hands on you, set off something entirely new within him.
He doesn’t hear you; a ringing has started in his ears, and he can’t stop the replaying imagery in his mind of Trevor hitting you. He’s making his way around the pick-up and climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Tilly get in.” His voice is harsh and has you climbing in quickly.
Before you know it, he’s pulling from the parking spot and heading back towards both of your homes.
“Rhett what are you thinking?” though you don’t receive an answer, the sound of gravel underneath the tire’s echoes through the cab.
You can see the steam rolling off him and though you should be scared, you know that Rhett would never hurt you. The split in the road ahead is looming, one to the Abbott Ranch and the other to your families.
Looking over to Rhett you can see his hands shaking in rage. Reaching over you take one of his hands from the steering wheel and hold it against your lips. Giving his knuckles repeated kisses, as his gaze settles on your face.
“Pull over baby.” Your voice is soft and not demanding, though you know that Rhett will listen to your gentle request.
The truck stops in the middle of the road, and you can see a storm rising up against the mountains. Much like the one that is clearly racking through Rhett’s mind, he’s eyes look back to your eyes, watching the way you continually kiss his knuckles.
A shuttered breath leaves his lips, and his head is bowing down into his chest. His voice quiet, but you still hear him.
“He hit you.” The shake and pain in his voice is clear as day. “He put his fucking hands on you, and they did nothing.”
His face snaps to you, as you go to correct him, words failing you. His gaze proves that he already knows the truth.
“Okay, so they did nothing. What’s new?” The laugh that leaves you is more strained than you planned, “I got a good hit in though, think I broke his nose.”
Rhett watches you as you tell him, a chuckle leaves his lips at your comment. The hand you’d been kissing, raising to brush against your cheek.
“My Girl.”
Such wonder and love in his tone, his eyes showing nothing but pride in you. The feeling rattles you to your core. You and Rhett had broken things off, but that didn’t mean you stopped loving him.
The look he’s giving you, makes it seem like he still loved you too. You’re up and climbing across the truck before you can seconded guess the decision.  
Climbing over into his lap, needing to be next to him, to feel him and know that he was with you.
He welcomes you, grabbing your hips to settle your thighs on either side of his lap. One hand coming to rest on your cheek, grazing the split in your lip once again.
“He deserves so much more than just a fucking broken nose.” You nuzzle into his palm, placing kisses into it.
“And you would have killed him without a seconded thought?” Your laugh is silenced, as Rhett straightens your face to look at him.
“I’d burn the fucking world to the ground for you Tilly.” The way he says it, causes your core to clench.
A commandment of love, without actually saying the words.
You know that he would, but hearing the rasp and seriousness in his voice, made you feel like you were about to combust.
Your lips surge forward, kissing him in the only way you know how to express your feelings. You needed him and you didn’t care if you were in the middle of a public road. You needed him to quench the burning in your core. To make you scream his name, to feel his length hit that spongy little spot that only he reached.
Your need for him, drowning out the pain in your lip.
Your teeth clashed against one another, Rhett’s hand rising up to knock the hat off your head.  His hand settling at the back of your hair, pulling you down harder into him. His hip bucking slightly as you grind down against his hard length, pressing into you through the two layers of denim.
The harsh tug on your hair has your head dropping back and an airy moan falling from your lips. Rhett’s lips trail down your neck, wet open mouth kisses left in his wake.
You’d missed this, the way that only he knew your body.
And just like every time, his lips settle over the junction of your neck and collarbone, teasing and biting the spot.
Your hips push down harder, your core burning with need, his lips never leave your neck. Marking you as his own. No one would question if you were together by the end of the night, he was gonna make sure of it.
It’s the nip of his teeth, that has you let out a loud moan, and your hips moving on their own accord. His hands falling to your ass, pushing, and pulling you.  
“Atta girl, let me hear you.”
A whine breaks through your lips at the praise, keening in delight. The cab of the truck getting entirely too hot, and Rhett’s hands find the bottom of your shirt tugging it over your head.
Your lips finding each other again, tastes of whiskey and mint reach your lips, your tongue teasing his bottom lip.
His hands grasping and running over your unclothed top, hands slipping behind you and flicking the clasp of your bra.
Your eyes meet each other, time slowing. Your hands hold your bra in place, Rhett’s hands raising to trace your arms. His fingers slipping into the straps, to tug them down softy. His mouth descending to your collarbone, kissing over the tops of your breast.
Your back arches, your hips lifting slightly, chasing his tongue. He laughs at you softy, before striping your bra completely from your body.
A low groan leaves his lips, watching your chest rise and fall with each breath.
“Fuckin’ perfect.” His hand rising to cup one breast, thumb grazing your nipple. A shiver consumes your body, as your nipple erects in the cool air. “Such a pretty girl for me.”
He smirks at you, a teasing look that has you whining and your hands pulling his head down.
“So fuckin’ needy.”
The only reply falling from your lips is a moan, as his lips wrap around the bud. His other hand coming up to tug on the other. Your hands raking through his hair, tugging him forward, the tug of his teeth on you makes your head drop back. Your eyes falling shut, enjoying the way Rhett encompasses you.
He works your body over, still full clothed in front of you, and yet has you begging for release.
Quiet pleas fall from your lips, your need consuming every inch of your body.
“Please. Need it, Rhett. Need you.”
His hips buck up into you, and a high-pitched whine leaves you. Your hands moving to paw at his shirt, the need to feel him, is the only thought coursing through your mind.
You try to unbutton his shirt, but you can’t seem to process it. An upset whine from you, has Rhett’s hands replacing yours, getting the shirt off far quicker than you could.
Your hands falling to trace along his stomach, a smile gracing your lips, and you’re leaning in to kiss him.
Pressing into to him, needing the feel of his skin pressed against your own. The kiss far more than just that, Rhett’s hands rising to cradle your face, and, in that moment, you know you can’t leave him again.
He was as much a part of you, as your need to breath. Without him; it was like you’d been under water, your surrounding muffled. Being back; was like you were experiencing the world again, like you’d been gasping for air, and he was that first breath.
“Need you, Tilly.” The hand cradling your face, has his thumb tracing along your bottom lip. Gently tugging it down, you nipping as his thumb, your gaze never leaving one another.
“Let me have you.” The look in his eyes, pleading for you. Not for just a fuck; but you, wholly.
“I’m yours, Abbott.” Kissing him softy, leaning back to mutter against his lips. “Only ever been yours.”
He sucks in a harsh breath, his eyes watching you, silently questioning you. Waiting for you to laugh in his face, to tell him you didn’t mean it.
“I’m serious Rhett, —” Your voice cracks slightly as you watch him, overwhelmed by the emotions coursing through your body. “I — I’m not leaving you again. I can’t.”
You're afraid that tears might fall, the events of the night weighing on you. You know that Rhett loves you, you don’t need to hear it, he’d showed you how he did your whole life.
“I love you so fuckin’ much Tilly, never been anyone else. Not even with you gone.” Your breath is sucked from your chest when he mutters it. Your eyes shocked and questioning. “No one else baby, not even the bunnies.”
The revelation has you surging forward in need, finding out that he had always been yours, sets your skin a flame. Your hands fall to this belt buckle, tugging it undone, as he works at your jeans. The both of you curse as Rhett gets your jeans unzipped, but can’t lower them down your legs. You rise up, ripping them and your panties down your legs, and throwing them into the back of the truck.
Rhett laughs as you do it, your friendship and teasing spilling through the tension momentarily.
“Don’t laugh a me.” Your voice is teasing as you say it, loving the ways his laugh is so carefree. “Now get those off.” You motion to his jeans, more than ready to feel all of him against you.
“Yes Ma’am.”
He pulls them down quickly; a groan leaving his lips at his hard cock snaps up to rest against his tone stomach. The tip red and dripping with precum, your hand reaching out to stroke him.
His length pulses in your palm and you can’t stop the way you bite your lip. The need to taste him overwhelming; the need to have him groaning under your touch.  
His eyes move down to glance at your dripping heat, his hands reaching out to grab you instantly. Fingers tracing down your hip bones and up your thighs, teasing you, your cunt clenching down in anticipation.
“Touch me, please Rhett.”
As the last syllable of his name leaves your lips, his fingers ghost along your slit. Slipping into you slightly, then pulling out to graze your clit. Your hips buck as he does it.
Rhett’s other hand comes up to rest on your hip, holding you in place.
“Hold still.” The bite in his tone pulls at your core, his eyes watching your reaction. Gaging just how far he can push you, and when you bite your lip, his hold on you tightens a bit more.
“You gonna be my good girl?”
The way your eyes snap up to him, slightly glazed over, and the hurried nod you give him, makes him let out a low groan.
His fingers slipping back into your tight channel, nudging that spongy little spot, barely grazing it. Your hips drop farther onto his lap, working to feel him just a bit deeper and when they don’t, you’re crying out.
“Need your cock.” The burning in your core insufferable; and making your mind hazy.
“Take it darlin’.” His nose nudges against your own, lips barley touching.
“Take what’s yours, baby.”
Heat surrounds you, your mind lost in need, and you’re moving to hover over his cock as he finishes the sentence. Your mind only clearing up slightly, looking up into his eyes.
“There’s never been anyone else for me either.”
And you’re sinking down around him.
Those eight months apart, make it feel like he might break you. Your legs tremble, your heat stretching and you’re cursing out.
Your head drops back as a gasp falls from your lips. His cock hitting that little spot perfectly. Too deep, but not deep enough.
A string of breathy whines fall from your lips, and Rhett swears you’ve never looked prettier.
Eye’s glazed over, lips unable to form words, so fucked out, and all you’ve done it sit on his cock.
His hips buck up just sightly, and you’re dropping forward leaning against his chest, mumbling incoherently.
“So, fucking tight for me baby.” His hips buck once more, enjoying the reaction from you. Like his cock has broken your mind, leaving you to be his perfect little doll. “Such a good pussy baby.”
The praise has you keening against his chest, your hips rising up slightly, before dropping back down. Your heat clenching around him, like a vice, his own head dropping back to rest against the seat.
“That’s it baby, take what you need.”
His words spur you on, hands resting on his shoulders as your repeatedly rise and fall on his length. Your hands move to the back of his hair and pull him forward. Needing to feel his lips on you, the pace of your hips speed up.
The burning in your core only rising. Mouths barely touching each other, as breathy whines fall from your lips, working to keep yourself upright.
A particular hard thrust from Rhett has your head dropping back and a loud moan to leaving your body.
Rhett’s lips surge forward, working on your neck as your fingers dig into his scalp.  Tugging and pulling his hair as you climb higher.  
 He can’t hold himself any longer, grasping your hips he pulls you up off himself only slightly. Before you can even register what’s going on, Rhett’s got the center console up and you laid out stretching across the seats.
His eyes watch the way your chest rises in hurried breaths, how he’s got you laid out before him like a god damn feast.
He’s sinking back into you, grabbing both your legs, and wrapping them around his waist. Fucking into you at a feverish speed, your hands above you, grasping the door handle. White knuckled and crying out every time Rhett surges forward.  
The heat within your core becoming all too much as he fucks you. Hips snapping, and hitting that little spot, that has tears gathering in your eyes.
“Please, need it.”
Your babbling uncontrollable, body withering underneath Rhett.
“I’ve got you Tilly.” The snapping of his hips speeding up, and his hand reaching up to cradle your face. Your wild eyes silently beg him for more, anything to push you over the end.
His own release, tittering on the edge. He needed you to come first though, need it to see his girl fall apart on his cock.
To feel your cunt clench down on his cock, as you screamed out his name.
A sharp whine leaves your lips and Rhett feels you clench around him. His hand resting on your face, thumb stroking your cheek, waiting to give you that final push.
Your eyes fall to each other, silently begging.
“Let go baby, daddy’s got you.”
You tumble over the edge, hands grasping at Rhett. Cunt clenching around him, as his own hips stutter.
“Wanna feel you daddy. Need to feel your cum.” Your voice is breathy, as you clench around him even tighter.
Rhett’s hands fall to rest by your head, hips stilling as he coats your walls. His hips slowly fucking into you, coating you completely.
Claiming you as his, and his alone.
His face rests in your neck, as he feathers gentle kisses across your neck and jaw. Causing you to giggle, when he kisses behind your ear.
The both of you enjoy the feeling of each other, needing this moment of peace in each other’s presence.
Rhett pulls away slightly and your hand holds onto his cheek as he stares into your eyes. Love seeping from them, and incasing the both of you.
There would never be anyone else for you, he was it.
Your first love, your best friend, and the man you wanted to marry. How you stayed away for so long eluded you, but you wouldn’t be doing it again.
“I love you, Rhett Abbott.”
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topguncortez · 8 months
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Not Dead Until You're Warm and Dead || Whumptober day 7 - R. Abbott
whumtpober masterlist || whumtpober taglist form
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synopsis: Your and Rhett's relationship had been anything but easy between bull riding and lies. But you had hoped that you would be enough for him to come back alive.
word count: 2.8k
@ailesswhumptober prompt: flatline
warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, death, character death, allusion of suicide.
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When Rhett first laid eyes on Y/N, he knew she was the one for him. He had missed his chance with Maria, holding back on his feelings and letting her walk out of his life. But when he saw her standing on the fence line as he lowered himself onto his bull, he knew that she was going to be his wife. He held on for his life, lasting the whole eight seconds, and impressing her. The boost of confidence from the ride was what he needed to go over and talk to her. Her cheeks turned red as he invited her for a dance, telling him that she couldn’t dance to save her life, but he assured her that it was okay. He had kissed her that night. 
After that night, Y/N basically disappeared. She was nowhere to be found and it seemed like no one really knew who she was. Rhett had asked around town, asking pretty much everyone where the y/h/c girl went and who she was. It had dawned on Rhett, he never got her name. When Rhett was ready to give up, throwing in the towel that she was just a one-night stand sort of girl (even though they didn’t hook up) he received a call from an unknown number. 
“Hello?” He asked, creasing his eyebrows. 
“Rhett Abbott,” Her voice was like honey, and Rhett chuckled to himself. 
“How did you get my number but I never even got your name?” 
“I asked a friend,” She smiled. 
“I asked a friend about you, but it seems like you are just some figure of my imagination.” 
“I can assure you that I am not.”
They had talked for hours on the phone after Y/N had explained who she was. She was originally from Amelia County, but as soon as she graduated high school, she packed her bags and went to the coast. She would occasionally fly back to Wyoming, the last time she flew back was to watch her little brother ride against Rhett. Neither one had noticed the sunset, the moon rising in the sky, or the first strands of the orange morning sun. Rhett woke up to his alarm clock and looked down at his phone to notice that he was still on the line with her. He smiled to himself and whispered ‘sweet dreams darlin’’ before hanging up. 
And that’s how it went for weeks. He would call Y/N after dinner and they would talk for hours about everything under the sun. He learned that she was studying to be a nurse, in her third year at USC. Y/N learned that Rhett had made it to the finals, and she was already looking at flights to come watch him. Rhett rode one of his best rides when he noticed her smile in the stands during the finals. He focused on her the whole time, and the second he heard that buzzer go off, his mind was locked on finding her. The next morning they found themselves wrapped up in each other's arms. 
They continued their relationship long distance for about two years until she graduated college. Rhett had saved up his rodeo money packed up his truck and headed out west. He stuck out like a sore thumb as he walked around campus in his levis and blue flannel. He was going over in his head what he was going to say to her. The last time he had seen her was over six months ago when she had flown home for Thanksgiving. Rhett was going to propose to her, he had already asked her dad for her hand in marriage. He easily found her dorm room and waited on the bench until she came out. 
“Why look at what we have here? You lost Cowboy?” Y/N asked as she walked out the door. Rhett stood up, holding the bouquet of carnations in his hands.
“Slightly,” Rhett said with his usual half smile, “For you,” 
“Thank you, love,” Y/N took the flowers, and then placed her hand on his face and brought him in for a kiss. 
Their date went off without a hitch, Rhett taking her to a lookout spot that he had heard about. He laid some blankets down in the back of his truck and shared the sandwiches and stuff he had prepared. She talked about her final days at university and how she got a good job at the children’s hospital nearby. Rhett told her about how he had finally gotten away from his family, and Y/N was shocked. She never thought she’d see the day when Rhett Abbott left his family’s ranch, but here he was. He took her to the one-bedroom apartment he got which was covered in boxes. He tucked his shaking hands in his pockets as Y/N walked around the small place and explored. 
“Rhett this place is- what are you doing?” 
“I’m proposing,” Rhett said, as he was down on one knee with the ring box in his hand. 
“I know, why?” 
“Because I love you enough that I want to be with you forever.” 
“Yeah, really,” 
“Yeah, yes! Yes!” 
Rhett placed the ring on her finger and held her tightly in his arms. He made love to her for hours that night, trying to make their bodies as close as possible. They felt as if they had truly become one, their hearts, minds, and souls. 
Their wedding was small, held back home in Wabang. Perry and Royal had worked hard to clean up one of the barns so they could have a reception out there. It was no secret to Royal that he wasn’t thrilled about the wedding and his youngest son fleeing out west. He had hoped that Rhett would take over the ranch when Royal couldn’t do it anymore. Perry was happy to see his brother finally settle down and had hoped that this would stick. Cecilia was also happy to have another daughter in the family. The two of them seemed very fairytale-like as Rhett held his new wife close to his chest as they swayed on the dance floor. But the honeymoon feeling came crashing down quickly. 
Their first fight had been an ugly one, over Rhett’s drinking. Years of riding bulls and popping painkillers had become a second nature to him, something he quite couldn’t let go of. Rhett had found a farm to work as an extra hand, but it was quite enough for him. He thought when he left Wabang and chased after the woman he loved that it would be enough. Having her be his, his own Mrs. Abbott, would be everything he had ever dreamed of, and it was. But he fell back into his old ways. Y/N would get pissed as he’d stumble in at odd hours of the night as she was trying to sleep before her early morning shifts. She had finally had enough of it. 
“Jesus Christ Rhett,” Y/N cursed under her breath as she looked at the drunk man who had just knocked over something, “Why do you constantly do this shit.” 
“Do what? I’m too fucking drunk to do this shit with you right now.” Rhett slurred. 
“Well Rhett! The hell do you expect!? This is the fourth night in a row you have come home completely trashed. You keep doing this shit, enough is enough,” Y/N yelled. 
“What do you mean?” Rhett sobered up as she climbed out of bed, and grabbed a bag from her closet, “What are you doing?” 
“I’m leaving.” 
“No, baby please, I’m sorry,” Rhett grabbed her hands to try and stop her, “Please, you can’t leave me,” Rhett’s voice cracked, “You’re all I have. I left everything behind to be with you. I have nothing.”  
“I never asked you to do that,” She bit back tears. 
“I know, baby, please don’t leave me.” 
And she didn’t. She stayed by his side, even when he told her that he was going back to riding. She was actually proud of him for getting back on the bull. He had done his best to stay away from the temptation of the old life; the booze, the pills, the pussy. But old habits die hard. His body was older now, taking rougher beatings when he would get bucked off. He would have a simple celebratory drink with the guys after the rodeos. Rhett found himself out later at night, coming home to a quiet house with his wife at work. Their schedules hardly ever matched up. He got bored of using his hand in the shower, and he could hardly remember the last time he and his wife made love. 
He didn’t fuck them at first. He’d only let them suck him off before a ride, releasing the tension. But that only did so much. The rodeo hands seemed to look the other way when it came to his infidelity. He’d fuck the no-name buckle bunny before the ride, not bothering to learn their names or even show them an ounce of respect. He saw them as playthings to fill the void he was missing from his wife. He thought he was good at hiding it, but Y/N had always been smart. 
She knew that he was hiding something from him. She could tell in the way he wouldn’t touch her, his kisses were just pecks, and he avoided looking into her eyes. Y/N had even seen it with her own eyes at one of his rides. She had gotten the night off of work last minute and decided to surprise him. The whole crew seemed to act weird and barely paid her any attention as she walked through the trailers to find him. The smile ran away from her face the second she saw him walk out of his trailer, fixing his belt, and a bombshell blonde walking out behind him. Y/N felt her heart break as she leaned against the side of the trailer away from his eyes. 
Y/N felt bile rising in her throat as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Rhett heard the sounds of someone retching and walked around the side to see his wife. His eyes widened as he ran over to her, and moved her hair back. 
“No!” Y/N cried and pushed his hands off of her. 
“Baby, you’re sick, let me-” 
“Get the fuck away from me!” She yelled and Rhett stepped back in shock, “Fuck you, Rhett! I saw you! How could you?” 
“Babe I’m-” 
“Your shit will be in the driveway.” 
Rhett had come home that night to exactly what she said, his stuff in the driveway, but he wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. So he sat outside the front door and waited for her. Y/N felt bad when she saw him in the morning and let him in. She ignored him the best she possibly could, but it was hard to do. Rhett could hear her break down while she was in the bathroom and it made him shed a tear himself. He sat on their bed and waited for her to come out of the shower, he could see the dried tear stains on her cheeks. 
“I promise you, I’ll never ride again. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
And he had stayed true to his word. He had told his dad over the phone that he had officially given up riding. That he and Y/N had decided to start trying for a family. Rhett didn’t want to spend his time away from his family or worse, like some of the legends in Bull Riding, dead or gravely injured. Rhett had stayed away from the rodeo life for about six months. And in those six months, Y/N and he worked on their marriage. They went to therapy, talking out their transgression and disagreements. They got back to the basics, bringing back romance into their lives; going on dates and trips. They had some of the best sex they had in years. They had both seemed to forget what had happened six months ago until he got that call from Royal. 
“I told her I wasn’t going to ride,” Rhett whispered as he stood in the kitchen. He was making breakfast for Y/N, after a busy night of lovemaking. 
“We’re in danger of going bankrupt, we need this,” Royal said, “We can’t lose the farm.” 
“There’s nothing you can do?” Rhett ran a hand down his face. 
“You know I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if there was,” 
“Fine,” Rhett said, “When is the ride?” 
“Three days.” 
“Three fucking days?! That’s our anniversary.” 
“I’m sorry Rhett.” 
“I gotta go, she’ll be up soon.” 
Rhett had gone to the rodeo by himself, it didn’t bother him, he was used to going by himself. It did make him a little upset that she didn’t even bother to come with him. He stood in the waiting area as he waited for the name of the bull he would be riding. The second he was given the bull, he knew it was a lost cause. The bull was impossible, no one had been successful in completing a ride. His team gave him a pat on the back and Rhett gave them a shy smile. The first person he had called was her. 
“Is there anything you can do?” Y/N asked. She was sitting on the back porch of their house, looking out at the waves as they crashed on the sand. 
“You know how these things go,” Rhett said as he leaned up against the side of his trailer. 
“I don’t like this Rhett,” She said honestly. Silent tears were running down her face. 
Rhett could hear the sadness in her voice, and could only picture the tears running down her face as she looked out at the setting sun, “I know you don’t. But I promise, I’ll come home to you.” 
“You fucking better Mr. Abbott,” She sniffed and wiped her tears away. 
“I will, Mrs. Abbott,” He smiled back, “I gotta go okay, I promise I’ll call you right after.” 
“I love you Rhett.” 
“I love you Y/N.” 
She had watched the clock, as she settled down in a chair in front of the fireplace. The class of whisky was cold in her hands as she counted down the seconds until Rhett’s ride. Rhett said a small prayer as he walked up the metal steps towards the bullpen. The crowd was going wild as he waved his hand and greeted his team. They helped him down on the bull, and it already was bucking the second Rhett put his weight on the animal. Once it settled, Rhett tied the rope around his hand, making sure he had a tight grip on it. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, seeing glimpses of his future life with Y/N, a few kids, and a beautiful house back home on the Abbott Ranch. Rhett opened his eyes the second they opened the gate. It didn’t last long until a consuming darkness filled his eyes once again. 
Time seemed to tick on slowly, and her eyes never left the clock as she waited for the call from Rhett. Assuming from the time it had taken from the ride until now, that it hadn’t gone well. Everyone in the community knew that the bull Rhett had was a troublesome one. It was known for bucking off its riders in the first couple seconds. The second her phone rang, she picked it up. His name hadn’t even slipped past her lips when his team manager told her what had happened. Her heart was shattered in her chest as she dropped the phone on the carpet. Her knees shook as she collapsed to the ground screaming out his name. 
Her eyes were blurred with tears and her head was spinning as she pushed herself up from the carpet. Her phone was still on the line and they could hear her screaming for him. She walked out into the sand, her chest felt on fire as she let out loud sobs. She didn’t stop as her feet hit the wet sand from the waves. The further she walked into the water, her clothing felt heavier and heavier. The waves would crash and pull her underwater. She fought to keep herself above the surface, keeping her lungs inflated with air. The saltiness of water strung her eyes as the waves hit her. She looked up at the sky, looking at the stars and feeling the heaviness in her heart. She felt her feet leave the ground and she took a deep breath, as she felt a wave pull her completely under. 
In the black abyss she had fallen into, she could see the man she had always wanted. Rhett stood there waiting for her, his hand outstretched. She smiled at him as she placed her hand in his. He placed a hand on her cheek, brushing the tear from her cheek. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. 
“I told you I would come home,” Rhett said. 
“I know you did,” She spoke to him.
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taglist: @els-marvelvsp @sarahsmi13s @topgun-imagines @cassiemitchell @xoxabs88xox @seitmai @a-reader-and-a-writer @bradleybeachbabe @kmc1989 @senawashere @beautifulandvoid @ohtobeleah @rogersbarnesxx @oatmealisweird @dempy @devil-angel-winchester @gillybear17 @cornylovers
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