therealchoreanese · 7 years
Okee for some reason I’m really, really in love with the idea that Billy Batson and Jaime Reyes being best friends since they’re both like a year apart with weird powers they didn’t ask for and theY’RE BOTH PRECIOUS SWEET DORKS WHO JUST WANTED TO LIVE AND AHAAHHAAA
Here are some of the hcs I have for a ReyBats brotp! (And yes, I’m aware that I need a better ship name. Drop one in my ask box if you can think of some, please?)
-So we all know that billy gets majorly enthusiastic about stuff and he might tone it down when he’s older, but billy is obv. a HUUUUUUGE fanboy and introduces jaime to things he thinks jaime would like, stuff like Gen. Rex or the Fast & Furious movies (idk why but i feel like jaime would like those) 
-scarab is actually very suspicious of billy at first, mostly bc he thinks that billy might be trying to get between Jaime and Bart, so whenever billy’s around scarab tells jaime weird shit like: “Jaime Reyes, there are multiple neurotoxins in the Billy Batson’s system. I suggest cutting his head off and dumping his body in the desert as a safety precaution.”
-(of course, jaime is horrified and bugs billy about it over and over again, until billy finally agrees to get checked out and what do you know? he may not have neurotoxins but apparently he’s allergic to pistachios)
-bart does feel a little left out though, and billy notices and tries to play wingman by convincing jaime to go bake cookies with the poor little speedster, and jaime agrees. they almost burned down the garricks’ kitchen. billy promises that next time they can use his place since they have like 5 fire extinguishers in the house for when billy has to shazam
-soooooo many movie nights. just... hours of staying up with popcorn and unhealthy drinks and scarab going, “Jaime Reyes, this is not healthy for you or your friend. I suggest immediate sleep.” 
-billy is a little ashamed the first time he brings jaime to his apartment since it’s run-down and dirty and in a poor part of the city, but jaime thinks it’s really cool and has a nice comfy relaxing vibe to it. billy feels better once he hears that scarab approves
-uncle dudley really likes jaime and doesn’t even bat an eye when scarab accidentally blasts a hole in the sofa (”Oh, we’ve had much worse. Billy once torched the restroom by sleep-talking!” “UNCLE DUDLEY!!!”)
-and the first time billy goes to jaime’s house, ooooooh boy. milagro is confused when she sees billy, bc she thought that jaime’s crush/sort-of boyfriend had brown hair and green eyes? bianca is concerned over billy being so scrawny at fifteen, and she practically shoves plate after plate of food down his throat. alberto scares billy at first bc he’s a little intimidating but billy manages to make alberto laugh with a few lame jokes he stole from the internet. 
-basically jaime’s family loves billy and want jaime to bring him over just as much as he does with bart and tye
-if the League isn’t busy with a mission but the Team is, billy will often help ‘em out so that he can chill in the cave with jaime and the others, who still aren’t used to captain marvel being a fifteen-year-old ubergeek. gar idolizes him.
-billy once asked jaime to teach him swears in spanish. jaime instead taught him to say “The Justice League can suck my balls.” the first time captain marvel muttered that in a meeting, he got sentenced to watch tower clean-up for a whole month
-billy has a youtube channel that’s mostly jaime doing wicked skateboard tricks and billy narrating and vlogs about the justice league and possible conspiracy theories such as blue beetle having an affair with that new weird speedster called Impulse. he has 2,901,348 subscribers and even manages to include members of the Team and, on special occasions, the League
-but everyone’s fave video on the channel is this poolside episode where everyone is in swimsuits and looking hot af. half of it is just billy snickering in the background and zooming in on people who are blatantly checking each other out and should just get a room already. all the viewers are massively confused though, bc in the whole 15-minute vlog jaime is the only one who isn’t shirtless. in fact, jaime is just chilling on a chaise lounge in a tank top and swimming trunks, which is still hot but it’s something they’ve seen before. the comments are all pretty wild and most of the people are trying to guess why jaime isn’t half-naked like his friends
-(everyone thinks it’s bc jaime has a really, really bad shirt tan and that the skin of his chest and back isn’t as dark as the rest of him. in another episode, jaime actually does reveal his back to show everyone his “awesome blue beetle tattoo that he’d been afraid to reveal”, and nobody even thinks twice about it. it just makes jaime even cooler to them)
-billy and jaime know what it’s like to feel alone on a team of people who work like a well-oiled machine. they don’t have mentors and both got their powers even though they never asked for it. sometimes jaime gets nightmares from his time with the Reach and if Bart isn’t around, it’s usually Billy who can comfort him. 
Honestly that’s all I can think of for now + I didn’t feel like using proper grammar which is sorta bugging me but I’m too lazy to change all of it
I’m working on a Jaime x Reader fic and that’s kind of taking a long time so I thought that this would keep you guys entertained for now
It’s my first time doing hcs so I hope y’all like it!
~Miss Eruza
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therealchoreanese · 7 years
Can you write more Billy Batson headcannons?
holy crAP YES I’D LOVE TO!!! i’ll get started on them right aay (they’re mostly gonna be from yj though bc that’s where I know Billy from so I hope that’s all right, and there’ll probs be a lot of reybats stuff too)
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