maunslayer · 10 months
@respnsibility ― we’re still on the same team, right? ╱ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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it stings more than she would have expected. the quiet uncertainty in his voice where there usually lays a firm certitude, even through the mask of a too-small smile. but when clarke looks at him, she can't quite bring herself to say; yes, of course. always. she wouldn't have hesitated, once. not four months ago when they clasped hands over the kill switch. not six months ago when bellamy was alive and she was dizzy, teary - eyed with relief. they kept them all alive, together.
that was before he opened fire on three hundred peacekeepers. before she could look into his eyes and see her own guilt and disgust mirrored there.
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“ right now, we are. ” there is little reassurance to be taken there, but she can't give him more than that. clarke sighs, shifting on the makeshift log - seat she has taken in front of the fire. her voice quiets in mindfulness of the others, but she looks him fully in the eye now ―― a sense of helplessness reflected in her own. “ but when this is over . . . after alie's gone, whose side will you take then, bellamy? ” he could dig his grave deeper, or face his punishment for attacking the coalition with his head held high. she's not sure which would be worse; both pull at anguished strings in her heart. but this won't simply disappear with the city of light.
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savingthrcw · 9 months
@respnsibility Bellamy x Clarke
She had decided to stay, even if every fiber of her being screamed at her to leave - she was still furious at Lexa over Mount Weather, and about letting her philosophy that 'love is weakness' convince her to let a bomb drop on her friends. Polis was the last place where she wanted to be, though she also didn't want to go back to camp, which didn't feel like home, nor she felt like Skaikru anymore.
But then Bellamy came face to face with her, and she looked into his eyes for the first time since she had given herself to Roan to keep him safe.
"She left us to die on that mountain. She will always put her people first. You should come home to yours."
She wanted to say that she was sorry but couldn't leave, she almost did, and then she turned to look at Lexa and Titus, "I need a minute to deal with this." The tone suggested she wasn't too happy, but she was sure Bellamy would forgive her once it was clear they were still a team. And while she didn't want to go home nor stay here, she missed him. As soon as they were alone she nodded, and all she could do to keep herself from hugging him was to take his hand and hold it tightly, so relieved to see him unharmed and there.
"I'm sorry, I needed them to think I didn't want to talk to you. You are right. But I have a plan, and if it goes right, we'll finally be able to live on the ground together with the Grounders, because it will be in their best interest too." It may not be the most honorable move, to use Lexa's obvious attraction for her that way, but she hadn't left her any other choice. "Can you wait a few hours, so we can... go... home...?" Far less confidence in her last request, she had almost forgotten how to be normal around people, than in her strategy.
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corignem · 8 months
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@respnsibility <3'd for a starter with clarke griffin.
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it's been one month since everything that happened-- since clarke left her people behind. it wasn't the easiest decision in the world, but it was one that clarke knew she needed to make. after all she'd done, after how bloody and dirty her hands had gotten, she needed... time. time to find herself again. to forgive herself because as much as she wished it to be, it wasn't as easy as someone else just granting it for her.
she isn't expecting it when she hears movement, waking her up early. she's quick to reach for the blade tucked into her boot and-- when she sees the familiar figure, when she realises who has travelled out this far... there's a lump in her throat.
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there isn't enough time to run, to hide. all clarke can do, is stand there and wait for the inevitable. to be found whether that was the plan or not.
"bellamy." she says simply when they're face to face. "you're out far."
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jrich103 · 1 year
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Take responsibility for yourself; it’s far more rewarding. —Amanda Green
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azgedaspy · 2 years
@respnsibility​​ ...            liked for a civil war starter
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“ you people should relocate to azgeda. ”      echo keeps her gaze on the map below them. she runs her fingers over the printed hills.  her hills.  it’s easier to focus on them than the man besides her. she still doesn’t understand why he protected her in that cage...  no, it doesn’t matter.  all she needs to know is that he’ll fight alongside her in the rebellion. azgeda’s prosperity is the only thing that matters.      “ trikru will not take kindly to our alliance.      one of your ships landed in our territory;  move your people there and we can protect you. ”      lexa reunited farm station with the rest of skaikru shortly after their first truce.  the journey is ardous, but at least the destination is  safe.
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waldenborn · 2 years
@respnsibility​    ,     starter call.
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helo emerges from behind the rover after patting the metal doors after they close.     the moon warms the sullen skies outside of arkadia,  suggesting it’s inevitable time where everyone should be asleep...     which is why helo is surprised when he sees bellamy is still awake.     gaits stills to a stop as he leans against the side of the rover,  rubbing his hands together to rid the dirt and rust that falls from the metal.     “what’re you still doing up,  bellamy?”
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hotmessexpress2023 · 8 months
Please Forgive me!
God can and will save us. Recognize your sinfulness and plead with God for mercy and forgiveness. Take responsibility and beg God for mercy and forgiveness. Examine your conscience- the conscience gives us a daily review of how we are doing. The more aware we are of our behavior the more the chance is that we will do the right thing. The need to do the assignment meant that every day we need to think in the little bit of the language we were learning if we are watching for opportunities to do the right thing, we are less apt to do the wrong.
I want to be a vessel for God's Love!
1 Corinthians 13:6
If I give up everything, I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love I've gotten nowhere. No matter what I say, what I believe, what Ido, I am bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut. It doesn't have a swelled head, doesn't force itself on others, it isn't always me first. Love doesn't fly off the handle, it doesn't keep score of sins of others it doesn't revel when others grovel. Take pleasure in the flowering of truth, it puts up with anything. Trust God always, always look for the best, never look back but keep going to the end.
Love doesn't come from culture, our own values or from within ourselves. It comes from God because God is love. Love does not delight in evil. When we choose to do the wrong thing or cause harm to another - that indeed is evil. Evil is when we fail to love God, others and ourselves.
Whatever you are carrying, whatever hurt you are holding on to..... Open your hands and visualize letting it go!
Create a space for God to speak to you!
Jesus leaves us well and whole. That is his parting gift to us. Peace. He doesn't leave us the way we were used to being left. Feelings of abandonment. Do not be distraught or upset. When we put ourselves in God's hands he takes our fears, worries, and concerns and turns them into peace.
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I stress so much about work for someone who is not even payed a living wage.
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leiandroid · 2 years
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a date with 4 wheels to spare
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bougiebutchbitch · 4 months
body of proof is so good
until they decide there isn't enough DRAHMA so they start killing the main cast??? :/
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"not the time for scrupules, we have to save the future"
#basically same line i just hear them differently in french idk why#i also catch a lot more plot in french somehow?#not big plot but the little things like 'im gonna go here do this and youre gonna go there do that'#in english they slide right off me in french i suddenly hear them its really weird#anyway thinking abt yasmin 'postponing the breakdown' khan#it's different than what 13 is doing i think#maybe once back home it'll turn into smth similar as 13 is doing idk#but here it's different it's pragmatic#oh right thats what i used to think about back with flux right? the respnsibility#i think yaz feels a lot of responsibility which is sligthly different from the doctor's Duty#all the things yaz does are Slightly Different to what the doctor's doing bc yaz is a person still#she has a family and a history and you feel that when she makes her choices#when she consciously prioritises the doctor you feel that#when the doctor betrays their values it's just themself#when they prioritise one person over the universe it's just themself to be accountable to#the fact that it's 'over the universe' at all is part of the issue#anyway#like i mean. Duty is like a platonic ideal. but it's impersonal. yazs sense of responsibility. to the doctor. to her family.#is very personal and tangible#it's not DutyTM as in 'i need to do this bc i told myself so and otherwise i wont deserve my name'#it's just. she cares#and i think all of the things they have the same but different are abt that difference#about what 13 says on the beach. in a way#wough thasmin#i need to write them#need to come up with some nice plot for them#like 6 months post potd happy ever after au. 6 months-1 year smth like that
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vulturetime · 1 year
ok if working with strangers on a final project leads to disaster and working with friends on a final project also leads to disaster then what am i supposed to do lmao.
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quettasecond · 1 year
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
not to compare every single short rowdy reckless blonde in any anime movie i watch to naruto but they make it SO. EASY.
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Manage philanthropic programs through the best Corporate Social Responsibility software. Choose the best software from this list of CSR software.
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waldenborn · 10 months
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
the sanguine is all that helo see most days. blood caked to the rough crevices of his calloused hands, running down along the length of his wrist and forearms, creeping along his limbs until they pollute his chest where his heart lays, his guilt rotting him from the inside out. he feels the harsh texture of the cloth against his skin, dragging along the surface with intent to rid the evidence from his line of sight; but no matter what, no matter how many showers that helo scrubs himself clean with, he will see the lives that he took while compelled with the chip.
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his jaw is taut as whiskey irises finally make out that bellamy is sitting across from him, cleaning the blood from his hands as means to help the other. blood still trickles down along the nape of helo's neck, from where he seldomly asked clarke to remove the chip from his head. though alie is gone, he still needed himself to be free from the chip. swallowing thickly, helo moves his hands away from bellamy's touch as the sudden reminder of his scarring beneath the bandages fills his mind's eye; not wanting the other to bear witness to the weakness that helo inhibited. not even he could resist the temptation of the chip, begging and aching for some semblance of release when he was nailed to the cross, meant to bleed dry 'lest he gave up. gave his friends up.
"i can do it," he murmurs lowly, with an uncharacteristic waver within his usually gruff timbre. he does not mean to seem unappreciative of the act, but he can't deny the pollution of guilt that swims like a monster in the belly of his cage. "it's fine."
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