squeakadeeks · 4 months
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moodboard for this past week ❤️
#they should invent a grad school thats not fucking insane#i'm hanging in there but im the most unwell i've been in AWhile#this week was just horrible#there was already the freezer food incident but it also started off with a very severe pain episode thats putting me in constant woe#even mundane motion has been agonizing which is McAwesome bc we had a lab inspection which involved moving hundreds of pounds of equipment#during which we found a blackwidow and rats which we had to deal with and was a whole thing psychologically on top of the physical toll#the new class fiasco is still popping off and i had to respond to at this point over 400 emails in the fleeting moments outside of lab#AND A STUDENT TRIED TO FINANCIALLY BRIBE THEIR WAY INTO THE CLASS ? ?? ?? ?????#then the instructor wanted to use me as a guinea pig and i had to test new circuit boards but I wasnt given any time to do so properly#i had to test them plus get them operational and deal with my incoming students all in a frantic 10 minute window#im in charge of running our meetings too but the instructor was interrupting and having side conversations that made it really hard-#to train the other people on the new equipment in a smooth manner#which meant that a bunch of people had to keep me after to ask questions which made me late for my drs appointment#where i found out i cant get the new covid vaccine bc my heart and blood levels arnt stable enough#and joanns lost an expensive+critical fabric order of mine+i had to give a big presentation this week on my research that was stressful#and my inbox is still blowing up from being needed all over the place between teaching lab and classes and yall i am. so so tired.#im in so much pain and so stressed out#debating the ethics of turning into a pile of lint to escape my responsibilities and mortal frame
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waveofahand · 10 months
On Paul “going commando”
There are a number of photographs of Paul McCartney that prove not only did the boy like his inseams high and tight but that he also went without drawers quite a lot. Possibly, this is because he wore his pants so tight there was no room for them, but I’ve often thought, well, that’s not terribly sanitary or thoughtful to the wardrobe people. Still. It really does look to me like the only time he dependably wore underwear was when filming movies. Probably was forced to. 
I’m going to share several pics that bear out my thinking but this one first. Because it surprised me. This is 1965, as they were getting into their suits for the Shea Stadium concert. One of the Beatles must held up a camera -- knowing Paul’s proclivities -- and dared him to disrobe for it. Paul seems to dare them right back. “Go ahead, take the pic, I dare ya!” A game of chicken, so to speak.
At first glance, one thinks he’s unzipped and showing off his tighty whitey. But... on closer inspection, one sees that... oh... something has been WHITED OUT in that picture! You can confirm it because part of his middle fingertip is also under the white. 
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Just look UNDER the white smears (which are NOT fabric, but drawn in). You can see the human flesh beneath. 
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And there you have it. Whoever dared him, got the full frontal treatment. Paul McCartney clearly had no insecurities about his manhood. A few more “commando” shots where we see no indication of a brief line -- or that there was room for underpants: 
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The jury is out o this one. There MIGHT be a faint pantyline... maybe.
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Jury is also out on this one. I think he’s commando. Thoughts? 
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FINALLY! A CLEAR PANTY LINE! And it looks like they needed to add a side panel to fit it! 
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Ridiculous, beautiful, nasty commando boy. I know people call him “the most baby of all times” (and I think that’s probably right) but some others call him a “slut” and... well... I’m going to just say he’s a man comfortable in his own skin, probably promiscuous, who liked to get himself teased a little with his own frictions throughout the day.  One more for posterity. Or... posteriority! 
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mossypidder · 23 hours
I recorded all this back in February and March but never got around to editing it all together, so here it finally is. I’m gonna get better pictures in the morning, because I have a migraine. But this is my little whaleshark buddy. Any name suggestions?
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chelshiart · 2 years
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Sleep mode - ACTIVATED
[ID: An animated GIF featuring Murderbot 2.0 and ART. In the feed, MB 2.0 sleeps in a magenta cradle of it's own creation, and ART, depicted as a blue bubbling glitch effect, gently rocks the cradle back and forth. /end ID]
dropped this into the mb discord a couple weeks back, and finally bringing it here!
OH and if ya'll want to see more ART and MB 2.0 feels, check out this fantastic fic by CompletelyDifferent on Ao3 -- it's so compelling and well-written!! Highly recomend!
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in-omni-scientia · 8 months
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Meanwhile, in the Library...
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k00291991 · 7 months
Disrupt animation research
As part of our animation workshop we were shown loads of different types of animation by different artists. I’m documenting the ones I found most interested and related to my work here.
Caroline Leaf
The first would be an animation by Caroline Leaf called The Street, the style of this animation really interested me and the smooth almost watery movement of the characters and the paint feels perfect for the idea i had in mind for this workshop, I’ll attach a short screen recording so you get the gist of it.
Tomas Mankovsky
Another animation I looked at was “Sorry I’m Late” created at Rocketboom studios which involves really interesting object animation as well a pixilation. The video was a stop motion of a man running on a ground of clothes and encountering different obstacles. I found this animation really interesting as the person in the animation was still and it was the ground of clothes that was moving to create a running effect. I also think this could be an interesting route to try as it would connect with my previous use of clothing disrupting the body. Linking the video below for anyone interested.
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chitaquagirl · 3 months
feeling dire
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azeroth · 2 months
you and washeduprockstr are evil. im over here trying to channel my inner matpat and you guys are making me want to crush you. what does it all MEAN AZEROTH. /silly /pos
Me and @washeduprockstr are scheming :3
We’re really working on fleshing out the story, there is a concept and overarching premise and I know we’re both very excited that people seem to be so interested and invested already!! Thank you guys :33
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guard-en · 6 months
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I'm So Fucking Pissed That I'm Not Photogenic But I'm The Only Consistent Anatomical Reference I Can Use.
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saintadeline · 2 years
Also, after further checking, the research hall patients and celestial emissaries do, in fact, share all 3 of their casting animations which is very interesting! No other mobs seem to have them. Heres gifs of the wave one because i think its such a cute way to call forth celestial powers.
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Random Research Dive: Horse Ears
As often happens in novel writing, occasional discoveries of knowledge gaps result in deep dives into new, intriguing, sometimes odd, but ultimately rewarding wormholes of information. This is one of them.
(1) Wrote a few scenes involving pack horses. (2) Realized I needed to describe horse ears. (3) Several hours later... asking myself why horses are so dang complicated.
Additional Reading:
Writing Horses (article series by Judith Tarr) (Tor.com)
❯❯ Types of Horse Ears
"Cold-blooded" horses (strength, calm endurance, low-energy): fleshy ears with "blunt" tips, or, rounded ones, often covered with hairy fur, placed diagonally towards the horse's head.
"Warm-blooded" horses (high-energy, athletic, agile): lighter, thinner ears, placed vertically, with pointy tips.
Anomalous ear types ("incorrect" but not necessarily indicative of poor health or of diminished physical attributes):
Hare ears: long and narrow
Donkey ears: thick, long, and rather broad
Lop ears: flopping to the sides
Pig ears: flopping to the front
Mouse ears: short and small with rounded tips
"Some horses may be born with congenital defects that cause the ear to be shortened, curled back, or bent. Others may have sustained an injury that changed the conformation of one or both ears or has an ear infection or parasites which cause abnormal ear movement. [..] While the whole meaning of ear positioning comes with context and understanding of tail, mouth, eyes, body, and head positions (in addition to other things), there are some basic positions to know" (Open Sanctuary).
"Pay attention to the ears' "mobility"; if the horse moves his ears too much, it might speak for his temper (hyperactivity, nervousness), a complete lack of thereof might mean that the horse is deaf" (EquiShop).
Sources: Understanding Horse Body Language: Ears (Open Sanctuary); Horse Anatomy: Diagrams of Horse Body Parts (EquiShop)
❯❯ Positioning of Horse Ears
Horses' ears in a neutral position are a good sign. Neutral ears are the central position of the ear. It's held loosely upward, pointing forward, so the openings are outward. In this position, they can scan the surrounding area. If a horse is resting or generally calm, their ears may drop down to the side a bit or may even rest back and to the side a bit. Not droopy, but relaxed.
Ears forward. If a horse is feeling alert and curious, their ears will be up and forward-facing. Generally, when a horse's ears are pricked forward, it conveys that he is alert, paying attention, or interested in what is in front of him. He might be saying: "I am focused on something in front of me." "I am happy to see you." "I am interested and curious." "I am on alert."
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One ear cocked back. This is often indicative of a horse that is listening to something in another direction than out front or paying attention to what is being asked of him while maintaining alertness in the direction of travel. He might be saying: "I am listening to my rider." "I am paying attention to something behind me." "There is something that has my interest to the side of me." "I am aware of things in both directions."
Horses prick their ears when startled. Pricked ears could signal the horse is startled, vigilant, alert, or interested. It is not uncommon to see pricked ears during frontal greetings. But if he stays with his ears stiff, he is likely agitated. Approach a horse with its ear pricked cautiously.
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Horses with their ears extended are relaxed. A horse may have his ears extended out with the openings facing downward to the ground. When horses extend their ears and let them fall toward the side, it's usually a sign of a relaxed horse, but it could indicate he is tired or lacks interest in the world around him at the moment. Horses that extend their ears are comfortable.
Fully pinned ears are a sign of aggression. A horse pins his ears when he is threatened and or finds it necessary to exhibit anger, aggression, and dominance. He is getting ready for a fight or attack. Pinned ears refer to a horse flattening his ears back against his head, making them almost invisible. From the side, they are not seen. Flattened ears are the most aggressive signal a horse makes with his ears. It is an ancient "ear protection" posture used to protect the ears during a fight or attack. Pinned ears are a threat signal to other horses.
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Pinned ears may also mean the horse is in pain. A horse may also move them restlessly back and forth if experiencing discomfort. Their ears may also droop out to the side, sometimes described as airplane ears, when depressed or in prolonged pain.
Ears turned back are an indication of fear. Turned-back ears are typically a posture indicative of a brutal owner. Sometimes when a horse is being ridden, you will notice that his ears are drooped and turned back with the openings toward the rider. This may indicate the horse is afraid of the rider. The lower posture of the ear suggests submission.
Ears turned back (not pinned) means the horse is listening to something from behind. If you are riding and his neck is tense, he may be unsure of what you are asking him to do. He may be deciding how to react to the stimuli and whether to run away or turn around and check out a sound or movement. Your horse might be saying: "How do I react?" "What is that behind me?" "I am unsure what you are asking." "I am confused." "I am nervous."
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Flickering ears are a sign of stress. When you notice your horse's ears flickering, it signals stress or a heightened state of anxiety. Flickering ears typically precede stationary pricked ears when the fear turns to panic. Takes steps to calm a horse with flickering ears.
Listening back and forth. The horse is in a heightened state of alertness or anxiety. He may be trying to find the source of an unusual sound or smell or may feel overwhelmed, upset or anxious. He might be trying to say: "I don't know what to make out of that strange sound." "I am worried!" "What is that?" "How should I react?" "Fight or flight?" "How can I get away quickly?" "I may be on the verge of panic."
Droopy ears are a sign your horse is tuning out. He could be exhausted and sleepy, or he may be suffering from pain. Drooping ears are when the ears extend down on either side of the head of the horse. It is a sign that he is trying to switch off the outside world. Droopy ears can also be a sign of inferiority in a herd situation. According to researchers, the distance between the bases of the ears increases during pain incidents (because the ears tended to drop slightly down to each side of the head with a concomitant outward rotation of the ears).
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Drugged ears move in an unusual motion. Certain drugs are illegal to use in competitive horse events and can be detected by paying attention to the horse's ears. Their ears will move in an unusual motion. The two most common drugs in use are varieties of stimulants or depressants.
Mobile ears are normal horse behavior. Horses are herd animals; one way they communicate with each other is through their ears. Mobile ears are the norm; horses will continuously shift the direction of their ears, picking up on new sounds.
Sources: Horses Ears: Positions and What They Mean is Revealed! (HorseRacingSense); Lend Me Your Ears: What Does Your Horse's Ear Position Tell You (Horse Illustrated); Understanding Horse Body Language: Ears (Open Sanctuary)
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k00295632 · 8 months
Week 1: Secondary Research & my Idea.
These are some of the different artists I was looking at during the week.
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This is Stuart Blackton, the first person to use pixilation and the creator of the "the enchanted mirror". He would "interact" with the drawing, even "removing" parts of the drawing and making them "reappear" as real objects, and would make the face "react". He would stop the recording, make his changes, and continue as before.
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This here is Windsor McCay, american cartoonist who created "Gertie the dinosaur", the earliest cartoon to ever feature a dinosaur. This was also the first film to ever use Keyframes, Registration marks, Tracing paper, Animation loops, and Mutoscope action viewer. He would similarly interact with the animation, "throwing" an apple onto the screen and pocketing it when no one looked while an "apple" would appear on the screen, or he would walk behind the stage and "reappear" on screen and ride Gertie.
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Georges meileis "trip to the moon (1902)", the first film to use Double exposure, Stop motion, and Slow motion. He was a illusionist film maker and a magician. The film took 3 months to make and was filmed in a greenhouse like building to get as much light as possible.
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"Loving Vincent" directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, the worlds first fully painted film with over 65,000 frames. The they would record the actors dressed as their characters , and would use a projector to project the frames from the video onto the canvases and the animators would paint each frame in Van Gogh's art style.
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I briefly looked at Jan Svankmajers "Darkness light Darkness", its a very peculiar piece of media, and it is a 7 minute clay stop motion animation. Its just a body reconstructing itself in a miniature house and figuring out where everything goes.
How does this relate to my project?
Well my idea is to create a mixed media short film based in a haunted art gallery/museum ( some place with a lot of artwork) with a security guard monitoring the building and the strange occurrences within its walls. The main focus will be the different security cameras, which will be changing perspectives a lot, and even the p.o.v of the guard. The centerpiece will be an an animation of a portrait crawling out of the frame, but the first part of the animation will be painted like in "Loving Vincent", but as the creature begins to leave the frame it transforms into stop motion animation with clay. I was thinking that since the creature is made of paint it would make a wet sound when it moves, which is where I want to incorporate foley sound, and leave traces of itself around the building. In the background I want to create other spooky visuals like other paintings distorting or objects from paintings disapearing and showing up in the wrong places like in "The enchanted mirror". I want to experiment with different Camera trick to create different visuals and create suspense like the dutch tilt. I want to slowly unnerve the viewer, using different visual affects and changes in each camera.
There's a lot of work to be done and I'm looking forward to see how I'll incorporate the different workshops into it too
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memento-mariii · 18 days
As much as I enjoy unethical (pseudo)science in fiction, in real life killing them with my mind is not enough I need to strangle these people with my own two hands.
Your methodology is bad and you should feel bad.
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quaranmine · 25 days
(Spoilers for the Fourth "Letters from the Outlook") Wait, so if Grian's hands are damaged, then does that mean he cannot go back to his drafting job anymore? What does he do instead when he does eventually regain some movement and dexterity to his hands?
I basically answered this in the chapter notes, which is just that I did not intend for him to have long-term damage that permanently affected his function in a massive way. That's why he has physical therapy and a compression garmet and in the scene he says his doctor is fairly confident it won't be forever. Yes, it will probably affect how fast he can go back to the job (but also his mental health is going to affect that too) and perhaps he'll have to rest his hands more often. But basically it wasn't my intention to keep him from being able to hold a pencil forever, so I don't see why he can't go back to drafting in a while. He just couldn't hold it during that still-fairly-early scene because he hadn't regained a lot of grip strength.
Also his days of drafting are numbered anyway—by the 90s, architects started to use AutoCAD for their work instead of manual drafting :)
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kangals · 2 years
genuine question: once upon a time, you mentioned noticing stellina having a nursing-dream (I think). how would you be able to tell it's a nursing dream, versus a dream about, say, licking up peanut butter? :O
i can't say definitely, it's just my speculation! when she has the maybe-nursing dreams though her mouth is definitely doing a suckling motion as opposed to a licking one - tongue's curled, jaw twitches, sucky noises, etc. but it's very possible I'm misinterpreting it and it is about something entirely different, or just random motions. the idea of Dreaming of Baby is cute though so i'm biased
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vhalesa · 1 year
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Junna has a reason why she checks all games beforehand ^^
Read the short bonus chapter on ao3 or below the cut.
Junnited Nations Conference
Three hours and fifteen minutes before game night, first diplomatic conference of the new semester. Location: Seishou common room. Purpose: negotiation of treaties. Attendees: Hanayagi Kaoruko, Hoshimi Junna.
“Come on, Junna-han!” Kaoruko throws up her hands in frustration. “Now you’re just being unfair, I even checked your silly list of forbidden games!”
“Well, we’re still not going to play this one.” Junna taps decidedly onto the table, eyeing the more than questionable 18+ version of Exploding Kittens warily. “I’ve said this before: No adult games.”
“But whyyyyy?” Kaoruko whines. “Everyone here’s of age…”
“I’ve looked through the cards.”
“Uggh. Of course you did.” Kaoruko grimaces and makes a show of rolling her eyes. “Which one offends your delicate eyeballs so much then?”
“All of them.”
“All of them?!” Kaoruko screeches in disbelief. “But the zombie cat’s just a little guy? And the bikini cat has everything covered. Technically. I mean it’s really not their fault for being a bit…larger.” She pauses shortly, pursing her lips as if in deep thoughts. “And even you have to admit that the facehugger cat is a little funny.”
“Funny is a bit of a stretch. Even though it’s not quite as horrid as the rest,” Junna admits, nevertheless scrunches up her nose as she remembers the crass depictions of the other cards just all too well.
“Gotcha.” Kaoruko nods, her grin turning sharp. “So it’s all those di-”
“Exactly,” Junna quickly cuts in. “Those weren’t even cat themed anymore. The creators could’ve at least tried, but no, apparently they ran out of good ideas rather quickly. Not that they were any good to begin with, but you know." She frowns, then ends her tirade with a pointed cough. “Anyway. Final offer: We play the original version instead.”
“Boooooring!” Kaoruko booes.
“Alright, Trivial Pursuit it is then,” Junna decides. “You’re in luck, I finally got my hands on the limited Know-It-All New York edition and look forward to playing it with you all immensely.”
“Nooooooo, Junna-han, pleeeeease, have mercy!” Kaoruko cries out. “I never in my life wanted to play the kids - I mean, the original version so much.”
“Thought so.”
With this another conference on the Elimination of Inappropriate Entertainment Goods comes to conclusion. All decisions are going to be adapted in accordance to the above mentioned resolution. By all means necessary.
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