#requiem for an evangelist's vocation
mania-junkie-writes · 5 years
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Cassian Almare Alfonsi
Requiem for an Evangelist’s Vocation
Ocean Rain
Lightning flashed outside the window of the small, cozy beach house as I lay with Nate across our small, shared bed. With nothing but a flickering candle and the flashes of lightning for light I read beside Nate’s gentle breathing as he plays with the hem of my sweater. Thunder shakes the small house and Nate inches closer to me...
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@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess---writes—writes, @nineteensleepycrows
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bluewritesbadly · 6 years
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“Requiem for an Evangelist's Vocation”
For @mania-junkie  (thank you for the request! Your WIP sounds awesome)
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
What Should We Tell Him? - An Alex/Dana Semi-Serious Situation
So I’m finally getting around to posting short/side stories for Requiem and I wanted this to be the first. I wrote this a while back for @chuddychud and know it’s a gem so I hope y’all enjoy!
(tags under the cut)
“What should we tell him?”
“That’s not a fucking option…”
A pale, young man groans, running a calloused hand over his sunken face, sighing and looking the stoic, expressionless young woman in the eye.
“We’ve done some--”
“We?!” The woman cackles, rising from her seat and flinging her chair back with an echoed bang.
“WE!” Letting out a scream she makes her way around a table to the now much paler man.
“You have done everything leading up to this godforsaken situation and I have noth--”
The shout ricochets off the walls of the cramped hotel room as the man’s face radiates nothing but unadulterated rage. The woman shrinks from instinct and steps back, picking up her fallen chair and collapsing upon it like a scolded child. Though the man is still seated, the woman’s lips sealed, and the halls emptied, the sickening realization of future, inevitable black eyes strikes Dana in the chest.
The woman, sweet sweet Dana, would be wise to find another place to sleep tonight.
“Alex,” spoken softly by Dana’s trembling lips, “we can’t let him know. Not about --”
Holding back another wrong word, Dana chokes on her own tongue.
The man, poor poor Alex, sinks into his hands, falling upon his own exhaustion atop the table.
“Then what should I say.”
“We need a job.”
“We’re good at keeping secrets.”
Alex looks up and stares. Long and hard upon the beautiful, far too clever woman, no, girl, that was Dana Worth.
“You deserve a life.” The man murmured.
“And you a pony, yet here we are.” She didn’t snap. She whimpered. She knew there was no escape from the grave she’d dug.
“You don’t have to --”
Dana takes a deep breath and sighs, leaving Alex’s words lost. Cranking out each syllable with too much effort, she speaks slowly.
“Yes Alex, I know. I know I don’t need money, or you, or him, or a job, or a life, or a motherfucking pony but I want it, because goddammit we have done awful things, Alex. Awful, terrible, soul-damning things that we’ll burn in hell’s fires for an eternity because of it. Yet here we are. In a hell of our own, all on our own. I know you want this. Desperately clinging to the idea that salvation can be achieved by wiping the blood on your name off onto someone else’s. And who knows?”
Dana smiles.
A terrifying, wicked, unfeeling smile.
“Maybe it’ll work.”
Alex can’t help but smile back.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list, don’t worry, more content is on the way! ~~
@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess---writes
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Two Truths and a Lie
Tagged by the amazing @ad-drew, thank you hun!
RULES: Pick an OC or WIP and tell two truths and a lie about them. Then, your followers and the people you tag back can guess which one was the lie.
I’ve decided we’re gonna do this for the lovely characters in Requiem for an Evangelist’s Vocation.
Alrighty y’all, *rubs hands together in a maniacal fashion*, here we go...
My middle name is Victor.
I have 5 sisters.
My favorite color is lavender.
Alex said I looked like an anime girl once (fuck you Alex).
I hate cats.
I love sweets.
My beard is at beauty level of God.
Dana called me the fucking Brawny paper towel man once (fuck you Dana).
I’ll tag @chuddychud, @nineteensleepycrows, @more-like-doodle-dumps, @thebloodstainedquill, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @pixel-is-writing, @jess---writes, @bluewritesbadly, @strawberryspaceship, @writingonjupiter, @foxley-writes.
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Cheerio Hater - A Nate Side Story
So this was one of the first stories I ever wrote for my favorite boy and I hold a great fondness to it, so I hope you’ll find in yourself to do the same. This one in particular just really captures Nate’s personality as a whole and adds immensely to his character description and just ugh I love this one. Enjoy!
(tags under the cut)
'Twas the school year of 7th grade for out young asshole, and he was still, low and behold, an asshole. Finding himself in a situation where no one could take him seriously, he formed a brilliant plan. He would make a club.
1) The question of how the hell a club would benefit in his situation where people couldn't see him as more than a gorgeous fuckboy hadn't the slightest notion to cross his mind.
2) ‎He made no ordinary club.
Thus begins our story of how our beloved cocktease made a lasting impression upon the school's administration, custodial staff, and students.
Now, first you must understand how clubs worked at his middle school establishment. Though it was most recommended that you find a teacher sponsor to host your club, it was not necessary. As long as you had a meeting at least once you were fine. Meetings could be held in the library as a go-to location.
He made his club. A club he believed in with all of his heart, a club you couldn't help but feel drawn to, a club where you were accepted, a club where you could feel safe, a club that some say was no less than a food product genocide:
That was it. That was the exact name of the club. Thus with this, he went home and made a total of 1,000 posters for his club and the first meeting, posting to any imaginable surface in the school.
Of course you'd imagine that everyone thought it was annoying as fuck, but you forget that he's a cunning mother fucker. He advertised most ardently that there would be free.fucking.pizza.
The whole school showed up.
They were forced to move from the library to the auditorium.
He provided the promised pizza.
They were just scratch and sniff stickers.
But he made his point clear.
He would from then on be taken seriously as a cheerio hater and sticker fanatic.
But his club did not go in vain.
Everyone was so mad, and so vividly ardent on hating him they were ready to pounce.
He then threw Cheerios at their faces from the stage.
From then on everyone remembered.
The asshole doesn't remember ever doing this. But he legit hates Cheerios. Not from the club. He hated Cheerios before that and so he made the club.
Tag List:
Let me know if you want to be added or removed~~
@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess—writes, @nineteensleepycrows
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
M&Ms - A Convoluted Argument - Short Story - The Trio
So this one was inspired by my bestie @chuddychud​ (thank you and you’re welcome) that I wrote a while back and deserves some love and admiration. Hope you enjoy this minor shitpost starring the trio. Enjoy!
(tags under the cut)
“I can’t believe you’d say something like that!”
“Well I’m sorry for breaking the truth to you, princess, but they SUCK.”
Locked in heated eye contact, two men crackle the air’s tension, armed with their harsh gazes and sharpened tones the war the wage burns ever brighter...
“No. No. Peanut M&Ms are clearly the better M&Ms.”
“No. No. NO. Regular M&Ms are the only ones worthy of existing, not your horse shi--”
“You’re a sick bastard, you know that Nate?!”
“Personally I like the caramel M&Ms…” A third voice pipes up.
Three audible deeply troubled breaths are taken.
“You know what Nate, why can’t you just admit you’re wrong and we can move on from this whole ordeal.”
“Oh. Ohohoho… That I’m wrong! You’re a fucking prick you know that, Alex!”
“Fuck you Nate!”
“Time and place, Alexander!”
A fuming, long-haired man throws up his hands in… exasperation?
That’s a middle finger.
Rolling his eyes, the other man in the room huffs out a scoff as the other rises and storms towards the door. With a slam behind him, Alex leaves and Nate is left alone…
Dana’s still in the fucking corner. Jesus Christ.
The rising crescendo of a slow clap echoes through the tension-ridden air as Dana rises from her perch and saunters over to the offended, huffy man.
“Bravo Nate, you really had him there.”
“Shut up Dana.”
“You know about halfway in, I was debating getting up for popcorn but the scene was too damn precious.”
“Shut up Dana…”
“You know, maybe I should get you and Alex matching engagement rings, just as a preemptive strike to your inevitable fucking.”
Before Nate can even address the growing heat on his face, Dana is out the door cackling.
“You’re so fucking gay…”
“Alex hasn’t talked to me in 3 days, Dana.”
“Gee, I wonder why.”
“Shut up…”
“He is known for giving a very thorough silent treatment…”
“Silent treeeeeeatmeeeeeentttt…” Nathaniel whines while simultaneously, and quite dramatically might I add, flopping onto the hard, dusty floor.
Dana lets out a soft chuckle as she looks down upon the noodle boy that is Nate. Swelling up an obnoxiously pink bubble of gum, she lets out a loud pop before sighing and laying down next to her friend.
“You could always try apologizing.”
“Over my cold, dead ass Dana.”
“Yeah I figured.” Sighing even louder, the frilly, pink girl stands and dusts off her puffy skirt before sounding another, louder, pop.
“I’m gonna bring Alex over.”
“Wait, fuck, DANA!” But she’s out the door and the noodle boy is standing up, trying not to squeak out his anger.
“It’s not my fault he’s a sexy fuckta--”
Whirling towards the door, Nate gulps down what he hopes isn’t his brunch burrito.
“Alex.” Nate sounds curtly.
Nodding in acknowledgement, Alexander enters the room. A much paler Nate takes a seat by the window, motioning for the brawny man to do the same beside him. Stomping over to the empty armchair and sitting down with a puff, Nate takes a breath and--
Turning slowly towards the noise, both men watch a shit-eating, smirking Dana reach for another handful of popcorn and,
“GODDAMMIT DANA YOU MOTHERFUCK--” With a woosh and a final cackle, Dana disappears as fast as she appeared only pausing in the hall to shout over her shoulder.
“Have fun, lovebirds.”
Deeply sighing, both Nate and Alex lean back, exhausted in their chairs.
“I’m pretty sure she’s the definition of cunt.”
Staring at Alex in half shock, half admiration, Nathaniel lets out the biggest snort of laughter ever heard by humankind.
“You’re a fucking treat, Alex.”
Watching each other’s smiles grow, both men relax in the familiar comfort of each other before Alex parts his sweet, beckoning lips and--
“Peanut M&Ms are still better.”
Tag List:
Let me know if you want to be added or removed~~
@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess—writes, @nineteensleepycrows
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
First Line Tag
Thanks @ad-drew for the tag!
This isn’t really a line per se, but it is the first sentence, so, I mean, it works. Enjoy!
“This just in, an organized group of assailants and notorious crime bosses calling themselves ‘Requiem’ has been said to have gathered this evening at a local warehouse in downtown Chicago...”
Tagging: @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @pixel-is-writing, @bluewritesbadly, @writingonjupiter, @jess---writes, @archivesoftheempires, @foxley-writes
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Eating Alone - A Nate Side Story
This is by far my favorite piece I’ve ever written for the Requiem universe and I’m so excited to finally be sharing it. Just to let you know there are mentions of anorexia and depression and implied suicidal thoughts so I’ll add the necessary trigger warning tags and mention it before the cut again, but I hope y’all do enjoy this. I feel like this really captures Nate’s character development in a fragment of a story.
tw: anorexia, depression, implied suicidal thoughts
(tags under the cut)
It was summer and of course our beloved cocktease had not planned out what he was going to do. His eldest sister was in college doing god knows what with her summer, his second was going to stay with her best friend at a private island or some bullshit all summer, his third was going to an overnight engineering camp and his fourth was going on a paid summer school trip to Europe. His parents, seeing as all their children but one would be away, decided to work overtime all summer to help with supporting all their quickly aging children in college.
Thus our wonderful cocktease decided to be a total lazy asshole and stay home. At first he thought this would be great, since he’d have the house to himself and he could do whatever he liked, but this was the first time he’d ever really be alone for that long. At first he enjoyed the silence, watching TV, drawing, reading, writing, even blaring music so loud the neighbors heard him, it all began to feel wrong.
He stopped playing music, he felt he was shattering the most delicate glass imaginable, silence. Soon, no matter the content he watched, he grew tired and irritable with it, not finding anything entertaining. Drawing made him frustrated and reading made him nauseas. He lacked any inspiration to write something worthwhile. His insomnia grew worse, for it was impossible for him to sleep without feeling like he’d done something that day. Hours bled into weeks. His parents would come home late, they’d talk amongst themselves for a while then sleep, and by the time he started to feel tired, the door clicked shut as they left in the early morning. He hated it.
The worst was when he ate. Microwaving the small soup containers his parents had left for him. Everyday. The shrill beeping of a time run out. Sitting at a wide, empty table, every movement a thundering of noise. Small sips and burnt fingers. Scalded tongue being bitten for the sake of the silence. He ate for a week like this, then he didn’t eat at all for the rest of his time alone.
Seconds ticked down into months and he watched the clock the whole time. For the first time in his life he longed for school. For work. For a purpose. Soon only a week was left, and he hated himself for wasting his precious downtime. He had eyebags dark enough to sink boats, so large and swollen he looked like he’d been beaten. He became anemic, and didn’t bother to speak up. He wasn’t dead, so he was fine.
Yellow hands
Pale faces
Blackened eyes
Sunken mouths
Lips so red and dark by comparison he could’ve been a Disney Princess
He couldn't decide whether he looked pretty or dead. He decided that being closer to death was being pretty, and smiled to himself whenever he caught his reflection. To him, he was in an endless hall of mirrors, his face the only one staring back at him. Unwavering, cold unforgiving eyes he grew all too familiar with. So he felt no shame when he cried.
Screams became painful. He’d never felt agony before. He couldn’t have known what it was. Wailing, sobbing, clawing, gasping. There wasn’t a moment when he wasn’t searching for breath. He really was a ghost, moaning about the halls, his shallow breathing echoing off of every surface of his godforsaken house. His prison. His life.
A mind can only stretch as far as its environment would let it;
And his was no grander than a bird cage.
Tag List:
Let me know if you want to be added or removed~~
@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess—writes, @nineteensleepycrows
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
WIP Tag Game
The lovely @approximately12lbs-of-ducks​ tagged me along (thanks b) so here I am!
1. When starting something new, how much do you know about the story before you start writing?
Most cases I either have a setting or a plot. Characters come really naturally to me (thank heavens) so I just need to fill in the story blanks. The worst cases are when I have such a beautiful imagery aspect of my story and the perfect characters to put in it, but I have no idea what they’ll do. That’s how most of my wips collect dust...
2. What draws you to your WIP(s)? Why did you choose to write that/those over anything else?
In the case of Requiem, I come back to it because the characters have such a deep and relatable relationship with each other that I can make an entire chapter out of nothing but dialogue and facial expressions and it’ll make its point. The characters practically write themselves and all I have to do is listen and record. I choose to write Requiem in particular because of how easy it is to make Nate, Alex and Dana close. They develop each other’s characters themselves by just talking, and plot comes easy when character development is breezy. (It’s just really fun to write the three of them arguing.)
3. Favorite writing spot? Why?
I have a GORGEOUS Victorian desk that I got a year or two ago and it’s my pride and joy. It’s in a corner of my room in a good spot for A/C and heating and not getting distracted by windows and doors. (I do that a lot. Just staring at bright lights or waving trees.) I write there because I can keep a stack of spirals, sticky notes and books to my left and my laptop to my right. (It’s practical and comfy.)
4. Share your favorite line of what you’ve written so far!
Ooooo, this one sums up Requiem really nicely...
“Such a pity we weren’t invited,” The figure stands as a small smirk peeks out from the stretching moonlight. Sculpted cheekbones morph into a sneer as his blackened eyes meet the shadows. “I make for excellent conversation.”
5. If you had to choose one oc to bring to life as an actual person, which one would it be and why?
If I really really really really had to choose I’d pick Kitty from a Steampunk/Cyberpunk script (yet another wip) I wrote 2 summers ago just because she’s easy to talk to and gives good hugs. But in all honesty I think the reason OCs mean so much in general is because of how they interact with each other in a certain story. I’d be heartbroken if they were all alone in the real world.
6. Are you looking to get published? If so, do you hope to make it a career?
Requiem is a fun side project that I hope to complete someday, and in terms of publishing I’d love to share and make writing my career, but I focus a lot more on movie/animated show scripts than books. Books are still a lot of fun to write though, but switching styles is kinda hard sometimes.
7. What’s something you would read but would never write (or the other way around)? Any reason?
Smut. Just because I’ll read it in fanfiction after fanfiction but I can’t even fathom how I’d describe it in a story of any kind. *shrugs in mild confusion*
8. What’s something you are most proud of about your work so far?
Requiem specifically, my integration of Nathaniel’s cult beliefs and foundation/thought process with the Bible. I spent who knows how many hours reading and rereading the Bible and learning how to cite quotes and exploring the deeper meaning behind all of the passages, and as someone who didn’t attend any kind of church services or study, I consider that a massive step towards making my book more realistic.
9. Badly describe your WIP(s) in one sentence.
Trio of mentally ill misfits create a club gone horribly wrong while eating M&Ms.
10. Why did you want to be a writer?
I never really decided to be a writer, but I spent a lot of my really early childhood alone and inside (because it was hot) so finding things to do was always a must. Books were sacred objects in my house and my parents taught me how to read at 2 years old so words just came naturally since I learned to speak in the first place. Stories became a way to cope with being bored or lonely and even now, being able to create whole people and places that do whatever you like and can talk to each other amazes me. 
Plus, elementary was really hard for me and people skills never came to me like words did so I found a way to stay sane by making people who were better than me in some way so I could set goals and expectations for myself by myself.
I’ll tag @chuddychud, @pixel-is-writing, @thebloodstainedquill, @katabasiss, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @writingonjupiter, @archivesoftheempires, @whollyart, @thelittlefoxwrites, and @cosmic-storytelling.
As always feel free to pass or tag along...
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
(shocking, I know)
So it's come to my attention that it's October (the spookiness is everywhere and you've been writing the date for 10 days now, how did you miss that? I don't know dear child my brain works in strange ways.) and that means the beautiful boy: NATHANIEL VICTOR DE LUNA has a birthday coming up!!!! On October 16 to be exact.
What should I do for Nate's birthday?
I need ideas. Even just one will work. Pls.
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Twin Bois Hogwarts Houses
I’ve confirmed the Hogwarts houses for my twin bois and I called it from a mile away before I even took the quiz in their perspective and here we go I guess.
Cassian: Ravenclaw (duh)
Zelotes: Slytherin (understandable but Hufflepuffs have fucking marshmallows man)
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
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Requiem for an Evangelist’s Vocation
With an iron rod you shall shepherd them, like a clay pot you will shatter them.” And now, kings, give heed; take warning, rulers on earth. Serve the Lord with fear; with trembling bow down in homage, Lest God be angry and you perish from the way in a sudden blaze of anger.
The panting figure of Alexander stands motionless as the shape perched upon a couch motions to his side. Scampering to kneel next to him, he leans forward with quivering lips and shaking hands.
“They’ve arrived,” A final quiver is shaken as Alexander’s lips meet the man’s ear and a smirk fit for murderers graces his lips, “убийца*.”
*Ubiytsa: Russian for assassin, killer, murderer, slayer, gunman, basher, etc...
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Have you ever seen a monster? - A Dana Short/Side Story
Ta da, here’s a Dana-perspective side story/prose piece that I enjoyed writing immensely and I hope y’all enjoy reading. Thanks!
(tags under the cut)
Prompt: Your character runs into the path of a monster.
Her shallow breathing echoed off the narrowing halls as she screamed for salvation.
For hope.
For help.
No one came.
Tik tok
She ran.
She had read of monsters before. Creatures that lurked in dark shadows and snatched up children in their fitful dreams.
She knew.
But she was not a child.
She ran until she could run no more and saw she had not moved.
Tik tok
She screamed.
Monsters, she knew, were things greater than herself.
She knew.
Yet she could not place it.
What is a monster? Something that harbors the fear of another so profoundly that others only see it as both an inferior power and overbearing subservient being.
Monsters weren’t always alive to her.
But she had a feeling this one was.
She breathed.
Tik tok
Then she did not.
Dana was not a girl of fantasies. She hated silly falsehoods to be lost in.
She felt lost indeed, though she knows now it is not a lie.
The monster was nearing, and she did not care.
Once upon a time she grew to care.
To adore.
But he was a monster.
And now she knew.
But despite her fears and running from this beast,
this man,
she had forgotten who she was.
More importantly,
who she is.
For she is a monster.
And she will never know.
Tag List:
Let me know if you want to be added or removed~~
@chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @katabasiss, @jess—writes, @nineteensleepycrows
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
this or that tag
tagged by: @katabasiss you’re a peach hun, thank you!!
rules: bold what you prefer and tag ten people
• honey and lemon or milk and sugar
• musicals or plays
• lemonade or iced tea (but in all honesty I prefer limeade)
• strawberries or raspberries
• winter or summer
• pandas or koalas
• beaches or forests
• planets or constellations
• pastels or neons
• diners or cafes
• unicorns or dragons
• gemstones or crystals
• hummingbirds or owls
• fireworks or sparklers
• sunflowers or hydrangeas
• brunch or happy hour
• sweet or sour
• rome or amsterdam
• classic or modern art
• sushi or ramen
• sun or moon
• polka dots or stripes
• macarons or croissants
• glitter or matte
• degas or seurat
• aquariums or planetariums
• road trip or camping trip
• coloring book or watercolors
• fairy lights or candles
@thebloodstainedquill, @pixel-is-writing, @approximately12lbs-of-ducks, @ad-drew, @bluewritesbadly, @chuddychud, @proteovaldez, @quicksilvermaid, @strawberryspaceship, @writingonjupiter
As always feel free to pass--
Thanks y’all!!
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
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Requiem for an Evangelist’s Vocation
Therefore the wicked will not survive judgement, nor will sinners in the assembly of the just. The Lord watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin.
“Such a pity we weren’t invited,” The figure stands as a small smirk peeks out from the stretching moonlight. Sculpted cheekbones morph into a sneer as his blackened eyes meet the shadows. “I make for excellent conversation.”
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mania-junkie-writes · 6 years
Last Line Tag (x2)
So I was tagged FOREVER AGO by @ad-drew​ for the last line tag (twice) so HERE I AM! (Fashionably late)
So these lines aren’t even from my main story, they’re just side shit I’m working on instead of my main novel, but I still love it. Here ya’ go...
“Because,” the fake blonde stammered, “there are people…”
The fake blue raspberry snow cone threw a pillow at his brother.
With a heavy sigh the fake blonde, Cas, as his twin so blatantly stated, stepped out of the car and onto the patio of a lovely little cafe. A crowded, lovely little cafe.
“Godammit Z…”
This was a little more than “2″ lines but hey I was late so I’ll add a few more sprinkles on the top. Hope you enjoy!!
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