thomassicsic · 2 years
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Les souvenirs ne s'effacent pas. C'est qu'on apprends à ne plus souffrir en y pensant. Il faut faire les étapes du deuil amoureux 🙏🫶 courage et force à vous #ex #monex #citationmotivante #citationdujour #citationtriste #citationfrançaise #thomassicsic #coachenamour #coachlove #oubliersonex #oublierlepassé #reprogramme #neuroscience #oublier #rupturedouloureuse #rupture #ruptureamoureuse #rupturedifficile #separation #separations #divorce #coeurenmiette #coeurenvrac #coeurbrise #coeur #coeurbrisé💔 #coeurnoir #courageuse #femmeforte #femmesfortes (à Mont Saint-Michel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckui9e1qD5x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bird-inacage · 4 months
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Love Sea | Fortpeat: Behind the Scenes
I have been fairly behind on the Love Sea updates, so it's great to see all the on the set clips surfacing since they officially started filming.
Mahasamut clearly gets considerably beaten up at some point (due to an accident or fight I wonder?) You can see Fort's wrist/hand in bandages and the various stages of bruising along his jaw and cheek. (I'll take any form of whump guys. Gimme.)
Tongrak with all his suave, jazzy shirts. Mahasamut's dressed down floofiness gives full golden retriever energy. I feel like Tongrak is going to serve us intimidation. Piercing gazes and side-eye, which I am so here for.
Them. On a bed. In bed. Sharing a bed. In bed together. Based on the very little characterisation we know about these two so far, something tells me the love scenes are going to be STEAMY.
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ginger-grimm · 11 months
Why is the mobile message layout so weird now?! I can't click on people's icons to go to their profile anymore!
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sneefsnorf · 1 year
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showfall brand ranbinder
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filestechnic · 17 days
Fichier de Reprogrammation Moteur : Boostez Votre Véhicule
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Le fichier de reprogrammation moteur permet d’ajuster les paramètres électroniques pour optimiser les performances de votre voiture. En modifiant ces données, on peut augmenter la puissance, réduire la consommation de carburant et améliorer la réactivité, offrant ainsi une expérience de conduite améliorée et plus efficace.
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yoannblogging · 2 months
080424 14:20
yoann se bagarre avec un super ordinateur
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race4funsd · 3 months
reprogrammation moteur belgique hainaut | Race4fun.be
Notre reprogrammation moteur en Hainaut, Belgique, vous permet d'exploiter tout le potentiel de votre véhicule. Faites confiance à nos spécialistes.
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iweb-rdc001 · 4 months
Élections en RDC : La CENI reprogramme les scrutins dans les entités insécurisées dont Masisi, Rutshuru et Kwamouth; voici les principales dates
Masisi, Rutshuru et Kwamouth, ces zones insécurisées qui ont raté les dernières élections suite à l’insécurité qui les déchire ont finalement été reprogrammées par la Commission électorale. Même si rien n’est sûr qu’à ces nouvelles dates fixées, la paix y sera déjà rétablie, la CENI mise sur les promesses des dirigeants congolais qui garantissent qu’elles ne ménageraient aucun effort pour que…
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khmara-blog · 10 months
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lifechempharma · 1 year
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toolike-fr · 1 year
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Afin de tester chaque véhicule d'origine et par la suite reprogrammé, votre préparateur doit s'équiper d'une machine à rouleaux, volumineuse, qui nécessite une pièce dédiée. On doit également y retrouver une soufflerie puissante pour reproduire le volume d'air qui refroidit le moteur lorsque le véhicule est en train d'avancer sur route. Étant à l'arrêt sur le banc de puissance, il ne bénéficie plus de ce refroidissement naturel et il faut donc reproduire ce mur d'air. | Lien de l’actualité 👉 https://motortech.fr/actualites/reprogrammation-sur-banc-de-puissance-pourquoi #reprogrammation #moteur #motortech #dyno #power #stage1 #conversion #ethanol #chiptuning https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhSTNAoZ6X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kahucurac · 2 years
mai 2019 208 peugeot mode d'emploi pour tricotin long. Domyos Bm250 Mode D'Emploi Pour Tricotin Long Hager Eg 203 Mode D'Emploi De Atlas 200 S.
Coffres de toit pour voiture 208. Large choix de coffres de toit pratiques et faciles et petits prix pour 208. Thule Motion 200 argent
</p><br>, , , , .
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ganondoodle · 3 months
watching a video of someone playing an older game (not even THAT old) and constantly having to hear them go 'omg can you imagine how much more pretty and good this would be if it ran at 60+ fps with highest end graphics of the current modern games and in 4k???' over and over while also commenting on some graphics looking slightly muddy and how ugly and shitty 30 fps is
and i just cant help but get incredibly annoyed at that, cant you just appreciate the game for what it is?? the constant focus on smoother everything and graphics so detailed it looks faker than the real world is such a limited view on games- more polygons and higher res textures doesnt equal better ffs
i, and i might out myself with an unpoluar opinion here, but remakes are in my opinion often rather unecessary, just rerelease the old game, just make it avaible for people, officially, you dont have to reprogramm the entire thing!! maybe upscale it a little so it doesnt get stretched into a blurry mess if possible but even that i will work with no problem!! there are cases where its pretty much an entirely different game (FF7?) and i get seeing one of your fav old games get some new paint can be really cool, not arguing against that- what i dont like is that those remakes replace the original as that isnt made avaible, only the new version- like i wish i could play windwaker on my switch, but i cant stand the "HD" remake of it and i know if it ever were to get ported it will only be that version like the original doesnt exist anymore and my earlier point that many people consider more fps, more polygons, more resolution as automatically better
i dont need games to be running at 60+ fps, 30 is enough, sure id like it to run smoothly on that without huge drops, but when its stable 30, why would i need more? more often than not i prefer simplified graphics bc they often focus on the most important parts of what they are trying to achieve or work with an interesting style to compensate and i LOVE THAT, also id like to not have to download 100+ GB even when i would turn it on its lowest settings anyway, save me the space- and that is if i even got hardware that can run it at all, my computer struggles with slime rancher and i dont have the funds to buy the newest consoles nor computers
im not against remakes per se, but the fact that the old will more often than not disappear entirely and remain unavaible forever and that higher end graphics are automatically seen as better drives me nuts
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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commission of @ghostfacedbat's courier, aptly named Courier de Parchment (it's french), who's totally mute and uses a handheld TTS device to talk, which we've been co-developing as the plot and punchlines require. here's the super basic concept sketch i made of the device before i drew this piece:
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the TTS device works sort of like a stenograph in that words are entered phonetically and processed/assembled by an internal program, but since it needs to be geared towards on-the-go use more than tabletop use, i arranged the steno keys to resemble the keys on a kalimba; each key has two different entries, one for single tap and one for double tap. with the vowel keys included, it's the same letter/function layout as a stenograph. words are entered with the thumbs and the tone switches are flipped with the index fingers on the back of the device. the voice holotapes are completely replaceable and reprogrammable, but both the machine and the holotape need to be made for the same language or else they won't work. or maybe it'll just come out with a really bizarre accent.
the TTS device doesn't have a name yet, but i'm thinking of calling it the Speakazoid... against my better judgement.
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filestechnic · 30 days
Optimisation de la Performance Moteur: Fichier de Reprogrammation
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Maximisez les performances de votre moteur avec notre service de fichier de reprogrammation moteur. Nous ajustons les paramètres électroniques pour libérer tout le potentiel de votre véhicule, offrant une expérience de conduite plus dynamique et une meilleure efficacité énergétique. Boostez votre plaisir de conduite dès aujourd'hui !
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