#replicate in controlled conditions or whatever lol
do not underestimate what an adhd teenager can do to cope with being in the torment nexus
#im referring to the fact that in high school i disnt have a phone capable of meaningful internet access to sneak looks at and was tired of#my books being confiscated so when the 'need to be writing writing writing right nowdoesnt matter what or we will die' would hit#(as it does) i would sit there in class and handwrite out a 5k lovecraft story from memory just to keep myself busy. picked bc it had#memorable turns of phrase and i would sometimes do this several times a week and it could be my side project for up to 4 class periods#a pop and this was so interesting to mr[redacted] he asked if he could keep the copies when i was done writing them and i said yeah bc i#made a lot of these and it was no skin off my back and apparently he fucking paid a kid to copy them into microsoft word and then checked#them against each other and the original and i came into class one day and he had a report for me printed out from i guess a#plagarism checker website bc even though we both knew that wasnt what the situation was it was the easiest available source for this#anyway it said my worst copy of the ones he got was a 79% word for word match. out of like half a dozen. that was how high my accuracy was.#from memory. 5k. insane. anyway the next year his ongoing extra credit project for all his classes involved having to correctly write#increasingly long passages from memory perfectly and these were done on times tests and went from 'very long word' to 'four minute#monologue from an 80s movie' and everyone knew it was my fault for being insane in a way he found interesting and wanted to see if he could#replicate in controlled conditions or whatever lol
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teethands · 4 years
CRACKS KNUCKLES these are all imported from google docs bc thats where ive been keeping all my thoughts :] im not sure if theres any repeat HCs in here and im sorry if someones got to me before i have but these all came from my own brain !!! these are all very miscellaneous HCs but they generally revolve around vivosaurs and revival. some of them are rather macabre so a solid CW warning here for mentions of dinosaur body horror and death. ALSO SPOILERS FOR FOSSIL FIGHTERS 1 AND 2 BUT MOSTLY 2 LETS GO
modern boneysaurs/zombiesaurs
i think it is entirely possible to replicate a boney/zombiesaur outside of whatever sorcery zongazonga used to resurrect them in the first place. i think its relatively well known undead vivosaurs are a direct result of ZZ and his ancient tournament, and although zombiesaurs are usually claimed to be used in such tournaments most often, i think boneysaurs are just a variant of that but where less used due to weakness and general incompatibility. theyre all undead vivosaurs. thats it. on to the meat of this headcanon, boney/zombiesaur resurrection: i think zombiesaurs could be the result of attempting to revive a deceased vivosaur, while boneysaurs might be caused by man or machine malfunction while reviving a fossil. i think this might be an interchangeable effect: zombiesaurs might emerge from resurrections, and boneysaurs might emerge from revivals, although altogether i think this entire phenomenon is extremely rare. fossil revival goes entirely against the laws of nature and thus, nature must step in at some points to attempt to stop the process, although common fossil park high-tech machinery probably stops most instances like this from happening. boneysaurs emerging from failed revivals are almost always the cause of very poor cleaning, (maybe attempting to revive a heavily damaged, failed fossil head?) or outdated/unkempt fossil revival machinery. boney/zombiesaurs were so common in ZZ’s time because of such poor methods of revival. at some point during a “doomed” fossil revival, the skin and flesh of the vivosaur its supposed to resemble never quite “renders” in. the skin is registered and stitched together, but only holds the bones in place with an unknown black substance, leaving it void black in the same way a texture in a video game may just fail to load. presumably boneysaurs are almost always immediately dead in the revival chamber after the process is over due to lack of functioning organs, skin, etc, without some kind of support or magic. or maybe they are magic- every bad unnatural part of a revival machine fused into one being, and thats what allows them to live on. on the other hand, this could mean any type of boneysaur could emerge from any dinosaur- pterosaurs, therizinosaurs, raptors, maybe- maybe- just a thought, maybe even super revival vivosaurs could have this effect happen too. so, so rarely though. so rarely, its probably never even happened before in recorded vivosaur revival history. 
as for zombiesaurs- this phenomenon could happen when a recently deceased vivosaur is attempted revival. recently deceased, as in, undecayed flesh-still-in-tact. i imagine this happens much more often than boneysaurs- although, i dont think many people are trying to revive dead vivosaurs.
zombiesaurs, fresh from the revival chamber, are almost always damned and in pain, and serve as a reminder to fighters that the laws of nature can only be twisted so far, and they are best be put down. presumably no fossil cleaning facilities will allow a fighter to attempt to revive a dead vivosaur due to the danger and the frightening, disturbing nature of zombiesaurs. fossil damage + neon goo every fighter has encountered the bright purple (green in the OG FF) substance that appears during cleaning when a fossil is too damaged in one area. this material wouldnt be produced from the fossil itself, but rather generated by the fossil cleaning machinery when it detects damage within the bone, kinda like a 3D printer. this is why fossil cleaning is so meticulous, and why it has to be done in such specific conditions with heavy surveillance and a tight time limit. this prevents the vivosaur from having broken bones when it is revived- it is a bright, obvious substance, and it feels much like a warm, firm jelly with a hard, synthetic core that sews bones together. maybe its different in other regions, explaining the color difference amongst games. it is almost completely unnoticeable when the vivosaur is revived, nearly perfectly mimicking bone and flesh to prevent issues later on in the vivosaurs life. as good of a bone mimic as it might be, i think a very heavily damaged bone would still be a weak point during battle or an area of pain or irritation for the vivosaur. that is why it is best to clean your fossils as well as you can. maybe this goo is designed to be replaced with real bone by the vivosaurs body later in life, but i have yet to think about that too much. perhaps its soft enough to be destroyed and replaced by the body’s natural healing functions, but hard enough to act as bone? And perhaps thats why its best to let your vivosaur rank up (rest+heal) before taking them to battle. UNRELATED HEADCANON- GUHNASH COULD HAVE HAD A COOLER DESIGN. I DONT LIKE HIM HE LOOKS LIKE A TADPOLE. i have a vision in mind for a cooler guhnash redesign- i like the snake-ish look, but maybe he could be like. an infinitely long being. nobody knows where he starts or ends. a head at the front of an infinitely massive body that consumes everything, and nobody knows where the eaten planets goes. kinda like a jörmungandr-like being. idk i just think a “planet eater” with living brains should be more eldritch and god-like and mysterious. ANYWAYS vivosaur ecosystems? there is literally no way a vivo ecosystem wouldnt form. NO WAY. so many dinosaurs and seeing how OFTEN they are abandoned- refer to the opening scene of fossil fighters champions- it would not be any surprise feral vivosaurs wouldnt breed and form small ecosystems among themselves and around fossil parks. its not an uncommon sight to see pterosaurs flying overhead or sauropods munching on trees, although id bet theropods and more dangerous vivosaurs would have teams of park rangers to keep them under control. refer once again to FFC opening scene. this would explain the seemingly infinite amount of fossils in the dig sites, how you can find vivosaurs in only specific areas- although thats leading into a rather dark topic and i would rather not talk about it right now LOL i will leave that open to interpretation. jurassic park knock off SOME OTHER LITTLE MISC HCS TOO SHORT TO WRITE ENTIRE TOPICS ABOUT: because ZZ is a mix of boneysaur and zombiesaur and hes also an ancient sorcerer he smells fucking rank. so fucking bad. hes got maggots and shit hes only held together by magic but somehow he kicks ass. but hes fucking stinky so at what cost boneysaurs have no concept of feelings and arent really desirable as vivos and zombiesaurs only know rage and pain, also making them undesirable, for very very good reasons. they are taboo to talk about among fighters but most of the time they are only myths because of how rare they are feral vivosaurs dont have medals, only revived vivos do. that means they are standalone animals and they are also generally undesirable for fighters but they can still be tamed, if one wishes. theres way, WAY more fossil parks and dig sites than shown in the games. fossil battling is as well known and used as much as people love music and video games in the fossil fighters universe. vivosaurs are an essential part of society, although there is often controversy on the ethics of fossil battles and revival. pokemon knock off alright thats all i feel like typing for now thanks for reading this far lads. i love dinossuars. i wanna write some things on dinaurians but maybe later after ive introduced saar here :)
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lazy-stitch · 6 years
I hear and I obey - here’s the background info for this pic. :D  Just be warned: I’m a Trekkie just barely getting into Star Wars lol.  I did my research, but it’s a little hard because Disney retconned everything but the movies.  I have no idea what counts as “in the movies” because I haven’t seen them all (also, stuff like the midi-chlorians could be an unspoken thing in the movies - no idea if they are or not, but it’s a possibility).  Originally I wasn’t gonna do any prompts bc school, but then I saw someone submitted Star Wars as a prompt lol. I’d been half thinking about doing a Star Wars AU after I watched Rogue One, so this was good motivation for me to do something.  The bg info is under the cut bc it’s pretty long.
Another heads up: I mention everyone, but the only ones I really thought about were Vision, Wanda, and those directly related to them (Tony, Ultron, and Pietro).  I also use “First Order” to refer to the bad guys, but if I were writing a fic, I probably would come up with a different name (Empire to First Order, First Order to whatever).
Wanda and Pietro are from a planet rife with political turmoil and… just bad conditions overall (I’d name one if I could lol).  They’re both sensitive to the Force, Wanda more so than Pietro.
Their parents died because of the Rebellion - specifically Tony’s long-range weapons.  There was a First Order outpost near their home, and their parents got caught up in the crossfire.
Wanda and Pietro grew up on the streets after that, resenting Tony.
Pietro is a hella good pilot.  He knows how to hotwire/upgrade ships and make them go faster.  He’s teaching Wanda, but she’s a bit of a clumsy flyer.
Pietro meets Strucker, a general for the First Order, first and convinces Wanda that they should join the Order to be able to get back at Tony.
Strucker isn’t sensitive to the Force, but he knows how to use a lightsaber (and does, to an extent - but not very often because it has the potential to blow his cover).  He keeps up a lie that he’s a Sith, which is what ultimately drew Pietro and Wanda in since he promised he could train them.
Strucker trains the twins (poorly, but they don’t know that) to use the Force and gives them lightsabers (basic hand-me-down ones, bc the twins are a gamble Strucker keeping hidden from his higher-up Ultron - his plan is to replace Ultron with one of the twins, most likely Wanda since she’s more Force-sensitive.  Pietro is physically stronger but she wields her lightsaber better and is better at using the Force).
At least five years before the twins meet Strucker, Tony is builds an android.  He’s the best there is at making them.  There aren’t many Jedi Knights anymore, so he had the grand idea of making droids that could be Jedis to help the Rebellion.
His first Force-sensitive droid is Ultron.  Tony uses his own biological material (blood, maybe other things) when creating Ultron so Ultron has midi-chlorians and can connect with the Force.
Ultron is a failure as soon as Tony boots him up.  Ultron defects almost immediately and joins the First Order.
Ultron, meanwhile, quickly rises in ranks but not as quickly as a Force-user would expect to.  He trains himself because his connection to the Force is weak and because the (unnamed) Sith Lord doesn’t think he’ll do well.  Loki keeps an eye out but doesn’t help Ultron.  
Ultron believes his connection is weak because he has too much metal/droid parts, so he kidnaps Helen Cho to force her to help him run experiments on people and cadavers.  Ultimately, though, he blames Tony, for his weak connection - because if it’s Tony’s biological material or if it’s the body Tony made for Ultron, it’s still Tony’s fault.  This spurns his hatred.
Eventually, a year after the twins join the First Order, Ultron and Cho have perfected the balance needed between droid and human.  Ultron plans on uploading his programs into the body.
The body was a cadaver of a Jedi Knight.  The skin got dyed red, as per Ultron’s wishes, and there’s metal all over the outside and inside for support and to connect the cpu to the extremities to move properly etc.  There is no longer any hair on the body because of the treatments it underwent.  There’s a piece of a kyber crystal in the forehead; the crystal is a chip from a bigger crystal that powered a superweapon (which, depending on kyber crystals work, might be retconned and just left as a kyber crystal was placed in his forehead).
Nick Fury is responsible for the Avengers.  He made the small, elite team to do missions quickly and to do them well.  He knows they don’t get along (or, rather, Tony and Steve don’t really get along well, and when they fight, it pulls the others in), but they’re good when they’re connecting.
Tony: Ultron’s failure ended Tony’s attempts at making Force-sensitive droids, but he continued making battle-ready droids that serve as protectors with his AI, J.A.R.V.I.S. (I actually have no idea if AIs are in Star Wars, but it’s conceivable given all the tech they have).  He has a very weak connection to the Force.  He’s a good pilot and trooper, but he makes erratic movements that make it hard for people to work with him.
Steve: He’s a Rebel trooper.  He’s a decent pilot, but he’s no one’s first choice if there are other pilots available.  His cryotube was stolen from the First Order about two years before Tony started working on Ultron.  Steve was a failed human experiment from a previous war - failed as in they couldn’t control his mind, but he did get super-strength.  His friend, Bucky, was the only success.  Once Steve got wind of the First Order reawakening old human experiments (which they did because of Ultron and the possibilities he created just be being alive), he got hope; ever since word about a First Order mercenary called the Winter Soldier started getting to the Rebel forces, he’s been low-key searching for the Winter Soldier to see if it’s Bucky.
Natasha: She had been a merc-for-hire, willing to do the dirty work for any side so long as they paid the right price, but Clint scooped her up into the Rebel forces.  She’s a hella good pilot and trooper - the only one that can best her in a shoot-off is Clint.
Clint: He’s another really good all-rounder like Natasha.  She’s a faster pilot, but he’s far steadier at the helm.  He can shoot any weapon, and unless it’s the first few times he’s using that type, he’ll hit the bullseye every time.  Some think he’s Force-sensitive to explain how he’s such a good marksman, but he denies any sort of connection.  Clint’s hearing was damaged as a teenager from an explosion he was near.
Bruce: He’s a scientist and rarely goes into the field, unlike Tony.  He only joined the Rebel forces after his experiment on himself failed.  He’d tried replicating the First Order’s human experiments, like the ones done on Steve, based off of the rumors and little excerpts he could find.
Thor: He’s a Jedi Knight, the most powerful/only one the Rebellion has.  His brother Loki was also trained as a Jedi, but Loki defected to the Dark Side.  Thor is good as a mechanic (to fix things, not create them).
Rhodey: He’s an exemplary pilot and a decent shot.  He’s usually paired with Tony because they’re childhood friends; he can read Tony and Tony’s various moods better than most people.  He’s the one that dragged Tony into the Rebellion because of his strong sense of justice.
Sam: He’s an up-and-coming pilot and Steve’s understudy to eventually lead the Avengers.  He joined the Rebellion when his friend, Riley, got killed by the First Order.  He’s good with weapons but his melee fighting needs work.
When the storylines meet up
Approximately a year after the twins join the First Order, Ultron gets wind of them.  He decides he’ll train them and kills Strucker for disobedience and the attempted mutiny.  The twins are put off by this (Strucker had kept them isolated so they didn’t really know what the First Order was ever doing), and when Ultron tells them of his experiments, they start thinking they’ve made a mistake.
The Avengers have gotten the word about Ultron’s experiments, since they’d been tracking him since he defected, and they know they have an opening to attack Ultron’s Star Destroyer ship when he completed his new body.
When the twins see Ultron’s new body, they know they need to leave the First Order and to take the body with them/away from Ultron.  Their plan to escape and steal the body before Ultron can upload his programs into it coincidentally coincides with when the Avengers attack.
Basically the bare bones of AoU’s plot but in space lol: The Avengers get the body, the twins, and Cho out of the Star Destroyer, but Pietro dies going back to get Natasha and Clint (since he was the best pilot in good enough condition).  Tony wakes the body with Thor and Bruce’s help, putting his J.A.R.V.I.S. AI into it.  Ultron was far more successful in designing an android (Cho says he’s more along the lines of a synthetic human instead of an android, and Vision prefers that term as well) that could use the Force.  
Thor teaches Vision how to meditate, and he’s left in isolation until the kyber crystal in his forehead changes color from red (or if kyber crystals can’t change colors one they have one (and this is based off of the knowledge that Jedis make their light sabers and mediate with the crystal to get it to represent them - so if they can’t change from red to a different color, then the original blue hue of an unused kyber crystal goes here)) to yellow (meaning he has a balanced effort between scholarly and physical pursuits).  Wanda is also left in isolation with a kyber crystal to test where her loyalties lie.  Hers changes to purple (which means she’s in a gray area, will use both Dark and Light techniques).  It also means she has to work for others to trust her more, but Clint accepted her right off the bat, as did Vision and Thor.
Both Vision and Wanda join The Avengers, being trained by literally everyone in their various fields of expertise (ex. Clint teaching them to shoot, Thor teaching them in the Force, Nat teaching them stealth, etc).
For the lightsaber designs, I gave Vision a saberstaff (one that can be split into two normal lightsabers) because it’s difficult to master.  I felt like it fit him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I gave Wanda a lightsaber with a curved hilt because the angle the blade comes out at often confuses opponents and gives better precision to the wielder.  As for their clothes designs, I tried to keep Vision a little more respectful to the Jedi robes while retaining his MCU color scheme.  Wanda I kept a little more free because she’s in the gray area... and her color scheme is not applicable, at all, to the Jedi robes (more applicable to the Siths) lmao.  Since red is an integral part of her character, I couldn’t change it.  I left in little things tho (the hood on her overcoat, making her shirt long and her pants a shade of brown).
But yeah, that is all the background info I collected and built upon for this au... Probably at least 90% was already around when I saw the Valentine’s Day prompt lol.  So, anon who posted it, if you’re reading this, thank you for the kick in the butt I needed.  Hope you’ve at least somewhat enjoyed this lol.
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Regarding that ask of saferoth babies being human looking and your answer to that, please do go into detail how Jenova is inherited, I very much enjoy reading your headcanonings! :D
Oh boy, OH BOY
You’re poking a hornet’s nest. Where to even start, lol.
Generally reproduction works for Jenova the same way it does for anything that lives: recombination of genes and giving part of them to the next generation. The peculiarity we have with her though is that her genetic code is not a preset condition, on the very contrary she takes up the genetic traits of other creatures and by that way shape shifts partially or even fully into their form.
Basically there is a set of core genes responsible for what Jenova is as a creature and a lot of versatile genes responsible for phenotype.
Well, there is where headcanons split and it’s p much what you want to go with. The thing is, if you’ve ever heard about the Jenova Omega theory, some people believe Jenova is not a species, but a goddess. And that of course changes everything. Does everybody of Jenovian heritage shape shift or is it an ability only a god would have? We simply don’t know.
We only know Sephiroth does it taking Tifa’s appearance at the Northern Crater, by that time he has already overpowered Jenova though and is controlling her rather than she controlling him. He might already be a god himself, albeit not a fully developed one (as he still has to ascend to Safer Sephiroth).
So long story short, I don’t think CC Sephiroth could shape shift if he wanted to. Let’s assume he is a mix of human and the regular Jenovian whatever that was at the time cells were taken from Jenova. At that time meaning: the humanoid form in Hojo’s tank isn’t her true body. We’ve seen that and it’s huge and has tentacles and tries to squeeze the life out of you on multiple occasions. However at that time in the tank she had a particular, chosen genetic makeup and that’s what Sephiroth inherited. It’s the reason he has wings rather than tentacles (phew, close one Sephiroth).
You can take from this: Sephiroth looks the way he looks by chance. Because he inherited the looks of his mother she had at the time cell samples were taken from her. 
If CC Sephiroth was to have children with whatever woman he would pass on these traits. Regular splitting and recombining of genes. They wouldn’t have tentacles either.
Another problem with this is though: we don’t know what Sephiroth’s status actually is. Most people seem to think he is a hybrid - a true offspring of mixed genetics - the way Hojo describes his making, him being injected with Jenova in the womb, it sounds more like Sephiroth was a chimera. The difference is, the hybrid is actually mixed. Every cell is mixed genetics it means the very first cell had to be genetically altered so that all cells it split into would have those genetics. This can not be done by injected anything into a womb, it has to be in vitro fertilization. 
The chimera on the other hand has cells of both different species scattered in their body but they each have their own genetic code, they do not mix. This can be done by injecting cells into a very young fetus.
The hybrid is infertile because he’s now different from the rest of his species, genes cannot recombine anymore because they do not match. The chimera though is fertile as long as the foreign cells don’t migrate to the germ line and it will pass on only the traits of one parent the cells of which make up his gametes.
So really, the problems with talking about Sephiroth and Jenova and reproduction start this fucking early because we know NOTHING.
Whatever you go with changes A LOT.
Personally I really take whatever fits the story here. My most used one though is that Sephiroth is a hybrid because Jenova cells are different than mammalian cells, they do horizontal gene transfer so: passing on genes to fully developed other cells to alter them. Many bacteria do that, it’s a very much used ability to knock-in their own genes into foreign cells. It’s the way viral cells like herpes reproduce: they inject their genetic material into the host cell, hijack its dna replication mechanism and force it to produce more viral gene code until the cell dies. Sometimes it simply ‘sleeps’ there  - A LOT of viral dna actually lies dormant in humans and has become part of our genetic code.
For Jenova which would be highly viral going by that logic it would mean it’s p much dangerous af to come in contact with any of her bc you will get worse shit than cancer, suddenly you’re genetically altered. Happened to Lucrecia. Whoops. 
Horizontal gene transfer made Sephiroth a hybrid creature by ways of a method that shouldn’t have created a hybrid.
Sephiroth either is infertile or sex with him is dangerous af bc it makes you Jenovian to a degree, you really can choose for your headcanons.
Tl; dr Sephiroth is a barely researched mystery and I’m not surprised there’s a whole branch of science dedicated to S-cell research as said in CC. Sephiroth probably doesn’t have sex because the worst that can happen is that he kills someone. Sephiroth’s wounds prolly can not be treated without wearing gloves bc of the danger of infection. His blood is a hazard, if he coughed into a tissue as a kid a bunch of people prolly fucking ran. It’s the only explanation that really makes sense and allows for something like Hojo’s experiments to test the Reunion theory to work. Cloud was already a fully developed human being when he was injected with S-cells. The Cetra say Jenova gave them the ‘virus’ and they became extinct. 
P much Sephiroth must feel like he has fucking HIV and I can see why he’s not happy with his body at all. Fuck a man up like that and he will hate you for doing it.
This is depressing.
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