#rep. Robbie Jackson
An inkling of the Republican Party’s shocking underperformance in the midterms could be seen in a literal, not figurative, crusade. Allen West, former congressman and Texas Republican Party chairman, decided in September that the time was ripe to join the Knights Templar, the infamous sect of medieval soldier-monks. Photographed standing in a white robe emblazoned with a red cross draped jauntily over his tuxedo, West—a close ally of Donald Trump—tweeted that he had taken “an oath to protect the Christians in the Holy Land.”
The real Knights Templar, of course, were dissolved in 1312. The organization West joined is an American-based “chivalric order” that grants its members “knighthood” and, aside from its name, shares nothing with the actual Knights Templar.
West’s bizarre fascination with the imagery of medieval Europe does not exist in a vacuum: The right is getting weirder. That might begin to cost Republicans elections in years to come and undermine their own appeals to American patriotism in a way policy extremism alone could not. American voters see the political parties as equally extreme in policy, ignoring evidence that Republicans have moved right much faster than Democrats have moved left. However, a party fixated on genital sunning, seed oils, Catholic integralism, European aristocracy, and occultism can alienate voters not because of its positions but because of how it presents them—and itself. Among the right’s intellectual avant garde and media elites, there is a growing adoption of habits, aesthetics, and views that are not only out of step with America’s but are deliberately cultivated in opposition to a national majority that the new right holds in contempt.
This is a different—though parallel—phenomenon from the often raucous, conspiratorial personality cult that surrounds Donald Trump and his devoted base. This new turn has predominantly manifested among the upper-class and college-educated right wing. Indeed, as Democratic strategist David Shor noted, as those with college degrees become more left leaning, the remaining conservatives have gotten “really very weird.” In this well-off cohort, there exists a mirror of the excesses often attributed to the college-educated left, fairly or unfairly: an aversion to mainstream values and an extreme militancy.
The ascendant weird right will likely struggle to sell its deeply anti-patriotic vision to many voters. In these segments of the mostly young, online-influenced American right, the optimistic vision espoused by Ronald Reagan’s “morning in America” has been discarded. The elite educated right has moved even beyond the overt pessimism of Donald Trump’s “American carnage”—now disgust with equitable citizenship, personal liberty, and democratic self-governance is commonplace. Fed by an endless outrage cycle and a motivated and well-resourced donor class willing to pour money into increasingly reactionary think tanks like the avowedly anti-democratic Claremont Institute, right-wing thinkers and activists have begun to identify the foundational pillars of the United States itself with immorality and adopted a new fascination with medieval Catholicism and imported European extremisms. Today, the right has shed its American and conservative roots and seeks a radical shift—a national “refounding.” Indeed, leading right-wing intellectuals like John Daniel Davidson have said that “the conservative project has failed” and that people like them constitute the educated vanguard of a “revolutionary moment.”
As we can now see—with even greater clarity—in the wake of the election, American voters respond poorly to a toxic brew of pessimism; the promise of radical cultural transformation; and the imposition of foreign ideas, values, and aesthetics. Nine in 10 Americans believe that being “truly American” involves respecting “American political institutions and laws,” the Public Religion Research Institute found last year. Americans consistently affirm that liberty, equality, and progress—the core values of republicanism and the Enlightenment—are ones they try to live by. While the content and meaning of those values have always been contested terrain, opposing them is a nonstarter.
The weird elite right risks losing these “normie” (as it calls them) Americans as it embraces what is fundamentally a niche subculture. The toxic far-right ideas that percolate in online youth communities and among cloistered college-educated young Republicans have not remained there—increasingly they have spilled out to influence policy and may have been deciding factors in close races this year.
John Gibbs, a Republican nominee for a Michigan swing seat, founded a think tank that argued for overturning the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. The country, he said, had “suffered” from women’s suffrage. He narrowly lost his bid. Blake Masters and J.D. Vance—two Republican candidates for Senate funded in part by tech billionaire and new-right linchpin Peter Thiel—have embraced new-right ideas and actively courted the “weird right.” Vance has questioned whether women should leave violent marriages; Masters has praised domestic terrorist Theodore Kaczynski’s infamous manifesto, argued against legal access to contraception, and openly said that democracy is a smokescreen for the masses “stealing certain kinds of goods and redistributing them as they see fit.” (Americans on balance like democracy; legal contraception is almost universally popular; and Kaczynski’s unpopularity is so widely assumed that pollsters rarely ask about him.) Masters, perhaps unsurprisingly, lost his bid to unseat Mark Kelly, and Vance badly underperformed in his blood-red home state.
The most outwardly visible element of the extremely online weird right is its often nonsensical lifestyle and consumption habits. The subculture has not only embraced vaccine hesitancy—once primarily a creature of the left—but also fringe health and dietary practices that recall the wildest excesses of 1960s new age spiritualism. The claims are varied and, to differing degrees, absurd: Real men don’t eat soybeans; seed oils are dangerous; meat substitutes will turn men into women and also are made from bugs (they aren’t); the best diet is all-meat. This is no mere online phenomenon: Representative Robbie Jackson of Texas has stated that if one eats artificially cultured meat, “you’ll turn into a SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT.”
These trends are partly the result of declining social trust among conservatives. Loss of trust, in this case, manifests as hardening the body as a site of personal control. Health, arguably, is not the point—rather, expressing gender identity is. This is certainly true of “testicular tanning,” the belief that exposing the testicles to direct sunlight boosts testosterone (and therefore “manliness”), an idea that blends pseudoscience, tantric spiritualism, and self-help. Even this has not remained confined to the internet: Tucker Carlson has discussed it seriously.
Perhaps the most pernicious element of right-wing weirdness occurs at the intersection of standard traditionalist opposition to equal gender roles and an online youth subculture that has sought to make women’s disempowerment trendy. The idea of the “trad wife”—women who embrace subservient roles as homemakers and mothers, eschewing political leadership and careers—stands, like many of the weird right’s shibboleths, at the crossroads of internet meme, sociological critique, and political program. Trad wives are a pastiche of the idyll of the 1950s housewife and the imagined premodern agrarian mother, realities that only fully existed in advertisements and storybooks. They usually espouse complete submissiveness to husbands and a totalizing dedication to raising children.
By removing women from the labor market and circumscribing women’s social roles, the movement offers the illusion of sanctuary from modern woes and economic demands. It goes beyond simply reacting to perceived leftist excesses and embraces a sociopolitical program that would, if enacted, essentially remove the ability of American women to determine the course of their own lives—making them, once again, primarily subservient to and dependent upon male breadwinners. Millions of Americans are stay-at-home parents; most would likely be ill suited to the trad wife’s world. The aesthetics of trad wives are intertwined with darker impulses on the activist right toward a state that legally mandates specific gender roles—a form of recontainment that traps women in marriages and bars them from basic autonomy and self-sufficiency.
Women’s and reproductive rights are areas where meme-infused weirdness and actual policy align to set the right against most American voters. When right-wing writers like National Review’s Nate Hochman argue that no-fault divorce was “a tragic mistake” (a view shared by numerous other far-right figures), he is not only embracing a position outside the bounds of conventional American life but one that is deeply politically unpopular, opposed by at least four-fifths of Americans. The activist right’s legal alternative is “covenant marriage,” which allows divorce only under extreme circumstances like felony conviction or child abuse. Covenant marriage has recently made its way into the Texas Republican Party’s official platform as a replacement for existing marriage law.
Trad wife aesthetics are partly a result of right-wing influencers’ embrace of traditionalist religious attitudes. The embrace of traditionalist Catholicism and the rise of integralists like Harvard Law School professor Adrian Vermeule—who espouses a quasi-theocracy that even the conservative stalwart George Will has said is “un-American”—are critical pieces of the aesthetic and moral revanchism now in vogue on the right.
The growing fascination with Catholicism—particularly sedevacantism, which denies the current pope’s legitimacy—is, according to one critic, indicative of the educated and activist right’s “admiration for the [European] aristocratic past” and a longing for a new elite to which it feels it belongs. This segment of the right has, both programmatically and aesthetically, lost interest in conserving that which is American and moved on to mine its influences from stranger sources. Constitutionalism, Enlightenment rationality, religious freedom, and republicanism are out. European aristocracy, crusading holy orders, and mysticism are in. Mr. West may still make the usual overtures to Americana in press releases, but the Knights Templar (so far as I know) never made it to Texas.
That idealization of the European right has led not just to the fetishization of historical monarchism—cheerled by figures like the reactionary thinker Curtis Yarvin—but to more immediate fascination with contemporary autocrats, especially Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary and President Vladimir Putin of Russia.
One such admirer is Nick Fuentes, a prominent activist among college Republicans and also a white supremacist and antisemite who has become cozy with some congressional Republicans. Fuentes has praised Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. “We continue to support czar Putin in the war effort,” Fuentes said, saying Putin would “liberate Ukraine from the Great Satan and from the evil empire in the world, which is the United States.” In this narrative, Putin’s invasion is a component of a broader war against American influence and democratic values—a goal shared by Orbán’s government, which has promoted “illiberal democracy,” decried “race-mixing,” crushed freedom of speech, and curtailed LGBTQ rights. Naturally, the Conservative Political Action Conference was held in Hungary earlier this year.
Among Americans more generally, the right-wing embrace of Putin is dismally unpopular: Just 6% U.S. adults have a positive opinion of the Russian president, the Pew Research Center found this year. Meanwhile, the “MAGACommunism” movement has combined American nationalism with praise for another authoritarian leader despised by most Americans, China’s Xi Jinping.
Alienating mainstream voters by embracing fringe values and off-putting aesthetics is not a new folly—on the left or the right. In the early twentieth century, French voters regularly elected left-leaning governments despite numerous crises that beset the nation. One socialist essayist, Charles Péguy, argued that the right was actually “far less conservative” than the left—while the right pushed radical transformation, reorganizing France around the Catholic Church and reestablishing a powerful monarchy, the left—in Péguy’s view—sought to preserve hard-fought but deeply held French values like the separation of church and state, equitable citizenship, and republican liberty.
In the U.S., the “cultural left” of the late twentieth century managed to alienate many voters through its pessimistic belief that America could not be reformed by material policy, only transformed through a shift in social consciousness. As the philosopher Richard Rorty wrote in Achieving Our Country, while a reformist left gained popularity with a multiracial, multiclass electoral coalition in the early twentieth century by painting an optimistic image of what America could be, the later—educated and mostly well-off—“cultural left” chose as its enemy “a mind-set rather than a set of economic arrangements,” removing itself from what voters actually cared about and instead defining itself by its cultural consumption and outlandish aesthetic preferences. The cultural left saw material political conditions as a downstream afterthought from culture and so tacitly abandoned both politics and culture—and got weird. The decades of backlash, from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, were inevitable.
While many Republicans are embracing the fringe cultural positions emerging from this radical and elite milieu, pushing the view that America is a degenerate society that cannot be saved, elements of the left may have learned their lesson. Eschewing what the writer Sam Adler-Bell has called “insular language that alienates those who haven’t stewed in the same activist cultural milieu,” some Democratic Socialists of America chapters have become more involved in recent unionization drives, fights for workers’ rights, and campaigns against monopolistic corporate power. It’s a focus not on posting but on materially supporting the working class—and embracing core American values to do it.
The right is learning the opposite lesson. Far-right YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson suggested in 2020 that the right is “the new punk rock.” But that may not be to the right wing’s electoral advantage. Subcultures, by their very nature, exclude or look down on the bulk of the public and tend not to win electoral power, a lesson the left learned the hard way. Far-right billionaires can pump money into New York film festivals and sceney parties, but in doing so, they are unlearning the language of American majoritarian values. Even as the left—in fits and starts—relearns normalcy, the right is abandoning it.
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🔎 YA Under the Radar 7 🔍
I have been working on this list in the series all year 😂 it just took me that long to read a decent amount of underrated YA - but I got there in the end and I'm pretty happy with the recs on this list 🥰
there are rainbow flags next to LGBT+ rep, wheelchair symbols next to disability rep and koalas next to Australia YA simply because there's a lot of that on this particular list
so take a gander and maybe consider picking up a title or two (or ten) in 2024 to support lesser-known authors and books 😊
Take Me With You When You Go by David Levithan & Jennifer Niven 🏳️‍🌈
Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna R Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum 🏳️‍🌈♿️
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli 🏳️‍🌈
To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames 🏳️‍🌈
It Looks Like Us by Alison Ames 🏳️‍🌈
Scout’s Honor by Lily Anderson 🏳️‍🌈
Grace Notes by Karen Comer 🐨
The Sky Blues by Robbie Couch 🏳️‍🌈
Blood Moon by Lucy Cuthew
After Dark With Roxie Clark by Brooke Lauren Davis
Blind Spot by Robyn Dennison 🐨
Melt With You by Jennifer Dugan 🏳️‍🌈
The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst
Where You See Yourself by Claire Forrest ♿️
What We Harvest by Ann Fraistat
All Eyes On Us by Kit Frick 🏳️‍🌈
When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey 🏳️‍🌈
The Lightness of Hands by Jeff Garvin ♿️
Then Everything Happens at Once by M-E Girard 🏳️‍🌈♿️
The Buried by Melissa Grey 🏳️‍🌈
Because of You by Pip Harry 🐨
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl 🏳️‍🌈
Howl by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson
Jay’s Gay Agenda by Jason June 🏳️‍🌈
Out of the Blue by Jason June 🏳️‍🌈
Riley Weaver Needs a Date to the Gaybutante Ball by Jason June 🏳️‍🌈
Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko 🏳️‍🌈
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala 🏳️‍🌈
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee
It Will End Like This by Kyra Leigh
Extasia by Claire Legrand
Ryan and Avery by David Levithan 🏳️‍🌈
Starlings by Amanda Linsmeier 🏳️‍🌈
The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones
A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo 🏳️‍🌈
We Didn’t Think It Through by Gary Lonesborough 🐨
Sadie Starr’s Guide to Starting Over by Miranda Luby 🐨
None Shall Sleep series by Ellie Marney 🐨
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh ♿️
Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall
These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall 🏳️‍🌈
The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall 🏳️‍🌈
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore
Mask of Shadows duology by Linsey Miller 🏳️‍🌈
Sugar by Carly Nugent ♿️🐨
All Our Hidden Gifts trilogy by Caroline O’Donoghue 🏳️‍🌈
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton
Lucky Girl by Jamie Pacton
The Vermilion Emporium by Jamie Pacton
Accidental by Alex Richards
Some Kind of Animal by Mar Romasco-Moore
Luminous by Mara Rutherford
The Poison Season by Mara Rutherford
The Midnight Lie duology by Marie Rutkoski 🏳️‍🌈
Can’t Take That Away by Steven Salvatore 🏳️‍🌈
When You Call My Name by Tucker Shaw 🏳️‍🌈
If You Still Recognise Me by Cynthia So 🏳️‍🌈
Our Year of Maybe by Rachel Lynn Solomon ♿️
Breathe and Count Back From Ten by Natalia Sylvester ♿️
Cold by Mariko Tamaki 🏳️‍🌈
Outrun the Wind by Elizabeth Tammi 🏳️‍🌈
The Weight of a Soul by Elizabeth Tammi
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas ♿️
Violet Ghosts by Leah Thomas 🏳️‍🌈
The Comedienne’s Guide to Pride by Hayli Thomson 🏳️‍🌈🐨
The Siren, the Song and the Spy by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Sweet and Bitter Magic by Adrienne Tooley 🏳️‍🌈
Sofi and the Bone Song by Adrienne Tooley 🏳️‍🌈
Nothing Sung and Nothing Spoken by Nita Tyndall 🏳️‍🌈♿️
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White 🏳️‍🌈
This Is the Way the World Ends by Jen Wilde 🏳️‍🌈♿️🐨
Where You Left Us by Rhiannon Wilde 🏳️‍🌈🐨
Two Can Play That Game by Leanne Yong🐨
Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia
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whatistylerwatching · 4 years
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Hello all my fellow people out there in cyberspace. My name is Tyler and you’re watching what I’m watching. Today we review my most recently finished season or series. Which in this instance is Amazon Prime’s Upload. Since this is my first review let me lay the groundwork for my reviews. We have 4 criteria on a show to get a grade and see if it gets a recommendation.
1.) Story
2.) Characters
3.) Visual Design
4.) Overall Enjoyment
Each criteria is worth 25 possible points
25 - Perfect
20 - Great
15 - Good
10 - Okay
5 - Not Good
0 - Bad
So let’s dive deep into Lakeview
1.) The Story
“In 2033, humans are able to "upload" themselves into a virtual afterlife of their choosing. When computer programmer Nathan dies prematurely, he is uploaded to the very expensive Lake View, but soon finds himself under the thumb of his possessive, still-living girlfriend Ingrid. As Nathan adjusts to the pros and cons of digital heaven, he bonds with Nora, his living customer service rep, or "Angel". Nora struggles with the pressures of her job, her dying father who does not want to be uploaded, and her growing feelings for Nathan while slowly coming to believe that Nathan was murdered.” Quoting Wikipedia. So I think this premise is actually very interesting. Think about how much media focuses on how technology improves the life of the living and doesn’t focus on really a digital afterlife. However if I can be nit-picky, there are some story details that are dropped and picked up as the series progresses. I’m not gonna spoil anything until we get to overall enjoyment, but just know the story is, overall okay at worst. Score: 20
2.) The Characters
Our main protagonist is played by Robbie Amell who is better known as Fred Jones from the made for tv live action Scooby Doo movies, The DUFF and as the mail carrier in True Jackson VP, wait excuse me
*Hold on*
Well I’ll be damned it is him. Back on track I do think he did a decent job as Nathan, I just wish he got to do more in all honesty so that Nathan actually had more of a character
Our other protagonist is Nora Antony, played by Andy Allo, who you may know from Pitch Perfect 3 and Chicago Fire. Andy played this character amazingly and I thoroughly enjoyed the character of Nora and think she was the best character overall by far. Good on you Allo, I hope to see you in more shows and movies.
We also have Ingrid Kannerman, Nathan’s girlfriend played by Allegra Edwards, who did great I think playing Ingrid. She plays a prissy bitch who is deeper than she lets on and I know we’ll see more of her in the future but here she does great
Zainab Johnson as Aleesha is tied for my favorite character in the whole show. She’s that one person you always want in your corner and is such a bubbly personality and I love her.
Finally for the main cast we have Kevin Bigley as Luke. All I can really say is, meh. He’s the comic relief character who I think could have been handled so much better. No shade onto the actor, we’ll get to why in a moment.
However shout out to Elizabeth Bowen for being my other favorite character, Fran Booth, the detective cousin, shame she wasn’t around more.
Score: 15
#3.) Visual Design
Honestly I cannot praise the teams enough for the visual design. Everything from the scenery to the backdrops, lighting and it was handled very well. In the virtual world there is so much brightness and in the real world shots there’s a sense of grit and despair that contrast well to the show’s story. Score: 25
#4.) Overall Enjoyment
So did I enjoy Upload? Well, maybe. You see my problem with the series is one thing. Number one is the script. You see when you look up this show online, it calls it a Sci-Fi Comedy, problem is that it’s not a comedy. While comedy is a necessary ingredient to keep a story this heavy from dragging the audience down, it wasn’t handled the best. Luke was a generic character with some quirks but nothing that made me laugh. That’s the thing is that I was more entranced with the romance between Nathan’s Murder and Nathan and Nora’s relationship than anything else. However I feel like neither one gets fulfilled to any real extent in the end. For the first half the whole murder story is played as a joke until halfway through, same with the romance. Also what is with all the damn sex scenes. I know this show is rated TV-MA, but Jesus. And that’s all in the first half, so there’s this tonal whiplash between episode 4 and 5 that is weird to me. I don’t blame any of the actors for any of this, I feel with a more consistent script it could have been better. I mean the concept is stupendous, how do you make that the most different part. Although as a sci-fi romance show, it actually has some appealing traits. It shows the pros and cons of a world corrupted by greed, App Store physics and micro transactions brought to a real life setting. It really is a good cautionary tale on technology and greed and that I can get behind whole heartedly. I just don’t understand the failed attempts at humor, maybe it’s just a me thing I don’t know. Also that finale was unsatisfactory in more ways than I can describe through text. Score: 15
Overall Score: 75/100 - Good
Recommendation: Watch It If You Want
TV System Rank: TV-MA (17+)
Services: Amazon Prime Exclusive
Release Day: May 1 2020
So I do recommend Upload to those who want to watch it. While I don’t think it was a pinnacle of a series that most hold it to be, I can say that I don’t regret watching Upload. Lucky me this show’s getting a Season 2, and thank god because if it got cancelled after one season (a la AJ and the Queen style), then Oh boy there’d be a different tone to this whole thing. That ending was not satisfying, just putting that out there now.
If you have watched Upload, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Feel free to leave me some recommendations what to watch next and I’ll take them into account. Until next time, thank you for reading
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bjoe70560 · 4 years
Black Players For Change & Players Coalition Negotiate Official Partnership! I #AskASoccerPro Show Ep 078
Black Players For Change & Players Coalition Negotiate Official Partnership! I #AskASoccerPro Show Ep 078by Quincy Amarikwa
11-year MLS veteran Quincy Amarikwa welcomes you to episode 78 of the #AskASoccerPro Show where he talks Black Players for Change, the MLS is Back tournament, how to make US soccer more inclusive and more!
Check out what Quincy covers this week:
00:00 – 02:35: Welcome To The #AskASoccerPro Show Ep. 078!
02:38 – 07:04: Did You See The Black Players For Change Protest?! #MLSisBLACK
07:08 – 11:57: Do You Want To Watch #MLSisBack With Quincy?
11:58 – 13:09: How To Get Back In Shape For Soccer  @CJsmith_04
13:11 – 17:47: What To Do When You Don’t Have An ESPN Stream
17:51 – 19:12: Black Players For Change & Players Coalition Negotiate Official Partnership!
19:17 – 23:34: I Have Lower Back Pain, How Do I Get Rid Of It? @trevorwillis_
23:35 – 24:48: What To Consider When Trying Out For Your Team @_pogbajunior
24:49 – 26:37: Why The Pay To Play System Is A Massive Problem
27:00 – 30:22: How Is Montréal Looking To Quincy?
30:26 – 34:56: Can Pro/Rel Make US Soccer More Inclusive? @ben._.Jammin
35:00 – 37:04: What Is The Best Thing Quincy Learned In The MLS? @yojxrd
37:08 – 40:13: What Does Quincy Really Think Of Pro/Rel?
40:17 – 43:31: What Does Quincy Think of FC Dallas Being Removed From #MLSisBack?
43:34 – 46:09: Who Started the #MLSisBlack ?
46:11 – 50:55: What’s It Like Being Traded In MLS? John Hollinger
51:01 – 53:47: Would Quincy Go To The #MLSisBack Bubble Right Now To Play? @pgsports
53:55 – 55:31: Where Do Players Stay In New Cities? @soccer_dad_for
55:41 – 58:50: Why D.C. United Did Not Want Quincy Back
If you would like to listen to the episode:
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*Transcript is unedited and machine-generated. There will be errors. For further clarity please refer to the audio or video.
Quincy Amarikwa (00:00):
We're all here to ride the MSL wave. The Mental Strength League. I'd like to welcome you to another episode of the #AskASoccerPro Show! Joe Jackson. What's happening in Houston. Dynamo memes Mario B a L a R D I N. Welcome. Welcome Connor Johnson, England 2130. What's going on? UJoe, it's going good, man. Lots of progress. UAndy, what's going on brother and see you in a minute. Welcome into the live. Uas you guys know, let's see what we got here.
Quincy Amarikwa (00:42):
Quincy Amarikwa (00:43):
Photo up on this screen though. What you guys know? Sirena drunk, dropping in John, dropping in it's pot. Is it pause for anybody else? Yeah, there you go. I think I'm in your head. Emojis. Let me know if you can hear me. Okay. We're getting everything dialed in. I don't know what's going on with the service. Trevor just said he had, he just had tryouts here, set something up, some stuff behind me, the Luca what's going on. Let's see what we got here. If this is able to set up. Okay. And Melissa for those of you guys who've been falling in for a while, you know, you know, we're coming, we're coming correct with the MLS is black campaign. I don't know if any of the, the kickoff game for the MLS, our MLS is black campaign, main mega board. It's in the tournament.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:39):
And you guys saw the protest yesterday drop drop a comment. You know what I'm saying? Like, what were you guys' thoughts or you guys' thoughts on the protest that you saw yesterday? Did you see it? Are you aware of it? You know, what's been going on, you've been living under a rock. You've been joining in, not joining in what's going on. Let me know Matt drop nine in your head. Emojis, John dropping into I'm in your head emojis. And now that I think we are good to go on the audio side and we are set up, I'd like to welcome everybody to episode 70, there's a 77, maybe 77 or possibly 78 of the #AskASoccerPro Show with your host. That's me Quincy Amarikwa, 11 year MLS pro ucurrent currently in my free agency year. Uand here on the #AskASoccerPro Show.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:38):
Yo, Kevin, what up bro? Welcome. I got you up here in the, I got you up here in the screenshot on the top row before you guys did your protest yesterday, you'll love seeing, I love seeing the MSL repping heavy, a whole DC United squad. You guys could see, you guys could see them up in the, up in the top, top corner there. But as I was saying, yeah welcome to the hashtag Assa soccer pro show. I'm your host, Quincy America, as you guys know 11 year MLS pro, but on this show, we talk about the M S L or better known as the mental strength league. It's a game of 40 chess. It's a mentality game where you're either an active participant or you are steady getting played in every Thursday, 6:00 PM. PST 9:00 PM EST. The Perfect Soccer community joins me here, live for the #AskASoccerPro Show to get your questions answered and come together and build an ever growing influential community to better ourselves with every passing week using the patented Amarikwa process, seven step process to building the MSL mentality mindset, which is the mindset you need to accomplish your goals, because we don't look at things as problems.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:00):
We look at them as temporary obstacles and as a group, we work together to overcome them because as John knows and the rest of the perfect soccer community knows teamwork equals dream work. And we use the three S's of self awareness to, to maintain our critical thinking skills to get to wherever it is we want to be in life and soccer. So I'd like to welcome everybody to another beautiful episode. I'm seeing you guys spamming that heart button and dropping in your I'm in your head emojis. I'm seeing Trevor said, Trevor Willison D C needs to sign you for real. Yo, you guys need to, you guys need to be hitting the pavement and letting these MLS clubs know if you'd like me to sign with them. I don't know if they know that I'm still free agent and I don't, you know, or maybe they do know, but they're scared to sign me. That'd be maybe why. And then I could ask, why would they be scared to sign me? Why are they so scared? Or maybe they're not scared. Maybe they're waiting. Maybe they're being patient because they're putting together an amazing contract deal. And you know, contracts take a big contracts, take time to come together. So maybe, maybe that's what it is. Maybe we're just needing to be patient,
Quincy Amarikwa (05:23):
Quincy Amarikwa (05:24):
You guys know we've been patient out here, MSL mindset putting in that work, staying ready. So we don't have to get ready. New York red bulls means joined in what up? Ronaldo goalkeeper seven joined in as well too. Are you guys doing, did you watch, like I said, did you guys see the protests? Were you able to catch it? If so, what were your thoughts? I'm looking up here. I saw someone had shared, let me see John had dropped MLS as black. I think someone else had said they watched it on Twitter.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:04):
Okay. Yeah. Robbie Robbie had said he just saw it on Twitter and it is fire. Yeah. A lot of the content that's coming out as a result of its serene has been going hammer time on the BPC, MLS Instagram and Twitter account. If you guys haven't been up to date as to what's going on, make sure you guys go follow those accounts and you can see the dope IG stories and Twitter, Twitter reviews that Sirena has been putting together. She's also getting the black players for change. Linkedin, Facebook, tick tock YouTube, all of that stuff. Just getting all that stuff together. So she's been doing a dope job with the social media accounts. So if you guys haven't checked it out, make sure you go and check that out, give them a follow and show Serena some love with all of that. Luca ask, are you watching the game right now? No, I'm not. If the game, the game is on is the game on right now?
Quincy Amarikwa (07:08):
If the game is on, what I was going to say is Sirena. If you're in the, I don't know if Sirena is in the house actually right now, if you could bring me my laptop, maybe I can log in and we could watch the game. We could watch the game together. Guys. That would be a fun episode. If we watch, does everybody have access to a Luca said new England verse. So who's, who's playing right now. Is anyone, does everyone have access to you to ESPN to watch the game? Okay. New England versus Montreal. If let me know if you guys would like to maybe watch the game together, we could do a little bit of live commentary and we can answer questions on the fly. We could have a kind of an impromptu fun episode and watch MLS is Back together. That'd be pretty cool. You guys let me know. What do you think it is? It is up to the group. While we're waiting on that, if any of you have any questions, make sure you drop them in the comment in the question box there and we can
Quincy Amarikwa (08:14):
Quincy Amarikwa (08:14):
We can get, we can get a couple of those answered while we see if we can set up a while. We can see if we can set up for, for the game watching the game together. Let's see what we got here. Yeah. John said, let's do that pug bud jr. Said yes. Get the game on. Okay. Trevor said, yes, sir. So let's see Serena, are you in the house? Cause I think my laptop, my laptop's in the car. Let me go. Let me look out the window. Okay. No Serena took the laptop, so let's see what we can do here. Everybody bear with me while I try to set something up here on the fly. So as I'm setting this up so we can try to set up and watch the game together. You guys dropped some questions or some thoughts and things that you saw from the tournament. I don't know if you guys saw Earl Earl was on at Earl Ray and I was trying to look for it Earl Ray. And let me switch that up. So see, Earl Ray and Justin were on ESPN, ESPN round table. After the, after the protest to talk about black players for change our organization, what the protest was about as well as answer some questions as to what they think.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:41):
The Lucas said, I don't know what channel it's on. It's on ESPN. So I'm going to see how I can set it up And get it going. So let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:56):
Ooh, you know what I'll do.
Quincy Amarikwa (10:04):
I was thinking if I could sit my computer on the ground. All right. Oh, there we go. Alright. We might be able to do this. Let me see. Oh gosh. Oh, super close to my computer. I don't know if that's good computers. That's like super big. Let me see. I'm going to read just, I was going to sit at my computer in front of me, but the computer's too big. So hold on. Yeah, Ben Jammin said ESPN, So let's see. That's probably see all my stuff behind me go. So we'll set up like that. Adjust here. I'm bringing the computer up in front of me 47th minute. Okay, cool. So it's not half time or we can actually get into the Oh five. You have not seen any questions coming in. It looks like everybody's been doing, they're doing their thing. So let's see here. It's already you Quincy. It's not on ESPN. Let's see. Associate Minnesota joined
Quincy Amarikwa (11:54):
In Ben Jammin dropped in what up, what up. Okay, so I have a question. So CJ Smith has a question while I'm trying to get the game set up here. So let's see what we got MLS is back tournament. And I'm gonna have to go to my old, my old sneaky ways of bringing up stuff. If I don't have the account on my computer CJ Smith underscore Oh four said I have a question. I'm trying to get back into soccer. And I'm wondering if you have any good workouts for getting back into shape and back into the grind of soccer. Yeah. So if you're trying to get back into the swing of things, head over to perfect soccer skills.com/login account, that's logging account. You'll see a link on the page to create your account. If you don't have one already and to create yourself a free perfect soccer team membership account.
Quincy Amarikwa (12:47):
And in there you'll get access to a full free week of B pro by perfect soccer. So Ryan mash or be pro general manager, shout out Ryan mash. Many of his many of his his players joining on the live regularly. He puts together those weekly programs. So their custom weekly soccer training programs. So if you're just getting back in the swing of things, I would start there. For that, let's see. I don't know if ESPN, I don't know if ESPN allows for it. So what I do, there's this website that I've found in the past, all the
Quincy Amarikwa (13:25):
Quincy Amarikwa (13:28):
So I found a website that I usually go to. So it's a T at T D H E dot U S. And then usually you can find the games on there.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:44):
I don't know if it's but it always see if we can get it. Let's get it
Quincy Amarikwa (14:08):
Stern. That links yet. Caitlin joined in increased football. Stopped by what? Up, what up? Yeah, you guys let me know you got here. Any questions I'm saying I'm seeing you guys are joining in. We're trying to set up the game so we could watch it. What else is going on? Ah giving you guys, I'm trying to the Luca I'm seeing if I can make sure that it's working before, I'd tell you guys to go to it. Cause there's usually always a bunch of popups and stuff on it. So I'm trying to see if it's working, right?
Quincy Amarikwa (14:40):
Yep. Okay.
Quincy Amarikwa (14:44):
Okay. So everybody, Ooh. How can I drop a link to everybody that they can click all at one time? Would it work if I do this way? So hold on. I found a stream. So I found a stream. So guys, what I was doing is I'm trying to find a stream so we could all, all watch. All right. So how it usually works. Hmm. What I could do, how do I get everybody to link cause this link and make the link clickable. So all right, everybody, if you're wanting to watch the stream right. Go to [inaudible] go to 80. So I'm going to type it in.
Quincy Amarikwa (15:35):
Yeah. So
Quincy Amarikwa (15:38):
I was trying to make it so as clickable, but
Quincy Amarikwa (15:41):
80 D H E dot a D T a, sorry, this thing is, auto-correct a T D H E T V that he knew.
Quincy Amarikwa (16:01):
Quincy Amarikwa (16:03):
That a T D H E T v.edu,
Quincy Amarikwa (16:08):
Let me make sure that's right.
Quincy Amarikwa (16:12):
And usually what you can do on that you can usually get. Yeah. So if you guys go there on your computer,
Quincy Amarikwa (16:21):
You'll see,
Quincy Amarikwa (16:52):
You'd be able to watch the stream so we can watch the game together while I answer questions. So for those of you who don't know, so actually this is what I'm going to do. Sirena. I am going to send you the link to the stream in Slack, and then I'd like for you to paste and copy and paste it in the, in the channel. So I can pin it T Gabrielle, what's going on. Mia. What's happening official. MLS means Daniel joined in to say, what up the Luca were you able to, were you able to see it, John, where you guys were able to get it, to get the stream? Who did I disappear? It disappeared.
Quincy Amarikwa (17:51):
Oh, there we go. It disappeared. I think what you guys see me putting it on the screen as well too, is black players for change is the official rebranding and name of the black players, coalition of MLS, where we started out just a month ago, we just recently negotiated or finalized finalized a deal to have an official partnership with the players coalition. So Anquan Boldin and Malcolm Jenkins started the players coalition over five years ago to help in the fighting of racial injustice. So, Oh, sorry. Racial justice yet, but social justice issues. They've got a great organization. They really enjoyed and loved what we, what we were about and what we came with. And these last several weeks we've been discussing with them an official partnership. So we just announced that I think two days ago, the day before the protest.
Quincy Amarikwa (18:44):
So there's been a lot of great things that I've been telling you guys about for several months now, cause you guys know 2020s about the vision and people will, people will learn or they'll choose not to, and we'll continue to learn and grow without them. So it doesn't really matter either way, right. Either, either they'll learn over or they'll lose, but we're out here learning Zuri, welcome. What's going on? How are you doing? Trevor said I have lower back pain and I can't seem to get rid of it. I've gone to physical therapy and it still didn't do anything, any advice on how to get rid of it? It depends on what type of lower back pain you're having. Are you having like lower disc pain or are you having lower muscular pain? So there's different items I used to have, well, not used to, I have low back pain. I've had issues with that for a while. You know, it's something that I've managed for ever since. Wow. Like ever since college, especially with running longer distances, but so I've got a bunch of tricks of the trade, but it depends on what type of what type of back pain you're having. Like what's the cause of your back pain? Do you have an idea or an understanding of what's causing your back pain and then from there I could probably be a little bit more helpful.
Quincy Amarikwa (20:03):
Quincy Amarikwa (20:06):
But yeah, if you guys haven't seen the news of the partnership with the player's coalition head over to perfect soccer skills.com. We, we we shared the news over there. I'm happy to talk about it. As soon as you said, the link is too long that's okay. So yeah, if you just put a D a T D H E T v.edu, you guys will be able to find a link to the stream. If you guys don't have ESPN naturally. So we're, we're watching the new England revolution, Montreal impact game fun fact. I played for Montreal in 2000. What year was that? 2018. End of 2018. I really enjoyed my actually yeah, shout out Montreal. I really enjoyed my time in Montreal. I even got my Montreal trainers on and that's a goal. Let's see.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:12):
So I don't know what the score is because it's the things are in the, let's see what we've got here. Nice touch chop. A great finish. I'm almost not sure if like the broadcast will end up giving me like a strike. That's a good finish. Finish. If I can try to make this larger. There we go.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:43):
So yeah.
Quincy Amarikwa (21:47):
Who's that
Quincy Amarikwa (21:49):
B O U. Okay. You got you guys on the field, the link. Yeah. I'd sent the link. I drop the link, but let me, let me pin it. I guess I forgot to pin it so sorry, you guys. And so they go a T D H E T v.edu. You guys will be able to get a link to the stream or we can watch. So it's Montreal zero new England, one in the 56th minute. We're watching our first stream of the game on the fly, which is cool. So we're all watching our first game together. And I'm answering questions while we're at it. So if you've got any questions, make sure you guys are dropping the questions there. And let's see. So I liked the black Zuri set. I liked black clears for change shirts. Can you get them in kid's sizes?
Quincy Amarikwa (22:55):
There should be. There should be kids sizes on the site. And if there isn't Sirena, could we get those added? So for those of you who are interested in getting some of the black players for change merge, you could head over to perfect soccer skills.com/b L M that's the BLM black lives matter collection any and all t-shirts or merge purchase from that collection. The proceeds will go directly to the black players for change or black place for change. We actually need to update Sirena now and think about it. We got to update the page. So everybody knows that it's going to black players for change. Now a black players, coalition of MLS, but sorry, thank you for that question. That's actually very helpful,
Quincy Amarikwa (23:34):
Quincy Amarikwa (23:35):
Ooh, let's see what we got here. Underscore POG B a junior said I'm thinking of trying out for my team next year. Is there anything I should know? Well, there's a whole lot of things that you should know but it depends on how old you are, what level you want to get to how much work you're doing on your own and how much work you're doing with your current club. So I'd say the best place to start would be to head to perfect soccer skills.com/login account, create a perfect soccer team membership for free. Well, there's a free way to make your account and there's a page so you can pay. We're happy that we're happy for those of you who are paying for your account. Cause an investment in perfect soccer is an investment in yourself. We take that money and we reinvest it into the company and create you know, the systems and processes and the resources that you guys have access to you.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:22):
But we also understand that not everybody has the financial means to pay, which is why we're here to disrupt the pay to play system. So there is always a free way. There's always a way to get whatever it is you want from perfect soccer or need for free. There's also a paid version or a paid option. And that's how we've, we've we've solved that problem for the issues we see with the pay to play system. I think a lot of the, a lot of the articles and a lot of the, yeah, a lot of the media that you guys would probably see here over the coming weeks and months is going to greatly bring to light the inadequacies and the shortcomings of just the pay to play system and the MLS system. And just this, you know, us soccer system in general.
Quincy Amarikwa (25:12):
I think there's there's been a lot of, there's been a lot of things that have been ignored for a long time. And I think those issues are finally going to start being addressed or hopefully, hopefully address, but at least acknowledged, which is what I think is happening right now. So I think we're in the first stages of people acknowledging that there's a problem. And I think it's going to take several weeks for people to realize how massive the problem is. It's a pretty big problem. These are a lot of these are really big issues. They're systemic, they are deep. And they have been, they've been pervasive for a very long time. So I think once people get an understanding of how deep the issue is and how massive the problem is, we then be able to really start
Quincy Amarikwa (26:02):
Attacking ways to, to implement the policy changes that need to happen to make it a more equitable
Quincy Amarikwa (26:10):
Quincy Amarikwa (26:11):
Experience for people you're moving forward and more inclusive. I just think there's a massive, there's a massive number of soccer fans here in America that that should be tapped into and could be if we just, if we were more understanding of how we could be more inclusive in that process. So
Quincy Amarikwa (26:44):
Greasy said new England all the way. We'll see they, they look like they're doing, they look like they're doing all right. Montreal looks a little bit on the back foot as of right now, but I am jumping in to the middle of the game. So I don't know how the flow of the game has gone up to this point.
Quincy Amarikwa (26:58):
Quincy Amarikwa (27:00):
Let's see. John said, saw your snake pray when you were at Montreal of it. Well, I think the snake prank was of, of was when I was with San Jose. So you, you probably, when I was with Montreal, that's probably when you saw the snake prank on Nick Lima love that deep. Ooh, okay. Yes. What drills. Okay. T dot Gabriela said, what drills do you recommend doing to get better with a foot that you aren't used to using? To be honest, repetition is the most important is the most important factor. I think most, most players think that there's some special drill or saw one certain, Oh, that's great play. Oh, how do you miss that? Just joking. I know how you miss that. It's always easier. It's always easier to miss a goal than it is to make a goal.
Quincy Amarikwa (27:56):
But that was, that was great buildup and play by the new England. Montreal is it's looking like they've, they've kind of been exposed cause they were easily broken down on the, on the counter there. As I was saying, I think too many players believe or think that there's like one master skill or trick or drill that you should be doing. I think what's most important is, is doing, doing it consistently and over a long duration of time. So like a lot of the drills and things that I do are very like simple, simple. I don't overcomplicate it too much, but it's repetition. That's most important. So repetition, repetition, repetition you just gotta make enough mistakes.
Quincy Amarikwa (28:55):
The Lucas had, did anybody just get a heck of a lot of ads? Yeah. So because it's a, because it's a website that does random streaming, where what they do is they add a whole bunch of ads on it. So you have to click through all the ads before you get a, before you get to the actual stream. But once you get the stream, it's always pretty, pretty decent stream. I've used the webs, the website for years and finding, finding things. If I'm not able to find the stream he at G R I E Z, I underscore 21 say Quincy, my cousin geo Alvarez was recruited at DC United, but backed out now he is going to play for New York cosmos. Okay. Let's do it. Do you know why he didn't? He decided not to go through with DC United if other link
Quincy Amarikwa (29:42):
Doesn't work you can use. Okay. So Ben jamun said, if the link that you guys see below doesn't work, you can use my goal, tv.com. I haven't heard of that. So yeah. Shout out, ban jamming for dropping the keys. Mmm.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:03):
Let's see what you got here. Safier, that's always dope watching, seeing your ex teammates, former teammates playing games.
Quincy Amarikwa (30:25):
Quincy Amarikwa (30:26):
You know, cause you know, you know, you like know them personally in the locker room, you know, their their personalities and all the stupid things that they do in the jokes and stuff. Let's see, Ben Jammin asks. How how is one way you think US soccer could make it more inclusive, one way to make it more inclusive? I mean, there's, there's a lot of different ways. I just read an article, I forgot the guy's named Ben. It looks like he was doing YouTube videos over two years ago, talking about, I think he started hashtag pro REL for USA. I just read one of his articles on his argument for why there should be PR promotion relegation. I've talked about that in the past about about me thinking, at least at the time when I was talking about it the league is not in a position where they would be willing to be open to that idea at that time.
Quincy Amarikwa (31:28):
And the reason for that, it was just, they had too much power. They had too much control. The single entity system was from their perspective is working right. Values of organizations are going up with each passing year. There's more and more people who want to get into the MLS. The expansion process was very fruitful. But like I also talked about back in December as an #AskASoccerPro Show episode. For me, I was looking at it and seeing it very similar to the housing market of 2008. Right. Cause there is a limit to to expansion. So I think, I think that is a, that is one way. It's one way that I think would be a very, very difficult and tough sell. But in essence, pro REL does create total inclusion because you have to do enough to maintain your spot.
Quincy Amarikwa (32:24):
And if not, you, you go down and the next person gets an opportunity to step in. So I think in the purest sense of the, in the pure sense of openness inclusion, I think pro REL is one way in which you, you you eventually accomplished that goal. I don't think pro REL immediately solves the problem. I think there's still inherently certain advantages and disadvantages money then becomes access to money, becomes a huge influential piece to that. I think maybe like a hybrid pro rail system would be a good transitional step. And this is me thinking about this on the fly now. So take it with a grain of salt. Cause I haven't, I haven't spent anywhere near enough time thinking through this to say for certain in either direction. But I do like I do like the idea of taking the best parts of systems and making the best system you can create for, for today to get you to gathering enough data, to decide how to better refine it over time.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:29):
So I think salary caps are good. So, so there are, there are advantages to the single entity system that I think are, are hugely advantageous and a big reason why the league's been able to at least get to this point. So I don't think it's a, you just throw everything out just because you know, some things aren't ideal. One of those, I think the salary cap is good because if, if you're doing pro REL and you don't have the salary cap now, people who come in and just overspend and to a large degree, you can come in and then it becomes non-inclusive in other ways, like you've got the super teams and other leagues all over the world and cause you know, some, some super rich Uber billionaire will overspend on all players in everything to five X. They're not really like earning their way up the ladder the way in which pro REL is meant to be utilized.
Quincy Amarikwa (34:29):
So I don't want to say that that's the solution, the be all end all. But I think are a hybrid, a merger of those multiple systems and ideas would, would be ideal, at least as of right now, it's a good fit. A good attempt. Good question. That's where I fall with that. As of right now, I'll probably end up thinking more through that and we could discuss that more in depth in future episodes. Yo, yo Jordan, Y O J X, R D a N asked what's the best thing you learned from playing so many years in the MLS? I think the best thing that I learned is how to, how to refine and hone in on the MSL, right? Like I think because of the, because of the system, the MLS system, all the rules, the systems, the processes, the, the just the bureaucracy of the entire process because of that because of that, it, it forced me to adapt or die. Right. And I to continually adapt and reinvent and redefine myself with each passing year and learn more and grow and learn from my mistakes. So it has been it hasn't been easy by any stretch of the means, but it has been it has been a great defensive play. It has been a trip, so I've learned quite a bit, but if you're saying what's the one thing that would be that
Quincy Amarikwa (36:09):
Let's see
Quincy Amarikwa (36:12):
Tony said, Quincy, who do you think will win? The MLS is back tournament. I'm actually not sure. I haven't, I have not been plugged in enough into the kind of the day to day of the teams to even give a remotely educated or at least confident decision on that. Just been, I mean this last month and a half has purely been implementing, organizing the black players for change that you guys are seeing here and, and you know, working through the, the partnership with the players coalition as well as, you know, two kids under three. So a lot of, a lot of stuff on our, on our end. Let's see Ben had said I'm definitely down for pro relegation hybrid. I remember your anti pro relegation video, and it's nice to hear your updated opinion of Fort.
Quincy Amarikwa (37:16):
Unfortunately, ribs will become the Everton of MLS. Thank you for the insight. Ah, okay. Then Ben is saying, I remember your anti per relegation video. So when you say an anti, which video are you talking about? Cause it's not that I've necessarily, maybe I was at the time, but I'm thinking more. So it wasn't necessarily [inaudible], I'm, I'm thinking from the perspective of the league and the league would definitely be anti pro relegation. So I don't think that's what I'm saying. I don't think I've ever had an actual stance as to pro REL is more speaking to the perspective, the league views pro REL and me going, like, I don't think the league is even, especially at that time, I don't even think they'd entertain the idea of that, even being a possibility. But with the current state of us soccer and I think the attention that's going to start coming their way now and just in alignment with where I was talking about the massive issue and problem that, that I think has been ignored for as long as it has, I do think pro rel will be a potential.
Quincy Amarikwa (38:29):
Okay. I do think it'd be something that will be open on the table now and under consideration now, will it come to fruition? I don't know. It's still early to say, but I do think it is introduced into the conversation now. Because the league is the league and us soccer in general is going to have to really showcase some very large ideas too, to show that they are, they are ready and committed to, to not continuing with status quo because status quo is what's, what's gotten us here to this point, you know, to a point in time where many people do not feel included in the process included in the system. They don't feel that there's a path for them. They don't feel as though they're fairly represented and that that's a problem, right. And that's a problem that I think they're, they're open and willing to, to address and get. Right. Which also means there's going to be some tough decisions to be made.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:34):
Quincy Amarikwa (39:37):
Of those being, bringing to table things that I definitely don't think they would have been open to or willing to in the past, but that's what we say, you know, soccer things can change very quickly.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:50):
Quincy Amarikwa (39:51):
So are you, are you one that's ready to adapt or are you are you stuck in your old ways? Cause the MSL is a mindset. It's a mindset
Quincy Amarikwa (40:06):
And it's a new thinking and
Quincy Amarikwa (40:12):
We learned from our old thinking, let's see what we got here. Ben said MSL greater than MLS loved that. Lucas said you should start a series where we watch watch games in common commentary together. Yeah. Maybe what I'll start doing. I can do that on the on the Twitch account. I don't know. I don't know the rules as to, and I'll need to look into it. So I don't know the rules as to like live broadcasts if you don't have like rights to resharing and stuff. So maybe we'll go on Twitch. Cause I know that there's no limitation on like how long you can stream on Twitch for I know no context Dylan is going to be being a more regular daily streamer on our Twitch account. So he'll be there doing FIFA daily and then maybe from time to time I can go on and we can watch games like this together. We can do commentary and break stuff down. I think this would be kind of good change of pace. This is enjoyable. I know that
Quincy Amarikwa (41:23):
Quincy Amarikwa (41:25):
We're all down for the MSL and we're tuned in and dialed in that also doesn't mean that we can't have some fun and enjoy some time together guys. John asks, what are your thoughts on FC Dallas pulling out of the Orlando tournament? I think it's necessary. Considering the whole point of it is supposed to be like an impenetrable bubble. Right. And I think above anything and everything safety has to come first for the players and the staff and the individuals at the tournament. And yeah, I think, I think from what I've heard and the, and the information available some, some players had arrived with, with COVID.
Quincy Amarikwa (42:16):
So, you know,
Quincy Amarikwa (42:20):
By the time, yeah, I think at that point in time, then multiple players ended up having it. And because of that I think the league had to then remove them from the tournament. Yo, speak of speak the man's name and, and he comes no context. Dylan joined in yo brother fury in here. My bad, like I said, you could see on the screen, we we've been, we've been working on this partnership with the player's coalition and getting everything organized for the protest for the black players for change. So I have been running around at a million miles an hour. I'm trying to delegate and elevate things. So hopefully we'll get you here going on the Twitch account. I think at the very least, we just need to get you into our Slack channel so we can communicate more regularly. And then get you log in details to the Twitch account. PG sports that hashtag Quincy bubble. Yo, what up Paul welcome. Let's see, Chris, Chris Floyd soccer said, hello. Hello. How you doing? Paul said, did you start #MLSisBlack. I don't know. You guys might want to go and check the very first post on the hashtag and, and see where it started.
Quincy Amarikwa (43:46):
Could you drop a link and have people watch on two tabs? Like now
Quincy Amarikwa (43:51):
Quincy Amarikwa (43:51):
I'm not sure you could drop a link and have people watch on two tabs, but what, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I don't know from reading that right. We need to do one, we one for a stream I'm down, I'm down. Like I think with now that now that, you know, we had the protest, the black players for change is there. We've kinda got the, we've done the partnership with the players coalition. We, we got things together with the MLSP. I think the next step is really getting that taken care of with the MLS. Yeah, getting all of that taken care of with the MLS. So I foresee having a much more time here. That's a good through bowl. Much more time here in the coming weeks and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more fun stuff. Like, so for instance, like us doing the live, watching the game together and answering questions. I like this. This is this is, this is nice.
Quincy Amarikwa (45:00):
Let's see soccer dad for life. Welcome to the show, the stream trough. Now I'm in your head, emojis loving that. Yo that's what I'm saying. What was dope is yo the MSL made it, lemme sell, made it you see the top of, see the top of Earl's hat at the tournament. A we made it yo shout out my DC United, my DC United fam. You seen Chris Adoi in there. O'neill Kevin, Don Pines, Bill Hamid. Zach love that. Love that, love that. And I was crazy when when Earl called me for that I happened to be wearing my DC United, my DC United kit. So look at that. Perfect timing. There's love in that live, let's see. POBA jr. With the I'm in your head emojis. Let's see. Okay. John had asked John Hollinger had asked, what are your thoughts on MLS players being traded on the fly without warning Rooney talked about it in his episode with you, but can you talk about it from your experience when being traded?
Quincy Amarikwa (46:26):
Okay. Okay. So what are you traded or your teammates? So the, how things happen in MLS as of right now, a mass majority of the times is most players are not aware of then being traded. I would assume big name players are kind of in, on that process. But for the most part, I don't think most players don't have a no trade clause in their contracts. Those aren't, those aren't commonplace as of right now. Mainly cause I just don't think players have had enough leverage to have those types of things in their contracts. And then the big, big name players are paid such a large amount of money that if they, if they aren't performing or doing well, most clubs aren't trading for them cause they don't want the salary the salary cap hit. So with that in mind, it's, it's pretty much a it's pretty much at any point in time at any day, you can just get a phone call from your general manager, your coach.
Quincy Amarikwa (47:28):
And they say like, Hey, you're for, you know, whoever. And usually it's pretty straight. It's pretty straightforward in the sense of like, Hey, we traded you their team admin will be getting back to you. Oh, you gotta get across that to this man. He tried to shoot that their team admin will be in contact with you within a couple of hours to, to let you know. And then usually within a couple hours, a team admin, probably someone you don't know, you've never spoken to you before. Let's, you know, like, Hey, congratulations, welcome. We signed, you know what I mean? We traded for you a coach, the coach wants you to fly out the next available flight. And that would be, you know, tomorrow at four in the afternoon. Cause we want you to make, you know, your physical that evening and make training the night, the day after that.
Quincy Amarikwa (48:14):
So it's pretty it's, it's, it's usually like, Hey, it's not a, are you okay with this? You know what, you know, what's your family situation. Can you afford this? Like where are you at mentally? There's there's no real regard from that. It's just, Hey, you've been traded. This is where you're going. And like, we need you out here in a day or two or so my phone's starting to get low on battery. So we've got about 10 minutes here before the episode's over, we hit the hour Mark. But I think I've been traded so many times, right? Because once you get traded once, then, then you're seen as someone who has trade value amongst the league. And once you're seen as someone who has trade value, your name is always included in conversations. When my general managers and technical directors are having conversations about getting a deal done.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:10):
So it's very much like, Oh, what if we throw him in on the deal? Or so, so once you've seen, you're seen as it's positive and negative, right? So it's positive because it means, you know, your name is included in conversations. So you'll have other opportunities, but it's negative because sometimes organizations aren't looking at you as someone for the longterm, they're looking at you as someone in the short term to fix an immediate problem or need that they have while they then work on getting a longterm solution. So that's why I said it's, it's positive and negative. Positive, short term, I'd say negative longterm, because then you can't really build any longterm like roots anywhere.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:56):
Quincy Amarikwa (49:58):
But, but I've, I've learned a lot from the process, I think because of being traded and as, as much as I have, and more importantly, the mentality I have when I approach it, I'm able to get maximum value out of eating traded. So like it's a new city, it's a new market, it's a new opportunity to learn new people. It's a, it's a, it's a way to try new ideas or learn from the mistakes that you made at the last organization that you were at or or better understand if the things that you're doing are valuable and needed and important. So I think many players struggle with it though. Because it isn't easy. It really isn't easy. It's, it's a lot of work and it's a lot of expectation. It's a lot of it's. Yeah. It's a lot of you're on your own and figure it out. And if it doesn't work, you're blamed for it not working, but that's, you know, that's life that's as it is, but you guys know we don't make excuses here.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:01):
Paul said, how about a 24 hour IG live? I'd be down. If, if Instagram, Instagram allowed it to go for 24 hours, I'd be down to do like one full, like one day stream. Benson. I mean, if you're going to watch if you're going to Twitch stream a game and can't live stream the game for copyright reasons, you could leave it link so we could watch on one time unless you on the other. Gotcha. No, I appreciate that BIM. That's what I was, I was thinking with that relation to Instagram and I was like, what do you mean tabs? I think would be cool to listen to things that a pro pays attention to while watching the game. That's actually a really cool idea. I like that. And I'm going to do that with I'm going to do that with with an MLS his back game, at least one we'll do at least one maybe multiple for these games, from watching the stream and we can do that. So I can, you guys can ask questions about what I'm paying attention to and why, and we could break down games that way. That's a good idea. I like that one. I'm trying to think if you guys haven't joined your preferred soccer team membership make sure you do that or go to my website and join my email list, my personal email list. Cause that's where I'll probably give you guys an update as to do in the stream so you can get information on that.
Quincy Amarikwa (52:20):
Quincy Amarikwa (52:22):
PG sports, ask if an MLS team calls you right now, would you go to the bubble? Yeah, of course. I'm ready to go. You guys, that's what I'm telling you guys. Mans has been training out here in in Bakersfield, whether that's as that's as good of weather that I could, that I could be in to prepare for Orlando heat. I mean, you can't match that humidity, but I'm ready to go. And I definitely know some teams are struggling at the forward position. Cause a lot of, a lot of guys definitely did not prepare well for this. They were, they were not thinking that there's going to be a tournament or they didn't think they needed to do much to be ready for it. But you know, not all, not all not all Fords in this league got the MSL mindset. You know what I mean?
Quincy Amarikwa (53:09):
You know what I mean? But like I've said and been saying I'm still a free agent for some reason, weird, or maybe it's not weird, you know, been denying stuff for a long time. All, all it takes is one chance, one opportunity. And I don't think, I don't think it would be, I don't think it would be a bad decision to bring me in. That's all I'm saying, but I guess it's more so asking what other people think, what do you guys think? You think a team should sign me? If so, why do you think a team should sign me?
Quincy Amarikwa (53:55):
A soccer dad for life as a, where do you stay once in a new city at the clubs, facility or hotels? I'm assuming you mean like when we travel for games, travel for games there you stay at like the, the hotels that they've broker deals with over the years. So it has to be a certain level of hotel cause that's what was negotiated in CBA with the, with the union or sorry with the player's association, we used to be the union, but we've rebranded as the player's association. So that's usually where you stay and then if you're being traded it's similar, but you're usually like in a longer term place, like a Homewood suites type of type of deal until you're able to get your own, your own like lease and a apartment or, or home a soccer dad said not to get off subject, but are there videos of you as a youth player?
Quincy Amarikwa (54:50):
You 12, 13? That's my son's age group. So would like to watch if we did, they're probably really bad home videos because my dad was horrible, horrible at recording games. As soon as anything was serious was going to happen. He was always like watching. So I'm sure there's a little bit, but not a whole lot. I'd need to reach out to him and ask if he's got anything. But I do have some old teammates and friends like Stuart Campbell was one of my own teammates. His dad would record games. I think he had said he has a couple of, couple of games from my youth, my youth playing days. So I'll reach out to him or you guys reach out to him and ask him if he's got him, if he can find him.
Quincy Amarikwa (55:41):
Ooh PG sports ass. Did, did you talk to D C after last season to bring you back? I did speak to them. You have your end of the year, you have your end of the year meetings and then, and then sometimes you have additional meetings after that. They did not. Yeah, they were not at the time. They were not open and wanting to bring me back. Yeah. Makes you think of the conversations you had. They're interesting conversations, but they came to the conclusion that they were not interested in bringing me back that's at the time. So like I said, guys times can change. So you don't, you're not out. You don't want to be out here burning bridges. You want to you know, understand how and why people make the decisions that they do accept the decisions that they make and then prepare for your next opportunity.
Quincy Amarikwa (56:39):
But when people make mistakes, sometimes they sometimes they own up to them and they realize the mistake that they made, they apologize and they, they put place a plan to move past and move forward. But also many people double down on, on them, not making mistake, which just creates further issues and problems for them in the future. But everybody's on their own journey and path and has their own lessons to learn and experience to have. So we're just here riding the MSL wave together, everybody. But I got two minutes. I got two minutes here. A team should sign to team should sign you to be the leader of the team. I'll be down. Just, I guess just need the team to see me as a leader.
Quincy Amarikwa (57:32):
Quincy Amarikwa (57:33):
A pub would junior said, I think they should. You might you have a lot to offer. Thank you very much. Soccer. Dad said Chicago fire should sign you reasons because it's close for us to go and watch you play and love that. Got one minute here left guys. I appreciate that. Ben said, if you got signed, you wouldn't be able to get all this excellent content out to us. Yes, I would. We were doing the show every Thursday, 6:00 PM. PST 9:00 PM. EST heat, no matter what, we'd make this work.
Quincy Amarikwa (58:02):
Quincy Amarikwa (58:05):
Well you made a big impact with DC. Look at the picture. A you guys know that you guys, Hey, I love that. I love the guys at DC of the, my teammates here were awesome. And I was happy as happy to see them and especially see them shout me out before the protests was. So it was dope. J pro skillset, ed 11 should sign. You tell him to call me. But yes, everybody, we got 25 seconds left here before they kicked me off. I really appreciate everybody joining in. This was a, this was a fun episode. I'm glad we got a chance to kind of just relax, talk a little bit, see how everybody's doing. I am looking forward to seeing everybody here next week. Next Thursday, we will figure out some things to do here on the lives with the Twitch stream. So make sure you sign on to my email list.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Us, August 26
Cover: Tori Spelling, Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth of BH90210 -- How They Beat the Odds
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Page 1: Red Carpet First Look -- January Jones 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- Sophie Turner 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Kaia Gerber vs. Lady Gaga, Jessie J vs. Carey Mulligan, Katy Perry vs. Taraji P. Henson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Milo Ventimiglia, Elisabeth Moss on Alexis Bledel, Amanda Seyfried, Dakota Johnson, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on Idris Elba
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Kate Middleton, Prince William at the King’s Cup regatta 
Page 11: Anne Hathaway 
Page 12: Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon and Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk and Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson, Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt with Rob Lowe 
Page 13: Rachel Brosnahan and Michael Zegen, Kylie Jenner, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev 
Page 14: Sofia Richie, Elisabeth Moss and Tiffany Haddish, Kate Walsh and her dogs Rosie and Amico 
Page 15: Hannah Godwin, Sienna Miller 
Page 16: Audrina Patridge, Cole Sprouse and Camila Cabello, Kristen Bell 
Page 18: Reading Is Fundamental -- Kaia Gerber, Kristen Bell, Bryce Dallas Howard, Reese Witherspoon 
Page 19: Vanessa Hudgens, Lana Condor, Katherine Heigl, Michelle Obama and Coco Gauff, Lea Michelle 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Joe Jonas, Whitney Port, Katie Holmes 
Page 23: Ariel Winter and boyfriend Levi Meaden
Page 24: Love Lives -- Ireland Baldwin says Justin Bieber and cousin Hailey Bieber really complement one another 
Page 25: Chris Harrison and girlfriend Lauren Zima, Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young dating, Bart Freundlich loved directing his wife Julianne Moore in After the Wedding
Page 26: Hollywood Moms -- Busy Philipps on her daughters Birdie and Cricket 
Page 27: Tamron Hall on new son Moses, Bryce Dallas Howard wants her kids to know she’s a mom first, Beverley Mitchell grateful for the experience of her miscarriage in 2018 
Page 28: Woman Crush -- Sofia Vergara 
Page 30: What really happened between Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth 
Page 31: Lori Loughlin’s daughter Olivia Jade is back together with boyfriend Jackson Guthy, Beyonce’s mom says more babies could be on the way
Page 32: 90 Day Fiance’s Larissa Dos Santos Lima doesn’t miss Colt Johnson, Felicity Huffman’s Desperate Housewives boss Marc Cherry is in her corner, VIP Scene -- Whitney Port (pictured), Seth Meyers, Tracee Ellis Ross and Michelle Obama, Michael Chernus, Lisa Rinna, Ariana Grande and Mikey Foster 
Page 33: Who killed Marilyn Monroe? 
Page 34: What’s in my bag? Nina Agdal 
Page 36: Cover Story -- the cast of BH90210 -- we’re closer than ever 
Page 40: Jennifer Garner finally gets her happy ending 
Page 44: A Day in the Life -- Marlon Wayans 
Page 46: Athletes hoping to rep Team Usa in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo -- Jordan Burroughs, Alex Johnson, Kolohe Andino
Page 47: Ashima Shiraaishi, Carissa Moore, Brighton Zeuner, Tom Schaar, Erik Kynard 
Page 48: Style -- wrap dresses -- Ashley Graham, Alessandra Ambrosio, Jennifer Garner, Selena Gomez, Isla Fisher, Martha Hunt, Janet Mock, Jenna Dewan, Halle Berry, Tiffany Haddish 
Page 49: Lupita Nyong’o, Olivia Munn, Andie MacDowell 
Page 54: Us Musts
Page 56: Gurinder Chadha on his love letter to Bruce Springsteen called Blinded by the Light
Page 57: Jacob Tremblay on Good Boys 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Jada Pinkett Smith, Margot Robbie, AJ Michalka
Page 59: Harry Styles, Renee Zellweger
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Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Daphne Zuniga 
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junker-town · 5 years
9 burning questions to get you ready for the NFL preseason
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Let us help you catch up with the biggest (and funniest) NFL storylines before the new season begins.
The NFL preseason officially kicked off with a football-like experience at the 2019 Hall of Fame Game. But even if the Falcons-Broncos preseason opener wasn’t especially eventful, training camps across the country have left no shortage of drama across the league.
Stars like Ezekiel Elliott and Jadeveon Clowney have avoided practice while posturing for new contracts. Others like Michael Thomas and Robbie Gould walked away from the bargaining table with lucrative deals. Position battles pit veterans against newcomers for the honor of announcing their names and alma maters on Sunday Night Football.
So what have we learned so far this summer? What are the biggest questions that still weigh heavily across the league? We gathered SB Nation’s NFL team to gauge the early run-up to the 2019 regular season.
How would you describe the 2019 preseason, using five words or fewer?
Christian D’Andrea: Catch man got paid.
Michael Thomas has emerged as one of the league’s brightest stars and the perfect complement to see Drew Brees through to retirement. And after making 229 catches the past two seasons, he was set to earn ... $1.148 million this fall. That led to a holdout of which the Saints wanted no part, and Thomas returned to practice in July having secured the richest contract an NFL wide receiver has ever seen: a five-year, $100 million extension with $61 million in guarantees.
Adam Stites: Run men don’t get paid.
Ezekiel Elliott and Melvin Gordon each have two Pro Bowl nods and a strong argument as a top-five running back in the NFL. They’re both sitting out of training camp in an attempt to get a new contract. Neither appears to be making much headway. The Chargers reportedly don’t want to give Gordon any more than $10 million per year, while the Cowboys don’t appear to want to give Elliott Todd Gurley-type money.
Which training camp storyline are you following most closely?
Stites: The Giants should stick to their plan of bringing Daniel Jones along slowly and patiently. Will they, though?
Not much about Jones’ college career at Duke suggested he’s ready to take the reins of an NFL team as a rookie. But the thing about big, talented quarterbacks with cannon arms is that they can wow in practice — even if they’re not quite ready to handle all the things that come with a live game.
Jones is getting rave reviews so far in camp for his deep ball. That means you can count on people to start calling for Jones to replace Eli Manning once the Giants’ 2019 season inevitably looks like the last two Giants seasons. How loud those chants for Jones will be, and the likeliness that the Giants listen to them, depend on how good Jones is the rest of August.
Sarah Hardy: What are the Cowboys going to do about their Dak Prescott-Ezekiel Elliott-Amari Cooper trio?
It always seemed like a foregone conclusion that Jerry Jones would give each a new contract before the season started. That could still be the case, but as we inch closer to Week 1, no deals have been reached and Elliott is threatening to miss time during the regular season.
But let’s say that it all gets worked out as expected and the “Big 3” are extended as September rolls around. By the time the situation is resolved, how much time will Elliott have missed in practice? And will it affect their rhythm on offense at all? Two years ago, Le’Veon Bell sat out the entire preseason before returning for the Steelers’ first game of 2017. He carried the ball 10 times for just 32 yards and it took him weeks until he found his stride.
The Cowboys don’t want the same thing to happen with Elliott, the backbone of their offense.
D’Andrea: The small-scale changing of the guard for the Patriots’ offense.
Tom Brady will be working with a sparse cupboard of targets thanks to Rob Gronkowski’s retirement, Josh Gordon’s indefinite suspension, and a shallow group behind them. The team’s offensive line has to replace its left tackle following Trent Brown’s departure and will be without one of the league’s top run-blocking tight ends now that Gronkowski’s gone.
The good news for New England is there’s reason to believe the replacements it’s got can be plug-and-play additions to a championship roster. Isaiah Wynn was a first-round pick in 2018 and could provide an easy transition from Brown after missing all of last season with a torn Achilles. N’Keal Harry, a 2019 first-round pick, has the chops to lift the receiving corps, but it’s been undrafted rookie Jakobi Meyers who’s shown out in camp so far.
I’m still not sure what’s going to happen at tight end, however. Especially with a 38-year-old Ben Watson set to miss the first four games of the season due to a PED suspension.
Kennedi Landry: I’m really interested to see how the Cardinals’ first-year head coach Kliff Kingsbury and rookie quarterback Kyler Murray adjust to the NFL game.
More importantly, is the offensive line going to be able to protect Murray? The Cardinals — whose offensive line has been in shambles for years — at least improved in the offseason by trading for Marcus Gilbert and signing J.R. Sweezy.
Murray has dazzled so far in training camp, but how much of that will translate into real action? Consequently, is Kingsbury going to be able to have the same type of success that Sean McVay has had with the Rams?
Charles McDonald: All eyes are on Lamar Jackson.
The Ravens went 6-1 with Jackson as their starting quarterback last year and now he’s fully in the driver’s seat. If the reports at training camp are any indication, Jackson appears to be ready to take that next step as a passer:
In joint practice with Jags, Lamar Jackson was 15-of-22 (68.1 percent) during 7-on-7/team drills. Jackson started off hot, connecting on 9 of his first 10 throws before tailing off. Overall, he's throwing the ball with a lot of confidence in training camp.
— Jamison Hensley (@jamisonhensley) August 5, 2019
Head coach John Harbaugh also said he was “very impressed” by Jackson’s performance in a joint practice against the Jaguars.
I’m excited about the potential of this offense if Jackson can take flight as a passer. We’ll see how it goes in the actual games, but the Ravens have the look of a team that can get a lot better on offense.
Which early-season NFL injury has you most concerned?
Stites: How can you not be worried about Andrew Luck’s calf, considering how the last few years went for him? He had the nagging shoulder injury from hell, which started in 2015 and then cost him his entire 2017 season. Now he has a calf injury that’s been bothering him for three months. Luck thinks he’ll be back in time for Week 1, but recent history has provided Colts fans reason to hold their breath.
Hardy: While I’m definitely worried about Luck, the Giants are also quickly running out of receivers. Dave Gettleman made his bed by trading away Odell Beckham Jr., who perhaps put a curse on the position on his way out.
Sterling Shepard is dealing with a fractured thumb, Corey Coleman is out with a torn ACL, and Golden Tate is facing a four-game suspension to start the season. The rest of their depth chart includes Bennie Fowler, Cody Latimer, Russell Shepard, Alonzo Russell, Brittan Golden, Reggie White, and Da’Mari Scott. Did I make up one of those names? You decide!
McDonald: I think Antonio Brown might have the strangest training camp injury I can remember. His feet are absolutely shredded with blisters — or frostbite?! (Google a picture, if you’d like.) Either way, he’s been unable to practice in camp up until this point.
Normally, a player of Brown’s caliber missing practice in August wouldn’t really matter. However, he is is trying to ingratiate himself with a new quarterback, coach, and system — the reps are actually pretty valuable this time around. We need to find out exactly what happened to his feet and exactly how long he’ll be out.
Which position battle is the most interesting?
McDonald: Case Keenum, Colt McCoy, and first-round pick Dwayne Haskins are all competing for the starting job in Washington.
When I was at practice, Haskins showed the most talent, but he had some inconsistencies taking snaps under center that need to be ironed out. McCoy and Keenum don’t have the raw talent that Haskins does, but they have a little better control of the offense without the “wow” plays.
How Washington’s season unfolds will likely determine how fast it takes Jay Gruden to put Haskins in the lineup. If things start to go south and the team takes a nosedive, Haskins could end up getting the nod during the season.
D’Andrea: The entire Texans’ offensive line battle. Houston has the chops to be a legitimate Super Bowl contender, questions about Bill O’Brien’s postseason record (1-3) notwithstanding. It won’t get there without a healthy Deshaun Watson in the lineup. In 23 career games, the dual-threat passer has been sacked 81 times. This includes an NFL-high 62 sacks last season.
The Texans haven’t come up with much of a solution yet. They signed Ryan Kalil and drafted two more linemen this year, including 2019 Day 1 pick Tytus Howard. But no one’s quite sure how the Houston offensive line will look once the curtain opens on Week 1. Will Howard begin his career on the interior of the line as he ramps up his weekly schedule from FCS foes to NFL ones? Does Kalil have enough left in the tank to be an above-average pocket protector? Where will Julie’n Davenport wind up?
The Texans’ offensive line is still a mess, but there’s a fair amount of raw talent there. The question is whether Houston can mold those raw ingredients into a proper wall.
Hardy: No one is going to pay much attention to the Dolphins this year (or maybe ever), so I’ll throw them a bone and go with the competition between Ryan Fitzpatrick and Josh Rosen. Fitzpatrick has been the favorite all along to start the season opener, but Rosen has made strides recently. Can he fight off the Fitzmagic now, or have to wait until the fairy dust wears off in, like, Week 3 or 4?
And whenever Rosen does start, will he look like the rookie who struggled with the Cardinals, or like an invigorated former first-round pick ready to make his old team regret ever letting him go?
Which team helped itself the most this offseason?
D’Andrea: The easy answer here is the Browns, who gave Baker Mayfield an All-Pro receiver by trading for Odell Beckham Jr. and made things easier for Myles Garrett by adding Olivier Vernon and Sheldon Richardson to the team’s pass rush. They aren’t the only team to make strides — but aside from maybe the Raiders, they’re the team that made the biggest splash.
Stites: Yep, it’s the Browns by a comfortable margin. The Raiders did some much-needed work on their defense in the draft and got Antonio Brown, but the clear winners of the offseason were the Browns.
Which camp moment got you most hyped for the upcoming season?
D’Andrea: As a classically educated professional, I had always been taught the proper way to punch a hole in the side of an about-to-be-shotgunned beer was with a key. Baker Mayfield, however, that a sturdy incisor will work just fine.
"I just don’t like the idea of my franchise quarterback spending time at a baseball game. I mean, what are you doing, @bakermayfield? You don’t see guys like Aaron Rodgers shotgunning beers. Just not a good look. Go watch some film." - @ColinCowherd (probably) Legend. pic.twitter.com/IUCW1Kp4s3
— Cleveland Indians (@Indians) August 4, 2019
The man did this to hype up a team he doesn’t even play for, and they rallied for the win. Imagine what he’s going to do in the huddle this fall.
Vijay Vemu: Unlike last season, Khalil Mack will actually play in training camp for the Chicago Bears. Now in his first full offseason with the team, Mack is making even more plays in training camp. He’s giving the Bears’ first-team offense fits and is just making things look too easy. He also showed off his unreal strength in this simple drill.
Just look at Leonard Floyd’s face when Mack does this.
Khalil Mack is so strong it’s dangerous @fiftydeuce (via bearscapital/IG) pic.twitter.com/tF6iQgZyxV
— B/R Gridiron (@brgridiron) July 31, 2019
Landry: Drew Brees throwing to tight ends!
The Saints’ offense doesn’t lack production, but they haven’t had a true threat at tight end since Jimmy Graham was traded to the Seahawks in 2015. The Saints signed tight end Jared Cook in March and he and Drew Brees have connected on more than a few touchdowns in training camp so far.
Red zone drills: Drew Brees connects with Jared Cook for the TD. Feel like this won't be the last time I type this. #Saints @FOX8NOLA pic.twitter.com/CoVPY6DvKA
— Garland Gillen (@garlandgillen) August 2, 2019
What’s been the funniest moment of the preseason so far?
Stites: Just Quinnen Williams being delightful.
No comment @QuinnenWilliams pic.twitter.com/BIFB7BYQLc
— Jets Videos (@snyjets) August 3, 2019
Bless you. Thank you.
Hardy: Never tweet, unless you’re Jen Vrabel weighing in just how much her husband wants to coach the Titans to a Super Bowl:
Not mad at all, I actually offered to help with the process. https://t.co/3OIGgMtbtb
— jen (@JenVrabel1) July 12, 2019
Landry: Cam Jordan wearing socks with his own face on them. I can only hope to ever love myself that much.
.@camjordan94’s socks and shoes for #SaintsCamp pic.twitter.com/2LBudd7Y4A
— New Orleans Saints (@Saints) August 5, 2019
D’Andrea: Malcolm Jenkins got the DJ at Eagles practice to hype the team up by playing some Grateful Dead. The playlist ran through six songs, which by Dead standards suggests practice was at least eight hours long.
Here's the full Dead playlist at practice: Bertha Mama Tried Big Railroad Blues Playing in the Band Drums and Space (a long one) Me and my Uncle After that DeSean went over and told the guy to change the music
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) August 5, 2019
McDonald: Colts quarterback Jacoby Brissett and Steelers quarterback Josh Dobbs had a hilarious exchange on Twitter. Brissett asked, “If the sun is hot how is outer space cold?” and got a response from Dobbs, who majored in aerospace engineering at Tennessee. Dobbs told him that space is a vacuum and doesn’t have air and Brissett replied with this beautiful tweet:
I’ve never put my hand inside A vacuum.
— Jacoby Brissett (@JBrissett12) July 10, 2019
How is Twitter free?
Any good fights yet?
D’Andrea: Oh, totally. Jordan Lasley earned his release from the Ravens for fighting multiple teammates and then chucking a football into a pond:
Here, you can kind of see the ball Jordan Lasley threw into the nearby pond shortly after his fight with the DBs. pic.twitter.com/AQyrDw8509
— Jonas Shaffer (@jonas_shaffer) July 29, 2019
Because subtlety is dead, the Raiders claimed him off waivers and will now make him a weekly fixture on Hard Knocks.
Lonnie Johnson also got kicked out of a joint Packers-Texans practice for balling too hard and running head-first into opposing receivers at approximately 140 mph, so expect him to get a nice long look in Oakland if Houston releases him at the cut-down date.
McDonald: When I was at Washington camp, there was a brawl after pass-rush one-on-ones. Jon Allen and Tim Settle were popping off at a few offensive linemen and then a fight broke out afterwards. The players involved said there are no hard feelings though; this stuff just happens when it’s hot outside.
Which Week 1 matchup are you most looking forward to?
Stites: Are the Browns for real? I wanna know, you wanna know, we all wanna know. A Week 1 matchup against the Titans — presumably with a healthy Marcus Mariota — will be a good litmus test. And hey, it’d be nice to find out if the Titans are going to be an actual contender, finally.
It’s also possible that neither of those questions gets answered.
Vemu: The one I’m looking forward to is when the Colts head west to the face off against the Chargers. Both teams have some questions to answer in their opening game, especially if the Chargers are without Melvin Gordon.
The Colts bounced back last season thanks to the return of Andrew Luck, and we even saw a Pro Bowl season from Eric Ebron. Darius Leonard was an All-Pro and anchored a defensive unit which finished 10th in points allowed. All eyes will be on Luck’s health and if Indianapolis can take another step forward. There are a lot of more marquee matchups in Week 1, but this Colts-Chargers game will feature two teams that made surprising playoff runs last year and are looking to do the same this year.
D’Andrea: Last year’s Packers-Bears opener saw a hobbled Aaron Rodgers lead Green Bay back from a 20-0 third quarter deficit and put an early stain on Chicago’s slate. This ultimately meant nothing — the Bears still pushed forward to the NFC North title while the Packers went an underwhelming 6-9-1 — but that opening night showdown stood out as one of 2018’s most exciting games.
These two sides will run it back on Thursday night to kick off the season Sept. 5, giving the world a chance to see if the Bears’ success is sustainable and if the Packers’ decision to spend big on defense — while making few major offensive changes — was enough to push Green Bay back into contention. It’s only Week 1, but this primetime showdown in Wisconsin could set the tone in the division for the rest of the year.
Landry: My immediate thought was Packers-Bears, but then I looked at the entire slate of games and that made me want to sit around for days on end to watch football. I think the one I’m most interested in watching is Chiefs-Jaguars. The Chiefs are coming off a great season and AFC Championship Game appearance, while the Jaguars are ... not.
But, the Jaguars did sign Super Bowl LII MVP Nick Foles, who is a considerable improvement at quarterback over Blake Bortles. Even the dangerously truthful Jaguars corner Jalen Ramsey has been impressed with him. I think Week 1 will tell us what to expect from the Foles-led Jaguars and show us just how good the Chiefs still are.
Hardy: After gorging on football all Sunday, it’s easy for withdrawal to kick in the next day, so there’s nothing quite like the feeling of “oh right, MORE FOOTBALL” on Monday night.
We’ll get a doubleheader of Texans-Saints and Broncos-Raiders, but it’s the first one I’m especially curious about. Last season, both teams began slowly before turning things around and cruising to the playoffs (where their fate was, uh, not kind). Neither team can afford that kind of start this year with the schedule it’s staring down, though. The Texans have to play the Chiefs, Patriots, Ravens, and Colts (twice) in 2019. The Saints’ next three opponents after Houston are the Rams, Seahawks, and Cowboys. Yikes.
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fysebastianstan · 7 years
It's an Avengers reunion: Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to join Sebastian Stan in The Last Full Measure.
Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Bradley Whitford, Michael Imperioli and Linus Roache also star in the film from Todd Robinson (White Squall, Lonely Hearts).
Based on the true story of a present-day cover-up investigation, The Last Full Measure follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman (Stan) as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of more than 60 Marines who were ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed.
Foresight Unlimited is handling international sales and producing in association with Provocator and SSS Entertainment. Timothy Scott Bogart, Mark Damon, Lauren Selig, Julian Adams, Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson and Shaun Sanghani are producing, with Tamara Birkemoe, Jenna Sanz-Agero and Sidney Sherman executive producing. Pen Densham and John Watson are co-executive producers.
Principal photography is set to begin later this month in Atlanta and Costa Rica.
"When I read Todd Robinson’s exceptionally moving script and heard the real-life interviews of the many men whom William Pitsenbarger saved, I felt this could be a great film. With the award-winning cast that has been assembled, I am now sure of it," said Foresight Unlimited’s Mark Damon.
Stan is currently in production on Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel Studios/Disney and I, Tonya starring Margot Robbie, and has wrapped work on Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. He is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management.
Jackson will soon be seen in Legendary's Kong: Skull Island, which Warner Bros. is releasing on Friday, and The Hitman's Bodyguard for Lionsgate in August. He recently wrapped Brie Larson’s directorial debut Unicorn Store. Jackson is repped by ICM Partners and Anonymous Content.
Plummer can next be seen in The Exception for A24 and The Man Who Invented Christmas for Bleecker Street in December. Hurt can currently be seen on the Amazon series Goliath opposite Billy Bob Thornton and will next be seen in Live Like Line opposite Helen Hunt. Whitford is in postproduction on Unicorn Store and Three Christs starring Richard Gere; he previously starred in HBO’s All the Way and can currently be seen in the Universal hit Get Out. Imperioli most recently starred on Fox's Lucifer, and Roache on History's Vikings and in Netflix’s Barry.
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sebastiansource · 7 years
Samuel L. Jackson Joins Sebastian Stan in 'The Last Full Measure'
Christopher Plummer, William Hurt and Bradley Whitford also star.
It's an Avengers reunion: Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to join Sebastian Stan in The Last Full Measure.
Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Bradley Whitford, Michael Imperioli and Linus Roache also star in the film from Todd Robinson (White Squall, Lonely Hearts).
Based on the true story of a present-day cover-up investigation, The Last Full Measure follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman (Stan) as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of more than 60 Marines who were ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed.
Foresight Unlimited is handling international sales and producing in association with Provocator and SSS Entertainment. Timothy Scott Bogart, Mark Damon, Lauren Selig, Julian Adams, Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson and Shaun Sanghani are producing, with Tamara Birkemoe, Jenna Sanz-Agero and Sidney Sherman executive producing. Pen Densham and John Watson are co-executive producers.
Principal photography is set to begin later this month in Atlanta and Costa Rica.
"When I read Todd Robinson’s exceptionally moving script and heard the real-life interviews of the many men whom William Pitsenbarger saved, I felt this could be a great film. With the award-winning cast that has been assembled, I am now sure of it," said Foresight Unlimited’s Mark Damon.
Stan is currently in production on Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel Studios/Disney and I, Tonyastarring Margot Robbie, and has wrapped work on Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. He is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management.
Jackson will soon be seen in Legendary's Kong: Skull Island, which Warner Bros. is releasing on Friday, and The Hitman's Bodyguard for Lionsgate in August. He recently wrapped Brie Larson’s directorial debut Unicorn Store. Jackson is repped by ICM Partners and Anonymous Content.
Plummer can next be seen in The Exception for A24 and The Man Who Invented Christmas for Bleecker Street in December. Hurt can currently be seen on the Amazon series Goliath opposite Billy Bob Thornton and will next be seen in Live Like Line opposite Helen Hunt. Whitford is in postproduction on Unicorn Store and Three Christs starring Richard Gere; he previously starred in HBO’s All the Way and can currently be seen in the Universal hit Get Out. Imperioli most recently starred on Fox's Lucifer, and Roache on History's Vikings and in Netflix’s Barry.
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maxiekat · 7 years
Based on the true story of a present-day cover-up investigation, The Last Full Measure follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman (Stan) as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of more than 60 Marines who were ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed.
Foresight Unlimited is handling international sales and producing in association with Provocator and SSS Entertainment. Timothy Scott Bogart, Mark Damon, Lauren Selig, Julian Adams, Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson and Shaun Sanghani are producing, with Tamara Birkemoe, Jenna Sanz-Agero and Sidney Sherman executive producing. Pen Densham and John Watson are co-executive producers.
Principal photography is set to begin later this month in Atlanta and Costa Rica.
"When I read Todd Robinson’s exceptionally moving script and heard the real-life interviews of the many men whom William Pitsenbarger saved, I felt this could be a great film. With the award-winning cast that has been assembled, I am now sure of it," said Foresight Unlimited’s Mark Damon.
Stan is currently in production on Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel Studios/Disney and I, Tonya starring Margot Robbie, and has wrapped work on Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. He is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management.
Jackson will soon be seen in Legendary's Kong: Skull Island, which Warner Bros. is releasing on Friday, and The Hitman's Bodyguard for Lionsgate in August. He recently wrapped Brie Larson’s directorial debut Unicorn Store. Jackson is repped by ICM Partners and Anonymous Content.
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marvelmom · 7 years
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Samuel L. Jackson Joins Sebastian Stan in 'The Last Full Measure' Via The Hollywood Reporter It's an Avengers reunion: Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to join Sebastian Stan in The Last Full Measure. Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Bradley Whitford, Michael Imperioli and Linus Roache also star in the film from Todd Robinson (White Squall, Lonely Hearts). Based on the true story of a present-day cover-up investigation, The Last Full Measure follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman (Stan) as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of more than 60 Marines who were ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed. Foresight Unlimited is handling international sales and producing in association with Provocator and SSS Entertainment. Timothy Scott Bogart, Mark Damon, Lauren Selig, Julian Adams, Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson and Shaun Sanghani are producing, with Tamara Birkemoe, Jenna Sanz-Agero and Sidney Sherman executive producing. Pen Densham and John Watson are co-executive producers. Principal photography is set to begin later this month in Atlanta and Costa Rica. "When I read Todd Robinson’s exceptionally moving script and heard the real-life interviews of the many men whom William Pitsenbarger saved, I felt this could be a great film. With the award-winning cast that has been assembled, I am now sure of it," said Foresight Unlimited’s Mark Damon. Stan is currently in production on Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel Studios/Disney and I, Tonya starring Margot Robbie, and has wrapped work on Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. He is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management. Jackson will soon be seen in Legendary's Kong: Skull Island, which Warner Bros. is releasing on Friday, and The Hitman's Bodyguard for Lionsgate in August. He recently wrapped Brie Larson’s directorial debut Unicorn Store. Jackson is repped by ICM Partners and Anonymous Content. Plummer can next be seen in The Exception for A24 and The Man Who Invented Christmas for Bleecker Street in December. Hurt can currently be seen on the Amazon series Goliath opposite Billy Bob Thornton and will next be seen in Live Like Line opposite Helen Hunt. Whitford is in postproduction on Unicorn Store and Three Christs starring Richard Gere; he previously starred in HBO’s All the Way and can currently be seen in the Universal hit Get Out. Imperioli most recently starred on Fox's Lucifer, and Roache on History's Vikings and in Netflix’s Barry.
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kimberlydyan · 7 years
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Christopher Plummer, William Hurt and Bradley Whitford also star. It's an Avengers reunion: Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to join Sebastian Stan in The Last Full Measure. Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Bradley Whitford, Michael Imperioli and Linus Roache also star in the film from Todd Robinson (White Squall, Lonely Hearts). Based on the true story of a present-day cover-up investigation, The Last Full Measure follows young Pentagon investigator Scott Huffman (Stan) as he battles the political machine in Washington. He reluctantly teams with veterans of Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic, William Pitsenbarger, who is seen saving the lives of more than 60 Marines who were ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed. Foresight Unlimited is handling international sales and producing in association with Provocator and SSS Entertainment. Timothy Scott Bogart, Mark Damon, Lauren Selig, Julian Adams, Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson and Shaun Sanghani are producing, with Tamara Birkemoe, Jenna Sanz-Agero, Sidney Sherman, Louis Steyn and T.J. Steyn executive producing. Pen Densham and John Watson are co-executive producers. Principal photography is set to begin later this month in Atlanta and Costa Rica. "When I read Todd Robinson’s exceptionally moving script and heard the real-life interviews of the many men whom William Pitsenbarger saved, I felt this could be a great film. With the award-winning cast that has been assembled, I am now sure of it," said Foresight Unlimited’s Mark Damon. Stan is currently in production on Avengers: Infinity War for Marvel Studios/Disney and I, Tonya starring Margot Robbie, and has wrapped work on Steven Soderbergh’s Logan Lucky. He is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management. Jackson will soon be seen in Legendary's Kong: Skull Island, which Warner Bros. is releasing on Friday, and The Hitman's Bodyguard for Lionsgate in August. He recently wrapped Brie Larson’s directorial debut Unicorn Store. Jackson is repped by ICM Partners and Anonymous Content.
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sixthfloorsouls · 5 years
Okay, it's the day after Thanksgiving SO I'm watching Christmas movies at my Parent's house. Which also means I'M HELLA distracted. But I'm here, and I want all the plots for my NEW BEEBS!!!! All my muses without threads are under the cut, hmu if you want some plots!
APT 1: Eloise Perring Student (Katelyn Tarver FC) [heterosexual female]
APT 2: Flynn Garreth EMT (Jesse Williams FC) [bisexual male]
APT 3: Miranda “Randi” Higgins Journalist/Photographer (Alexandria Daddario FC) [bisexual female]
APT 6: Vincent “Vinny” Hollis Delivery Boy (Nicholas Braun FC) [bisexual male]
APT 9: Mackenzie “Mack” Harvey Mechanic (Hunter Parrish FC) [heterosexual male]
APT 10: Beau Steele Phys. Ed Teacher (Ross Lynch FC) [bisexual (closeted) male]
APT 13: Kennedy Zimmeruski Sommelier (Margaret Qualley FC) [bisexual female]
APT 14: Kyle Jordan Admissions Rep (Luke Benward FC) [bisexual male]
APT 14: Dawson Barnes Businessman (Nico Tortorella FC) [bisexual male]
APT 16: Ava Holle Blogger (Meghann Fahy FC) [bisexual female]
APT 17: Sequoia Clayton Vegan Food Truck Owner (Dougie Poynter FC) [bisexual male]
APT 18: Perry Dorian Student (Jedidiah Goodacre FC) [bisexual male]
APT 19: Quentin “Q” Lyle Video Game Designer (Andy Mientus FC) [bisexual male]
APT 19: Collins Lyle Unemployed (Sarah Hyland FC) [heterosexual female]
APT 22: Aaron Ashland Aspiring Actor (Diego Boneta FC) [bisexual male]
APT 23: Caleb Everett Travel Blogger (Josh Dylan FC) [heterosexual male]
APT 25: Abby Johns Detective (Letitia Wright FC) [heterosexual female]
APT 27: Kenneth Darcy Zoologist (Jackson Rathbone FC) [bisexual male]
APT 28: Andrew Reilly Archaeologist (Julian Morris FC) [heterosexual male]
APT 29: Dr. Garfield Keys Plastic Surgeon (Ben Whishaw FC) [bisexual male]
APT 30: Louise Holle Art Professor (Analeigh Tipton FC) [heterosexual female]
APT 31: Oliver Samuel Radio Personality (Chace Crawford FC) [heterosexual male]
APT 31: Leo DuPont Musician (Penn Badgley FC) [heterosexual male]
APT 30: Lacey Stewart Wedding/Event Planner (Margot Robbie FC) [heterosexual female]
APT 33: Gordon Ainsley Security Guard (Jesse Lee Soffer FC) [bisexual male]
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