#renjun ballot princess
Content: fluff, angst, princess au, magic au
Summary: After being chosen as the ballot princess of 2021, Y/n finds herself in a throne ready to meet her future husband, the prince of the south.
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Princesses have always been people I looked up to. I thought they were magical, beautiful and breathtaking not until I became one myself. Sitting in my ‘small’ throne compared to the king and queen’s, I sighed in dismay waiting for my prince to arrive.
Yes, it is the annual arranged marriage for ballot princessess.
You may be wondering why our kingdom doesn’t have actual heirs, or what a ballot princess even is, let me explain. The queen and king had a child eighteen years ago who then died because of a sickness, and because of a witches curse to our kingdom, the queen became infertile. To fill out the role of the heir, every five years a commoner turns into a princesses through a ballot. Picking a random name from a beautiful diamond box that changes one’s destiny.
That box changed mine.
My family was wealthy, ‘till we found out my father was in debt. The loan sharks came and killed him leaving me and my mother in poverty. We had no other option than to place my name in. Months later I was left breathless in black corsets and a small library in the palace as a way of freedom.
I haven’t seen my mom since.
“Please welcome Huang Renjun, the prince of the South.” The gigantic red doors open and comes in a charming prince. Well dressed, good-looking and evidently well mannered. Rumors were, he was the kindest prince out there and I was a lucky princess to be chosen as his partner. Yes, being friends with the maids helped me get through a lot, maybe even know things I wasn’t meant to know.
I stand with the queen and king, a feigned smile on my face.
“Your highnesses,” he speaks with his calm and soothing voice as he bends down with great gracefulness. “Welcome my dear,” the queen greets excitedly as she walks down to give him a hug. “This is your future wife,” she points towards me and the moment our eyes meet, I freeze.
He was breathtaking.
“Greetings my lady,” he smiles at me with kind eyes as he walks closer, bowing like a gentleman. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, as a response I bowed back to him but I couldn’t help but see the frown appearing on his face as he notices the way I reacted.
He knew something was wrong.
He knew I didn’t want to be here.
But beyond the feigned look on my face that he noticed so easily, he smiled wider.
“I’ll see you at tonight’s ball princess,” he speaks calmly as he lets go of my hand, bowing once more before he walked off with his guards and butlers.
I was wearing the kingdom’s colours for tonight’s ball. Emerald green, matte black and gold. While the queen and king settled for the matte black gowns and robes - as the ballot princess of the year I was given a handmade satin dress.
Fully emerald green with thin straps made of golden chains. It was cold against my shoulders - colder when they placed a silk black cape attached to the chain, one that dragged against the floor as I walked. The maids then came in and place a crown on my head, made with diamonds - the rarest one of the season.
I looked powerful.
I was there to portay one thing and one thing only, I looked exactly like the witch that cursed our kingdom looked when she casted the spell on us. It is to prove that even dark magic cannot stop us.
“You look beautiful my dear,” the queen opens her arms to engulf me in a warm embrace before she placed her hands on my hip, a cold metal pushing the satin dress hard on my skin. “That’s a knife, I’m gonna hide it right here,” she whispers in my ear as she locks the weapon in place.
There was a secret holder on my dress. That’s why I had to put the cape on, to make it less obvious. “Kill him,” she whispers as she pulls away, a very warm smile on her face. “What?” I asked in a whisper, my brows furrowing.
“You heard me right princess, kill him,” she replies - a big smile still on her face.
Before I could even react, the black double doors in front of me opened and the crowd down below started clapping for my entrance. “May I present to you, Princess Y/n,” I slowly walk into the ball room - the people making a pathway for me to walk past.
“Bow for the new princess of the south,” the band starts playing music, the sound of the piano, trumpets and cello echoed throughout the ballroom. Everybody bows. As everybody’s heads goes down only one stays up.
My future husband, Huang Renjun.
He walks towards me gracefully, the same smile on his face.
It was then I realised that though it reaches his eyes, it doesn’t reach his soul.
He wasn’t happy.
He didn’t want to be here.
Just like me.
The music finally goes louder and everybody’s back to dancing and feasting.
“Renjun,” I whisper his name as we connect in the dance floor. “Yes my princess,” he replies, his hands now resting on my waist. “Let’s runaway,” I whisper and he freezes.
Now were in the middle of the dance floor just staring at each other with everybody else dancing around us. “I know you don’t want to be here,” I continue, “Just get me out of the palace and we’ll go on our separate ways.”
“The only way to escape the palace is with magic,” he replies and I smile at him, pulling his body closer to mine and continuing to dance. My hand goes up his neck, then to his face, caressing his cheek. “Who said I didn’t have that?”
“What?” His brows furrow and instead of explaining, I decided to show.
“Who do you not like here, someone you loathe?” I ask with a smirk and his eyes immediately drew to the man across the room. His name was Junhui I believe, Wen Jenhui the prince of the east.
“Got a little grudge for the east prince hmm?” I ask and he nods. “Took the last kill on the 24th war when it was meant to be mine.” He grits his teeth and I chuckle. Still caressing his cheeks, I stop and snap my fingers. Seconds later someone screame
All eyes turn towards the woman, she was on her knees shaking Junhui awake, trying to bring him back. People come to help but halt when they realise his heart has stopped beating. “What’d you do?” Renjun asked, his brows now more furrowed than ever.
“Nothing special, just stopped his heart.” I smiled.
Palace helpers came to carry his body but before they could raise him up the ground, I snapped my fingers again. Junhui’s eyes open and he sits up abruptly...eyes bloodshot and breathing heavily.
Junhui was alive again.
“How?” Renjun whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against it.
“What am I dressed up as?” I ask and he answers confidently. “The witch of the north,” making me nod my head in agreement. “How ‘bout now?” I ask, snapping my fingers and in a blink my emerald green dress was now ruby red.
“The witch...of hell.”
His eyes widen in fear, his hands dropping down to his sides ready to run away but before he could, I raise my hands and whisper my spell.
Time has stopped.
Everyone in the room was frozen, except for him.
Huang Renjun sold his soul to the devil which was exactly why he stayed alive in the 24th war. It had its consequences and rules and the stupid prince did nothing but disobey them so I had to take him.
More like claim his soul.
Interlocking my fingers together, I say his name with a smirk.
“Hell welcomes you,” I whisper and his eyes widen. His legs, arms and lips were stuck together but he felt and saw everything.
“Say hi to them for me,” I chuckle as I watch as his soul leaves his body, the rest of him crumbling into pieces.
“Jeno!” I shout and comes in Lee Jeno in his crow form. “Change,” I command and he turns into human with a black suit on. After a twirl of my finger and a snap of my wrist he transformed in Renjun. The same face, clothes and body - just a different smirk on his face. “You’re gonna love it here,” I grin interlocking our arms together.
“Do the honors,” I say to him and he smiles, kissing me.
“Gladly,” Jeno snaps his fingers and the party continues.
The music plays as if nothing happened and there goes Junhui walking out the room with a look of confusion in his face.
We smirk.
“Well done.”
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