#ren zutto
skylolawrites · 2 years
Hii! Would you mind writing a fic with lee ren zotto and ler uki? hehe both of them are my favorite vtuber, and the actually interact a lot and even make collabs. Have a nice day btw!
A challenge spins to a cute interaction?
A supa dono asked Uki if he could tickle Ren, and it was a very adorable atmosphere with the two. Sonny, Alban, Luca and Ike also appear✨🌌
This is a tickle fic of it isn't your thing, you can go off <3
This is a SFW only tk fic :)
Oh my goodness hello! I sprang with joy when I got your ask I hope you enjoy this. I love Uki and Ren so much💜
Uki and Ren are doing irl Collab! The two have done a meet up, and are looking forward to this stream. The chat is zooming with heartfelt messages. And silly messages. And what ever you may think of.
"I think it's time to properly begin Ren!" Uki happily announced to Ren. Ren making happy squeals. Uki giggled at Ren's little squeals.
"hello, chat. How are we all doing today?" Ren asked his wholesome chat. "Ahhh, you all are having a good time! I'm pleased to hear it!"
"Ren you forgot about me!!!" Uki poked Ren's side. Uki made a small squeak.
"Uki I didn't forgETEHE- I was about to say you're here too!" Ren replied to Uki a warm pink blush appearing on his face.
Uki mesmerised by Ren's adorable reaction, he kept it in mind.
"Haha, what ever you say, Ren" Uki smugly replied Ren playfully rolled his eyes.
"As you have probably has known from the tweet, I have said we will be doing a little challenge." Ren giggled. "We're going to see if we can beat Minecraft together!"
"I can already tell this is going to go wrong " Uki teased Ren.
"SHUT UP!" Ren said playfully amused. "also, L + ratio"
Uki pretended to gasp. And nudged Ren.
As the two was in the game, reading chat. Uki was on the ASWD keys and Ren was doing the mouse.
It was night time in the Game, and a creeper was behind them. Ren took an opportunity and did the annoying thing ever. He faced the creeper.. BOOM!
The "you died" screen showed up. And Ren boomed with laughter, Uki coukt help but smile at him. Too adorable..
A supa appeared on the screen, and Ren was too busy laughing to see it. Uki saw, the supa.
"A Ren and Uki collab?! Ren laughing is too cute. That sound from earlier which Ren made sounded like a squeal. Did you tickle hiim? If you did could you do it again?! Thank youuuuuu!"
Uki's model smiled whilst reading the supa and nodded. And proceeded to tickle Ren's tum. Ren laughed surprised.
"what the UHUHUHUKI?!?! AHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHA!!" Ren laughed squirming in his chair. "WHAHAHAHAT??"
"Ehehe, Someone donated a supa asking me to tickle you" Uki replidd enjoying this, Ren looks like he was enjoying the tickly affection.
"SOHOHOHO EMBAHAHARSING!!" Ren laughd, blushing.
"Eehehahah" Uki giggled. "You're so red! Like a tomato!"
Ren got even more embarrassed. "Shuhuhut ihihihihit ihihihi'm NOHOHOHOT a tohohohomatohoho! SHUHUHUSH CHAHAHHAHAHT!"
"oh what's chat sayin?" Uki asked teasingly looking chat chat. "awww I agree too, Ren is a little cutie"
This made Ren laughing more. Ike, Alanyan, Sonny, and Luca joined the VC the two was in.
"AWWWWW SOOO CUTEEEEEE!" Ike cooed. He was being honest after all.
"Sooooo adorable" Luca also said.
"AWWWWWW, get him Uki!" Alban said to Uki encouraging.
"Uki Uki daisuki, Ren your laugh is so contagious, and cute!!" Sonny said in a cute way to make Ren even more flustered.
Which indeed made Ren flustered.
"NOHOHOHOHO YOHOHOHOU GUHUHUHUYS AHAHAHAHA-" He couldn't finish his sentence as Uki's. fingers travelled to his neck. "nOHOHOHO Uhuhuhuhuki!"
"Nah, I'll stay here. I like it!" Uki said poking his neck and squeezing it gently.
"UHUHUHUHUKI NOHOHOHO!" Ren said laughing, "trying" to fight back.
"Stahahahahp!!!" Ren giggled. Uki did stop and give Ren little raspberries, which drove Ren a little bit crazy. "EEHHEHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!"
"AWWWWWW!!!" The 5 said in unison.
Chat was having the time of their lives. Ren being tickled was so cute to them, hearing Ren laugh like a child is very sweet to hear. Uki patted Ren's neck to get the ghost tickles away. And the two hugged.
Luca, Sonny, Alban, and Ike was smiling so much.
"Well I guess chat this stream is gonna be fun!" uki said and grinned.
"hahaha, yea" Ren giggled replying back.
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akirakf · 7 months
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“Chanchan! Ai chiki chiki bang bang!”
Sambil menyetir, aku melantunkan lagu Chiki Chiki Bang Bang yang kuputar di music player mobilnya kakak. Tentu saja, aku tidak sendirian disini. Bersama Ucup, Udin, dan Karen, kami sedang dalam perjalanan menuju Bandung. Apakah orangtuaku mengizinkan? Yap, tentu saja. Toh, kami sedang liburan sebelum masuk kuliah. Dan untungnya, aku sudah punya SIM, jadi bisa menghemat ongkos liburan kami.
“Jajang! Ai chiki chiki bambang!” si Ucup bernyanyi dengan lirik yang asal-asalan, membuatku tertawa kecil.
“Nyanyi liriknya yang bener dong, Cup!” protes Karen.
“Lah itu udah bener?”
“Mana ada bambang!”
“Liriknya begitu kok!”
“Dah lah, daripada jadi bahan debat, mending lagunya gue ganti.” Udin, yang duduk di sampingku, langsung menekan tombol next pada music player.
“Bentar, biar gue yang ganti.” Ucup pun mengambil ponselku, memilah-milah lagu yang hendak diputarnya.
Yup, music player ini terhubung dengan ponselku, sehingga semua lagu yang diputar di dalam mobil berasal dari ponselku. Tak banyak komentar kala teman-temanku mempermasalahkan lagu, karena fokusku terpusat pada tol Cipularang yang cukup damai Jumat pagi ini. Tidak ramai, tidak juga sepi.
Kipas angin kesedot sampah
Oh kipas angin kesedot sampah
“UCUP!!!” mengetahui lagu yang diputar adalah Kipas Angin Kesedot Sampah, alias lagu favoritnya Ucup, Karen langsung naik darah.
“Kenapa? Lagunya bagus tahu!” protes Ucup.
“Bagus darimana?! Liriknya aneh!”
Ucup dan Karen sibuk berdebat, sementara Udin langsung mengambil ponselku.
“Dahlah, emang payah kalo Ucup yang milih lagunya,” kata Udin.
“Din, tolong puterin AKB48 dong,” pintaku.
“Yang mana?”
“Kimi no koto ga suki dakara.”
Udin langsung mencari lagu itu, dan tak sampai satu menit lagu itu pun berkumandang di mobilku.
“Kimi ga shiawase dattara, kono jikan ga tsudzuku you ni~” aku mulai melantunkan lagu tersebut, sambil tetap menyetir agar tidak mengantuk.
“Zutto zutto zutto inotte iru yo~” Ucup pun ikut bernyanyi, setelah mendapat satu jitakan dari Karen.
“Kaze ni fukaretemo, boku ga sono hana wo mamoru~”
Dan kami berempat pun langsung menyanyikan lagu ini. Kan, memang AKB48 itu menyatukan kami.
“Ruy,” panggil Karen sambil menepuk pundakku.
“Kenapa, Ren?”
“Kalo ada rest area, bisa mampir dulu? Gue kebelet pipis.”
Mendengar ucapan Karen, aku langsung menepikan mobil ke bahu jalan.
“Kok berhenti?” tanya Karen heran.
“Pipis disana aja, semak-semak,” kataku polos. Ucup dan Udin pun langsung tertawa dibuatnya.
“Heh!! Emangnya gue cowok apa bisa pipis di semak-semak?!” protes Karen sambil memukul bahuku.
“Lah kan elo emang cowok,” kata Udin polos, yang langsung mendpat jitakan dari Karen. Aku hanya tertawa kecil, lantas kembali mengemudi menuju rest area terdekat.
Untungnya, tidak jauh. Tidak butuh waktu 10 menit bagi kami untuk menemukan rest area tersebut. Karen pun buru-buru turun dari mobil, sementara aku membuka ponselku untuk mengecek notifikasi. Ucup dan Udin sepertinya juga pergi ke toilet.
Hmm, sepertinya aku juga harus ke toilet, agar nanti tidak mampir-mampir lagi.
Tepat pukul 12 siang, kami keluar tol dan sudah tiba di Bandung. Suasana kota Bandung di senin pagi ini, tidak begitu beda jauh dengan Jakarta. Hanya saja, kemacetan di kota kembang tidaklah separah di ibu kota negara. Cuacanya pun, sama-sama terik.
“Mending kita makan siang dulu,” kata Udin. “Mau coba ke Delapan Padi gak? Katanya disana enak, murah, trus tempatnya instagramable. Karen pasti suka.”
“Eh, boleh tuh! Gue mau foto-foto!” sahut Karen antusias.
“Tunjukin aja jalannya, gue kan buta arah daerah Bandung,” jawabku. Semenjak kakakku lulus dari ITB, aku memang sudah jarang main ke Bandung.
Maka dengan instruksi dari Udin, aku menyetir ke arah tempat yang dimaksud. Tempat parkir yang cukup luas, dan dalamnya pun instagramable seperti kata Udin.
Puas makan dan berfoto-foto, kami pun melanjutkan perjalanan ke gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Berbeda dengan di Bandung kota, udara disini cukup sejuk. Tak lupa, kami mengambil banyak foto, makan bakso, sebelum akhirnya mengakhiri perjalanan kami dengan ke rumah neneknya Udin di daerah Lembang.
Rumah neneknya Udin cukup asri. Rumah sederhana bergaya kolonial dua lantai, dengan dikelilingi kebun bunga dan pohon mangga. Persis rumah eyangku di Surabaya, hanya saja rumah eyang hanya satu lantai dan cuacanya panas. Halaman rumah yang luas pun membuat mobilku bisa diparkir di sana.
“Assalamualaikum, nenek!” panggil Udin sambil mengetuk pintu rumah yang terbuka. Nenek Udin pun keluar, dan menyambut kami dengan hangat.
“Nek, kenalin, ini temen-temen Udin yang Udin ceritain. Ini Akira, Ucup, sama yang cewek Karen,” Udin memperkenalkan kami. Setelah diperkenalkan, kami beramai-ramai menyalami tangan nenek.
Ah… aku jadi rindu eyang.
Nenek pun mempersilahkan kami masuk, lalu menjamu kami dengan teh hangat.
“Macet gak?” tanya nenek.
“Alhamdulillah enggak kok nek. Lancar jaya,” jawabku.
“Nenek tinggal sendiri?” tanya Karen.
“Iya, tapi sesekali omnya Udin datang kesini, rumahnya di Dago,” jawab nenek. “Nenek seneng kalian main kesini, jadi Nenek ada temennya. Istirahat dulu, abis ini kita makan malam.”
Nenek sudah menyediakan dua kamar untuk kami di lantai dua. Tentu saja, Karen tidur sendiri sementara sisanya dalam satu kamar.
Sambil menunggu giliran mandi, aku merebahkan diriku di sofa, dan membuka twitterku. Kulihat semua temanku bersenang-senang dengan mengupdate di twitter mereka.
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“Ruy, mandi sana! Trus makan!” kata Udin sambil melempar handuk bersih padaku. “Ucup sama Karen udah di bawah, lagi ngobrol sama nenek. Abis makan, ayo kita nonton horor.”
“Anjir nonton horor,” komentarku sambil mengambil baju ganti. “Tapi kebetulan sih, gue baru langganan netpliks. Lo bawa proyektor mini?”
“Bawa. Ucup sama Karen bagian sediain cemilan.”
Usai mandi dan makan malam, kami berempat pun kembali mengobrol dengan nenek. Saat jam menunjukan pukul 10 malam, nenek izin untuk pergi tidur duluan. Dan kami berempat pun langsung mengubah lantai 2 menjadi bioskop mini. Dengan layar seadanya, dan jagung rebus serta teh hangat buatan nenek sebagai cemilannya.
Bandung, 4 Juli 2022
Akira Kusumawardhana Fujimine
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Alive in yours (Español)
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Intérprete: Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi)
Digital single: 10 Shining Birthday Song “Alive in yours”
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 febrero 2023
Alive in yours Viviendo en ti
掴んだら溶けてく Tsukandara toketeku Eres tan fugazmente hermosa
儚いほどに美しくて Hakanai hodo ni utsukushikute Que si te sostengo, te derrites
だけど見てるだけじゃ Dakedo miteru dake ja Por eso sólo puedo mirarte
Loneliness 君のせいさ Loneliness kimi no sei sa Y mi soledad es culpa tuya
夢に出逢って生まれたよ Yume ni deatte umareta yo Nació luego de encontrarnos en un sueño,
愛しいこの鼓動に Itoshii kono kodou ni Y es dolorosamente cálido
苦しいほどに温かい Kurushii hodo ni atatakai Para los amados latidos de mi corazón
アツイ涙キスで拭う Atsui namida kisu de nuguu Que acumula huellas de las cálidas lágrimas
跡を重ね Ato o kasane Que secas con tus besos
生きる意味が愛を知ることなら Ikiru imi ga ai o shiru koto nara Si el significado de la vida es encontrar el amor,
凍える夜でも君を見つけるよ Kogoeru yo demo kimi o mitsukeru yo Te encontraré inclusive en una noche helada
生きる証が愛の証へと Ikiru akashi ga ai no akashi e to Si el símbolo de mi vida se convierte
変わり出したら Kawari dashitara En un símbolo de amor,
もう何も怖くない Mou nani mo kowakunai Ya no le temeré a nada
この歌を捧げよう Kono uta o sasageyou Y te ofreceré esta canción
“永遠”そう誓った “Eien” sou chikatta Estoy seguro que con el tiempo
この場所もきっと時間(とき)と共に Kono basho mo kitto toki to tomo ni Este lugar en donde juré “eternidad”
誰かの心にも 花を咲かせ Dareka no kokoro ni mo hana o sakase Florecerá y quedará grabado
刻んでく Kizandeku En el corazón de alguien
想像以上 でも決して Souzouijou demo kesshite Es más de lo que imaginaba pero definitivamente
幻でもないから Maboroshi demo nai kara No es una ilusión
恋しいほどに深くなる Koishii hodo ni fukaku naru Te anhelo tanto que estos sentimientos amargos
ビターな想い Bitaa na omoi Se vuelven más profundos
だけど甘い 未来くれた Dakedo amai mirai kureta Pero son dulces y me dieron un futuro
生きてることで愛に辿り着くと Ikiteru koto de ai ni tadori tsuku to Estando aquí, me enseñaste
教えてくれた 君がいるのなら Oshiete kureta kimi ga iru no nara Que la manera de alcanzar el amor es viviendo
震える鼓動を抱きしめていたい Furueru kodou o dakishimeteitai Quiero abrazar tus temblorosos latidos
この先もずっと Kono saki mo zutto Y que de ahora en adelante
叶え続けていこう Kanae tsuzuketeikou Sigamos haciéndolo realidad
すべては Love, like a jewel… Subete wa love, like a jewel… Todo es amor, al igual que una joya…
Protect a promise for you… Protegeré la promesa que te hice…
一瞬一瞬が愛に包まれ Isshun isshun ga ai ni tsutsumare Cada instante está envuelto en amor
尊さが笑顔を照らしてくよ Toutousa ga egao o terashiteku yo Y la nobleza ilumina tu sonrisa
生きる証が愛の証へと Ikiru akashi ga ai no akashi e to Si el símbolo de mi vida se convierte
変わり出したら Kawaridashitara En un símbolo de amor,
もう何も怖く無い Mou nani mo kowakunai Ya no le temeré a nada
この歌を捧げよう Kono uta o sasageyou Y te ofreceré esta canción
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn PV Apoya comprando el original
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godzillasrighttoe · 3 years
Godzilla vs Kong through Incorrect Quotes I made up(SPOILERS AHEAD!!!)
This mostly consists of Kojira incorrect quotes, song lyrics, and out of pocket memes. I hope this makes GvK slanders stop slandering the movie just because Ren Serizawa died which is NOT a valid reason to hate the movie. He was obviously a villain and all villains get defeated somehow so...yeah GvK slanders are definitely gonna come after me for this. Also, keep in mind when I mention Ilene in this, I'm talking about Ilene Andrews and not Ilene Chen.
There's also a lot of swearing in this, so you've been warned.
(Opening scene)
*Kong throws a tree at the sky*
*The tree breaks the sky because it's actually just a hologram*
*Kong screams in anger*
Kong:AHHHHHHHHHH stressedt.
(Godzilla's attack on Pensacola, Florida)
*Fighter Jets attack Godzilla*
(The aircraft battle)
*Kong punches Godzilla*
(Second underwater battle)
Kong:Why are you attempting to drown me again?!?I obviously can't swim!!!
Kong: ...
Godzilla:I mean, really, it's same me. It's old me, you know, same shit.
(End of the Aircraft Battle)
Godzilla:Wait did I just win?
Kong:Yes, obviously!!!Now can you get the heck out???I need rest now!!!Got me bummed out!!!
Godzilla:Oh... so I did win...
*Godzilla swims away*
Godzilla:We got a number one victory royale!Yeah Fortnite, we bout to get down!10 kills on the board right now, just wiped out tomato town!
(Mechagodzilla vs Skullcrawler)
*Skullcrawler chases after Madison, Bernie, and Josh*
Madison:𝙄 𝘼 𝙄 𝙉 ' 𝙏 𝘾 𝙃 𝙐 𝘾 𝙆 𝙀 𝘾 𝙃 𝙀 𝙀 𝙎 𝙀 -
*Mechagodzilla picks up Skullcrawler*
Mechagodzilla: Give him to me!ᗩᗴᑌᘜᕼ!~
Everybody else in the room watching: ...
(A Hollow Earth scene)
Maya:Get the artifact!
Ilene:No!You can't just take stuff from the Hollow Earth like this!
Maya:Yes I can!I do what I please and you do what I ask!
*mfs from apex point guns at everyone against Maya*
Kong:HAHAHAHA human die lol
*mfs from apex point a gun at Jia*
*Kong starts making angry chimpanzee noises cause he's an overprotective dad but in this situation it's necessary lol*
(Godzilla's arrival in Hong Kong)
*Godzilla shoots his beam into the Hollow Earth*
*Everything starts falling apart in the Hollow Earth*
Maya:Oh no!Everyone get to the HEAVs!
*Hellhawks start flying towards Kong*
Kong:I d o n ' t k n o w n o n e o f t h e s e h o e s -
(The battle in Hong Kong)
*Kong beating the ground to intimidate Godzilla*
Kong:Bring it on, motherfucker!
Kong:oh he fucked up
Mechagodzilla, from Victoria's Peak:Oop- you know what this means!
*Mechagodzilla starts playing Captain Hook by Megan Thee Stallion at full volume*
Godzilla:*ah's in Japanese*
(And if the beat live, you know lil ju made it!)
*Kong and Godzilla start battling it out*
(Towards the end of the battle where Kong starts losing)
Kong:Stop crawling towards me like that!!!
Godzilla:Mitsume au hitomi no ichiban fukai toko~(I feel closest to you when our eyes meet~)
Godzilla:Watashi dake utsuru hi wo zutto matteru...(But I'm the only one waiting to be reflected in yours...)
(After Godzilla won the battle🤪🤪🤪#TeamGodzilla)
Godzilla in his mind:Man, I can't believe I won that battle! Stupid Monkey!Also, who was playing that music last night?Eh, maybe it's not a big deal.
*Mechagodzilla breaks out of Victoria's Peak*
Godzilla:I don't know who got you speakin' italics, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗲
Mechagodzilla:🇸  🇺  🇧  🇯  🇺  🇬  🇦  🇹  🇮  🇴  🇳 
Godzilla:bruh my ears. Wait, are you a...MECHAGODZILLA?!?
Mechagodzilla:Yep!Back by popular demanddd! AHAAA!I'm basically you but WAYYY better.
Godzilla:You can't be better than me!I'm the King of the Monsters!No bitch can COMPAREEEEE, they all think I'm the BEST.
Mechagodzilla:Ew, why are you singing ppcocaine?
Godzilla:𝗜 𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝘂𝗽.
Mechagodzilla:Nah, I was just asking. I don't play that intimidation bullshit. 𝗜 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴 𝘂 𝗻 𝘀 𝗵 𝗶 𝘁 𝗳𝗿. Throw a couple bands...
*Mechagodzilla gets his missiles ready and aims them at Godzilla*
Mechagodzilla:𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝗻 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗹.
Godzilla:Square up then!
Mechagodzilla:Ight, bet!If you think I'm stealing swag, bitch, come and sue me!
*Mechagodzilla and Godzilla start battling it out and Mechagodzilla is already beating Godzilla's ass lol*
(Resurrection of Kong)
Jia:You have to stop hating on Godzilla!He was never supposed to be your enemy!That robot guy is the enemy!
*Kong looks at Mechagodzilla bullying and beating the shit out of Godzilla*
*Mechagodzilla kicks Godzilla down with a TON of force*
Mechagodzilla:i'M tHe PeTtY qUeEn! I nEeD yOu To HaVe To HaVe A sEaT!
Mechagodzilla:Fine then, but just know that in about 10 minutes you're gonna be DEAD. 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗮 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲.
Godzilla:HEY!!! D-don't disrespect Mothra like that!
*Godzilla starts tearing up*
Godzilla:H-how would you feel if I made fun of someone you loved who was d-dead?!?
Mechagodzilla:I wouldn't really care, I'm not a baby like you.
Godzilla:Wow!You actin' real fuckin' b-bold for an NPC, buddy.
Mechagodzilla:NPC stands for shut your stupid B I T C H B A B Y ass up.
Godzilla:T-that's the w-wrong fuckin l-letters, dawg...
*Godzilla starts thinking about Mothra more*
Mechagodzilla:As I expected.
*Godzilla starts crying*
Godzilla:WAAAAAHHHHHH!I miss her so much!!!I hate you!!!
Godzilla:Go away!!You took it too far!!!
Mechagodzilla:I'm not doing shit until you stop crying over that 𝗽 𝘂 𝘀 𝘀 𝘆 𝗮 𝘀 𝘀 moth and fight me like the King of the Monsters.
(Back to Kong, I kinda got carried away with this battle lmao)
Kong in his mind:Damn, I'm really starting to feel bad for Godzilla. I can't blame him for breaking down. This robot guy is taking it too far with his insults. I'm gonna beat his ass!
Kong:Fine, I'll fight him.
(Godzilla and Kong vs Mechagodzilla)
*Mechagodzilla is literally about to kill Godzilla*
*Kings walks over to the battle*
Kong:Hey, stinky!
*Mechagodzilla stops for a second*
*Godzilla looks at Kong*
Godzilla in his mind:Why is he saving me?Didn't I beat his ass last night?Jesus Christ, you're so confusing!
Kong:You're taking it too far with those death threats and insults, man.
Mechagodzilla:bruh. You probably haven't even battled in a while. So get out of here, old man!
Kong:Bitch?!?How do you think I got here?I just got beat up by Godzilla last night!
Mechagodzilla:Wow, lmao. That shows that both of you guys are just weak as hell. So now, in about 15 minutes both of you will be DEAD. 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗮 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀.
*Kong shows signs of him being offended by Mechagodzilla's insult but then decides he's done with everyone making fun of his dead parents*
Kong:UGH!I'm sick and tired of everyone making fun of my dead parents!You're really gonna get it now.
*Kong looks at the guy filming the whole battle*
Kong:Cut the cameras.
The filmer:But Kong we-
The filmer:ok...
*The filmer doesn't even do it lol*
(Kong defeats Mechagodzilla)
*Kong slices off Mechagodzilla's limbs one by one*
*Kong decapitates Mechagodzilla*
Godzilla:Dude why did you even save me after everything I did to you last night?
Kong:To be honest, I did start to feel really bad for you. That robot guy is a bitch.
Kong:So I saved you! Because you've got into this heart of mine. And I know it's true cause' darling, I...
Godzilla:Maybe I am getting used to you. Ooh!And I'm lovin' every single thing about you!I'm getting used to you!And I could never get used to living withoooout youuuuuuuu!
*Godzilla and Kong hug each other*
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utagoe · 4 years
Kanji, romaji and English translation for WONDER☆RONDO by ST☆RISH
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(kanji source) パート分け:レン 那月 トキヤ 真斗 音也 翔 セシル
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
空の虹を目指そう 雲のベンチで未来語って 音符の花をFor you 魔法みたいな世界をエスコート
おいでよ 恋のMakeupもっと近く 一緒にゆこう 花火のように弾け合い ウェルカムさあ始めよう 鼓動(Rhyzm)を合わせて Kissをするように
WONDER☆RONDO! 夢にようこそ 君の側に居られる喜び CARNIVAL! 響き鳴らそう 胸のパッションを音楽に
この瞬間が 覚めぬよう 離れずいて あげるから 願い全部 言ってほしい ほらその手を 伸ばしてくれるなら 最高の時間を…君と
ずっと好き合っていると 新たな君の笑顔と会えて 過去を重ねることが 大切な今に続いてると知る
出会って どれくらいが経ったんだろう? って言えること こんな嬉しいことはないでしょ? 一緒にいた日々がこんなに輝き 今日を作ってる
ENDLESS! 愛を歌おう ここはパラダイス二人だけの楽園 WONDERFUL! 星の指輪(リング) 月の宝石(ジュエル) ドレスアップして踊ろうよ
時計なんて ない世界 非日常の パーティタイム 見つめ合って 語り合おう 大好きだよ 毎日が記念日 終わりのない輪舞曲(ロンド)…Love you
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
WONDER☆RONDO! 夢にようこそ 扉開けて飛び込んでおいで CARNIVAL! 響き鳴らそう 言葉はいらない歌がある
この瞬間が 覚めぬよう 離れずいて あげるから 願い全部 言ってほしい ほらその手を 伸ばしてくれるなら 最高の時間を…君と
Romaji Colours: Ren Natsuki Tokiya Masato Otoya Syo Cecil
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
sora no niji wo mezasou kumo no benchi de mirai katatte onpu no hana wo For you mahou mitai na sekai wo esukooto
oideyo koi no Makeup motto chikaku issho ni yukou hanabi no youni hajikeai uerukamu saa hajimeyou Rhyzm wo awasete Kiss wo suru youni
WONDER☆RONDO! yume ni youkoso kimi no soba ni irareru yorokobi CARNIVAL! hibiki narasou mune no passhon wo ongaku ni
kono shunkan ga samenu you hanarezu ite ageru kara negai zenbu itte hoshii hora sono te wo nobashite kureru nara saikou no jikan wo... kimi to
zutto suki atteiru to arata na kimi no egao to aete kako wo kasaneru koto ga taisetsu na ima ni tsuzuiteru to shiru
deatte dore kurai ga tattan darou? tte ieru koto konna ureshii koto wa nai desho? issho ni ita hibi ga konna ni kagayaki kyou wo tsukutteru
ENDLESS! ai wo utaou koko wa paradaisu futari dake no rakuen WONDERFUL! ringu jueru doresu appu shite odorouyo
tokei nante nai sekai hinichijou no paati taimu mitsume atte katari aou daisuki dayo mainichi ga kinenbi owari no nai rondo... Love you
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
WONDER☆RONDO! yume ni youkoso tobira akete tobikonde oide CARNIVAL! hibiki narasou kotoba wa iranai uta ga aru
kono shunkan ga samenu you hanarezu ite ageru kara negai zenbu itte hoshii hora sono te wo nobashite kureru nara saikou no jikan wo... kimi to
English Colours: Ren Natsuki Tokiya Masato Otoya Syo Cecil
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
Let's aim for the rainbow in the sky Talking about the future on a bench of clouds A flower of musical notes for you I'll escort you to a world that resembles magic
Come here Bring your makeup of love closer to me Let's go together Bursting together like fireworks Welcome! Now, let's start Matching our rhythms As if we're kissing
WONDER☆RONDO! Welcome to a dream The joy of being able to be by your side CARNIVAL! Let's resound Turning the passion in our hearts into music
So you don't wake up From this moment I won't go away From you I want you to tell me All that you wish Look, if you Hold out your hand to me I'll have the best of times... with you
"We're always loving each other", I could see a new smile from you I understand that 'piling up the past' Is what leads to this valuable present
"How long Has it been since we've met?" Being able to say that Is the happiest thing in the world, isn't it? The days we spent together shine like this And create our 'today'
ENDLESS! Let's sing our love This is a paradise, our own paradise WONDERFUL! Ring jewel Let's dress up and dance
A world With no clocks An extraordinary Party time Let's look at each other And have a chat I love you Every day's an anniversary An endless rondo... Love you
Wonder parade Wonder dream Let’s dance! Show time!!
WONDER☆RONDO! Welcome to a dream Open the door and jump in here CARNIVAL! Let's resound We have a song that doesn't need words
So you don't wake up From this moment I won't go away From you I want you to tell me All that you wish Look, if you Hold out your hand to me I'll have the best of times... with you
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Date A Live 10th Anniversary Project to Include Best Album and Online Poll for Best Scenes
    The official website for the anime adaptation project based on Koshi Tachibana's Date A Live light novel series has revealed details of its tenth anniversary project, including the best album, online poll for the best scenes in the anime, four-panel manga, and a collaboration event at EJ Anime Theater Shinjuku.
      The best album "'Date A Live' New Series Broadcast Commemoration! Theme Song Compilation" will include all of the theme songs from the previous anime series and the games. In commemoration of the album's release, the opening movies for the TV anime's first three seasons are now streamed on YouTube.
    Song list:
   1. "Date A Live" sweet ARMS (TV anime 1st season OP)
 2. "Trust in you" sweet ARMS (TV anime 2nd season OP)
 3. "Day to Story" Kaori Sadohara (TV anime 2rd season ED)
 4. "Invisible Date" sweet ARMS (Date A Live: The Movie – Mayuri Judgement theme song)
 5. "I swear" sweet ARMS (TV anime 3rd season OP)
 6. "Last Promise" Erii Yamazaki (TV anime 3rd season ED)
 7. "Infermata" Spotlight Kids (OVA Date A Bullet OP)
 8. "Only wish" Liuza (OVA Date A Bullet ED)
 9. "Precious" RinamooN (OVA Date A Bullet ED)
 10. "Date in Utopia" sweet ARMS (PS3 game Date A Live: Rinne Utopia OP)
 11. "Kitto Zutto" sweer ARMS (PS3 game Date A Live: Rinne Utopia ED)
 12. "Installation" sweet ARMS (PS3 game Date A Live: Arusu Install OP)
 13. "Eternal World" Kaori Sadohara (PS3 game Date A Live: Arusu Install ED)
 14. "Key of Truth" sweet ARMS (PS VITA game Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation OP)
 15. "Not forget" Misato (PS VITA game Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation ED)
 16. "Kangen Yuwaku Receptor!" sweet ARMS (PS4 game Date A Live: Ren Dystopia OP)
 17. "Never Ending Love story" Iori Nomizu (PS4 game Date A Live: Ren Dystopia ED)
    TV anime "Date A Live" OP movie:
    TV anime "Date A Live II" OP movie:
    TV anime "Date A Live III" OP movie:
      An online poll "~Best of Date~" to determine the best scene from the first to the third season of the TV anime series will be held until February 22. The best three scenes will be shown in a special edited video. You can vote for your favorite scene on this form.
      ◤ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄◥ ✨視聴者投票企画✨ ~ベスト・オブ・デート~ ◣__________◢ 皆様から投票を募りTVシリーズのベストシーンが決定! 出演キャストや原作陣の選んだベストシーンも大公開! 投票は【2月22日㈫】まで???? ????詳細はこちらhttps://t.co/IqpgBuFR0t#date_a_live pic.twitter.com/C1ll75CNny
— デート・ア・ライブ[公式] (@date_a_info) February 8, 2022
    A four-panel manga featuring each character drawn by Inui Sekihiko, who also worked on the comicalization of the series, will be serialized on the web on the official website and Twitter. The featured character in its first episode below is the male protagonist Shido Itsuka.
    犬威赤彦先生描き下ろし 4コマ漫画WEB連載???? ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ コミック版「デート・ア・ライブ」も手掛けた、犬威赤彦先生描き下ろしの キャラクター4コマ漫画が公式サイト、TwitterにてWEB連載決定! 第1回は五河士道!✨ ????キャラクター4コマ漫画https://t.co/52NivSZQ61#date_a_live pic.twitter.com/oe5Lgq2R9c
— デート・ア・ライブ[公式] (@date_a_info) February 8, 2022
    A memorial collaboration event is scheduled to be held at the EJ Anime Theater Shinjuku in Tokyo from April 1 to 28, 2022. It will include revival screenings of theatrically released films, collaboration café, gallery exhibition, and goods sales.
    ✨EJアニメシアター新宿コラボ決定✨ 劇場公開作品のリバイバル上映や、コラボカフェ、ギャラリー展示、グッズ販売など豪華企画盛りだくさん!???? 日程:2022/4/1(金)~4/28(木) ????詳細は特設サイトをチェック!https://t.co/sC8U4NAqkZ#date_a_live pic.twitter.com/9NjntMtVfb
— デート・ア・ライブ[公式] (@date_a_info) February 8, 2022
      The TV anime fourth season Date A Live IV is set to premeire in April 2022.
    2nd PV:
      Sources: "Date A Live" anime official website / Twitter, Nippon Columbia press release
  ©Koshi Tachibana, Tsunako
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
0 notes
snowredcat · 6 years
By: SCREEN mode
Romanji: Hacha mecha na ren ai jijou no sono sakini Egakitai yo bokura shika tsukurenai love stage!!
Ippo tsuukou no boku kara no sign Kyou mo kippu kirarete jichou gimi sa Minogashi souna kimi kara no fragment Chanto uketomete miseru kara never stop
Ichizu sa mo tomadoi mo ai yue darou Soushisou ai → muri nandai no no Nori koe rarete ikou ka
Hacha mecha na ren ai jijou no sono saki ni Okiru koto wo subete kanji to tte mitai yo Harisake souna gurai koi shite nakya Egakenai yo bokura shika tsukurenai love stage!!
Chikadzuita bun mienai other side Koi wa mujun darake sa jimon no ru∞pu Ashinmetorii na futari no hou ga Jishaku mitai ni umaku ikanai mon ka naa?
Kanchigai mo shippai mo mirai e no hane Bukiyouni ami konde as one Toberu twenty four seven
Sekaijuu ni michiteru sen no kotoba yori Kimi e mukete hashiri dashita kanade todoketai Tsugi haki darake no riaru wo kasanete Niido to konai toki wo wakachi aitai LφVEST time!
Kizutsuki kizutsuke mislead Kizue to shimikomu missing you Nogareyou nai kurai, karada juu kimi de michiru
Hacha mecha na renai jijou no sono sakini Okiru koto wo subete kanji to tte mitai yo Boku to kimi to igai jama wa saseya shinai Kitto zutto bokura shika tsukurenai LφVEST stage!
Kimi igai ai senai you are the LφVE!
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yamazaki-ruka · 7 years
Vocal: Ichinose Gaku (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke), Kuwakado Aoi (CV. Hino Satoshi), Saionji Ren (CV. Fukuyama Jun) Voice performance: Tsukuyomi Rikyou (CV. Ishida Akira)
「これから広がる新たな景色 君の目に映る色は、きっと美しく輝くよ」
動き出した新しい日々に 僕らは希望を抱きながら 今確かに 踏み出すだろう まだ見えぬ道の先へ
どんな未来が広がってるだろう これから先は君と共に行くから この手を離さないで
歩き始めた 桜の時 きらり 滲んだ花びらに 願いを込めよう
探し続ける未来も 揺るがない思いがあるなら それぞれのステージで きらめく 桜の木の下で 今 ここから始めよう ひとつだけのストーリー
「少し寂しい別れもあったと思うけど 大丈夫。きっとまたどこかで会えるよ」
それはきっとさよならじゃないよ 重ね合った無数の奇跡を 胸の中に 刻み込んで 歩き出す道の先へ
ひとりぼっちの君はいないよ 大事なものはいつもそばにあるから その足を止めないで
願いを込めた 桜の時 ひらり 舞い散る花びらに 明日を誓うよ
求め続ける未来も 揺るがない思いがあるなら 無限大のイメージで 描ける 春色のパレットで ほら これからの日々が 輝き出すように
「未来はどんな色にだって輝く と、君は思うのかい? すべては自分次第というわけか」
もう迷わないよ もう振り返らないよ 数十億分の一を越えて ありがとう 出会い 別れ 繰り返したとしても 心ならつながるだろう ずっと 消えないって信じてるよ 桜の約束
探し続ける未来も 揺るがない思いがあるなら それぞれのステージで きらめく 桜の木の下で 今 ここから始めよう 心は傍にいるよ
モノクロの日々でも 揺るがない思いがあるなら 無限大のイメージで 描ける 春色のパレットで ほら ここから始めよう 目指す未来はGlory days 永久に輝くストーリー
(A vast new scenery, and colors that are reflected in your eyes now will surely shine beautifully)
On the new days that start going, while embracing hopes, we're surely moving forward to uncertain path ahead of us, don't you agree?
I wonder what kind of future will unfold From here on out, I'll walk together with you, so don't let go of my hand
The cherry blossom season that start going Let's include our prayers in flower petals that are discolored in brief flash of light
The future we keep searching for, if we have unwavering feelings, we'll sparkle on every stage Right now under the cherry blossom tree Let's start it from here Our only story
(I think there's a quite depressing farewell too, but don't worry. I'm sure we can meet again somewhere)
That's obviously not a good-bye We'll engrave countless number of overlapping miracles in our hearts and, we'll start walking down the path ahead of us
You won't be alone Precious things are always close by, so don't stop walking
The cherry blossom season that's filled with our prayers I'll vow of tomorrow to flower petals that flutter down
The future we keep seeking for, if we have unwavering feelings, we can draw with infinite images using the palette of spring scenery, look! So that the days from this point forward will start shining
(You're thinking, in what kind of color will the future shine? aren't you? I think it all depends on yourself)
I won't hesitate anymore I won't look back anymore Beyond parts per several billion times, thank you Encounter, farewell, even if I repeat it all over again Hearts will be connected, don't you agree? It won't never disappear, I believe that The promise of cherry blossom
The future we keep searching for, if we have unwavering feelings, we'll sparkle on every stage Right now under the cherry blossom tree Let's start it from here The heart is close by
Even the monochrome days, if we have unwavering feelings, we can draw with infinite images using the palette of spring scenery, look! Let's start it from here The future we're aiming for is glory days The story that will shine eternally
Kore kara hirogaru arata na keshiki Kimi no me ni utsuru iro wa, kitto utsukushiku kagayaku yo
Ugokidashita atarashii hibi ni Bokura wa kibou wo idakinagara Ima tashika ni fumidasu darou Mada mienu michi no saki e
Donna mirai ga hirogatteru darou Kore kara saki wa kimi to tomo ni yuku kara Kono te wo hanasanaide
Arukihajimeta sakura no toki Kirari nijinda hanabira ni Negai wo komeyou
Sagashitsudzukeru mirai mo Yuruganai omoi ga aru nara Sorezore no SUTEEJI de kirameku Sakura no ki no shita de ima Koko kara hajimeyou Hitotsu dake no SUTOORII
Sukoshi sabishii wakare mo atta to omou kedo Daijoubu. Kitto mata dokoka de aeru yo
Sore wa kitto sayonara janai yo Kasaneatta musuu no kiseki wo Mune no naka ni kizamikonde Arukidasu michi no saki e
Hitoribocchi no kimi wa inai yo Daiji na mono wa itsumo soba ni aru kara Sono ashi wo tomenaide
Negai wo kometa sakura no toki Hirari maichiru hanabira ni Asu wo chikau yo
Motometsudzukeru mirai mo Yuruganai omoi ga aru nara Mugendai no IMEEJI de egakeru Haruiro no PARETTO de hora Kore kara no hibi ga Kagayakidasu you ni
Mirai wa donna iro ni datte kagayaku To, kimi wa omou no kai? Subete wa jibun shidai to iu wake ka
Mou mayowanai yo Mou furikaeranai yo Suujuuokubun no ichi wo koete arigatou Deai wakare furikaeshita toshitemo Kokoro nara tsunagaru darou Zutto kienai tte shinjiteru yo Sakura no yakusoku
Sagashitsudzukeru mirai mo Yuruganai omoi ga aru nara Sorezore no SUTEEJI de kirameku Sakura no ki no shita de ima Koko kara hajimeyou Kokoro wa soba ni iru yo
MONOKURO no hibi demo Yuruganai omoi ga aru nara Mugendai no IMEEJI de egakeru Haruiro no PARETTO de hora Koko kara hajimeyou Mezasu mirai wa Glory days Towa ni kagayaku SUTOORII
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kawaii-music-notes · 7 years
Ohara Sora : Toshiyuki Toyonaga
大原空 : 豊永利行
Arihara Morihito : Yuuki Ono
在原守人 : 小野友樹
Kagaruzaka Soshi : Shin Furukawa
神楽坂宗司 : 古川慎
Munakata Ren : Taishi Murata
宗像廉 : 村田太志
Nanase Nozomu : Chiharu Sawashiro
七瀬望 : 沢城千春
Romaji: LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
mousugu bokura wa jibun no michi wo erande aruiteku haji wo wasurete katariaeta imeeji ni kogarete
koko ni wa nai risou wo kimi ni jimanshi takute nandemo dekiru you na sono kininareru issho ni sugoseta koto kyou made kawashita koe zenbu ga omoide no naka iroasete yuku kedomo
hitori datte kowakunai
itsudatte zenryoku de mirai ni butsukatte wakaranai koto wo shitte kawattekunda kitto itsu no hi ka atsumatte joudan de waratte kotae awase shite mitai na deatta toki to onaji ano yume wo
LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
dokomademo tsuzuku kono sekai de kimi ni te wo hikare nandomo hema shita kuyashisa datte purasu ni kaete yuku
dare yori mujaki da kedo hontou wa nayami gachi de ukanai kao kakushite sentou wo kaketetta kaeshikirenai hodo shiawase wo moratte konnani karappo nanoni kokoro wa me ippai nanda mou
hitori janai kimi ga iru
itsudatte zenryoku de mirai ni butsukatte todokanai teppen ni datte nobottekunda zutto ikeru yo maken na kinou ga tsuiteruze genkai da natte hebatte mo omoidasunda itsumo ano yumew o
issho ni sugoseta koto kyou made kawashita koe zenbu ga omoide no naka takaramono da yo kaeshikirenai hodo shiawase wo moratte konna ni waratte ite mo namida komiageru kedo ima wa nani ga attatte boku wa daijoubu kimi ni aete yokatta yo
itsudatte zenryoku de mirai ni butsukatte dekinai koto mo yarikitte dekaku narenda kitto itsu no hi ka mouichido koko de aetara tashikameatte mitai nda bokura no oikaze datta deatta toki to onaji ano yume wo
S.O.A.R.A issou sachiare S.O.A.R.A massugu hashire So!! 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4!!
LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
English: LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
Soon we will walk our own paths we chose Forget the embarrassment as we talk together about the image we desire
The ideal you can be proud of isn’t here You can do anything if you put your mind to it The things we have been through together The voices we exchanged until today Are all inside our memories until they fade
It’s not scary even if you’re alone
Always attack the future with all your power Learn all the things you don’t know You will surely change One day we will gather and joke and laugh It will be like we are answering together The same dream as when we met
LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
Anywhere you go in this world, your hand will pull people in You will experience chagrin again and again But the positive is that it will change you
Anyone can be simple-minded but In truth they will still have troubles I will hide my depressed face and run forward I won’t return until I achieve happiness Even if it is empty, my heart will give its all
I’m not alone, you’re here
Always attack the future with all your power Even if you can’t reach the top Keep climbing up You can do it, don’t lose, tomorrow may be lucky If you think you’ve reached your limit, always remember it That dream
The things we’ve been through together, the voices we exchanged until today Are all inside our memories, treasure them Don’t return until you achieve happiness You can laugh this much and fill up with tears but Now, whatever happens, I am okay I’m glad I met you
Always attack the future with all your power Do all the things you can’t do They are surely huge One day if we are all to meet again It will be like confirmation It’s our tailwind The same dream as when we met
S.O.A.R.A Good luck S.O.A.R.A run straight ahead So!! 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4!!
LaLa LaLa LaLaLaLa…
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izanaginookami10 · 7 years
Enmusubi no Youko-chan - Episode 3
Enmusubi no Youko-chan – Episode 3
Enmusubi no Youko-chan
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Original Source:
Opening Theme:
“Hitomi Some ( (瞳染)” by Ren Rei (蓮莉)
Dailymotion link (Anime TV version)
Ending Theme:
“Zutto” by Berry Goodman
Dailymotion link (Anime TV version)
Available on:
Crunchyroll (official)
Horrible subs
In a world where Spirits and Humans coexist and can fall in love with each other, many Spirits see…
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 9
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the highlight of this drama has actually been Ichiro and Makoto’s relationship
Whether a couple going on a vacation is the ultimate test of their relationship
Whether the “message” was a good spin
The Rule(s):
It can be!
Jubiemon J: I was pleasantly surprised about this episode! I thought all was lost, but this episode reminded me why I enjoyed this drama in the first place. I really liked how the focus was actually more on Ichirō (who I used to call Yamapi God) and Makoto’s father-son relationship than Makoto and Haruko’s relationship. The twist about the message was great at the end too! There was no unnecessary drama that popped up, just plain, old good comedy and bromance. None of that forced, weird mission like from episode 8! Hooray! Now I’m hoping the finale will finish on a high note. I kind of want Haruko to meet Ichirō too. I would love to see her reaction to him. Hahaha!
Issue 1: Whether the highlight of this drama has actually been Ichiro and Makoto’s relationship 
Jubiemon J: The highlight of this drama is definitely the bromance. I can just watch them bicker all the time! This time, Ichirō tells Makoto that he has to succeed in sleeping with Haruko during their onsen trip in order to be able to make sure that he is born earlier. Ichirō also admits to Makoto that he is his son and the two of them engage in a hilarious conversation. The way that Ichirō confesses that he’s Makoto and Haruko’s son is cute and funny! Ichirō asks what would Makoto name his future kid as and Makoto says he doesn’t know. Off of the top of his head, Makoto just decides on “Ichirō” (一朗) because Makoto likes the famous baseball player, Suzuki Ichirō. Makoto also makes sure to emphasize that it’s not going to be the katakana form of spelling Ichirō – イチロー. That’s what the baseball player is often called.
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Ichirō buying baby clothes for Makoto and Haruko! Lol!
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Ichirō: What’d you name your kid?
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Ichirō: You sure that’s your final answer? Ichirō?
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Ichirō: I’m your son.
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Makoto going the heck?!
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Ichirō proving that he’s Makoto’s son with a driver’s license
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Mini-sized driver’s license (side note: Look at the precision! The year! The name! The address!)
  Because Makoto says he’ll name his kid, Ichirō, Ichirō gets all excited and announces that he is Makoto’s son. Makoto clearly is unconvinced and thinks Ichirō is joking. Ichirō is always sort of joking and playing around anyway. As a result, Ichirō shows Makoto his driver’s license. Lol! Makoto only seems to care that it’s super, super small compared to the current Japanese driver’s license. Makoto keeps prompting Ichirō to explain how he knows so much about the current world if he’s from the future. Ichirō says he has nothing to do all day so he just watches TV and cleans Makoto’s house with a vacuum. Makoto comments how that’s why the electricity bill is so high this month, but then still says he should thank Ichirō for cleaning. Lol!
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M: Even if you were my son, you shouldn’t have revealed your identity to me! Defies all the time travel rules!
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I: Can’t believe that’s what you care the most about!
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I: Huh? You never thought I was God?
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M: Just thought you were a weirdo that liked to call himself “God”!
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I: Then why’d you listen to me all this time?
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M: Because you knew stuff that normal people wouldn’t have known!
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I: Tell me how you felt after hearing that I’m your son!
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M: Honestly? Can’t believe the driver’s licenses in the future are soooo small! Lol!
Sidenote: Ichirō bitches at Makoto for calling him Ichirō. My first instinct was that this name is probably not that popular or kind of old school/antiquated (ie. Mary, John, Betty, William, Robert, George, Margaret etc – those are still nice names, but more popular in the 1920s). I did a bit of research and the 2016 popular baby names don’t include Ichirō (See here). The top boy names include Ren, Hiroto, Haruto, Minato. Notice how the kanji characters don’t include any of the ones from Ichirō. Then I looked at other websites (See here ; there was no Ichirō. Later, I found this, which shows that in the 1910s, Ichirō was a very popular name. It’s consistently in the top 10.
Another site also proves that Ichirō is more of a historically popular name. If you scroll down that website, it talks about how having 3 kanji characters was prevalent in the olden days and different variations of X-taro or Y-ichirō would arise. The article then suggests some appealing variations of those endings like Kouichirō or Ryuichirō. Given all this information, it makes sense that Ichirō would bitch at his father, Makoto, for half-assing in naming him and giving him a more-or-less plain name.
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Suggested variations of Y-ichiro like Ryuichirou)
Ichirō explains that a God told him to time travel to this era to make sure that Makoto and Haruko get married earlier and give birth to him earlier. Makoto gets annoyed because if he and Haruko would get married anyway, there was no need for Ichirō to show up. Ichirō says that Makoto would move at a snail’s pace and then Ichirō wouldn’t be able to finish his research in time to save the world. Makoto is still in denial that he’s his son and asks why Ichirō can teleport and disappear when guests show up. Ichirō says he invented this teleportation device. Lol!
Ichirō also describes what God looks like (old, bearded, long hair type) and Makoto believes him and says that’s what he thought God would be like. Ichirō teases and says no wonder they’re father-son. Ha! Makoto argues that if Ichirō is his son, he wouldn’t be so disrespectful towards Makoto and call him by his name “Makoto, Makoto”. Ichirō retorts that this won’t change after he’s born too. (Lol . . . Makoto the pushover . . . lol.) Makoto says that if he succeeds in the mission, Ichirō will have to call him “Dad” in a respectful way. Ichirō kind of ignores him. LOL!
I think I can probably watch Ichirō and Makoto banter all day. There’s probably more that the two said for that scene, but I can’t recall for now. They’re just hilarious! What I do remember is that Ichirō tells Makoto that he must drain out the onsen’s water to see the writing at the bottom of the pool. If he sees the writing, that’ll lead him to succeed in doing it with Haruko. We get trolled like Makoto because Makoto literally drains out the onsen water.
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Seeing the little dialogue on the bottom of this box!
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Female: Zutto watashi no “soba” ni ite ne. (Translation: Always stay by my side. ずっと私のそばにいて. Pun: Soba = type of noodles)
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Male: “sōsu”ne – (Translation: That’s right (informal). そうっすね/Sōssu ne. Pun: sōsu = sauce.))
Then we think that the writing is from the box that’s holding the soba (a type of noodle). There’s also a cute pun! (Look at the captions in the photos for an explanation of the pun.)
In reality, the writing is from Ichirō. Makoto finds the writing on his bathtub. (Leave it to him to write it in black PERMANENT MARKER.) It’s a cute, touching speech, pretty much saying how much he enjoyed spending time with Makoto and watching Makoto try so hard. (He starts the letter by calling Makoto as Makoto and not Dad. Lol!)
This makes me wonder whether Makoto and Ichirō never really had a chance to bond in the future. It’d be kind of touching, yet sad if Makoto actually passed away when Ichirō was really young. I think in a way, that’d make sense because that’d also explain why Ichirō would really want to come back to the past and would treat Makoto like a friend. Based on the previews, though, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case. The preview indicates that Makoto will feel lost and confused after Ichirō ‘s departure. Makoto has lost his memories about Ichirō because Ichirō erases them, but Makoto will likely feel like something has been missing in his life. I get a feeling we’ll get a time lapse and we’ll see Ichirō again or Ichirō will pop by again to surprise Makoto in the past. Haha!
Issue 2: Whether a couple going on a vacation is the ultimate test of their relationship
Jubiemon J: I definitely think that whenever a couple goes on a vacation together (not just a day trip), they are put to a test. There’s a difference between dating someone and travelling with them. Living with someone for a few days or more can be a challenge. Like Makoto’s boss mentions, there’s the difference in sleeping habits (i.e. one person might like to sleep with a lamp on and the other wouldn’t). I agree with Ichirō saying that this is Makoto’s final test. Besides having the two become roommates, there isn’t much else to test their relationship on. (Look at them being all cute here.)
Luckily, Makoto and Haruko are very agreeable and share similar lifestyle habits. They had a smooth vacation! And the bed scene was hilarious!! The two of them had visions from their friends preaching at them. Lol!
  Issue 3: Whether the “message” was a good spin
Jubiemon J: I think the message was nicely done as a good-bye letter from Ichirō. I hadn’t expected him to say good-bye that way. Like I mentioned before, we would have expected the message to have ended with that cute little pun from the soba container. I really thought it was pretty sad when Ichirō just said goodbye casually and then Makoto was left scrubbing the bathtub while reading the letter! Kame does a great job expressing his sorrow.
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Crying Makoto . . . so sad!
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (What a relief. A bounce back from last ep’s horrific writing. Phew. Yamapi x Kame saved the day.)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-9 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 9 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
0 notes
Welcome to UTA☆PRI KINGDOM!! (Español)
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH, QUARTET NIGHT, HE★VENS Ottoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke), Kotobuki Reiji (CV. Morikubo Showtaro), Kurosaki Ranmaru (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa), Mikaze Ai (Aoi Shouta), Camus (CV. Maeno Tomoaki), Ootori Eiichi (CV. Midorikawa Hikaru), Sumeragi Kira (CV. Ono Daisuke), Mikado Nagi (CV. Yonaga Tsubasa), Ootori Eiji (CV. Uchida Yuuma), Kiryuin Van (CV. Takahashi Hidenori), Hyuga Yamato (CV. Kimura Ryouhei), Amakuza Shion (CV. Yamashita Daiki)
DVD/BD: Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE Kingdom
Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 diciembre 2019
** Esta canción es básicamente Welcome to UTA☆PRI World!!, la diferencia es que la cantan también Cecil, QUARTET NIGHT y HE★VENS. La letra es la misma sólo que aquí pondré quien canta cada parte **
Welcome to UTA☆PRI KINGDOM!! ¡¡Bienvenida al Reino de uta☆pri!!
(全員)さあ今ここに始まる メロディー溢れる夢の唄よ (Zenin) Saa ima koko ni hajimaru merodii afureru yume no uta yo (Todos) Vamos, la canción de ensueño que desborda melodías empieza aquí y ahora
空を彩る虹になって Sora o irodoru niji ni natte Y se convierte en un arcoíris que colorea el cielo
(A&B)そう強く (A&B) Sou tsuyoku (A&B) Tan fuertemente
(C&D)強く (C&D) Tsuyoku (C&D) Fuertemente
(全員)君も一緒に We love you. My princess! (Zenin) Kimi mo issho ni We love you. My princess! (Todos) Estando junto a ti, te amamos. ¡Mi princesa!
(C&D)手を繋ぎましょう (C&D) Te o tsunagimashou (C&D) Tomémonos de las manos
(C&D)離さないで (C&D) Hanasanai de (C&D) Y no nos soltemos
(C&D)届けこの想い (C&D) Todoke kono omoi (C&D) Te entregaremos estos sentimientos
(A)笑顔の意味を知ってるかい? (A) Egao no imi o shitteru kai? (A) ¿Conoces el significado de una sonrisa?
(B)世界が今 色付くこの瞬間 (B)Sekai ga ima irozuku kono shunkan (B) El mundo ahora, justo en este momento está cambiando de color
(C)幸せ達が舞い降りるよ (C) Shiawase tachi ga maioriru yo (C) Nuestra felicidad está revoloteando
(D)自然な気持ちが溢れ出す (D) Shizen na kimochi ga afuredasu (D) Y nuestros sentimientos espontáneos se están desbordando
(音也·トキヤ)どんなときだって (Otoya·Tokiya) Donna toki datte (Otoya·Tokiya) En cualquier momento
(嶺二·瑛一·瑛二)We want you (Reiji·Eiichi·Eiji)We want you (Reiji·Eiichi·Eiji) Te queremos
(真斗·レン)側にいてあげる (Masato·Ren) Soba ni ite ageru (Masato·Ren) Y estaremos a tu lado
(蘭丸·綺羅·ヴァン) Forever (Ranmaru·Kira·Van) Forever (Ranmaru·Kira·Van) Por siempre
(那月·翔)俺たちは君への (Natsuki·Syo) Ore tachi wa kimi e no (Natsuki·Syo) Nosotros cantaremos amor
(藍·ナギ·大和)愛を歌う (Ai·Nagi·Yamato) Ai o utau (Ai·Nagi·Yamato) Para ti
(セシル·カミュ·シオン)永遠に (Cecil·Camus·Shion) Eien ni (Cecil·Camus·Shion) Y eternamente
(全員) Fly to the sky!! (Zenin) Fly to the sky!! (Todos) ¡Vuela al cielo!
(全員)さあ今ここに始まる キスよりすごい音楽達 (Zenin) Saa ima koko ni hajimaru kisu yori sugoi ongaku tachi (Todos) Vamos, nuestra música que es más genial que un beso empieza aquí y ahora
そうさ精一杯 叫びましょう Sou sa seiippai sakebimashou Así que gritemos con todas nuestras fuerzas
(A&B)そうきっと (A&B) Sou kitto (A&B) Y seguramente
(C&D)きっと (C&D) Kitto (C&D) Seguramente
(全員)すべては叶う We need you. My princess! (Zenin) Subete wa kanau We need you. My princess! (Todos) Todo se volverá realidad, te necesitamos. ¡Mi princesa!
(A&B)君へと飛んでく (A&B) Kimi e to tondeku (A&B) Volaremos hacia ti
(A&B) 大好き全部 (A&B) Daisuki zenbu (A&B) Y dibuja con nosotros
(A&B)僕らと描こう (A&B) Bokura to egakou (A&B) Todo lo que amamos
(A)時に涙が溢れ出し (A)Toki ni namida ga afuredashi (A) A veces tus lágrimas se van a derramar
(B)一人じゃやり切れない夜もある (B) Hitori ja yari kirenai yoru mo aru (B) Y también habrán noches en que no podrás soportar la soledad
(C)そんな時は思い出してよ (C) Sonna toki wa omoidashite yo (C) En esos momentos recuerda
(D)僕らでよければ歌うから (D) Bokura de yokereba utau kara (D) Que si está bien para ti, vamos a cantar
(瑛一·瑛二)心の支えに (Eiichi·Eiji) Kokoro no sasae ni (Eiichi·Eiji) En el apoyo de tu corazón
(音也·トキヤ·嶺二)We wish you (Otoya·Tokiya·Reiji) We wish you (Otoya·Tokiya·Reiji) Te deseamos
(綺羅·ヴァン)君の太陽に (Kira·Van) Kimi no taiyuo ni (Kira·Van) O en tu sol
(真斗·レン·蘭丸)Sunshine (Masato·Ren·Ranmaru) Sunshine (Masato·Ren·Ranmaru) Nuestro sol
(ナギ·大和)僕らはなれるかな? (Nagi·Yamato) Bokura wa nareru kana? (Nagi·Yamato) ¿Podremos convertirnos en alguno de ellos?
(那月·翔·藍)君の羽根に (Natsuki·Syo·Ai) Kimi no hane ni (Natsuki·Syo·Ai) Extiende
(セシル·カミュ·シオン)はばたけ (Cecil·Camus·Shion) Habatake (Cecil·Camus·Shion) Tus alas
(全員)Fly to the world!! (Zenin) Fly to the world!! (Todos) ¡¡Y vuela al mundo!!
(全員)さあ今ここに始まる 君だけの為の物語 (Zenin) Saa ima koko ni hajimaru kimi dake no tame no monogatari (Todos) Vamos, esta historia que es sólo para ti empieza aquí y ahora
全部エスコートをしてあげる Zenbu esukooto o shite ageru Te escoltaremos a todo
(A&B)そうずっと (A&B) Sou zutto (A&B) Y siempre
(C&D)ずっと (C&D) Zutto (C&D) Siempre
(全員)抱きしめてたい Please give me your voices (Zenin) Dakishimetetai Please give me your voices (Todos) Queremos abrazarte. Por favor, dame tus voces
(全員) ほらね笑顔が似合う 君は僕の天使みたいさ (Zenin) Hora ne egao ga niau kimi wa boku no tenshi mitai sa (Todos) ¿Lo ves? Un rostro sonriente te queda muy bien y pareces nuestro angel
歌おう世界中響かせて そうもっと もっと Utaou sekaijuu hibikasete sou motto motto Cantemos alrededor del mundo y dejemos que resuene, más y más
(全員)さあ今ここに始まる メロディー溢れる夢の唄よ (Zenin) Saa ima koko ni hajimaru merodii afureru yume no utau yo Vamos, la canción de ensueño que desborda melodías empieza aquí y ahora
空を彩る虹になって Sora o irodoru niji ni natte Y se convierte en un arcoíris que colorea el cielo
(A&B)そう強く (A&B) Sou tsuyoku (A&B) Tan fuertemente
(C&D)強く (C&D) Tsuyoku (C&D) Fuertemente
(全員)君も一緒に We love you. My princess (Zenin) Kimi mo issho ni We love you. My princess (Todos) Estando junto a ti, te amamos. ¡Mi princesa!
(全員)LaLaLaLa...LaLaLaLaLa… (Zenin) LaLaLaLa...LaLaLaLaLa… (Todos) LaLaLaLa...LaLaLaLaLa…
*Repito la nota del inicio: Esta canción es básicamente Welcome to UTA☆PRI World!!, la diferencia es que la cantan también Cecil, QUARTET NIGHT y HE★VENS. La letra es la misma sólo que aquí pondré quien canta cada parte.
*Lo que está al principio de cada línea es quien canta dicha línea. Es bastante entendible en las partes donde vienen los nombres o dice “todos” pero en las que son letras de la A a la D, corresponden a lo siguiente:
     A. Otoya Tokiya Reiji Eiichi Eiji      B. Masato REn Ranmaru Kira Van      C. Natsuki Syo Ai Nagi Yamato      D. Cecil Camus Shion
Apoyen comprando el original
12 notes · View notes
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH Ottoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke)
Single: Ultra blast
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 febrero 2018
星空へ旅立とう 虹を架け橋にして Hoshizora e tabidatou niji o kakehashi ni shite Haciendo del arcoiris un puente, comencemos un viaje hacia el cielo estrellado 
そして創ろうか? 音楽と歌の王国 Soshite tsukurou ka? Ongaku to uta no oukoku Y entonces, ¿lo creamos? Un reino de música y canciones
記したマジのLOVEが 満開に咲き渡る
Shirushita maji no LOVE ga mankai ni sakiwataru
El verdadero amor del que habíamos hablado florece plenamente en todas partes
7色のスターフラワーよ 世界に愛を! Nanairo no sutaa furuwaa yo sekai ni ai o! ¡Las flores de estrellas de siete colores darán amor al mundo!
Check it out !! ¡¡Compruébalo!!
10 Are you ready ? 10 ¿Están listos?
9   Are you ready ? 9 ¿Están listos?
8   Are you ready ? 8 ¿Están listos?
7   Are you ready ? 7 ¿Están listos?
6 �� Are you ready ? 6 ¿Están listos?
5   Are you ready ? 5 ¿Están listos?
4   Are you ready ? 4 ¿Están listos?
3   Are you ready ? 3 ¿Están listos?
2   Welcome to 2 Bienvenidos
1   マジLOVE 1 Maji LOVE 1 Al reino
0   キングダム 0 Kingudamu 0 Del verdadero amor
We are ST☆RISH Somos ST☆RISH
いま新たに始まる Ima arata ni hajimaru Ahora comienza nuevamente 
冒険への旅路へ Bouken e no tabiji e Un viaje a la aventura
チャレンジを忘れないぜ Charenji o wasurenaize Y no olvidaré los retos
武者震いが止まらない Mushaburui ga tomaranai No puedo dejar de temblar de la emoción
今日この場所に Kyou kono basho ni Hoy, en este lugar
Ah・・・繋がっていたんだ Ah… Tsunagatteitanda Ah… Nos conectamos 
みんなではしゃごう Minna de hashagou Vamos a divertirnos con todos
奇跡 Kiseki Abre 
超えた Koeta La puerta 
キングダムの Kingudamu no Del reino 
扉 Tobira Que va más allá 
さあ開いて Saa hiraite De los milagros
レジェンドの先へ Rejendo no saki e Y ve más allá de las leyendas
星空へ旅立とう 虹を架け橋にして Hoshizora e tabidatou niji o kakehashi ni shite Haciendo del arcoiris un puente, comencemos un viaje hacia el cielo estrellado
夢のプレリュード 歌のファンタジーみんなで Yume no pureyuudo uta no fantajii minna de El preludio de los sueños es, con todos, una fantasía de canciones
大っきなお城立てて 銀河を花火にして Ookkina oshiro tatete ginga o hanabi ni shite Hagamos un castillo enorme, hagamos de las galaxias fuegos artificiales 
めちゃくちゃに大ハッピーな 思い出にしよう Mechakucha ni dai happii na omoide ni shiyou Y hagamos memorias absurda e increíblemente felices
Check it out !! ¡¡Compruébalo!!
頑張ったご褒美が Ganbatta gohoubi ga Sin una recompensa por esforzarte
なくちゃ明日がつまらない Nakucha asu ga tsumaranai El mañana será aburrido
今日くらいハジけようぜ Kyou kurai hajikeyouze Estallemos al menos por hoy 
キングダムな日にしよう Kingudamu na hi ni shiyou Y hagámoslo el Día del Reino
「大好きです」と “Daisuki desu” to Al decir “te amo”
Ah・・・この瞬間だけは Ah… Kono shunkan dake wa Ah… En sólo ese momento
全て伝えたい Subete tsutaetai Quiero transmitirte 
終わりのない Owari no nai Todo lo que sostienen 
絆 Kizuna Estos lazos 
握り Nigiri Interminables
ずっと Zutto Estemos
一緒にいよう Issho ni iyou Siempre juntos
また繋ごう未来 Mata tsunagou mirai Y nuevamente conectemos nuestros futuros
星空へ旅立とう 虹を架け橋にして Hoshizora e tabidatou niji o kakehashi ni shite Haciendo del arcoiris un puente, comencemos un viaje hacia el cielo estrellado
歌でキラキラの飛行船 君を迎えて Uta de kirakira no hikousen kimi o mukaete Dándote la bienvenida en un dirigible que resplandece con canciones,
どんな風に出会って どんな時を重ねて Donna kaze ni deatte donna toki o kasanete ¿Con qué tipo de aire nos encontraremos y qué tipo de momentos iremos acumulando?
涙して笑顔して どこまでゆこう!? Namida shite egao shite doko made yukou? Llorando y sonriendo ¿hasta dónde llegaremos?
Check it out !! ¡¡Compruébalo!!
星空へ旅立とう 虹を架け橋にして Hoshizora e  tabidatou niji o kakehashi ni shite Haciendo del arcoiris un puente, comencemos un viaje hacia el cielo estrellado
君のまだ知らない 不死なる音楽のチカラで Kimi no mada shiranai fushi naru ongaku no chikara de Con el poder de la música inmortal que aún no conoces
常識なんていらない 最上級のLOVEで Joushiki nante iranai saijjiokyuu no LOVE de No necesitamos del sentido común con el amor de más alto grado
飛び立とう 超えてゆこう Tobidatou koete yukou  Despeguemos y vayamos más lejos
夢のプレリュード Yume no pureryuudo De un preludio* de los sueños
歌のファンタジー Uta no fantajii Y de una fantasía de canciones
夢を歌へと・・・! Yume o uta e to…! ¡Convirtiendo los sueños en canciones...!
*Un preludio es una cosa o acción que precede a otra y que le sirve de entrada, anticipación, anuncio o comienzo. En música es una composición instrumental concebida como introducción de una obra musical.
Apoya comprando el original
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH Ottoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke)
Álbum: Shining Live THEME SONG CD 2
Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 agosto 219
Wonder parade Un desfile maravilloso 
Wonder dream Un sueño maravilloso
Let's dance! Show time!! ¡Bailemos! ¡¡Es hora del show!!
空の虹を目指そう Sora no niji o mezasou Apuntemos al arcoiris del cielo
雲のベンチで未来語って Kumo no benchi de mirai katatte Hablando del futuro en un banco de nubes
音符の花をFor you Onpu no hana o For you Flores de notas musicales para ti
魔法みたいな世界をエスコート Mahou mitai na sekai o esucooto Te escoltaré a un mundo que parece mágico
おいでよ Oideyo Vamos
恋のMakeupもっと近く Koi no Makeup motto chikaku Más cerca del maquillaje del amor 
一緒にゆこう Issho ni yukou Vayamos juntos
花火のように弾け合い Hanabi no you ni hajikeai Estallando como si fuéramos fuegos artificiales
ウェルカムさあ始めよう Verukamu saa hajimeyou Vamos, comencemos la bienvenida
鼓動(Rhyzm)を合わせて Rhyzm o awasete Acóplate al ritmo
Kissをするように Kiss o suru you ni Como si lo besaras
WONDER☆RONDO! 夢にようこそ WONDER☆RONDO! Yume ni youkoso ¡Un rondó☆maravilloso! Bienvenida a este sueño
君の側に居られる喜び Kimi no soba ni irareru yorokobi Es un placer estar a tu lado
CARNIVAL! 響き鳴らそう CARNIVAL! Hibiki narasou ¡Un carnaval! Hagamos sonar el eco
胸のパッションを音楽に Mune no passhon o ongaku ni De la pasión por la música en mi pecho
この瞬間が Kono shunkan ga No despertemos 
覚めぬよう Samenuyou De este momento
離れずいて Hanarezuite Porque nunca
あげるから Ageru kara Te voy a dejar ir
願い全部 Negai zenbu Quiero que me digas
言ってほしい Itte hoshii Todos tus deseos
ほらその手を Hora sono te o Vamos, tus manos
伸ばしてくれるなら Nobashite kureru nara Si tú las extiendes hacia mí,
最高の時間を…君と Saikou no jikan o… Kimi to Será el mejor momento… Contigo
ずっと好き合っていると Zutto sukiatte iru to Siempre nos vamos a amar
新たな君の笑顔と会えて Arata na kimi no egao to aete Encuéntrate con tu nueva sonrisa
過去を重ねることが Kako o kasaneru koto ga Y apilando el pasado 
大切な今に続いてると知る Taisetsu na ima ni tsuzuiteru to shiru Sabrás que así es como va continuando el valioso presente
出会って Deatte Desde que nos conocimos
どれくらいが経ったんだろう? Dore kurai ga tattan darou? ¿Cuánto tiempo habrá pasado?
って言えること Tte ieru koto Que me digas algo así
こんな嬉しいことはないでしょ? Konna ureshii koto wa nai desho? No hay alegría más grande que esa ¿no crees?
一緒にいた日々がこんなに輝き Issho ni ita hibi ga konna ni kagayaki  Cada día que pasamos juntos es tan brillante
今日を作ってる Kyou o tsukutteru Y va construyendo el hoy
ENDLESS! 愛を歌おう ENDLESS! Ai o utaou ¡Sin fin! Cantemos amor
ここはパラダイス二人だけの楽園 Koko wa paradaisu futari dake no rakuen Esto es un paraíso, un paraíso sólo nuestro
WONDERFUL! 星の指輪(リング) 月の宝石(ジュエル) WONDERFUL! Hoshi no ringu tsuki no jueru ¡Maravilloso! Con anillos de estrellas y joyas de luna
ドレスアップして踊ろうよ Doresuappu shite odorou yo Vístete y bailemos
時計なんて Tokei nante En un mundo
ない世界 Nai sekai Donde no hay algo como el reloj
非日常の Hinichijou no Es un extraordinario 
パーティタイム Paati taimu Tiempo de fiesta
見つめ合って Mitsumeatte Mirémonos y 
語り合おう Katariaou Hablémonos
大好きだよ Daisuki dayo Pues te amo
毎日が記念日 Mainichi ga kinenbi Cada día es un aniversario
終わりのない輪舞曲(ロンド)…Love you Owari no nai rondo… Love you Un rondó que no tiene final… Te amo
Wonder parade Un desfile maravilloso
Wonder dream Un sueño maravilloso
Let's dance! Show time!! ¡Bailemos! ¡¡Es hora del show!!
WONDER☆RONDO! 夢にようこそ WONDER☆RONDO! Yume ni youkoso ¡Un rondó☆maravilloso! Bienvenida a este sueño
扉開けて飛び込んでおいで Tobira akete tobikonde oide   Abre la puerta y salta
CARNIVAL! 響き鳴らそう CARNIVAL! Hibiki narasou ¡Un carnaval! Hagamos sonar el eco
言葉はいらない歌がある Kotoba wa iranai uta ga aru No son necesarias las palabras, tenemos la música
この瞬間が Kono shunkan ga No despertemos 
覚めぬよう Samenuyou De este momento
離れずいて Hanarezuite Porque nunca
あげるから Ageru kara Te voy a dejar ir
願い全部 Negai zenbu Quiero que me digas
言ってほしい Itte hoshii Todos tus deseos
ほらその手を Hora sono te o Vamos, tus manos
伸ばしてくれるなら Nobashite kureru nara Si tú las extiendes hacia mí,
最高の時間を…君と Saikou no jikan o… Kimi to Será el mejor momento… Contigo
El rondó, ronda o danza en círculo es una forma musical profana de la Edad Media francesa basada en la repetición de un tema musical que se caracteriza por la aparición constante de un estribillo y un texto amoroso. La parte principal del rondó es el estribillo, que se reexpone varias veces, siempre en el mismo tono. Las coplas son diferentes entre sí, y suelen ser relativamente independientes del estribillo.
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Ultra blast (Español)
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH Ottoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke)
Single: Ultra blast
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 febrero 2018
ウルトラブラスト Ultra blast
胸に灯せ消えない夢を Mune ni tomose kienai yume o Enciende en mi corazón un sueño que desaparecerá
胸に灯せ繋ぐ夢を Mune ni tomose tsunagu yume o Enciende en mi corazón un sueño que nos conectará
0-ゼロ-からのスタート Zero kara no sutaato Iniciar desde cero
何もないとこから Nanimo nai toko kara Desde donde no hay nada
もがき苦しんで Mogaki kurushinde Luchando y sufriendo
泣く日もあった Naku hi mo atta También hubo días de llanto
答えはどこにある? Kotae wa doko ni aru? ¿Dónde está la respuesta?
ゴールはあるのか? Gooru wa aru no ka? ¿Hay alguna meta?
道なき道の中 Michi naki michi no naka En un camino donde no hay caminos
星を仰いでいた Hoshi o aoi deita Yo estaba mirando las estrellas
だけど…君は Dakedo… kimi wa Sin embargo… tú
見つけてくれた Mitsukete kureta Me encontraste
だけど…君は Dakedo… kimi wa Sin embargo… tú
信じてくれた Shinjite kureta Creíste en mí
だから…君に Dakara… kimi ni Por eso… a ti
ありがとう重ね Arigatou kasane Te agradezco nuevamente
だから…君と Dakara… kimi to Por eso… contigo
生きてゆきたい Ikite yukitai Quiero seguir viviendo
新たな…始まりを! Arata na… hajimari o! ¡Un nuevo… inicio!
真っ赤に燃えた (Wo,wow) Makka ni moeta (Wo,wow) Un ultra blast (Wo,wow)
ウルトラブラスト (Wo,wow) Urutora burasto (Wo,wow) Ardiendo de un rojo brillante (Wo,wow)
マジのLOVEと (Wo,wow) Maji no LOVE to (Wo,wow) Con nuestro verdadero amor (Wo,wow)
想い出-れきし-を熱に Rekishi o netsu ni Y la historia calentándose
一人では Hitori de wa En el momento en que mi fuego  
足りない火も Tarinai hi mo Que solitario ya no es suficiente
束ね合う時 Tabaneau toki Se junte con el tuyo
炎になる (Wo,wow) Honoo ni naru (Wo,wow) Un ultra blast (Wo,wow)
ウルトラブラスト (Wo,wow) Urutora burasto (Wo,wow) Convirtiéndose en llamas (Wo,wow)
声合わせた (Wo,wow) Koe awaseta (Wo,wow) Nuestras voces al unísono (Wo,wow)
まさにこの瞬間 Masa ni kono shunkan En este preciso momento
過去に Kakko ni En el pasado
願った Negatta Deseaba
Golden La estrella
Star Dorada
それが Sore ga Y eso
Ah…今 Ah… ima Ah… ahora
現実に Genjitsu ni Es la realidad
さあ灯せ…! 消えない夢を Saa tomose...! Kienai yume o ¡Vamos, enciéndelo! Un sueño que no desaparecerá
それが明日の太陽になる Sore ga asa no taiyou ni naru Que se convertirá en el sol del mañana
小さな灯火で Chiisana tomoshibi de Con una pequeña luz
どんなに弱くも Donna ni yowaku tomo Sin importar lo débil que sea
大切にぐっと Taisetsu ni gutto Cuidadosa y fuertemente
守りきるんだ Mamorikirunda Te protegeré
雨にも負けやしない Ame ni mo makeyashinai No perderé incluso ante la lluvia
風にも負けやしない Kaze ni mo makeyashinai No perderé incluso ante el viento
夢への種火は Yume e no tanebi wa La chispa hacia nuestros sueños
未来への聖火だ Mirai e no seika da Es el fuego sagrado al futuro
ずっと…君と Zutto… Kimi to Siempre… contigo
走り抜けたい Hashirinuketai Quiero correr a través de todo
ずっと…君と Zutto… Kimi to Siempre… contigo
寄り添い合い Yorisoiai Nos acurrucaremos
永遠-とわ-に…君を Towa ni… Kimi o Por siempre… a ti
抱きしめ続け Dakishimetsuzuke Continuaré abrazándote
永遠-とわ-に…君と Towa ni… Kimi to Por siempre… contigo
命の限り Inochi no kagari Mientras viva
此処に愛を誓う! Koko ni ai o chikau! ¡Te juro mi amor aquí!
星の空へ (Wo,wow) Hoshi no sora e (Wo,wow) Un ultra blast (Wo,wow)
ウルトラブラスト (Wo,wow) Urutora burasto (Wo,wow) Al  cielo estrellado (Wo,wow)
紅蓮の歌 (Wo,wow) Guren no uta (Wo,wow) Una canción carmesí (Wo,wow)
響けよ世界に Hibikeyo sekai ni Resonando por el mundo
幾度でも Ikudo demo Inclusive varias veces
何度だって Nando datte Y muchas veces más
不死身のハートで Fujimi no haato de Con un corazón invulnerable
闇を照らせ (Wo,wow) Yami o terase (Wo,wow) Un ultra blast (Wo,wow)
ウルトラブラスト (Wo,wow) Urutora burasto (Wo,wow) Que ilumina la oscuridad (Wo,wow)
「輝き」とは (Wo,wow) “Kagayaki” towa (Wo,wow) El significado de “brillar” (Wo,wow)
自分という名の Jibun to iu na no Nómbralo tú mismo
強く Tsuyoku Fuertemente
強く Tsuyoku Fuertemente
生きた Ikita Vivía
道に Michi ni La luz
燈-とも-る Tomoru Infinita
無限の Mugen no Que ilumina
光 Hikari El camino
未来地図 Mirai chizu Despliega
広げて Hirogete El mapa al futuro
目指したあの日々の Mezashita ano hibi o ¿Estás familiarizado...
自分の Jibun no Con tu forma
姿に Sugata ni De los días
なれているだろうか? Narete iru darou ka? En que apuntabas a una meta?
それを確かめよう Sore o tashikameyou Comprobémoslo
「燃えるような…夢を」 “Moeru youna… Yume o” “Un sueño que parece… estar ardiendo”
真っ赤に燃えた (Wo,wow) Makka ni moeta (Wo,wow) Un ultra blast (Wo,wow)
ウルトラブラスト (Wo,wow) Urutora burasto (Wo,wow) Ardiendo de un rojo brillante (Wo,wow)
また0-ゼロ-から (Wo,wow) Mata zero kara (Wo,wow) Nuevamente desde cero (Wo,wow)
物語-れきし-を熱へ Rekishi o netsu e Hacia la historia calentándose
星の名を Hoshi no na o Si llevas en tu espalda
背負うならば Seou naraba El nombre de las estrellas
煌めき歌え Kirameki utae Entonces brilla y canta
伝えたくて (Wo,wow) Tsutae takute (Wo,wow) Quiero decirte (Wo,wow)
届けたくて (Wo,wow) Todoke takute (Wo,wow) Y quiero entregarte (Wo,wow)
君のもとに (Wo,wow) Kimi no moto ni (Wo,wow) Que yo nací (Wo,wow)
生まれてきたんだ Umaretekitanda Para ti
だから Dakara Y por eso
絶対 Zettai Nunca
挑む Idomu Dejaré
ことを Koto o De intentarlo
あきら Akira Y no me
めない Menai Rendiré,
と歌う To utau Eso es lo que canto
さあ灯せ…! 消えない夢を Saa tomose…! Kienai yume o ¡Vamos, enciéndelo! Un sueño que no desaparecerá
それが明日の太陽になる Sore ga asu no taiyou ni naru Que se convertirá en el sol del mañana
La traducción del título “Ultra blast” se traduce como “Ultra explosión” pero no sonaba bien así que decidí dejarlo en inglés nwn
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utagoe · 6 years
Kanji, romaji and English translation for BLOODY SHADOWS by Ai, Ren, and Masato
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(kanji source)
凍りきった感情 哀しみが溶かした 影に生きるには長過ぎた 愛の Bloody Shadows
雲間のムーンライト 罪を照らし 儚すぎた 時間を殺す
牙を隠し 苦しんでも 憶えばいい 血のワインより酔いしれる クチヅケを夢見よう
すべてを闇に 捧げたなら 愛を守れるのか? 時もいらない 心さえいらない 美しく冷たい 世界へ
薔薇のように咲く Uh…紅き花 せめて最後だけ 恋のメモリー 遠き記憶 胸に優しく抱き そして眠らぬプリズンへ
泡沫に消えゆこう 不思議と怖くない 友との奏でるレクイエム 謳う Bloody Waltz
人は夜を 恐れながら 朝を待って 一人を嘆く
だけど寂しく 震える程 想えるから 募り痛むハートの分 力へと変えられる
永久と云う名の 輪廻の旅に 愛が示すまま 運命を受けて 静寂を越えて 祈り続けること 誓うよ
残酷の中 Ah…たった一つ 暖かい光 思い出だけは 壊れないように ずっと 忘れはしない 止まった鼓動に仕舞って 
終わらない Dark 悠久の Shadow 眩い Cross 切なき深淵
薄れる空 過去と今も 閉じる命 死の楽園で口ずさむ 君への愛のメロディ
すべてを闇に 捧げたなら 愛を守れるのか? 時もいらない 心さえいらない 美しく冷たい 世界へ
薔薇のように咲く Uh…紅き花 せめて最後だけ 恋のメモリー 遠き記憶 胸に優しく抱き そして眠らぬプリズンへ
koorikitta kanjou kanashimi ga tokashita kage ni ikiru ni wa nagasugita ai no Bloody Shadows
kumoma no mūnraito tsumi wo terashi hakanasugita jikan wo korosu
kiba wo kakushi kurushindemo oboeba ii chi no wain yori yoishireru kuchizuke wo yume miyou
subete wo yami ni sasageta nara ai wo mamoreru no ka? toki mo iranai kokoro sae iranai utsukushiku tsumeita sekai e
bara no youni saku Uh... akaki hana semete saigo dake koi no memorī tooki kioku mune ni yasashiku daki soshite nemuranu purizun e
utakata ni kie yukou fushigi to kowakunai tomo to no kanaderu rekuiemu utau Bloody Waltz
hito wa yoru wo osore nagara asa wo matte hitori wo nageku
dakedo samishiku furueru hodo omoeru kara tsudori itamu hāto no bun chikara e to kaerareru
towa to iu na no rinne no tabi ni ai ga shimesu mama sadame wo ukete seijaku wo koete inori tsuzukeru koto chikauyo
zankoku no naka Ah... tatta hitotsu atatakai hikari omoide dake wa kowarenai youni zutto wasure wa shinai tomatta kodou ni shimatte
owaranai Dark yuukyuu no Shadow mabayui Cross setsunaki shin'en
usureru sora kako to ima mo tojiru inochi shi no rakuen de kuchizusamu kimi e no ai no merodi
subete wo yami ni sasageta nara ai wo mamoreru no ka? toki mo iranai kokoro sae iranai utsukushiku tsumeita sekai e
bara no youni saku Uh... akaki hana semete saigo dake koi no memorī tooki kioku mune ni yasashiku daki soshite nemuranu purizun e
Sorrow melted My frozen emotions I have lived in the shadows for too long Bloody Shadows of love
The moonlight between the clouds Illuminates my sins And kills The fleeting time
Even if I hide my fangs And suffer I shall remember And dream of a kiss which intoxicates me More than a blood wine
If I sacrifice my everything To darkness Will I be able to protect love? To a beautiful and cold world Where I do not need Time nor a heart, I go
A red flower blooms Uh... Like a rose At least at the end Memories of love Distant recollections I gently Hold them in my chest And go to a sleepless prison
I shall vanish ephemerally Strangely, I am not afraid I play a requiem with my companions And sing a Bloody Waltz
While fearing The night People wait for the morning And lament solitude
But the more I Lonely shiver, The more I remember, So I am able to change My aching heart into strength
In the journey of this samsara Called "eternity", Love guides me I will accept fate, Cross the silence, And continue to pray That is what I swear
Inside cruelty Ah... There is a single Warm light So that at least my memories Can remain unbroken, I will not Ever forget Keeping them in my stopped pulse
An endless Dark An eternal Shadow A dazzling Cross A heartrending abyss
The sky is fading Life closes Both the past and present In the paradise of death, I hum A love melody dedicated to you
If I sacrifice my everything To darkness Will I be able to protect love? To a beautiful and cold world Where I do not need Time nor a heart, I go
A red flower blooms Uh... Like a rose At least at the end Memories of love Distant recollections I gently Hold them in my chest And go to a sleepless prison
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