#rema ❤
littledrummeraussie · 2 years
Angie, from the fanfic writer emoji ask:
🥺 🎢 🎶 🍦 🍆 ❌ 🎨 💞 😬 🎉 💔 and 🥰
Bit more than I’d planned to ask, hope you don’t mind! 😃 ~ Rema
Oh, let’s see what we have here, Rema  🥰 @whentherosesbl00m
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
when you just know that two people are meant to be - meant to find each other and love each other. my absolute dream is to finish we were born from the same star where they are literal soulmates, and at christmas all the roads leave home was something special too because you just know their stars aligned  💞
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
daddy!Ashton, literally - let’s leave it at that lol
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I don’t, because English is not my first language and it makes concentration really hard. If I do though, then it’s video games music because I heard they designed them to make you focused and it worked so far. But I do save my favourite songs to playlists for my fics, one of my favs being Archie Faulks - It Rains, which was sent to me by Sly @mymindwide for getaway.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I personally think it’s precious cargo: meet Alex. The whole scene is just Ashton showing off his baby boy and it is literally precious.
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
Do you know me, Rema? 😅 the most popular for Ashton was morning glory, and then Calum has the other with welcome home sex with Calum after tour.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Like really dark dub/con-ish stuff and like really hardcore degrading where you feel like you’re not a person anymore. And anything else that could relate to these. Like calling someone daddy is nothing compared to these.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I love them so much - I’m kinda jealous of those who get them from others lol. But I did get some beautiful ones from my lovely Sky @ashtonsunflower for glitter and crimson and craving something sweeter and a moment of happiness.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Levi’s dad!Ashton - I absolutely adore him and the little chunky monkey.
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Should I go on? Poly!Cashton’s double the fun, double the pleasure, (all i wanna know is) can you come a little closer? and listen to you breathing (it's where i wanna be)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Interaction - I love reading tags or getting asks how a certain fic made people feel, what they have loved about it and so on. But if I’m happy with the outcome when I’m reading it back then that’s success for me too, because if they make me happy, that’s the most important thing.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
rewrite the stars definitely made me cry at one point, and unsteady’s (unfinished mini series) first part
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
ALWAYS 😭 I know I’m not really active (I have my reasons in my personal life) but it would be lovely to get a little more interaction when I do post something. I love talking about my babies. Or older ones too. Shamelessly linking surprise! on tour
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littledrummerangie · 1 year
Angie, you’re a beautiful warm sunny yellow 💛~ Rema
Awww ❤️💛 that honestly sounds so on brand, Rema ❤️ @whentherosesbl00m
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drifelle49 · 4 months
مطبخ ريماس - Remas kitchen
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life85jc · 8 months
Rema, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, SZA, Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran...
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slouguia-blog · 1 year
مطبخ ريماس - Remas kitchen
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viitoriamello2022 · 2 years
3° Frases com Emoji
Cara fechada sempre + a humildade não falta, e nunca faltou. $2 🤟
Igual à mim você não acha, e se achar tlg que não é a mesma fita... 😏🤟
Tudo por você!!! 🤑⭐
Eu sei quem trama e quem tá comigo... 🎭🎼
Beleza não vale nada, empoderada e posturada humildade vem de berço e é isso que vale... 💙🦋
Bato cabeça insistindo... + se eu colocar na minha cabeça que eu não mereço, eu toco minha vida da melhor forma e ninguém puxa meu freio... 🏌️‍♀️🥳
O que me machucava hoje me fortalece, o barco pode balançar + afundar jamais!!! 🤑
Na mó tranquilidade... Minha liberdade não pertence a ninguém, o choro é livre e eu também. 🤤
Abençoada por Deus e caprichada pela mamãe, forte abraços pra elas e um beijo pra eles. 😇
Colhi o que plantei, e olha lá... tô na minha melhor fase. 🤳🤭👋
Em paz comigo mesma, nada mais me abala! 💕
E elas pula alto, porque sabe que eu virei o foco. 🤯
Apenas me procure quando não quiser nada com ninguém e tudo comigo. 🆗
Rica de tudo aquilo que o dinheiro não pode comprar. 😘
Ainda bem que eu tô na direção que aponta as batidas do meu coração. ❤🎭🙏
Amo de graça. 💜
Aquele olhar. 🤨
Acompanhava o grave. 🎶📣💣
No vento da madrugada, serei um pouco do nada invisível, delicioso que faz com que o teu ar pareça mais um olhar, suave mistério amoroso. ❤
Não deixe as circunstâncias alterar o seu sorriso. 💖
Ou rema na mesma sintonia, ou pula do barco! Sem +. 🏌️‍♀️🏄‍♀️
+ aí, nem ligo ó, a minha liberdade eu curto mais! $🤗
Você gostando ou não quem ta sou eu, forte abraço pra elas e um beijo pra eles! $🤯
Melhor que ninguém, + diferente de muitas... 🏄‍♀️🏌️‍♀️
+ apesar de tudo me encontro firmona. 🔛
Designada a mais vitoriosa, apesar das falhas nois vale ouro!!! ✨
Com a cabeça erguida, mantendo a fé em Deus. 🙏
Longe de toda negatividade, sendo minha própria luz! 🦋✨🤞🏻
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Professor Tsung 3
Black!College!Reader x Professor!Shang Tsung, Modern!AU
Happy belated New Year, btw. And Thank you for the patience with my inconsistency. I was very happy to finally produce this chapter for you all💙❤
Summary: Soooo, You didn't exactly get around to breaking up with Tay 😣😬. And now college life is different than what it was, yet familiar as ever. Navigating this new situation will prove... Interesting.
P.s. The idea is that magic coexists with the science of this world but, science is more accessible because not everyone has great magical ability. You're a part of the generation of youth that's been making the two worlds intermingle.
Star Student
*****Warnings: (story warning🐍) Audiences aged 18 and up, Explicit Content! BIG age gap, Professor x Student, inappropriate relationship, enthusiastic consent, bottled emotions, sexual relationship with teacher, (chapter warning🐍) Maybe Shang Tsung is a little bit of a sugar daddy?, jealous/rude bf, lying, cheating, sex on campus, creampie, messy panties*****
The plane ride back to EMHM had been an anxious one, despite all of the expensive comforts of your round trip tickets. Jade had corrected your schedule to a reasonable amount of work the day of your meeting, and apologized for overwhelming you. She felt bad for not paying better attention to your mental and emotional needs as a student, and planned to check in on you every few weeks. The time remaing in the Wintermonth was spent in company of Professor Shang Tsung, who assisted in your continued experimentation with mind-linking.
He provided a thorough background of its uses, as well as how to prevent unwanted or accidental links. It was strange letting someone into your head, where all of your insecurities and secrets rested; And even stranger, to venture into theirs to converse in essentially a dream realm.
Shang Tsung's mind was like a room of a thousand doors, all in various states of open and unlock. Many of them full with imagery and libraries of knowledge. Yours was its own unique labyrinth, full of the twists and turns of your rawest inner-workings. Then there was the plane that you two communicated on; Vast and colorful-- Surreal, with a deep, bottomless valley separating each mind, the link itself in the form of a new sturdy bridge of stone and metal.
According to the Professor, everything within both spaces were simultaneously physical and metaphorical. It made you think of Tay, however brief the thought, wondering what the bridge between you two would look like instead. One thing was for sure, it certainly couldn't be anything strong.
Speaking of which, your supportive mentor explicitly *did not care* that Tay would be joining you at EMHM. As long as you gave him consent, he said that he'd (of course) be more than happy to continue your relationship; he wanted you completely and utterly spoiled, in everyway possible.
He took you to a few *very* expensive, high-end restaurants, and boutiques as celebration for inheriting the family Plaque, sharing about when he received his own. Back at his house and gave you a place to store all of your new items. It was the huge room that was connected to his bedroom, which apparently formerly served as a study before he expanded the attic. It only currently held the overflow from his closet, so your things fit right in.
It was hard to care how fast yall were moving, what the age difference was, or that you were 'cheating', at this point. Being showered with gifts and attention was too much of an amazing feeling, And the way he touched you--
Face buried in your neck, fingers caressing your tits, with your legs spread wide and hooked over his shoulders as his dick filled your insides,,, You were delirious within the bubble of your own hedonistic pleasures, 24-7 until class resumed.
As fate would have it, Tay was placed in three of your classes; Elective study, Simple Blood Spell with Kotal Kahn, core study Elemental 1 with Raiden, and elective study Shapeshift... with Shang Tsung. The rest of his classes were on the technology based mirror/twin campus Edward Mac's House of Mecha.
He flashed in like the talented, handsome, social butterfly he was and gained an entire entourage within days. His standing with the teachers also became exceptional, as they had heard about his educational exploits. Partnered with incoming Elemental Olympian team tryouts, Artavius was swimming in a deluge of popularity, with you beside him as 'his girl'. Just like in highschool.
The only place where he *didn't* excel, was where you were right at home. Soul magic. Gray areas. Arbitrary concepts and vast imagination. He was a logical type of man, never able to conceptualize beyond formulas, numbers, and that which he could see. Its part of the reason why he didn't of show interest in what you did.
For those very same reasons, it was a huge mistake for him to have actually chosen Shapeshift class, even if you were in there.
"Wrong again, Mr. Edson." Shang Tsung said, crossing his arms and scratching his beard. "Can anyone tell me why?"
"Maaan... This some bullshit." Artavius grumbled, as you stood to speak to the class.
"Because he prioritized the wrong segment of the hex stem." You announced with confidence.
"What?" Tay replied, scrunching up his face.
"Yes. If I may?" You asked Shang Tsung with a glance.
"The floor is all yours." He nodded, with a smirk.
"Well--" you started, walking down to the lecture hall stage. A hologram in the center of the room with the fractal for reflecting a forced transformation beam awaited you.
"Tay, you focused on this part right... here." You said, spawning your wand and circling the bottom right quadrant of the image. "But the shape of a deflection beam is naturally occuring and got nothing to do with its effectiveness."
"How the hell not though--! Circle shape rays always provide the most coverage. And they connect with a target harder, like a wall."
"Yeah, but if you focus on the rotation aspect then, it doesn't matter the shape. A star shape, a burst shape, or a pinwheel can all give as much coverage as a proper circle beam as long as you close the hex branch with a high velocity rotation seal...." You gestured, with your wand. "Do you get what I'm saying? Like for all intents and purposes most things spinning fast enough are a circle."
Artavius stared silently at you, glancing back at the hologram and rolling his eyes. "We haven't mentioned velocity one time in this damn class since I been here."
"I mean--" a voice from one of the back rows called forth, "Speed, weight, gravity, force-- Or whatever, in magic, they're all the same. They almost always form a close-and-deliver seal. That's basically Spell Construction 101, my dude."
Another chimed in: "Yeah when you're not Elemental."
"I guess when you know, you know." Said a third.
A few people snickered on the side and Artavius began to scowl. You weren't rushing to his rescue this time though; you had tried to show him some interesting general spells a long time ago, but since he rarely used them he didn't care.
"Shang Tsung?" You said, facing his desk and changing the subject. The very slight increase of static in the air spoke of how fuming Tay was at this time. "I think I see another way to improve the quality of this spell."
"I'm sure you do." He said, smiling with his eyes. "How about this; Everyone who feels the same about this deflection spell or want to make better notes, join my Junior on the lecture stage. When it is sufficiently adjusted I'll see to it that we practice application for Friday's lecture. If you don't see any changes, or otherwise need further assistance remain seated as I distribute a/v scrolls with the detailed breakdown."
About 10 people came to the stage with their wands and spellpads to investigate the hologram, while 5 just moved down to the first row to watch and listen. Only about 4 people, plus the annoyed Artavius maintained their original seats.
You stepped off the stage and headed for your seat beside Tay. "Ay, you good?"
"Oh yeah," He scoffed rolling his eyes, "I bet you thought that shit was cute, huh?"
"What?" You asked slightly surprised, as you grabbed a tome from your bag.
"Tryna clown me." He laughed dryly, "That's cool imma let you have that one. You got it." He nodded.
"I have no ide--"
Shang Tsung excused himself as he passed by closely, placing a scroll on each of your tables.
"--idea what you talkin about, Artavius."
"Nah, you good." He replied chewing on his bottom lip, clenching his jaw.
"...I'm not about to play with you." You hissed, reaching into your bag for the metal calligraphy pen that you wrote notes with.
Just as you slipped it from its pouch, a sharp jolt came from it, shocking your fingers and causing you to let out a small yelp. Tay didn't even bother to look ashamed, sitting with his face in his hands and a little smirk as he watched the pen fly from your fingers. When you looked up, Shang Tsung was already standing at Tay's desk, leveling him with a dangerous version of his usual smirk.
"Artavius." He said, tone hollow and sharp, though not a decibel above normal.
Something that you'd only seen when he was being scolded by his father flashed across Tay's face; Fear. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed dryly. "Sir?" He replied.
"This is not your highschool. The act of utilizing magic on a non-consenting party at this university is a direct violation of the code of conduct. It will serve you well to remember this every single day that you continue to attend."
"I will, sir--"
"Yes, see too it that you do." He snapped as he picked up your pen.
"Thank you." You murmured, grabbing it quickly and walking away. It would've been easy to make one, but a scene or an argument honestly wasn't worth it, not anymore. There was no way you'd embarrass yourself like that for Artavius again. Not in your adult life. Its a good thing that Shang Tsung was so subtle, otherwise more people would've noticed what happened than who already did.
The rest of the morning classes dragged on in a blur-- It was crazy that Tay could have that effect on you still. You weren't a little girl anymore, weren't some emotional baby pinning after your true love's affections... So why did you still feel like this-- Like you couldn't just, let him go?
Bracing yourself against a table in Shang Tsung's back room, you poorly attempted to conceal your sounds. His hands gripped your hips tight, as he pistoned in and out of you rapidly.
The smack of flesh and moans were all that could be heard as your professor took you from behind.
You'd stopped by for lunch as usual, but of course avoiding Artavius for the rest of the morning left you with little appetite by then. It didn't take but a few kisses and touches for you to let Shang Tsung hike up your skirt and pull down the satin panties that he bought for you, right there in his back room.
It felt so good to have him stroking himself against your wet, velvety walls. Your body yielded to him with ease as he turned you and sat you on the table. His face held a slight agitation, "Scared someone will hear you, my darling genius?" He purred, as he fully resheathed himself in your slick folds. "That someone will recognize your voice as you shout out your enjoyment?"
A broken whimper wheezed out the back of your throat in response.
Carefully, your calves were placed on his shoulders and his arms wrapped tightly around you, effectively folding you up and pressing your body flush to his as he continued fucking into your pussy. The angle sent pleasure bursting throughout your body, and you were yelping and babbling incoherently as Professor Tsung's tongue flicked out and gingerly tasted your full lips. He pushed your long braids over your shoulder and out of your face, swallowing up your moans into his mouth with kisses.
Lifting you up off the table your arms went around his neck as his thrusts became more desperate, wet noises of your dripping cunt filling your own ears. It only served to further your arousal, and you didn't care at this point how loud you got; The fire of your orgasm, threatened to break through your core and consume you. "Shit, Shang Tsung~~ Fuck!"
"Mmmmyesss~~..." He growled, "That's what I like to hear, my Darling. My Genius. My Princess.." You gasped and chills shot up your back, pussy gushing at that last one-- His princess...
"Ohhh..." He chuckled, "You like being my Princess? Spoiled and expensive, hmm?"
You slurred a drawn out yes and barely managed a proper nod.
"Of course you do..." He hissed through his teeth more to himself than to you, hips stuttering as his own peak fast approached. "Are you going to cum for me, my Sweet Princess? Hmm?" He asked sweetly. "I know you want to my Darling. Cum for me, now. Do it." He groaned the command as he reached his own peak.
You wailed your pleasure, eyes out of focus and blurry with tears from the overload as your walls clung to this man, who vigorously emptied his full load inside of you. "That's right..." He groaned, body shuddering in the aftermath as you finished together.
Both of you went limp, collapsing on the table top, bodies still humming as they settled down.
"Thank you, Professor. I needed that shit." You said, wiping your hand across your face. "Damn, I needed it." He stood up straight, still not having pulled himself out of you.
"Happy to oblige, *Princess*." Your cunt twitched at the words. And he smirked, leaning in for a kiss.
"No, no, no. Do not start again, I got another class today."
"Suit yourself." He shrugged, looking at where your bodies were still connected, "If only I had something to plug you up with..." He huffed.
"Should've been more prepared." You said playfully. "Guess I just have to walk around with your cum in my panties."
"One more remark like that and you won't make it to that class." He said, voice dropping to a deep rumble.
"Aight, aight! Ease up." He pulled himself out of you, reaching down to the underwear wrapped around your ankle and helping get them back on. As you stood up and hoped off the table, you felt your fluids and his gush into the formerly clean panties. You smoothed out your blouse to the best of your abilities, and he pulled your skirt back into place before buttoning his dress shirt and pulling up his pants.
"With your new schedule, who will you be seeing for your final session of the day?" He asked, as he looped his belt.
"Fujin. For Meditation and Stress Relief."
"Wonderful." He said taking your hand. "Of all my colleagues he is the least insufferable."
"Oh, so yall friends?"
"I didn't say he was remarkable. Just the least insufferable." Shang Tsung scoffed.
"Aht, aht, Professor Tsung! You said 'Wonderful' when I said his name. That's probably your bestie. You love him." You laughed.
He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, as you walked together into his empty main lecture chamber. "He is decent. That is all."
"Mhm." You said, teleporting your bag to your shoulder. He stopped once more to give another intense kiss, tongue passionately invading your mouth as he held you close. You couldn't bring yourself to pull back, not the with the tender softness of his lips. He slowed down, taking a deep breath before pecking your cheek.
"You know, you haven't spent the night with me all week, my Darling."
"I..." Of course you loved cuddling up with him and had grown accustomed to his heat, his strong arms. You just didn't know how often he would've wanted you to be there. It was his home, after all. "I thought you'd just invite me or whatever." You shrugged.
"You don't need an invitation. I very much enjoy your company." A heat began to creep across your face. "If you were so inclined, you could spend every night."
"So how would we...? Because obviously, fucking me is a 'conflict of interests' right? We can't get caught?"
He chuckled. "I suppose it is... I have a proposal for you."
"I'm listening."
He released your hand and went to his desk, grabbing the expensive black leather brief case that sat atop it. Opening it up, he went to exactly what he was looking for; a small, red velvet pouch. Grabbing a chain from the inside, he pulled until it revealed a large carved opal medallion. It was a gorgeous, white stone- Opal- that glittered and reflected every color across its polished surface. Its sigils were clearly carved by hand, with a unique written encantation style that you had only seen done by one person in your life. Placed in a setting shaped like the sun that has 3 small rubies in each point, it was absolutely breathtaking.
Your face heated up and tears prickled at the corners of your eyes. "What is that?"
"A gift for my Princess, of course." He said, coming closer with the necklace in hand. You moved your braids as he placed the necklace over your shoulders, a giddy smile on your face as you examined it more closely. It was completely smooth, and warm in your hand, feeling rich with a concentrated magic that only held a the faintest familiarity.
He caught you as you jumped into his arms, exchanging sloppy kisses. "Elder Gods, its *gorgeous*! Thank you..!!" A few tears spilled down your cheeks, "Who's the enchanter? It dont feel like you."
A pleased, devious smile spread across his face. "Are you so certain?"
"Uh--" Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath the ink on your arms began to glow, as you reached out with your magic towards the piece. Upon contact you were inundated with a raw, suffocating strength. The magic that sealed the piece was thick and strong, reaching back at yours and clinging heavily.
You can find out everything that you'd need to know about a person by the feel of their magic. Its texture, its form, its affinity, whether it was light or dark... In this moment, you could see so much about Shang Tsung; His magic was pure blackness and dense, so much so, that it reflected every color on the spectrum beautifully. It was also fluid, flowing smoothly like oil-- Or maybe even tar.
The most astounding thing about his energy though, was the unbridled, fearless, *power*. Sticky, focused, unbuffered power. And warm too. It was a staggering feeling, the magic packed so dense, and far more intense than the fragments of him that you were used to feeling.
"Wow." You breathed, exhaling as your eyes opened. He smiled happily, beyond pleased with your reaction; Many cringed or shyed away from the potency of his power, which had ended many relationships before. But here you handled it so well, even appearing elated by the feeling of it.
"Well?" He asked.
"Its definitely you." You nodded. "Everybody has lil bit of hidden strength here and there, but I ain't know you had all *that* goin on. Pretty amazing."
"Thank you, my Dear. If you continue under my tutelage, it won't be long before you work up to such a level. You have a great deal of potential."
"I appreciate that, I really do. But I'm sayin though, how this gon make it easier to see you?"
"Ah, yes! Forgive me. Simply call to me over the mindlink and I will transport you to my location or wherever else you want to be, by triggering the enchantment carved into the necklace."
"For real? I don't think I've ever known somebody personally that could do that." You replied in awe.
"Indeed. I will show you how to do it when next we have time, but for now would you settle for a demonstration?" He asked.
"Very well." He said, stepping close and caressing your face, lightly pecking your lips. "I'll send you right to Fujin then." You kissed back, almost needy for the taste of him. He nipped your lip sharply, barely letting his tongue between your lips. Just as you slid your hands up his chest and moaned, he pulled back. "You'll be tardy, Princess." He whispered in your ear deviously. Before you could say something slick in reply, his magic blanketed you and his grinning face disappeared in a pastel colored flash.
When your surroundings became visible again, you were standing directly in front of Fujin's door on the other side of campus. He was just about to close it before you apparently startled him. The glow of his eyes stared at you for a moment, before he composed himself. "Right on time." He said sarcastically, "When you enter, pick a spot of your choice to relax into."
"Okay." You replied, still feeling his eyes on you when you got into the room. He would probably know Shang Tsung's magic anywhere and was likely suspecting something.
Fujin's classroom was more like a large lounge with hanging plants, burning incense, and humidifiers. There were all type of chairs and pillows meant for maximum comfort. Even a mini fridge and a few cafe tables towards the back corner.
Its entire back wall was glass sliding doors that opened out to a patio and part of the EMHM's botanical garden. Still supervised by the now retired, Elder Councilwoman Cetrion, it was created back when Lady Ethel first set out on her journey as a versatile lead magician. These were the once barren grounds that she brought to life on her campaign to showcase her skills. It is said that the plants have empathy and that should you be bold enough to sit amongst them, they will reach inside and absorb your negative emotions. Only the most high workload, high anxiety students were ever considered for this course.
Deciding that inside wasn't for you today, you stepped out of the sliding doors to inhale the fresh air. At the height of spring with everything in full bloom, the air was sweet and the winds were gentle. Looking around you saw a few fellow classmates stationed on benches and at the edge of the grass. But the whether was so flawless, and the day had been a long one and you wished to be enveloped. The flowers, they whispered your name, calling out to you from around a chair that blended in with the surroundings so well that you hadn't noticed it. A round, egg-shaped seat that looked like a birds nest sat ensconced in plants and flowers, hidden right there in plain sight, just off of the patio.
You settled into the slightly levitating ball and curled up. Grabbing your phone to set an alarm for the end of the module, you saw a flurry of notifications that made your nerves spike sharply.
49 text messages, 13 pager flashes, and 23 missed calls. And you didn't need to open any of it to know what they said. You were glad you muted his number after you left class this morning.
The surrounding plants seemed to bundle closer and you felt a sudden rush of relief. You didn't feel like dealing with him right now, just indulging in the total relaxation that came with being one of Fujin's students and Shang Tsung's, what, girlfriend? The only thing you wished for was a shower after the fuck you'd had earlier, but even that wasn't enough to delay the impending nap that was on its way.
You'd get around to dealing with Tay at some point... But right now, the moment was just too peaceful...
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)
I got tagged by @dannyphantom-justiceleauge (love ya Tally ❤) so in order of last edited
- Gold in the Sunlight (temporary, it’s changed a few times) - Crash Course - Important  - Can we skip to the good part - Side Effects
Alright alright @gentrychild, @rema-writes, @awake-my-oceans, @barid-bel-medar, @kkachis
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littledrummerangie · 2 years
Happy birthday babe! Hope you’ll have a great day and the best year to come! 🧡 ~ Rema
Thank you so much my lovely Rema 🥰🥰🥰
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
I love that you’re (thinking of/about) writing for your Christmas fic in the middle of a heatwave. That’s dedication! 😄 ~ Rema
I mean, it's not exactly Christmas anymore for them, but it's the same couple 😅🙈❤️ I miss them and the thing I found would go perfectly with them ❤️
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
You really had to write something so hot when it’s already 30°..! 😄 That line where Ash’s hands get inside the vest to grab her tits? God. Also that opening scene to go with the pic was absolutely perfect! 🧡 ~ Rema
Aww Rema, thank you 🥰❤️ yes, I saw the picture and I was like: they are getting surprised! How cute is that? Need to do something with it!
And summer time and poly!Cashton being hot and bothered always goes hand in hand 😏 perfect time to write for them. And big yes for the vest cause that's so hot.
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
I miss your work. I know you’re having trouble writing new stuff, so this is not to make you feel bad. I just always get excited when I see you post new work. Very much enjoyed re-reading the older stuff you reblogged the other day, because I forget details after a while. ~ Rema
Rema my darling ❤️ @whentherosesbl00m
There are so many exciting things happening in my life right now that writing is honestly not a priority, but I do miss it terribly. Just the other day I was playing around with this scenario, and let me tell you, it was really hot. 😌 So I do hope I can get it out of my system soon.
Thank you for your wonderful support and love ❤️
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slouguia-blog · 1 year
مطبخ ريماس - Remas kitchen
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
‘Mr. Irwin’ got a mullet. Not the most corporate look. 😉 ~ Rema (it looks so freakin cute though!)
Ah, Rema @whentherosesbl00m 😄🥰😍
This is Mr. Ashton Irwin's world and we are just living in it. He can do whatever he likes and wants, and he looks absolutely hot while doing it. 😌 Mullet or not - he rocks everything.
Especially my world. 🥵
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littledrummerangie · 2 years
Hope you and @mymindwide Sly have the best time at the gig tomorrow! Fingers crossed you’ll also be able to meet a certain big-armed cutie of a drummer. 🧡 ~ Rema
Awww Rema 🥺😭😭😭❤ you remembered???
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Well, I don't know about our options, but it would be definitely a massive surprise if we got to meet the king cutie himself 👉👈🤞🥺🥰 it would be the cherry on top. 🍒
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
Reading the new Super Dad chapter makes me want to see Ash as a dad for real. ☺️ Like, come on Ash, get going for those 6 to 8 kids! 🤣😜 Seriously though, I love how sweet and cute and loving you write him as a dad. Only 23 more chapters to go. 😉 ~ Rema
Aww thank you Rema ❤ @whentherosesbl00m
I honestly think he would be a super dad for real! Like all he does for his brothers - imagine him doing just as much or more for his own babies 🥺❤
Cannot wait to bring more fluff and maybe some angst too. 😋
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