suffarustuffaru · 1 year
what do you think of 'grasp' so far
like that Pridebaru fic where he gets kidnapped by Reinhard
ooh this is an interesting question… anon im curious as to why you asked me HAH but i suppose im flattered!!! very grateful to have the chance to speak my Opinions… (warning this is gonna be kinda long i have a lot to say 😅 i put it under the read more!!)
i really like grasp!! pride if reinsuba seems to be pretty popular in this fandom (which im guessing is because reinhard and pridebaru are both like. powerful in their own ways. and they have the most feral relationship out of any version of reinsuba) and tbh i eat up any pride if reinsuba content every time. i enjoy their dynamic and i like seeing the different takes people have on it!! grasp is particularly fun for me in that iirc there isnt really much fics specifically about reinhard capturing pride, plus reinhard’s characterization here is super interesting. grasp emphasizes how much reinhard genuinely cares about subaru and also emphasizes reinhard’s softness—even as hes. you know, kidnapping pride, imprisoning him, gaslighting, etc etc. and grasp’s reinhard is Specifically most likely from the main route, judging from the events he describes. i love seeing darker versions of reinhard in general, and i suppose it’s unique to see a reinhard from the main route act like this. though i will say that reinhard in like ch6 does say he doesnt “give a fuck” iirc which. im sorry i cant imagine reinhard saying that 😭😭 but i do like the addition of him going fuck you to the literal council though!!
on the other hand, though, i feel like grasp’s pridebaru characterization isnt sharp enough for my personal taste. like i know grasp’s pridebaru is still like not that far into pride if—like he was whisked away right before he killed petelgeuse. but at this point i still feel that like. hes jaded and accustomed to violence and i feel like he would be A Lot More Pissed Off in this situation (being imprisoned by reinhard of all people). like the way i see pridebaru, he very much Is Pride, you know? hes stubborn as hell and he wants to be in control and Powerful at all times and he LOATHES reinhard specifically for his power and heroism. i just feel like that even while pride is afraid of reinhard here for knowing personal shit about him + insisting that main route events happened (ie subaru being close with emilia, saving the day, etc etc), i still feel like prides gonna like double down and do Everything he can to make this difficult in any way for reinhard. like i feel like to pride, hearing reinhard talk about this other version of events is like. prides like hearing about basically some other version of himself, which probably sounds like hearing about a literal stranger to him bc Why would he even be friends with reinhard. itd sound totally alien to pride. but this is like, all my personal opinion and i mean no disrespect!! that and 95% of my personal taste in fiction is like composed of the most unhinged things, meaning that my general (kind of biased) consensus with most ifbarus is that you might as well write them to be as insane as possible T^T so take my opinion with a grain of salt maybe, i suppose!
but anyway that aside thats just a very long explanation of basically saying while grasp’s pridebaru take isnt a personal favorite of mine, i do really really enjoy the fic and seeing reinsuba shenanigans happen in it!! and ill definitely be tuning in for each update whenever i get the chance :o
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koilccc · 10 months
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this is reinsuba right
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j2x3e · 4 months
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Reinhard ate all the mayo in the fridge.jpg
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katotaines · 1 year
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I’m so sorry Reinhard
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evilsexy · 8 months
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raechannau · 5 months
mostly reinsuba (unfinished) doodles log
i love to draw them so much!!!! im asfdsfdsfdsafa ><
(please note that some are so low res bc i just screenshotted these)
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unovaslankiite · 3 months
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Re:Zero fans, pls accept my humbling offerings of our sopping wet kitten Subaru and some crumbs of ReinSuba 🥺
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whygod-why · 5 months
Reinsuba and Emisuba are parallels and no i’m not grasping at straws (Lie)
Hear me out, the parallels are there in their respective first scenes, Subaru meets a person whose appearance/role in the kingdom is extremely well known and said person is used to being treated as a monster by almost everyone due to factors outside of their control. Subaru proceeds to not recognize said person as the monster everyone else sees them as and instead immediately begins treating them like a normal person. That person was also introduced to him by saving him from thieves effectively cementing them in a positive role in Subaru’s eyes. Then after the confrontation at the Loothouse said person offers to take him home despite him being a suspicious stranger.
Am i talking about Reinhard or Emilia? Anyways, do you see my point, do you see it.
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(I am so normal /lying)
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deafknell · 2 months
to find a new you chapter 2 is out!
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This chapter's been on the backlog for editing for months, and I'm happy to say it's finally done. Big thanks to everyone involved in the collab :D If you like reinsuba, or subaru embarrassing himself to high heaven, feel free to give it a read.
Check out the fic here
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kangahuri · 7 months
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they're my roman empire (whatever that means)
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line bar, rice bar, rasu, raisuba, reinsuba...I'm having a brainrot so bad aaaa
like, I'll blame this to アヤマツ√, カサネル√, LiM rein's routes, and the fact that rein's is actually the first person who said that subaru is his friend to the point he wants subaru to be his house guest (to live with him?!)
it's insane in LiM, rein just spoils subaru as he will just appear if subaru thinks of him (dog lol);
others call out subaru for being too dependent on rein lmao but there moments he really wants to help rein too. just like in canon that subaru promised that he'll fill in what rein's lacking
both are foils and parallels to each other-- too many to mention
envies and admires each other
'perfect' x hard worker
both prone to self hatred
undying bc of the world itself (rein) and satella (su)
rein views subaru as his equal, but subaru thinks rein is better than him
And both have daddy issues that messed them up so bad and i love that subaru's dad is like reinhard (popular n perfect); while rein's dad is like subaru (pathetic, loser) aaaaa
i can't wait for these two to have fallout in a future arc hahaha... but i wish they'll reconcile tho
i can't really believe that in the web novel, rein would like to defeat julius on arc 3 just to avenge su... and that's the same arc where he called su his best friend despite they just met a few times....
i should stop,,,, but this brainrot has been there for years-
i really love this ship 🥹😭 their wholesome friendship on the main story & their fucked up dynamics in most of the what:if stories
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
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hey so i made a summary of all three main subaru mlm ships, hope this helps 👍
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sheepibum · 4 months
Coins in a Wishing Well
Chapter 3: For the Promised Ending and the Promise of an End
A thousand witches had changed just as many princes or princesses or maidens or knights or miller’s sons or this and that into just as many animals; it was what they did. It was just Subaru’s luck that the person who cursed him had gotten it all wrong about him, about the curse.
Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? And don't get me wrong, this is one of my favorite things I've written for Re:Zero, but this stupid chapter just kept getting longer every time I sat to write it. щ(゜ロ゜щ)
Julius, in particular, would not shut up. He was supposed to have, like, two lines!
But it's done, it's done! And I'm happy with it, and hopefully I'll manage to finish the next two chapters for Coins in... this year. Hopefully. (I still have to work on Start, from Minus, and that one is worse ;w;)
The good news, tho: this is again Reinhard/Subaru! With hopes that the Arc 5 anime feeds me well! (p≧w≦q)
edit: Aaaaa, I forgot to change the chapter title!! It's fixed now orz
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j2x3e · 4 months
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Subaru ate all the mayo in the fridge.jpg
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liquidstar · 9 months
wait actually let me test my hypothesis
this might be an inefficient sample size because i feel like most r:z tumblrinas have read the LNs, HOWEVER i also think theres a bigger concentration of people who even have gay r:z takes on here to begin with honestly. so we'll see lol
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evilsexy · 8 months
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