innerbeautyfashion · 1 year
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velverava · 1 year
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Whm Reinee! No more bonks, she finally learns how to heal and glare properly.
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firefly--bright · 6 months
Reiner and gym moodboard + how he feels if his s/o works out too, please!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ reiner braun gym moodboard for anon!
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ "the altar is my hips, even if it's a false god." ੈ✩‧₊˚
headcanons ;
✧ your biggest supporter fr. if you're just starting off, he's gonna help you every step of the way. if you've been going to the gym since a longer time then he's cheering you on with every move. kisses between every set, high fives after you accomplish something that you've been trying to do for a long time, tying your shoes before heading out (he double knots it so it doesn't come off)
✧ speaking of The Gym, he also knows how to make healthy meals. whenevers he's been put on kitchen duty, he's clanging the pots and pans but the end result is always delicious (and nutritious!!)
✧ the biggest cuddler. he's so soft for you actually. he also has a tiny lil kitten like yk the 'big guy has small pet' stereotype? that's him.
✧ big burly man wearing cozy sweaters and hoodies, sending you pics of him in the gym mirror showing you his progress, wiping the sweat off your forehead.
i hope you enjoyed this! i tried my best with making it gender neutral but it was rlly hard finding couple gym photos for some reason :/ I also don't know that much Gym Talk but I hope this was up to your preference!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ wish's winter moodboard event! ੈ✩‧₊˚
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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Reinee (/▽\) by Byeon Dha
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xcleanx · 26 days
after watching baby reineed i’m honestly so bothered and mad that f**** h, a literal abuser and predator who ruined someone’s life, has gotten a platform to speak her “truth” which of course was the opposite of what gadd presented. can we stop making creeps famous and think about the victims for once? i feel so sorry for richard and shame on you p*ers m****n.
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coastalroses · 10 months
i would like to say “american names don’t exist” but i know a family whose names are wade, khrystyn, reinee, ryenn, and sadie
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kojinnie · 3 years
that zeke fic was so good!! i was tearing up while listening to the song (which is so fitting to him btw) i swear fluffy!zeke hits different. i mean don’t get me wrong, he’s hot asf, but zeke finally realizing that maybe he deserves happiness..... it’s something that i desperately want to give him 🥺
[RE:] Potentially Corny - Zeke x Reader
Ouuuwwiiie thank you nonie!! Glad that you enjoyed it! Honestly I've been thinking about getting married to Zeke with the song for awhile so sorry if the fic comes off personal because I literally shinzuo sasageyo'd it HAHA. And yes, the part that makes Zeke even hotter is his sheer vulnerability that he tries to mask by acting like an ahole sometimes. But he got us whipped nonetheless right???
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My experience with Case File challenge quest is Reines teaming up with Gray to beat her adopted brother plus his life long heart's desire to bloody particles. If there need to be a context for the fight, young Iskander provoked the other two by trying to use his Charm skill on Gray. Class advantage aside, Reinee wouldn't stand for it. While usually Waver can tell Gray to stand down from Rhongomyniad his crush to death, Reines' presence (+ Sima Yi's skill) invalidate his advantage.
Otherwise I'm curious why TM + DW doesn't have Waver + old Iskander on the field. Older Iskander doesn't have that youthful charm skill and my mind wouldn't have wandered to the above scenario if it had been him.
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shafiramalita · 4 years
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sebelumnya maaf bgt fotonya pake foto absurd yang ini karna aku lupaa buat foto ulangg:( monang ..
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akhirnya aku foto ulang tapi pake polaroid:( bukan sama laptop, tapi aku beneran ikut clospar dr awal sampe akhir serius ga boong:(..
oke oke moving on..
ZUMPAH BERMANFAAT BGT, pembawaannya juga nyantuiiii, seruuuu abiezz pokoknya gakuad:( ya walaupun kadang jujur aku capekk BUT WORTH IT UNTUKKU SBG MABA, YAALLAH MAKAZIH BGT BUAT MBA MAS PANITIA IRFEST YANG UDAH BIKIN IRFEST INI🥺, walaupun katanya gaada vibesnya tapii it still Shooooo gOod sumpa serius, membawa manfaat bgttttt!, ohiyaa irfest jg bagus bgt buat menambah relasi antar angkatan huhuu!!
Oiya mau say thanks juga ni sekalian hiwhiw, thanks bgt buat kak tio dan kak shaa yang sudah menjadi best caliel for USA, maafkan anak USA yang sering merepotkan:( terutama aku yg selalu anak plg telat bangun wkwkwkwk:(( zumpa maapin kak:(, kak tio kak sha beneran caliel terbaik bgt guys yaampun, beneran selalu nemenin anak anaknya, dengerin anak anaknya:(, bantuin anak anaknya, omg pokoknya love bgt mams and paps huhu mau nangis ni🥺, terus makasi jugaa buat anak USA YANG SANGAT AMAT KU SAYANGI HUHU LOVE BGT ANAK USAAA NO KECOTTTTTT!!!! duh bisa bisa terlalu panjang nih kalo ttg USA jadi nti aja kulanjutin kita move say thanks ke SAVIRA NUR AISYAH.. SUMPAH KAK CEPI YAALLAH GATAU LG SAYANG BGT, org yg selalu jd tempatku buat apapun ah gatau lg pokoknya dia terbaik🤍, terusssss makasiii jugaa buat kak aarnee filosku yang beneran hampir sempurna yaAllah asli.. kak aarnee helpedd me a lottttt nangezz, gak lupa juga buat kak reinee, kakk reinee tenang aku inget kok coklatnya karna kita balap balapan siapa yg lebi cepet ngerjain paper guys terus aku kalah:(, oiya aku jg inget happy toz buat kak belva WKWKWK, buanyak dehh..
Sebenernya pengen nulis lebih panjang tapi baru inget ini tugas jadi yaudah segitu aja yah friendss!! byebyeeee🤍
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Plus One Pt. 2 Kandomere x Reader Imagine
Oh dear! It has gotten away from me again!! I will be posting a part 3 soon! Enjoy!
Kandomere watched the video over and over again. The hospital surveillance had been the only witness to your leaving but gave no reason for why and Kandomere’s heart was breaking with every second that passed. Had the inferni got to you? Has someone used magic on you? Had someone got in touch with you and threatened you? All this thoughts raced through his mind. He was supposed to keep you and the baby safe! He failed! “Damn it!” He stood quickly, the need for answers eating him alive. “Montehugh! What have you learned from the staff.” The red headed agent didn’t flinch at the bite in the elf’s voice, he couldn’t even imagine how he would feel if his wife had gone missing. Looking at his notes he gave a heavy sigh, “(Y/N) didn’t speak to anyone. The nurses at the front desk said she looked to be upset and crying but assumed she needed time to herself because you had been shot.” Kandomere’s icy eyes met his partner’s, “I want agents on rotation looking for her 24/7.” Montehugh nodded, “Already ordered.” Taking a shaky breath the elf looked at his partner, “We have to find them. We have too.” “We will, Boss. We won’t stop until we find them.”
You sighed running your hands through your hair. You’re miserable. It’s been a month since you left your husband in the hospital and you thought it would get easier believing he was safer but it hadn’t. Really this has been the worst you have ever felt. A glass of juice was sat down in front of you stealing you from your thoughts. “(Y/N), go back home. You’re so sad and Kando is missing so many firsts with you.” Your eyes meet the kind eyes of your family’s dearest friend, Reinee. She had been best friends with your grandmother and remained close with the family after her passing and your mother’s passing. She is a blessing.
“I have to keep him and the baby safe Reeree. He’s been so distracted with the baby he wasn’t even able to keep from getting hurt. And I...” You wipe at tears free falling from your eyes, “I can’t loose this baby. Seeing him in that hospital, it was too much.” The old woman gave you a sad smile, “That’s what marriage is about. You face these things head on with each other. You lean on each other. Running away has never solved anything honey and it never will. You and Kando have a bond much stronger than many I have known through my life. Give him more credit.” You know she’s right but how would you go back now? What would you say? “What if it’s too late?” Reinee smiled giving a giggle, “Oh (Y/N), I can truly say I have never seen an elf so in love as Kando is with you. He will understand.” You gave her a sad smile and drink your juice.
8weeks, 2 months. That’s how long you have been gone. Kandomere has slowly slipped into insanity, ordering agents to do tasks that were absolutely unethical and damn near impossible. Montehugh has been the only one who has kept him grounded. Promises of finding you has no affect on the elf now, he is full of quiet rage and is now looking for the inferni for answers before killing them. He’s sure he would have found you by now but with you disappearing he has to face the truth. You and the baby may not be alive. The thought makes him sick, it has kept him from eating, from sleeping, from caring. He looks like hell, he feels like hell and when he finds those responsible and takes care of them he will join you in death, a plan he hasn’t shared with anyone, only with you in his mind. He will be with his family no matter what.
Montehugh broke him away from his thoughts, “We have the leader, he’s entering the hotel room no...” Before he could finish Kandomere was already out of the car and running towards the inferni elf. The elf heard the incoming steps and turned to fight but didn’t have a chance, Kandomere’s rage was too much and the agent had him on the floor staring at bared teeth. “Where is she?” The inferni leader looked confused, “Who? We haven’t taken any women, we haven’t had a need for them.” Raising his hand, Kandomere prepares to rip out the other elf’s throat before stopped by his partner. “Boss! No! Not like this! No!” The agent stopped. “I find out you had something to do with my wife’s disappearance, nothing will stop me. NOTHING!” He roared before walking away and letting Montehugh take control of the situation.
While transporting the inferni elf to the mtf, Montehugh knew he had to do something. Kandomere was becoming more aggressive and careless. Not a good combination. After the suspect was booked and held in a room Montehugh excused himself and called a higher up, something he would never do but he was worried and frankly, Kandomere was scaring him. He needed to take a break and he knew his boss wouldn’t take it on his own.
Reinee watched you rest and decided that fate wasn’t working fast enough. She left for her room and once inside she picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Yes, I’m needing to speak to Agent Kandomere. My name is Reinee Lenson.”
Kandomere answered the phone, “Reinee, have you seen (Y/N)?” The older woman couldn’t help but smile at his tone, he really loves you and she really appreciates a good love. “She’s here. And before you ask, no I will not tell you why. I will say she is miserably and she needs you. Please find it in your heart to understand her reasoning.” Kandomere let a breath of relief, “She’s safe. Thank god, she’s safe. The baby?” He asked quickly. “All is well. I will have a large dinner prepared for your family’s reunion the day after tomorrow. Remember, keep an open heart.” Kandomere let tears fall freely, “I will listen to whatever she says and I will hold nothing against her. I just want her back home with me.” Reinee smiles, “Yes and she will be. Good evening.” She hung up the phone and gave a giggle, finally broken hearts can mend. Kandomere hung up and immediately got a hold of Montehugh.
One the other side of the city, Becron had listened to while conversation and traced where Reinee had called from. He was released due to not enough evidence to hold him and now he will get Kandomere where it hurts. He got in the car with his second in command, “This is where we are going. Step on it.”
Tags: @that-girl-named-alex
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velverava · 1 year
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In need of vitamin B and C 🏖️
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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Reinee by Gihachi
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calaycay · 6 years
Calay Indochina Trip (April 17-22, 2018)
Jealousy is something that needed to be addressed for a better relationship. So when my Tatay got jealous of my Hong Kong trip last October 2017, I acquired insomnia. My mind can't stop thinking of the best place where my Tatay can get a great experience with a very small budget. Thanks to Colz’ post in DIY Philippines Facebook Group about her Indochina Trip, I finally got some sleep. They day after the long peaceful sleep, I immediately invited my friends who I know love to travel also. Fortunately, I convinced my Baka-chan, Reinee, and Johnrey. This is the start of our failed and unsatisfying but definitely unforgettable Indochina trip that we will surely laugh about when we get older.
Planning for Indochina Trip really needs a lot of research. Imagine going into one country after another, one should really know everything that he/she needs to know.
Thanks to Traveloka, we were blessed to find an Airasia seatsale going to Ho Chi Mihn, Vietnam with connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. So we automatically had an additional country aside from our original Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand travel.
We exchanged our peso to Ringgit in NAIA just to be sure to have a money to spend enough for DAY 1. It is better to change your money in NAIA than in any airport of the country you are going into.
We depart from Manila around 5:30 PM and arrived at Kuala Lumpur by 9:05 PM. KL's airport is really big. We rode Aerobus going to KL Sentral and their Rapid KL (counter part of MRT here in the Philippines) going to Masjid Jamek Station - the nearest station to our accommodation. We didn't have data so we weren't able to locate our hostel easily. It took us a lot of walking. People pointed us to places everywhere. They can barely understand us and we can barely understand them as well. Fortunately, Rajid (a staff from China Hostel) helped us to contact our hostel and booked a grab for us. (THANK YOU RAJID!) Finally by 2am, we were able to get some sleep.
I experienced the same in my HongKong trip. So I suggest to book an accommodation nearest to a landmark. Also, ask the right person so you don't need to get lost even worse.
We booked a night stay at Grand Mountbatten Boutique Hotel through Traveloka as well for P1750 for 5 pax 350 each - very cheap.
Day 1 is like Day 0. We weren't able to go anywhere but our hotel.
We woke up by 6am and started our journey by 7am. Our first stop is Batu Caves. We got lost because apparently KTM Kumuter is not working, and we do not know how to get there via other transportation. So we asked, and rode a free bus up to KTM Sentul Station, from here we waited for more than an hour before it departs to Batu Caves. This is the heartbreaking part. We weren't able to take into consideration the waiting time of the departures because we have a different itinerary. Some things really don't go according to the plan.
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at Jamek Mosque
We enjoyed Batu Caves, especially for me and my Tatay. I just love natural things. I prefer going to these tourist destinations (just like Ngong Ping Village in HK) than in the city. The monkeys and doves are everywhere! You can even get a shot like you're in Rome with those doves. And my Tatay experienced getting his polvoron rubbed by the monkey. It's so funny. The Big Buddha is really enormous. It's amazing.
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Inside the Batu Cave
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You need to climb 272 steep steps before reaching the cave. But the fear, hunger, and effort are totally worth it. It's a huge cave. They have a small temple inside it. Again, the monkeys are everywhere.
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Just a reminder: do not wear shorts or skirts above the knee. You will be asked to pay 5 MYR for the cloth which they will wrap around your waist.
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We went back to the KTM Komuter by 11am. This is where everything messed up. We weren't able to eat breakfast and lunch because of the hectic schedule. We weren't able to go to Petronas Twin Towers (yeah I know 💔💔💔) And the worst part is, we missed our flight going to Vietnam. Yes we idiots did.
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We got no choice but we are still blessed. Flight from KL to Siem Reap, Cambodia is cheap. So we decided not to go the Vietnam and just go straight to Cambodia. And we booked our accommodation in Cambodia through Agoda for PHP 2265.59 each.
We spent the whole day at KL Airport and waited for our 7am flight to Cambodia. We are so broken that we didn't even talk about going back to KL Sentral for Petronas Twin Towers and we are too afraid to miss the flight again.
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We arrived at Siem Reap, Cambodia by 9AM. Took a tuktuk ride from the airport to Kok Meng Lodge. The Inn doesn't allow us to check in yet because it's too early. So we had no choice but to go to Pub Street without taking a bath. We just walked straight from Kok Meng Lodge to Pub Street, it is just 5 to 10 mins walk away. It is a very hot late morning. We are all sweaty and sleepy.
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We ordered a sharing food for lunch. Johnrey bought a booked from a disabled vendor. We talk about our frustrations in this trip.
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We went back to the inn ( Kok Meng Lodge ), took a bath, got some sleep, and went out to take a look of Siem Reap. We intentionally didn't go to Ankor Wat because it will be unfair to Baka-chan's friend who was left in Vietnam.
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Upon walking, we bumped into a tuktuk driver and asked him where we can go. 
But before anything else, James, our tuktuk driver took us in a street restaurant to eat meryenda.
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Yes, these heavy meals were our meryenda. And yes, we were that hungry. XD
He took us to the War Museum, Tatay and Johnrey obviously enjoyed it in different reasons. Tatay is into guns and other war equipment, there were tanks! And Johnrey is really interested in history. War Museum has a lot to tell.
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After the War Museum, James Peter, our tuktuk driver, took us to one of Angkor Wat temples for free! This is because you can enter Angkor Wat Complex after 5pm for free.
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We just went to Pre Rub, amazed by the work of men, the sunset and took beautiful photos.
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Early discovery of talent
The complex is so peaceful. There are a lot of trees, and a lake. I love the environment.
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When it got dark, we decided to go back to Pub Street and end the trip with this Pacquiao-fan tuktuk driver. James is really accommodating and pleasant. He only asked us 12 Dollars for the whole trip. Thanks James! I hope to see you again!
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[I’ll insert James’ calling card here, I just need to look for it.]
We booked a bus trip from Siem Reap to Bangkok Thailand via HANG TEP TRAVEL CO., LTD. for 20 Dollars. Just to make sure that we will get to Thailand.
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We finally experienced the Pub Street life. And took a mandatory shot in Pub Street sign, ate dinner, look for some souvenirs, and tried fish massage. That was a great night. And that's the best night in our trip. Cambodia is the best that happened to us.
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We were supposed to go to Angkor Wat but the group realized that it is a waste of money going to Angkor Wat for just one hour because we booked an early trip going to Bangkok. Yeah, this is another heartbreaking story. We came here to see the Angkot Wat, yet we failed again.
By early 7AM we took the bus going to Thailand. Reached the border by 12pm and the next 4 hours was hell. We lined up in the immigration for 4 hours! We were on an open space covered with a high roofing, the line was very long. It was a very hot afternoon. And we didn’t have anything in our stomach but water. It was a very painful experience. This was the point that I realized that I need to tell you these guys. INDOCHINA TRIP IS VERY EXHAUSTING. YOU'LL EXPERIENCE HUNGER, TIREDNESS, AND DIZZINESS.
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Line in Cambodia Immigration Office,  Krong, Poi Pet
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When you see this Arch, this means you are in the border of Cambodia and Thailand already.
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This is the line in Thailand Immigration Office,  Aranyaprathet
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And this was us, in front of the line after hours. They just called from the line and prioritized us, maybe our bus guides did the work. Thanks no thanks. They’re too late.
We departed from the Cambodia-Thailand border by 4pm and reached Bangkok by 9pm. So Day 4 was spent in the immigration and on the road. We headed straight to Khao San Road and exchanged our dollars to baht. Finally, we were able to eat our first meal of the day. We had just some peanuts while on the bus. So yes, dinner was our first proper meal of the day. I thought I was gonna die out of hunger, imagine how my 62 year old father suffered. I'm sorry.
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We tried the famous Pad Thai with Shrimp and egg. It tastes good actually. Go ahead and try it.
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Nope he didn’t eat it.
We stayed in an airbnb very far away from public transportation so we got no choice but to ride the taxi all throughout our Bangkok stay. So don't make the same mistake. Book an accommodation near public transport or your desired destination even if you pay more because it is just the same booking a cheaper accommodation then spending in grab and/or taxis plus the hassles.
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This was our last chance to make the most of our Indochina trip. We woke up early and started the day going to Damnoen Floating Market. We took the grab going to Southern Bus Station and ride the bus going to Damnoen Floating Market for THB**. It was a 2-hour ride. Make sure to enjoy the view going to the South of Bangkok. Upon reaching the pier, there were offers going to the actual floating market for THB 1,000 for the 6 of us. Grab it. I know that some blogs would say not to fall for it. But based on a recent experience, for that amount you get a free 1-kilometer ride. This is the distance from the pier to the actual floating market. But we declined this offer.
Then, a van offered to bring us in the second pier. There, they offered us THB 300. We still didn’t agree with the price because based from the blogs we read the 300 THB is supposed to be for all of us already. So what we did is to walk from the bus stop to the floating market. It was a long and hot walk.
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And upon reaching the actual floating market, the fee is 200 THB. The floating market is a little bit crowded. There are many boats. It is really a floating market. Vendors are selling products in the boat, although some are on the riverbanks.
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We bought Chinese soup for breakfast for 60 THB, and mango shake for 65 THB. The Chinese soup is okay, and the mango shake is satisfying. The vendor of the shake is also very beautiful, she’s like a Korean.
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Going around the river, we also saw some local houses. We also saw lizard-like creature – I don’t know what it is called. It was swimming in the water. It’s kind of scary but just fine because it didn’t swim towards our boat. The sailor of our boat asked for a tip. So you better budget also for these miscellaneous expenses.
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Going back to the bus station, we rode a yellow jeep for THB 10. We took a grab going to the City to go to the temples. This is where the second most heartbreaking part of our trip comes in (first is our missed Vietnam flight).
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She is making a pose for me :)
I said that DAY 5 should make up this failed trip. We started the day right but ended up scammed. Upon reaching the city to visit the temples, we looked for the pier where we were supposed to ride the boat going to the temple.
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Then there’s this some guy who offered us help maybe because we were obviously lost – we can’t find the pier. He instructed us to ride the tuktuk going to the pier, so we did. 
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Remember this man’s face! He is a scammer! ALL THE HATE ON HIM!
The tuktuk brought us to a pier. A lady in the pier was charging us, if I remember it correctly, 1600 THB each for the boat ride, then we bargained it down to 600 THB which was supposed to be, if you go to the right pier, 15 THB only. So you see, we were scammed, they didn’t even give us a ticket. 
At first we kinda like it.
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But then, we just went around a shallow and unpleasant canal.
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And after the 1 hour (which was really less than 1 hour) CANAL boat tour, all the temples were already closed. YES they were all closed, so we didn’t got the chance to enter at least one temple. :(
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We just went around and took some photos with other temples.
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This day gets from worse to worst, even the Chatuchak Market was already closed when we get there so we also didn’t have the chance to do “Bangkok Shopping”.
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We just went back to Khao San Road and had some decent dinner.
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The next day, (DAY 6) 
We went to the airport and traveled back to the Philippines. And our pasalubongs? We bought it from the airport because that’s the only choice we had.
THAT’S IT. Our Indochina trip just went like that. Spending five days on the road and having an unworthy experience. If I could only correct everything. I guess we just need to charge this to experience. At least we got 9 passport stamps. (Yey!)
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my travel buddies – Tatay, Reinee, John Rey, Baka-Chan, Babes ni Baka-Chan – sorry guys, I know that this is not what we wanted. I hope to travel with you again next time, and by that time, we will finally enjoy our trip.
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Indochina Trip is not always like this. It’s always different for all of us. It’s just that we got to experience the opposite of anything that you can call good. I suggest you allot longer days for this trip, then for sure, you will have a blast.
I prepared an excel of our expenses. Click here. :)
Cheers to travelling the world! Meow meow!
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lepidopterann · 3 years
First half of this was written after watching, rest is during and what the FLYING FUCK
Attack in titan season 2 spoilers
What the Fuck
So we start out, Ymir might die bc those are some injuries and also the description "her insides are beaten like scrambled eggs" made me snort despite all the bad shit happening
Theres no hole in wall, which makes sense given the whole "made of hardened titan skin" theory
And then that so casual reveal of "I'm the armoured titan and hes the collosal titan "
And when I tell you had to Pause bc my heart was goin aay too fockin fast and I had to take a minute to fockin Breathe
I mean it
So Reiner and Berty has apparantly been lying this whole time to everyone but then again that also doesnt make sense
I mean he legit couldve died saving Connie but he did it anyway! If Connie hadn't used that knife he probably would have actually jumped out the window w that titan.
And also hang on lemme find it (it's a snippet of a previous liveblogging and a but of a theory)
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This episode was called Warrior and the episode this exchange played out inw as called Soldier(and in that ep there was some flashbacks for Reiner so?? Hm) I'm having some theories but idk they seem a bit out there so I'll prob share later if they're confirmed or denied (prob the latter) but yeah thoughts are being had for once
Anyways Bert was looking hella nervous and was like "why the Fuck would you say this you out me in such an uncomfortable situation like you know I'm not happy-"
And that's where I left it at ti go screech about it here and w my friends (who have already seen show)
The home town theyve been wanting to go to hm.
Annie report ?? Oh right-
So they're all childhood friends?? That's kinda bice
Do I call them them the titan trio xD
Reiner really was the big brother to everyone yes perfect
Shit all the foreshadowing for this... I feel a bit dummy now-
Ouch imagine getting stuff carved into ya hands
Ohhh so they Knew before everything damn
Tbh maybe Reiner is crazy bc like.. idk man I am Getting the Vibe and he himself almost just kinda confirmed it damn
Nothing but idiots" bicth you risked your life for some of them several times
Nooooo not the flashbacks of them being friendsssssss my heartt
Okay shit well I'm emotionally destroyed
Next ep is gonna be some huge as hell battle I just Know
I have so many questions and a couple theories and who the hell are they working for or did they do the whole wall tearing down of their own accord what even is happening is reiner really crazy and I jdut-
I'm in live with this fucking series holy shit I have chills and my heart is pumpin
This is such a great seriessss
Reiner @ Eren at the end there :
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home-of-stars · 6 years
#MiExperienciaConElSignoOpuesto :soy Ariana y mi signo opuesto es Libra. Siempre cada vez que me gusta un chico( por lo general me atrae su personslidad y despues su fisico me encanta) es libra, siempre y siempre pasa por que el signo me molesta y yo lo molesto y me hacen reir pero creo que siempre me tienen de amiga
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sol-lunas · 5 years
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