#references to Kensi and Densi
ejzah · 9 months
I never really liked Callen's response when Densi's relationship was finally outed. Instead of being happy for them he just said, don't pretend like you didn't know the risks. Way to be supportive Callen. Could you maybe write a fanfic where he apologizes to Deeks, but also assures everyone is happy for Densi.
A/N: Hi anon, I might not have gone as hard on Callen as you might have liked. I hope this is ok though.
Mixed Reactions
Kensi left before Deeks, deciding to go to her apartment and order takeout for both of them. He’d had one more report to submit, which took longer than usual as he thought over everything that happened. From getting spied on during their morning workout, to Hetty telling them to separate for the day, to her final big reveal that he had an open IA investigation against him.
While he was packing up, Callen walked in, texting one handed. He paused when he saw Deeks, then continued on to his own desk.
“You’re here late,” he commented.
“One of my monthly LAPD reports was due,” Deeks explained. He straightened a few items on his desk, the antithesis of Kensi’s trinket covered space, leaving just a cup of pens, a file holder, and his nameplate. He could sense Callen across the room, watching him, and wondered if he was about to get a lecture.
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure we were good,” Callen said eventually.
“When are we not good?” Deeks responded with a tight smile. Today had been long and stressful, and for once, he did not feel up for chitchat. He closed his laptop, sliding it into his messenger bag.
“I mean, after what we talked about today. You and Kensi.”
“Oh, I think you made your position on our relationship stunningly clear.” He answered flippantly, not wanting to show how much Callen’s lack of faith in him and Kensi bothered him. He’d expected it to a point. Having it confirmed though wasn’t what he wanted.
“Ok, maybe what I said came out a little more harshly than I intended,” Callen admitted, and Deeks snorted.
“No, “don’t pretend you didn’t know the risks” is definitely a ringing endorsement,” Deeks said wryly, shaking his hair out of his eyes as he turned to face Callen finally. “You don’t approve of us dating. It’s ok. We expected it, which is why we attempted to keep it under wraps.”
“And that obviously worked out well for you,” Callen said with his usual dry sarcasm.
“Are we done here? Because it’s late, and I’m tired, and Kensi’s waiting for me.”
“Deeks, wait.” Callen touched Deeks’ forearm, keeping him from brushing past. Deeks waited expectantly while Callen shifted uncomfortably. “Look, you know I’m not great when it comes to this stuff.”
“Clearly,” Deeks agreed.
“Just listen for a second. From the perspective of your team leader and coworker, yes, I’m not the biggest fan. The two of you dating is definitely gonna make things more difficult. It’s just the nature of crossing that line,” he explained himself, hesitating. Deeks raised an eyebrow, waiting for the part that didn’t sound like further criticism. “But as your friend, I’m also happy for you. After everything you’ve gone through and overcome in the last couple years, you deserve this. I’m sorry that my initial response wasn’t better.”
“Oh. That’s, uh, that’s surprisingly supportive and kind,” Deeks said with some surprise. He pursed his lips, feeling a little awkward now. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Callen smirked, breaking the moment. “I will wholeheartedly deny it though if you even think of telling Sam I said it.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Good.” Callen extended his hand to Deeks, and after a moment, he took it squeezing firmly. “Have a nice night, Deeks.”
“You too, Callen.”
Callen look over his shoulder on the way out. “Oh, and I might keep the PDAs to a minimum if you don’t want Granger to shoot you.”
“Got it,” Deeks said, shaking his head as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Oddly enough, he felt just a little bit better.
Thanks for the prompt!
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Another last Densi scene idea if they do a time jump:
2 years later, Rosa’s graduation and she’s valedictorian. In her speech she thanks her “parents” (referring to Densi for the first time) and Kensi tears up, Deeks wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her in, placing a kiss on top of her head. Someone sitting next to Kensi, grabs her hand and badabing it’s Pilar.
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madhare0512 · 2 years
The Chaos Crew
hello and welcome to me explaining/talking about my aus:
today's au is: the Chaos Crew
this started out as a dinky little idea presented to me by my good friend @galaxysanduniversesinmymind. their idea was, "what if Street from S.W.A.T., Deeks from NCIS, and Buck from 9-1-1 knew each other" and then spiraled from there as we added more and more fandoms. the first fic was posted in January of 2021 and a year and a half later, now has 6 other writers and 38 fics with more planned.
let me tell you, if you'd told me two years ago that a universe I made would blow up so much, I'd laugh because nothing I've ever made has ever blown up like that.
the Chaos Crew universe was originally named 'how two LAPD officers and one firefighter accidentally become the most powerful people on earth' and mostly featured S.W.A.T.'s Jim Street. then, as I branched out into other shows, it gained more and more stars. galaxy started writing a chat fic and truthfully, it only went uphill from there.
if I'm honest with myself I couldn't have done this without galaxy or another friend of ours. this universe grew out of my control and I'm happier for it. so, in honor of 1 and a half years (a totally real anniversary I definitely didn't just make up) here's a bit of explaining what the CC is:
the CC refers to the universe of the Chaos Crew. it also refers to the Chaos Crew consisting of 12 members well versed in creating and survived chaotic situations.
the twelve members are: Jim Street (S.W.A.T.), Marty Deeks (NCIS: Los Angeles), Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1), Matt Casey (Chicago Fire), Jay Halstead (Chicago PD), Will Halstead (Chicago Med), TK Strand (9-1-1: Lone Star), Christopher LaSalle (NCIS: New Orleans), Nick Burkhardt (Grimm), Nick Torres (NCIS), Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Clay Spenser (S.E.A.L. Team)
they have a group chat called Chaos Incarnate, which we'll sums up their interactions and their daily lives. the CI chat has a sister group appropriately named the Chaos Caretakers, nicknamed the Caretakers chat. this chat is for the people who take care of or care for a person in the CI chat.
the people in this chat are Chris Alonso (S.W.A.T.), Eric Beale (NCIS: Los Angeles), Josh Russo (9-1-1), Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire), Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD), Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz (Chicago PD), Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Judd Ryder (9-1-1: Lone Star), Sebastian Lund (NCIS: New Orleans), Monroe (Grimm), Jimmy Palmer (NCIS), Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), and Brock Reynolds (S.E.A.L. Team)
this is also a Soulmates universe. there are three types of Soulmates: romantic, platonic, and familial.
ships include:
The S.W.A.T. Polycule (Jim Street, Donavon Rocker, Victor Tan, Bonnie Lonsdale, Chris Alonso, Erika Rogers)
Densi (Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye)
Calic (Eric Beale/G Callen)
Russley (Evan Buckley/Josh Russo)
Sevasey (Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide)
Mousestead (Jay Halstead/Mouse Gerwitz)
Buruzwater (Adam Ruzek/Kim Burgess/Kevin Atwater)
Rhodestead (Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes)
Tarlos (TK Strand/Carlos Reyes)
Jace (Judd Ryder/Grace Ryder)
Monrosanick (Nick Burkhardt/Monroe/Rosalee Calvert)
Palmtorrezzo (Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer/Tony DiNozzo)
Lundkingsalle (Christohper LaSalle/Sebastian Lund/Dwayne Pride)
Patchgreeves (Diego Hargreeves/Eudora Patch)
SpiritWitch (Klaus Hargreeves/Elijah Mikaelson)
Reynser (Clay Spenser/Brock Reynolds)
Soulmate bonds work quite similarly to a telephone game. Romantic Soulmates get thoughts and feelings, Platonic Soulmates might be able to catch what you thinking and they can feel what your thinking, familial bonds are muted feelings and work of those feelings alone.
the distinction between Soulmates isn't quite clear, sometimes you end up dating your Platonic Soulmate or someone in your familial bond. most people find their Soulmates, but some people don't have Soulmates or don't want a relationship beyond friends or any relationship at all.
a good example of this is Julie and the Phantoms. Julie and Luke are Romantic Soulmates, however, Julie is dating Carrie while Luke is dating Alex and Reggie.
fandoms for this universe include:
- SWAT (2017)
- 9-1-1
- Lone Star
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- NCIS Hawai'i
- Chicago Fire
- Chicago PD
- Chicago Med
- Chicago Justice
- Grimm
- Umbrella Academy
- SEAL Team
- Scorpion
- MacGyver
- Hawai'i Five-0
- Magnum PI
- Supernatural
- Shadowhunters
- Percy Jackson & the Olympions (and relating books and fandoms)
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
- Law and Order
- Criminal Minds
- Flashpoint
- Vampire Diaries
- The Originals
- Legacies
- Charlie's Angels
- James Bond
- Numb3rs
- Marvel Cinimatic Universe -- X Men
- House MD
- The Listener
- Teen Wolf
- Brooklyn-99
- Ghost Whisperer
- Lucifer
- The Old Guard
- Fast and Furious
- White Collar
- Now You See Me
- National Treasure
- Lie to Me
- Baby Driver
- Grey's Anatomy
- Station 19
- FBI Universe
- Julie and the Phantoms
- Doctor Who
- Torchwood
special thank you to my fellow CC writers:
- @existential-bisis
- @chewiemadwriter
- @madddddy
- @bravo-four-seal-team
- @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou
- two friends who don't have tumblrs I'm aware of
- and galaxy
thank you! and please feel free to ask any questions!
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dominicvail · 6 years
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Densi Aesthetic
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theighthhorcrux · 2 years
I liked how the title seemed to be an abstract blink-182 reference. The abandoned baby was a new one, and predictably it’d be Kensi and Deeks to go out there. Anna, Zasha Gagarin, and Rountree all reappeared, and the news about Sam’s dad was worrying. The mention of Sydney and Sabatino was great- also, when are Eric and Nell coming back? The underwear conversation was gross, and the Anna-and-Callen scene was just adorable. We got more information about the Noble Maidens and Anna’s mom, and Callen on a farm in Idaho is an interesting mental image. The Densi baby conversation was slightly awkward, and Zasha got saved in Syria by a mystery motorcyclist who turned out to be Keane (long time, no see!) Nate made his long-awaited return, and dove straight in to getting accustomed to Kilbride and his grumblings Kilbride worried about the team was sweet, and I was really hoping they wouldn’t kill off Hetty. We got more slightly-gratuitous LGBT representation in the form of a sailor, and we found out that the baby’s mom was raped. Callen and Rountree got to be partners for a day, and the baby and mom were reunited. Castor got a cool scene, and Kilbride told Nate about the Hetty/young Callen experiment. We ended the episode with a great scene- Anna laughing about Pomona on video-call, then stopping dead when she saw Callen and turning the phone so he could see his own face talking to him was nothing short of a masterpiece. I can’t wait to find out just how much damage the deepfaker has done, if the end of last week’s ep was anything to go by, and it makes me worried he could target Zasha or basically anyone else as well. Also, I hope this whole Katya mess is wrapped up soon.
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riskinghearts · 7 years
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“Life is really short, Deeks. I mean, we saw that today, we see it every day. And, I don't know how much time either one of us has left... but I do know this. I wanna spend the rest of what I have - with you."
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mashmaiden · 3 years
I know everyone would love to see a 'Deeks, M.' episode, but am I the only one who thinks that won't happen? Not because the writers don't want to, but just because there aren't a lot of things in Deeks' past left to cover. We've been through the whole IA investigation, they can't really write anything about his dad because he's dead... I just don't see it happening
But is he?! I dunno, I feel like if Brandel was dead for the 12 years prior to them looking, it would not have taken Nell as long as it did to find any information on him. Now the question is, was there something weird about his file that made it classified/harder to find? And/or did Hetty lie to Deeks about his dad for this reason? Or did they just find bogus information? (She was wrong before, about Callen’s dad being dead!) Anyway, tons of ways Brandel could still be alive!
But outside of that, there’s still plenty of mysteries we could explore with Deeks! Sort of keeping with the same idea, we could have a case that is very similar to Deeks’s past, and we could see how much it effects Deeks? (maybe at a time right as we find out Kensi is pregnant, so it brings up his worry he’d be like his dad?) Maybe with a flashback or two like the ones we’ve had of Callen lately? I think that could be the best angle to explore, especially with some Roberta scenes thrown in there too! 
As for other options, I’d be curious to learn a little more about what shifted Deeks from practicing law to becoming a police officer. Or what made him choose law in the first place! There’s the mystery of the ex-girlfriend he has a restraining order against, we could learn more about some other cases he worked as a cop, heck, they could come up with a whole NEW element of backstory they haven’t hinted at yet with which to make an episode about. (I wouldn’t mind some things from college age, with a reference or two to his dancin’ days!)
My personal favorite (and has definitely been seen in many many fanfics), is the case that is similar to his childhood, and him reacting poorly due to the memories it brings up. Again, especially if it coincides with this arc of Densi moving toward parenthood. I just feel we’d see a lot of good angles this way. Deeks being upset about the situation, him fighting for the kid to keep him/her from his own childhood fate, and him probably going postal at the abusive person. 
Anyone else have any interesting potential Deeks, M ideas?
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castielss · 4 years
NCIS LA - Deeks and Kensi? That's the reference, yeah?
AHHH YESSSS! Densi my first ship probably like EVER I would lay me live for them
*here goes a virtual hug* and all my love
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romancemedia · 4 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles S11E16 - Alsiyadun
In the 16th episode of the 11th season of NCIS: Los Angeles, the team works desperately to find and rescue Fatima after she is captured during a mission gone wrong.
This was a good episode and a great way to officially include Fatima into the main cast. I’ve always liked Fatima and I’m excited to finally see that as of this episode she is now an official member of the NCIS LA team. This episode really showed how much Fatima has grown on everyone and how much they care about her, seeing all the lengths they went to find and rescue her. Fatima herself impressed me even more in this episode. Despite all the difficult situation she was in, she never stopped being the badass character that she is. With every episode she appears, I like her more and more. I also enjoyed getting to see more of Hetty in this episode. The amount of screen time she had in this episode really reminded me of the good old days during the shows past seasons. I hope as of this episode, Hetty is finally back for good and will continue making more and more appearances cause I really have missed seeing her. Aside from Hetty, as always it was great to see Sabatino again and I loved how he kept making jokes about Callen and Sam trying to kill him and referring Densi to Lady and the Tramp. He is now the second person to call them that, the first person being Sam himself I think just shortly before they officially became a couple during the 6th season. I always enjoy watching the team working with Sabatino since he is more funny and lighthearted compared to Callen’s ex, Joelle. However, I’m surprised that he didn’t give info regarding his wedding ring that I think it’s safe to say we ALL NOTICED. I bet he’s still pouting about not being invited to Deeks and Kensi’s wedding last year.
Speaking of Densi, I enjoyed all the moments Deeks and Kensi had in this episode and my favourite moment of all was their discussion about their own future children and particularly what careers they will choose in the future. I think it’s safe to say that everyone got a good amount of equal screen time in this episode which is exactly what I want. I also really liked Qadri. Although I wish we could have seen more of him. The way this episode promoted him, it seemed like he was going to have a much bigger role, but he was still fun to watch. I also enjoyed how he kinda got under Sam and Callen’s skin, but that���s the CIA for you, they always find ways to surprise us. I liked how we got to meet Fatima’s parents too. It was a nice and I thought it was really sweet of Deeks to reassure her parents and expressed how Fatima is greatly loved and cared for by the rest of the team. Deeks is sweet as always. In the end, thanks to Qadri and teamwork, Fatima was rescued and she got the chance to call her parents and let them know she is alright. I will admit though I was a little surprised by the ending. I kinda expected Callen and Sam to return to LA with Fatima and reunite with the rest of the team and Hetty would formally ask her to join the team. Although it didn’t happened the way I imagined, it was still a good ending nonetheless.
Overall, this was a good episode and a great way to officially make Fatima the newest main cast member. No doubt she will make us proud. I’m going to enjoy seeing more of her to come and I can’t wait to see if the next episode will include an updated intro. Plus I can’t wait to see the return of Lance Hamiliton and see Kensi’s new hairdo. I get the feeling we are in for an exciting episode next week.
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ejzah · 8 months
A/N: Oh look, what’s this? You’ll never guess.
Deeks, talking to Kensi: So, I just told her that I wasn’t comfortable with them sharing a room.
Sam, nodding knowingly: Ah, Rosa brought someone home from college.
Deeks, pursing his lips: Nope. I’m talking about my mom.
Callen: Your mom brought someone home from college?
Deeks, rubbing his forehead: Oh thank you god no. I’m talking about her and Arkady.
Kensi: We would have zero issue with Rosa staying with Steven.
Sam: Arkady and Roberta have stayed over before, what’s the big deal this time?
Kensi: Yeah, that experience taught us that they truly have no boundaries.
Deeks: There’s a lot of things you can’t forget. Had to reupholster the chair in that room and everything.
Sam, grimacing: I’m sorry I asked.
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
“Five kids, you wanna drive your wife crazy?”
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bluenet13 · 4 years
Third Time’s the Charm: Densi-mber Day 4 Writing Prompt: Kensi or Deeks’ first time undercover
If you have read any of my stories, you have probably noticed that writing angst is my thing, so naturally I had to give this prompt a try. And somehow, I did manage to sorta incorporate the holidays into it. 
Innocent laughs of small children playing with newly opened gifts welcomed the young man as he turned onto his street. With the first step towards his home, he noticed a girl wearing a princess dress, tag still on. Then two boys playing with a remote-control truck. The sounds of the outside world, happy, and a startling contrast to the storm raging on his head.
Eventually reaching his apartment, he walked up the stairs and roughly opened the door. Christmas wreath shaking and then falling to the ground, Christmas lights shattering on impact. Ignoring the wreak, he stepped over it and went inside. Closing the door behind him with a loud pop.
Hoping to breathe a bit better, Marty Deeks released his tie and took off his jacket, throwing both towards his couch. But he still felt like he was choking.
Gingerly walking to his storage room, Marty grabbed a bottle, pouring himself a shot, which he quickly downed in one gulp. Feeling the beverage burn down his throat, but his pain was still there. So, he poured himself another, and another, and another, hoping to erase the emptiness that he felt, but the void never quite filled.
A loud cracking sound then shook the room, and Marty Deeks shuddered. He looked down, noticing the blood that flowed freely down his hand, trickling onto the floor. Small shards sticking to his palm as the remains of the now broken shot glass landed on the floor.
Shaking his head, Marty stumbled towards the sink. Red droplets marking a path as his hand continued to bleed. Without thinking, he poured some of the whiskey over the cut and relished the pain that came. He deserved it, after all.
Seeing his knuckles, his anger flared again, and he grabbed a snowman cookie jar from the kitchen counter and threw it hard against the wall. Then the bottle followed.
Having been woken from his trance-like state by the loud crash, Marty took in the mess he had made, and sank to the floor. Back sliding down the wall, his eyes came to rest on the now shattered cookie jar. The previous happy smile of the snowman turned into an evil, broken grin and that’s when it hit him –he had just destroyed the first piece of Christmas decoration his mother had given him when he moved into his first apartment after college.
Now you can eat all the cookies you want. Roberta had said then. Both mother and son remembering a similar cookie jar had existed on the Brandel’s household when Marty was a kid. Both also remembering said jar had been destroyed in one of his father’s drunken rages because his son had eaten the last cookie. And now his mother’s gift was ruined too, by a son that had decided to give in to a violence that seemed to have been his only inheritance from his father.
Shaking his head again, Marty lifted himself from the ground, and walked towards his storage closet once more. Ignoring the second bottle of whiskey that called to him, he grabbed a broom and dustpan instead.
Walking back towards the kitchen, Marty stopped at the entrance to his restroom. Rooted in place, he gazed at the far away mirror that was above his sink. He gasped, not recognizing the man that stared back at him. His light blue eyes no longer looking like a reflection of the ocean, but more like a dark sky which announced that a bad storm was coming.
You’re perfect for the job. It will be quick. You can do this. He remembered his lieutenant’s words, and his anger flashed again. It had made sense then, to go under as a shady lawyer. But Bates promises hadn’t carried the truth. He had never mentioned needing to beat up an innocent man to sell a cover, or actually allowing a gang to commit crimes so they could have evidence. Marty Deeks had always been good at wearing a façade and playing a part, but this job had involved a lot more than fake law and playing make believe. It had instead been all about opening up and accepting a part of himself that he had buried long ago.
And what scared him the most is that, a big part of him, had actually enjoyed it. Being on top, and for once, not being the one beaten down to the ground. Marty had thrived on the chaos of the situation, burying Deeks and calling to Brandel, as he had punched the man over and over again because he had questioned his identity in front of the higher ups in the gang. And the best part is that he had come out victorious. Not only in the physical battle, but also in the validity of his alias, both which, in the end, had contributed to the successful operation and subsequent praised by his lieutenant.
Now as Marty stared at his face in the mirror, not worse for wear, other than a very faint bruise over his jaw, then down to his bloody knuckles, he hated himself for having felt good as he had done the beating. And even worse for having smiled when Roger Bates had congratulated him.
Shaking his head yet again, he closed the door to the restroom, cutting the lifeline between his eyes and the mirror. Moving in what seemed like autopilot, he shuffled to the kitchen and began cleaning the mess he had made. Broken shards discarded to the trash, as the young cop made a mental note to visit some thrift stores to see if we could find another snowman. Maybe, third time really is the charm, he thought darkly. Referring not only to the cookie jar, but overall thinking about his career and calling in life.
You can be great at undercover work. Think about it. Law didn’t work, and you’re not meant to be a mere officer, you can be so much more. Marty Deeks thought of his lieutenant’s parting words and remembered the case, his experience told him that he could be exceptionally good at this job, but he wasn’t sure that meant he wanted to…
Finishing his cleaning duties, Marty walked to the storage closet, setting his supplies down and grabbing the new whiskey bottle. Back at the kitchen, he poured himself a glass, before spilling the rest of the bottle into the sink. Merry Christmas, Marty, the young man whispered to himself, then raised the glass towards the heavens and, again, downed it in one gulp. He then turned off the lights and moved to his room so he could sleep the last weeks off, regardless of the fact it was only noon on December 25.
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chrisodonline · 6 years
Spec and Motifs/Themes for S9
I’m about to write something that should probably be multiple posts, but, alas, you’ll get one giant tome of my ramblings that will all be proven wrong in a little over 24 hours.
I am currently powered by punchiness that follows a very long week, low sleep levels, leftover rotisserie chicken that I almost ate with a spoon instead of a fork, a couple Tootsie Pops in G Callen’s honor, and some chocolate milk. I did promise (okay, 2 weeks ago) @sspaz1000 and @mashmaiden speculation. (They’ll regret asking!)  
Before I start on my theories, a few things of note:
Thank you to those who have listened to my ramblings and talked with me this season. Some of those talks have actually led to thoughts behind the cut.  To those who tolerated me: @aprylynn, @chicgeekgirl89, @raccoonsmate4life, @s-sdensi, and @ishiptoomanypeopleontv.  Always ever patient and so sweet. You guys rock!   These people are also whom you should probably see for Densi spec and reflection, which I won’t do too much of -- though, I could. I’ll touch on it briefly, but I’m not an expert.
Beneath the cut you’ll find a few different theories, reflections on motifs/themes from S9, and why I still cite Mr. Bartels as the King of Foreshadowing. Plus, lots of words. I might cut myself off on some of these, as feel free to ask for elaboration!
A quick look at the season, and you’ll see some repeated themes and motifs.  You can say that about past seasons, and some have played bigger roles over the years, e.g. duplicity, identity issues, etc. 
This year has been about consequences: the team merits a firmer hand, Sam lost his wife, the job’s dangerous and makes your loved ones worry (see: Deeks), and we see a repeat of things come back to bite people later on -- which adds some depth to dragging some of the baddies’ plots out across the season and with 2 eps or more.  Hetty’s whole arcs deal with consequences: her team left someone behind, and she feels responsible.  Many veteran agents and figures suffer from Agent Orange. Keane’s back, but what life does he come back to? Etc.  Plus, see: Kensi/Deeks.  Deeks almost appears to be stalling the wedding and trying to hide his hesitation with disagreements and secret wedding venue scouting since Kensi was catching on to the avoidance. Like I said, though, I won’t talk about them too much.
With Hetty and the new Boss, one could easily argue that the ep ends with the team in serious peril.  We’ll know they’ll make it out, but the question is how would they survive such a pickle (much like in the “Deep Trouble” episodes - Shane Brennan even conceded in an interview we all knew Callen and Sam would survive, the question was always “How?”).  The team, nay, the Team, nay, THE TEAM (TM) has been at the center of the season even when separate.  Their future as a TEAM(TM) has been questioned/discussed.  It would make sense something narratively happened, and they already go in at odds.  Does this mean the whole TEAM is in trouble? Or do they accidentally or on purpose out of necessity, have to leave someone behind, perhaps assuming they’re dead, e.g. Keane? Having to get an injured member out of a foreign country off the books? Eep. (Speaking of TEAM, man, am I worried about Hidoko. Anyone else?)
So, that’s one set of theories.  The other I’ve had for a while, and it’s been building up with some of the eps, namely Bartels’, and the portrayal of certain dynamics plus other plots.  With BTS stuff and now Gemmill’s interview, it seems the theories are solid, but we’ll see. They could be a misdirect.
Narrative-wise, it would make a lot of sense that something very serious happens to Callen:
His relationship with Mosley has been soooooo contentious, up until they started to get along and connect by relating to each other.  While repetitive, they may have wanted to really amp it up -- and they did so by making either one of them, at any time, amped up past 10 -- to contrast the finale and latter half of the season. At times, it seemed like caricatures of either of them to keep them at ends.  He’s the one who explicitly promised to get the kid back, and when it comes to kids, we know G goes all in -- and then some. 
Remember how I mentioned Bartels? Well, I’ve talked ad nauseum (I’m sorry!) before about his love of foreshadowing with not only references, but clever parallels. All the way back to the “The Grey Man,” we knew he seemed to know where G’s story was headed.  He paralleled the dad in it with G’s.  (He also had an “Amy” in it, and I’m still convinced he knows that Amy Callen lives!  See also: the brother/sister surviving in “Driving Miss Diaz.” Sure, you could argue that foreshadowed Alex, but don’t rain on my parade!) Well, the first big Bartels ep was *drum roll* the Joelle episode. Despite their history, plus her constant taunting and pissiness, G never ever stopped helping her.  He constantly noted, “I’m doing this for the kid.”  That’s all she had to say to get him to help, and she knew it.  She also knew she could trust him, despite their history.  No matter what, he helped her, and she kept asking HIM for help.  The rogue sect knew she’d go to him, probably based on what she reported. He helped her fake her death, knowing it was bad situation for the kid and dad who deserved to know.  She asked him to help her some more. Why? Because she knew he’d always do the right thing. If she got into danger, he’d help her.   Mosley saw the same in him, in addition to his capability.  (You could draw more potential parallels to Mosley and Joelle, and I will later*, which you can read or not.) So, G jumping through hoops for a mom and her kid? Check. 
Bartels’ next stop? Garrison gets traded.  *still crying but also thinking about how COD and all these people are such pretty criers* Anyway, I’m gonna pull myself together. He made a very big deal about how it was his duty to keep helping families, noting to G that if his sacrifice saved and reunited another family, it would all be worth it.  It seems likely we’ll see G follow in his father’s footsteps, as he has with both of his parents his whole life, even before he realized it.  Perhaps he trades himself for Mosley’s son, or uses himself as a distraction/sacrifice, or he soldiers on despite a head injury to make sure the mission is completed -- and suffers delayed consequences, e.g. hematoma.   G seems the most likely to sacrifice himself.  He also would see himself as the most expendable.  His attachments are withering and commitments lessened this season.  Anna seems ready to let him go, which will probably strain his longest friendship: Arkady’s.  Hetty’s back, and he was trying to take up for the team in her stead, but now he knows they’re “safe” with her there -- at least their jobs are. Mosley seems to have cooled off on her mission to split them. (I’m going to get back to that, and I’ll put it in a separate post -- as I’ve just decided*).  Alex seems to have pulled away, and taken Jake with her. His dad’s where he can’t save him. Sam’s dealing okay, and he seems to be keeping G at a distance, so he probably feels he can’t do much to help him despite wanting to.  Kensi and Deeks have each other. Eric and Nell have each other. (BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS!!!!) Mosley’s son needs his mother.  And everyone else is needed by someone else.  He still always seems surprised by how much he means to people, as it’s not something he’s used to with his childhood, so he definitely sees himself as expendable as he used to be before certain relationships. 
For practicality’s sake, something that would minimize G’s screentime for a few eps (nothing like Kensi’s when Dani was out), might help get COD an ep early on next season for his directing -- without having to wait until the end of the season like they usually do.  It would make scheduling his time across three episodes (location scouting and prep, directing, and editing) easier on him, the writers of the eps, and the crew that has to balance all the disparate schedules.  Directing slots are usually done a year in advance, so they would have known in advance when COD would be back in the director’s chair going into S10.  
Again, with the consequence theme, something going super duper wrong, unlike with the Vietnam mission, would put the team that’s in hot water in even more hot water -- including Mosley.  
Sam potentially losing G? This time of year? After being shot and probably wanting to double-down on his commitment to his children? THE DRAMA! THE ANGST! 
Things going wrong with other team members following some difficult conversations and uncertainty about things? Probably another reason to delay the Densi wedding even more.
So, yes, that sums up (ha!) my different theories.  In response to the * things from above, I’m going to write a separate post about Mosley/Joelle.  I was going to include it in this one, but you’ve all suffered enough.
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theighthhorcrux · 3 years
A dead body floating in a pool is always a nice way to start an episode. Rountree and Fatima’s jokes turning to a serious conversation was really reflective of the current climate and offered a nice insight into Rountree’s family. I did miss Sabatino, along with his rapport with Callen and Sam. I’m really excited Pietra Rey returned- it reminds me of how they brought Navid back in S11. Callen, Sam, and Sabatino getting kicked out of the crime scene was funnier than it should’ve been, and the continued jokes about Sabatino’s man bun were great. Fatima’s jokes steadily got worse, and Kensi’s reluctance to tell Rountree Pietra kicked her ass was amusing but the reference to her cramps was not. I don’t know if Deeks is actually trying hard, or if he doesn’t really want to be an agent, but either way, it’s kind of weird. I liked the bilingual aspect of the Kensi/Pietra scene. Garcia getting shot was kind of a plot twist, and I’m kind of confused on the whole DOJ-hating-Hamilton thing- is it going to lead up to reveal he’s on his way out or something? Pietra’s choking fit was pretty convincing, but very unsafe since we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. The Densi conversation was bittersweet, and makes me wonder if Deeks’ heart is really in it. This episode had a good plot, but I have to admit, I wasn’t a fan of the majority of the dialog. Deeks was out of character, Sabatino seemed almost like he’d been kidnapped and his identical twin with little experience of imitating him had taken his place, and something was just kind of off with everyone else. This episode was very non-progressive- I feel like Rountree and Fatima’s talk was a forced acknowledgment so then questionable cop behavior could be reverted to? Maybe it’ll be resolved in the weeks to come, but for now I don’t know how to feel about it.                  
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tooldtoship · 7 years
Forasteira Thoughts
That was an interesting episode.  I enjoyed it, but I do have some comments.  So here goes:
It felt like the only reason for the whole Deeks/Guy storyline was to give Kensi a chance to partner with Hidoko. Or maybe it’s because ECO went on his motorcycle ride and needed 4 days off.
But I did love the Kensi/Harley match up.
Loved Kensi fighting.  Did someone ask for more Bad-Ass Blye in their Season 9 Wish List?  Because this is the 2nd episode with Bad-Ass Blye.
Speaking of Bad-Ass Blye, I loved that Kensi talked Pietra down by telling the story about her Dad.  Nice that they remembered that, but I would expect nothing less from Erin.
So, what is the plan with Mosley?  One minute she is almost likable, and then we are watching tonight and she is downright annoying, and as my daughter said, there is nothing about her to like.  Or actually it’s the other way around, she starts off each episode unlikable and by the end you start to like her.
Deeks referring to the as Keeks, that’s funny because that is what the staff calls them, although we call them Densi.
And we learned what Hidoko did before she came to LA.  Nice.
And did I mention Suits?  I think that was on multiple wish lists.
Kensi speaking Portuguese, they remembered she is a master of languages.
Everyone had a part, great undercover work, good all around ep.
That’s all my thoughts for now.  Maybe I’ll update later.
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wanna-be-bold · 7 years
Getting my nostalgic Densi fix and re-watching Neighborhood Watch and Wanted recommended by @ryan9098 and @cbetham and finding several similarities. Both:
are the commentary episode
reference Kensi’s biological clock
have Deeks asking Kensi if she wants to have ninja assassin babies with him
feature Arkady, mention of his diet & mention of his marriages
have the ‘husband’ worriedly burst in on his ‘wife’ because of Russians & loud music
have a couple arguing over vacuuming (Densi then the Hannas)
have Neric in awkward ops situation (Nells dating profile & the partner survey)
have Kensi stumble over her and Deeks not being good together
have Kensi & Deeks get hit on by someone other than each other
have Deeks get hit on by a guy
have Kensi walking away from Deeks as he calls out to her
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