mannatea · 7 months
This is about the post you made asking to send you questions about fanfic tropes! I'm excited, fanfic tropes are so interesting to me!
How do you feel about kidfics/pregnancy fics? I feel like that's a controversial one. Personally, it's a squick for me, but I'm always interested in hearing differing opinions!
Angst/torture is also a controversial one despite its popularity. I really like angst a lot but I will admit that there are some fics that drew out torture scenes a little too much for my taste.
What about fix-it fics? I'm fine with this one, I think it's completely subjective and depends on the fic. I've seen fix-it fics where I've loved the source material's ending, and other times, it can save a fandom from a terrible ending.
Finally, how about miscommunication? This is another controversial trope and most people will agree that it's a result of lazy writing. How about you? Do you think that miscommunication can be utilized well or do you think it's always a cop-out?
I apologize if I ended up asking too many questions! I'm really interested in your opinions when it comes to fic writing!
Send me a fanfiction trope and/or fanfic AU and I'll talk about my opinion(s) on it!
These are some great ones, thank you for sending them! 🙏 Even though some of these are sort of listed together I've broken them up into separate tropes because I feel like the nuance of their differences can and does sometimes matter to readers!
Kidfics: I have so many opinions about kidfic. I don't even know where to start. I feel like I could record a one hour long essay on this alone because there are so many subcategories of this trope and I feel a little bit differently about each one. I guess if you want me to expand on anything, feel free to ask. 🤣
I hate fankids. I just...do not like them as a general rule. No offense toward people who have fankids for their favorite blorbos, or even love the concept of fankids, but that specific subgenre just ain't for me.
I'm ambivalent toward stories that are like "the characters are married with kids and this story is about them as a family." These can be really fun stories but it depends a lot to me on the canon, the characters, and their kids—the "family dynamic" if you will. Sometimes this hits right and sometimes it's a huge miss. I feel like if the children are canon children this has a higher chance of hittig the mark, though.
I'm excessively picky about characters and characterization with kidfics because there are some characters I can't stand seeing written as a parent (usually because I find the portrayal chosen for them in that role as OOC). Have I written these characters as parents anyway? Yes, and I regretti spaghetti that choice.
Related to the above: I tend to not read many kidsfics because I just hate how the kids are written or how the parents are written in relation to their own children. (See: Single Parent AUs where the kids are LITERALLY NOTHING MORE THAN A PLOT DEVICE FOR ROMANCE! 🤮)
I'm obsessed with adoption storylines. It's a personal fave. Am I coping with something? Um...maybe. I was literally planning some bullshit about this yesterday wrt Regal.
I also like "oops there's a baby now" stories, but only as a writer (I don't trust others to write my blorbos in these situations).
Generally speaking I like to write child characters, but they HAVE to have a real place in the story and they have to have a believable and reasonable impact on the characters. Like, they're children but they're still characters and should be treated as such. This can be difficult as a writer because you're more or less creating a whole new character, but it's imperative that this be done properly or you end up with characters who feel more like table decorations than people...and nobody wants to read about that.
Lastly, I also very much believe in talking/discussing/exploring the negative (and neutral!) components of parenthood. I like including things like PPD, regrets, characters feeling overwhelmed in their role as parent, parents who need to get to know their kids as people to form a close bond to them, the stresses of work/home balance, and so on. I feel like this is just a very safe environment to talk about those things.
Pregnancy fics: I love writing them but I don't love reading them. I feel like too many authors have obviously never been pregnant or have never been around a pregnant person, and I tend to find those stories hard to read. They also tend to just skip talking about topics that are difficult, and lean into how cutesy pregnancy is (+ morning sickness weeee), which makes me want to shrivel up and die.
There's nothing wrong with liking that, and certainly nothing wrong with writing it, but it's not for me. I tend to lean into more complicated feelings about pregnancy and birth, and I think this might also be related to the fact that I tend to lean into characters who would also by default have complicated feelings about these things.
I think I'm mostly here to just explore how such a big life-changing event might impact a character/characters, not so much for the miracle of birth.
Angst: Used to really love writing angst, and I still do like using it in longer-form stories. That like sad heavy introspection thing is definitely right up my alley, though these days I tend to not write a lot of angst for its own sake. I like it to be mixed in with hurt/comfort and happy endings lmao.
Torture: Very much not up my alley if we're talking literal torture of a character. If we're talking about a more broad "blorbo torture" (i.e., putting guys in Situations That Suck), then sign me up. My stupid ass loves putting guys in situations. I do think this can be taken too far though, and then it becomes unfun to read (and I am not here for what is essentially torture-porn).
Fix-it fics: People who write fix-it fics are braver than any US Marine. I'm generally too lazy to write them myself but I will spew 3,000-word-long essays on how to fix a terrible tv show plot at my poor unsuspecting and innocent friends on Discord.
Miscommunication: Real life is full of dumbass miscommunication on the daily. I don't think it's unreasonable to use it in a fic, but it does have a tendency to feel quite dull sometimes, and I personally won't use it as a writer unless the miscommunication makes a lot of particular sense (and usually has some component of intention to it).
To explain that last point a bit better, I feel like the best "miscommunication" in a story relates to intentionally poor communication, rather than a misinterpretation of something someone said, or a misunderstanding regarding a situation.
The reason I feel this way is because miscommunication is used too often for great dramatic effect, when I think it serves its role best as a quieter sort of drama. People can and do misinterpret one another all the time, and they do leap to conclusions and suffer a misunderstanding, but if these things are done even a little wrong they just feel like cheap drama. Miscommunication that feels more subtle tends to not fall to pieces in the event that the author fails to present it perfectly.
As an example, the RP I'm doing now has my blorbos in a pretty bad situation. Tethe'alla has turned on them in the wake of a tragic event and they've been forced to flee under very poor circumstances and go into hiding. They've chosen to pass this time (that they both know could be years and years) posing as a married couple in a small town in Sylvarant, because it's pretty much the only way they can live in society without looking suspicious...and they very much need to be in society to stay up on what's happening in the world. They're both hiding a lot from the other but it's very intentionally done. They haven't had the time or space to process ANYTHING they've been through, yet. Naturally this lack of communication will cause problems later, but when it does it should feel like a natural progression of their lives and lived experiences—not something done for easy and cheap drama.
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thesoftboiledegg · 10 months
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Mine are:
Rick Sanchez (I don't know if you guys knew that about me? Might've mentioned him once or twice.)
Loki Odinson/Laufeyson
Live-action Maleficent
Sersi (Eternals)
Artemis Fowl
Doctor Strange
Elim Garak (Deep Space Nine)
Kathryn Janeway (Voyager)
Elphaba Thropp (from the book, haven't seen the musical)
I guess this one isn't too hard to figure out? lol
Tagging @theresonlyzuul @hazelnut-u-out @joycew-blog @c-137-pickle @slothgender @redheadlesbianfreak @thebalancedangel @im-staying-calm-this-time @rickteacakes @courtingevil @autumndeeers @two-crows @twink-ricksanchez @cyanlark @graybluejay @rickfucker and anybody else who wants to do it!
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deadlysoupy · 7 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by: @sunxstreaker (ty!!!!<3)
last song listened to: Black Lotus by Unlike Pluto
currently reading: The Gadfly by Ethel Lilian Voynich
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet
obsession: rotating gut-wrenching scenarios in my head, being paranoid, writing said scenarios and learning english
relationship status: hopeless romantic single
last thing i googled: 迁移
currently working on: freeing my time to write a continuation of "earthspark bumblebee gets mutilated and everyone had to cope" (i need to scream into the void)
@noritaro @trashhole @evalynnmesserli @bunnihops @favesgrave @no-lullaby @error404-lostinspace @redheadlesbianfreak @angelmichelangelo
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humaudrey · 1 year
(Had to make my own, the OG post is too long, sorry lmao)
List five things that make you happy and then tag the last ten people to have reblogged something from you. Spread the Positivity!
Tagged by the incredible @hoolay-boobs Thanks for always including me/tagging me in these! 😊
Friends + Family + Boyfriend and my brothers' pets (Hunter has two cats and a kitten, RJ has another kitten from the aforementioned litter, and Savion has a year-old puppy, turns out I'm mildly allergic to cats but I'll live)
Video Games
As of lately, cooking and baking. I love trying out new recipes and having people be my test subjects.
Tagging (no pressure obviously): @epickiya722 @lilyofthevall @theamityelf @snobgoblin @starbowhearts @protectwoc @lilicohirukoma @dear-yellow-legal-pad @book-loving--anime-chick @redheadlesbianfreak and anyone else who wants to and didn't make the cut.
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deadlysoupy · 11 months
was tagged by @friedfriedchicken and saw meowtuals do this so why the heck not!!
last song: The Hymn by FLOYA. literally all my fave songs sound like this lmao i'm basic
currently watching: TF Cyberverse i guess! on a trip rn so don't have time to do anything else but it sure is on my mind a lot
currently reading: Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody. i've always wanted to read it because i heard a lot of good things about it. i seem to constantly end up reading non-fiction to write my book how's that supposed to work lmao
current obsession: still Transformers even after four months of non-stop buzzing in my head. i don't know how honestly giant robots captivated me so much
tagging @redheadlesbianfreak and anyone else who wants to!!! feel free :)
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
@angelmichelangelo tagged me to list five songs on repeat rn and honestly y e s thank you for asking
FOMO (Bored of You) by The Home Team
The Shape of Water by Siamese, ten56
Win Win by Set It Off, Scene Queen
Down To Hell by Asking Alexandria
(Don't) Need You by Normandie
@angey-slvt @favesgrave @buzbykingofthebees @redheadlesbianfreak hi hi hi if you wanna you can do this too!! or don't i'm not ur mom <3
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mannatea · 9 months
Thanks for the tag @likes-words-and-shrimp!
Rules: bold or color what fits you (optional, for funsies: and cross out what least fits you!)
I WRITE: daily || most days || a few times a week || a few times a month || random
I WRITE MOST OFTEN: when I first get up || later in the morning || afternoon || evening || the wee hours of the night || whenever
IN ONE SITTING, I TEND TO WRITE: a few sentences at a time || a few hundred words || a few thousand words || a complete chapter/section no matter how long || an outline || whatever comes
I TEND TO WRITE SCENES: in chronological order with no skipping || mostly in order but with some filler/skipping || whatever scene I feel like || who knows what’s gonna come out
THE THINGS THAT COME EASIEST TO ME ARE: dialogue || description of senses || description of action || description of characters || description of emotions || exposition (and plotting) || other
I TEND TO WRITE: on a phone || on a laptop || in a notebook || on whatever paper I can find || with speech to text || in the blood of my enemies || it doesn’t really matter to me || on paper first and then typed up || old school typewriter || on a computer
WHEN I TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING, IT USUALLY LASTS: a few days || a few weeks || a few months || it’s kind of random
MY FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN I'M ON A WRITING BREAK: recharge with other creative hobbies || read/consume other media || do something physical || catch up with old friends || work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art || other
IN GENERAL, I THINK MY WRITING HABITS ARE: pretty much what I need them to be || okay, but I’m working on making them better || non-existent || not great || I’m excited to develop them further || totally random || perfect for me
Tagging @kidlightnings, @3am-cheerios, @redheadlesbianfreak!
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mannatea · 11 months
Tagged by @redheadlesbianfreak! Thanks! <3
Last song: I can't actually remember, but the one before it that came on the radio while I drove home was "Follow Me" Uncle Kracker.
Currently watching: Nothing. I am doing a NG+ for Tales of Symphonia and looking forward to the next season of The Dragon Prince, though.
Currently reading: I don't make the time for reading that I once did, but I do very much want to reread The Last Unicorn and Beagle's newest two novellas. I've become a very involved reader and it's hard for me to make time to read because I like writing notes in my books.
Current obsession: Tales of Symphonia for the third or fourth time since the game released. Every now and then the obsession comes back for a year or two and then I disappear again, but this is the first time in the fandom sine 2008 that I actually wrote a noticeable amount of fanwork sooo I might stick around longer. <3
Tagging @3am-cheerios, @absolutebearings, @everbrilliantheartbreaker, @kidlightnings, and @nami-castle.
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