#reblog to spread the word sophie where are you dude
Sophie From North Carolina
You have a brother who's gonna be a marine biologist, you ordered a shrimps is bugs print from me, and you somehow filled the street address section of your order with your last name
please dm me either here, or email me back I need to know where I'm sending this gotdern shimp to
it probably won't get to your or your brother if it just gets addressed to [town name redacted] North Carolina
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hooklineandpodcast · 4 years
Pod Catch of the Week:
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The Pasithea Powder by Bad Wine Productions
The Hook:  “On a faraway world, Captain Sophie Green is recovering from a war that ripped her planet apart and left her personal relationships for dead. Among the many atrocities committed on both sides was the invention of Pasithea Powder, a drug with memory altering properties. Thankfully, the drug has been eradicated and only a handful of scientists—now political prisoners—know how to recreate it. When Sophie sees one of those scientists walking free, she has no choice but to turn to an estranged friend for help.” - From their website
Favourite Line:
“He said that to me, once, when I had been going on and on and on about the view from my ship. I was talking in all these colors: inky sky, bright nebula. He asked me what color the people were and I rolled my eyes like, dude, how can you not know this? That high up, the people aren’t any color. They’re invisible, or they’re a flash in another ship, gone so fast you may have imagined them. 
We didn’t talk about it again, even when we weren’t flying so high any more. If he had been able to ask again, I would have had a completely different answer.” - Captain Sophie Green (Episode 2: Hypnos)
Thoughts: This one is relatively new. There’s only four episodes so far so it’s nice and easy to catch up quick. I love a good conspiracy unraveling. The Pasithea Powder is one of those lovely podcasts where you don’t know where it’s all going to end up, but the acting and writing are so good that you trust you’re going to enjoy it. The two leads are so strong and their shared history enticing.
Patreon: No (as of January 2020) So reviews are the best way to support them right now.
LGBTQA+ Characters: Yes!
Transcript Available: Yes
If you liked: The Strange Case of the Starship Iris, Lime Town, or the Orphans you might like the Pasithea Powder
Podcast Info: Their website is pasitheapowder.com find them on itunes, spotify, stitcher, soundcloud, or the podcatcher of your choosing
Enjoying the Pasithea Powder? Please reblog and spread the word. Podcasts are usually passion projects and need the support of their listeners to get the word out. Catch you next week!
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