#reading Lennon Remembers is always a fun way to get completely blown away by the extent that john took things post-breakup
todayesterday · 2 years
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Lennon Remembers, 1971
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anthonycrowleymoved · 5 years
i know this was a long time coming. without further ado, i’m going to show you the final scores. then, if you so choose, you can go in and see my ~further analysis and information~ as well as other details and a comparison of lev’s earlier survey.
SO. here’s how it worked. i had a total of 561 people rank 16 of crowley’s hairstyles. i wanted people to rank the hairstyles to see if the results differed from when people were asked what their favorite overall style was. each person who gave a hairstyle a ranking of 1 contributed 16 points towards that style, 2 contributed 15 points, and so on. this means the lowest possible score a Look™ can get is 561, and the highest is 8976 (16 x 561)
1. 2012 BUN - 7965
2. GOLGOTHA - 7108
3. PRESENT DAY - 7060
4. 2007 HAIR - 6988
6. EDEN - 5547
7. 1941 (CHURCH SCENE) - 5406
8. 1967 - 4644
9. 2012 NANNY - 4146
10. BOOK!CROWLEY - 3650
11. 1970s - 3408
12. 33 AD (ROME) - 3040
13. 1601 (SHAKESPEARE) - 2770
14. 541 AD (KNIGHTS) - 2751
15. 1862 - 2708
16. 1793 (FRENCH REVOLUTION) - 2477
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graphic representation of all of the results, in descending order. as you can see, bun was the runaway lead, with the next four highest scoring looks™ pretty close together. similarly, the shakespeare look, knight look, and sideburn look are all similarly hated.
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fig. 2: scores sorted by in-universe order of appearance. i think it’s interesting to look at this and see that there seems to be....sort of a trend. in general people seem to like the very early looks and the very modern looks, with the lowest scoring looks all clumped together.
now, i’d like to discuss the individual breakdown of each look™, to determine how universally it was liked or disliked, or alternately the distribution of votes 
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eden had an average score of 9.89. people seemed pretty middle of the road on this look, with the occasional person either loving it or hating it. it’s a lot more divisive than a lot of his hairstyles for sure. (me, i personally thought it verged a bit into ‘bad wig’ territory, and i did see a couple people thinking the same)
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i was kind of surprised by this one being as low as it was! obviously it was in that grouping of popular hairstyles, but i feel like the general consensus you read on here is that this is the fan favorite. apparently not so. the average score was 12.16, however, which, not bad. people in general did tend to like this look, obviously, with a few holdouts scattered about
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fun fact! this is my personal favorite because, the headscarf. my god. iconic. and apparently y’all agree! it eeked out second place with an average score of 12.67
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so this is the first. not great look. people don’t seem to be crazy about this one. it had an average score of 5.41
knight look
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“oh maggie why is this even here we can’t see his hair” It’s My Survey And I Get To Choose The Looks. but anyway. no one liked this. seriously. this is the first one that didn’t get a single person to give it the top spot. average score was 4.903, which also isn’t great.
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look, i know you’re supposed to be unbiased or whatever, but this is a tumblr survey and none of this matters. i hate this look. i hate it so much i often forget it exists out of self preservation. even now as i type this i know if i scroll up i’ll see that terrible facial hair, and i saw it like a minute ago when i uploaded the picture, but i can’t for the life of me remember what it looks like because my brain has put up a protective barrier. you all seem to agree with me, as the average score of this is just 4.94. excellent taste all around
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LAST PLACE. i don’t completely. GET. the hatred of this one. i found it to be. very middle of the road. fine i suppose. but the people have spoken with an average score of just 4.42. so what do i know
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another one no one said was their favorite. i mean. fair. this one had an average of 4.83, and many people said this was his most heterosexual look, and i agree. bad. 
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this one seemed to be a bit middle of the road for people, which is kind of understandable. it’s a great hat, but i get that people like the more dramatique™ looks better. had an average score of 9.64, so like. not bad
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now this one was ALLLLL over the place. people love it, people hate it, people are indifferent. average score was 8.28, which, again, shows how split this one was. i for one welcome john lennon and joyce byers’ demon lovechild.
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i’m so mad. average score was 6.07. this is my second favorite hairstyle overall. yes, seriously. anyway you all are wrong and that’s all i have to say about that have a good night
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people kept asking me why i included the illustration from the modern cover of the book, and the primary reason was because i thought it would be funny, which is why i do most things. i also was kind of wondering what people would do with it, and the answer is seemingly ‘question why it was there.’ i wish there was a way i could have included ‘your own personal headcanon for what he looked like while reading the book,’ but alas this is as close as i could get. average score was 6.51. the people who gave said this was their favorite are my heroes, and one person described him as looking like an insurance salesman, which like. thank you from the bottom of my heart
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yeah. okay. i nicknamed this one ‘cursed’ in my master list. i don’t get it. i’m so sorry. i am like, the singular holdout who just can’t stand this hair. but i am very much in the minority, everyone else seems to love it. average score was 12.46. good for you, 2007 crowley. i will never understand you
2012 (Nanny)
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this is the last....not great look. again, a bit all over the place. average score was 7.39.
2012 (Bun)
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i LOVE this hairstyle, but i was blown away by how high it was on lev’s poll and i’m blown away again with how high it is here. i just feel like we collectively never talk about how much we love the bun look, and then when we’re asked we go feral. this had an average score of 14.19. how. gender, indeed.
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ahhh, the classic tennant hair. a solid look. no one really seems to dislike it, it’s just. not everyone’s top spot. there’s nothing offensive about it, clearly, but i don’t think it sets anyone off like some of the other top contenders. and i’m slightly surprised how little we talk about this hairstyle considering how popular it is (and i get it, he looks like every lesbian i’ve ever had a crush on who was painfully out of my league), but again, that might be because it’s Tennant Classic™. average score was 12.58.
the main reason i wanted to do this in the first place was to see if the results changed at all from lev’s survey when i asked people to rank their choices rather than just choose their favorite. the answer is actually like, kind of! not majorly, but a bit. the comparison as it stands without the entries that did not appear on both lists:
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if you want to see the changes more easily, i’ve done some color coding here:
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as you can see, there were definitely some shifts, but what i’d like to focus on is the change in rank of the golgotha hair, the two that came in last place, and the sixties and seventies looks. for the golgotha hair, i suspect that because it was so close to the mesopotamia hair, the vote may have been split a bit, whereas here you could have realistically given both a good score. lev also said that in their results, after the 2012 bun look, 2007, present, and mesopotamia were kind of always in a bit of a tie with each other, whereas this was the case with mine with the addition of the golgotha hair. taking that into consideration i think it’s interesting that that one ended up getting second place. 
i also think it’s interesting that france wasn’t in last place on lev’s poll, because there’s such a huge difference in points between the sideburn look and the french revolution look according to my numbers. however, as i said before, no one actually picked sideburns as their favorite on this survey, but there were a couple of people who like, loved the revolution hair. i think that may have ended up giving lev and i slightly different results, as the revolution hair is like ‘you either really love it for some reason (rare) or despise it’ and the 1860s hair is like ‘you either hate it or you’re lukewarm about it’. 
similarly, the shift in rank in both the sixties and seventies looks is also interesting, because they both moved kind of significantly. i think the 60s look changed because, as i said, it seemed to be a pretty divisive look. people don’t seem to be agreed on how much they like it, so there are people really Into It who voted it as their favorite on lev’s, but there are also people who HATE IT. i think something sort of similar happened with the 70s look in the opposite direction. i think not many people LOVE it, but a lot of people kind it not to be like, the worst one. as a result it went up a bit because, while few people consider it their favorite (can’t relate), a few people were like ‘okay it’s fun’ and ranked it semi-high, or at least there was more of a distribution than some of the more hated looks. also it’s almost 2 am i hope this analysis makes sense because words. the english language.
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paulnnccartney · 7 years
He kept talking about John Lennon in the present tense. It was ‘John says this’ and ‘John thinks that’. Very weird. And he spoke about that reference to The Beatles being more popular the Jesus. He said: 'Do you realize how much power we could’ve had if we’d gone to the dark side?’
Peter Cox, who was working with Linda on her vegetarian recipes in the late 80s, about his first meeting with Paul 
The article I got this from was actually a pretty interesting one about how accurate the “fairytale-ness” of Paul and Linda’s marriage was, or wasn’t really. An interesting read that I recommend and my thoughts on it are below. However, I decided to share this quote because damn, this poor man is so traumatized and he talks about it all so much (which we already knew but more examples are always fun)
While it seemed to have a rather noticeable anti-Paul, or maybe more of a pro-Linda, bias, it brought up good points. While you should probably take it with a grain of salt just because with an obvious bias in place who knows how accurate the article itself is, it does do a good job of pointing out (if you can get past the exaggerations) that their marriage wasn’t perfect and had its ups and downs and really was just a normal marriage. 
Now, when I say it paints Paul in a bad light, I’m not saying they’re wrong about him. He was possessive over Linda, he had a pretty large ego, had a tendency to be rather arrogant and self-absorbed, and didn’t like to shell out big bucks to anyone, including, apparently, his wife. Now, all of these things are valid, BUT the article then turned around and painted Linda as doing absolutely nothing wrong and being so wonderfully passive as to bend to all of Paul’s needs over her own, grudgingly at that. While Linda was certainly a wonderful woman I’m sure, by saying that the marriage was a normal marriage between two normal people who both had high and low points and then in the same sentence saying Paul was all bad and Linda all good negates the former. Both had their flaws and both had their strengths. Sure, some of the issues were inflated by fame and all that, but then again the problems brought up in the article are also being inflated by that same fame. Most couples have issues very similar to these, they aren’t unique to Paul or Linda. Also, by insinuating that Linda gave up her own interests and herself to serve Paul because she was just that good of a wife sells her short really because, on one hand, I’m sure a good amount of the time she was helping Paul because she cared for him and wanted to help, not because he demanded it or she felt obliged to do so. On the other hand, the article suggests that she would rather side with him than fight for her own interests, but I feel like that completely insults her strength as a woman, because she was very strong and if there was something she absolutely did not want to do, I believe that she wouldn’t have done it no matter what Paul said. 
Something else that struck me, just food for thought, was the claim that Paul didn’t like Linda spending time away from him or doing her own thing and her feeling somewhat trapped. While this problem is again not unique to Paul and Linda and may have an equal chance of being true as it does of being false, one has to wonder how this played into the fairytale image. The famous claim that the couple only every spent 11 days apart in 29 years of marriage suddenly becomes a lot less wholesome in this lighting. Did this occur because they truly wanted to spend every waking moment together, or because they wouldn’t let it be any other way even if one of them wanted more time apart?
Another interesting tid-bit to pick at is the idea that Paul apparently doesn’t like to spend money (a claim also somewhat backed up by this article about Paul’s hair-dying adventures and his apparent refusal to pay too high prices for dye and services). Is it a good or a bad thing that he seems to adhere to his modest Liverpool, working-class upbringing when it comes to spending and saving money? Finding deals and saving money can seem like an art when it comes from a regular-income family, but when its being done by a multi-millionaire (billionaire???) does it just come off as stingy, or is it commendable? On one had, his decision to apparently not shell out huge bucks on regular things such as hair dye or buying a more modest house comes as sort of refreshing in contrast to celebrities who buy 50 room mansions for just themselves. In a way it sort of matches how I feel I would be in that situation. It doesn’t matter if I’m making $100 or $1,000,000 a week, I would still find the idea of paying over $100 for a shirt ridiculous and wouldn’t ever do it. However, the author here does make a good point in terms of where this sort of attitude stops being commendable and just becomes stingy. Paul came from a community who did everything themselves and never hired people like nannies, but that’s also because they couldn’t really afford them. In his situation now, he has no trouble affording a nanny, so wouldn’t it just be easier on the whole household to hire one? Different situations and circumstances call for different action. This portion was not specifically about Paul or his life choices as they don’t involve me, but just more of a study on decision-making and values/morals with Paul as a subject.
TL;DR its a very interesting read in my opinion despite the negative attitude of the writing. You have to remember that these people being quoted know that the more scandalous and anti-Paul they make their statements, the more attention it brings. Basically, they had a normal marriage with normal problems between two normal people that was all blown up by fame and press (in both positive and negative ways).
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