#rbo looks how i want her to look and that is fat!
please do not reblog .
cw for discussion of body image, medicalized terms for fatness, etc
i will be un-pinning this post within 24 hours; i just want to make sure the anon sees it lol
to the anon who sent the ask about the actress saying a thing in interviews:
i think this may come across as me being mean, but please know that that’s not my intention! i’m not mad at you for sending the ask or anything lol
the reasons im answering your ask like this and not just directly responding:
honestly learning that initially made me feel really icky? about the fact that i had posted headcanons about the character that are tangentially relevant to a thing the actress had said is a reality in her personal life. but then i remembered oh! the actress and the character she plays are two very separate entities! and the great thing is that i can rest assured that this actress will never see the headcanons i made! so yeah, the fact isn’t really relevant to anything i’ve created, and i don’t want to put that fact on my blog because:
i fundamentally do not believe that overweight is a thing that exists :) your body is the size it is!
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