askfembendy · 16 days
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askfembendy · 16 days
“Hey! Nice ta’ see you again! Been awhile! Hope you’re doing well!”
“I’ve been a bit quiet myself lately, but I just thought I’d stop by to say hi!”
- Elizabendy
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askfembendy · 19 days
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He finally has a ref sheet!!
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askfembendy · 28 days
What would femby look like as a human?
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“If I had to guess myself, I'd probably look nothing like I do now.”
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“But that seems quite obvious, does it not?”
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askfembendy · 29 days
Ele : .....Okay I'm gonna pretend that I'm going to be the shortest... ain't I? ;-;
(bro is 3'4 )
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“But do not let your height define what you are.”
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askfembendy · 1 month
Is that me or she just so
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“I apologize for being such a flat tire as of lately. I’ll try not to ring the lot of y’all like like a rag.”
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askfembendy · 6 months
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askfembendy · 7 months
Tw grooming/unalive/self harm mentions
Here to discuss two of my groomers from the past
Aka MiloIsHere on discord idk what their user is here on Tumblr and Unicornlilac
Yes these are old things
But still I'm going to talk abt
Yes I heard Unicornlilac had unalived themselves idk how long ago
Ppl also tend to forget nsfw rps with minors is low-key grooming if they didn't consent to it, or can lead the adult to bride the minor to do nsfw rps Abt themselves, which unicornlilac did at one point to me
Info under the cut
Idc if I get attacked by my currently alive groomer or his pals, either I'll argue with or ignore yall
Also if u want, y'all can reblog and share
But for unicornlilac:
They were in their 20s, I think like 22 maybe
I was 16, they sexualized my OCs, one basically a child, the ogs know my boy Strawco, yes, him and Gearshift did a ton of the deed bc it's what they pressured to do, especially Ezy when I first made him, Ezy was also sexualized by them, with several Bendy clones at once
There's also them asking me out, I was 15 just turned 16, they kept implying to date, low-key even mentioning having sex and meeting up irl
Ofc I turned that down, but they did make jokes abt how we would do it bc as most of u know, I'm trans, so they were trying to talk abt how we'd do it and pointing out how I didn't have a dick
They even mentioned to me how they dated someone who would have been my age at the time (16) but they broke up 2 years prior
Making that person 14 years old, idk their story tho or how long unicornlilac was with them, just might be before they turned 14 for all I know, I can't provide evidence for this bc unicorn deleted everything and I had blocked them prior to that
For Milo (who I have evidence for):
Tons of NSFW rp from them, didn't really talk much outside of the NSFW rp, they never asked if I was ok with the rp, just went ahead and did it, I only went with it bc I was a ppl pleasing traumatized wreck that broke my own boundaries for it, (y'all would know I wasnt fond of my characters being referred to suggestively if y'all remember when I was upset with ppl calling Ezy a man whore, stuff like "hot" or "handsome/pretty" was fine tho), remember ppl, if they don't say yes, that doesn't mean it's not a no, it's a no until they say yes, I was 16 at the time, they were 17 going to be 18, and continued when they turned 18, i believe Milo is abt 19/20 now
Sexualized Ezy (only time they rped was for sexual rps between him and Don), had a drowning kink, I only figure out bc they did a water demon rp with their bendy and mine on a non NSFW channels in a server, only stopping when I said my boy doesn't need to breathe and is Aroace so if that's a turn off so they stopped so fast, weird if that's just a reg rp
Plus I've heard they did this type of rp many ppl, not just me, even ones that included choking and cutting
Lied about their age in different servers and dms to do nsfw rp
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So if he claimed to be 18+ before/around the time of May, 2021
U were lied to
Many adults were lied to abt their age just to do nsfw rps
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Got upset when someone didn't include their bendy in a work with different Bendys and my Ezy, which was a surprise gift we didn't know abt
And got upset when they weren't in it and seem to take pride in being messed up in the image above, didn't feel guilty until I pointed out that's not something to be proud of
I know they contacted the artist abt it, idk how they did but for all I know it probably came off as pretty rude
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Only apologized to me to keep shipping, if I hadn't mentioned what I did, they probably would have continued abt the shipping rather than a really apology I low-key eventually pressured but still didn't seem sincere tbh and took a "I mess everything up" approach
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This was stuff on my old phone I got from Google photos, when they took a joke too seriously there and started to guilt me for it, yes I did spiral so I know I over apologized but they didn't say they forgave me until this last message and told me to not make it into a self blame thing on my own server that everyone knew was a joke, and when asked not to make that joke I apologize and we dropped it, the only one that escalated was Milo
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Doesn't ask if I'm up to rp, expects me to comply
When ignored
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Tries again
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The way they questioned the ban from my server seems pretty passive aggressive, probably nothing big but included anyways
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Also this is old from my old discord acc
He asked what bbc was, I made something up tbh I didn't know what it meant back then
Don't know why he turned it on me
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Um why???
When exposed for all this one someone else's server he started angrily (or so I'm told) questioning who did it and had threatened to self harm over it, I heard from ppl it was a way they guilted ppl to listen to them
I wasn't the only one he groomed but I'll leave it up to the ppl who were victims to step up if they see this post
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askfembendy · 7 months
"..Let's go in the garden... you'll find something..."
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"..Curse this stupid amnesia..."
Ask blog: Start!!!
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askfembendy · 8 months
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Warning to everyone that follows me
Please block this prick, they seem to be some kind of possibility nazi supporter, they've drawn some kind of evil stereotype of Germans (several times), the LGBTQ flag burning, and a drawing labeled to kys
Also he seems to be going to blogs telling them messed up things or hateful comments, so I believe it's best to just block him
I'm letting y'all know before he gets worse and starts commenting worse things
Feel free to reblog as well if u need
Stay safe guys
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askfembendy · 1 year
are u talking about the porn bots or are they actual users?/genq
|| I wish they were bots but it’s actual users ||
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askfembendy · 1 year
|| I don’t know who you are but I’m getting aggravated at this point and tempted to hit you with the god damn block button at all of your accounts. ||
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||Where are you all similarly users coming from and why have you collectively decided to spam the follow button||
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askfembendy · 1 year
hey mate you alive?
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||Please know I am drowning in legos and it is the cause for my silence on here.||
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askfembendy · 1 year
Golden hour
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Here is the pic without the filters:]
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askfembendy · 1 year
Hey Lolligo, what do you think abt Humans?👀
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He doesn't mind them, They are just...there :]
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askfembendy · 1 year
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askfembendy · 1 year
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Yooooo character revealllll
This is Daniel Louis, he owns a flower shop in Brooklyn but that’s not the only thing he sells… He’s one of the main brewers for The Vigilante speakeasy and does business with ‘em on the regular. He’s very laid back but can be a bit of a grumpy guy if he doesn’t get his paycheck on time-
He is not available for questions, he’s just sorta a side character
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