#ratched huck
altmutt · 5 months
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Nurse Huck
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Huck Finnigan x Nurse! Reader
Summary: Something it's hard to keep a secret relationship a secret.
It should be a crime! You hear me, a crime that there isn't anything for Ratchet characters!
It's so short!
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"Good morning, love!” I whisper gently in Huck’s ear, he turned around to make sure no one saw us. "It's okay, I made sure no one was here. Plus, it's 1:30, everyone just wants to go home." I said as kissed his cheek.
“I know. It's just you know, we could get fired or worst." He said sadly as we started to walk down the hall. He was right of course, you can't date who you work with. "I know, I know. I just can't help it sometimes, you are just so cute and hansom in blue," I said smiling at him, he let out a chuckle and smiled.
He looked to make sure no one could see us, then pushed me in the closet. Before I could say something I felt his soft but round lips on me. I smiled in to the kiss. We continue until we needed to breath.
"so what was that for?" I asked as he hugged me. "I just wanted to kiss you," he said we stayed like that for a while.
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writersmacchiato · 2 years
Call It A Date | Huck Finnigan (Ratched)
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Summary: Huck Finnigan has a heart of gold, something you tell him before asking him to escort you to the Spring Formal.
. . .
“Hey, Huck.”
He had been walking past with a small smile your way, when you called his name.
“Yes?” You couldn’t be sure, but it looked like his expression lifted at your voice.
“Where are you headed to in such a hurry?” You said. That’s not what you wanted to say at all, but looking into his eyes makes you nervous.
“Nowhere important. Is everything okay?” Huck was observant, easily picking up on your unease.
There is a softness in his eyes, concern etched in his features. It only makes you more nervous.
“Well, you know that I admire you-“
“-you do?” He interrupts, eyebrows shooting up.
“I do, Huck.” You force yourself to make eye contact. “I really do. You have this...heart of gold that I love-admire.”
“Oh, well, thank you.” The side of his face unscarred is flushed pink.
His reaction gives you the tiny push you need.
“In fact, I was hoping that you’d be willing to escort me to the formal next week. As my date.”
Silence creeps into the hallway, having you backtrack.
“Or as friends? If you’d be more comfortable...”
“It would be an honor to go with you.” Huck snaps out of his daze, smiling wide. “I’m just- surprised.”
He lets out a small laugh.
“I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask you all week, actually.”
You can’t help the way you beam at him, heart feeling lighter than air at his confession. It had been festering inside of you all week, trying to pluck up the courage to ask the kindhearted man, but knowing that he had been going through the same ordeal?
Huck clears his throat, shyly meeting your eye with a surprising amount of determination. “Well, to be honest, I wanted to ask you on a date before this dance.”
“I would say yes to anything you had in mind.” You tell him.
Despite how much you want to stay there and savor the moment; you and him, grinning like fools, you have a job to do.
Biting your lip to suppress the smile, you lean in to kiss his cheek quickly. Huck inhales sharply, a smiling and blushing mess, watching as you scurry around the corner.
He couldn’t wait.
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canidkid · 1 year
Nurse Caregiver Huck Finnegan from Ratched!
This is purely self indulgent cause I'm aware probably no one in the agere community likes this show - BUT!!! This character has been a huge huge source of comfort ever since I watched it so >:]]
I know he's technically an orderly but in my heart he takes extra good care of people (me, I'm people) 🧦🌿🪐
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Ratched  -  Netflix  -  September 18, 2020 - Present
Drama (8 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Sarah Paulson as Nurse Mildred Ratched
Finn Wittrock as Edmund Tolleson
Cynthia Nixon as Gwendolyn Briggs
Jon Jon Briones as Dr. Richard Hanover/Dr. Manuel Bañaga
Charlie Carver as Huck Finnigan
Judy Davis as Nurse Betsy Bucket
Sharon Stone as Lenore Osgood
Corey Stoll as Charles Wainwright
Vincent D'Onofrio as Governor George Willburn
Alice Englert as Nurse Dolly
Amanda Plummer as Louise
Jermaine Williams as Harold, a security guard at Lucia State
Annie Starke as Lily Cartwright
Brandon Flynn as Henry Osgood
Michael Benjamin Washington as Trevor Briggs
Sophie Okonedo as Charlotte Wells
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Huck Finnigan x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2340 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Huck developing feelings for the reader, a patient who is equally as unsure of herself as he is
You woke up today as you did every day, in your room at the Lucia State Psychiatric Hospital, the light blaring in through the sliver separating the curtains.
It wasn’t a remarkable life.
If anything, it was boring and routine but at the very least, it kept you from hurting yourself. Besides, living in a facility like this wasn’t always bad. The food wasn’t too bad and you were allowed to bathe yourself, as long as you behaved.
For someone like you, it was an easy life. You had been hospitalised there due to a general diagnosis of melancholy, which made your family fear for your safety. Though, you always thought they just wanted to find somewhere to send you off to.
A young woman like you, unmarried and without prospects, was little more than a burden.
Some may have been upset about being sent off to stay in an institute like this one, taken away from everything they knew and left to die, but you didn’t see too much wrong with it. For someone like you, it wasn’t awful.
You were well taken care of, and even you had to admit that you were happier within these walls than you had been out there.
Not that all that change came from staying here alone.
In all the time that you had been staying in this place, you had found quite the interesting friend in a young orderly by the name of Huck Finnegan. He was interesting to you, as he was the sort of man who took care of other people even when it was difficult.
You knew that you didn’t have that much patience in your little finger, but he didn’t seem to have a problem with it.  In fact, Huck seemed to get a special kind of joy from taking care of other people, including you.
He really seemed to like coming to see you.
He was constantly coming to visit you during the day, checking on you and making sure that you had everything you needed, which might not have seemed so strange. After all, it was his job to make sure that the patients here were taken care of.
However, while you thought that he was just doing his job at first, taking his turn to do the rounds, eventually, it was hard to believe.  
It just didn’t seem plausible.
You knew for a fact that no one else ever took his place and when his visits came so frequently, it was becoming harder and hard to dismiss it as anything other than what it was.
Huck was sweet on you.
You didn’t really understand it, of course, and you weren’t entirely sure but there didn’t seem to be too many more reasons to be so attentive to another person. You certainly had never paid such close attention to someone else, unless you cared about them.
...And while it was possible you were way off base, it was a thought you couldn’t shake.
As far as you were concerned, someone like Huck would never be interested in you.  
It didn’t make any sense to you, because you didn’t have anything to offer him.  He was selfless and kind, thinking about others at all times and if the rumors were to be believed, he always had been.
Compared to all the things he’d done and all the people he’d saved, you looked like little more than a petulant child.
All things considered, you couldn’t have imagined him finding anything about you to love but in the months that you’d been here, something had certainly developed between you.  While you weren’t sure what it was, it didn’t really matter.
You didn’t mind the company.
As far as the folks in this place went, you could have done a lot worse than a handsome war veteran.
If nothing else, he was a good person and talking to him was going to be much better for your mental state than the other patients.
Then, as if thinking about him had somehow encouraged the man’s entrance, there was a knock at your door.
“Good afternoon,  can I come in?”
His words came as similarly as they did every day, meeting your ears in tandem with his knocking on the door. Technically, he didn’t have to do you the courtesy of knocking on the door or asking for entrance at all, but it was kind of him to do so.
It was a very human gesture, one that none of the other orderlies or nurses offered you.
Still, just as you did every day, you called out in affirmation, glad to see that Huck was one again coming to check on you. Of all the staff in the Lucia State Psychiatric Hospital, he was by far your favorite.
He was just so nice and polite.
...And it certainly didn’t hurt that he was more handsome than any man you’d ever seen.
Huck’s attractiveness went much deeper than his skin, which wasn’t altogether unattractive to begin with. It was just that the person he was, the person that lived within the skin was far too darling to ever let go of.
You really weren’t sure if you’d ever met a more wonderful person in your life.
“How are you today?” he asked, stepping into the room as casually as he could and closing the door behind him. You knew that this was one of those friendly visits, because you’d already had all your checkups and medicine that you would for the day.
He didn’t have any real reason to be here, but you were just as glad to see him anyway.
“I’m as good as I could be '' you shrugged, caught somewhere between being happy to see him and wishing that you could have met under different circumstances. When you really thought about it, you must have been crazier than any of them to think he could actually like you.
You were a patient of his.
You were out of your mind.
A man like Huck would never be interested in a chubby sad sack with nothing more to live for than walking around the hospital and doodling on your arm in pen. He was a hero, a beautiful soul, and someone you couldn’t have hoped to entice.
He was too good for you.
“Yeah? You’re doing alright? No distasteful thoughts or negativity this morning?” he hummed, doing the same thing he did every day, starting at the door with his arms folded behind his back. These visits always started off as clinical and professional as possible.
Though, before long, you knew well enough to know that Huck would be cracking jokes and smiling as if the two of you were little more than lifelong friends, catching up.
It was just the way this whole thing went.
“Nope, all good here” you teased, putting on your best cheesy grin as if that would somehow convince him. You did seem to be in good spirits today, compared to when you had a bad day, but that didn’t mean you were completely out of the woods.
If it was that easy to convince him, you wouldn’t have been here in the first place.
“Really, cause you kinda have that far off look in your eye again today” he prodded, relaxing a little further, just enough to let himself sit down on the far end of your bed.
It was a more intimate stance than he would ever take with another patient, not that he was going to tell you that. There was just something about you, and he felt really comfortable when he was with you.
Naturally, that kind of comforting energy made him much more calm and casual than he may have been otherwise.
Damn it.
You really didn’t want to tell him about the dreary realization you had just made but you knew well enough to know that Huck wasn’t going anywhere until you opened up and told him what was up.
By this point in your residence here, he knew you well enough to know when you had something on your mind.
“It’s no big deal. I just thought something was happening that wasn’t” you tried, keeping it as vague as you could while still telling him enough to satisfy him.  Considering what you were here for, it was much better to just talk to him than it would be to talk to everyone else.
Nurse Ratched tried her best to be understanding of your condition, much more than Bucket ever had, but they didn’t come close to the bond you shared with Huck.
You knew that he wouldn’t judge you, for even your most embarrassing secrets, and thoughts.
He was a real friend in that way.
“Tell me” he prompted, using the guiss of his profession to get you to talk to him, though you both knew that this was more of a personal suggestion than a professional one. He wanted to bond with you, to help you be better in a real way, but it wasn’t really that easy.
Getting you to open up to him in that way would require him giving away all of his own secrets.
You sighed again, of course.
The two of you had a lot of history between you in all the time you’d been living here but in regards to the feelings you shared for one another, you just didn’t talk about it. It was much easier to just dance around them, avoiding speaking it into life at all costs.
Both of you were too terrified of rejection to put yourselves out there.
“Why do you come here to see me every day? I mean, you don’t bring anything or need to take the time out? What is it about me?” you asked, trying your best to keep your wits about you, desperately avoiding making a fool out of yourself.
From where you were sitting, it seemed like Huck could leave at any time and never come back. It just seemed like you were reading too much into this and you were scared that you were going to ruin the whole relationship you had going.
You were friends.
If you made some kind of suggestion here that offended him, there was a good chance you would hardly see him around here at all.
Huck seemed taken aback by your question at first, partially because he hadn’t been expecting it, and mostly because he wasn’t sure how to answer. After all, he knew exactly what it was about you and why he was sitting here right now, but putting it into words was hardly easy.
He hadn’t been expecting to get into this today.
“I guess I like your company” he decided, figuring that would be the best way to say it without offending you somehow.  Huck wasn’t blind to the reality of what he was, or what he looked like, and he was terrified to suggest what he was thinking.
After all, a woman like you had no real reason to ever give a man like him the time of day.
He had seen himself in the mirror. Huck was well aware of what he looked like, and he was hardly a male model. At this point in his life, he considered himself lucky to be alive, and didn’t think too much about what he looked like, until now.
Where you were concerned, he was painfully aware of his outward appearance.
The two of you had that in common, because you couldn’t imagine any man, let alone a wonderful man like Huck ever falling for someone like you. It seemed as if, at this point, the only thing you two could agree on was the fact that you couldn’t admit how you felt.
It was hardly ideal.
“Well, I enjoy your company too” you smiled, content to leave it at that. However, Huck wasn’t quite ready to just call it there.
As terrified as he was to do what he was about to do, it seemed like if there was ever going to be a time to do it, it was now.
The two of you had been doing this whole thing, dancing around your feelings for each other for months, and he didn’t want to do it anymore.
He had to know if you felt the same, and your admission just now seemed like the push he’d been waiting for.
“This might be a little forward, and forgive me if it is, but would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” Huck tried, fidgeting light with his fingers as he did his best to get the words out.
This feeling was new for him.
He was used to being uncertain sometimes and uncomfortable with certain situations but this was something else entirely.
It actually felt like his heart may burst out of his chest, it was beating so fast.
...and you weren’t much better.
The idea of what he was asking you was insane. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to, of course, dinner with Huck sounded amazing.
There was just one problem.
You couldn’t exactly hit the town whenever you felt like it.
“I would love to, but you know as well as I do that I can’t just waltz out the door” you reminded, once again put in your place.
Huck could go out and get anyone he wanted. It just didn’t make sense that he wanted to wait around here with you. You could hardly imagine how something like that would even work.
Thankfully, Huck was already way ahead of you.
He already spent more time here than he did anywhere else, and making a few adjustments to his plans on your account wasn’t going to kill him.
If it meant that the two of you could be together, he would do whatever he had to.
“You let me worry about that” he hummed, not even bothering to hide the huge grin on his face. After all this time, he’d finally done it.
Huck got the date.
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plut00nline · 3 years
Huck is wlw solidarity
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myluciferiscody · 3 years
Dangerous Woman (p.2)
pairing: Edmund Tolleson x Fem!Reader
word count: 3,312
warnings: language, oral sex (female receiving)
hey everyone! i know the reading list for this at the moment is rather small. i just wanted to apologize for such a long wait in updates. mentally my health has been horrible and i lost a lot of interest in writing. i hope this isn’t too bad considering i know part one was posted months ago. in april, my god!! hopefully with getting this chapter out, i can start writing more stories again! i hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your support and patience. one more part will follow!
part 1
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Mildred Ratched had her eye on you and Edmund.
There was something about Nurse Dolly that Mildred did not like. She was pretty close to figuring out exactly what was wrong with that beautiful blonde girl with bright red lips. It was at the tip of her tongue.
Finally, Huck had given her the answer she was looking for. A nurse sexually pleasing a patient was beyond anything Mildred ever heard in her life. Especially her brother.
Mildred needed to protect her sibling; he did the same thing for her all those years ago. It was time to return the favor. If there were any chance that the love and affection of a woman could help him, Mildred figured she could use it to her advantage.
Mildred arrived at seven am on the dot. She placed her things in the designated cubby and quickly walked to the main lobby to watch for your arrival. If things went her way, and they usually did, you'd have an arranged meeting with Edmund at twelve o'clock sharp. Huck was helping, but he wasn't entirely aware of the actual reason for this meeting. As long as Betsy Bucket was kept distracted, this would go off without a hitch.
When you arrived, you wasted no time in completing your duties. You were punctual. Mildred liked that; Edmund had told her he loved your kindness. And when he thanked you, your eyes had a sparkle in them, as you felt joy every time you felt appreciated by the patients. You were a genuine person with a heart in this industry. Years of patient abuse and management neglect had yet to tarnish that fire deep inside you.
About ten minutes to noon, Mildred had sent Huck your way, asking if you would assist them in helping a newly admitted patient to the washroom instead of delivering meals. When Mildred arrived, she watched as the guard tried to cuff her brother after putting his shirt on. "Leave them off," she ordered.
"Edmund," Mildred welcomed, watching as the guard stepped off to the side, planning on watching the encounter. She turned her attention to him, "You're dismissed." Mildred said politely.
The guard looked startled, his eyes shifting curiously between Edmund and Mildred. Edmund rubbed the tender skin of his wrists where the cuffs chaffed him. He was handcuffed in the shower, and the water was cold, resulting in him jerking multiple times, trying to get away.
"Yes, ma'am," the guard said, ducking his head as he left them alone. Edmund watched Mildred maintain a sickly sweet smile, waiting until the door slowly clicked shut.
"What's going on?" Edmund questioned. The cold water had made him uncomfortable and a little on edge.
"No need to be afraid," Mildred said, closing the distance between them. She eased the wrinkles in Edmund's tight-fitting white shirt. He watched her in confusion. "There's someone I would like you to talk to. But, not for long, Nurse Bucket will have our head if she found out."
Edmund still looked very confused. He assumed that person would be Nurse Dolly. He liked her enough. Dolly seemed kind and knew how to use her hands. Edmund hasn't had the physical touch of a woman in years. It was enjoyable, but he knew it was nothing more than a sexual favor.
There was a knock on the door, and Mildred stepped back, a slight smirk on her face as she approached the door. Edmund couldn't see who was on the other side, but his look of bewilderment was quickly replaced with a smile when you appeared, eager to help.
You were now the one confused, watching as Mildred smiled at the two of you before quickly shutting the door. The sound of the lock clicking made your heart beat faster. You knew it was locked but didn't want to risk upsetting Edmund by trying to open the door. You definitely were not afraid to be there with him, but it was against the hospital's protocol. You knew very well Nurse Ratched was aware of that.
"It's you, y/n," Edmund said happily. You then turned to look at him, noticing he wasn't handcuffed in those ridiculous shackles. As far as you've heard, Edmund continued his excellent behavior and had not once attempted an escape. You knew his reputation was dragged through the mud just by his crimes alone. You just felt standard cuffs would suffice just as much.
"Edmund, it's wonderful to see you," you said a little too enthusiastically. You frowned, realizing you sounded like a fangirl who hoarded newspapers with him on the cover, desperately wanting to meet the handsome murderer.
"I didn't expect to see you," Edmund said, taking a hesitant step closer. It's as if he was testing you to make sure he didn't scare you. You didn't budge, only smiling at him and tugging on your fingers nervously. "Mild- I mean Nurse Ratched said I'd have a visitor, but I assumed it to be Nurse Dolly.."
You weren't the most sociable person at the hospital. However, gossip about the incident had traveled fast. You couldn't be angry or offended that another woman had an interest in Edmund. After all, you two were barely friends. Friendly, of course, but acquaintances. It's an act you personally wouldn't have done with a police officer right in the other room, but you didn't judge Nurse Dolly one bit.
"I'm sorry to disappoint," you said jokingly.
Edmund understood you were joking but felt the need to say, "I'd rather talk to you."
You were taken aback by his bold statement. You felt your face turn red as Edmund watched you curiously. He liked you very much. You were exceptionally kind to him right away with no judgment of him and what he's done. Edmund didn't regret what he did to those people. They deserved it. But standing here with you could almost make him wish to turn back time.
"That's very kind of you, Edmund.." you said. The distance between the two of you couldn't make the tension building up evaporate. "If I'm honest, I wasn't expecting to see you. I think we both got set up."
Edmund loved your honesty. He took a few timid steps closer, just waiting for you to realize who you were now locked in a tight space with and to start screaming. You didn't, though. Instead, you maintained your cool, despite him noticing the way you twiddled with your fingers. It was just a nervous habit you've always had and didn't necessarily relate to Edmund himself. He watched you intently, his green eyes smoldering at the sight of you.
"You're not afraid of me?" he asked, remembering the first time he ever met you. You denied then you weren't afraid of him. This time wouldn't be any different, right?
"No," your response was quick and honest.
"I'm glad," Edmund said, giving you a gentle nod. He was smiling again, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. They were tired.
There was a spark in the air between you. You could feel it, almost as if it were a vibration. Edmund was admiring you fondly, knowing you were already his favorite part of this dreadful place. You had no idea of what Nurse Ratched's intentions were today. You assumed Edmund's word of mouth of how nice you were to him was the main reason. But you were clever; there had to be a deeper angle than that.
"You know about Dolly and me?" Edmund asked his voice so low you had to strain to hear him.
You told him you'd never lie, "I have. Though it's not my business, things just travel like fire, unfortunately."
"I hope you don't look at me any differently because of it," Edmund said, now frowning, "I persuaded her to do it. I haven't felt a woman's touch in so long.. Or really anyone, for that matter, but I'm not like that. I like you. You're nice to me."
You were at a loss for words. You often had times when you explained yourself too much, so you understood what was probably happening here. You felt a flutter in your chest because he seemed to like you enough that he didn't want you to think poorly of him.
"You're still human," you said, and he almost looked to be in tears at your statement, "There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel something. Maybe the approach was a little.. unorthodox."
"You're brilliant," he complimented, his feelings completely genuine. "Have I mentioned that I like you?"
You couldn't contain the giggle at that. Edmund smiled again, this time his eyes crinkling when he heard the sound of your laugh.
There was a timid knock on the door, and you knew that meant that time was about up. Edmund was saddened by this, and you immediately felt the same. He reached a cautious hand up to your face, his hand slowly encompassing your neck. You felt your breathing stutter, but not out of fear.
"You're really not afraid?" Edmund said in awe. You shook your head, knowing deep in your heart you weren't. He couldn't believe it. After the way he was treated when he was arrested, the way other doctors and patients looked at him around here, surely you'd be terrified? The media was most certainly not kind to him. He snuck a few peeks at the papers, still plastering his face on the front cover after being caught for nearly three weeks.
Edmund slowly released his grip as the door opened. Nurse Ratched came in, shutting it as she watched the two of you. You felt arousal stir in your belly after feeling his hand on your neck. You cleared your throat, stepping away from him as Edmund turned his attention to Mildred, looking as if nothing happened.
"Thank you, Nurse (y/l/n)," Mildred dismissed you, and you nodded with a smile before hurrying out of the room.
Your meeting in the washroom with Edmund was not the last.
Every day the past week, for ten minutes, you and Edmund would talk in the washroom. Nurse Ratched made sure to keep an eye on the door, so nobody tried to get in. Nurse Bucket had come close one time, trying to prepare the room for one of the older female patients. Mildred lied, saying the room was under maintenance until further notice.
"Of course, can't count on anything to work in this damn place!" Nurse Bucket said with a huff before stomping off in the direction she came.
Edmund had your trust, and you had his. The first few days were spent with both of you talking fast, trying to find out as much about each other as possible before the ten minutes were up. The conversations put a bright spot in your day, especially knowing you were the only real interaction Edmund was getting. It made you feel good.
It was Friday, which meant all patients who could not bathe themselves would be in and out of the washroom all day. Mildred already had a plan, which wasn't difficult at all. Before you left for the day, you'd bring Edmund his dinner, and Mildred would coax the security guard out of his post for some assistance. You and the guard were friendly, so you both agreed he'd trust you enough to be alone with Edmund for about ten minutes.
Mildred had passed you the final tray with a smile. You took it gladly, unable to hide the pep in your step as you headed to the basement. The natural light from outside quickly disappeared as you walked down the windowless hallway before knocking on the locked door that separated the isolation cell from the rest of the hospital.
"Good evening, (y/n),"
"Good evening, sir," you replied with a smile.
You were barely in the room when the panicked voice of Nurse Ratched came from behind you, asking the guard to please hurry and assist her as one of the patients was behaving violently.
"I should really-"
"There's no time for that!" Mildred said, and the guard didn't bother to argue, quickly taking off in a run after her.
You shook your head. That was almost too easy.
Edmund had already heard your voice and was excitedly waiting at the front of his cell. He was always eager for your time.
"(y/n)," he smiled brightly, his hands wrapped around the cell door. "It's almost time for you to go home, isn't it?" he asked.
"Edmund," you replied in greeting. "It's almost 5:30. This is the last time you'll see me until Monday," you sighed playfully, sliding his food tray into the slot. He took it before setting it down right away. He was more into you than the food.
"That's a shame. I'd love to be able to accompany you home. You're the best part of my day." Edmund said, his tone immediately becoming flirty. You were used to this, as Edmund was very fond of you. You reciprocated in your own way, and he was very appreciative you seemed to like him as much as he liked you.
"I enjoy our time together," you admitted. Edmund smelled good; the laundry was distributed this morning, and you could smell the fresh linen.
Edmund reached for his tray, grabbing the napkin that was threatening to fall off. When he righted it, however, a silver key clattered to the floor. You both froze at the sight of it.
"Is that?.." he began slowly.
You knew just by looking at it, it was the key to his cell. Your legs started to tremble, thinking of unlocking the door, allowing Edmund to take you in his arms and-
"(y/n)?" Edmund's voice drew you from your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" you asked.
"If I unlock it, would you come in here?" he asked.
Despite having the key that could lead to his freedom, even if only temporary, he only wanted to use it for you to be close to him.
You nodded slowly, "Yes, but we'll have to be vigilant. We can't risk getting caught."
Edmund nodded, handing you the key, and you quickly unlocked the gate, sliding in carefully, leaving it partially cracked for an easy escape.
You were now so close to him you could smell the generic body wash he used earlier. Edmund smiled at you, and you quickly tucked the key in your waist pocket, knowing Mildred would need it back.
"Aren't you going to eat?" you asked playfully, pointing to his tray of stew.
"Yes, but not that," Edmund responded.
Your cheeks flushed at his statement. Edmund slowly reached for you, and you wasted no time in moving into his embrace. He placed his hands on your hips, your stomach touching his. He stared at you intently, and you found yourself getting lost in his green eyes.
"Edmund.." you whispered.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?" he whispered back.
You didn't bother responding, only leaning forward and allowing your lips to touch. Edmund eagerly responded, his fingers digging into your hips as the kiss got deep. You hadn't kissed a man in over a year. The last one sucked, as the poor guy was half drunk when it happened.
Edmund was very skilled, his lips giving you that perfect satisfaction, but teasing there would be a lot more to come.
After a minute or so had passed, Edmund pulled back, his hands gripping you so tight your skirt bunched in his hands. You were breathless, staring into his eyes as Edmund gazed at you in awe.
"How much time do we have left?" Edmund asked.
"I-I'd say about six minutes?" you said, not at all confident in your answer.
"That'll be enough time." was all he said.
"What?" you asked before gasping when he fell to his knees, pushing you back to where you were leaning against the cell wall for support. Edmund bunched your dress skirt in his hands, pushing the fabric up until your underwear was exposed. You took it from him, allowing him to yank the undergarment down quickly.
This is NOT how I expected this to go.
Edmund looked up at you, his eyes pleading for you to give him permission. You nodded, sighing as his hands gripped your thighs, pressing quick kisses to your leg, before he leaned up, bringing your wet pussy to his mouth.
You had never received oral in your life. Your sexual partners were assholes, to say the least. It was something you wanted to try but couldn't bring yourself to ask a man to eat you out. It was almost embarrassing, in a way.
Edmund gripped the back of your thighs in his hand, allowing one leg to raise up, resting a foot on the edge of his small bed. You whined, your fingers gripping your skirt tighter, yanking it up higher to expose the top of his head buried between your legs. The leg supporting your body started to shake.
He ran his tongue along your slit, gathering the juices that were already spilling out due to your arousal. Edmund's grip on your raised thigh increased, attempting to keep you upright, as it was proving difficult the more he teased your entrance with his tongue. He only had a few minutes, so he quickly raised his head just enough to where he could lap over your clit.
"FUCK," you hissed when he shook his head, the movement causing your toes to curl when he hit just the right spot on your sensitive clit. The sounds of Edmund sucking it into his mouth caused your chest to tighten, allowing a hand to release your skirt before tangling in his short black hair.
Edmund was immensely enjoying the feel of you tugging on his head, bringing him impossibly closer to your pussy. He hadn't done this in a long time, and he realized quickly that he missed it. Edmund was falling in love with you, and he wanted to make you feel as good as you made him feel.
Just with his tongue.
You called his name softly, and Edmund felt his jeans tighten while he continued to slurp, making the sound unnecessarily loud just to continue getting a reaction out of you. Your hands tangled so tightly on his head he winced, but he didn't give a shit that he may leave this eating-out session completely bald. It just proved to him you were enjoying it.
Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, and it was just seconds before you couldn't hold on anymore. Edmund sighed against your wetness as you came into his mouth, your clit so sensitive that his tongue still circling your clit became too much for you to handle. You cried his name, almost sobbing when he finally pulled away, running his tongue along his wet lips, a satisfied smirk on his face.
You released the garment, feeling it swing back into place. Your cheeks were bright red, and it felt the temperature had risen thirty degrees than before. Edmund was still smirking at you, wearing your cum on his face like a trophy. You liked this arrogance already.
"You're a dream (y/n)," Edmund said, watching as you managed to stand upright despite your legs trembling. "Let's do it again on Monday."
taglist: @unadulteratedlandsoulshark @wittysunflower @ejs398 @fanfiction-and-therapy
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dumbnojutsu · 4 years
the only bitch i trust in this place is huck
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Huck Finnigan HCs
Pairing :: Huck Finnigan x fem!Reader
Headcanon :: How you and Huck start dating
Word Count :: 740
Warnings :: N/A
A/N :: Just a small little post for Huck becaues I love him and he deserved so much love
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gif cr : @thehangmansdaughter
You’re a new nurse at Lucia State Hospital. Eager and happy to help people.
When Huck first meets he’s taken aback by how pretty and how nice you are.
People usually stare at his face for a moment too long when they meet him, but he noticed you didn’t.
You greet him with a large smile each time you see him. Even if he’s across the room, you give him a large wave.
He thinks it’s super sweet.
If you two are on your lunch or break at the same time, you ask if you can join him.
Huck assumes it’s because you don’t want to be alone during your breaks until he sees you decline to eat with one of the other nurses so you can spend your lunch with him.
He never questions it. He accepts it and is happy if you’re happy.
Especially since talking to you is one of the highlights of his shifts
He loves how polite and kind you are, not only to the other workers, but the patients as well.
You always do your best to make sure the patients feel comfortable and are happy. So you can’t stand when the treatments they need cause them pain.
The first time you had to help with electroshock therapy was with Huck. The second it started, you grabbed Huck’s hand and squeezed it.
He was surprised at first, but quickly realized you were uncomfortable so he helped you calm down.
"Hey, just close your eyes and breath. It’ll be over soon."
Dolly and a few of the other nurses poke fun at you because of how friendly you are with Huck.
“Aw, look (Y/N), Huck’s coming over.” “You two look so sweet together.”
They can be a bit mean/rude at times. “Do you actually like him or are you just being nice to him?” You ignore those comments.
You sorta ask Huck out first? You ask him if he wants to go to a small carnival with you and some friends.
He was nervous, but agreed since he doesn’t go out very often.
He was happy he agreed because he got to see how cute you dress outside of work.
Your friends all loved him(your friend group is a mix of guys and girls), and you all do your best to help Huck feel comfortable and happy.
Huck won you every prize you wanted, causing you to squeal and jump around like a happy child.
The first prize he won you, you jumped onto him and gave him a large hug.
He was so startled he almost forgot to hug back before you pulled away.
You two only went on one rollercoaster because your friends pressured you to do so. You had your eyes closed, screaming, and hugging his arm the entire time.
Everything was going swell until it got later and some drunk guy made a comment about you two being together because of the scar on his face.
You and your friends quickly shut the guy up (especially when your guy friends threaten the guy).
Huck does feel insecure though, you quickly pick up on this and do your best to reassure him.
“Don’t listen to that bozo Huck. You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. Any girl would be happy to be with you.”
“Thank’s (Y/N), but I’m fine. You don’t have to keep trying to make me feel better.”
“I mean it.”
By your heartfelt voice and soft eyes, he could tell you were serious.
That’s the moment Huck realized he might’ve had a small crush on you.
A few days later, he asks you out on a proper date. He’s a bit nervous when he asks you. You think it's cute and happily agree.
You two go to a small diner and have a nice night out.
By the end of the night, when he drops you off at your place, you quickly place a small peck on his non-scarred cheek.
You were super nervous about doing the small gesture of affection. Then you saw his smile and felt a wave of relief.
You two go on about four more dates before you finally have your first kiss.
You were going to give him his peck goodbye on his cheek but noticed he turned and started to lean his face closer to yours.
Happily you leaned in and you finally shared your first kiss together.
After that, you two officially started dating
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Absolutely nobody:
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benjinoff13 · 4 years
Mildred really went “sorry bro I can’t go out with you cause I’m a raging homosexual, I can get you a job though” and then my man got shot in the face like wha-
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Next fict's will be, probably not going to be in this order.😂 let me know if you want to be tagged in anyone.
Rhaenyra Targaryen second part smut.
Eric Draven soul mate fluffy.
steve mcgarrett fluffy.
Ratched Netflix Edmund Tolleson fluffy and Huck Finnigan fluffy!
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froggheadd · 4 years
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not me getting attached to another character with a scar on half of his face 👁👁
(reblogs>likes, click for quality, commissions open!)
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writersmacchiato · 4 years
Soft Headcanons for Huck Finnigan
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A/N: Huck deserves a sweetheart
Huck is honestly so sweet and kind, he would respect any sort of boundary or discomfort you had
Literally he would be so understanding and patient it shocks you
The relationship progressed slowly before you both became comfortable with each other, but when you did??
Huck is a gentleman. No question.
Consent is his foreplay !!
Consent is important to him; on both ends. Affection is something he hasn’t experienced since before the war and opening himself to you is a huge vulnerability on his part.
It starts small.
Hand brushing against his, before it turns into a loose handhold, eventually a firm grip with his thumb rubbing your skin.
It’s his favorite. He loves to hold your hand and look over to see your smile, that you’re just as content as he is.
When it comes to hugs?
The intimacy?? He definitely cried into your shoulder the first time you held him in your arms, clinging onto you as he soaked in the affection.
He still utterly melts when you hug, holding you so tightly.
He’s touch starved okay :/ spare him a hug or two
Despite your constant reassurances, he’ll hesitate when it comes to kissing.
It feels wrong to him, especially in the beginning, to feel your soft lips against his scarred tissue. 
He physically flinched the first time you kissed his scarred cheek, the action unexpected. (consent!!!)
With time, he’ll become open to it, anything to see your smile. But he can’t deny the uncomfortable heaviness in his chest that happens.
It’s a work in progress. 
Date nights date nights date nights date nights
There is nothing more that he loves than planning date nights.
He is a romantic
He’ll always buy bouquets of flowers or if you prefer something else (or nothing) he’d do it with hesitation.
It honestly makes his heart swoon if you return the sentiment and get him a gift, something small that reminded you of him (because you were thinking about him! him!!)
He’s a little weary about going to busy places because he can feel the weight of people’s stares on his face. They’ll come up and offer their thanks for his service, but he prefers your company somewhere quiet.
There is a small diner that is never busy, it’s not rundown, just located in a bad spot so it doesn’t have high traffic. He loves it.
The owners adore him, and by extension, you. They’re an elderly couple; the wife always stopping by your booth with a complimentary plate of dessert, sometimes the husband will stop by and chat about current happenings. 
It’s a quiet place that is full of normalcy that Huck craves. 
You’ll cook him dinner, if his week is especially busy or stressful from work. 
Those nights typically follow the same pattern; dinner on the back patio, conversing over drinks, turning the stereo louder and falling into a simple dance under the setting sun. And, maybe, he’ll come inside, maybe he’ll stay the night...
On those mornings, after he stayed the night, he always wakes up early. A habit he’s never been able to quit after the war.
He watches you with soft eyes, adoration emitting from his every being. 
You chose him, you want him, you love him.
On mornings like that, he actually believes it.
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thehangmansdaughter · 4 years
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Gays come get your food 
Lesbians come get your lesbian protector xx edit: lmao they’re not very hd sorry
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