#ranger maddie
echo-does-art · 2 months
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@duchi-nesten I always love coloring your lines for @green-with-envy-phandom-event :)
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ragingadhd · 18 days
Do you think part of why Will was so strict with Maddie drinking wine in TRR1 is because of his past substance abuse issues? I know wine and warmweed are very different but like. That feels kind of connected.
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nothernghostbat · 19 days
Will, randomly while grooming Tug: Yknow, I was a slave once.
Maddie, in the next stall over:
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pickle-bandits · 7 months
Hello not sure if you've read The Royal Ranger but would you be willing to draw an older Will or Maddie from it? Completely fine if not, thank you for the chance!
Thank you for the suggestion! Sadly I have not gotten the time to read it yet! But, I tried my best to draw you Maddie!
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That stale fish Horace had to imagine he had under his nose to look dignified and mysterious was actually an inside joke between Halt and Caitlyn. Cait made it up when they were kids and Halt had to make public appearances and put on faces he didn't understand.
Years after the eighth book, Horace passed the pro-tip on to Maddie.
Another couple of years later, Maddie told Halt about this method when they were preparing for Cassandra's coronation. She never found out why he looked so weird then...
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skyland2703 · 5 months
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This is one color coded dynamic we do not talk enough about~
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burnin0akleaves · 9 months
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(Will and Halt)
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There we go, all the kitty cat sketches people requested plus the Wilyss that made me want want to start drawing cats in the first place. You can see the dip in quality as we go
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rangerangel · 8 months
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I’m not sure why I’ve been on the Gilan train recently, but it’s been nice! Here’s Uncle Gil and baby Maddie, the adorable duo.
I got a new drawing tablet and I’ve been practicing in Procreate instead of CSP. I still haven’t figured it out quite yet and it’s been immensely frustrating to fail over and over again, but being able to draw on the go is quite handy. My artwork might not be to the painting quality yet on this new software, but I’ll keep trying!
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the-thursday · 11 months
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Our lesbian icon
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thatoneperson747 · 8 days
So while procrastinating writing the fic I'm working on, I decided it was time for me to read the Royal Ranger. I only have book one, and I've had it for about a year now, but I never read even the first page. I've heard stuff throughout the fandom about it, but I've tried to stay away from royal ranger specific posts in order to not spoil the book for me.
If you also haven't read it yet and want to avoid spoilers, stop reading now. You've been warned.
Here's the things I knew before reading:
Will has a beard now. This is very controversial.
Alyss dies. She was burned to death. Also very controversial.
Horace and Cassie have a daughter named Maddie. Maddie becomes Will's apprentice.
And that's about it.
I decided that since the Royal Ranger was so hit or miss for the community, I'd document my thoughts on it (as a personal record, if you will) and see how my opinions change, if they change at all. Feel free to laugh at me if I make predictions and they end up being completely wrong lol
I've read the first seven chapters, and here are the main thoughts I have right now.
1. Is Will now just Halt? When he was first being described during the scene with Henry Wheeler, I dead ass thought Flanagan was talking about Halt. I mean, Will is grey already? Like, fully grey. He's described as having a "steel-grey beard." Not grey and brown, just grey. Halt???
2. Alyss' death fit her character well, but why did she have to die? Keep in mind, I was never the biggest fan of Alyss - I thought a character as interesting as a diplomat should have more personality than just "the main character's girlfriend" - but come on? We barely got to see them married. Idk man. I feel like her death would be better justified if they had actually like. been together longer? 10/10 for writing her death though, saving a poor child from death seems really in character for her, especially considering that's pretty much what Baron Arald did for the ward kids (he didn't die for it but still, he saved them from a childhood of neglect and almost certain death). I feel like it's a great wrap to her story, although I wish her story was longer.
3. Crowley was done dirty. What the actual f u c k Flanagan? The Corps Commander, the man, myth, and legend gets a paragraph to explain his death. It's such a lamely written death too? Crowley, a ranger, who was probably in peak health, just nopes out one night. At least he was smiling..? And maybe it's the fact that TEY is my favorite part of the series so far, but Crowley deserved way better than that shit. Also I'm surprised that I managed to not know about Crowley's death before this?? I actually cried reading it. He was such a precious little man in TEY, how could you do this Flanagan???
4. Maddie is a bit of a brat. Not even a bit, she kinda just is. To be fair, Cassie was that way sometimes as well, but Maddie just seems... I don't know, too much of a 'I-do-what-I-want-and-you-can't-stop-me' kinda person, but in a bad way??? Like that one kid in school who would never listen to authority figures and got everyone in trouble all the time? I hope she mellows out because she could be a great character, I think. It's said she takes after her mom, but I'd like to see her act like Horace too.
5. Gilan. Just Gilan. What?? I never liked his relationship with Jenny much, he seems quite a bit too old for her (at least 5 years, most likely quite a bit more since Halt had a few years between Gilan and Will), but he's so relentless in asking her to marry him? Huh??
And also, BOLD of Flanagan to assume Gilan would be hesitant about letting a girl into the corps. This man has traveled with Cassie. He's traveled with Lydia from Brotherband. He knows women are capable. I mentioned not liking his and Jenny's relationship, but like. he even respects her. She's a business woman, she owns her own restaurant. No one can possibly convince me that Gilan doesn't drink his respect-women juice DAILY. It feels out of character for him.
6. Poor Duncan. That's the end of the sentence.
7. Those guards are hysterical. Ah, yes, let's just casually not mention or try to stop the princess sneaking in and out of the castle even though this could end really really badly. Perfect logic.
And yeah that's all I got right now. I'm very excited to see how my opinions so far change! I'll document them here too in case anyone cares. Feel free to reblog with your own RR opinions and the like! I'd love to see what you guys think of my takes lol
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
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araluenrangerdanger · 10 months
Will and Maddie learning about the Direwolves:
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ragingadhd · 2 months
I too am very excited for when Maddie or Will or any ranger finally get to declare themself “Queen’s Ranger”, but knowing Flanagan, he’s probably not going to just let that powerful moment be. It’ll probably go like
a) a ranger stumbles over their words since it’s force of habit to say “King’s Ranger”, and Flanagan is going to make it a weird “not that there’s anything wrong with a female ruler!!” type of moment
b) the corps is still going to be called “King’s Rangers” because that’s their legal title
c) we are all going to die long before Flanagan gets the balls to kill off Duncan and let Cassandra be queen
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artsysurvivor · 6 months
Fic where it's comparing Pritchard and Will's experiences mentoring royalty. Send tweet.
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deadartistwalking · 1 year
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Ranger gathering day 3: Sneak!
It’s a Maddie in her natural habitat.
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juicingbeetles · 8 months
The Royal Ranger: A Summary
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