#ram x oc
ramcharantitties · 1 month
Sita's note: hello everyone I am back with a new series! Please give love and support to this one, all RRR and Heeramandi lovers <3. Thanks to @vijayasena for name recommendation :)
Chapter 1: Kainat
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The sun started to meet its horizon, and lights were turned up in the streets of Heeramandi. Pigeons flew away, taking their rounds and the dogs strolled carelessly. Sounds of girls laughing were audible in some houses, and sound of ghungroo in other. It was only hers where the sound of broken mirror was heard.
Kainat met the floor, her hands saving her as much as they can but still not being able to save her now bleeding lips. She wiped it with the back of her hand, and looked back up at her. Rehana. The hatred was evident, not less than the anger on her face. "If you don't say yes to them I will chop you up and feed away your pieces to the stray dogs." That was the last thing she heard from her. Kainat braced and picked herself up from the floor. She sauntered back in, aware of Rehana's sister watching the show as she nursed her child. Even she fell in love and birthed, then why couldn't Kainat? She didn't know, and didn't wish to wonder. All she wanted was to not to be given to the nawab- to wait for her lover who left her. But that was too much to ask for from Rehana.
Kainat sat by the edge of her doorframe, looking at the pink sky. Her cheek and lips throbbed. For Rehana, the nawab wasn't that bad. But Kainat knew what words of actions he told in her ear, sending a chill down her spine. She looked at the bustling street, hoping to see the face of the man she had grown to love, only for him to disappear. Weak. The punishment of her mistrust was going to be a lifetime of slavery. Kainat blinked back the tears, a lump in her throat. His name doesn't last on her lips anymore.
"Oh mohe aavan keh gaye aashiq rang aur beet gayi barso, sakal ban"
The slow hum of her voice didn't reach outside her room, but did settle in her heart as she sat on the bed. Kainat lost herself in Lahore, and her runaway lover was never coming back. She fell back, landing on the mattress, tears streaming down the side of her face. Kainat also heard Mallika cry that night, Rehana doesn't give mercy to anyone in Shahi Mahal.
It was 5 in the evening when Kainat woke up. She has to leave for a trip with the nawab today. "You should be happy for such fate" Rehana muttered as she brushed the locks out of Kainat's hair. "The nawab said he can't wait to use me" the dead pan in Kainat's noise wasn't hiding anymore. "What's wrong with that?" Rehana said the obvious statement and decorated the braid with pieces of jewel. The only light in her life was reflecting off from her jewellery. Nawab promised to take Kainat to Bombay once before permanently keeping her there. "Just a taste of the wind" he said, blowing the smoke of hookah on her moon like face. Kainat inhaled the burning scent, her lungs burning and giving her a reality check. Of what is to come, of what she deserved.
Satto was more than kind to pack Kainat's favourite books, her favourite perfumes, snacks, ghungroo, money and favourite jewelry in a bag for Kainat to keep it close, to remind her of Heeramandi. It was too much for a week's trip, but she felt like she has already started losing herself to the ways of the Nawab. The pink evening turned to black night, just like Kainat's life. Kainat went to light up Rehana's room, one last time, when the sight of a jewelry set caught her eyes. Kainat always wanted it but nothing good comes from Rehana for her. She stood there frozen, her hand holding the diya. She could hear Phatto calling for her in background, saying the nawab is here. Kainat quickly hid the jewelry behind her heavy dupatta, leaving the room with entities.
The ride to the railway station was quiet deafening. All nawab did was boast about his properties and how he will keep her happy, how she will enjoy being used, and it won't matter if she doesn't enjoy it. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, which she didn't bother wiping. They got off on the railway station, but Kainat carried her own bag packed by Satto, with the stolen jewelry in it. They stalled when they entered a room, and Kainat was supposed to wait outside, alone. Apparently Nawab had to meet someone before leaving. From the corner of her eyes, Kainat caught a glimpse of light.
She took a step back, glancing at the wide open gate looking back at her. Inviting, attracting. Her steps moved forward, fastening each time, when she finally stepped foot on the iron floor of the train. A huge sigh of relief left her body, followed by a sob. Finding an empty seat, she sat down, trusting her faith. Kainat didn't know where she was going. A jerk pulled her back to the world, when she accepted leaving Lahore and hopefully her cursed life behind. That easy. Was it always so easy? To escape from the hell called Shahi Mahal and Heeramandi? From her own cousin, Rehana? She could see Nawab's men looking for the runaway woman, but it didn't matter anymore. She has left Lahore behind now.
Tagging: @jkdaddy01 @ramayantika @definitelyhim @starlight-1010 @panikk-attackkk @vijayasena @lilliebeingdelulu @multifandom-boss-bitch @yehsahihai
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vijayasena · 5 months
Not everyone deserves to know the real you let them criticize, who they think you are "
No one's pov..
The sun had started to set earlier than usual in Delhi these days, the month of Shravan surely bring some small mercies of life.. the weather in the capital was perfect neither very hot nor very cold, it was as. perfect as it can be..
Ram also craved the same treatment that ocean used to give sun, As it was always ready to embrace the ocean at the end of the day being tired whole day and going in the warmth of ocean to forget the world..
How much Ram craved to have someone like ocean, to have someone with whom he can share everything that he slowly eating him from inside how much he craved to have someone with whom he can talk and blurt everything, how his guilt is slowly consuming him..
He had started to consider himself like a monster, the only thing that could destroy him shatter him completely break him were his own emotions, how he wished to have someone with whom he can talk about how he is feeling..
He still remembers how small his hand would have been when he made that promise to his father..
Ram sighed to himself, but he still doubted himself, he hated himself for the way he was he hated himself each day everyday and his hatred for himself was increasing day by day slowly, he had stopped to feel like a human being long ago..
He had accepted the fact that he didn't deserved anything, he didn't deserved any kind of happiness, how he considered himself that he didn't deserved someone who loved him hell he wasn't worth of any kind of love..
How much more he had to suffer now, how much more pain he had to feel now..
He was tired of hurting himself and so many Indian brothers just for those whites and the promise he made to his baba..
But now he doubted that if his baba would have supported him if he was here in his decision.
He asked this question to himself almost everyday..
Was all this worth it?
Will all of the things he was doing will gonna worth it ?..
Are they gonna he enough to fullfill his promise ?
Or he was just hurting himself and completely drowning in guilt losing all of himself..??..
He don't even have someone to tell him that whatever he was doing the sacrifices he was making was just gonna be worth it that it will gonna result in desired result..
He hated himself with the core of his heart, he wanted to die but he couldn't even die until he fullfill his promise, how much more he was gonna suffer?..
His heart bleed everytime some young rebel revolutionry died, because of him, whenever he hurted any Indian brother he got hurted hundred time times more he felt monstrous whenever he locked some Indian in the prison just because they were raising their voice against injustice and bad..
He was miserable he was vulnerable whenever he saw mothers, wives, sisters begging in front of those English officers to free their loved ones, how they just used to give them disgusting looks, how much It hurted him how it felt like someone just stabbed his heart with countless knives and the pain just used to become unbearable..
But he just used to witness their pain their agony their desperate eyes.. their lifeless body..
He needed someone to tell him that it was all gonna be worth it that whatever he is doing it will bring the desired result that all his hard-work will gonna show it's impact..
He was someone who will gonna stay quiet completely silent while a war goes on inside him..
Nothing could kill him beside his own mind..
He could feel his mother despising him whenever he beated some innocent poor.. it almost felt like his conscience was coloured red with the blood of so many innocents, he already had half of the Delhi to hate him he was used to those hateful looks, he was used to those hateful glares, he was used to those taunts and curse words but for how long???.
He didn't actually deserved all that, he deserved happiness like everyone else he had that right to be happy to be relaxed.. to get some happiness, like everyone else, but he let all that hurt him, choke him, make him cry, scream until it stopped hurting anymore..
Another day another riot and another set of bruises already increased the glory of his body, he sighed splashing cold water on his face closing his eyes, he didn't even cared about his bruises, the pain, the bleeding nothing cause that pain was nothing in comparison to the pain he was feeling inside his heart..
His guilt was eating him out from inside, the monster he considered himself was hurting him.. he just was so done now everytime he came from a riot it felt this horrible this hatred was more than any other time it was so much this time that he felt like killing himself..
He didn't deserved to live .
He didn't deserved to love .
He didn't deserved any happiness .
He didn't deserved any kind of relationship..thats what he kept saying to himself everytime..
He just used to bottle up his emotions and feelings and never let them out, but he was a mere human after all he needed to.open up he needed to tell someone how he felt..
He hurted 20 more, and all of them were in hospital, some got brutally bruised, there was a war going on inside his mind, according to him dying was the easy part and living was the trick..
He just wanted to finish all this as soon as possible it was getting unbearable now, it was getting on his nerves now..
He wiped his face grabbing the towel from the wire.. coming out of that bloodied brown uniform belonging to those whites,he threw it inside the bucket not wanting to look at it knowing it will gonna increase the pain in his heart, slipping into his clothes into a fresh pair of kurta and pyjamas..
He sighed again, staring at a long blue and purplish bruise starting from his arm and going down to his torso looking so painful, and two deep cuts on his collarbone, but he didn't cared about them not even a bit..
Remembering how his mother used to scold him whenever he used to come home brutally bruised and those worry filled eyes keep asking him how that happened then how she lovingly applied herbs on those wounds and bandaged it completely, and then lovingly kiss there to show affection and care..
And how Ram used to sleep in her lap clutching the hem of her saree, murmuring sorry he remembered all of he remembered the tiniest and smallest things of childhood..
Would his mother still had applied herbs on his bruises? If she was here and she get to know how he got them?..
Will his father still have supported him, provoked him to keep going if he was here..
He was in desperate need to search for an answer.. and there was no one to give him the real reasons the accurate answers.. he just wanted to disappear somewhere but it wasn't even possible..
Sighing he sat on his chair planning to write the obtained information about the transportation department and how they have started forced recruitment, and how the indentured labourers were being transported from the urban areas to Britain..
He heard alot of cases like this in these days,how people were getting false informations regarding the facilities of the lifestyle and money, and once they went there it was completely opposite from what they were told, and when they went they never returned..
Those bastards were using our Indian people as soldiers it was the people of his motherland who were losing their lives on foreign land, and it was getting more terrible by each passing day..
The women of those families whose men were being transported to Britain used to come to the department to ask about when their husbands and brothers are returning home? How desperately they wanted their loved ones in their home but in return all they got was disgusting looks and curse words and got kicked out..
Those who were going there never returned.. how much more his beloved motherland was going to suffer, it felt like the soil of this prosperous land was bleeding, the air was weeping because of the torture, the water of this land was soaked up taking in all the problems the fire was combusted completely because of the raging desire of those white hands to crush the people of this land under them..
he was again in those painful memories that haunted him each day every day provoked him to go further every day. Whenever he stopped, feeling it was all too much to take those words that promise that he made helped him to keep going no matter what happens..
His health, his happiness, his well being ..
Nothing mattered, blood, sweat, tears, it took all of himself that promise took his everything, he was left with nothing just the determination the urge to remove British raaj, whenever he felt he was having too much.
Those words, his aim "weapon in every hand" provoked him each second for fourteen years he thought of nothing cared about nothing felt nothing saw nothing..
Just emotionless, and wordlessly did his job, did his work and put all his effort to fullfill that promise.
He remembered each and every the tiniest bit of detail of that time, when he made his promise to his baba.how small his hand been when he asked for that hand of a small Seven year old Ram.
He remembered everything the smoke filled air, and banana trees blood and iron, his small face covered in dust sticking on his face because of the tears and sweat, his elbows being dugged deep into the ground.
How his heart stopped functioning when he noticed the lifeless body of his mother, the mother who lulled him to sleep when he had fever who took care of him when he hurted himself, the mother who always have been the strength of his father.
His younger brother, whom he shared the deepest bond with, the brother who was his another half whom he always put first, but it all got disappeared the moment. Those words of his father hit his ears.
"load aim shoot" those three words,he dedicated all his life for it. The father whose job was to hold his hands and led him into adulthood, but he became mature when he didn't even knew the meaning of it, he had to become an adult when he didn't even knew what he was about to face.
He didn't even had time to realise about his responsibilities, those small shoulders carried the burden of something that he didn't even deserved.  He didn't had anyone to supervise him, he didn't had anyone to tell him its all okay.
He didn't had anyone to take care of him when he had fever. When he was sick, fourteen years he thought about nothing just his job, he said nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing beside that fire that build up inside him and provoked him to destroy everything around him.
His worst nightmare was visible on his face right now, remembring everything and slowly thinking about whatever he had faced..
Endless sleepless nights, countless hours of working. Why? Because of that promise and he would do anything to keep it.
About his parents family his past ..
The reason he did all this? This job? The reason he was dedicated to it so much..
A well familiar voice broke him out of his trance, he looked startled eyes a bit wide and surprised he didn't even realised for how long he have been completely lost and trapped inside his head..
The door creaked open, and the well familiar yet unknown person's face came in the view of his eyes.
Someone he despised..
Someone he hated..
Someone he totally ignored..
There stood his wife.
Her lotus eyes staring deep into his brown ones trying to find something like they were searching for something. Face not showing any kind of emotion. Nothing was visible it was impossible for him to figure out what she was feeling at that moment..
He just sat there, looking at her not uttering a word, lost completely lost but he wasn't sure whether he was lost in those deep enchanting black orbs or his own head his own horrible memories.
He looked a bit surprised like he remembered he had a wife, like he was married like someone else lived under this roof with him. They distance between them was as far as godavari..
But he didn't seem to care any less about it. He didn't cared about this marriage or even the woman with the black orbs who was standing infront of him, it was all arranged and he got nothing to do with her. He already had enough in his plate. He had enough reasons to get trapped inside his head, to deal with his shits..
He didn't wanted to get one more addition of a headache in his already messed up life.
According to him this marriage was just a burden just an addition to his problems when they got married..
Marriage was the last thing he wanted in his life, but he forgot his babai was much more stubborn then him when it came to the well being of his nephew..
that old man who was like his father, and the only family he got after the whole chaos.. his old and matured experienced eyes couldn't stand his nephew like this..
Yeah he knew he wanted to fullfill that promise but not like this losing himself fully, forgetting that he was a human too, and according to him getting a wife would certainly reduce the stress and pain he had.
Which was absolutely wrong and nonsense according to Ram. After so many arguments, senseless fights and upsetting the old man he respected so much and upsetting him.
He had to agree. To have a wife.
And here he was.
But it turned out exactly opposite as soon as he started to live with her.
" You don't bother me i won't bother you" scenario was what going on in their martial life..
" Ram ?" He blinked slowly when she snapped her fingers in front of him, eyes narrowed eyebrows creased in confusion. Lips parted a bit as her chest heaved up and down at a rhythmic pace. clad in a simple orange saree minimal and as simple as she could be, he never payed any attention to her physical appearence or how she looked but today something kept him from resuming his usual behaviour with like something inside him made her stare at her longer than that needed He kept looking at her mind lost somewhere else.
He actually forgot that she was also living with him, that he shared this house with someone who was supposed to be his wife.  unfortunately only for the name. only as a formality only for all this outside world.
" I just came here to tell you that dinner is ready if you want to I can serve it ?" In a simple short and slow voice she stated, face straight eyes empty. Like she was just here to inform him about dinner nothing else.  He didn't had an appetite today, he didn't felt like having dinner.
All the hunger washed away long ago all that was left was undying guilt and the physical and emotional pain.
"I am not hungry" a short gruff and Cold reply came from his side, as she focused on his journals and books like always, isolating himself not opening up. This was his worst trait he used to completely isolate himself not even uttering a word when his mind was loud.
Not that he ever really behaved nice with her, but still this somehow hurted more. She knew he was just a mere pawn and she needed to calm her emotions at edge, not feeling pity for such a horrible person like him.
His bruises had started to pain more it started to get unbearable now, but still he kept ignoring it. Not in any mood to deal with them. She noticed it, she noticed his mood today, his eyes told everything she knew what had happened why he was upset but just like he said.
He wanted her to be away from him as far as possible, she couldn't do anything not that she was dying to be near him it was probably the last thing she wanted to but for a bigger achievements people had to make small sacrifices. So the facade of an ideal wife was needed at this time, taking a small sharp breath she asked in a hesitant voice not trying to sound very eager..
" I think you should rest for sometime and let me examine your injuri-?" She got cut off again by that familiar husky voice. Which was tired and annoyed now.
" I am alright i don't need anyone's help now i would like to be left alone" he replied sharply cutting her off, eyes again returning in their usual cold self..
As he gestured her towards the door, she looked hurt, this time it was visible on her face, she definitely looked taken aback, as she blinked confused.
Biting her lips, she looked down, his heart pained this time, seeing her like this and he cursed himself inside his head. seeing her like this, all because of him. Just because of him, he was ruining himself but he was ruining her as well. She was suffering with him too..
What was her fault?.
She didn't even do anything wrong?
Why was she getting this treatment from him ?..
She didn't even do anything wrong ?..
He cursed himself under his breath he was supposed to hate her then why was he having these thoughts??
Why was he feeling bad for her ?
What's wrong with him ?
He should hate her?  He felt his patience finally giving out, he didn't wanted her to be in this room.
He didn't deserved it, her care, her concern towards him, he wasn't worth it, she was pure and beautiful as well as a sweet, innocent naive soul according to him. And well he was a horrible person.
Why was she worried about him ? His bruises? His wounds?.
And it made him angry..
Everything was dark by now, dogs howling in the distance, but for the two souls who were present in the messed room, it was like someone blasted a bomb on her, she couldn't understand anything, everything disappeared around her.  All voices faded away.
"Just leave please!!" He yelled unconsciously finally anger getting on its peak, cold eyes staring at her holding a lot of hatred and anger.
A shaky breath escaped from her lips, as her hands formed into a fist..
Her chest felt heavy, her voice was lost, she was used to this behaviour of him towards her, it was a silent treatment before but right now?..
He didn't had any right to yell at her.like.that when she didn't do anything wrong, it wasn't right,
Was being nice resulted in something like this ?.
Was trying to make sure your husband is alright or not caused in something like this ?.
Was asking to take care of your own husband's injury gave this kind of treatment?..
She was sick of this, sick of being treated like shit, sometimes she just wanted to leave all that and get away from everything from this man, who didn't even deserved her hatred.
But what was she even expecting from someone like him who served to those white filthy bitches, who worked for them , who hurted tons of Indian brothers and sisters just for some money, some recognition, some tag..
What was she even expecting?.
He didn't deserved anything from her not even her hatred. He wasn't worth it..
So with her eyes closed, calming herself down, she turned around in anger, almost ready to murder him, and her cotton fabric the orange sheath veil hitting the face of her husband in process almost like slapping him, a "hmph" escape from his lips as his eyes closed he rubbed his cheek looking at her disappearing figure.
Still trying to process why he yelled at her like that ?.. 
He really deserved a silent and ignorant treatment of her. He didn't deserved her care and her love
without saying anything, and closed the door with a loud thud.
He just stared at the place where she was standing, still trying to figure out what was he even feeling, and taking a long heavy sigh he turned his attention back to his work. Trying to do anything to forget whatever just happened..
But that voice at the back of his head nudging him to say sorry, annoying him, at another level, testing his patience, was making him go insane, and slowly thinking and working eyes got closed, breathing became shallow pen dropped from the string grip.
And mind went for rest, as his eyes got closed. Losing the connection from the world and reality.
" Fucking piece of shit, asshole, a fucking wimp!! Just wait bitch just wait "the female's voice awfully cold and rough as she cursed barely above a whisper, her eyes boring hole into the lock of his room that was locked from inside..
And disappointed and with a clenched jaw, she slowly made her way back inside her room. Ready to work for something better. Not for some white and someone who was ruining their motherland.
This night was definitely going to be sleepless for her.
And the level of hatred increased more if it was even possible..
She hated him as much as it was possible for a normal homosapien to hate another homosapien.
As much as a human mind could despise someone.
Well little did they both knew, this hatred would gonna take them somewhere they actually belong.
It was just testing their patience, Destiny was being filthy. And dirty.
But surely it had something better planned for them ..
Only if they survive out of this.
I swear this is really cliche..
This is not my best but still I have tried...
I would post the second chapter soon. ( If I got time though)..
@mad-who-ra @mayakimayahai @ma-douce-souffrance @maooyinysparkle @natures-marvel @navaratna @ambidextrousarcher @yehsahihai @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @irisesforyoureyes @icebearfromnorthpole @thelonewolfwrites @trashmeowcan @thirst4light @ambidextrousarcher @amritkimohini @akshinayak @alhad-cleopatra @alhad-si-simran @stars-in-the-distance @sada-siva-sanyaasi @sambaridli @dumdaradumdaradum @hissterical-nyaan @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @hum-suffer @humapkehaikaun @houseofbreadpakoda
@kaagazkefool @kanhapriya @lil-stark @livelaughlovechai @ladydarkey @lite-teesko @kaalakanya @kaal-naagin @childofthenight2035 @voidsteffy @budugu @misalpav @misty-moonflower
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krishakamal · 10 months
Writing little something with husband Ram 🤭 Here is a little sneak peek—
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everworlds · 11 days
A Moment's Rest ✨️
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After a long day of working, these two need some time to unwind together 💕
I have been dying to draw these two on an actual, full canvas forever!
Time taken:
8hrs and 32 minutes
Program used:
Characters used:
Ever Sinclair (My OC)
Alastor Hartfelt (Hazbin Hotel, belongs to vivziepop)
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paintedscales · 2 months
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A Calm at Midnight
For Gpose-Weekly @ cohost's prompt: Midnight
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butchdykekondraki · 1 month
oughg the ingrained terror of Being Cringe is fuckign DESTROYING me right neow. ohh my god oh ymgfiuhgshfdfnvhgmnghmvn
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cloudysarts · 6 months
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i see a bunch of people sharing their rick n morty ocs and i FINALLY finished the ref for mine!!!! heres rick and morty X-33!!! or "scene rick" and "scene morty" <3333
scene is my absolute favorite fashion style/subculture so to me it was a CRIME that none existed!!!!!!!! these 2 have given me such brainrot.......
pr*ship/r*ck*rty dni
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gabriellerudessa · 25 days
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - II
“Terrible hosts, all of you. Not you, Goose, he has food and I know it’s only because of you.” That made everyone drop quiet.
“He’s your guest, Marigold, I bet you didn’t even introduced him or everyone else for that matter.” Marigold closed her mouth and actually pouted. “Sorry about it, darling, Marigold is too much a child of the desert and forgets the basics.”
AO3 | Part I | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII |
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Words: 4.435
Warnings: None
The sun kept rising in the sky and they kept walking, mostly in silence. They had stopped only once, and Norm watched Marigold string together the bunch of the so called radroaches that fell on the trap, hanging them from her backpack with a string net over it, and collect the pieces of the traps - all the time mumbling about "not catching a molerat this time" and "can't believe I'll have to search an actual nest".
Norm had felt first a wave of gratefulness, for Marigold stopping him from going in the middle of the night, and then relief that he had turned off the light when he did: the giant insects were horrifying and the... Teeth, mandibles, whatever, were huge. She had said they were nasty in a group, but Norm was pretty sure a single one would be enough to finish what the invaders hadn't.
Marigold probably hadn’t killed him just because she knew the Wasteland would have done a better and faster job.
What exactly was he doing on the surface again?
Oh yeah, finding his sister because their lying father had been kidnapped and if Norm remained things would've ended badly for him because they were all supposed be agreeable rats in a lab.
The heat and the sun and all the walking with nothing but sand and ruins to see no matter where he looked were probably worsening his mood, he admitted. Norm was pretty sure he would start a pointless discussion if they started talking; not even one for information, no, just pointless bickering for the sake of bickering.
He preferred to exercise pointless bickering with Lucy. And Chet.
God he missed them.
Norm threw a look at Marigold: face relaxed, steps sure, absolutely not looking affected at all, a fast but easy to accompany pace. He was certain that she would’ve reached wherever they were going already if not for him.
What his father had been saying in Lucy's marriage, before the attack? Something about "keep the candle of civilization lit" and "repopulating the surface"? Yeah, right, he knew the people of his Vault, the lack of an acclimatized environment would end that plan fast.
Norm looked at the desert again, a tall sandy hill ahead, tips of iron and concrete almost seeming to bloom from the ground.
"Our ranch is after the hill. It's not long now..." She looked at the sky and grinned. "We'll be in time for lunch. C’mon."
The word "lunch" was enough to cause a grumble from his stomach. Damn it, he was really trying to not remember he was hungry.
He noticed the wind generators before they reached the top of the hill, spinning with the wind.
The rest of the ranch came later, and while Norm didn't know what he had been expecting, he knew it wasn't the spread-out and mismatched jumble of three buildings one-floor height – even if two were mostly one-room sized – made of wood and concrete with what appeared to be solar generators on the roof, the wind generators to one side, a tall metal fence with a gate and three two-floor towers with... Something on the top, he really couldn't see yet. Even with the distance it was easy to notice how things had been added and fixed along the time, no real pattern or organized plan, but... Well kept. With signs of being lived in – a line with clothes hanging and fluttering in the wind, people like ants coming and going.
A home to someone.
"How old is the ranch?" it came just as they started down the hill, Marigold ahead, Norm doing his best to step exactly where she had – that side had more metal and concrete sticking out from the ground and he didn’t want to risk getting hurt.
"Ehh, it was started some decades after the bombs, I think, by one of my great-great-grandpas. Can't say how many generations passed by at this point."
As they reached the foot of the hill and approached more, he finally identified the tops of the towers: some type of defense turret, two per tower, facing different directions.
Norm replayed her words about the dangerous animals and people roaming the Wasteland. Considering what he had seen first-hand in the Vault, he was actually a little surprised they had managed to hold on in the same place for so long.
Marigold's steps slowed, and Norm slowed too, looking in time to see her frowning and squinting.
"Those turrets ain't static."
She put her thumb and forefinger to the sides of her mouth and gave a sharp, rhythmic whistle, and Norm winced as the sound pierced his ears.
Seconds later, an answering whistle traveled through the air, a different rhythm, and Marigold relaxed, waving for them to keep going, steps faster.
Well. Either he died there, or outside.
At least inside he had a chance of learning more without risking a heat stroke.
A woman was waiting by the metal gate, holding it open for them, hair mostly white  and gathered at the top of her head, skin already showing wrinkles and sun spots, and equally tall and huge – figures –, in leather pants and t-shirt, two guns dangling from her belt.
"Norm, that's my Ma, Guadalupe; Ma, this here is Norm." Marigold made the introductions as Guadalupe closed and locked the gate.
"Pleasure to meet you, Norm. Welcome and be safe here."
"Thanks, ma'am." The answer surprised him, with how it was his default when dealing with the grandmas of the Vault when he was kid, always saying "you should eat more, Norm my dear, you're so skinny". It was just… Hard to talk back to them; they were inexplicably terrifying. And something in Guadalupe was the same.
"Ma'am, hm?" the woman grinned, and it was the same he had seem on Marigold's face. No way to deny the connection.
"Ma don't start."
"I didn't say anything."
"But you're thinking. Why the turrets ain't moving? I verified everything with Dad before I left."
That made Guadalupe's grin fall, a sigh in place as she started pushing both of them towards the building.
"It's something with the programming, from what we gathered." Marigold opened her mouth, Guadalupe was faster. "Lunch first."
"The radroaches..."
"I'll take them to the Drying room, anything else can be dealt with later." Norm barely saw her fingers unhook the strung insects. "Now go and show him to some food, for God's sake! Guests don't starve here!" were her parting words, as she walked fast to one of the separated buildings.
Norm blinked at her retreating back. How she managed to sound exactly like those grandmas all those years ago, even if not with the same words, or even meeting them?
Marigold let out a sigh, hands at her hips and shaking her head while looking the building.
"Sorry. Ma... Well. Hm."
Yeah. "Well. Hm." It was clear one didn't say “no” to Guadalupe.
"Thanks for, you know, letting me choose and not outright dragging me."
Marigold actually winced at that.
"Yeeeah, she totally would've had. That’s actually a good summarization of how my three adoptive siblings ended up here."
Adoptive siblings. He was starting to understand why he hadn’t been killed.
"Then they weren't adopted, they were dragged."
The words, delivered in a small sarcastic note, pulled out a short laugh from Marigold.
"Can't disagree. Let's go eat, before she notices we haven't moved."
Norm started following her to the bigger building, noticing the lack of windows. Then his brain made him the favor of remembering the "food is food" about the radroaches, and he almost, almost turned back. The fact and knowledge that he hadn't enough food for many days and at some point he would need to eat what the people on the surface ate kept him following Marigold.
They were by the door when Marigold leaned towards him, hand at the handle, the sound of voices reaching them – loud and enthusiastic.
“Fair warning: while they’ll probably not bother you too much, being a guest and all, sometimes my family can be a lot and too fucking curious, so if anyone starts making you uncomfortable or anything, just tell them to shut up and it should be fine, all righty?”
“That’s… Kind of rude.” And it was a useless way to try and get information.
Marigold gave a cheeky grin, the gap in her teeth making it seem all the more trouble in the light of day.
“We are a very big family. Telling someone that is being annoying to shut up is the tamest thing you’ll hear, believe me.” Marigold opened the door and nodded her head for him to go first.
“Very big family”; Norm wondered how big. Most families in the Vault were the two parents and at most two kids. With how old people could get, too many kids would strain the resources.
That is, if you didn’t consider the whole Vault a single family, but each family had their own separated space, so he wasn’t sure if this comparison would hold.
The door led into a large single space, walls and floor made of worn down wood.
And before anything else, he noticed that it was filled with people, loudly talking, sitting all around worn sofas and chairs and ground and holding plates of food. He counted nine people, four of them clearly kids, sat over the single old fur rug in the middle.
He heard the door closing, and one woman raised her head at them, smiling.
“Heya, Marigold arrived and she brought a guest!”
There was a collective holler of sound and they were the center of attention. A bunch of people were talking at the same time, and he just barely understood someone asking for a name and another one about “where she had found the keychain they wanted one too”, and Norm only had noticed because there was a sharp following of “Moose Bear don’t you fucking dare”.
How they managed to hear each other?
Also keychain was a new one.
“Yeah yeah, you lot missed me, I got it.” Marigold screamed in answer to her family. “C’mon get a plate for ourselves.” She had finished putting the rifle and backpack down, touching his shoulder to get his attention.
The kitchen was just a follow up of the living room, to the left of the door, no walls separating it. A wooden table in the middle with pots and pans and bowls – cracked and old and stained, but clean –, another one against the wall, one tall cupboard with mismatched doors, a wood stove with the fire still lit… And a woman sitting by the table in the middle, a plate with her, the blond hair so light it was almost white, watching it all with a soft smile.
Marigold approached and gave her a half hug, kissing her hair.
“They’re being a bit too loud today?”
Norm had approached the table, sneaking glances inside the objects and hearing the two of them. He could barely identify the foods as plant-adjacent and meat-adjacent. The smells didn’t give better clues.
Not good.
“Juuust a little bit. Moose managed to hunt two mirelurks and they are excited with the stew and the cooked legs and what to do with the carapaces.”
What the hell was a mirelurk? He was pretty sure Marigold hadn’t mentioned those last night.
He found the single pot with stew. The color wasn’t… Encouraging him. Neither was the weird salty smell.
This was just getting better and better.
“I thought I had smelled it. Hey Norm.” he raised his head, blinking as Marigold extended a white ceramic plate towards him – clean, chipped at the edges and the color stained a dull yellow by age – and a slightly bent fork. “Go right ahead, get whatever and how much you want.”
She didn’t wait for an answer, starting to pile her own plate, enough for it to turn into a small mountain, and plopped down by the sofas on the other side, immediately getting involved in the loud talk.
Norm looked again at all the unfamiliar… Food, he would call it all food because it was what everyone was eating, no matter how unfamiliar it was. Or… Unappetizing it looked.
“Norm, right?”
He looked at the woman, still sitting, and with how her head was upturned, he could see a scar circling all around her neck, old but still angry looking.
“Yes, right. I… Didn’t get your name.” Of no one besides Ma Guadalupe, actually, but one step at a time.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much Marigold for you. Slightly scatter-brained when at home.” She smiled, no heat behind her words. “I’m Goose. I’m also the one that usually cooks, so if you need help to choose, just ask.”
“I don’t even know at what I’m looking.” Norm admitted, looking over everything again, and Goose chuckled.
“Ah. Vault dweller indeed. I met some when I was a kid. Let’s see if I can help you.”
Her mention of meeting Vault Dwellers almost took his brain towards how it could be possible, but then she got up – and finally someone normal sized, not that much taller than him – and started pointing and naming things. He would try and ask later.
Some, while not familiar looking, seemed a safer bet, like the cooked maize that remembered corn, the thin and twisted carrots, and the salad made of a bunch of different flowers and leaves – he didn’t recognize them, but it was closer to what they had in the Vault on day-to-day life.
The meat-adjacent were a whole other thing. Besides the stew, one bowl had the so-called mirelurk legs, and they looked like crab legs but twenty times bigger. He had never eaten it, but had seen pictures. It made the stew all the more suspicious, the pieces of meat in it just… Weird and everything too big for the pictures he had seen.
First the radroaches and now this.
When they talked about mutations caused by radiation in the Vault, he expected tumors and what like, not freaking gigantism in arthropods as if they were back to the Carboniferous age.
“And this is roasted ant, seasoned with jalapenos, salt and mushrooms. If you don’t have a taste for peppers of any type, I don’t recommend.”
Norm looked again at the meat.
Roasted ant, Goose called.
It sure looked… Weird. Not ant-shaped, each piece the size of his hand, but he didn’t doubt that it was indeed another gigantic arthropod. Please no giant spiders.
The color was slightly less weird than the mirelurk-thingies, so it was what he put alongside the plant-adjacent food, if just not to look out of place.
“Thank you, Goose.”
She nodded, and since there wasn’t any free chair close to the table, he conformed himself with finding a place to sit amidst the loud group.
Aaand he was pretty sure the free spot at one of the sofas wasn’t there before. It was social trap if he had ever seen one, he just didn’t know for what.
Since there was a locked gate between him and the rest of the land, and it was either the maybe-cannibals inside and whatever the hell had mutated out there that had crab legs bigger than his arms, Norm thought he would take his chances with the maybe-cannibals. Humans he understood better than animals, at least.
His approach didn’t interrupt the talks in any way, the woman and old man besides the spot just nodding briefly at him. He still felt some brief looks.
“Yeah, the route was way too calm this time, Pa Isaac. I didn’t catch a single molerat.” It was Marigold, breaking one of the mirelurk legs and using her fingers to scoop out the meat inside – and he better focus on trying to eat what was on his own plate or he would start to wonder if she had cleaned her hands.
Damn it, too late, he was already wondering.
“But I did found a bunch of materials we needed, no need to expend caps in Filly or whatever.”
Norm stabbed some of the weird orange-ish flowers, looking it over. Broc flower, Goose had called it.
“Damn it, Goldie, there was a bloody pack of stingwings on mine.” The man on the other side of the woman to his left groaned.
“You forgot the bloatflies.” One of the boys sitting on the rug complemented, thin, hair the same blond-white from Goose.
Norm took a small bite of the flower, slowly chewing; a distinct natural spiciness that slowly became slightly bitter, the texture harder and drier than it looked for a flower. Not… Bad, but definitely weird.
“That’s what you get for being the bigger target, Moose.”
“Fuck off, Goldie.”
He finished the flower and stabbed a cooked carrot, thin and twisted.
“Took care of the stingwings nest?” the older man besides him, head shaved and tattooed.
The taste was… Slightly sweet. With certain spiciness. Familiar, but also different.
“Burnt every single egg, don’t worry.”
Norm kept carefully tasting the plants, the maize almost corn in taste, which was bittersweet. He purposefully left the ant for last – he really wasn’t excited for it.
“I noticed y’all sold some leather. Which caravan appeared?” The Moose man again.
“Nip-Nip.” The woman besides him answered, and there was a collective groan and curse from Marigold, Moose, the boy, and the man besides him.
“Motherfucker, seriously?”
“Don’t worry, he didn’t try to rip us off this time. Mika hitting his hat off his head from a hundred-fifty feet the other time really sold it.” Another older man, thick white beard covering his face.
Norm looked at his plate; all the plants had been eaten, and only the roasted ant remained. He was really doubtful it would be as… Palatable and agreeable as the plants.
He heard a door open, and looked sideways to see Guadalupe entering.
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing big, love.” The man besides him.
“Your plate, cariño.” The bearded man.
“Thanks, sweeties.”
Norm watched Guadalupe take the plate and kiss the forehead of both men – wait what? –, before sitting in a place on another sofa that had apparently magically appeared, practically in front of him – an Overseer analyzing the person that had just arrived. Yeah. A social trap. One that had just closed around him.
She looked at all of her family, looked at Norm, and rubbed at her temple.
“Terrible hosts, all of you. Not you, Goose, he has food and I know it’s only because of you.” That made everyone drop quiet.
“He’s your guest, Marigold, I bet you didn’t even introduced him or everyone else for that matter.” Marigold closed her mouth and actually pouted. “Sorry about it, darling, Marigold is too much a child of the desert and forgets the basics.”
Marigold’s lips moved, whatever she mumbled too low for Norm to hear, but not her mother: Guadalupe’s hand, lightning fast, reached behind the man besides her to reach Marigold, and Norm only heard a yelp, the woman jumping and almost dropping her plate as she started rubbing at her waist. Guadalupe didn’t even turn her head.
Norm almost raised a hand to his cheek, the phantom pain of terrifying grandmas pinching his cheeks coming with a vengeance.
“So Norm, darling, those are my husbands, Isaac and Francesco,” she pointed to the two older men, his mind echoing a ‘is this allowed?’ “my stepson Jonas but Moose at this point is his name, his wife Stacy, and their twins Evie and Josh.” Guadalupe pointed at the tallest man and the woman besides Norm, and two kids that hadn’t talked much if at all. “Moth, Goose’s son,” she pointed at the thin boy “Mika, and… Where’s Lily?” Guadalupe touched the shoulder of the man besides her.
“Here, grandma.” Norm almost jumped at the thin voice just behind him, turning to see a girl that should have at most seven years, crossed arms over the backrest. “The number. It’s a Vault marked on our map.”
So all the family knew about his Vault and its location, information about the routes obviously shared in some capacity. Should he be worried?
“We know, dear. Have you eaten yet?”
“… Well…”
“Food, now.” Guadalupe’s voice didn’t broker arguments, and Lily went with a sigh. “And, family, this is Norm, Marigold’s guest. Again, be welcome.”
“Thanks, ma’am. Again.”
Norm blinked, slightly overwhelmed by all information – who was child of whom again? –, and then noticed Mika sign something that caused a wave of chuckles. It didn’t resemble the holotapes of ASL he had seen in the Vault, which didn’t surprise him after two hundred years and the isolation of that family.
And just like that, the talk started again, loud and animated and it almost made him remember the Vault and the occasional parties.
Norm looked at the piece of ant still in his plate and sighed. Well… At least it wasn’t the radroaches he had seen. It should be fine, mostly because he hadn’t seen it alive.
He cut a small piece, and it almost literally melted, with how soft the texture was; some taste of the jalapenos and mushrooms could be felt, but in general the meat was just… Bland with a slight sugary aftertaste and a greasy feeling.
It was weird. Too weird. He should’ve kept to the plants.
Her side was still aching. Fuck, it had been ages since the last time Ma had pinched her, she had forgot how much it hurt.
Marigold finished sucking the last of mirelurk meat from the legs, the tenderness and taste just perfect, the saltiness, ginger and onion helping ward off the radiation aftertaste. Goose miracle worker as always.
Looking at Norm, she could clearly see, as he took small bites of the roasted ant, that he was trying to be… What was the word? Ah, polite. But his eyes were just too tense. It hadn’t been as bad with the plants, but insect meat really wasn’t his jam.
For a moment she wondered what Vaulties had been eating, and if she didn’t had more urgent things to worry, she would’ve asked. It sure would spark the best of talks.
“All right, Ma, I’ve eaten. What’s the thing with the turrets?”
A collective groan. Mika signed a string of curses, so fast she missed half of it.
“The programming. It has some type of error, right now it’s powering the fans from the Tanning room, the heater from the Drying room, and the lights, but the freezers are spotty and every time we try to make it power the turrets and the fence too, one of the others falls. We are literally having to choose.” Lily explained from her place in the rug, voice small; probably wondering if she had missed or misremembered something Catarina had been teaching in between her visits.
Marigold winced, both because Lily was only seven and shouldn’t be demanding so much from herself, and because she was useless with anything technology-adjacent; she still believed what Catarina had said when they were kids, that it was “magic” – her difficulty with reading terminals certainly didn’t help.
“And I verified the generators, fuses and batteries, it’s all perfectly functioning.” Dad Francesco pointed out.
“Fuck. Did you call Catarina yet?”
“We have a bunch of things to sell in Filly. I’ll go later to do it and also see if Ma June has someone to send a message… If the Brotherhood lets me in, otherwise I’ll have to go myself and sell to whoever trader I find in the way.” Moose answered and Marigold nodded.
“We’ll have to pull double watch shifts for the next weeks. There’s no way to let the tanning and drying room off, or even the freezer even if spotty. If the leather and meat go bad we won’t have what to trade.”
“Let’s hope Regina brings a good haul, we won’t be able to go out and hunt too.” Mika signed, which provoked a new collective groan.
“I… Could look the programming for you?” Norm started, shoulders hunching a little when everyone stared at him, but he kept going. “If it involves terminals and so on. I worked with them in the Vault.”
“It would save us a lot of time and trouble, Norm… What do you want in exchange?”
Ma Guadalupe started, leaning her body towards him, elbows on the knees. Watching.
Norm blinked, and while he looked shocked, there was also something determined in it, raising slightly his chin and staring straight back at Ma – and Oh, that was a good look on him. It was his perfect opening to get what she had kinda promised, and she damn hoped he took it.
“I… Need something to cover the back of my Vault-Suit. And information about my sister, another Vault Dweller that left a little more than two weeks ago, if you have it.”
Ma nodded slowly, and Marigold knew she was considering a lot more than just the offer – like “oh this one is smarter than he looks”.
“That seems like a fair exchange, Norm. Mika, Lily, show him the power terminal. During it, I’ll verify if we have something that fits you and if we heard about another Vaultie. What’s your sister’s name?”
Mika and Lily got up and Marigold automatically extended her hands to take their empty plates.
“It’s Lucy, ma’am. She’s taller than me and with long dark hair.” Norm got up, Pa Isaac taking his mostly-empty plate.
“Noted, now go on, please.” The three moved, Lily guiding the path outside – it was almost funny, with her just shy of reaching Norm’s shoulders, and Mika closing the line, a full head taller than Norm. A perfect staircase.
The door had barely closed behind them when Marigold felt all eyes on her.
“A missing sister. I gather you already knew, Marigold.” Ma sing-sang, and slight smirks appeared on the faces she could see.
Oh for fuck’s sake… That in itself wasn’t that sappy.
At least no one had discovered the knife.
“I’ll start on the cleanup.” She sprung from her place, collecting plates and cutleries as she went.
“Goldie just showed her sappiness!” Moose started.
“Fuck off!” Marigold threw over her shoulder, approaching the kitchen.
“Finally a Whole Bear.” Goose finished the family joke, smirking, and Marigold huffed with a roll of her eyes.
“Finally a Whole Bear!”
The family chanted behind her amidst laughs and Marigold groaned, aggressively pre-cleaning the plates with sand. Her family was definitely missing some screws, for fuck’s sake.
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
raghuvan taglist
reply to be added/ removed
@budugu @sabi5 @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemlove @ramayantika @bromance-minus-the-b @bishh-kanya @chaanv @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @saanjh-sakhi @cursedcursives @hopelessdemonic @nerdreader @bitchy-bi-trash
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vijayasena · 5 months
Pehli baar....
Ram was impatient, he wanted to find those people who came here from that tribal community to get that little girl from Scott's Bungalow..
This was not he really wanted to,  or like he was interested in all that.. but he just wanted to get that position of Special officer, ofcourse he put all those efforts to get what he wanted to fullfill.his father's promise all he was doing the efforts he was putting was just for him, to fullfill what he promised..
He didn't wanted to hurt his own people he never wanted to get against his own people but he was miserable he was vulnerable he didn't had any choice, his dying father took his happiness his everything away..
He after a very long time made a friend like akhtar whose friendship was everything to him, but somewhere in there he had fear that he was doing wrong by not telling him his real identity.. keeping his real self secret to him, he knew the day they first met at the bridge while saving the little kid..
That their friendship will gonna be last long, he finally had got a true friend.. he couldn't be more grateful.. all he wanted was Akhtar's friendship..
Now, sitting on his bed scribbling some notes in his notebook trying to make a plan in order to catch those people he was lost in his own thoughts, thinking about Akhtar and that beautiful girl, he wanted his friend to find his soulmate as soon as possible and somewhere in there he was sure it would gonna be Her..
"Bhai!" The well familiar voice made him snap out of his thoughts, as he looked at the direction of the door to find his friend but what made him more happy was that gleaming adorable smile on his face looks like he had a great time
"Toh kaise hai tumhari girlfriend ?" Ram asked smirking, as akthar went inside the kitchen to get some food, "kya?" Akhtar asked, sitting on the floor as Ram shook his head..
"Mera matlab tumhari priyatama, jaaneman, dilruba, mehbooba" he said Elaborating and Akhtar gave him a look of disbelief..
"Toh kya baatein ki tum dono ne?" He asked in curiosity trying to know each and every information about his friend's relationship details.. "baatein toh bhot ki bhai lekin woh kya bolti thi mujhe kuch samajh nhi aaya bas jaate jaate party come aisa bol kar gayi" Akhtar said innocently and adorably which Ram founded so, adorable.. but he looked at his friend amused
"Party per bulaya!" Ram asked..
"Arre Aisa nhi kehte Bhai" Ram chuckled at his friend's disturbed face, akhtar told him how Jenny invited him for a party which was today.. "arre yeh toh aaj hai" Ram said looking at the invitation card..
He took the plate of food from His hands and started to make him ready for the party as a classic gentleman like him.
After sometime..
"Oh my god Akhtar you look amazing in your suit" Jenny complimented him, as Both the handsome hunks reached the party...
"You both carry on I will join you guys in a while" Ram smiled at Jennifer and gave His best friend a nod who was looking nervous and flustered both.. and soon They got comfortable as Ram smiled at them he liked them alot together, and both started to dance..
He walked towards the bar area adjusting his buttons, but suddenly his body collided with a softer one, as he was not looking and paying attention, a gasp escape from the other person but he was quick enough to wrap his right arm around that perfect waist before anyone of them could hit the ground..
And the other person grabbed his biceps for support, he finally looked at the mystery person's face.. soft plump lips, a small silver nose ring in her nose her eyes closed it was a woman who had her eyes close shut she was wearing a simple black saree, and looked extremely gorgeous..
It felt like everything went in slow motion as he just stared at the beauty in front of him, he had never seen such a beautiful woman before his heart skipped a beat admiring the gorgeous woman, and like he lost his breath when she opened her eyes.. she had big enchanting mesmerizing brown gorgeous eyes and that made the Charming male melt immediately..
"Uh maaf karna" He said nervously immediately leaving the extremely gorgeous lady, smiling apologitically at her, but from inside his.organs were not working properly..
"Koi baat nhi" this time her soothing extremely soft yet bossy voice stated..
"Meine aapko dekha nhi" both said at the same time, and then looked at each other and chuckled..
"Mein Ram" he extended his hand forward.. "Raima" she joined her hands, at him.. giving him a namaste..
Raima, this was what the beautiful named off.. it took all of himself not to keep staring at her, she was pure Indian, had fair complexion and had big waist length hair..
Her eyes were big like a deer they were like a black.hole, her eyes were so deep so deep that anyone could drown in them..
It's like they were hiding so many things which can't be even counted..
She gave him a smile, and that small blush on her cheeks didn't go unnoticed by Ram ..
"Apna dhyaan rakhiyega" she said and started to walk away from him..
But not before looking at him once again..
"Kyu bhai, sundar hai na ?" A familiar voice whispered against Ram's ear..
As he was dreamily staring at the direction where Raima went.
"Sabse haseen" came out of his mouth as he continued to stare at her, she was talking to some other English woman...
"Naam kya hai bhabhi ka?" He again asked trying his best not laugh..
His always quiet, reserved, arrogant friend was getting crazy for a girl..
"Raima" came out of his mouth as he smiled to himself and then realised it was Akhtar who was asking him all the questions and was giving him a stupid teasing smirk..
"Tu yaha kya kar Raha hai?" He asked looking at Akhtar..
"Tujhe fidaa Hote hue dekh raha hu mujhe bhabhi mil gayi" he said chuckling..
Ram couldn't help but looked away from his best friend smiling a little to himself..
He definitely was falling slowly and steadily..
For her..
Sooooo I deleted my account out of foolishness and I swear I wanna cry but here we go something soo cringe.. I am so sorry
@mad-who-ra @dumdaradumdaradum @sada-siva-sanyaasi @livelaughlovechai @rambheem-is-real @rambheemlove @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @yehsahihai @rambheemisgoated @hum-suffer @kaalakanya @ramayantika
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ladyramora · 7 months
I had a bit of a rough day today...
So if any of my followers want to reblog this and talk about their OCS, ships, share screenshots, etc. I would love to perceive them 💕
Posting about my OC ships below the cut so this doesn't get too long ❤️
You may already know of my OCs, Ramora (my duskwight WoL) and Ger (my Ishgardian OC, Haurchefant's most loyal knight)!
Ramora is pan, Ger is demi. They are both poly & multiship.
I have many pairings together with my RP partner @lynnslight, but our main ships are RamLynn & AyaGer. 🎨: @/rozelque
Lynn is a dragon from a different world who was called to Eorzea by Hydaelyn. In a good bit of our universes, she is a co-WoL with Ram! Though it is a Scooby-Doo revolving door type situation, where they haven't met until the start of Shadowbringers.
Aya is a Fae Fox, Cleric to the Goddess Inari, who can travel from world to world. In most of our universes, she worlds travels to Eorzea, to Coerthas in particular, and meets Ger. ❤️ Most often, this is post Heavensward.
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I also ship Ger with my friend @lukeslikefire's nonbinary OC, Kaoru!
In this universe, Kaoru (they/them) is the WoL. We both love Haurchefant a whole lot, so ofc we had to make it an OT3 💕
Haurchefant seems to have a thing for short redheads 🤔
Screenshot created by Luke~ ❤️
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krishakamal · 9 months
Raag - Anurag § Chapter 2
— Ram x Sneha Acharya [OC]
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*⁠.⁠✧ SYNOPSIS : Sneha Acharya lost her parents at a young age. Her father's friend, Arjun decided to adopt and take her to Hyderabad. There she grew up to be a beautiful woman. Then came her doom. She arranged to marry Ram, the traitor. Where will this go now?
*⁠.⁠✧ WARNINGS & TAGS : cursing, arranged marriage, fluff, romance, cliche, reblong if you like it, 2k words.
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Murmurs howled through the diner, mostly filled with men who got off from work. Ram sat at one of the tables along with some of his co-workers. They all planned to go out for dinner together, when they invited Ram, he agreed too.
"Ram, you are such a boring man." Akhil laughed off, shoving a morsel in his mouth.
Another one spoke up, "Really Ram. You are only married for a few days and instead of spending time with bhabi, you are working all day?"
Ram answered nonchalantly, "Work is important."
"Aree, of course work is important but this is your honeymoon phase. You are supposed to be together all the time. Think how lonely bhabi must be feeling?"
Lonely? Sure.
Ram thought sarcastically, remembering when walking in on her reading books so focused that she didn't even notice him. Even after days of living together they still fight like cats and dogs.
God knows what she is doing right now. Probably finding new ways to kill me. O God!
Ram cried inside. What has his life come to?
Here back home Sneha felt a shiver down her spine, she mumbled under breath, "Who is thinking about me? Better not be that Shishupal."
The moon was hovering over in the sky, accompanied by millions of stars. Sneha was roaming around the house. She was feeling bored to death. She had nothing to read, or any motivation to write and no household work to do. So, she thought might as well explore the house as she had not gotten the chance before.
Sneha halted her steps in front of a wooden door, it was Ram's office. She had never been there before. Ram is way too secretive and reserved. A voice at the back of her mind told her going through someone else's possession is not okay but if the rumors were true then this was a great chance to know his plan.
Sneha hesitated for a second but then she opened the door and entered the room. There was a mahogany table crowded with files. But that's not what had her attention, her attention was on the shelf filled with books on the left wall.
Her feet lead her up to the bookshelf on their own. Her fingers brushed over the spines, feeling the curves. She randomly picked one up and read the title, 'Malavikagnimitram'. Sneha had heard about this one from one of her friends. It is a story of the love of Agnimitra, the Shunga Emperor at Vidisha, for the beautiful handmaiden of his chief queen.
Sneha never perceived Ram to be kind to read romance novels. She could not imagine his always so broody and cold personality to read romance novels.
Ram, you sneaky little swine.
Sneha opened the book, running her eyes over the black ink as she sat on one of the chairs. The story fascinated her, every character had so much depth that she could picture the story playing out in front of her eyes. She was so engrossed in the book that she failed to notice when the front door slammed shut, followed by heavy footsteps.
The office door opened and Ram walked in, only to stop, "What are you doing here?"
She flinched at his cold tone. She had not noticed when he came in. His eyes fell on the book in her hand and his body tensed up.
Ram advanced towards Sneha and snatched the book right out of her hands, "Don't you know that you should not touch others' possessions without their permission?"
"What the hell you Shishupal. It's just a book. I'm not going to eat it or something." Sneha tried to take the book back, "Now give it to me, I'm not finished yet."
Ram held it over his head, out of her reach, his expression morphed into a mischievous one, "You want the book back?"
Sneha nodded eagerly. The story was just spicing up, she was dying to know what happened next. Ram leaned forward, bringing his face down to her level.
"Then ask nicely. Then I might let you borrow it."
Ask nicely? To this Shishupal? No way in hell!
Sneha could just go to the library tomorrow and get the book but tomorrow is Sunday so the library will be closed and she will have to go Monday. Sneha doesn't think she could last that long. The curiosity and suspense will eat her from inside.
Sneha glanced at him briefly. His eyes were daring her to do it, he was hundred percent sure that she would never do that, she was too prideful.
Fuck my pride.
Sneha looked at him, eyes softening and eyebrows relaxing, with a sweet smile she asked, "Shisu— I mean, Ram, can I please borrow 'Malavikagnimitram'? Please?"
Time seemed to have stopped for Ram. His heart skipped a beat. She always called him Shishupal or Ravan. Hearing her say his name with that much sweetness awakened an emotion in his heart that he could not pinpoint. He just wanted to mess with her a bit but the plan seemed to have backfired.
Sneha grew nervous under his intense gaze. Why was he standing there like a statue? She fiddled with her fingers, calling his name but he remained still.
"So can I take the book?" As the nervousness grew, Sneha hasistately said, "I'll take that as a yes then."
She brought his hand down and took the book out of his hand and rushed out of the office before she could die of embarrassment.
As the door shut behind her with a bang, Ram snapped out. His mind still dazed. He put a hand over his chest, feeling his heart beating at the speed of a horse.
"What is happening to me?" He whispered under his breath.
Still feeling haxed, Ram sat on the main chair. Why is he feeling so wired? Is he dying? Everything is her fault. Ram jerked his head. No time for mending over these things he had more important work to do. Ram took out a file from the table's drawer and got back to work.
But why did he feel like he forgot something?
Sneha's room was dark, only the side lamp providing some golden light. She read the latter in her hand with horror. While reading the book a piece of paper fell off but she never expected it to shake her to the core.
It was from someone named Sita.
*⁠.⁠✧ *⁠.⁠✧ *⁠.⁠✧
Dawn came and roosters called for everyone to wake up and start their day. It was a new morning, new day and new changes.
Sneha sat in front of the dressing table, combing her damp hair with a wooden comb. She was still processing what she read in the letter last night. She had many questions she wanted answers to but asking Ram probably would not be a good choice.
There is little to no chance he would tell her the truth. She needed to take things into her own hands. Putting the comb on the table, Sneha applied sindoor on her mang.
She gave herself one last look over in the mirror before blowing herself a kiss, "How can someone be so pretty."
Sneha walked out of the room. She got down the stairs, when passing through the living room she noticed Ram was nowhere to be seen. Wired, he does not get up till seven. After that chai incident Ram had stopped sneaking out before Sneha woke up.
Even through the bickering and fighting, they have come to a middle ground. Sneha did the household works alongside her writing like the woman of the house while Ram whenever he could, he would help with her chores.
Sneha got to make breakfast for them. Today was a great day, she wanted to finish all the chores done and then get back to writing.
Dosa and sambar would be good.
Ram stood by the kitchen door, staring at her like you are an unsolved mystery. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night, nor could he do any work. Sneha dominated in his mind the whole time. When she looked up at him with her kajal smeared eyes, Ram felt like he was looking into the eyes of Mohini. Ram didn't know what to do with his heart. It has been restless since the previous day.
His eyes widened like a basketball when he saw Sneha getting up on a stool, trying to reach the container sitting over the cabinet.
Has she lost her mind?
Sneha balanced over the small stool on her toes. Who on earth put the rice powder there? Probably that Shishupal. Her fingers brushed against the steel, trying to grab it. Just as she did, her balance wavered and before she knew, she was falling backwards and the container was flying in the air.
"OH MY GOD!" She yelled, closing her eyes.
She waited to hit the ground and for pain to take over her body but that never happened. Her back hit a hard chest and two strong arms wrapped around her middle. She looked up, Ram holding her close to him. Time stopped. Their faces were so close that their breath interwinted.
Ram didn't release her but neither did Sneha try to free herself. The moment looked straight out of a romance novel. But the moment was short lived because the next moment rice powder rained on Sneha followed by two clanks of objects hitting the floor.
Ram's lips twitched, trying to surpass laughing but he could not. He released her, leaning over the kitchen island as loud laughter erupted from him. Sneha scowled at him, lips curling into a pout.
"Y-you look like, like a joker." Ram choked on his words.
Sneha gasped, "What? A joker? Come here you Shishupal."
Sneha grabbed a handful of rice powder and smeared it all over his face. This time Ram glared at her. Ram and Sneha faught like children playing holi and soon the whole kitchen was covered in rice powder.
"What did you say again, you Shishupal?" Sneha greeted through her teeth as she covered him in more white.
Again that Shishupal?
"First of all." Ram wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in his chest, "I'm Ram, not Shishupal."
He didn't say anything further. Sneha's palms rested on his firm chest. What is happening to her? Is it because of that letter that she felt a weird sense of possession over him? Yes, they did get married in a wrong circumstance but he was still her husband. Who's this Sita?
Her hand fisted his white shirt and spoke softly, too softly, "And?"
His lips curled into a smile, not a smirk or a mischievous one, but an innocent smile. He removed strands of hair front her face, "And—"
Chough. Chough.
You two jerked away from each other like the other one was on fire and looked at the interrupter. Ram's face lit up like the night of deepavali.
"Ramesh kaka, Mala kaki." Ram called out but the name he said sobered you up, ".....and Sita."
Sneha's eyes fell on the beauty hiding behind the elderly woman. The blissful moment broke as you came face to face with the mysterious woman of that letter.
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*⁠.⁠✧ TAGLIST : @mayakimayahai @budugu
© 𝐊𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to KRISHAKAMAL. Do not plagiarise any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners.
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circeow · 3 months
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Some more Ramce/Ramira (I haven’t decided lol) doodles while I work on bigger things. I hope I’m getting better at understanding Ram’s anatomy!
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ohbeffinitely · 11 months
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(as per @displacer-beasts's request HUEHUEHUE)
First? ✨Appreciate His Beautiful Face✨
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Second, his backstory is definitely a work in progress, but thus far:
- His name is Tyhjä (Finnish for Void) and he's a Big Lightning Boy, aka a Charged Bolts build
- He's a bit of a Slüt, but how could you not be with nip rings built into the armor?
- His staff is crafted out of an ancient tree split by lightning, and he's traveled significantly across the continent to hone his grasp of the elements
- Realized he was falling for this dumb old man early in the campaign, making jokes about his Sparse Living Situation
- Neyrelle figured it out first
- Eventually learns some Horadric to figure out what on earth Lorath is constantly muttering and moaning about
The following are ✨campaign spoilers✨ since Tumblr sucks at letting me do Read More cuts:
- Ulterior motive for working for the Tree of Whispers? Trying to keep Lorath's head out of the branches as long as possible 😌
- But definitely bribes the Tree to let him borrow the old man's skull every once and a while when he's finally collected
- Ends up delivering Lorath's head himself because, honestly, he's not too keen on the ravens' decapitation quality
- Accidentally Good Boy's Mephisto at least once (and probably got bit in the process)
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paintedscales · 2 months
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cloudysarts · 6 months
Is the rest of the family in Scenecore too?? :oooo
not all of them!!!! its rick, summer, and morty who are scene (scemo in summers case) :3 maybe also spacebeth??? havent decided yet sdjhkflhk but i know original beth had a really big scene/emo phase in her teens bc her mom and dad both had one, but shes kinda grown out of it during the show :P rick had too, but got back into it when summer and morty got into it :] and jerry is not/has never been scene jskajsakks. he keeps calling them 'emo' because he just doesnt get it </3
their color schemes are actually sorta meant to reflect that!! Rick, morty, and summer operate on a magenta/yellow/cyan color scheme <3 cyan for rick, yellow for morty, and magenta for summer!!
i dont have a full out ref for anyone else yet, but heres some old sketches of summer!!!!
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pr*ship/c*mship dni please!!
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