#r: amberprice
uglyduckling339 · 10 months
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rach-amber · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Rachel 🌕✨
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"From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire." - Rachel Dawn Amber, quoting "Fire and Ice" .
On this day, you're reborn. 🌬️🔥
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PS: Rachel's VA Kylie Brown will do a livestream with Steph's VA at 12pm PST!
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arcadiabaytornado · 7 months
Halloween Costume Ideas For Pricefield And Amberprice
A: Max: Pirate Chloe: Another Pirate (Of course!)
B: Max: Superhero Chloe: Sidekick
C: Max: Chloe Chloe: Max
D: Max: 10th Doctor Chloe: Rose Tyler (With her blue leather jacket outfit.)
E: Max: A Nerd Chloe: A Basketball Player
F: Max: Magicians Assistant Chloe: Magician
More Undercut
G: Max: A Photographer Chloe: Skater
H: Max: Velma Chloe: Shaggy
I: Max: Lumberjack Chloe: Lesbian Flannel Stereotype
J: Max: Deer Chloe: Deer Hunter
K: Max: Private Investigator Chloe: Witness
L: Max: Ghost Investigator Chloe: Ghost
M: Max: An Archeologist Chloe: A Skeleton
N: Rachel: Mermaid Chloe: Pirate
O: Rachel: Barbie Chloe: Allan
P: Rachel: Poison Ivy Chloe: Harley Quinn
Q: Rachel: Vampire Chloe: Werewolf
R: Rachel: The President Chloe: Secret Service Agent
S: Rachel: Ghost Chloe: Zombie
T: Rachel: Belle (From Beauty And The Beast) Chloe: Taco (Get it? Taco Belle.)
U: Rachel: Princess Chloe: Knight
V: Rachel: Sally Chloe: Jack Skellington
W: Rachel: Chucky Chloe: Tiffany
X: Rachel: Flapper Chloe: Cowboy
Y: Chloe: Butterfly Rachel: Raven
Z: Rachel: Witch Chloe: Cat
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woeismyhoe · 19 days
I Look in People’s Windows
The Black Dog
The Prophecy
How Did It End?
Screams bloody murder St Hugo so muchhhh STOP ITTTT AHHHH 😭 r they my new phase??? Is a pair of 60s wlw characters my new phase?? WHEN IT WASNT RLLY EVEN A HAPPY ENDING ONCE AGAIN??
Also the way I wanna draw them cuz TBH I NEED TO DRAW COUPLES OTHER THAN AMBERPRICE???
But like mother Evelyn Hugo and Celia St James just seem so untouchable cuz I don’t wanna even potentially ruin them even for a second during the process 😭😭😭
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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so.. i just read these 2 reddit posts,, they’re deep dive analysis’ about rachel as a character and the amberprice relationship as a whole. and wow is it fucking good. it doesn’t ignore the flaws of rachel but it doesn’t completely bash her either, or claim how amberprice was entirely toxic. it’s so beautiful and i’m on the verge of tears because it’s everything i’ve been wanting to tell people. it’s so perfect. it’s 6am and i’m super busy in a few hours but i decided to read these 2 loooong posts about my favorite ship on earth. time well spent. i wish everyone could see these posts. and the next time i get into an argument w someone abt rachel’s relationship with chloe, i’ll definitely quote some of the shit said in those posts. i’m in awe truly. rachel and chloe as people & their relationship is not the horrible situation u make it out to be.
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/ost3cc/all_a_different_perspective_on_amberprices/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (amberprice)
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/kz7kj8/all_rachel_amber_the_broken_angel_who_demonized/ (rachel)
both written by the same person. i’m impressed and in love. an instant follow.
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nyssavex · 6 years
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“I think you’re the only one in the world I can trust.”
Life is Strange: Before the Storm  - “Hell is Empty”
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ellenripleys · 6 years
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Whatever is going on between us is special.
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athame-san2 · 7 years
in chemistry class
Chloe: *doesn’t paying attention and thinks about Rachel* Mrs. Grant: So what is the answer, Chloe? Chloe: The answer is Rachel. Chloe: Fuck! I mean Radium! The answer is Radium.
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shortangrylesbian · 6 years
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They give me life look at these fcking lesbians- Chloe just comforting Rachel like HnNNn
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rpgay · 7 years
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Let’s leave. For real.
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rainboq · 4 years
#22 This isn’t goodbye. AmberPrice Make it as fluffy as you like, just so long as you make it hurt.
Night Shift
It’s the dead of the night when Chloe first comes to visit her grave. She’s not surprised, Chloe was never the type to make her mourning a public affair, she always bottled it up.
Being a ghost is strange, but she can roam the graveyard freely so that’s at least something.
She follows Chloe at a discrete distance, old habits die hard, even from beyond the grave. Getting close to Chloe when she was consumed with grief was always a good way to start a fight.
When Chloe finds her marker under the lambent glow of the little lamps that dot the cemetery, she freezes. Rachel’s incorporeal form leans against a tall headstone. She has no need to of course, but again, old habits.
“Uh… hey Rach.”
She smirks. Very Chloe.
“Sorry I’ve been so shitty about not visiting, but, well. You know me. You had to practically drag me to go see dad.”
I wonder if William is like me? Shame he’s buried on the other side of town.
“Fuck, I was never good at this. So, fuck it.”
Chloe takes a bottle out from the inside of her coat. At first Rachel thinks she’s going to drink it herself, but then Chloe unscrews the cap and starts pouring it over her grave. She squints a bit before realizing it’s a bottle of the shitty whiskey they used to drink together. She always was more sentimental than she let on.
“There, a peace offering I guess so you don’t get pissed at me for moving on from the afterlife or whatever. Yeah, yeah, I know, Chloe fucking Price, moving on. Stop the motherfucking presses.”
She giggles quietly to herself. She has no idea how long it’s actually been, but clearly Chloe has been doing some self reflection.
“And you’ll never fucking guess who I’m with now. Or maybe you already know, I have no fucking idea how this shit works. But yeah, Max showed the fuck back up and she’s hella gay for me and just… fuck. So much shit went down when we were trying to find you. Or do you already know that? Shit. Sorry about disturbing your eternal fucking rest or whatever.”
“It’s fine.”
Chloe practically jumps and spins around, shouting into the night. “Who the fuck said that? Better not be some fucking asshole!”
“Wait, you can hear me?!”
Chloe wheels again and stares at her, her mouth hanging open.
It takes a moment to process that Chloe is actually staring at her.
“R-Rachel?” Chloe’s voice is tiny and broken.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
Chloe recoils, the bottle falling from her hands. “Shit! Shit shit shit! Did I take my fucking meds? Fuck, think Price, think!”
Rachel watches and Chloe smacks herself upside the head a few times, an old ache in her chest from the bygone days where she used to watch Chloe struggle with depression on a daily basis.
“Max made you take them this morning, but that means…”
“I’m a ghost, crazy, I know.”
Chloe looks at her again, her eyes so full of pain as she shakily approaches. “Rach, I…”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m the one who fucked up. I’ve… had a lot of time to think about my fuckups if you can’t tell.”
“I should have been there for you, I should have…”
“Oh Chlo, we had a fight that night, remember? We were pissed I was hanging out so much with Frank.”
Chloe goes silent for a few moments, her hands balling up into fists. “You were fucking him.”
“… Yeah.”
“Because it was cheap drugs for us and he had money we could use.”
“And Jeffershit?”
“Same thing, he could get my name in places for when we left. I never meant to hurt you or anything, but I fucked that up too. I wish I could take it all back but, well.”
Chloe’s hand passes through her before jumping back with a shiver. Rachel supresses a giggle. “I feel like I should be fucking mad at you but… I just want to hug you.”
“I wish I could hug you too. Do you remember what I said that night?”
Chloe nods. “Yeah, ‘this isn’t goodbye.’”
“I meant it. It’s great to see you again, but you should go sleep, Max is probably worried about you.”
“You aren’t mad about that?”
“Girl, I’m not even slightly surprised. Bring her around next time so I can finally put name to face, who knows, maybe she can see me too.”
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aikuza · 5 years
heyo! i fukin luv ur sims edits 2 pieces and wanted to ask if maybe ya got a list of ur mods/cc u use? ur edits r just so pretty ,, especially the amberprice ones :3
hi love! thanks so much! i have a cc finds blog that i just started, ive been reposting all the cc i download from here on out! maybe one day i’ll post my cc folder, i can’t for the life of me remember where i get most of my stuff! my cc finds blog is @arcadiacc ! thanks again!
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theryyx · 6 years
Amberprice headcons
Rachel loves to Play hide and seek in the junkyard, bc she know wehn she has to search for chloe it will always end up that chloe scares rachel and hug her from behind.
Rachel giftet Chloe more black beanies or just beanies and of one it says “property of Rachel”.
wehn they are 27 they make  partner tattoos includes a heart with “r” and “c” in it at both of there wrists.
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mylifeforchloe · 6 years
Hell, even Max was AmberPrice...for a while
Just finished replaying LiS S1 and it got me thinking about the Max hate. I know I'm late to the party as it's been several months from the release of BtS, so not sure if all the Max hate is still making the rounds. One thing the Max hate groups out-and-out ignore is that Max was, effectively, pro AmberPrice.
During Ep1 if Max repeatedly looks at all the missing persons flyers, eventually she'll say something along the lines as "yes we get it she's missing". It's snippy, but with the posters plastered EVERYWHERE, kinda hard to blame her, or anyone, for feeling a bit snippy about it. And yet, as she rekindles her friendship with Chloe, as she realizes how important Rachel was to Chloe, her tune VERY much changes. During later episodes, if Max looks at the flyers, she will say something along the lines, in several different ways, as 'we're going find you'. Max is extremely supportive of Rachel and finding her alive.
After kissing Chloe in Ep3, Max will write in her notebook: "So I did. She probably thought I'd wuss out. Why? It wasn't that big a deal"...."Besides, I think Chloe sees Rachel Amber in her future..." She still believes this AFTERChloe tells her in Ep1 that Rachel met someone, AFTER reading the junkyard note in Ep2, AFTER all the flirting in the pool in Ep3. She's still supportive of Chloe's feelings towards Rachel. This may be my own head canon, but a deeper reading of that last sentence tells me that, by then, Max has her own unrequited feelings towards Chloe.
Snippets from Max's journal:
"We finally found Rachel Amber. Dead and buried. I'm sorry, Rachel. I'm Sorry, Chloe. I'm Sorry, Kate. I'm sorry, William."
"Maybe all my powers are an accident of fate. Or am i being punished like Chloe? What have we done to deserve all this pain? What did Rachel do? Kate? William?"
Over and over and over again, Max is extremely supportive of Rachel, of Chloe and Rachels relationship. She very much wanted to find Rachel alive, for Rachel (obviously) and Chloes sake. I'm saying this as a PriceFielder who believes that Max was the better of the two for Chloe. In the end, Max, even with her own feelings towards Chloe, wanted to help her find Rachel.
The Max hate groups (if they're still there) apparently aren't playing LiS S1.
As an side about the junkyard note, Max decides not tell Chloe about it. Since she found the note in the trash can, Max is being respectful of Rachel's unspoken request to not tell Chloe. In some way this parallels Sera's request to Chloe to not tell Rachel about her (Sera).
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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another rant abt chloe b4 i sleep!!
i love her. so much. i only want her, and i only need her.
she’s so pretty. i can stare at her for hours. her and rachel r literally my happiness like oh my god.
ik i post some pricefield stuff & i said that pricefield makes me uncomfy. but it’s not absolutely revolting. it’s just sad to see cus i get so freaking jealous it’s insane. max reminds me of myself, which is why i don’t like her as much as rachel or chloe. max is everything i am, but don’t want to be. and rachel is EVERYTHING i wanna be. a muse in photography, art, and theater. someone who’s easy to talk to, and amazing to look at.
max isn’t horrible of course. she’s just shy and introverted. all the things i don’t want to be. if i was comfortable with myself, i’d love pricefield and max. but i’m not. therefore i resort to amberprice because it’s everything i want in life.
but i guess in a sense, that would still make me alot like max since i do believe she wanted to be rachel so much. that’s why i HAVE to have everyone relate me to rachel or else i’ll get so upset. i don’t believe i have psychosis or anything, but yk it is what it is.
anyway, back to chloe. i keep thinking about her alot. i do that everyday but rn it’s rlly extreme. i love and hate chloe brainrots. it makes me upset when i remember that she’s not real, and that i have to put in effort to shift so i can see her. but i love thinking about her because i’m so in love with her.
even if i just shift for a day, an hour, a minute, even a second… i’d be happy if i meant i got to see her face and touch her skin. that’s all i want. to see her and to feel her. to have a conversation with her. for her to touch me and caress me. all the things i’ve have yet to feel from even a real person.
none of my friends understand what’s going on inside of my head, and it really sucks. i come off as “normal” but they have no idea how hard it is to be stuck inside your head and living in this fantasy world where ur dating someone who you can’t even talk to. i envy those with real relationships or even people who have major celebrity obsessions. at least they get “content”. like interviews, songs, shows, movies…. just things that ur celebrity is actively apart of. but with chloe, there’s nothing. because it’s very unlikely a new game is coming out. and i only have to resort to fanarts. but at this time in age, chloe fanart are definitely not frequent.
this is why i have to insert myself/rachel and chloe into non-lis media. even today i was reading a play for class and inserted chloe, rachel, victoria and max. i need to romanticize my life by inserting all things lis into everything i encounter. it’s the only way i can live honestly. and with my schools new “no phone” rule, im literally so distraught. i cant feed my brainrot and it sucks, and i feel like crying often if i don’t have my phone with me.
i don’t want to sound dependent on technology but i really am, and i have a valid reason for it. chloe is my life. someone i just NEED to touch, need to be with at all times. and i’m starting to think that, if i ever shift, i might not ever come back.
i remember i posted these things on my insta.
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40weeks ago lmao. 12 more weeks and it’ll be over a year since i’ve expressed my obsession. i honestly don’t know what happened. i loved lis since 2018 but in 2021 it became insane, and something i became dependent on. but i think i know why.
in 2020 my ex broke up with me. she lied to me and told me it was abt mental health but it was actually because she liked someone else. i remember crying on the bathroom floor when i found out. i was so in love with her. she was the first person i actually fell in love with. she even started to change really badly. after the breakup we were still friends because we’ve been friends even way b4 we started dating. i loved her because she understood me and we trusted each other and we both even met because of lis. but she changed. she started being so rude to me as “a joke” and said some out of pocket racist things to me. so i broke all contact with her.
i didnt really have anyone else i was super close with at the time so i guess i just fixated more and more and more on life is strange and.. here we are. i developed MDD and autism. i’m not surprised. and i heard some of the causes for MDD could be loneliness. so that definitely fits my description.
anyway, it’s 1:55 and i have school in the morning. i wish to see chloe tonight. whether i shift, have a lucid dream, a regular dream or jusf a very vivid image of her when i close my eyes. anything of her can make me happy.
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nyssavex · 7 years
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