softer-ua · 3 years
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I bet the child mortality rate in bnha is insane, just mind boggling especially for families with more advanced quirks and longer quirk linage
Like aside from just being murked in the street by a random villain attack, aside from a random other child accidentally murking your child, aside from your child accidentally murking themselves when their quirk develops
How many just die from having a quirk their body can’t handle?
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We’ve seen several who’s quirks hurt them just by existing
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How much do you think that belt cost and what would have happened to him if he couldn’t get it?
What kinda maintenance do you think Iida needs that’s just never mentioned because he’s always had the resources to have it done without thought? 
It’s to the point we’re Deku breaking his bones and Dabi faking his death were never seen as freak accidents and never caused any widespread panic.
Deku straight up broke all of his fingers several times over on live national television and yes never immediately rushed to get medical aid, and the entire country didn’t fly into a panic? Imagine if we watch Michael Phelps purposesly dislocated his shoulders to swim faster or something?
There would be a global pants shitting, the ethics of the games and the responsibility of the staff would be a never ending debate “Who could have prevented this?!” “Why did they let him compete like that?!” And Phelps is an adult. People still talk about Kier Strung who twisted her ankle right before her final vault and how she chose to continue on, and since then gymnastics has been heavily scrutinized for pushing their athletes too hard.
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The fact that they didn’t immediately call the match at the first broken finger is insane, for it to happen 10 more times and his arm entire arm is absolutely bonkers mcfucken yonkers!
The shit this society probably deems as normal for child safety is insane, it seems to have just come to “if they die they die” type of deal, fuck they probably weren’t upset about Bakugo being physically restrained because they assumed he was having some kinda of fit from quirk over use, like a more volatile form of Denkis brain shorting out
No wonder so many of them come from one child households, you get one miracle baby who’s potential quirk genes don’t kill it before birth than you spend all your time and resources preparing for what might happen when the kids quirk does develop.
Or what might happen to the parent, they’re have been several orphans in this story, Tsuyus parents seem almost recklessly confident considering how many kids they have and the fact that they mostly also just drop into hibernation when cold.
It’s probably common practice to save up a kinda nest egg just for future kids hospital/legal/support item fees. (And that’s what Inko uses to by Deku all that hero merch.)
Hell Urarakas parents are probably only poor because of medical debt/legal fees from her quirk(we know that even now it sometimes makes her sick and that she uses it without asking) and just don’t wanna tell her, I mean they work in construction, probably the most lucrative and dependable source of income in the entire bnha world, buildings/roads are being replaced daily
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Good for them not telling her though, I wouldn’t want that sweet little face knowing it was putting us in the poor house either
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0stormy0muses0 · 4 years
@quirkdysfunction​ said: Is he here just to hug Tenshi? Yep. Yep he is. Catch Him hugging the First and curling up a tad. He also brought hot chocolate!
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|♎︎| Unprompted --- Always Accepting |♎︎|
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    Tenshi chuckles and moves over so Izuku can join him on the couch. He’s touched that the teen wanted to spend a day off with him, at his tiny apartment, instead of hanging out with his friends or seeing his mother. “Glad to see you found the hot cocoa easily!”
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    He motions to the guitar in his lap, having been strumming while waiting. “So, got any requests? If I’ve heard the song and know the music, I can play it!”
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shivncho · 4 years
Emergency Fluff and Softness Starters || accepting @quirkdysfunction​ ; “Sleeping in? Hell yeah.”
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Shinsou raised a brow at his lover. Well, that was one way to see it. He certainly wouldn’t, he know himself. Even if he were to get proper among sleep it was likely for him to wake up early. This just how his inner clock worked. 
Which in itself wouldn’t be a problem - he was more concerned not getting out of the bed while Midoriya clings to his body. As much as he loved him, Shinsou doesn’t want to stuck in bed for several hours doing nothing.
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“I’m surprised hearing you say that.” he placed his switch on the nightstand, just in case. “You usually avoid sleep if you have the choice”
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rvmety · 4 years
@quirkdysfunction​ said; Offers a hot chocolate to Kirishima! “Hey, are you alright? You sitting there alone is unlike you....”
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“a-ah really? I haven’t noticed” not the best lie. It was more he didn’t expect people to notices but at the same time - should surprise him? He was one of the students that stuck out the most. Always trying to include himself when something did happen, over his help, be cheerful and loud - of course, they would notices. He just sorta hoped Kaminari and Mina being overly loud would people distract from him being missing in the first place. 
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“Thanks” he took the cup of chocolate from him “ Did you make these?”
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akairyoku-aa · 4 years
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@quirkdysfunction​ said: 😲 - I’m afraid of reaching out to you.
                                                        x. / accepting.
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   PLEASE,, I am just a potato, I swear,, I am the most dorky potato there is. You come at me any time, dear ! c’: I swear, I do not bite, unlike Keigo xDD iajwfoifafw I would love to interact with you !
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biggergiants-a · 4 years
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        “yo i’m here for the guy that’s meant to tweak my gauntlets.” it seems as though bakugou entered either the wrong lab or the right lab at the wrong time because there isn’t a single person in sight. it’s time for classes so he knows that at least one of the students should be here so call it curiosity when he decides to step inside and look for signs of life. he’s careful not to touch anything - heaven forbid he accidentally hits something and suddenly his quirk disappears or he’s shrunk or god knows what the fuck else any of these devices do. “hello?” finally he sees a figure at the edge of the lab, head fully inside some large box that bakugou can only assume is a device as well. “dude, the fuck? I’ve been calling out for a while now.”
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feraliix · 4 years
@quirkdysfunction​ ;; 🌸
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 “izuku!!” came the startled shout from the luxray, legs working twice as hard to reach his brother before he slipped & fell down the diglett hole---luckily, he just managed to grab his tail & pull him back to safety. “izuku?! are you alright? are you hurt?”
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freklcss-a · 4 years
@quirkdysfunction​ ;; 🎉
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 “izuku.... how many all might merch are you going to buy....?” he’s baffled but not exactly shocked...?
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phcenixiisms · 4 years
Starter for @quirkdysfunction​
Izuku was practically vibrating at how excited he was about pumpkin carving with his twin younger brother. They had just come back from getting some supplies and of course the pumpkins to be carved.
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“Let’s get some newspapers and stuff down first where we’ll be working before we start carving.” Might as well try and minimize the mess best they could as he knew it was going to get messy. He still wasn’t completely sure what he wanted to make yet, or least the design he wanted. Most of which were All Might themed.
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umpcrtcdcs-a · 4 years
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xxx. @quirkdysfunction​ basically this is what happens sorry toshi, hizashi adopted izuku that’s the truth-
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dualdreamt · 4 years
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messages // always accepting @quirkdysfunction​: Snuggles up against his left side, trying to be sneaky about it. Little shivers and sniffs from a blocked nose giving him away as he pressed closer.
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IT WAS TYPICAL: the way Izuku moved against his side & inched ever closer as if not to startle Shoto with his sudden presence & the way he felt his heart flutter as he took in the presence of curly hair & too-big green eyes staring at him with adoration. Even more, it was familiar & it left him at ease, left him falling in love with that soft smile & those gentle edges that made up Midoriya Izuku all over again.
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❝You can just ask me, you know?❞ His voice is a murmur, spoken quietly as not to make Izuku jump as his arm moves around his shoulders, pulling him flush against his left. ❝I was only reading, not too busy to look after you.❞
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0stormy0muses0 · 4 years
    This shows is insanely old, but still excellent in his eyes. And it seems that Izuku agrees with him as well, considering they’re in the dorm common room and getting ready to watch it together.
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    “I can’t believe you like Hell’s Kitchen too, Izuku! I mean, it was popular back in my day, but considering it’s almost 200 years old now...”
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shivncho · 4 years
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Bumping into one another original. Shinsou certainly wouldn't have expected for both of them ending up eating lunch together, on a staircase, all on their own.  Which turned into some kind routine the brainwasher couldn't explain.
It wasn't only that however, now the greenhead was just -sticking out. If it was bypassing each other on the corridor. If it was watching students walk in or out of the school - he would notice Midoirya. If he wanted to or not.
Still, their conversation reminds short. This isn't do say they didn't share facts about one another - it isn't something Shinsou would usually do. He knows what Midoriya’s favorite food was and the other has figured out he likes cats - whatever, it was something small.
The only thing he more or less danced around was the question about his quirk, if it wouldn’t be for the sports fest he might have dropped it by now. But he wasn’t risking to lose his advantage.
This not to say he didn’t drop hints here and there. For one - he is a quirk that makes the entrance exam very unfair which basically gave away his quirk is most likely nothing physical. And also likes like ‘not a quirk you need to worry about’ indirectly referring to the fact the other couldn’t talk, as far as the teen is concerned. For now, only the teachers are aware of his quirk, as soon as this secret was out it would be interesting to see how fast some of ‘friendly’ students might change. 
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“You really look forward to seeing the other students quirks” it was more a statement than a question. He knows Midoirya didn’t really want to win or even get far during the festival. And for a first-year support student, this festival did not make much sense indeed.
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for @quirkdysfunction​
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rvmety · 4 years
Cousin AU Starter for @quirkdysfunction​
Despite being in the same school. Yamaguchi didn’t get to see his cousin a lot, given they are in different classes. And even on their way home it depends, it isn’t like they live together, that and Izuku just didn’t like being around Tsukishima - as the taller blond tended to tease him. Though Izuku mention he reminds him of someone else. Yamaguchi didn’t know who though. 
The cousins had been closer when they were little, with Tadashi’s parents sudden passing and Midoriya father being who knows where their relatives thought it was a good idea for them to have a play buddy. And it did help, they were so close people would confuse them for brothers.
 However, with time the contact grows less and less. If Tadashi had to guess it probably was because Izukus’s Mother wasn’t directly related to his aunt and uncle he was living with. So, besides family gatherings, there wasn’t much. 
Tadashi missed it sometimes, even with his best friend. It just wasn’t the same, couldn’t be. It really would help if his cousin wouldn’t play hide and seek with him like that. 
Tadashi had just joined the team recently, so he wasn’t exactly close to his teammates. If anything, he was more teasing them if not as bad as Tsukishima. Unaware he would grow rather close to some.
Little did he know they had a secret visitor until his best friend spoke up, “Hey, Yamaguchi isn’t your shrimp of a cousin?”
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“ huh? What -?” turning his head his eyes widen as his eyes locked with his cousins. “Izu-” annd he was running “ Hey wait -” Tadashi sighed, turned around as he notices he attracted some of his teammates’ attention. Chuckling awkwardly he just waved it off. For now. 
After school, Yamaguchi decides to catch up with his cousin instead of walking with Tsukki. Not that his friend minded either way. “ Izuku!” Yamaguchi walked, quickly catching up to the smaller boy.
“ Hey, so had a good day at school?”
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manifestedsun · 4 years
@quirkdysfunction​ confused izuku noises, and also mild curosity.
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He’s popping a forkful in his mouth. There’s a crunch that shouldn’t come with a cake.
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hardentm · 4 years
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     hero law. god, the mere thought of the subject made kirishima want to shove his head in a pile of sand and never come out. there were a lot of subjects that he was good at but this was not one of them. unfortunately, it was one of those subjects that had to be passed in order to move on in the hero course so kirishima had to get his ass in gear. and by that, it meant get some help. walking into the common area of the dorm, he took a seat at the table he found midoriya at, offering a toothy grin.   “ hey midoriya, you’re pretty smart, right? ”
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