#queer tidds
himbofister · 7 months
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I saw Columbo in my pubes the same way people see Jesus in their toast
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fred-harrell · 2 years
What caused you to change your mind?  Another eloquent answer that echoes my own by Stan Mitchell.
“When did you come out?” he asked. The question was asked of me at the end of a two-hour conversation I enjoyed yesterday afternoon. The young man who asked the question had recently reached out to me for help. Yesterday’s FaceTime was our first meeting. His mother and sister joined us for a portion of the time; it seemed to be productive and encouraging for all of us. As we were saying our goodbyes and just about to end our call, the question came, “Stan, when did you come out?” Rest assured, I wasn’t surprised by the question; it’s one I’ve been asked more than a few times. And, pretty sure I knew where it was coming from, I clarified, “You mean when did I come out as queer?” To which he matter-of-factly answered, “Yeah. How long ago was it when you came out and how did that go?” When I told him I wasn’t queer, that I was cis-gender and heterosexual, he looked dumbstruck. And I get it. I’ve seen that look in this very setting not infrequently. After stammering out an unplanned mix of explanation, assumption, and unnecessary apology, the young man paused and then said, “Then why? I mean, what caused you to change your mind?”
 Good question. Important question. Telling question. And although I know I don’t have to take the time to tease out the intricacies within and reasons beneath his question or his assumptions or his resulting bewilderment; I answered his question with a heart full of gratitude and a mind full of regret. I told him about a bunch of middle-aged, straight, privileged, white, male preachers like me — men like Fred Harrell, Ken Wilson, Jonathan Williams, Josh Scott, Ray D. Waters, Mark Tidd, Jeff Helpman, Jonathan Bow, Dan Collison, Aaron Van Voorhis, Adam Phillips, Tray Pruet, Jason Ashley Morriss, Colby B Martin, and many more. I explained that with all our imperfections of character and mix of motives in tow, on this matter we found something we could actually get right, something that could reasonably afford us at least a pittance of penance for all our gross blindnesses to date…blindnesses we can see, blindnesses we can’t see, and those we may never see. 
And, even more than all that, here was a chance in our middle years, before any more of our days were wasted on the trivial and self-serving, to do something that approximated the life of Jesus; to do something that indicated some sense of true caring on our part; to do something that would meaningfully cost us.I explained to my new friend, this decision for us was a coming out for sure…but not regarding our personal sexuality and gender. Instead, we came out as followers of Jesus. We came out hoping to be true Christians, real pastors, and maybe most of all just decent humans. We did not do this in disregard of our consciences and souls. We did it to save what was left of them.
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koffisideblog · 4 years
2, 12, and 30 for the art asks!
2- Do you have a specific naming system for your art or do you just don’t care?
Nah, all my wips and finished artworks are like "tiddes hhhhh WIP" and sometimes it bites me in the butt but i'm too lazy to come up with an actual working system lmao
12- Talk about the first time you’ve drawn your favourite character
It has to be Tinsley djdkfj, and i made a fanart for the blood series! I was so nervous to post it on tumblr, but im glad i did! Now look at my tinsworth dumpster fire blog, im so proud fjfkfjfkfjrj
30- Name an art stereotype that applies to you
Queer and a mess
Send me ask!!
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