#quackity fanction
duraznosycrema00 · 3 years
hii i loved your quackity imagine so much!! can i have some quackity angst please? something about quackity moving away without telling the reader, and instead of arguing, he just moves because he thinks it’s better for the both of them ?? something like that lol :D they/she <3
Pairing:‌ ‌ ‌quackity x gn!reader
Wordcount:‌ 674
Warnings:‌ ‌some small angst, cursing
Summary:‌ Things just haven’t been the same. They haven’t been for a while. And Alex saw what you didn’t. He couldn’t stand to watch things get worse. So he took initiative. It’s for the best, right? 
Written by: brianna :)
A/N:‌ this was actually a request, as you can see! im super excited bc this is my first ever!! im so glad you enjoyed my other quackity fic and i hope you enjoy this one. if it didn’t live up to ur expectations, just shoot me a message and i can rewrite it :) also, this one was written in second person so i could show everyone’s thoughts. i hope i did it well. also also, honey had a cute idea for a blurb after this so i’ll post it separately. 
 »»————————-‌ ‌♡‌ ‌————————-««‌
“This is for the best, right?” You read from the note out loud. Your knees turned to jelly with every word you read, causing you to have to sit down. 
“Is he, is he fucking serious?” You spoke in a surprisingly calm manner. No one would know the whirlwind of emotions happening inside of you right now. It felt as if the sadness sat in the bottom of your stomach, waiting for it’s turn to take over. Right now though, your anger had the wheel. Your fingers felt tingly and your throat seemed to be flaming. All you wanted to do was let out the loudest scream you could muster. In an instant, your hands reached for your phone, allowing you to speed dial Alex’s number. 
“He really thinks he can leave me after three years? He thinks he can leave without even facing me? What a fuck-” Your angry rant to fill the silence was interrupted when the ringing stopped, signaling that your call was answered. 
“Alex,” You mumbled. A sigh was heard from the other end, causing the sadness to slowly grab the wheel out of anger’s hands. The single breath of air sounded so full of emotion. 
“(Y/N), I’m sorry. I really am. But I just can’t take it anymore,” Alex finally spoke up, his voice wavering with his words. Every time his voice cracked, you felt a knife go through your heart. 
More silence filled the room as you tried to gather your thoughts. No words were said, just small sniffles from his side of the call. 
“Why?” You asked, your voice sounding small. As if you were a small child, asking their parents why their dog had to go to heaven. It was sickening. 
“I’m so tired, (Y/N). We just aren’t the same as we once were. I don’t know if you can’t see it, or if you’re really good at hiding it. But it’s so exhausting for us who realize how downhill we’ve gone,” He rambled, taking occasional breaks to sniffle. 
Your eyes closed as you felt warm tears run down your cheeks. Please, please, please, don’t do this. Not right now. 
“Alex, I’ve noticed. And I’ve been trying to fix it. If you’d just give us time, please, I can fix us. Please, I love you. You love me. We’re in love and we can fix this. Baby, come home,” You pleaded, more fat tears running down your cheeks and collecting at your chin. Your bottom lip got caught in between your teeth as you tried to not let out a sob. You cleared your throat. 
“Alex please.” 
Another sigh, “(Y/N), I’m sorry, But I’m not coming back. I can’t. Just, please. Let it go. Let me go.” 
You felt lightheaded from how much you were holding back. It was all too much. His words, the pain he was obviously feeling. A loud sob escaped your lips. You held the phone away from your face as you let a few good sobs out. The feeling of your heart literally breaking filled your chest. It was amazing how you felt actual pain as if someone had reached inside of your ribs and ripped out your innards. 
You took a shaky deep breath in, “Are you still there?” 
“Yea, I’m still here.” 
“I just wish you were here for this last time, so I could get a last kiss. One, good kiss,” You mumbled, sniffling harshly. 
“I’m sorry. This is for the better. Goodbye,” He spoke clearly, obviously mustering up all of his courage to say those words before ending the call. 
You sat in silence, letting more tears fall down your cheeks. You sat the phone on the table in front of you, Alex’s contact photo still on the screen. It was the two of you, smiling. Happy as can be. Your eyes squinted as you stared at the image, another stab to your heart. Another sob. 
“He’s really just left, huh?” You let out a pitiful laugh. 
“I guess it’s for the best.”
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