#qlso like idk man
violentdevotion · 5 months
Gossip: a teacher at my brother's school is pregnant and is also dating another guy teacher (who has dated like half the faculty at the school, but i dont judge). Someone congratulated the guy on having a baby, and he said it wasn't his. Turns out the pregnant teacher wanted her babies to have the same father, so she went and had sex with her ex WHILE STILL DATING the guy teacher to get pregnant again. Idk what to think of it but it sure is juicy imo
like the kardashians......
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thewitchqueen281 · 2 months
I know a lot of people liked the show but also a lot of people liked fallout 4 so idk if any of you mfs can be trusted
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paralien · 10 months
i think the thing that sucks the most abt having a really hard period as an adult, (like, emotionally and physically) is that yes i can cry at work. done. but all i want to do when i come home is like, curl up really tight in my bedroom and feel bad for myself for days yeah? but i can't. bc i have to go grocery shopping later today for more kitchen towels and bread and I need to wash my sheets and the apartment is a mess and I'm literally moving within the next 3 to 5 days so I need to keep packing and like, I need to do it. and im gonna do it. but then my brain is also like hah! you go grocery shopping? then you're not feeling bad. fool! faker! bah!
and like, I know it's obv to others I'm not doing well atm, I dont live alone anymore (hi👋) and I have rly good friends who care abt me who are watching oit for me and like all things, this'll pass. Bc it's 'only' happening bc I've had a big life change at the same time that I've been working way too much AND while im preparing to move again and it makes sense stuff is hard!!! but also like, I was like sick sick as a teen, so now as an adult when I'm not that sick I'm like hm am I really doing bad? but like. it's good im not doing that bad! good that I can like, clean i guess. but bwah. it still feels bad and I still just kinda wanna feel bad for myself for days bc I do feel bad. like, im genuinely in a lot of physical pain wvery day and that's making my brain struggle. but then i also get annoyed that like, im awful at being a martyr and just sucking it up and gling im fine dw ♡ and then idk being super man and getting everything done and being super available emotionally and phyeically to everyone and being like this perfecf godlike being the kind youd feel awful for in movi3s but also thats unrealistif and stupid. and also i never shut up so if i do feel bad everyone knows abt it. but thats also why i wish i wws better at like. being wuiet? bc i feel childish. and i dont want ppl to think im childish. im an adukt im just really stupid. and selfish. and whiny. byt qlso my ass is nice so theres tgat. idk where I'm going w this!!!!! I'm procrastinating getting started on the rush of the last 2hrs of work where I've gotta do breakfast prep. mm.
bwah. my stomach hurts again at work :(
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What I thought I'd get watching wilbur VODs:
A fun time of friends building a nation with political undertones the fruits of which I see now, the community l'manburg was founded on, the jokes between freinds, some light hearted fun
What I got watching wilbur VODs:
*listens to Wilbur* *pauses video* *stares at screen* *thinks about tommy now* *things about techno now* *thinks about tubbo now* *holds head in hands*
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woebegonesharks · 2 years
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youraveragegoat · 3 years
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
Hello yes i'm still alive haha
Also what a plot-heavy episode huh. I'm glad they really focussed on backstory etc because i was afraid some plotlines would be left unsolved yk?
This episode was so focussed on Eunjo and Annie and man i feel sorry for them? They seemed so cute and happy together, only for the industry to fuck them over(#letidolsdate2k21). Idk what exactly was like wanted from annie, but it certainly didn't seem good. I'm glad Eunjo has been able to live a good life away from everything, he really deserves it. And i get not wanting to have articles about it or even just meeting the members. He has moved on from that life and honestly? Good for him.
And what a bomb to drop on your members as well like 'oh this song? Yeah it's from our former member that disappeared/died'.
And the scene with the picture frame was so sad as well ;-;
I also don't know how to feel about that reporter doing the articles let that poor girl rest in piece man.
Also i am looking forward to their song, it sounds very nice and calm, like smth i would like. Also imagine a collab stage👀
Idk how i feel about the sparkling dude getting a second chance tbh, because he really fucked up. But we'll see ig. (Qlso i am savouring those few seconds of screentime from san and seonghwa haha).
La Rima is getting more and more likeable? It's nuce ro see her caring about those trainees and stuff. As she said, Jihak best CEO yes. And i loved her nailpolish it looked awesome lmao.
We already knew what an ass the NOG CEO is but man. Every episode just drives that in even more. We now know what Ryeoc's contract was about but like ??? Was that really necessary? No
- Xon^^
hello xon :D
same! i'm really happy they delved into Eunjo's storyline... it's so heartbreaking T~T
i 100% support Eunjo walking off that stage tho. idc if you're an idol; you're still a human, and that means your emotions and health matter first. but yeah he did what he had to do and i'm glad he doesn't regret it. but poor Annie :(( i still have no idea what happened between her and the NOG CEO tho? perhaps someone photoshopped the picture or smtg?
the song seems interesting! i normally don't like ballads but maybe i'll let this one slide...
i don't think Hyeon-oh deserves a second chance honestly, but he seems really regretful now and the fact that his members still want the best for him as member of Sparkling just...warms my heart 🥺
La Ri Ma is so coollll >< and yeah her character development is...developing really well!! i too am very impressed by her.
the NOG CEO is driving me crazy please somebody expose him for the shit he does i BEG
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boys--love--boys · 7 years
1, 2, 5, 7, 12-16, 20
1. What is your sexuality? What is your romantic orientation? Im bisexual/queer!! (also biromantic haha)2. What is your gender identity?i am a man of many gender identities but the easiest explanation is bigender (demiboy/demigirl) but i also ID as genderqueer, genderfluid, trans masc, and ?????5. Who was the first LGBTQ person that you met?uh fuck im not exactly sure? does my sister count lmao7. Do you have any tips for coming out?honestly no bc i havent really like Come Out™ or like... i technically did but it was back when i thougt i was a lesbian and i regretted it immediately bc ny mom got Mad12. Who is your favorite LGBTQ book character? i dont know many LGBT+ books characters rip but probably Petra West from Beauty Queens :') shes amazing i love that book so much (she's a trans girl idk what he sexuality is i dont think they specified but shes prob either bi or straight cause she ended up w a guy but they didnt say exactly i dont think)13. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ movie character?Okay not a movie but... Darryl Whitefeather from Crazy Ex Girlfriend... like please google "Getting Bi" from Crazy Ex Girlfriend and you will understand why14. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ musician? THIS IS SO HARD AHH i mean obviously Laura Jane Grace is super high on my list but i also love Angel Haze, Troye Sivan, Mary Lambert, & Billie Joe Armstrong (qlso more but i prob shouldnt list every LGBT+ artist haha)15. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ actor?hm i dont rlly know? i havent been as focused on actors in general recently but wait isnt the actress who plays Rosa Diaz bi?? i think she is but shes great (im forgetting her name tho rip)16. What advice do you have for those who are not be in a safe place to come out?Im in the same boat as yall and i promise we can get through this it might be fuckin shit but we can do it20. Are you proud of your identity?I am !!! i love being queer & bisexual & nonbinary and it can be very tough but i still love my communities and identities 💗💜💙-mod Casper
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