#prince liam of nassau
charlotte-of-wales · 5 months
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Grand Duchess Maria Teresa has shared the first pictures of Prince Balthasar of Nassau with his family | January 9, 2024
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theroyalsandi · 5 months
The Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg welcome the birth of the third child and second son of TRH Prince Félix and Princess Claire. He's been named Prince Balthasar Felix Karl of Nassau. | January 8, 2024
It is with great joy that we announce the birth of our son. The Prince was born on 7th January 2024 at the Maternite Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. The newborn Prince will be named Balthasar Felix Carl. He wweighs 3,220 kg and measures 50 cm. Prince Baltasar and Princess Claire are in perfect health. - Felix and Claire with Amalia and Liam
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krasivaa · 5 months
Princess Claire of Luxembourg gave birth to a baby Prince on the 7th of January, 2024!
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👶🍼 Mir sinn immens frou d’Gebuert vun eisem Jong matzedeelen.
De Prënz ass den 7te Januar 2024 an der Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte op d’Welt komm.
Den neigebuerene Prënz dréit den Numm Balthasar Felix Karl.
Hie weit 3.220 kg an ass 50 cm grouss.
De Puppelchen an d‘Prinzessin Claire si bei beschter Gesondheet.
Félix a Claire
mam Amalia a Liam
👶🍼 Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la naissance de notre fils, né le 7 janvier 2024 à la Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.
Le nouveau-né Prince s'appellera Balthasar Felix Karl.
Il pèse 3.220 kg et mesure 50 cm.
Le bébé et la princesse Claire sont en parfaite santé.
Félix et Claire
avec Amalia et Liam
👶🍼 It is with great joy that we announce the birth of our son.
The prince was born on 7th January 2024 at the Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.
The newborn Prince will be named Balthasar Felix Karl. He weighs 3.220 kg and measures 50 cm.
Prince Balthasar and Princess Claire are in perfect health.
Félix and Claire
with Amalia and Liam
👶🍼 Mit großer Freude geben wir die Geburt unseres Sohnes bekannt.
Der Prinz kam am 7ten Januar 2024 in der Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte zur Welt.
Der neugeborene Prinz wird den Namen Balthasar Felix Karl tragen.
Er wiegt 3.220 kg und misst 50 cm.
Prinz Balthasar und Prinzessin Claire sind bei bester Gesundheit.
Félix und Claire
mit Amalia und Liam
via courgrandducale official Instagram account
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Princess Claire released two new portraits in honour of Princess Amalia's ninth birthday || 15 JUNE 2023
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gabriellademonaco · 2 years
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New photos released in connection with Princess Amalia of Nassau’s 8th birthday, most likely taken on the day of her first communion.
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Princess Amalia of Nassau || Jacadi
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royalchildreneurope · 4 months
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Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg shared this picture on her Instagram page of herself with her husband, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and their grandchildren, Princess Amalia of Nassau, Prince Liam of Nassau and Prince Balthazar of Nassau, to mark the birth of Prince Balthazar of Nassau, at the Grand-Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital in Luxembourg -January 9th 2024.
📷 : Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg on Instagram.
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royalbloopers · 1 year
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France - May 2023
Credit: Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg
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indepwom101 · 11 months
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🇱🇺 ROYAL BABY NEWS: Prince Felix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg 👶🏻
The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are happy to announce that Prince Felix and Princess Claire are expecting their third child! Congratulations to the couple as well as their two children, Princess Amalia and Prince Liam of Nassau.
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royal-confessions · 6 months
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“Felix and Claire using their winery insta to post happy birthday posts are so weird especially since they hashtag Prince Felix/Liam and Princess Claire/Amalia of Luxembourg/Nassau and are posting themselves. Good thing Luxembourg’s official insta only posts about Guillaume and Stephanie’s kids so that “they know their place” kind of thing. It’s also weird how they post about Luxembourg related. Even with all that shameless let’s use our hrh Prince and Princess titles and grifting, to sell their wine, Chateau les Crostes is losing a lot of money. I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes bankrupt in the next decade. Their clothing line also is not selling even with the royal titles” - Submitted by Anonymous
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countessdelannoy · 2 years
Possible Names for the Grand Ducal Baby (2022 Edition)
Since the Hereditary Grand Ducal couple of Luxembourg have announced that they’re expecting their second child (!!!!!), I thought I would once again share my thoughts and predictions on what names they may choose for their child. 
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I got four out of six right last time, so...
This is, obviously, pure conjecture and also under a cut because I talk too much it's very long.
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When I did the previous version of this post before Charles was born, I anticipated four names, as that seems to be the most common choice for most royal families, including the Grand Ducal Family. Then, of course, little Charles ended up with six names, and threw a wrench in all my speculations.
There's actually a pretty wide range of name lengths in the Grand Ducal family, from little Prince Liam, with only three, to Princess Marie-Astrid, the Grand Duke’s older sister, with a whopping eleven.
For the second child of the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess, I don’t necessarily expect another six - that’s a lot, especially for a younger child who is not the heir. I imagine they might choose to give their child four or five names, instead.
Like Prince Charles, this child will be known as HRH Prince(ss) ______ of Luxembourg, Prince(ss) of Nassau, Prince(ss) de Bourbon de Parme.
Lastly, for reference: the Hereditary Grand Duke’s full name is Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie and the Hereditary Grand Duchess’s full name is Stephanie Marie Claudine Christine. Their first child is Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume.
To note: like before, I have tried to refer to everyone by their title instead of just their name. This family loves repeating names, and that can get confusing.
I gave myself a little pat on the back when Prince Charles’s names were announced, because I had guessed four of the six (Marie and Guillaume were kind of freebies but shhhh). But now, I’m not really sure how to predict names for a second son because I don’t know how many of those names the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess will choose to repeat for their second child.
That said, many of my name predictions are the same as in the first post three years ago. I will make predictions about the first name, but I have to acknowledge that they surprised me a little with the name Charles, so we’ll have to see.
Félix is the name of Prince Félix of Bourbon-Parma (the Grand Duke's grandfather) and Prince Félix of Luxembourg (the Hereditary Grand Duke's younger brother); I wouldn’t consider it super likely as a first name, but it’s certainly possible. This would be a strong contender for a middle name, as it is for both the Grand Duke and his brother, Prince Jean.
Guillaume is one of the most traditional Grand Ducal Family names - in addition to the Hereditary Grand Duke and his uncle Prince Guillaume (the Grand Duke’s youngest brother), there have been four previous Grand Dukes with this name (or a variant). All the children of the Grand Duke as well as Prince Charles have this or a variant as a middle name. I would be pretty surprised if this is not chosen as a middle name again; it could also be chosen as the first name, although I think that’s less likely.
Henri would (obviously) honor the Grand Duke, and Prince Sébastien (the Hereditary Grand Duke’s youngest brother and godson) has Henri has a middle name, as does Prince Liam. I would consider this one of the strongest possibilities, both as a first name or as a middle name - especially since this is not one of Prince Charles’s names.
Jean is would be a clear tribute to the former Grand Duke, who passed away in 2019. It is also a middle name of the Hereditary Grand Duke, and the name of the both the Grand Duke’s younger brother and one of his nephews (the youngest son of Prince Guillaume). This is one of Prince Charles’s middle names and I would consider it a strong possibility for this child as well, either as a first or middle name.
Marie is even more common a name in the family than Guillaume; since Grand Duchess Charlotte, every child of a Grand Duke or Grand Duchess has had Marie as a first or middle name, and the Hereditary Grand Duchess and all her siblings also have it (or a variant). This is a middle name of Prince Charles, and I would honestly be shocked if it isn’t one of this child’s names as well.
Paul was one of the first names of the Hereditary Grand Duchess’s late grandfather, Count Paul-Charles de Lannoy, and is also a first name Prince Paul-Louis, of the oldest son of Prince Guillaume. This is a good possibility for either a first name or a middle name.
Philippe was the name of the Hereditary Grand Duchess’s father, Count Philippe de Lannoy, who passed away in 2019. Prince Charles has this name as a middle name. I would consider this a strong possibility for the first name, or possibly for a middle name again. It is, of course, also the name of the current King of the Belgians (the Grand Duke’s first cousin). 
I find girls’ names both easier and harder to predict - harder because there are comparatively fewer in the main line of the Grand Ducal Family, but easier because there are fewer names “in use” by close family members. Most of my predictions for a daughter have stayed the same as last time, with a few additions.
Alix would honor the Hereditary Grand Duchess’s mother, Countess Alix de Lannoy, who passed away in 2012, only two months before her daughter’s wedding. I would consider this a pretty good possibility for either the first or middle name. It is also the name of one of the Grand Duke’s aunts, Princess Alix of Ligne.
Charlotte is the name of a former Grand Duchess (the Grand Duke’s grandmother) and the only daughter of Prince Guillaume (the Grand Duke’s brother), as well as the second name of the Grand Duke’s mother, Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte. I don’t think this is a possibility for the first name (too similar to Charles), but I would be a little surprised if it isn’t a middle name. 
Christine is one of the Hereditary Grand Duchess’s middle names, as well as one of the first names of Archduchess Marie-Christine, the oldest daughter of Princess Marie-Astrid (the Grand Duke’s older sister). This is a possibility for a first name, maybe combined with Marie, or as a middle name.
Joséphine was one of the first names of the Grand Duke’s mother and it's also one of Princess Alexandra’s middle names. The Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess chose Joseph as one of Prince Charles’s middle names. I think this is a very strong possibility for either a first or middle name.
Marie is basically a given for a girl as well; it is also probably more likely as a middle name than as a first name, but could be paired with another name, which is very common in the Grand Ducal Family (Marie-Adélaïde, Marie-Astrid (x2), Marie-Christine, Marie-Gabrielle, etc).This would honor a very long-standing family tradition (and the current Grand Duchess), and I’ll be really shocked if the do not choose this as one of the names.
Stéphanie would obviously honor the Hereditary Grand Duchess. Although it is probably unlikely as a first name, it could be chosen as one of the middle name spots. Prince Charles has his father’s name as a middle name, so they may choose to do the same for a daughter.
Teresa or Thérèse would be a nice choice to honor the Grand Duchess. Both Princess Amalia (the daughter of Prince Félix) and Princess Alexandra have a combination of Marie/Maria and Teresa as middle names, so it’s possible that the Hereditary Grand Ducal Couple will choose to do this as well. I think it is somewhat less likely for the first name, but a pretty good possibility for a middle name.
Wilhelmine is one of Princess Alexandra’s middle names, and is the feminine form of the Hereditary Grand Duke’s own name. Probably this wouldn’t be used as a first name, but it is a pretty good possibility for a middle name, considering the tradition of family members named with variations of Guillaume or Wilhelmine.
Of course there are many, many other names in both the Grand Ducal and Lannoy families that could be chosen (Albert, Antoine/Antonia, Christian, Claudine, Elisabeth, Félicité, Gabriel/Gabrielle, Isabelle, Leopold, Louis/ Louise, Robert, and Sébastien, just to name a few). The Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess could also choose a name that isn’t a family name, especially for a second child who is not the heir. As I mentioned, they surprised me with the name Charles, so all of this speculation should be taken with a good portion of salt ;)
That said, my guess would be something like Jean Paul Philippe Marie Guillaume or Henri Guillaume Félix Marie for a boy. 
For a daughter, I’ll say Joséphine Alix Teresa Wilhelmine Marie or Alix Marie Christine Wilhelmine Charlotte.
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 months
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posted by Château les Crostes
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theroyalsandi · 11 months
The Luxembourg Ducal Court have announced that Prince Félix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg are expecting their 3rd child. Félix and Claire already have two children: Princess Amalia (b. 2014) and Prince Liam (b. 2016) of Nassau
“Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are delighted to announce that Prince Félix and Princess Claire are expecting their third child. The two families join in the joy of their children.“ -  Cour Grand-Ducale
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allaboutroyalty · 2 years
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Royal men
1. Prince Gabriel of Sweden
2. Prince George of Cambridge
3. Prince Jacques of Monaco
4. Prince Vincent of Denmark
5. Miguel Urdangarin
6. James, Viscount Severn
7. Prince Oscar of Sweden
8. Prince Charles of Luxembourg
9. Prince Nicolas of Sweden
10. Count Claus-Casimir of Orange Nassau
11. Prince Louis of Cambridge
12. Prince Henrik of Denmark
13. Prince Julian of Sweden
14. Archie Mountbatten-Windsor
15. Prince Noah of Nassau
16. Prince Alexander of Sweden
17. Prince Liam of Nassau
18. Prince Christian of Denmark
19. Prince Emmanuel of Belgium
20. Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway
21. Andrea Casiraghi
22. Prince Nikolai of Denmark
23. Prince Gabriel of Belgium
24. Pablo Urdangarin
25. Prince Felix of Denmark
26. Prince Sebastien of Luxembourg
27. Dimitri Rassam
28. Pierre Casiraghi
29. Prince Louis of Luxembourg
30. Prince Felix of Luxembourg
31. Louis Ducruet
32. Prince Amedeo of Belgium
33. Juan Urdangarin
34. Marius Borg Hoiby
35. Prince Nicolas of Belgium
36. Prince Aymeric of Belgium
37. Prince Gabriel of Nassau
38. Prince Joachim of Belgium
39. Felipe Marichalar
40. William Isvy
41. King Felipe VI of Spain
42. The Duke of Sussex
43. Prince Daniel of Sweden
44. Prince Joachim of Denmark
45. The Duke of Cambridge
46. Prince Johan Friso of Orange Nassau
47. Michel Tindall
48. King Willem Alexander of The Netherlands
49. Edoardo Mapelli
50. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
51. King Philippe of the belgians
52. Prince Carl Philip of Sweden
53. Duren Verrett
54. Prince Constatijn of The Netherlands
55. Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark
56. Peter Phillips
57. Christopher O’Neill
58. Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
59. Prince Laurent of Belgium
60. Jack Brooksbank
61. The Prince of Wales
62. The Duke of Edinburgh
63. King Constantine of Greece
64. The Duke of Gloucester
65. Prince Henrik of Denmark
66. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
67. King Juan Carlos of Spain
68. Sir Timothy Laurence
69. Prince Lorenz of Belgium
70. Gran Duke Henri of Luxembourg
71. Prince Claus of The Netherlands
72. The Earl of Wessex
73. King Harald V of Norway
74. The Duke of Kent
75. Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven
76. Prince Michael of Kent
77. King Albert of Belgium
78. Prince Albert of Monaco
79. Tord Magnuson
80. The Duke of York
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Happy 9th Birthday to Princess Amalia of Nassau!
Born on 15 June 2014, Princess Amalia Gabriela Maria Teresa is the first child of Prince Félix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg. She is also the only grand-daughter of Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa.
Amalia is currently fifth in the line of succession to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. She is the first princess of Luxembourg to be born with hereditary rights to the crown after the change to absolute cognatic primogeniture in 2011.
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🎂 Happy Birthday / Joyeux anniversaire
SAR the Prince Felix celebrates today his 37th birthday!
© Private collection
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