valentines-chocolates · 5 months
Valentine's Gift Exchange
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Name: [Something to call you] Tumblr URL: What you want to receive: [Art, edits, writing, all] What you want to give: [Art, edits, writing, all] Ships you like: [at least one, at max three (you can like more! but don't make it too hard for your gifter to pick!)] ships you don't want: [list things that you are uncomfortable with, to make sure someone who likes those isn't your gifter] submit the form above filled out, and Mod B (that's me!) will dm you with the url and the ships and gift list of your giftee. You have from when I send you the information to submit your gifts, they will all go live on February 22nd Rules No ship bashing! Just because something makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean you have the right to bully anyone about it. No smut! Tumblr has guidelines about what is and isn't allowed, and this blog is for anyone in the fandom, save the smut for Ao3 No tracing or stealing other people's art for your work, we don't condone art theft of any kind. No AI art. We don't condone theft here, and that's not an exception If you want to include OCs (OC x Canon or even OC x OC) please include both art and written refs, if you want to receive art or writing of those OCs! DM your giftee at least ONCE after receiving their list, just so they know they're in the exchange! Send any questions to this blog, or to the iristo server's Chat Events channel, where the blog mods can see it <3
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cockabeetle · 4 years
29. Snow
Couple girls caught in a snow storm
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30. AU
Prax just found out her brother's been put to sleep, with no idea how long he'll be...
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31. Party
So many Voltans
So many words
Ask me about this one later
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princesspraxina · 7 years
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LOLIROCK APPRECIATION WEEK Day Six - Favorite Ship // Natiris + Taliris + Praxiris + Praxiana + Taliana + Auristo
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margoteve · 7 years
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Day5: Royalty
There’s a story to go with it but it is getting a bit longer than I expected, which is why I missed the day. I decided to post this anyway and finish the story in the meantime.
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faerynova · 6 years
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for @iristovevo! some cute lesbians
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I just realized something...Praxiana and Mephisto are twins right......and twins technically are the same gender with the same facial features or different but they're usually never different genders.....so in conclusion....one of the twins is trans......I say it's Mephisto (btw I'm rewatching lolirock right now)
I'm gonna give an impromptu health/reproduction lesson so buckle the fuckle up kiddos!
So there are two types of twins! Identical and Fraternal.
Identical Twins are made when a fertilized egg splits and replicates itself.
This creates a pair of twins that are completely identical on a genetic level. These are what we usually think of as twins. They look exactly alike, and will be the same gender.
Examples: 'OHSHC' has Hikaru and Kaoru, 'Harry Potter' has Fred and George, 'The Parent Trap' has Annie and Hallie, 'The Suite Life' has Zack and Cody, 'Kim Possible' has her brothers Jim and Tim along with Shego's brothers collectively called 'Wego'.
Fraternal twins are made when two eggs are fertilized at the same time.
The resulting twins will be more like any other siblings, being a random combo of their parents' genetics, and are able to be different genders. Sometimes they can end up looking really similar due to the likelihood of genetics/dominant traits/etc., but they are not identical. Basically, regular siblings that happen to be born at the same time.
Examples: 'Star Wars' has Luke and Leia, 'HSM' has Sharpay and Ryan, 'Gravity Falls' has both Stan and Ford then Dipper and Mabel, MLP has Pumpkin and Pound Cake.
So it is 100% possible for Praxina and Mephisto to both be cisgendered and also twins.
That said, you headcanon is still valid af about one of them being trans. But also both of them could be trans!!
TV /really/ loves to use a trope called 'Half-Identical Twins'. This is when a pair of twins look exactly the same except one is a boy and the other is a girl.
Examples: 'Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds' has Lua and Luka. 'HTTYD' has Ruffnut and Tuffnut, 'Gravity Falls' has Dipper and Mabel, 'Lok' has Desna and Eska, 'The Owl House' has Edric and Emira, 'Rugrats' has Phil and Lil.
Though this is usually just the design team having fun and the like, Fandom is notorious for using this as a 'Hmmmm! Is one of these characters trans?????".
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lolirocksecretsanta · 6 years
Iristovevo's Wishlist 2018
🎄Blog Name: @iristovevo​ and @curseofbunny​
🎁Favorite things about LoliRock: (character, ships, themes, songs, outfits, etc) iristo (iris/mephisto), levalia (lev/talia), Praxaniel (Praxina/nathaniel), lynriana (lyna/auriana), praxiana (praxina/auriana), zachalia (Zach brady/talia), kylia (kyle/talia), nathalia (nathaniel/talia)
Super hero aus (NO marvel tho), crossovers with other magical girl shows (Tokyo mew mew or madoka or miraculous ladybug or sailor moon or smile precure), soulmate aus, first dates, any iris' in pretty outfits! And I love the idea of Talia being SUPER into the holiday season! Talia with fun seasonal coffees, leggings, sweaters, the whole shebang. Also any of the designs I've made, my art tags are (#kym draws) and (#my art). Amvs are also really cool!! I might like to see one of those. If doing an edit or moodboard, my art is free to use for gifts to me ^^ I also really like content of iris when she has, is having, or really wants kids. Basically I hc iris has having seasonal baby fever and cuddling mephisto is always cute.
🎉Preferred Holidays: (We understand that we have multiple cultures in this fandom, so be sure to let us know major holidays this season for you!) Christmas and Hanukkah! I'm not Jewish but I do hc some characters as jewish, and who doesn't love dorky Hanukkah sweaters?
🎅Would you like to be on the list to be a back-up gifter: Y or N Yes!
💢Trigger warnings to warn your giftee about: (ex: gore, nudity, cursing, pda, etc) self harm, self deprecating or suicidal humor, cutting or hanging or drowning, car accidents, sexual assault, incest, any kind of hand or face gore. And natiris, I'm sorry but it makes me really uncomfortable. Not bashing it, but I just really can't handle it.
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sapphiclolirock · 6 years
will you make some wallpapers for Praxina ships? like Praxiris, Praxiana and Praxalia?
Yeah! The only reason I don’t already make stuff for Praxina ships is there are like, no good screenshots to take of her and the others that aren’t spoilers, but I can definitely do it
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wewinyoulose · 6 years
1, 6, 10, 15!
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
1. OTP(s) for your muse? 
Praxina - Praxaniel or Praxiana or Praxalia
Mephisto - Iristo (it’s like my LR fandom Flag ship I ain’t gonna lie). 
There are also ships I actually don’t mind/like seeing around but are not really my OTPs but these above - heck yes. 
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping? 
Hmmm. I wouldn’t say that I have but I actually don’t mind Nathiristo or Talia-Praxina-Auriana. I feel like I could enjoy that. And polyshipping in rps? That depends on the other muns. But I don’t think I’d say no if I could see potential/was comfortable with both muns.
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)? 
Taliana or Lynissa. Taliana was basically the first ship in the fandom. 
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are? 
I wouldn’t say that I have one….. Like RP wise if I see characters clicking then I am pretty open to them? Like I am fine with Canon x OC and such.
If I had to chose then maybe… I’d prefer not to write is txlisto I guess? 
A type of ship I would prefer to not write is an abusive ship. I like my stuff consensual. I know I’m boring but heck. 
Thank you for asking!
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kireiscorner · 6 years
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i love their dynamic
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cockabeetle · 6 years
Praxiana Day!
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I had a different idea with a joke but i couldn’t make it look right so i went for something cute
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princesspraxina · 7 years
praxina/auriana // i feel it coming
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margoteve · 7 years
Day 7: Why these ships?
Day 1: Lynissa - well I love their dynamic, their clear opposites which are very different from Talia and Auriana, I think that they could give each other the best qualities of each other and have a very teasing relationship XD Their rivalry is interesting and a great starting point.
Day 2: Licky - ok this one I blame on @followmetoyourdoom​ and @maybeawriter6​ cause I have no idea how this thing even came to be XD Ricky being a villain character from my story seems to have a lot in common with Lev and I think their relationship would be very smooth one, based on an odd partnership, plus Lev at the end of that episode in season 2 seemed to change so he’d drag reluctant Richard to the good side eventually. IF he was still alive XD
Day 3: King and Queen of Ephedia: We know so little of them but they seem to support and love each other dearly regardless if their marriage was arranged or not. We just need a bit more about her parents - like names for starters XD
Day 4: Taliana - I started this show and they were the first ship that popped up. Talia and Auriana know each other for a very long time. They been partners and friends for so long, the transfer from friends to lovers would be just so easy XD I love their interactions. I believe Auriana can teach Talia how to kick back, relax and be more at ease, while Talia could teach Auriana how to be more organised, focused, share some of the stuff she knows and be the rock and support when needed.
Day 5: Praxiana - again, I just saw so much chemistry between them in Forget You. Auriana is like a mini sun that could easily warm Praxina’s heart. Teach her how to trust people more, show her so much love she’s been lacking, how to have fun and make friends - just ACK my heart. I love them ok? Ok.
Day 6: Iristo - My main OTP I left them for the last. I am a huge sucker for villain/hero ships. Plus Mephisto has plenty of good in him, Iris is also easy to forgive. I mean I’m not saying he won’t have to work for it but it seems like they could work together so well just *points to that one episode in season 2* the possibility is right there. They can both goof around and it would be so easy with him for her to be herself and not hide her identity. Like heey HONESTY~ It’s a wholesome ship.
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lolirocksecretsanta · 7 years
MargotEve's wishlist:
THINGS I’D LIKE: My primary ship is Iristo, I would love anything with it. I also like Praxaniel, Praxalia, Taliana and Praxiana (or OT3 with Talia, Auriana and Praxina). Twins  sibling dynamics are my one of my favourite.
THINGS I DON’T LIKE: My NOTP is Talisto, I'm not into Nathiris either. I get squeaked with stuff like incest and I guess for the exchange I want to avoid any angsty stuff.
WHAT I CAN DO: I could do one-shots up to 1k- 1.5k words and moodboard/aesthetic boards for either ships or characters. I'm okay with doing stuff with most ships in fandom.
.WHAT I ABSOLUTELY CAN’T DO: Photo manipulation (I really don't know how xD) and the only ship I can't do would be Talisto. Also smut is out of the question. 
CAN YOU BE A BACK-UP GIFTER: This would heavily depend on time I'll be given but sure. 
ANYTHING WE DIDN’T ASK BUT YOU WANT US TO KNOW: I like steampunk and 20s-40s aesthetics, dragons, fantasy (aliens and demons one of my favourite tropes) and aliens (I really love Mass Effect games). I am huge sucker for redemption stuff XD 
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wewinyoulose · 6 years
Would u ship: praxiana, izira/iris or izira/iris/mephisto (aged up aus), or talyna?
[Would you ship this? - meme]That's a big YES for Praxiana. I actually love that ship.I am going to have to say no to these Izira ships. She feels too much like big sister to me and idk I can't see that. Even aged up.Talyna.... I guess? I would depend on how it's presented/written. Just need a good hook/sinker lol.
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cockabeetle · 4 years
More arts from the New Years Challenge
6. Favorite Villain
Praxina, always Praxina.
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7. Favorite Ship
Iristo! If you didn't see this coming... how?
She's gonna kneecap him, and then kiss it better
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8. Childhood
Overprotective Dad panics at his older sister, who refuses to help. More at 11.
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9. Outfit Swap
Praxiana... good.
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