#posting this and crawling back into the ditches of my mind bc i hate my writing lmao
cryptidranger · 7 months
I am having normal amounts of brainrot over Gale & Vik.
In the beginning, they are the eldest humans in the group.
Viktor is war-torn, the scars of battle covering his body, each with its own story. Of course, he can still keep up with the best of them; he’s one hell of a paladin. But he has his days, his fights, where his body hurts. Muscles aching and torn, joints twinging with nerve pain, exhaustion rooting in deep. Scar tissue builds upon layers and layers of past bloodshed, fractures that never receive the luxury of proper healing. During the worst of his days, the mere prospect of wielding a sword and protecting those around him becomes a daunting feat. 
Gale struggles with the orb and the pain it unleashes as it ravages his body. It is a chronic pain he is still learning to cope and coexist with. The symptoms come and go in waves; some days, the pain is tolerable; others, it strikes with such an intensity that he feels as if he might drown. The sensation gnaws at him, tearing little by little, agonizing and frustrating. Gale constantly feels it, a stark reminder of the fragility of life. The sudden flares the orb inflicts leave him with aching fingers and trembling hands, intensifying his doubts and fears of casting correctly during battle.
As they grow closer, they help one another soothe new and old wounds. Both massaging knots in tense muscles, applying potions and salves with tender lingering touches, seeking comfort and company during the pain-stricken nights. Cool damp towels gently dabbed across heated skin, cheeks flushed as weary eyes meet, silent knowing stares as the other denies the severity of their pain and discomfort. Scoldings and reassurances that they’ll be more careful the next time, that there better be a next time.
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moisttwaterr · 8 months
Prompt: dancing in the kitchen whilst cooking dinner
First off: both Zack and Seph are both capable in the kitchen. Seeing as Zack just ditched Gongaga at such a young age he definitely knows how to feed himself, and over a few years of practice got pretty good. Seph was probably fed constantly in the labs and when deployed, but when he got to his own apartment he figured out how to order groceries and follow a recipe 👍. Then like Zack, after a few years of practice can cook for himself.
Not that either would cook *all* the time take out and food from the mess hall is probably the easiest when your rushing from assignment to assignment. But both would, when they have the time for it, sit down and enjoy a favorite home cooked meal. Seph’s favorite food is pasta, so he’s probably eat a lot of that, and I kinda like the idea of Zack being super in to spicy food/stuff that reminds him of home. (South American type shit I will DIE on the hill that Zack is Latino)
And so,,, we transition to our scene *sparkle sound effect*
On another rare weekend off, Sephiroth sat on the couch in the living room. Though in Zack’s small apartment this was right across from the kitchen, on the far end of the room from the entrance. He watched as Zack fiddled with his PHS and pulled up a recipe.
“I’m trying something new tonight. It’s a fusion dish I think. The grocery store had a lot of fresh veggies from Battisti so I’m using some of that in a pasta dish.” Zack said without looking up. He turned to his fridge and started pulling oh what he’d need.
Of course Zack chose another pasta dish, Sephiroth thought. On their date nights together, it felt as though no matter what he did, Zack would use every ounce of effort in him to make these nights all about Sephiroth. What food he prefers, what shows he likes, what games he’s interested in. It’s adorable and kind, and he really did love Zack all the more for it, but it was starting to pick at his nerves. He wanted to eat /Zack’s/ favorite food, watch what /Zack/ wanted and have /Zack/ pick the game. The problem was, he didn’t even know where to start with this objective.
Zack pulled out the cutting bored, a knife, and a pan and pot. The shrimp was defrosting, and the vegetables had all been set aside to prepare. He picked up the pot at filled it with water to start boiling, and pulled out the box of pasta, setting down for later. Turning again to the cutting station, he started with and onion.
“I’ll help you cut.”
“Ok! As long as you don’t cut yourself again.”
“Excuse you! You were only there for my failure once, and I haven’t cut myself on an onion since you taught me.”
“Haha yeah ok fair, also not a failure you just didn’t know. Could you mince some garlic?”
They continued in silence, and Zack took the garlic his general chopped and added it to the onion in the pan, with some greens, chillies and spices. He occasionally looked to his PHS to check the recipe. He clearly had his mind on the task in front of him and that left Seph to ponder some more.
He came up with an idea.
Zack’s speakers clicked, and music started to play through them. Zack himself barely noticed they turned on at all, and continued to absentmindedly stir the contents of the pan.
Sephiroth’s fingers crawled around Zack’s waist, and pulled him back from the stove.
“Hey wha-?” But a quick glance up saw his lovers large eyes, which were crinkled into a mischievous smile (as mischievously as Seph *could* look, which wasn’t well because he always had such a stern air about him) and it melted and resistance to the sudden movement. Quickly, Sephiroth flipped Zack around so that they were chest to chest.
“I didn’t take you for the romantic-actions type?”
“I’m not.”
“What is this then? Spite dancing?”
“Maybe it was an attempt…”
“An attempt at spite dancing?”
That made Sephiroth let out an amused huff. “No, of course not.”
Their bodies started to sway a little to the music, slowly moving with the rhythm. Zack leaned in closer, however with one arm awkwardly outstretched to accommodate the spoon he was still holding, gently guiding their swaying. A slight push twirled them to the other side of the kitchen, to which then Zack detached from their little rhythmic hug. This startled Sephiroth slightly, but his questions were soon answered when Zack leaned over and procured a blender. Zack leaned back in and twirled them back in front of the stove.
“Hey, could you put the pasta in the water?”
Sephiroth felt determined to be the one to
Seph wants to entertain Zack more and twirls him
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my last two brain cells: bread... good 😌
oh right. it’s clyde!
ahahaha yeah i have ur notifications turned on and every time you post something i’m like cecil? loki? have u spoken to me? hehehehehe cuz u know it’s not like i have anything better to do with my life
i almost typed loaf instead of life... says a lot about my priorities
ahhhh yes i’m looking forward to jt... but why do you need an arm sling? did i forget something about caliban? it’s been nearly a year since i’ve read it, and it wasn’t exactly the most enthralling book, so sorry if i don’t remember much
i understand what ur saying about the fandom thing. definitely a maladaptive daydreamer too, in fact sometimes it’s hard to turn that setting off (which is why i don’t sleep). but yes i feel like harry potter holds a special place in most hearts. don’t let jkr ruin her books for u amigo.
amigo is okay right? i just realized i never asked, i assumed it was relatively gender neutral. i apologize, i call everyone amigo hehe.
haha yeah slytherins earn respect mostly from fear, is what people think which is why they respect them. but you don’t strike me as that kind of person. *shakes hands in gryffindor*
yeah bro is good :) nobody’s called me bro before i kinda like it tbh 😊. ohhhhhh luckyyyy i wish i could ditch pe. it sucks for me bc i am very unathletic so i’m usually the one people hate on when the team loses. ahhhhh don’t ruin ur ribs friend bc then you’ll end up in the hospital and i don’t think u will be able to go on tumblr and then u won’t respond and i’ll think u abandoned me. nonono im kidding but seriously don’t do that take breaks amigo.
no u didn’t make it weird don’t worry amigo just worried for ur well being. haha u must be very stubborn indeed to stubborn yourself into enjoying food lol.
oh wow ur writing must be so amazing gasp 👏👏 awesome hehe. don’t worry about the praise going to ur head, if u deserve it ur allowed to be as egotistic as you want.
tbh u are like so different from all of my friends, and i don’t mean that in a bad way. it’s just so cool to interact with someone that is unafraid to have their opinions and to show emotion and to speak out loud (unlike me) it’s so cool.
i usually don’t like people who display your character traits, i find them annoying. but you also are kind before anything else (except perhaps sarcastic, which i fall guilty to as well) which is what sets you apart i think.
it is like having a pen pal! i’ve always wanted one of those lol. and i’m here to listen to u :)
tbh id dm you, but sadly i’m not allowed to do that and in the interest of keeping my tumblr, i have settled for pen palling u, which i have to say is so fun.
u even have ur own note in my phone where i type up the messages hehe. “for cecil, loki darling” is the title lol. hope i’m not coming across as annoying and clingy, which i can appear to be. if i am i apologize.
oh wow this is long... can u tell i haven’t really spoken to any humans recently hehe?
um so the question: are you into marvel? if so, who is your favourite character? if not, um, i recommend it 🤷‍♀️. hehe
asdf this is very long wow sorry i’m just speaking my mind at this point, which i almost never do. maybe the thoughts just build up and spill out here. that seems like a plausible theory.
anyways *waves* until next time! (i think i’ll end them all like that i like the way it sounds)
Another letter from clyde!!!! Hello, my lovely friend!!!
I’m on my phone very sporadically because of theater and all but when I am I’m like ,,,notif,,,, lmao. Also bread,,,,,, good
Oh my arm brace is to make it more physically safe to hunch my back and twist the way I do for him. Caliban is a monster, so he takes weird physical acting, and our version is snake-like, so much crawling and writhing in the dirt, but the staple of the form is that I crawl sideways with my left shoulder forced up, which I use the brace for. Also I’m frankly glad u didn’t know what I needed the brace for cause I got to nerd all over u. I love theater so much.
Lmao I don’t sleep either so 🤝. I won’t, dont you worry, I’ll still see the fantastic beast movies as they come out (this has nothing to do with my crush on Jude law at *all* /s)
Amigo is just fine!! No one else calls me that, but it has nice energy, so it can be your special Clyde thing!!! Also I’m so glad you like being called bro, I use it as a nickname religiously but I like to think I can fold some warmth into it :)
Don’t worry, I won’t break my ribs I’m terrified of hospitals and also am a hypochondriac so yeah nope lmao. I have like,,, the capacity to be athletic? When I went to a school that made me do sports I was on varsity field hockey and track but I super didn’t like it haha so I don’t do it anymore. This not to say I was like, super good, I was one of the worse ones at the school, but I was ok.
I am clinically stubborn l m a o. Very very stubborn. And don’t worry about me, it’ll get better soon.
🥰🥰🥰🥰thank youuu that’s so sweet. Sometime I’ll send u something I wrote,,,, might even write a story just for you. We’ll see :)
I’m very much glad you don’t find me annoying h. I try hard not to be, but a lot of people do find me irritating and/or too loud. I’m also glad I come across as kind, since I want to be and put work into it. I promise I care u :)))) (I am also very sarcastic it’s true, it’s basically the staple of my wit)
Keeping ur tumblr is good!!! I’d be sad if you went away. I have always loved the energy of letters, and these have it, which is so fun!!!!!! Responding to asks adds to the mystique and the pen pal energy too, so it’s good all around!!
I’m literally smiling so hard, I have a notes folder!!!! (My god when people call me loki I get happy too,,,, I like my name a lot but it’s more like a treat when I’m called loki). Also ur not clingy at all, at least not more than I am. I’m extremely clingy, but worse cause I always just expect people to interact with me first rip. It’s the adhd but I’m also just bad at communicating. Also relatable, I haven’t left my house to go anywhere except theater and that’s like seven people max and we don’t talk about anything except the play.
I am borderline into marvel. I’ve seen some of them, I really didn’t like infinity war and endgame (again no hate it’s just a personal taste thing) (wow I hope u don’t mind how judgmental ur homie is cause damn. I am very very judgey aren’t I. I didn’t like this, I didn’t like that, I thought this could have been done better,,,, anyhow. I am a critic Lolol.) but I really loved Thor ragnarok, captain marvel, black panther, guardians of the galaxy (both of them) and captain America. So the really good ones. I am not sure who I like most other than my namesake ofc (loki). Had a gender envy phase for Tom Hiddleston for Sure.
You spill as many thoughts as you’re comfortable with! I promise you’re safe with me, and I’m here for you. :)))))
Until next time!! (It does sound good)
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compilation of my favorite otp prompts 1
I’ve gone through different prompt posts and made a big list of the ones i liked. I've linked all of the posts, because these are not prompts I thought of myself.
I encourage you to go to the actual posts because you might like more of them!! I just took the ones I personally really like, so please go check out the posts! 
au ideas [x]
“you’re my roommate and the only one on campus who isn’t planning on going home for christmas bc you have family troubles but my mom wouldn’t mind if u stayed with us for christmas so u won’t be alone” au 
“i woke up in our dorm room in the dead of the night and u weren’t there and when u didn’t come back i got super worried so i wandered around campus until i found u shivering in the bleachers, and u looked really upset so i gave u my jacket and stayed out there with u for an hour until u finally told me what was wrong” au
“you’re having a nightmare and i feel bad because you’re trembling and crying so i crawl into bed with u and hold u so u feel safe, but in the morning u wake up with my arms wrapped around u you’re really confused and embarrassed” au
“you kissed me in an attempt to steal my wallet but i know all the tricks haha sucks for u, let’s get coffee sometime and i can teach you some goddamn manners” au
“i have to kiss u for spin the bottle/truth or dare and it turns out you’re an amazing kisser and now i’m hella attracted to u, wanna get dinner sometime? maybe make out a bit?” au
“you’re a lesser-known artist and i’m hanging out at a small art studio in the city and you catch me staring in awe at your work” au
Summer Camp Counselor aus pt. 2 [x]
“We were campers together and I totally had a crush on you and now we’re counselors together and I still have a crush on you” au
“You’re so bad at arts and crafts but you come every day with your cabin and try really hard and it’s really endearing” au
“I got a concussion and I’m groggy and I may have accidentally told you I like you” au
“It’s paint war night and we spend the whole time throwing paint at each other and I think this is our way of flirting” au
peculiar first meeting aus [x]
we met in a ball pit surrounded by five year olds honestly what are we doing with our lives
Height Difference AUs [x]
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting very suspicious” 
assorted weirdly specific AUs [x]
“your friend set you up on a blind date and i happened to be eating alone so you thought you were meeting me and you were cute so i went along with it but you just got a text from said friend that they’re sorry your date stood you up and now i have some explaining to do” au
OTP Prompts [x]
“We met at a party, and I got your number, but my friend deleted it, and I have no idea how to get in touch with you. Then, I run into you at the most random place ever.”
“We’re the last ones in the theater after a terrible movie, and I’m kind of wondering if you’re okay. You seem to be crying, but the movie wasn’t that sad.”
“All this time I thought you hated me, so forgive me if I’m a little suspicious of this love confession.”
nice aus [x]
i was watching that hot jogger while driving out of the neighborhood but got distracted and crashed but i just woke up in a hospital room and said hot jogger is at my bedside because apparently they’re the one who called the ambulance
Thanksgiving Prompts [x]
Person A not being able to see their family for Thanksgiving so Person B invites A to visit B’s family. Bonus: Person B’s family assumes they’re dating even if they’re not.
Person A always gets hounded for not having a date for Thanksgiving dinner so they get Person B to pretend to be their date in return for free food.
Arcade AUs [x]
We don’t know each other, and we’re both way too old for this. We’ve won a ton of tickets, but neither of us even want any of prizes, so we both end up giving our tickets to the same little kid.
We don’t know each other, but two mutual friends of ours invited us along, and now we’re very awkward third and fourth wheels. Wanna ditch them and go play skeeball or something?
You brought a book to the arcade to read, and all of your friends are laughing at you, so I sat down next to you and asked you to read it aloud to me. Now you’re looking at me like I’m crazy, but your friends aren’t laughing anymore, so I feel accomplished.
I work at the oldest, lamest arcade around, and I see you here every week, playing the ridiculously outdated games. I finally have to ask you why you come so often, wait, why are you blushing?
We were both dumped at prom, so we both ditched and went to play at the local arcade instead, obviously we have to compete to see who can get more tickets.
OTP PROMPTS - Food Edition [x]
“I hate sour cream, but you love it, and I secretly love you, so I keep some in my fridge for whenever you come over. Unfortunately, my sibling told you I hate sour cream, and now you’re getting suspicious.” Au
OTP Prompt [x]
“I kissed you during a game of spin the bottle when we were kids, but we barely knew each other, so we never talked about it. Now, you’re telling me you’ve had feelings for me all this time?” AU
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