#pookie bears i love them dearly
wqxianvents · 4 months
This is only the Prologue section I talk about in this one, aha and I ALRWDY HAVE SM TO TALK ABTR
first of all, another group event of course, you love to see it and they’re being dorks but in a cooler way already 💃 also btw happy new year!! hope it’s been treating y’all well already :]<3
okay so i’m going into this event basically being sus of everyone at this point LMAO, i don’t even trust our boys tbh - anything could happen and i’m excited! everytime there’s a big event i always am like “ugh… not another one i have to drain energy into and it isn’t even that interesting” (respectfully). like the last one on the train? i didn’t really care much about it, the only things that interested me were nxx being all up on eachother (exaggerating)
basically i prepare myself to be disappointed, which might sound messed up but tbh the events have only been hittin recently (for me) because of the fact that they’re not having nxx be at eachother’s throats lol. (not saying the past ones weren’t good though and that none of the recent ones were a miss bc again, i didnt fully enjoy the train event)
this one already had me though 😭 got me gagged, the ui is so fucking cool - the card system?? the OUTFITS make me wanna CHOMP my phone (esp luke’s… smth- smth abt it is just. hm, delectable). also baby davis always appearing is so cute his little “hello, miss… uh, i mean, little boss!” LMAO that is my son!!!
ANYGAYS we always have to start off with Marius talking about something going on ‘round town, intended to invite his lovely lady but of course the boys have to interrupt and say hey, where is our invitation??? 🤗 you love to see it
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jxjddh “i didn’t ask you guys” LMFAO HE IS SO DONEEE - artem, vyn: “oh really? let me hit you with this comeback. give me my invitation.”, like why are they so angy ARENT YALL RICH? GET YOUR OWN INVITATION 😭😭 i just adore the difference here though like, luke is the one purely excited here and not just “oh, aha, trying to get alone with rosa? how about: no.” but vyn is like 😭 “okay, shit, thanks for the invitation, marius.”
of course we needed our typical marluke banner 🥺
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“Without us, who would you team up with?” did he just call marius friendless or can i also mix that with delulu poly nxx and add a hint of, “bitch who else are you planning to invite? we are RIGHT here” LMFAO
“Luke, are things at work slow lately?” 😭😭😭 i have tears in my eyes u were gonna invite him anyway shut up
i want a group event where the guys don’t butt in just to see if marius invites them anyway HAAHSJS like he just has the stuff ready for the boys just in case they butt in again, but one time they don’t and he’s just confused 😭
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kicking my feet, he loves them all dearly. they’re my babies, my lil ol family!!
ANYWAYS… we’re here. Li Hotel 🤨 && again, the wayyy i was entranced with everything omg obsessed obsessed. BY THE WAY i already suspect that the letter-friend is reporter pearce 🤨🤨 don’t ask me for proper reasoning besides the fact that they reveal the letter-friend is a guy LMAO
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&& shares the same life goal (wanting to travel around the world) as little boss 😔💜 but who knows…
alright last two things ✨ nxx boys lowkey teasing rosa by being in character HAHAHDJ (NOT ME POSTING THE WEONG PICTURE AND MAKING MYSELF SAD)
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same, rosa, same 😭 (and the invitation card?? zoo wee mama- the way that marius was the only one who kept his eyes on rosa thoughhj hejeejnffk GRRR. okay sorry. NAUR and the luke stare 😔 marluke strikes my heart once again!!! WHY IS VYN ALL THE WAY UP THERE BTW)
anyways. last but not least, this isn’t technically apart of the prologue but it’s when Davis takes you on a little tour as always to show you the event and there is one part where you can have discussions with the boys. you click on luke by default but the first conversation option you have, he talks about this:
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&& this actually made me tear up pretty bad 😭 then i had a whiplash and went “OHH THE FUCKING CARD” LMFAOO,, LIKE WHY WOULD HYV DO THIS TO ME 😞 i love the parallels luke always has with his au cards though ugh, makes me depressed in the right way(??)
like his birthday card (the name is itching my brain, i can’t remember) and in his bday event there was a mirror and sword (i believe) that appeared 😔 now this… sobbing throwing up, do NOT TOUCH ME
ojay. i’m done here, had to write the thoughts out brrr, imma go finish reading the event now 🌚 toodles (unless u can read the vyn spoiler below)
OHHbajdhd and adding on why I’m not trusting anyone - even our boys - in this event is because this event reminds me too much of a card that Vyn has. A group of folks in this card are acting and Vyn’s character ended up being the killer. I won’t leave my thoughts on the card but this is why I’m sus of everyone 😔
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spanishrose2002 · 3 years
👻 🖊 🏅 📥
Thanks anon!
What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I don't really have plans to leave any fic abandoned. I want to finish everything I've started, but there are some that I think would be more difficult to pick up than others. Basically, I would probably need some great source of motivation to get there. Those would include (but not be limited to) "In A Good Way" and "The Little Things." Admittedly, to finish "The Little Things," I'd almost need an agreement with the readers that we were just going to ignore certain aspects and nobody was ever going to ask why they were changed/just disappeared. LOL With that agreement, I could likely wrap it up.
Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Does this mean something I haven't published. Here, this is from what I just published.
“You don’t smell,” Carol said. “And you’ll wear deodorant and that cologne I bought you, anyway. But—you need to do something with your hair, Pookie.” Carol affectionately petted Daryl’s head. “It looks like you were having sex last night.”
Daryl’s face ran hot.
“I was,” he said.
“You were?” Carol asked, teasing him. He was relieved that she was teasing him. At least she was a little more relaxed than she had been when he’d first come into the kitchen to find her nearly ready to leap out of her skin entirely. He smiled at her, hummed, and nodded.
“Sure was,” he said. “My hair looks so damned bad because she was ridin’ my ass. Wallowin’ me all into the mattress.”
“She was?” Carol asked. Her cheeks ran pink, but she was doing her best to hold her smile back. It wasn’t working. Daryl hummed and nodded again.
“Like one of them—them bull things…you know? Like they got at a bar. Rode my ass half the damned night. That’s why the hell I was so late gettin’ up. Wore me the fuck out.”
What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I'm not going to lie. I'm rarely one of those people who feels genuinely proud of anything.
That being said, and bearing in mind the kind of feeling that I think they're talking about, I'd say it was probably getting together all the plans for everything left in "The King and the Wildman's Heir" and "Region 33." They're both planned out entirely to their ends. All I really have to do with them is put the words into chapters.
What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
All/any of them. I'm not kidding. I'm a comment/message whore. I love them all dearly. I love talking about fics, discussing fics, etc. I love anything like that. Any story, any time. LOL (Even if it's a story that I have to admit that I wasn't pleased with the end result, I started it because I at least loved the premise and what it could have been.)
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
SEASONS OF LOVE. ‘  let’s celebrate and remember a year in the life of friends.  ’ ‘  remember the love.  ’
RENT. ‘  real life is getting more like fiction each day.  ’ ‘  where is the power?  ’ ‘  we’re hungry and frozen.  ’ ‘  some life that we’ve chosen.  ’ ‘  how can you generate heat when you can’t feel your feet and they’re turning blue.  ’ ‘  on every street it’s ‘trick or treat’ and tonight it’s ‘trick.’  ’ ‘  welcome back to town.  ’ ‘  oh, i should lie down.  ’ ‘  everything is brown and uh-oh, i feel sick.  ’ ‘  we’re not gonna pay rent.  ’
YOU’LL SEE. ‘  hey, you bum. get your ass off that range rover.  ’ ‘  what happened to (name)? what happened to their heart and the ideals he once pursued?  ’ ‘  you’re wasting your time.  ’ ‘  you broke your word -- this is absurd.  ’ ‘  that boy could use some prozac.  ’
LIGHT MY CANDLE. ‘  what’d you forget?  ’ ‘  got a light?  ’ ‘  you’re shivering.  ’ ‘  they turned off my heat.  ’ ‘  i’m just a little weak on my feet.  ’ ‘  would you light my candle?  ’ ‘  what are you staring at?  ’ ‘  i always remind people of -- who is she?  ’ ‘  i think that i dropped my stash.  ’ ‘  i know i’ve seen you out and about when i used to go out.  ’ ‘  they say that i have the best ass below 14th street. is it true?  ’ ‘  i didn’t recognize you without the handcuffs.  ’ ‘  i’m just born to be bad.  ’ ‘  our eyes will adjust. thank god for the moon.  ’
TODAY 4 U. ‘  today for you -- tomorrow for me.  ’ ‘  you earned this on the street?  ’ ‘  darling, be a dear, i haven’t slept for a year.  ’ ‘  i need your help to make my neighbor’s yappy dog disappear.  ’ ‘  but sure as i am here that dog is now in doggy hell.  ’
TANGO: MAUREEN. ‘  this is weird.  ’ ‘  fuckin’ weird.  ’ ‘  i’m so mad that i don’t know what to do.  ’ ‘  feel like going insane? got a fire in your brain and you’re thinking of drinking gasoline?  ’ ‘  honey, i know this act.  ’ ‘  it’s a dark, dizzy merry-go-round.  ’ ‘  as she keeps you dangling, your heart she is mangling.  ’ ‘  it’s different with me.  ’ ‘  her cold eyes can burn.  ’ ‘  has she ever pouted her lips and called you pookie?  ’ ‘  have you ever doubted a kiss or two?  ’ ‘  this is spooky.  ’ ‘  did you swoon when she walked through the door?  ’ ‘  where’d you learn to tango?  ’ ‘  you pretend to believe her cause in the end you can’t leave her.  ’
LIFE SUPPORT. ‘  i find some of what you teach suspect because i’m used to relying on intellect.  ’ ‘  i try to open up to what i don’t know.  ’ ‘  reason says i should have died three years ago.  ’ ‘  there’s only us. there’s only this.  ’ ‘  forget regret or life is yours to miss.  ’ ‘  no other road, no other way. no day but today.  ’
OUT TONIGHT. ‘  it’s gotta be close to midnight.  ’ ‘  my body’s talking to me, it says ‘time for danger.’  ’ ‘  i wanna commit a crime, wanna be the cause of a fight.  ’ ‘  i wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.  ’ ‘  i’ve had a knack from way back at breaking the rules once a i learn the game.  ’ ‘  we don’t need any money. i always get in for free.  ’ ‘  let’s go out tonight.  ’ ‘  in the evening, i’ve got to roam.  ’ ‘  let’s find a bar, so dark we forget how we are and all the scars from nevers and maybes die.  ’
ANOTHER DAY. ‘  who do you think you are?  ’ ‘  little girl, the door is that way.  ’ ‘  your sweet whisper, i just can’t handle.  ’ ‘  i should tell you, i should tell you -- no!  ’ ‘  another time, another place, our temperature would rise, there’d be a warm in brace.  ’ ‘  looking for romance? come back another day.  ’ ‘  the heart may freeze or it can burn.  ’ ‘  the pain will ease if i could learn.  ’ ‘  there is no future. there is no past. i live in this moment as my last.  ’ ‘  excuse me if i’m off track.  ’ ‘  if your so wise then tell me, why do you need smack?  ’ ‘  long ago, you might’ve lit up my heart, but the fire’s dead -- ain’t ever gonna start.  ’
I’LL COVER YOU. ‘  live in my house, i’ll be your shelter.  ’ ‘  just pay me back with a thousand kisses.  ’ ‘  be my lover and i’ll cover you.  ’ ‘  don’t got much baggage to lay at your feet, but sweet kisses i’ve got to spare.  ’ ‘  i think they meant it when they said you can’t buy love.  ’ ‘  you are my love, on life. be my life.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my king and i’ll be your castle.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my queen and i’ll be your moat.  ’ ‘  a new lease you are my love on life, all my life.  ’ ‘  i’ve longed to discover something as true as this.  ’ ‘  with a thousand kisses, i’ll cover you.  ’
OVER THE MOON. ‘  out of the abyss walked a cow, elsie. i asked if she had anything to drink, she said, ‘i’m forbidden to produce milk. in cyberland, we only drink diet coke.’  ’ ‘  the only thing to do is jump over the moon.  ’ ‘  they’ve closed everything real down.  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here!  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here! it’s like being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal mickey mouse.  ’ ‘  and although he once had principals, he abandoned them.  ’ ‘  maybe it’s a... female thing.  ’ ‘  moo with me!  ’
LA VIE BOHEME. ‘  what am i? just a blur?  ’ ‘  go to hell.  ’ ‘  i’m surprised a bright and charming girl like you hangs out with these slackers.  ’ ‘  do you really want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoop every night?  ’ ‘  dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes.  ’ ‘  to being an us for once, instead of a them.  ’ ‘  hey mister, she’s my sister.  ’ ‘  dorothy and toto went over the rainbow to blow off auntie em.  ’
I SHOULD TELL YOU. ‘  i should tell you i’m a disaster.  ’ ‘  let’s just make this part go faster -- i have yet to be in it.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i blew the candle out just to get back in.  ’ ‘  i’d forgotten how to smile until your candle burned my skin.  ’
TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME. ‘  you were flirting with the woman in rubber!  ’ ‘  there will always be women in rubber flirting with me. give me a break!  ’ ‘  every single day i walk down the street, i hear people say ‘baby, so sweet.’  ’ ‘  ever since puberty everybody stares at me. boys, girls -- i can’t help it, baby.  ’ ‘  be kind and don’t lose your mind.  ’ ‘  just remember that i’m your baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am, who i was meant to be.  ’ ‘  take me baby, or leave me.  ’ ‘  this diva needs her stage!  ’ ‘  baby, let’s have fun.  ’ ‘  you are the one i choose. folks will kill to fill your shoes.  ’ ‘  so be mine, but don’t waste my time.  ’ ‘  oh honey bear, are you still my baby?  ’ ‘  no way can i be what i’m not, but hey, don’t you want your girl hot?!  ’ ‘  don’t fight, don’t lose your head.  ’ ‘  every night, who’s in your bed?  ’ ‘  kiss pookie.  ’ ‘  it won’t work!  ’ ‘  i hate mess, but i love you.  ’ ‘  so be wise cause this girl satisfies.  ’ ‘  you’re one lucky baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am.  ’ ‘  that’s it -- the straw that breaks my back.  ’ ‘  i quit unless you take it back.  ’ ‘  women, what is it about them? can’t live with them or without them.  ’ ‘  guess i’m leaving. i’m gone.  ’
WITHOUT YOU. ‘  i die without you.  ’ ‘  but i know blue, only blue, lonely blue, within me blue.  ’ ‘  the mind churns, the heart yearns.  ’ ‘  life goes on, but i’m gone.  ’
GOODBYE LOVE. ‘  it’s true your with this yuppy scum?  ’ ‘  you said you’d never speak to him again.  ’ ‘  who said you have any say in who she says things to at all?  ’ ‘  who said you should stick your nose in other people’s business?  ’ ‘  who said i was talking to you?  ’ ‘  we used to have this fight each night -- she’d never admit i existed.  ’ ‘  he was always run away, hit the road, don’t commit. you’re full of shit!  ’ ‘  your full of shit!  ’ ‘  you gave an inch when i gave a mile  ’ ‘  c’mon guys, chill!  ’ ‘  i’d be happy to die for a taste of what they had: someone to live for, unafraid to say i love you.  ’ ‘  all your words are nice, but love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  you’ll never share real love until you love yourself.  ’ ‘  you said you’d be cool today, so please, for my sake...  ’ ‘  i can’t believe this is goodbye.  ’ ‘  how could you let her go?  ’ ‘  are you insane? there’s so much to care about.  ’ ‘  who are you to tell me what i know?  ’ ‘  you hid in your work from facing your failure, facing your loneliness, facing the fact you live a lie.  ’ ‘  you’re always preaching not to be numb when that’s how you thrive.  ’ ‘  you pretend to create and observe when you really detach from being alive.  ’ ‘  are you really jealous?  ’ ‘  she’s running out of time and you’re running out the door.  ’ ‘  for someone who’s always been let down, who’s heading out of town?  ’ ‘  i’ll call.  ’ ‘  i hate the fall.  ’ ‘  you heard?  ’ ‘  you don’t want baggage without life time guarantees. you don’t wanna see me die?  ’ ‘  i just came to say goodbye love.  ’ ‘  please don’t touch me, understand i’m scared.  ’
YOUR EYES ‘  your eyes as we said our goodbyes -- i can’t get them out of my mind.  ’ ‘  i find i can’t hide from your eyes, the ones that took me by surprise, the night you came into my life.  ’ ‘  there’s moonlight i see in your eyes.  ’ ‘  how’d i let you slip away when i’m longing so to hold you?  ’ ‘  now i’d die for one more day ‘cause there’s something i should have told you.  ’ ‘  why does distance make us wise?  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you. you can see it in my eyes.  ’
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