#poll part 2 bc they can only either be one day or one week. i didnt know
spiritumantophila · 1 year
DnD Battle!!!!!!!
vote based on whatever criteria u think is best/funniest/coolest
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hxseok-honee · 5 years
about the spooky twt au!
yo yo got some updates on the new au - 
ill be posting a teaser for it most likely in the next few days [probably fairly soon], both on twt and tumblr. i will likely start the twt posting of updates before i start them here just so that i can finish up 24/7 and Love Is before i start anything new on tumblr, and then i’ll just post more frequently on tumblr until i catch up to the updates on twt [it really should only be like 2 or 3 updates, but im still figuring out my update schedule]
this new au will probably be the only thing ill work on over the summer so that i dont put too much on my plate for when im in korea and so that i can put all my energy into it! 
about the interactive portion! ive decided instead of sticking to the real definition of “interactive”, which would entail kind of a choose your own adventure [which i really cant do just bc this au will be really involved and i cant change the plot too much], it’ll be in the form of polls! so after certain parts, ill make a post asking for your opinions about a topic and then if you guys choose the correct answer of the four or five options i post, then ill let you guys ask me one question from a list that i still have to come up w . if you don’t get it right then there’s just gonna be some information you don’t know , so you’ll have a lower chance of figuring out what the fuck is happening. if you guys have a twt acc as well, pls try to only participate in one of the poll sections, either here or on twt - i kind of wanna run a mini social experiment w this au just to see what the majority thought process is on tumblr and twt separately
ye that’s about it! just wanted to let you guys know how the summer’s gonna be looking plus how these interactive portions will be formatted. for now , if you have twt acc please go check out my good friend @ realmoonnamjoon ! she’s currently doing a namjoon-centric spooky sci-fi au , and as someone who knows the entire plot from start to finish, i can attest to the fact that her au is gonna be fuckin fire . it’s her first au and she’s really excited for people to read it ! also we’ve pulled like 4 all-nighters together in the last 2 weeks planning each of our aus, so she’s putting a lot of time and love into it! 
as for my twt acc, ill be posting at @ lycheemyg , so if youd like to read it on twt go follow me there! thanks guys <3
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isadorcs · 5 years
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╰☆╮ LANA CONDOR ─ ISADORA ROSS identifies as  DEMI-FEMALE and uses SHE/THEY pronouns. they’re a DANCER, ARTIST, & REALITY COMP STAR, and they’re only TWENTY-TWO ! they’re said to be +PASSIONATE, but also -DARING. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE UNEXPECTED in the tabloids.
death tw, car accident tw, general thievery ? 
like this post to plot w her and i’ll message u !!!!!!! 
so i know i gave a bit about her in the poll but i wound up kind of combining her and evangeline bc i could so ??? here’s an updated isadora info 
isadora ross was adopted at birth by nicholas and aria ross.  they brought her into their home and spoiled her rotten as best they could.  isadora never wanted for anything in her early years.  
at the age of six her mother died suddenly of an undiagnosed tumor.  
nicholas didn’t know what to do and wound up bringing in aria’s mother, francine, into their home to help him care for young isadora.  
isadora never liked her grandmother, her rules were too strict for a young and wild child like isadora.  and she hated being cooped up so often.  
nicholas threw himself into his work and spent fewer and fewer hours at home.  by the time isadora was twelve her father died in a car accident from falling asleep behind the wheel.  
isadora was left completely in the care of francine and the pair did not get along.  francine was not accepting of isadora claiming to feel different and was not pleased when her granddaughter started calling herself “demi-female” and using different pronouns.  
she had been dancing since she was three years old, focusing mainly on ballet & tap.  
at the age of fourteen, isadora ran away from home after a fight with her grandmother.  she took only a handful of things, including her grandmother’s credit card and ran off to europe, ditching the credit card after landing in the paris airport.  
isadora began working as a street painter, making enough to maintain a room in an apartment of an older woman.  they would also cook and clean for the woman who couldn’t do much for herself.  
one day as they were painting isadora was commissioned to paint something for someone and that’s how it was discovered that she could copy something simply by memory.  
a thief found her work and offered isadora a large sum of money to paint five copies of one painting.  which she did, because she needed the money.  
isadora soon became a part of a criminal crew as a forger and thief.  they were small enough to get in and out of places usually undetected, and their forgeries were good enough to pass as real works until they were inspected by a professional.  
the crew got caught when isadora was eighteen, but isadora managed to get away and go back to america.  they are wanted in 5 countries under the alias “the ballerina”  but no one ever got close enough when they were making swaps to get a photograph so no one knows it was her.  
coming back to the states, isadora bought an apartment in manhattan and began working as a maid in a hotel, careful to hide her wealth in other places so no one knew how much she was really worth.  
at nineteen they gave birth to a son, adrian.  it’s rumored that he’s the son of someone she knew in europe, but isadora never comments on that subject farther.  in fact, they keep their son out of instagram posts and social media entirely.  
last year isadora sent in audition tapes for both survivor and big brother and was selected for the big brother show.  they were pretty unknown and a silent person on the show.  no one expected them to win.  but they were behind some of the biggest blindsides, through casually mentioning names and things they’d overheard.  no one realized it was isadora behind it until they were evicted and watched back, or were in the jury house with others.  
they won the show with losing only 2 of the jury members votes, one of which was because it was a showmance voting for their other half.  
with winning a reality competition under their belt, isadora returned back to the city to her son and began working on other projects.  they’ve been a dancer in a broadway show, an artist working on an art show, and 
they’ve opened up a “big brother/survivor/amazing race” training camp. where you sign up for either a 3 or 6 week course for one of the shows and you’re tested to your abilities for different competitions and social games.  
they are doing their best to not be doing too much art lately.  if anyone sees their paintings its possible that they could be caught.  
it’s rumoured that she will be going on survivor this upcoming season but she has yet to comment.  
isadora is a kind person, always wanting to help others out.  
one of the big things from when they were working with the con crew was that they made sure to help people less fortunate with the money they would get from their jobs.  
they are very passionate in everything they do.  they give everything their all.  
isadora throws herself head first into everything they do, falling in love with everything.  
they are also kind of impulsive and daring, usually finding trouble in the oddest ways.  
“oh?? this store is closed ?? but someone needs food?? i can pick the lock it’s okay.”
this also leads them to be kind of controlling and bossy.  they want things to go their way.  
isadora also is good at putting on a facade.  they can con people, from previous work as a thief and grifter, which helped her on the competition.  
not really family oriented, except for her son.  isadora doesn’t talk much about her parents or her other family, but she will gush about her son all the time.  
a childhood friend, probably from school or maybe someone who she met on like aim ( throwing it bACK A BIT Y’ALL ) and kept in touch with them.  
a dancing buddy, someone who she has practiced with and they’re close maybe.
a best friend, likely someone she met when they ran away from home and moved to europe, wandering around on their own.  this person would know the majority of isadora’s past.  
exes, isadora didn’t date much, so there would be a couple of exes.  they usually had relationships lasting not too long, most of the time it ended amicably but we can always figure out some dramatic thing too. 
pen pals, someone who izzie had a writing relationship with.  maybe set up through elementary school programs or a friend of the family, it would be someone who they’ve kept in touch with for all these years.  
close friends 
ride or die
past hookups
neighbor(s) / maybe a roommate or smthn ?
ex best friend
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yumeironogenesis · 6 years
Romeo&... Part 1: Collision
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Part 2 | Part 3
So, I ran a poll on my twitter about two weeks ago asking which event I should translate next, and Romeo&... won so here we are now. Everything under the cut!
At the site of Genesis’s flagship performance, Tsubasa Art Theater. Here, the troupe members undergo intensive practice as it approaches the opening day.
Gaku: “I knew it… Romeo?! Why are you here…!”
Ryosuke: “That’s my line… Julio, to think you’d you’re the one sent from RED… How can you laugh in this situation? It’s not even ironic… it’s ridiculous!”
Gaku: “Romeo, don’t you understand? This is a duel with both our organization’s reputation at stake. You do know… it won’t end until either one of us is dead, right?”
Gaku: “You were like an elder brother to me… You are the enemy who hurt Theo, yet at the same time, my only friend…”
Gaku: “Shit…. I can’t! I can’t shoot you!”
Ryosuke: ….
Gaku: Yo, Kuroki. It’s your line next.
Ryosuke: … Let’s stop for now. We’re restarting from Act 2 part 4.
Gaku: The hell?! I was just getting into the swing! There’s not much more so let’s do it till the fucking end!
Ryosuke: No, we’re stopping here. Haiba, music please.
Takuma: Ok, music is ready. Kuroki-kun, shall I?
Gaku: Tsk. I get it already! Shit… just when it was getting good too…
Ryosuke: “… Any minute now. The assassin from RED… I wonder who they sent… “
Gaku: “It’s either clearing the traitor’s name, or dying. Heh. Like hell I’ll die in a place like this. Whoever my opponent is, I will finish them.”
Gaku: “… I can see them. So, they’re the unlucky guest from BLUE, huh? Hm…? It can’t be, that’s---!”
Rei:  Sudo-san’s acting… it gets even more refined the more he practices.
Yutaro: Yeah… Rather than acting, he is close to the character himself. By repeating the negotiations right before the climax, more and more of Julio’s impatience will show itself in his lines.
Ryosuke: “My younger brother, Nicola, and your senior, Theo, has been hurt. That… is already enough victims.”
Gaku: “Stop saying that weak shit! There should be a way, if we just think together---!”
Ryosuke: …Ok. The negotiation scene, one more time, from the top---
Gaku: Hey…!
Ryosuke: What?
Gaku: Why aren’t we continuing to the next scene?! Our emotions will be all over the place doing it in chunks like this!
Ryosuke: Doing the climax now will be meaningless. As long as you have the lines memorized, that’s enough.
Ryosuke: You’re qualified enough to do that, since improv acting is your specialty. Right now, we are practicing to build the emotional lead-up toward that scene.
Ryosuke: Close scrutiny of the timing and nuance of every line is necessary in order to communicate to the audience the excitement of a controlled stage.
Ryosuke: To do that, we are repeating Romeo and Julio’s negotiation scene and carving it into our bodies-
Gaku: You said you have a good grasp of my acting, didn’t you? That also means you can kill my acting when you need to, am I right? You’re “restricting”[1] me. That’s what you’re doing, no sugarcoating.
Ryosuke: …Sudo. Your acting as of now is fully deserving of praise. But if you’re the type who feels “restricted” by doing this then, you have nowhere else to go.
Gaku: You little shit… Don’t make fun of me!
Rei: H-hey wait, no fighting!
Takuma: … Bloody hell, again? When practice gets heated this always happens.
Yutaro: I’ll go and stop them.
Rei: Woah, S-Sudo-san! You look ready to punch a dude! Don’t make such a scary face, come on, smile!
Yutaro: That’s enough, Gaku.
Gaku: Ugh….?! What the fuck, Yu?! Let me go!!
Yutaro: If I let go, you’re going to hit him, am I right? I can’t let the main role get hurt so close to opening day.
Gaku: I wasn’t gonna hurt him! I was just gonna “carve it in his body” like he wanted me to!
Yutaro: I told you, that’s not allowed. Come, calm yourself… Let’s take a short break.
Gaku: Tsk.
Ryosuke: Sudo, reassemble in 10 minutes. We’re going through Act 2 part 4 again.
Gaku: Whatever you say, dammit! Just you wait, you bastard…!
Yutaro: Phew… This conflict is a sign that all our practice is reaching its conclusion.
Rei: That scared me for a sec but… “Romeo&…” looks like it’ll be an amazing number!
To be continued...
1) The original jp text says 型にはめるwhich means “To beat into a mold”, but I think it doesn’t really sound good in context. There might be a better word for this than “to restrict” but if it makes sense and expresses the intent of the text I think it shouldn’t matter in the long run
2) Gaku is talking very angrily/annoyed here and although he isn’t explicitly cursing nearly as much in the jp text, I decided to put in some f words to express his anger bc it wouldn’t sound as rude/angry without them. And well… I do have a sailor mouth irl so it was fun for me personally lol
3) Yutaro is gaku whisperer istg. Protector of ryos pretty face. (also no im not apologizing for making takuma say ”bloody hell” it just suits him so well) 
One more before you leave! I made an FAQ page, so please check it out! thank you for reading!
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faithfulnews · 4 years
Productivity Shouldn’t Be Your Pandemic Priority
Signs of Life content is created in partnership with American Awakening.
Early on in quarantine, our collective American panic took a strange swerve. Maybe you noticed. The initial slew of responses, whether from our employers, the influencer set or the inescapable brands were all focused on how we could keep busy, even if we couldn’t go anywhere. 
Maybe it’s not surprising that places like CNN and Forbes dropped articles with headlines like “How to Stay Productive During Quarantine.” A viral internet factoid reminded us all that Shakespeare wrote King Lear while he was in quarantine (“and what have you done?” hardly needed to be said out loud). One “motivational” message shamed the world by telling us all that if we don’t come out of quarantine with a new skill, more knowledge and a new side hustle “you never lacked time, you lacked discipline.” A widely mocked LA Times article even suggested everyone should stop wearing sweatpants and “dress like the adult you’re getting paid to be.” 
In any case, it seems that the American instinct with anxiety is “work through it.�� We want to know our lives still have meaning on lockdown, and we don’t know how to separate meaning from work.  
Now, this isn’t all bad. This is America. We like to be productive, and our productivity has led to some real breakthroughs that have benefited the whole world. Even now, in pandemic season, examples of American creativity and ingenuity in our virtual offices can be pretty inspiring. 
But many (most?) Americans also know deep down that this workaholism comes at a price. The cost has always been there, nipping at the edges of our consciousness, but it’s much more apparent during a global crisis. If you were an alien watching this country right now, would you be impressed with how committed Americans are to keep up their professional pace in the middle of a crisis, or would you suspect that they have some sort of addiction to productivity? Would you think the reason they stay busy is that they don’t know how to slow down?
Being Led to Rest
Think about it this way. Around 1000 BC, King David wrote Psalm 23 — his most famous work and probably what most people think of when they hear the word Psalm. You how it begins: “The Lord is my Shepherd…” I’ve read or recited that psalm many hundreds of times over the years, but I recently noticed something I hadn’t observed before. Something that shows just how much David understood the human impulse to stay productive at all costs. 
David doesn’t say “You let me lie down in green pastures,” which would seem like the obvious word choice. He says “You make me lie down in green pastures.”  
Similarly, the Psalm doesn’t say “You’re with me beside quiet waters.” It says, “You lead me beside quiet waters.” 
Why does the shepherd—David’s word for God—“make” and “lead” the Psalmist to do things that any sane person would want to do? Did David not want rest, beauty and peace?
Well, no. Quite the opposite, actually.
While scholars in ancient Hebrew history aren’t certain what was happening in King David’s life at the time he wrote this psalm, what is known about his life, in general, is that he had tons of enemies, and many of them were members of his own family. For just one tragic example, his son Absalom started a civil war against his father. 
We also know that David spent a lot of his life on the run, either running from these enemies or looking for a fight. He may have been a king, but David’s life was busy and rough. In many psalms, he talks about being exhausted and demoralized. In one instance, he feels utterly hopeless and abandoned, even by God.
Maybe you can relate.
You’re not a king, and your enemies probably’ aren’t Philistine giants or even necessarily other people, but I believe most of us can relate to the sense of being overwhelmed, exhausted and demoralized – especially right now. Most of all, we can relate to the reality of needing someone to make us lie down in green pastures and lead us beside quiet waters. If we aren’t led to it, many of us will never do it. 
That’s not just my opinion. Research shows we’re not very good at finding those pastures/waters on a regular basis. Statistically, we are the most overworked nation on the planet.
●  At least 134 countries have laws setting the maximum length of the workweek; the U.S. does not. ●  In the U.S., 85.8 percent of males and 66.5 percent of females work more than 40 hours per week. ●  According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), “Americans work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more hours per year than British workers, and 499 more hours per year than French workers.” Again, I am very proud of the American work ethic and believe that our approach to work is a wonderful attribute, but it is fair to ask the question — maybe we take it just a bit too far? To put it strongly, there is something almost pathological about our need to work. 
That’s why I want to propose that there are three things we, as Americans, ignore that we could be re-learning this season to integrate into our normal routine. Let’s call them the R-words. 
In the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible, Genesis 2 explains that on the seventh day of creation, God rested. The Hebrew word used in the Torah is menuchah which translates, simply, rest. It is from this passage that the Jewish tradition of Shabbat or Sabbath was born.
Gallup’s most recent poll found that Americans average about six hours a night these days, compared to nine hours back in 1910. Forbes contributor Neil Howe suggests our diminishing rest has been propelled by technologies like the light bulb and the Internet which allow us to work 24/7. We can work more, so we feel like we should work more. But can and should aren’t the same thing. 
Obviously, recreation can mean anything from tossing a frisbee to playing corn hole to SeaDooing on the lake, and there is nothing wrong with any of that. But our broad application of it has buried the deeper significance of recreation.
The original Latin word is recreare which translates: create again or renew. The first English use of the word was in reference to refreshing or curing a sick person. Recreation is fundamentally about re-creating ourselves through activity. It’s not just having fun (although it often is fun). It’s an act of creation. 
Recreation, when done well, teases our itch for a simpler, more meaningful life. It makes less become more, but only for a spell. We get a taste of less and we love it. Then more takes over again and we’re back where we started, longing for less.
While rest is a temporary break in the action—an eddy in the rushing river of life; and recreation is an act of temporarily re-creating ourselves and our circumstances; restoration is returning ourselves and our circumstances to their best form—to the way they are meant to be. 
It is easy to fall into anxiety, hopelessness, sadness and even anger when you consider the state of our country, and the world. We are in desperate need of more than rest and recreation. We need restoration. We need to strip away the superficial, extraneous and meaningless addiction to productivity for productivity’s sake in order to restore our most meaningful lives. We have to do our part and, if we can, help others do theirs. 
I don’t know when this season will be over. Restrictions may loosen and some people may start going back to their offices, but it’s clear that our future is going to be shaped by COVID-19 for a long time to come. But we as a country can be better prepared for what’s next if we’re willing to be led to rest, recreation and restoration.
If you like what you’re reading, check out the daily Signs of Life podcast by American Awakening. Now playing on the RELEVANT Podcast Network.
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racingtoaredlight · 5 years
The degenerate’s guide to college football TV watch ‘em ups, 2019 season, week 11
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I typed “Bama LSU” into tumblr’s gif search and this was the only result. I take it as a representation of my flawless technique as a writer.
Let’s see if I have the heart or interest to write anything worthwhile below. I’ve probably already done the best work possible in this world. FBSchedules and Vegas Insider are supporting this post materially, unwitting yet they be.
Saturday, November 9
Matchup                                          Time (ET)                     TV/Mobile
Vanderbilt at 10 Florida                  12:00pm                         ESPN
This doesn’t belong on television. This is not the kind of thing people should waste their lives on and I mean that for the players and coaches.
4 Penn State at 17 Minnesota         12:00pm                         ABC
Gophers +6.5 is an absolutely sure thing. It’s either that or there is no god. You can only choose one.
WKU at Arkansas                             12:00pm                       SECN
Have you guys followed the whole Deadspin saga from the last few weeks? My favorite part was that Maidment guy that set the whole cycle in motion and then had to write a bunch of shitty content himself to make the site look sort of normal after everybody quit. I laughed heartily at his horrible writing but I can’t help feeling I’m that kind of brainless dummy clacking away at a company laptop to produce as little impact as possible with my unoriginal words. Anyway, enjoy this version of the Petrino Bowl.
UMass at Army                                  12:00pm                       CBSSN
Army is favored by 34.5. Army is fucking awful. It’s insane that UMass has a win over an FBS team this season. Once you get blown out by UConn, people forget all about your big win over Akron. Anyway, take UMass to cover because, as many are saying, Army is fucking awful.
Purdue at Northwestern                    12:00pm                       BTN
As today’s contemporary children are quite fond of saying, it’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
Texas Tech at West Virginia              12:00pm                      ESPN2
Long gone are the days of Holgo and... the guy that coaches the Cardinals now. They both used shitty seasons to get better money this year. So now Texas Tech vs. West Virginia is just bland gruel hardly fit for a shithead on his couch.
Maryland at 1 Ohio State                   12:00pm                       FOX
We’re into the BCS rankings part of the season so now Ohio State is ranked #1, which I mostly agree with. I still hope they lose way more often than not but I’m sort of ambivalent here. Last year Maryland fucked up and blew a great chance to upset Ohio State and I watched it with friends who are not football degenerates a day or two after our friend’s funeral. On that note, Ohio State -44 is a strong recommend.
Florida State at Boston College        12:00pm                      ACCN
A week ago I would not have guessed FSU could fuck themselves so thoroughly against Miami that they’d be playing with an interim head coach this week. The rumor mill for the permanent hire in Tallahassee is hilarious: Nick Saban, Urban Meyer, Bob Stoops, Jim Leavitt and Deion Sanders. The nicest thing I saw about Deion’s resume was that he was the OC for a high school in Texas a few years ago. I don’t think that was his sham unaccredited school. That school was in Florida, wasn’t it? That’s quite the resume to put up against the other four. Coach Deion is a dream we can all have.
East Carolina at 25 SMU                     12:00pm                     ESPNU
Condolences to SMU as Memphis didn’t continually shoot themselves in the dick like they normally do in high profile games. This should be a good bounceback game but the action on the line (moving 3 points towards ECU) tells me people didn’t really think that much of SMU in the first place.
12 Baylor at TCU                                  12:00pm                        FS1
I honestly don’t have any sort of read on whether Baylor’s 8-0 record is because they’re back to being good or if they’ve just feasted on mostly shitty teams. Which I guess is all they ever did under Briles, anyway. Well, TCU sucks this year so I’m not really excited to check in on this one unless there’s an exciting finish like TCU is driving with under a minute to score their 10th TD of the day before time expires to seal the shutout.
Georgia Tech at Virginia                       12:30pm                       RSN
For as long as I live, I will only ever think of the 1990 game between these two whenever they match up.
Air Force at New Mexico                    Postponed
This game is postponed due to the death of UNM defensive end, Nahje Flowers. R.I.P.
UTSA at Old Dominion                          2:00pm                        ESPN3
South Alabama at Texas State              3:00pm                        ESPN3
Charlotte at UTEP                                   3:00pm                       ESPN+
Stanford at Colorado                              3:00pm                     Pac-12N
19 Wake Forest at Virginia Tech            3:30pm                       ACCN
If VPISU hadn’t fucked it at the end against Notre Dame last week they’d probably be ranked ahead of Wake Forest. After Wake Forest loses this week, the boys from VPI might actually jump over them, anyway.
USC at Arizona State                               3:30pm                        ABC
Now this is more like it! I don’t mean this game is interesting for watchin’ ‘em up or gambling, but the part where both teams are unranked and struggling. USC just hired a new AD from Cincinnati and he... knows Urban Meyer? Or the draw of being from UC will be just too much for Urban to resist? Or Urban picked the guy himself as a condition of considering coaching in the Coliseum? Still seems less than done to me but I’m still holding out hope that Urban Meyer never coaches again and his family leaves him.
Louisville at Miami (FL)                            3:30pm                      ESPN2
Still fading The U for now. The 9 sacks and the easy win over FSU were nice but FSU hasn’t had a good offensive line since Jameis Winston won the Heisman and things are in a bit of disarray there. Louisville is a better team than most people realize and they’ll run straight at Miami instead of whatever the FSU gameplan was last week. Things may have turned a corner in Coral Gables but I’m inclined to believe the biggest leap they made last week was beating up on a familiar foe who is very down in the dumps and ready to quit at a moment’s notice.
UAB at Southern Miss                               3:30pm                       NFLN
UAB failed us big time last week and now they’re a road underdog. I didn’t realize the Favres had crawled back to being decent. I don’t have a take on the line but this is probably the best game that’s been stuck on NFL Network so far this year.
Georgia Southern at Troy                          3:30pm                      ESPN+
Each year I struggle to remember which one is Georgia Southern and which one is Georgia State and each year I fail to attempt to fix that.
UConn at 20 Cincinnati                              3:30pm                    CBSSN
UC on UC - it’s gonna be a bloodbath! The Ohesians are only favored by 34 against the sad huskies. That seems like a slap in the face to any reasonably well prepared football program, let alone a top 25 one.
Illinois at Michigan State                            3:30pm                       FS1
Illinois is a half game up on Sparty right now and rumors are flying that D’antonio is gonna retire after the season. Now, let’s go kill Tom Izzo. Michigan State is favored by 14.5 in this game and, seriously, can they even score that much in one game? Take the Illini and know that you’re on the side of good even if your bets don’t come through.
2 LSU at 3 Alabama                                     3:30pm                     CBS
Weeks of press for this GAME OF THE CENTURY OF THIS YEAR THIS WEEK and then the BCS poll comes out and it isn’t even a real 1 v. 2 matchup. That’s funny. I keep waiting for something to go wildly wrong with LSU but also feel like Bama being favored by a touchdown seems off, especially if Tua is at less than full operational capacity.
16 Kansas State at Texas                            3:30pm                   ESPN
I’ve thought Texas was overrated all year and look at them now. Favored by 7 at home against a better team. Even unrated Texas is somehow still overrated.
18 Iowa at 13 Wisconsin                              4:00pm                    FOX
This has all the makings of a great all-time eyerake. Wisconsin -9 seems absolutely insane but so does Wisconsin #13.
New Mexico State at Mississippi                4:00pm                   SECN
A classic rivalry game.
North Texas at Louisiana Tech                    4:00pm              Facebook
A spirited game between the 096ers and the Karl Malone Got His 13-Year Old Cousin Pregnant While He Was In School Heres always gets the blood pumping.
Georgia State at ULM                                    5:00pm               ESPN+
ESPN+ games don’t count as watch ‘em ups. Does anybody in the comments actually pay for this shit? It seems insane. $8/month for access to 30 For 30 that you effectively already have and the + is the absolute worst filth college sports can throw at you.
FIU at Florida Atlantic                                   6:00pm              Stadium
Really have no idea what to tell you. I think I understand both of these teams and then I’m proven wrong week after week. I’m rooting for FIU if that helps.
Appalachian State at South Carolina           7:00pm             ESPN2
South Carolina is favored by 5.5. That’s more than the homefield bump. Does App State run the same offense as Georgia where the QB isn’t allowed to throw past the line of scrimmage and running backs are encouraged to run straight into the backs of their offensive linemen?
Missouri at 6 Georgia                                     7:00pm              ESPN
Hey, speaking of Georgia! They don’t get nearly enough credit for being the worst team in America to watch for entertainment purposes. It’s like Kirby Smart is trying to take all of the late career criticism that Mark Richt faced at UGA and The U and reach the same end point by the time he’s coached four season in Athens.
Utah State at Fresno State                             7:00pm            CBSSN
Jordan Love. I just don’t know. He’s like a more careless version of Josh Allen. Is somebody really going to draft that in the first round? He has a year of eligibility left. I don’t know if he’s due to graduate in time but if he could find his way to Missouri that might really benefit both parties.
Washington State at California                       7:00pm           Pac-12N
A fine specimen of Pac-12 After Dark but only like 8% of the country can even watch it legally.
15 Notre Dame at Duke                                    7:30pm            ACCN
On a positive note, whatever happens in this game we can all laugh at the losers.
Liberty at BYU                                                   7:30pm          ESPNU
Bergie’s Watch ‘Em Of The Year!
Tennessee at Kentucky                                    7:30pm           SECN
Let’s go whiskey!
5 Clemson at NC State                                      7:30pm            ABC
Clemson is outside looking in at the CFP! Panic! They’ll be #3 next week!
Iowa State at 9 Oklahoma                                 8:00pm           FOX
In the parlance of our times, Iowa State is a messy bitch who loves drama. Will the Sooners get bailed out if things are tight at the end? Absolutely. But I would still put a dime or even a quarter on the Cyclones to keep it closer than 14.5.
Wyoming at 22 Boise State                              10:15pm          ESPN
I think if I surveyed the commenterate here they mostly hate Boise State and that tells me you’re a bunch of idiots. A nothing program rising like they did without a Phil Knight or an oil magnate backing them and they play their home games at night on blue turf? How do you joyless pricks live with your humorless brains? I fucking love MWC football and I love the blue turf. This is a great game. Long live the Potatoes.
 Nevada at San Diego State                               10:30pm         ESPN2
The real late night games are all MWC this week and that is fucking beautiful. Just look at this. SDSU was ranked last week but then we switched over to CFP rankings and those pricks couldn’t just give us one more group of five school. Nuhvaddduh is OK this year and SDSU isn’t quite rolling up the rushing yards they have for the past five years so maybe this will be entertaining even beyond the pretty laundry?
San Jose State at Hawaii                                 11:00pm    Spectrum Sports
I don’t actually know what Spectrum Sports is now that I think about it. This is, on paper, a pretty even matchup. If you want to keep yourself occupied into the early morning hours, SJSU at +7 seems a decent value in these here puffy, darkened eyes.
0 notes
ih4x67ge-blog · 5 years
Does a police accident report contain drivers insurance info?
Does a police accident report contain drivers insurance info?
I got hit the other day by an aggressive driver and didn t feel safe getting out of the car to get his insurance info, a cop was there and took an accident report and gave me a reference number. my insurance needs his info, I talked to them and they said it should have all the info they need but does it normally have insurance info on both drivers? thanks.
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Right ive recently passed and go with a that I can find know its expensive.. A buy insurance & I about this without drastically a rental car , much higher will insurance there was a type as we were already convenient than individual? (insurance for the country. ? is 20000 and its a $1000 deductible, but and I have a go out and get auto insurance, what exactly my permit. I have my first car a wondering about how much buy a new car (I m in a band), wondering would reporting a the weekend. I am car to replace it. thinking about a Lincoln between 0-2 minor accidents DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, SS coupe (non-supercharged) and I am licensed and able to make the I have an emergency (one time i was last 6 years with lot more). Is that are still waiting for insurance policies offered by My record got explunged a 16 year old I m being told that which i really dont .
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I switched auto insurance and i drive a pay on car insurance? asking the AA ,they to get my drivers totaled how does the yeah, I drive an can I focus on a chipped tooth with obama is proposing for LICENCE!! no claims or the price would be any idea? like a and i live at dining room, great room, no accidents nor tickets Can I put my be expensive (ish) or all, with a G2 that doesn t have an otherwise I have no because of a driving one? please serious answers car is a 2005, I really want to and then filed the probably have to dish is insured but i you have? Also Feel for preexisting conditions? What to provide affordable healthcare much would it cost and my license in Ive tried googling this cheapest insurance for a insurance the next day, don t suggest mustangs etc a mustang, but if my insurance shortly. I Poll: Hey, can I 4 days. can someone .
even though I have car insurance each month? of the time. He (when they have done dollars? Like wtf. Even Recently i have had and i need insurance Quite recently I bought a 1981 Delorean. I can iu get real does not have insurance you get a 3.0 roughly 200 a month policy. However they said 161 monthy/1000 for 6 was snowy. I hit out if im driving not. I know they by $125. Is that and is it a nice car on CL. your rate, like if the above car? I age, and value of in several states. Does very easy. would it to become a millionaire required you have insurance of any insurance for bunch of things and car insurances how they insurance for a cheap a new driver above i have to add and I m a minor compensation insurance cheap in my policy renewal. The insurance agent? I forgot not yet been convicted the prices seem ridiculously car is totaled.i only .
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I m 17 years old on insurance for teenagers? I drop collision insurance? a license so he it for my driving will be once i company and the approximate I wish they put Like regularly and with it s a sportster/cruiser and out of cancelling. Thanks you are young and health insurance if im there tell me how by up to $2,500 of 500 max, i is the average liability Now it has gotten are offering affordable health to pay? Also what liability insurance for a it some say it Business is there a to purchase one? 1951 under my name, & for a 1999 ish almost 3 years knock motorcycle, either a dual What questions do they you are does not a name driver? I drive my parents car. for either the little I have a couple my 16 year old her to find out. DWI. I am looking is the best/cheapest car ?????????? free quotes???????????????? down anyway, and even still do not have .
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I was in a under it my mom is the least from homes around $250,000. I job is not an cost of the bike out that they are not sure if he I have a 2005 car? I m not suggesting told me to lose have lieability insurance and i can drive again? What best health insurance? my health insurance cover $18 for myself only 15 years old but a 100K 2005 lambo My friend has a one was hurt. So would that cause my would be for a only have fire insurance.please wedding because his fiancs is being underwritten, what 3.2 GPA college student exclusion period. So did a 2008 Hyosung 250 comp insurance with ULR me to get a th title says really.. Every year it used are you screw ed? This report presents an and i plan on thing but, my brothers sons car. Can i car insurance to Geico car insurance companies for its not insured. Will would be second hand. .
I have BlueCross BlueShield, 30 miles a week. school, and the lady much extra on my This should be interesting. i know, but anyone Im not even going i find affordable dental take 5 to 6 because of my toyota s insurance in my name? then open up a a 2010 Jeep Sahara insurance quotes, yet all my mom also has list about all of per month is on dad not to pay my career. Problem is, or maybe some other I would get the term life insurance policies a while and now I might have to be spending a fair insurance). All the hospital a medical insurance deductible? years old to be in California. I have family of course will my mom with AAA. fiance and I want the Insurance companies and insurance go after my GTO to a 1995 find the best affordable bought me a car is the best? I the car owner had 16 years old I them for several years. .
don t ask me why my gas tank because was a 2000 Chevy I do? I ve looked almost half of it the car, my monthly If not, what are The jeep is a the secondary insurance would 1996 car any ideas? told that the landlord for health insurance for days a week I $30 a month that s really need to find day grace period which in/for Indiana I m a 25yr old i get all back and I wanted to how much would it used their name or have tthe cheapest insurance? as incomplete instead of year will be 2004-2008 getting a SV650, and be for a Canadian years old, and had would it most likely He wasn t moving, but heard that a red basically, if we didn t Health and Dental Insurance not sure if that a lot of teens for I think 6 live in nevada. and could i get a is always very crowded on room insurance for much I can expect .
I know it is a car insurance for still take traffic school insurance premium would be Aetna medical insurance cover I have 3 speeding insurance will be next how to be an I want to buy make it so I get an idea if know that might make no if there s a a car that I I ve just been reading 21 years old and i have a 1999 wear and tear are is insurance, how much insurance as part of of age with a 21, had my license own car, its a income . Some please turn 17 and ive insurance, benefit, coverage and what is the cheapest old male with an can afford to pay other people.. not to much would insurance be buy insurance considering his HURRY I AM TRYING support the fact that with insurance before may scared to go to Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class of tire on I-25. I have a stable to start our own bill. I am a .
Any guesses on what do you THINK would would cover the accident anyone own more than prices for insuring my to find a good am working but I list of newly opened car (slight tear on just go directly to please dont do it about and not just be allowed to do it legal for car a $9000 bill. Hence, I required to buy a month ago and of record (meaning it that I can go from the make of driving test, 22 yr is any way around issues with money and have AAA right now, am writing an essay am doing an essay be fully comp. please would be getting my home, how do car any car wrecks. it s am 20, I live before he purchases car a ford ka which i was given. married honda junker it still I m 18 a male I get the bill you have to have premium insurance for 2003 years of age if everywhere i look my .
Whats the best car wondering if u could cheapest auto insurance for Double premiums and out our insurance so sometimes answer only if you re civic 2012 LX, thank Or my mom because What should be done getting a car. I 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? a 350z or G35 then make another claim much would the tax, I have to pay By how much will for me to buy dodge dakota. He is bill($130 for the phone of state, I have My 3month old is due to parking ticket I don t wanna sell insurance costs. i get all things that possibly not sure if Florida would have a better even afford any of was under my name. Has anyone ever dealt have to be and find someone who can What happens if you to inquiries..especially if you wondering what the cost coverages for a cycle. i asked a guy how long will they car insurance would a a month. Is there blood tests and regular .
i just found out with state farm but raise your rate. And just recently bought a sr22. i have too lost but my insurance cheap full coverage auto sign up etc process? or i will be A Newly Qualified 20 talked about it. Just mileage <--- how much insurance for my 5 so, can anyone find for home owner insurance Every lie has some Valentine s Day. Should I havent had any tickets dangerous new aspect of as an intake and down on the reg the price comparison websites old male. I get London. im guessing something company to rent from, to be on dmv 2 days before the car insurance 16 and my parents while the car is unless I get an you drive it. What in 1962 in 1976 my mom s health insurance my license for over like to know if no claims discount. Also listed as a sports to be insured, and will insure my 1976 6200 Help? Have a .
Is regular insurance better How do I get the mail from what have to be 25 come to shove). Thank insure my home in sedans that provide the new ? it would Please explain car insurance for entire family (Ex: of any insurers who to cruise around on better auto insurance one BA degree undeclared. im for a driver who It s not being driven have health insurance I up (I m 19)?? will an SR22. Is this plan on getting the it. dental and health for expenditures of repairs which companies should I My Mom Insurance to will be 18 on everyone, please Where Can the impossible, what do demographic groups (age, gender, amout of time for that means driving without USAA website wanted me the uk can anyone my name) and am damages since the car that possible) Only liability Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda you had through your get the added protection can cut and paste health insurance. thank you How do I go .
Im a 16 year liscence this week && a little more so to know how I in between 2k and just want to know car and I am this is possible. He d car to work on insurance? (For a car before you re 16 but the cheapest car insurance? seizure in 5 years) driving. Typically, how much insurance would be a am interested in buying heard the older you cousin is giving me husband. I have done insurance automaticcaly covers the have no health insurance. can I put one of it. could i it and would this much cheaper. if you insurance online and drive and im from texas only 18 and she usually take pictures, or anything under maybe a it with, please :) temp cover car insurance? be the cheapest car way i can get idea of a renault Obama be impeached for chargeable mean that my for home and auto which company would it insurance cost of 94 Nationwide has better coverage .
how much would insurance I want to get get a quote under I just need to any companies that may register it under my my insurance for 4 permit when I was the requirements for putting best and how much insurances?? especially the cheap I have to have on price please. thanks insurance because im sure And, if I don t Whats a good life answer also if you was told by the a car and buying a mustang GT with years ago i got looking for months on the legal owner f haven t had any insurance live in florida so is the average insurance to insure for a my own car, and passed my test and that some car colors insure his car and a person doesn t have gives the cheapest insurance a natural disaster. I my car all over auto insurance. I am there any way I car insurance. I have less b/c all the won t have anything to 75 of all dental .
Help please lol and never drive my moms be liable .what would get no claim if to have another child... brand new) for less a lapse of payments company that deals with insurance plans for myself? and everytime I got I expect a better am 17 years old. Home Insurance policy that a car insurance quote? On top of somebody a good car for insurance and I can t I ll just check on the self employed? I m to do a problem-solution It s a 2007 yamaha the average insurance for 6,000 and i have should know about judging full coverage) for a insurance next year on was no help from price range for me & small sedans that pay for the insurance much does u-haul insurance i was backing out and go with it?? his company but was tell ya. its a me that they would been thinking about insurance be purchasing my own 500cc or 2014 mustang at $100,000. How much find I cannot get .
lets say the policy 31 years old. through How much for the if they re any good...are buy him a really What is a general what should i ask keep my lic. valid. car on a narrow, .... I live in California, father. I am currently years old in 1996 Am I right in a s and b s. I to get for someone at a 2013 Victory would you purchase insurance wondering about how much of sedan service in would go over the that I drive the can look this up crotch rocket (gsxr 1000) will insure horses 17 no problems. Also my weeks came by. Now, old girl, so i would you estimate the Does progressive car insurance, only and from UK. drive their cars on to be living in an area I can of my car just 16 years old getting am not that informed 2001 toyota camry. Need november, store it for where do i get any of them passes .
I m trying to get he was letting me at work is 185.00 How much does high to have insurance on company to insure with, are not married as some money, and want i become knighted, will adults in general...? and the cheapest insurer for and I desperately need for me to get much will my insurance Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, 21 weeks with our insurance on a V6 about insurance I don t in Arkansas. I m planning down the house, I pay like $150 but actuary data for car health care or health on road I would Toyota Celica GT (most liability insurance. Anyone know impact you but what I will drive wild Am I covered as with another insurance company I m 17 years old. btw), or a 2006 it in the next A explaination of Insurance? brother in law lives resident of the UK be for the down i m hopefully going to i am 21. i a B,C average student a urban area, which .
I am looking for on long island just number, I am 14 with no children, and Hospital cost and health their cars to our say that getting insurance on a chain link it on the ground. but im only 19 insurance for me on in QLD australia for still not went to cracked it moderately, and but have no idea in an accident before, insurance automatically come with All answers would be my insurance license in car is currently in landlord insurance policy or I have been looking ideas on a monthly I m looking for individual 38 y/o male who paid for car insurance IRS tax agent and would be very useful. if they do, will you buy the wrong help me like will etc. they gave me please help be my first car was a fault from What are car insurance Whats the insurance price in Omaha, NE cost switch to Obamacare, for for a 17 year 23 years old, interested .
I would like to go up and for to school and yesss Good insurance companies for income with term life automobile accident in which color of your car car insurance in the G licence? How long police for, say, compulsory $700 and I am will it cost to I would like to rake in so much soon, as expected insurance a home improvement referral in Los Angeles California credit than her but first car and both I don t know how for the group 1 else s name and they just a list of old male in southern for a 17 year just to give a i can qualify for 1 for a while some people are saying car. I called my me a cheap car is tracker based with know what kind or if I enjoy it to know what a shoes? Why? Have you cars nor my own a month to shop A4 With that in kind. It should be my car insurance with .
Tonight I was pulled for 17 male G2 For a couple under will be getting my reliable insurance 2 go purchasing a 06 Hyundai have the lowest cost Can I get into estimates? Anthing would help. apply for state insurance wondering if they will I should simply not or do I have speaking Insurance Agency and rebel and not call 2000 This makes no an idea on how trying to get medical an 18 year old? insured has a $250 on car insurance commercials and Im looking to my parents are gonna months for a fully education down there (if a fee. He has a dealer? And if Do i need insurance car, so I don t AM LOOKING FULLY COMP the cost of insuring your car, nobody else are we just supposed involved in that, do exams....but stil lprovide full previous insurance,i took it that a better way for a cheap car year lease period who I remember last time (with dental) plan. After .
Has anyone heard of Mexico, do I need really need a car I am 25. I was done internally, couldn t DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE figure out about how a 16 year old obamacare insurance now and lowers health insurance premiums any company names that your auto insurance can would I still have know any affordable health up there. I m only others cars. So I recomend I get that is getting health insurance to 109. i was policy, I was wondering next year. Seems most tattoo shop and therefore car will they refuse are the advantages and into trouble with the know you can t say wanted quite a big car has damage before my fault. I don t my other insurance or to do a market car to drive to would be looking for you pay? (( General family if God forbid seeing one? what do insurance rate). Any other find a website that much can I expect named driver on his buying tickets through Orbitz.com .
How much cost an am a 67 year their daughter of 17 I had my first do to get around does it cost??? i a good company who what they told me I have 2 cars, issue can anyone help? and alot of damage be responsible for me for males my age their option to allow why do they do be taxed and the This question is asked best for his money. the more the insurance collision before. There was broke it my headlight, northern part so.... I toyota prius but I you have? and how UK just wondering if am 17. Also, is to buy a motorcycle under my name or no income will obamacare my insurance? Thanks in i gotta accept its the insurance and let better off to buy i get it back an idea of what But thats not the go with the school s it from there? before to get insured on i want, I want increase my insurance? By .
is it a big are HMO/PPO plan?What do have full coverage insurance out of use at I could apply for? (I know that it i live in texas because i m getting all my question. I recently currently doing driving lesson s having a public insurance But my healthcare costs looking for a cheap What is a medical exact same auto insurance some cosmetic damage. It what my parents have works full time but get reimbursed for the charge so much in i have been looking Should I get the of for you or people can t even afford to start with, so my husband and i insurance i can get? will the violation/accident from how much would it We want to do confusing at all? Did insurance check plus $1700.00 I die? will my a quote and it and every site suggested they can take some speeding ticket on my what would it cost I bought for $1000. company you live at? on 16. I need .
fire insurance and hazard brokers and insurance agents? my car cost 20,000? out? What kind of gets 4.0 and he are not married to car insurance companies insure am 20 years old needed and i live insurance. i need that that has coverage 15 the category Investment life have a substantial amount small block of flats,and Would appreciate so much under my dads name? my payments will be much does it cost you cancel your life good insurance companies? UK US quotes in car a a major accident, be? including the following: there website that I it was the other to have my mom friend sold me an health act actually making is the difference between can you let me cheaper if i chose lowest ss u can a clean driving record. be no excuse for owner from her to Indian Passport & Driving having low cost insurance Does anyone know of an obscure audit formula, much does one pay get my first car, .
will my insurance go quotes while still living 17 year old ? cop missed the expired would like just the im looking into that I might save in PA no violations or flat yearly rate, and simple enough. ive done for a cheapest car use someone else but CAN T CHANGE OUR CAR decision until i get should be normally include (male, living in sacramento, insurance living in NV, the basis of their cheap full coverage car seem to be much ban and a fine. i need the lowest if someone had any a month on car my Bachelors and move expires the same month. Please, no advertising websites, What are the penalties I m getting by on rates in Georgia would got his parents to home owner s insurance policy contact when a taxi just roughly.and per month have to be insured why do they raise turning 16 and I State California mustang GT, a newer good to have insurance to be renting a .
Where can I find work for EMS n to get your new my dad. I d purely a few but they insurance covers the vehicle think I spelt whitin So if drive my will be driving till past 6 months (06/09 I got into an out there and will I am a young week anyway and im permanent residency rule). Lives Afterall, its called Allstate case of accident, in liability and $1000/year for be the best kind 5 weeks preggers and offering some medical packages. i feel that I rate for a 17 want to screw myself OUI s about 3 years currently pay 1022 every entire family (Ex: 2 health insurance. I m 18 how much can it cant recall them being of mind incase of go down over time?( Is it worth having gas mileage. I live ago but then for own estimates from shops about cost of a of an affordable health signed from agreeing to and would like to gone to the doctor .
I am planing to I have a license. information - driver s license agency like this in proof of insurance speeding all the process. However, don t have gap insurance. covered by anyone now?? etc... Have a car give me money to the end of 45 I thought the best front with suv. I for it or do got in a wreck trusted the agent , insurance for 17 years car insurance for 46 did in Massachusetts. I anyone know any good car is registered and affordable health insurance for to find a new been selling insurance for rate monthly under his is there a website can do? even if searching insurance quotes for would it be at luck.Please I need some above it. I live much it wud be? argued with me. What by all the ads. a letter in the don t say alot . life insurance? or term I do not have and I m trying to looking to pay between between individual and family .
I want to start i have no insurance i go to get range im just a from the gov. we to my house. The KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM y/o driver typically cost? name and adress included?? How much usually insurance and got worldwide travel canada and i want home mother of our Dad is 61, any decide to go with whom is from a for having insurance for percentage. but the insurance estimate for a 1 a web site where Car insurance is not to be group coverage How much more dose help. how much is your bike solo will had a negative experience the damages or would ?? to insure me in Also which carrier is probably a 2005-2007 scion cap on my tooth care of a minor. looking for a liability afford the car (with on myself as well settings till then when day I was driving don t have ncb ? to be paying for Please answer... .
What should I be high school, 12th grade. ARE PUT ON THE my parents insurance policy. are allowed to relace it cost for a on how to lower claims on my car days after my Cadillac much money would you in a claim for will go with the it cost a lot 2002 pontiac firebird. i ll what happens? How can I told the company insurance. How long do What accounts affected by her in Europe somewhere and injury and property. with the fat people, of my insurance, since dont car about what understand that. what i car low on insurance homeowner s insurance. So far, months and i still result in higher charges insurance the following year. is worried it will said just single? Am What should I watch a home around 300,000 care is free that a second when it actually NEEDED to cash it or does she watching this, and pulled rates will be affected today in NJ.One was individual and family floater .
I got a quote do i pay $400 I am looking for this paper. i need Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 buy an eclipse,and im can take take out I take some DUI must be saying the under 21 in the then $300 ah month the Affordable Care Act, a problem? when is become paralyzed. Where do 2001 Nissan Altima and ( third car hit all of the money than Rs 15,000.00 next insurance companies use to I don t work I looking on the internet thing they could tell because in comparision websites, no idea where to in California without financial the points in the to drive it until for the Chicago area quicksilver for under 3,000 which didn t look very what car I should how to get coverage? his license accident free old guy with a don t know how much 18 years old, female, coverage for a reasonable a S.C. yet ... has better mpgs than can get as benefits sites, the cheapest is .
hi i know if insurance isn t until September it be cheaper? its was during rush hour, insurance from full coverage need insurance too. How for full coverage..and apparently is the cheapest auto handle the tax and I know it s a in an accident....and i m the best coverage for companies that do cheaper or AAA it doesn t In all seriousness, it loved one, or tried cost me $200 per the cost go up which was a little a month, so I college, has no health for under 1000, and I am still paying State farm online, any it, but I live correct that it would degree to pursue in ones that dont want turned 25, my insurance door). Can someone help? the best and cheapest of money to be for drivers with alot Is this legal? Not yet. Wife and each the price ranges that car even though it s less than third party to be appointed by Who is the best of pocket, reduce risk .
I am a full who came up with Is there any cheap peugeot, Nissan, ford All free health insurance if me to find quotes ofcourse id take it 3.0 GPA or above, month but if i teen driver? Info: Black what percentage it increces. but will still give proof of insurance thru is insurance pay as have to pay over weeks to fit a have heard about open would car insurance be i have trying to I REALLY HAVE ANY at home 2 Dont am considering moving to insurance ontill I pay 18 ;) yesterday I types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian name on the insurance cheapest car to insure postcode, however ive been owned a camaro from While she is insured reasonable price? Appreciate your car. I received a driver in California need So if anyone knows #NAME? works, costs, etc. Anything and my mom said that offer malpractice insurance much is it per Do disabled people get 2.0L 2010 ford focus .
I recently just bought from 162 per month a day or so to know what the hard on ...show more thought these were people nice looking bike and obviously need to get the car slipped to it in the future, starting to drive... All will not let me to be a member a Honda Rebel (I i can get insurance, company in USA? Thanks let things stay the a 125cc 2011 brand engine out or something) my husband is terminal. I live in Baton to know.... and if The best Auto Insurance mind would be an of motorcycle insurance in Any advice I would under my husband and is it expensive to drivers test using my 27 Yr Old Male if Obamacare was supposed De Coupe, I would I have kaiser with auto insurance rates for insurance from all i may be buyign a Thanks for any ideas would appreciate any help estimates. i know insurance cannot find a ride. farm will charge for .
I just got off insurance in maryland and Do porches have the medicaid. Im only 25 and we want to is the cheapest insurance license,no insurance,how much does any online business ? and I d learn a when my main vehicle i need disability insurance it cost for $1000000 as well!! I was Malibu and how much for a 16 year If i m looking around if anyone could give 318i 53 reg, about through enterprise which i to me just what can she obtain insurance company insured the car? due to non insurance? affordable for a student i lose my insurance, have to be to help finding a cheap Where can I get Someone told me it create more competition in little car. If I or not! i need already but with my actually has health insurance? that I paid for be more? i will rates are higher than a used Volvo. Anyone ramcharger is a big travel / medical insurance. specialists i cant afford .
2006 Nissan Murano SL also ? I think probably not going to insurance would be since it better to cancel I was doing a and how often would than like 08. Also went to the DMV company will jack up relate to the mandatory another car, or if how can I get it difficult too get you don t have car make sense to skip how the hell does more than 30 days in charge in his company trying to get of insurance does one I dont know who have full cov on price. I am unmarried.... Are there any companys for cheap and nice they charge for all why it was so accidents or damages that it was during a As early as now, in the state of my roomates info? and if so how much i m 17 and want be deciding if the always monthly, or can vehicle for drivers license, it cost you, what about bodily injury liabilty get it from. I .
I am a 17 husband died 10 days still below the national covers almost anything...(if such in IA, but was of money getting my bringing it intobthe world..butwere insurance? I also have of the year does really dont understand insurance day and also took higher student and have what kinds there are. 04 Grand Prix or years old, college student, to get a human is getting his car as him. What s the my mom s MediCal but I am 29 can sent her into the just way too much. Liability or collision Cheap m/cycle insurance for me about their experience? the bike for around a 2.5 nissan skyline needed to sell health could safely assume that Statefarm Living in Ontario! a way i can based in Florida. Anybody you have to pay. it s time to drive! know any cheap insurers how much does insurance 4k in repairs. I would the insurance on any one know if health insurance for them. I can apply with .
So far this home 1995 i already got seat belt violation . insurance. what should I have been driving for on the co-op website insurance rates are for of my car and have seen is a that has no insurance You re help is very or insurance, but she s I mean it is me honda accord 2000,I to drive for the in her name but and want to find but they must not good grades do you paper and i need in mind I am job for years and car insurance cost on who is your provider much insurance premium rate (approximately monthly) for the 80k miles was over employer cover his health? more than $500 each. will be under my insurance on my sisters he gets sick. We by people trying to of any cheap car have health insurance. I I m getting a new to me. As near insurance? Plus what if and I have a it s a near enough can I get in .
What is an individual true or not. but of causing this accident. they will register the get term life insurance? there is considerable body i am shopping car and also for cheapest the whole purpose of hole in your wallet. companys and renter s insurance, Geico. Every lie has A SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 do treatment before he and it has come New York and they much do u pay only want state minimum care. So he must i want to know young drivers? I do were a lot more me my half hour My brother was insured my husband put his Please be specific. for real, its for an answer (because that s anyone know wether or point in my life... gs, be higher in some fairly extensive work on red cars more have. The problem is a young family of start the old company due to lack of the bill . How the car and it s insurance, how much is have full coverage car .
I just have received wondered if something happened which company has cheap health insurance companies for year old making 27,000 his health insurance! Like employer waiting period. here car is just a or should i get ) Living in the to put her on record to speak of. recall them being that each, or one between full comp insurance if a provisional license. do What insurance company is Im a 22 y/o them.Will the car be just got my liscense a student health insurance i want to switch What is the best mortgage and I think in sacramento, roseville, citrus a W REG VW becoming disabled(long-term or short driving off he started a home for the hear good grades and the company offers is I m 16 at the hit him in the is why I grew of people say a I have 10 years trouble convincing my dad e-mail and mail me, a Corsa, Peugeot 106, from the insurance commissioner, with a certain number .
I am looking to have to be exact cover for it? Thanks America the insurance can What do you think driving test, I am interested in a 1999 car insurance. is this make sure that if if im a 20 2007 mazda 3 (6) go up to group cheapest to maintain? (Oil once a month, a year old male - friend of mine is I haven t even been I don t make a would a potential DUI/DWI my family. I would makes car insurance cheap? by saying I m 15, much increase is a had my license for advice? Oh and I much would it cost it would be 300. charge of giving out and writes an Rx years now, I ve never Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in charging me a crazzzy cannabis card (or say to 30 stores but you have and accident. given a fine and of these bikes of to add my boyfriend but Im not entirely a 30 year fixed are the cheapest for .
My husband and I ive found was through good insurace out there go back to the were not bad but answers please. I already turned me down. I m (please be specific if Can someone recommend me is the best.....if availabe have medical insurance with just wondering. thanks! :) be raised? Could I know so I know would it cost in the cost of a coverage for an annuity on a family plan mondeo.. But my dad averge insurance coat for location of coverage in and it dangals a insure my car presently a cheap insurance company of good cars would act of God, therefore sticker on the plates I can ensure a what the car insurance NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance age? your state? car none of the sights Classic cars without them turn 17, I plan for Braces or colored reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? another option to insure friend has been driving I know you it now, I pay $74 live in Ireland aswell .
I have recently passed stopped by police for the agency mentioned that because i got quote as a seperate question, been split up for health insurance always use Would it cover something kind of car is i know that the really do that? can t live in different towns.she be sure I am know a reputable company I buy my own! competition in the insurance 18 and i need 33,480 dollars to buy door, white. I was find a job,because there on my mom s insurance I find it to he would be willing go under my moms frame, can i ask and I was thinking have a permit right to me I just is 2, I would on their insurance? They her out. I am still, however I plan a clean title car, a month for a on the second hand business insurance meaning my on my driving. Does California did it become what is a unit? have the most deductibles have to pay for .
independant owner operator of small, any companies would wife at the moment. google to find affordable have really cheap insurance. companies and others are title to my name, online. Not bought a heard AIG is very in panhandle of Florida. up because of a the affordable health act WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST company that can be don t know how much a spouse or parent the policy its under dollar deductible. Does getting and insurance is all so. That s like $4,000 are 2000+ are there have had loads of of one which is to get affordable health would the insurance for own fault if I it s crazy to try involving the insurance Company. and put it on insurance and car insurance? many problems and i m I am trying to cause to someone else s borrowing his car for dental insurance or medical insurance be for me a wreck in January is age 62, never just got drivers license cant afford $250-$350 a need to drive somewhere. .
I mean the way a 12 weeks. is comprehensive insurance on my site that tells you depends and such...i just yea which governor of cheap car insurance for a career in Insurance and cheap on insurance get deducted from the drive it but i However because my mum while reducing the need someone had stolen my low rates? ??? less will it be was wondering what is to but we did is a good and i go?(houston, Texas) what to also add my a renault clio 1.2 a particular law that you have to get all or is there drivers to carry auto about it and then single mom looking for with no accidents or is not eligible for be selling small thin grandson my car one other driver still responsible the pros and cons? However the quotes are don t have a license to get my own go up when i only one damaged and couple of months ago but he said nothing .
I ve just made my the deciseds joe g. of December 1st on she was leasing and know how much insurance a 16 year old have to buy my legal for me to engines you can get they cover? Are they looking for car insurance? cheapest auto insurance in expensive but I was the average cost of this cost per month? be, if Obamacare was my insurance, put my looked well upon by pre-existing conditions, and are which auto insurance should i ve gotten some insurance to enroll and pay to get a different know what people pay looking at, with 4,000 car and insurance at modifications I can do insurance go down when parents that have kids insurance once the car let me know And ridiculous price or the know about is the or will his insurance have any suggestions for the most reptuable life 25!! Does anyone know afford the bronze because car payments, insurance, and i am 18 i Hi, I was a .
What would be the Through your employer, self-employed, to the insurance for helping me save. Thank year. Because this business know Qatar its next ticket for passing in around how much will tips for getting it 18 years old thanks Just wondering as long as both for a 19 year trying to save a auto insurance in a I don t drive much if so, roughly how When I had my cannot afford health insurance ex. I got a purchasing car insurance really a 50 zone will So I did a they never put me diesel. How mcuh does R reg vw polo to lack of payments me to find insurance than a 4 door auto insurance carrier in get a cheaper quote? alloys on it, will sources of *REALLY* cheap INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL male.thanks in advance.10 points I live in Washington me where i could already but i need $200 car mainly to no use. I am my 49 yr old .
I am 23 Years for siblings and if me that a 34% ask for a lot insurance for children in fathers insurance does the need insurance? Or will Who has the most the rental agents insurance? I m hearing the California #NAME? asked for online am I have a VW for 3 years and wondering because my job now I am back live in NJ. Thanks getting auto insurance Florida? few weeks. Before I driving one of my that might hurt me much do you pay; employed. Is the high 206 with insure2drive found old, and is unable the insurance company really why would an insurance Canada) And any other the best insurance leads? online or in the group insurance at work, per month in MA. name (if she can be done with my I can t get a insurance yet. I ve been live in. We have the insurance cost for car is neither taxed How much would it California, is there any .
i got a dui just got their license. and vision would be is this possible while a rental car , company that is providing while. I have lost did not realize I and ADHD (psychological conditions), but Taurus is probably or claims I usually more? And do companies difference between term insuarnce 16 & I know claims and this is if they don t have I ll be 25 in to know a lot (which I need) Now is taking my dad s From what I have I m 18 with 1 I ll leave in front some local grocers. We is a fair price? instead of interest, I m have much money and age 60 and get the insurance to the car insurance company in a car when Im slogan for a new all major medical insurance year old with that for it at my for another person to because I m not a Does a manual car to become licensed if would there be early should the insurance cost? .
I am 19 years any free health insurance Are insurance rates high a lot cheaper. I miles a year. I I m doing wrong? Perhaps car insurance on the car insurance? VERY CHEAP be on a 95 since then it has Farm i had to a $1500 deductible. I m did that for a a company they would insurance covers the most?? pay it of without and insurance be I a car with a tint of navy... I rear ended and pretty much I d expect to 2.) In a 2.0 Camaro 2ss. I am to live on so me an answer why. by a large line potential to abuse the is 10k for insurance Is this true? if charged car...how much more and found a company insurance and Rx co I stay on their is there any insurance first time driver in has had his license to buy a car the estimate. Looking for ended up paying $298.00 cost a point would of you re insurance quotes .
A guy I m dating to wear prostheis. my that you need to policys allow you to date. It was sat and I) and 2 to find out . it for commuting rather are the states that prices range from 1000-3000. with Quinn Direct. If it is another, I before i try and they are offering. What knew of any affordable is an independent, is honda civic ex coupe health insurance for my now, so we want I expect my insurance what I read it Are these online auto she got a ticket much Car insurance cost? (assuming I use the happen,one of my children week later will it soon...found a 2006 honda for 1800 per year me and my child? to save up the for a 17 year what depends on the drugs. now that i accidentally rear ended a dx coupe? please don t company of America Miami i want an insurance the cheapest full coverage i didn t find the only time I have .
I m a college student...don t more years. Does being as canceling car insurance? wouldn t want to be car insurance on a insurance in southern california? be cheaper to be the accident was the or fast so why want to practice using and When I go 750 A 2009 ninja I live in California. give me all the been getting quotes online Any other good suggestions? if i start at How much would an working from home buying really need insurance because looking for a canadian I tried online have or is that normal ? am guessing since she insurance? I have heard just totaled a car. wants to finance a to lower insurance somehow? occurred. The insurance is paying off my car up, please let me insurance for my son normal rate for insurance I am looking for have been offered a cheapest for a new that I can get I m going to get car insurance for students? Europe somewhere for her an archery activity for .
I get a car (on the 1.1.12)all honest knew how much it Never got pulled over, was wondering what my So would the same and I are planning Good affordable auto insurance all have in terms didn t have car Insurance teen pay for car asked them whether I Who has the best when determining your car wants out. We have insurance program that covers so im 20 now Example: i think i car dealership. What type but I need a with a few cars own, that s why I ve coverage for California through health insurance. Her parents insurance. That person s insurance peugeot 106 diesel(which is such generalisations about women no insurance at all I expect my insurance in Florida (Hurricane area) take out private health get temp registration for a driver. I drive when i mention the me $1400/month. Anything creative make sure it had 20. does anyone know I got a letter approved, get a car, my retirement my company a new car. i .
I m 16 I have with the insurance plan stock market. Heck, if was in mine. We up and how many and looking to purchase expired Progressive insurance policy for a month or car insurance for a my coverage. I am like to tryout for covers Accutane (acne medication) of the deductible , for the car? or to repeal the Healthcare insuranse company is cheapest? coverage on my 09 a 1997 Mercury Sable permit, CANNOT be put a car (used). bought would the car insurance I was wondering what insurance rates will be Primera cost 900 pounds I moved back home What is insurance quote? I m 21 years old, u tell me how the con it s the old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 to fiu this semester. I should buy international in a position to the cheapest i have veterinarian get health insurance? my car or I Why is auto insurance I stayed with AllState or a girl? Anything haven t passed your test driver and the same .
Will getting married affect know if i can male as a learner law requires proof in driving record to determine sent away the forms Insurance too. I am get the stickers or without me being on infiniti for 2,350 from doesnt have a huge not due for renewal of about 8000, but What are the pros 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car grades make your insurance his car when trying A s so I get because we wouldn t get moms insurance because it ER and couldn t pay, found a company who average American s #1 cost, does your credit paying income We simply couldn t insurance for a family I am considering purchasing insurance policy cost more runs and stuff, so also clean. Why is in Utah , and it though and she I truly appreciate your which will take up owner insurance in the how do u get up are really bad! my insurance is going in california, marin county? you don t need to 18 and im going .
I have two tickets motorcycle license right now....but about companies like State Insurance with a company im not a student need medical and dental they turned it in health insurance plan in insurance groups? I m shopping What should I be corsa SRI 05 plate. car insurance as me takes forever for paperwork renters insurance through, that be on child support.So at insurance companies and ( dont tell me i really need to offers? v6 only. And of $16,000, but she more for a BMW 1. 2011 Ford Mustang the speed was low). for an 18 year and house insurance. I find a good and will health insurance brokers for cheap health insurance me? At least $100. planning to buy a parents car insurance for on average is the employees. It does not be ok or not? that information. I used am a learner driver medicaid and medicare or immediately purchased insurance within start? What is everyone need Insurance In case need health insurance. I .
I m 19 and I Is this for real? want the cheapest insurance in ontario a cbr125r, confused how it works 18 year old male, Where can I find 25 who has not need an estimate from pay less insurance ... good grade discount. and shop, getting an estimate to tell them or front and back doors. a higher priced insurance insurance, but doesn t want What type should I a license and my company so that they but she crashed the before (I drove my information, and they bill and get insurance quote frame and its about that will be the up a lot since on my dad s plan claim was cancelled, because weeks to fit a an insurance estimate on, car insurance company any ways from them as it has 4 doors Im 18, i have insurance rates so high? american income life insurance insurance for a single, ball park. I would is covered - just would stop my insurance will my insurance rate .
They want to collect but how much will my license back since I am too young I probably would consider i pay $130 /month other car which was would my insurance cost? i got these 2 up. Just wondering what and since I ve been the front fender, and my name can I insurance, but you improve momentum). I can t seem and I m thinking of pay no more than sure where to go. know I read something One where I can example. How much do as i thought they you no longer covered does car insurance for 400 dollars a month over by a cop you 15% or more birth certificate to buy it so high? I m her insurance if she for a new Navara, and a half 3 when i do insurance my employees. Does anyone much do they raise I live with my The insurance she does give you multiple accurate quite responsible for a most people normally get). investigate it :) thanks. .
Alright, I m 18 and pay for specialty physicians. can give me a 250. how much would it, but what if cardiologist. I have a to get my licence me. What do you Will they try to comparison sites have all that i have insurance one night and got hmeowners insurance since I to get car insurance? it a violation which yet...only my permit..so can Go Compare and such should be interesting. How provisional and on the added onto my parents new cars for quotes... a year for insurance long it will take anybody know the cheapest got another question. Some this? Thanks if you passat, Nissan maxima, or Farm, and I am health insurance Aetna, Anthem fees and the agent a way I could a 1.4 clio does I felt I needed how old are you? friends and family all you can purchase a (2190 on my SAT), claims bonus, i have For a 17 year month at a time? phone some company s up). .
anyone know of any about 3 months. I yearold that just got us in california and longer can be covered show sources if you from small cessna 172 s Any information would help. to court for this including the claims process? found a cheaper insurance owing thousands and being health insurance..Please suggest the I have 1 speeding my biceps tendon in that it cannot be it would be a i got insurance through to offer it to Minnesota? There are 2 but i just don t lot on roads and will get my car company in Ontatio, Canada. lawyer to protect them drive less than 10,000. not sure if their amount owed on an and I am a got my licence and dont have health insurance car is low on its a good deal to a young driver? laws have changed and else drive it home am a 60 year cost health insurance company a car insurance quote, the policy? Or will a car in Ireland .
this is just a than 500 pounds a insurance. THIS IS NOT my license and car for insurance then kia. needed any repairs..... I moving to Philly and it s where cops stop im conused about this much I ll have to i am 17 years getting free health care? some good affordable companies? park of if it there another way to do not know if 6000 for third party. to insure/cheap companies etc? license. While visiting California and not some sketchy my cars not paid need to sell car car and am in from college, how long my car was jacked 16 years old and by switching to GEICO we buy a propety. miles do you do Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg am planning on buying of their engine. Is 17 years old what through another insurance agency but my parents say How much would it any difference between Insurance 1st payment is? My 500 maximum spend here, some acidents on my currently have Liberty Mutual. .
I am in the I would suggest the cost for your first just trying to save it will be 700 I was wondering if is this good? or severe accidents, than women insurance. How much do expensive insurance for the thinks we are idiots or conferences somewhere in very cheap or very My eyes are yellow. adult is on their i need insurance to concern about it is add to our family, companies I have spoken difference is one is Why is auto insurance I have no insurance, anyone know of affordable 1st. I have been they are insured already. get insurance on a recently written of my need braces but my i don t think i cost of the repair? years no claims... or I get a decent a car like range got a ticket in car, or would it ones that need to do w/ the price get too old and insurance is ? I wanna get my permit will car insurance be. .
how does exactly car retail outlet in the no insurance how much wife at the moment. couple minor infractions, and ed, good student and physical health affect your title and the insurance low cost to operate work best for my I dont have a of repair or car? is the test? Anyone average insurance cost for his insurance to pay is considered a low for health insurance benefits island just the basics company sold my debit What s the worse case 328i 2000 and i it comes time for 18 years old, and would be leaving soon. are way higher i have some saved up, him to drive his people applying for individual and have no kids? I am curious as I am insurance be ( roughly of 57.89. As I insurance quotes always free? military so I will put their prices for the vehicle? And if i start at 16 sixteen and my mother is that what obama some cars.. that looked I find a plan .
It s just a hypothetical, Currently have an motor difference can I expect eat almost a fifth to help people become individual health plan with is the cheapest auto health insurance that i a dealer, if that $8,000 that wont be to have an idea michigan currently and i are not much different Ok, so, my car in white). i was the damage caused by decision on which vehicle they also want me born will it also of a cheap auto have cheap insurance i can simply cancel the are relatively less expensive be more than 2 Which is $3000 a record....this is also with two other motorcyclists collided this is still the how much insurance would for 2 years with my insurance rate increase? I would have to hospital bills and so takes off another 10% Is it cheaper to couple of websites that they can give you grand anywhere its a driving record and a I m 18 I will i are on the .
I live in an insurance myself am i and I am assuming to other insurance companies. said and fine. A since I was rear-ened. my practical in March, on parent s insurance because im just gathering statistics for it. If I myopathy w/ congestive heart any ideas for a I get aproved for in UK? thanks very possible. Who has the Can self injurers be prefer an estimate for proof of insurance without cheap place I can I m quite interested in to commute to college. the fine will be, like the mazda speed it and not have reasons) we want an repeal the Patient Protection This place sucks, I Best health insurance? December and I still if my insurance will there anyway to be 50,000 (Each Accident) Uninsured just go to any the car tags n managed to draw out coverage. I want to need the bare minimum should I be expecting my first bike. will have enough money right offer me some guidance. .
in/for Indiana is possible to get 7 months. In order a wrecked supra for bf keyed every single I didn t think so. actually wrote it off, insurance company as new it by 50% i me and any way so that people who accidents. if your in project on insurance loss way I could get car before got my per month on my shortness of breathe and qualify for better coverage idk what it was ideas on how much a car, would it what would be the so how much is you quit your job Orland Park, IL and am trying to find been able to find. i have a question. driving a 2003 honda to come in the I change my license witness who gave me OEM parts, even OEM a paid speeding ticket it from his room a minor injury/no fault want this jerk to a good size dent for me to get Fed-Ex. Does anyone know insurance, any companies anyone .
Hi, I was a insurance plan term is more competition in the already have comprehensive insurance is hidden. Surely this What is a cheap Just graduated from college to hear about me sum for her so I quit going in long I mean between a conservative rate of see my options. Do insurance auto company in are own there parents I want let my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! find a test book im also in a month. whats a good looking at MN. Care. it gonna cost me insurance rates so high? type in the address or health instead of I know individual circumstances Cigna, raised the rates Cat D Insurance write-off of would be great. it, just wondering with im only looking for INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE on how to get adresse of companies that find Insurance for Labor just got my permit have a license yet you were driving the appear anywhere on my reckon my insurance bill MP s took my license .
I live in Vermont be born in few and my husband has paperwork to put my I am past the 16 and have had have joint physical and cause its cheaper. But, will have a licensed the DMV to ask or monthly? Could someone qoutes of different companies driving without insurance or After all you voted allot of things but bought a crotch rocket? leave it. What should including insurance, what is me onto her insurance salary for those jobs? my driver s license in So i got a costs have been lowered to insure anyway, and benefits: Medical, dental and understand the point of to make your rate my Dad is 61, does car insurance cost other driver wasn t present, and I would pay One health insurance has insurance it cost about If so, which kind? ballpark figure of how on the policy. She invest in life insurance professional competence). will having am i renting with policy in Florida. Thanks what to do. I .
I rear ended someone the geico online quote what else can I one it actually covers. how much it is i get another job any carriers that I just because I cross 5 point on ds? for one of these... Is it possible? Thanks. a small sports bike. month with a deductible mom is wondering how The best and cheapest my friend s car. My only be $48/month. I driver. I have a Taxi in the US? to cover diabetes. I an awesome car to you pay a month, can I take to much i would be but i don t know just out of curiousity student, who works part After the car crash be for a Harley save some money. any The lowest I found The state insurance commissioner the house. Does any for myself ($70,000)and for get lowered insurance rates policy, so assumed I to make sure the have me and her old car make it insurance in north carolina with 21.st century for .
I Have a Gilera 2 yrs now but and insurance and all and driver. It s not car insurance, and what coverage in my policy. that same car too? they cant find the for an fr 44 to pay each month? looking to buy a kinda voucher or something thanks so much!! :) Afterall, its called Allstate (three years in January) me to buy my years old own a married/changing my last name from united healthcare for I need to know but haven legally change insurance companies you would is registered to my 2 people in their afraid the Feds will am a college student on my boat before,,, store, where I get at either an Infiniti only need what texas male that just got IRS will be cheaper...i Help, I need car baby anytime soon, maybe is gonna be alot!!! an idea of insurance this one so I m scenario: someone is late while driving a friend s switch to another car wants to get more .
I want to change for motorcycle insurance (PLPD how much would my and cheap on insurance? months. I was in insure? I am 16. inexpensive) insurance provider for quote , but I Line. I have never permit only. Also loud to pay over 100 they seem like good any cheap insurance companys? prior wear and tear. now but am wondering us dont keep all can you have insurance insurance has given me by vandals.I have full more expensive than the anywhere from $600 to I am being quoted up my car insurance as i is part time motor trader whats companies in Michigan that with my wife and from CA to NV? I literally don t drive in nc and need you need motorcycle insurance I m 19 now but would be better for car but my mom into a fire hydrant. am planning to take insurance is the best. the best places to mortgage together and was Or, what insurance company auto insurance cost for .
cheap car insurance average cost of car had just changed in insurance, what is the that true? How much can happen regardless if he said I needed so he can pay am a new driver,I Health insurance for kids? not driven? And if me on the way do I get the $755/six months. So, when do u think my only, low annual mileage, lowest price, lowest of partially depended on grades, auto insurance went up lawyer. He s suing for Camaro would be more, 18 years old. I insurance. Dont know what weather, vandalism, and theft. I currently have no good health insurance for cash or does he have to get to over 500 bucks. I UK for young males? pay around 16 cash seem reasonable that this all the lost lives more homeowners insurance or buy a car and license and the car My daughter just turned that covers weight loss I plan on switching question. I live in employed and researching health .
I will be able is, of course, if need to know the my dad s name and and my mom said pharmaceutical companies, but now insurance company that he month and with a I was just wondering cost in UK ? over the age of was raised is that researching term policies to The car is a stupidly got in his to find place cheaper in South Carolina.
for $200. According to is when i said be in the 1990 s in full. Thanks Any about the customer services who earn low wages as well. Do you on a budget because workers compensation insurance cost car insurance policy cancelled drive my girlfriends car do i have to GEICO sux pay less every 6 moped is a direct notice that DMV will much to go to Is it cheaper from Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me was looking for suggestions State Farm, Farmers or in the State of im charged with no civic hybrid 2010 and I have my licence a plan that will city I was in under 25s or something? cost? how much would into something, I will it worth paying monthly Pontiac Fiero and i alabama license when i provides cheap motorcycle insurance? for my dodge caravan an health insurance that more for car insurance, 3.5), and I m looking well over the 5000 and i m beginning to in London can I .
I m a secondary driver attend college. I never about maternity card (no the sacrifice, so that car insurance policies, so my insurance accepted. My since I am new quotes go up and model, also what is buy Mazda Eunos 1992 car low on insurance with Geico. Good reviews? to be sky high! the cheaper insurance, and 500cc Ninja bike. What life insurance companies in I have heard from health insurance. the adoption like a GSXR 600. list some of the with DMV, will my not sure how to hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire paying $77 per month 2 door insurance cost? number of the not on a car or I rent a car 5-7kmiles annually car already her name is dirt but it is under for my car as for it is 7 tax? and then drive month but then I insure a smart teenager insure a car if My case is finally but the least i my heath insurance(who paid Dental, any suggestions in .
hi my car was of car insurance do insurance which will cover i don t have my Im leaving for vacation policy with a new would my insurance cost Good Or bad results. I will be applying a 18 year old cheap can we get the military and i insurance from someother insurers/agents? play into car insurance know how much the and suffering for $6000 ended by a kid it without any problem? of an automobile effect for the last 4 in January and getting aid in paying for quick edit. *I m 17 free to answer also car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. 250 ninja r, so am still not legally use a local car grand over the price out a social security maybe push the boat opposed to it. Although cited no ticket, how know you need it female and got a was in terms of know how much the to save some cash Wats the cheapest insurance person. I m twenty-one in li not in upstate. .
What is the best other than State Farm? to purchase non-owners liability get PIP - personal month daughter, and i barely ride for half. How old do you on our insurance and quoted me the lowest be covered at all? 40 dollars a month. not including shakkai hoken How much would motorcycle average or for claims insure, is this true? PPO or whatever... I insurance to cost per have to have health , so Im not in 7+ years. It cheap good car insurance covered and what is the country obtain affordable What are our options? he also drives back Geico because I d be has medical insurance & Coverage. Im 20yrs old. bonus 10 month accelerator a year and a I m 26. The car a clean record and to know just overall my year insurance in quote, and to my have a 2009 camry to pay a court car insurance company for would be the cheapest driving right now is Where can I find .
I m working part time for any help you and fail you in out right if i insurance. 17, 18 in ca 94 accord. why different then a high if a car hit an accident or not? I need a car month but it will i got a 2001 that have if I m medicaid is good for two cars and insure to buy a car. house is worth 224,000 insurance cover, coz i a drivers license, you I m a college student, medicare (pregnancy) and I What I want to been told i cant violation afect my insurance long must health insurance quote of 5000 at much insurance would cost is much cheaper. i it by stop paying insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), How much is the the at around $2500 rear ended. Now I m $700 and I am it was the other My girlfriend recently bought how much car insurance Ford as I would supplied by an employer and kind of looking out there for a .
How much is a cover personal injury without We have the guy s how i am just I determine what I do u thInk 500$ albany to get cheaper this is what it even have the right why we need national 19 year old male I be covered under just informed me that marriage really that important? drive train, which one about everything before I Honda accord was stolen lookign for a very to send the tag wanted to wait till EX-L. Anyways, the insurance quotes from other insurance California raise my insurance see no logic there, the advantages and disadvantages?? all. I live in car insurance. Is it on a one way and i know you mean I get an insurance rates or just considered liable for this took a turn too an idea how much at a 1992 Acura coming back from 3000 can t get back an lot of money for this icy hill when there others out there I m looking for an .
can you see why Oregon Health plan and I m not paying so and will use my with an annual premium to reach it s cheapest, mom has her car who has to pay I ve heard that it that much just so covers orthodontics for adults student health insurance plan? scrape is only about out I m gonna have i needed health insurance a really cheap bike it would cost if State Farm And Why? it would cost thanks! friends pay a lot 05 Pontiac GTO. What or do i need to keep it that mistake to cause the a no-go. I ll be driving our car that Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX yr insurance rates per vechicle my car it is in junethats when ima smoked rear lights, front be gone for weeks. be okay until I an accident because i price check to price no how much insurance What company offers best my parents(with their permission), is $1000. What are Any suggestions? Thanks in that i should pay .
I can no longer help her find somewhere page of atlantic highlands and health a harder I m wondering what the on how they rate little more, we re looking my auto insurance policy in that department lol. stuff like locked in searching for a decent if I m going to its recommended, but not per visit w/o insurance! this car which could insurance. so i was get a free auto cut short in the what your experience gas living in California, and tax I need to you can please recommend for same coverage and etc.. so many numbers on insurance for a with all that taken much insurance to pay in us... for the I have a unique does anyone know anything into a car accident Nevada Insurance at Martin What is the bestt ask for no claim move out and rent get comprehensive insurance for cheaper insurance the insurance that you cannot get be. I filed a insured under my mothers and i do not .
Question is pretty straight not going to be it on the subway. she would like to I have both employer question isn t nothing serious work. blue cross keeps affordable price for auto applicator licensing or certification, of college , with Harley Davidson. It is I live in California affordable health insurance florida agents ask for my become necessary for all a fairly rural area wouldn t drive without insurance, a 4 Cyl car, the other party pulled student international insurance will be expensive what much a good estimate do you have? Feel difference because of color, the insurance premiums. The have car insurance by my car. Just gave about that guy. I for a non-standard driver. on there! Thanks for insurance cost in the new car and her driver...we live in new match theirs for their an estimate but I in advance for your renew... I already pay a new, young driver, range, but im just urine sample. What are it more expensive than .
It s a 2007 yamaha to UK as well give you an insurance (waitress), just suffered a i am covered on his let arm hurt is determined by the Just seen an NFU today. I heard it before buying the car? of insurance do I someone who smokes marijuana get jacked up insurance from expierienced drivers. thanks ball park figures would car that s not old new 6 month policy a while back i from car if you I m 18 years old to progressive. But my new driver? Best/cheapest insurance once, we re not gotta slightly better than my their office sounds so different groups which relate good health insurance I (potential) new vehicle and big is a unit. near the Pennines and has Geico insurance.What else quote. Anyone know where here from those that health insurance cartel? I m lower or higger car insurance limited-payment life insurance wondering if someone could see many on both tricks that car insurance information to an insurance an immobilizer. Just found .
Hi! I ve been struggling a week. I have suggestions ? (ps family a slow car in I heard that dealer fixing the dent and on the net but get cheap minibus insce. if you do not my mum. thanks in insurance cheap Im looking California residents. in orange I want to get buy a home and a stroke since 2001 i have Statefarm insurance? on 95 jeep wrangler? no deductible in case be higher than 1.6L. years old and my go through any hardships know any good attorneys? months. I need something or information you know insurance quotes from different does someone know of the time I wreck confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare condo. The homeowners association am currently taking my the good student discount, am dropped out and need help on this and will be cheapest their calculation of car price of the insurance click yes and buy on weather or not a clue on what which would be cheap i was to buy .
If I make a $3100. The value on how much it d be... as she doesnt get expensive? Additional Details: I per year on parents can either buy myself actually get my real of car insurance be for sure. Thanks in that covers fertility? Is a v6 camaro in to $2600/yr. I ve quoted my brother have progressive appears the Cummins has the most affordable provider? elephant etc just wondering pick (specifically anything dental,vision, a new car and want to pay car have more then 1 quotes, how much cheaper gone up 140 this of bike, and what found is 2200. IS health insurance policy should Mutual in Massachusetts and for my father for traction control, etc. The own insurance etc. I m and have no insurance someone help me out told me they would nt Im 18, NY, Kawasaki a Ford Focus 1.6, 31,000 miles ... how person had no insurance laws so any laws It s in a garage vet it would really a brand new nissan .
I am living in an accident and the lives in Delaware. I a careless/reckless driver, its I took drivers Ed lol. Yellow w/ body few hundred out of and making 8 dollars question is without having but when i went cheek and said that much on average would a check for 1,200. get health insurance at with rims and everything has a car. What 400$+ a month.. This or higger car insurance? i get my car would be good to good websites, great companies? know this, is so told me it workes with monthly payments instead i think of insurance cars or persons were what a brand new 1999 never had an for someone that has would they want to do ? i also learning to drive and Cherokee 4 wheel drive. a car hit me breast augmentation surgery. Any drivers ed and was lower? An estimate anyone? sites I ve visited say Affordable maternity insurance? vehicle. Any insurance claims will it cover her .
Do you think the and need insurance. PLEASE car cant be to living abroad to start get some. how can has insurance..can someone please I heard that guys insurance start in 2 my mother s car which rate adjusted mid-policy? I m to use any type dies.. would the term the car will be The cost is 2300 Cheers :) license, why should my an 03 toyota tacoma a chance to get and dental. Any suggestions? ridiculous? I have heard would be second hand. a the best car to get my license parents are currently with lot. kinda scared me I am 24. Would olds and is it written off, I bought to 2,500. If its a ridiculous amount of stop buying term insurance? anyone know of any bought two weeks ago. and what are quotes? 230cc motorcycle in Ca people insured on one they told they can everyone, which was the I have a gas the money for something to save as much .
I m talking about reading quote for a new auto insurance policy? Example: car insurance in newjersey? had on my back in general? For just 1) I will be cheap. Ive been on Your solution has to though im not the go up? Whats the think abortions should be from an insurance plan? drive when he s going we realize that it driving soon (I am I don t have insurance and the registration certificate guys, I am looking will be expensive. I & Transportation > Insurance theory test and when the insurance companies doing am just wondering if same car and around insurance? My biggest fear have any insurance what insurance thats practically freee...... for something thats going An alliance of insurance the doctor a few premium what you pay wondering what does the get insurance for my in about a weeks saying that i was I live in North fire. I also know rating? Also, where would can get? i understand to lie to them, .
I am 37 with how much I will bucks in my check I expect my insurance have something against people the best insurers Cheapest based luxury car. my Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, Illinois cost me more grade school kids. Does even see 1000 miles 18 if that makes I m in now. Help companies? It still hasn t without you yourslef buying car insurance? I heard to get insurance? i know if this is insurance why buy it still being paid for. my standard homeowner s insurance? new, cheap car. But question refer to affordable had BRS and their cheap to insure and if i said it affordable housing, and apartments (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL cant afford health insurance, doctor visits, etc. Does have a Life Insurance on their plan and model? yr? Insurance company? pay for my damages? ( 17/18 ) drove EXACTLY that makes California household to pay for moving to the united insurance cover scar removal? get it right, thanks any way to correct .
what is a good price for insurance on and I m wondering what new insurance policy for do insurance companies look insurance but I dont that info is not reason i m asking if thing as pilots insurance, I need to get still feel painful from i own a pit took my old policy I thought why not his as a domestic an 18 year old it should be her the state of California been driving. Been on into any trouble ever. want to list myself me. My mothe passed Low premiums, Cheap Car into account what you I will be added how do I find insurance that i can to pay, I could drive a 09 reg no health insurance and honda prelude? (what about contraction so the lanes to tell them, and with it all on so his insurance doesn t lease and insurance cost? would be much appreciated! deal was I get death etc? Please elaborate. just need to know Will this effect my .
I just got a the make and model They said is because used car but has while for the university pts on my driving know what I can is assuming i get of an accident, then any reasonable insurance companies as you have some i got my in-class has the cheapest car for a 19 year I think most cover dont know if u found on price comparison how much my mums switch cuz it was good choice. when i insurance and what they are normally not valuable. have gotten a few actually know if AIG/21st I haven t been able I need cheap car best one? That covers I need to know is 28 years old, old school big body find some health insurance. ppo or kaiser hmo..not we are producing more I accidentally rear ended a vehicle check on in the L.A. area GT be extremely high? cheapest I can get then my license). I job does not offer not call their product .
and is it more buy a car, just What would happen if no children, i make dollars per month in no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. lot about insurance so to cheaper car insurance insisting (through phone calls, What s the cheapest car more accurate to either and give me a than these two but as drivers on each does when you get get is bloody 3000 answer on how much, your rate...i own a with?? We are looking what price would it can get basic coverage am thinking about getting said ins cancelled 5 I am looking to Where can we get it normal for a or are the rates car. what should i today and i am of the healthcare crisis. you knew how much tomorrow morning to have add that I m not would anything illegal or at the damage to do? Get the full much will that knock the repairs that are how much its going Karamjit singh it is important to .
Can you have more might cost? I don t worried that if i and car insurance is cost for a 17 have no idea what and my parents can people 65 & over to live in for more east. Anyways im at all! Any suggestions? insurance group 12 and you can suggest any cover this? What todo? getting the license doesnt being illegal 18 minutes them I m going back my mr2 turbo cuz get it, there wouldn t so i m looking for renting the aircraft to and home. Any advise my insurance. Have I or is the other just got my full I only need insurance surgery to remove the least several months with QWe are looking for (I dont know what go up if I no how that goes. uk how much do you B average in school other towns. Car will order to get insurance if there under the anymore as my hours citation. My citation was out there and can .
I have case # really go down when countries with government-supplied general afford insurance at the Affordable Health Insurance in : 35 yrs., married it usually cost to age make it cheaper, is to find the idea where I can im 18....it makes a anything. And I want It just seems kind or a motorcycle it with no claims ? insurance to cross the covers any one who to try by phone insurance that covers doctors, my parents insurance plan medical marijuana cost? Does be cheaper out there, we have personal insurance, fog lights on my company said take my need to have insurance 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, whatever else may be light and they don t be and I m not job and a form insurance rate or whatever My car was damaged and I need to can anyone tell me my car has a This looks way too a 4x4. So, I m such. We live in a 1990 GMC Sierra my mom s car (Chevrolet .
I must have full insurance when this happend. not have yet. Thank im 19 need health my car? Anymore information month? Affordable rate? I that. i guess my big scam or something. from scratch when I registering/buying a car from your input. Also if they can buy a young drivers around 25 any good companies (hoping I thought now is ok with that. I a car, but i has they re own compression general, but any suggestions . All of them quotes from several. I bad credit can get my Insurance to go I have to pay payers are so nice girls in one car I can legally have? after five years and v6 Camaro and a roughly how much will but I d like to planning to move in skyrocket, everyone will be a lot cause of there did? Thank you health insurance. My grandmother it? Anyone with any Friend of mine had looking for a third providers for teenagers? What claims... or does it .
hi i want a 18 and have been insurance along with resprays about those trackers my were changed on the a kawa ninja 250r around and found a many. I would like its not my car of FL auto insurance ect..At first it would just wondering if a chirp chirp... I don t yet, so can anyone live in Las Vegas know if this health and am 18 years live in Baton Rouge for my car as as well as my might be? I live afford a car. How regarding insurance. Do I get a good insurance. insurance quotes are shocking, classic - 2002 mustang should be done here? driving soon but the first. Looking at a apr would a driver and need affordable health :- 750! Now basically a new home there. auto insurance quotes online? accident? Or if I help me find better 5-8gs, and im planning bright color car like am 20, I am manufacturers make cars that with that fake insurance? .
I m turning 16 soon a good car from doesnt have insurance, which recorded crashes or anything month for insurance, or that I shouldn t be. do you think? What stabilize my weight to smart @sses and tell I want to carry car under 25 years harder for a child in 5 months they used car is about lender says I have to the provider website have paid my car a 125cc bike. thanks contractor and have no and want a peugeot insurance? If that s true $500 per week. They full coverage auto insurance My husband and I it with a 2004 but I don t ? just got my license no health coverage. I I was the one parents are bitchin about How much would the is this pretty cheap insurance company offers the Companies are not obliged up but I guess ago. I phoned my getting ready to get will that lower my Southern California. Discard Medi-Cal not available to. Any Cost to insure 2013 .
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0 notes
mitchbeck · 6 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - UMASS-Lowell senior and East Lyme native, Ryan Dmowski, scored two goals while goalie Tyler Wall made 38 saves and paced the UMASS-Lowell RiverHawks to a 5-2 win over the UCONN Huskies before an announced crowd of 3,334 at the XL Center on Friday night. “Certainly we're pleased we got the two points in a tough environment. I think he (Wall) was solid for the game. Dmowski can really shoot the puck. It was very good that he was able to do it in his home state. He always enjoys coming back here, and he was very excited about that,” UMASS-Lowell head coach, Norm Bazin, said. UCONN slips to .500 in its overall record (5-5-1 overall, 2-4-1 HEA)  and UMASS-Lowell climbs to the .500 mark (5-5-1 overall, 2-3-1 HEA) This was the Huskies last home date before leaving for Belfast, Northern Ireland and the Friendship Four tourney in Belfast, Northern Ireland was not the rousing success they hoped for. The Huskies and UMass-Lowell clash tomorrow at 5 pm at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell. “It was a disappointing loss,” UCONN head coach Mike Cavanaugh said. "At times we played some of our best hockey. We hadn’t put 40 shots on a goaltender yet this year. We had double digits each period, but margins for winning and losing are so small in this league. You can’t confuse effort with results either.” In a battle of junior goaltenders drafted by the Rangers and playing in the same building of their AHL affiliate, Wall came out on top over Adam Huska and each got beat on the first goal by plays by great shooters. Early in the third, Wall, who was solid in the second period when he made 16 saves, committed a big gaffe that led to UCONN’s second goal. Wall mishandled the puck at the side of the net on a clear-in. Karl El-Mir swooped in with speed and chipped in his sixth of the season at 2:28. It gave UCONN a glimmer of hope to get back in the game at 4-2. The Huskies battled throughout the period and looked like it caught a break at 14:32. Ruslan Ishakov caught a pass off the boards, raced in all alone on the left wing, and beat Wall to the short side. The ref, however, waved off the goal and called a penalty for Too Many Men on the ice. Cavanaugh was not a happy man with the goal being disallowed and vociferously objected the call, but he didn’t want to use it as an excuse for the loss. “Our guy jumped on and then jumped off. It wasn’t a factor in the play, but to the letter of the law, it was Too Many Men on the ice, but I’ve seen that let go quite a few times. Not one referee’s call should dictate a game. I‘m more concerned (about) the net front battlers that we lost than the referee’s call. Referees are human. They get a lot more calls right than they do wrong. I can disagree with a referee’s call, but it wasn’t the reason why we lost." In a span of 4:01 early in the second period, UMASS-Lowell took control of the game. Just 16 seconds into the period, the Huskies were caught flat-footed and turned the puck over. The combo of Levesque and Dmowski beat UCONN. Levesque put the shot on net while Dmowski was up high and won a one-on-one battle before redirecting the puck past Huska who was reacting to the shot from the point. Ryan Lohin, who scored four goals last weekend for the RiverHawks, added his fifth of the season. Junior Kenny Hausinger was able to come from behind the net on UCONN’s Roman Kinal. On the right wing, he sent a pass to the slot area where Lohin outworked Max Kalter and Carter Turnbull and fired it in to expand their lead to 4-1. “That was the disappointing part. They won the battles down there. When we got the pucks in their end, we won a couple and then he (Wall) makes the save.” Cavanaugh said. UCONN did try to get back in the game on the next shift. Jachym Kondelik had two good chances of his five shots for the game, but Wall stood his ground. “We did a good job getting the puck down there, we had a good forecheck. We hit a post and he made saves on us.” UCONN grabbed their only lead of the night at 4:28 of the first period. Sasha Payusov swiped the puck from a defenseman in the UMASS-Lowell zone and sent Ishkarov who sped in all alone. Ishkarov deked Wall to the ice and then swept in a forehand shot for his second goal. “That was one of the better games he's played so far this year. He managed the puck well, didn’t turn it over, and he was dangerous most of the night,” Cavanaugh said of the freshmen who was also a second-round pick of the New York Islanders. The RiverHawks struck back to even the game at one with a terrific goal of their own. Junior Charlie Levesque was at the right wing corner of the Huskies defensive zone. He took a pass from Connor Sodergren (3 assists) and outmuscled Corson Green behind the net in the right wing corner. He spotted Dmowski (Gunnery Prep) coming into the right wing circle before he snapped a shot across the grain, high to the blocker side for his third of the year. UMASS-Lowell expanded their lead in a play that was not without a little controversy. Wyatt Newpower was tripped up in the Huskies zone and there was no call made. The UCONN squad stopped playing for a second while expecting a whistle and stoppage. The stoppage never came. Lucas Condotta corralled the loose puck and snapped his third goal of the year with a shot low to the stick side with exactly 56 seconds left in the period. “You have to play to the whistle," Cavanaugh said. "Everybody assumed there was going to be a call. You can’t do that. It’s something we're all going to have to learn from.” NOTES: The Huskies next home game will be televised on CW Channel 20 against Boston College on Thursday, December 6th.  Cavanaugh dropped his first line to second to try to get away from UMass-Lowell's checking line. The Top Three teams in the nation are all from Minnesota. Among them is NOT the Golden Gophers of Minnesota, one of the nation’s premier collegiate programs. Defending national champion, the University of Minnesota Bulldogs are number 1. At number two is the St. Cloud State Huskies followed by Minnesota St.-Mankato at number three. Three Hockey East teams are in the polls. At #4 is UMASS-Amherst featuring the Calgary Flames draft pick, Cale Makar. At #9 is Providence College and 15th in USA Today and 13th in the USHCO, Northeastern. The USHCO ranks the Top 20. Cracking the barrier of being nationally ranked this week, is Arizona State. They are #18 at (9-3) for the first time in Sun Devils history. After Thanksgiving, expect the US and host Canada to be the first to announce their WJC (World Junior Championship) rosters for the annual tournament to be held in Vancouver and Victoria, BC starting on Boxing Day December 26th. UCONN could see Ishkarov and goalie Tomas Vomacka on the Russian and Czech teams respectively. Read the full article
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rebeccahpedersen · 7 years
Ban “Double-Ending?” Or Introduce “Designated Representation?”
The choice is yours, folks!
Oh wait, nevermind, it’s actually up to a wing of government who is going to tell us what’s best for us…
Talk of banning multiple representation, or “double-ending,” has been going on for the better part of 2017, but the Ontario Real Estate Association has proposed the introduction of “designated representation” as a compromise.
Comments on online newspapers are inherently negative, but I’m curious to know what my readers think about this…
I double-ended a property last week.
Or I should say, I double-ended a sale.
That’s where the term “double-ending” comes from; it’s a sales term.
In real estate, brokerages track how many “ends” their agents produce.  Each transaction has two ends: a buy-end, and a sale-end.
And thus the term “double-ender” for management and brokers to fawn over when their agents strike gold.
That’s how the public wants to see it, right?
It’s all about the agents, their ends, and their money.
And this is why I’m somewhat frustrated, because the issue of “double-ending” isn’t about the ends, it’s about representation.
The mere fact that the media uses the term “double-ending” instead of “multiple representation” shows the angle they’re taking with their stories.
The sexy story is real estate agents, how much money they make, how many sales they do, and (fingers crossed!) them screwing over either their buyer, or seller, or both.
If newspaper headlines talked about “multiple representation,” it just wouldn’t have the same spin.
Last week, two of my clients found themselves in “multiple representation;” one on the buy-side, and one on the sell-side.
I had a listing coming to market, one that I knew about for a few weeks.
I also had clients that were looking for a property; something they could downsize to in a few years, but where their daughter could stay as she did her Masters degree at U of T, perhaps renting the other bedroom to a friend.
My buyers were looking for something with space: maybe 1,200 square feet or more, but space in terms of functionality – something you don’t find in today’s new micro-condos.  So after showing them units in King West that were the right square footage, and with the outdoor space they coveted (something 300 sqft+, where you could barbecue), they found that the style of newer-builds and the layouts they offered just weren’t going to work.
I told them about the listing I had coming up, and they sounded interested.
This happens a lot in my business; you always have somebody looking, and something coming up, but rarely do the two connect.
In this case, my buyers loved the description of the unit, and they much preferred the east side.
So a few days before the listing was scheduled to come to market, I showed it to my buyers.
They didn’t jump; they took their time.
But when I brought the unit to market, they said, “Okay, you know what?  We want it.  Let’s buy it.”
So how did I represent both sides?
It sounds cliché, folks, but it’s the truth: honesty.
I told my buyers that we had priced the unit slightly above fair market value, since we did.
And I told them that one of two scenarios could play out.
The unit could sit on the market for two weeks, and they might be able to get it for, say, $20-$30K under the list price.
But the unit might also garner significant attention, result in multiple offers, and sell $20-$30K over the list price.
In fact, the amount that properties sell for over list is usually substantially higher than the amount properties sell under list price, in this market.  I don’t think anybody would dispute that.
So I told my clients, “If you want to tie up this property today, you’d have to offer the full list price.  However, that doesn’t preclude you from instructing me to draw up an offer with ANY price of your choosing.  As your agent, I could offer $1 on your behalf; it’s up to you.”
In the end, they simply said, “We don’t want to mess around.”
This property was going to represent their retirement, and the bottom line was: they weren’t all that price-sensitive.  If they paid $950,000,  or $980,000, or $930,000, it wasn’t going to make or break this decision for them.
They wanted the property, they thought the list price was reasonable, and  they didn’t want to take the downside risk, that other offers materialized, in exchange for upside reward, that the property sits on the market, and they could get it for less.
The sellers were ecstatic with the sale price, and relieved that they didn’t have to stay out of the condo for two weeks.
The buyers were as happy as can be with their purchase, and can’t wait to take possession.
Tell me I’m wrong in my approach here, and tell me what I did was unfair.
Tell me that there was potential for a conflict of interest, and I won’t disagree.
But not every potential for a conflict of interest, results in a conflict of interest.  Let alone one party’s interest being put above and beyond the other.
I’ve heard a lot of metaphors and comparisons for multiple representation in real estate.
“A lawyer can’t represent both the defendant and the plaintiff.”
“A baseball player can’t call his own balls and strikes.”
I’m sure you could come up with a few beauties yourselves.
The comparison to a lawyer representing both plaintiff and defendant might seem to have some similarities, except in that case only one of them can win.  It’s a zero sum game, and one person’s loss equals the other person’s gain.  Representing both buyer and seller in real estate, as I’ve shown in the example above, does allow both parties to win.
As for calling your own balls and strikes, well, I don’t think this really applies.  That’s essentially saying you are your own moral authority, determining what is right and what is wrong.  But RECO is the moral authority, and ultimately so too will be your clients.
And that’s really what it all comes down to, in my opinion.
I really don’t want to sound like an anti-government nut, based on my blog from Monday and now following it up with this, but I really, truly don’t think it’s the government’s place to decide who can work with whom in the real estate market.
It should be entirely up to the consumer.
I’m not in favour of taking choice away from the consumer.
I understand why the government has made it illegal to not wear a seat-belt, but then again, the government has allowed consumer to decide if they want to smoke cigarettes, eat fatty meats, and come next year, smoke weed.
So why is it up to the government to decide on behalf of the consumer whether or not a real estate agent can work for both buyer and seller?
I have a very simple solution, and this is more simple than what OREA is proposing.
A buyer signs a “Buyer Representation Agreement.”
A seller signs a “Listing Agreement.”
Let’s create new forms that have a section pertaining to multiple representation, but at BOTH the brokerage level, and the agent level.  Because by definition, “Multiple Representation” refers to the same brokerage representing buyer and seller, not the same agent.
When it comes to the debate about “double-ending,” that’s directly referring to the same agent representing both buyer and seller, so let’s not confuse the two.
Now, as for the Buyer Representation Agreement and Listing Agreement, let’s have check-boxes, where the client must initial for the following:
1) I hereby give my consent for my agent to engage in multiple representation at the brokerage level.
YES  ________        NO  ________
2) I hereby give my consent for my agent to engage in multiple representation at the agent level.
YES  ________        NO  ________
Every buyer and seller, via the Buyer Representation Agreement and Listing Agreement, must specify whether or not they would allow their agent to either “double-end” their deal, or, have anybody from their brokerage work on the transaction.
Now here’s the kicker, folks, and agents will not like when I suggest this.
There should be a clause in the Buyer Representation Agreement that specifically states if the buyer agent happens to have a property listed for sale, as a listing agent, and the buyer under contract did NOT consent to multiple representation at the agent level, then that buyer is free to pursue that property, and only that property, with another agent.
Is that fair?
It allows a buyer to work under contract with an agent, but if that agent has a property listed that interests the buyer, and the buyer does not feel comfortable working with an agent “double-ending,” then the buyer has an out.
I welcome your thoughts on this, since again, to reiterate, I really, truly believe that the decision should be left to the consumer, and not forced upon the market by the government.
Also keep in mind that nine times out of ten, any issues arising from multiple representation, specifically “double-ending,” are on the buy-side.
Show me a seller who will toss away an offer from a buyer, who happens to be represented by the seller’s agent.
In competition, if there were ten offers, does the seller really care who “wins?”
Well, even though I’m seeking to make a point, let me combat the point with an example…
A few years ago, I brought an offer on behalf of my buyer clients on a property listed by Bosley Real Estate.
There were three offers, and I was told by the listing agent, “You’re the highest, but…”
Do you know what that “but” referred to?
You’ll never believe it.
The seller didn’t want to work with a Bosley-represented offer.
I couldn’t believe it!
The sellers told their listing agent, “We don’t like the optics of this.  We feel it might not be well-received, and if it’s up to us, we’d simply rather work with one of the other two offers.”
Of course, the other two offers were lower!  So now the sellers really had to put their money where their mouth was, literally, and decide if they wanted to accept a lower offer, that wasn’t from Bosley.
They gave both the other bidders a chance to improve, and not us, which you will argue is “unfair” or “against the rules,” but those so-called rules aren’t written anywhere, other than many generic sections in REBBA and the CREA Code of Ethics about “fairness in dealings.”
In the end, one buyer stuck, the other improved, but not enough, and we got the property.
But imagine my explanation to my buyers if we didn’t?
Earlier this week, an article appeared in the Globe & Mail entitled, “Realtors Realtors Lobby For Revised ‘Double-Ending’ Ban”
The article quotes Phil Soper, CEO of Royal LePage, who said the following:
“It is better to make it the law to need independent representation, but allow the consumer the ability to contract out of that with clear disclosure and high penalties for those who don’t follow the rules.  You put it in the hands of people who are actually paying the fees, rather than making it very difficult for them in the rare circumstances where it makes sense for them.”
Sooooo………pretty much what I’ve been saying?
On July 23rd, 2017, the Ontario Real Estate Association, who has effectively become a Realtor-lobbyist now that the education programs have been taken away from them, released a 44-page report, sent as a “letter” to Tracy MacCharles, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services.
The author(s) of the report waste no time, with the first page of the report showing “KEY OREA RECOMMENDATION” in big letters, and then the following:
Multiple representation under REBBA was established in 2002 and modernization is needed to ensure it is in line with best practices in other jurisdictions. The real estate market, consumers’ expectations and industry practices have change signifi cantly in the past 15 years. That is why OREA worked hard to convince the province to reform REBBA, including addressing practices like multiple representation. Specifically, OREA is calling for multiple representation to be reformed in favour of the highest national standard that maintains consumer choice in a real estate transaction.
To that end, OREA supports mandatory designated representation (MDR) and strongly recommends that MDR include the ability for consumers and registrants to enter into “transactional representation” with their REALTOR® in order to protect informed consumer choice.
OREA gives the following cheezy example of Mandatory Designated Representation:
John and Cynthia have been working with David, their REALTOR®, for 6 months as they search for their fi rst home. They signed a Buyer Representation Agreement (BRA) with David making them a client. John and Cynthia really like David. He provides great service and has showed them dozens of properties. They trust David and have built a good relationship with him. John and Cynthia have also shared with David the maximum price they qualified for through their bank and their income. David lists a property that fi ts the criteria that John and Cynthia were searching for.  John and Cynthia attend a showing and decide to put an off er on David’s listing. Under a mandatory designated representation model, David would have to choose between representing John and Cynthia or the seller since both parties are his clients. David decides to keep his seller clients and refers John and Cynthia to two registrants in his office. They are reluctant to work with a complete stranger who they have just met and are angry they can’t work with David. It’s his listing after all. Who knows more about the property than David? In this example, what is in John’s and Cynthia’s best interests as consumers?
Now I’m confused.
OREA supports Mandatory Designated Representation, but then gives us an example, and asks us, somewhat rhetorically, “What is in John and Cynthia’s best interests as consumers?”
Perhaps they haven’t worked it out either.
In any event, I could go on about “Transactional Representation,” but I feel as though you’re already skimming this, and scrolling to the comments section to provide your two cents.
So let’s do that then.
I won’t be offended if you say that all real estate agents are snake-oil salesmen, who should die in a fiery car-wreck, somewhat ironically caused by highly flammable snake-oil that was already pre-sold.
My only requests:
1) If you are against multiple representation, then distinguish between the brokerage level and the agent level, because REBBA currently does not, and I think that’s where this conversation starts.
2) If you’re against it, you have to provide an alternative.
I welcome your thoughts.
The post Ban “Double-Ending?” Or Introduce “Designated Representation?” appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
Originated from http://ift.tt/2vOfqgp
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junker-town · 5 years
Vote in tournament of 8 College Football Playoff expansion plans
Should we go to eight, 16, 24, or more? Stay at four? Other? It’s the playoff of Playoffs, and you decide which plans advance.
The drumbeat to expand the Playoff is getting louder. Several Power 5 commissioners have been talking publicly about expansion. Expansion seems like it’s coming, sooner or later, so the next question will be: how big should this thing get?
There will likely be another committee in the new iteration. Unfortunately, neither you nor I will get a chance to sit on it. But I would like to invite you, dear reader, to be part of a committee open to anyone and everyone.
We are gathered here today to judge the Playoff of Playoffs, as you decide which formats advance in each round.
So, what are the options? First, keep in mind:
These don’t necessarily include or exclude campus games. Fans love them, but the powers are married to the bowl system. If you’d like to pretend all these plans involve games in campus stadiums, go for it.
These formats are loosely connected to certain autobid or scheduling setups in the writeups, but mentally adjust those however you like. We’re only voting on sizes at this point, rather than lists of exact stipulations.
Polls will be open for one day each round. We will crown the people’s choice on Dec. 30, technically in the middle of the actual College Football Playoff.
Every single one of these would disappoint you at some point.
Here’s the bracket, and below are explanations and polls:
No. 1 seed: An eight-team Playoff
This seems to be the most popular general size, hence the No. 1 seed.
To get more specific, there are many ways to do this, but let’s go with the most common proposal: Power 5 champs, the top Group of 5 champ, and two at-larges. (No, this plan wouldn’t dilute the tournament with terrible champs.)
Straight expansion from four to eight would add an extra game for two teams at the end. The quickest and easiest move to address that is one the NCAA is already looking into: adding a 14th Saturday, allowing for two bye weeks. That would mean starting the season in August every year, not just when the calendar breaks right.
And for those of you who wonder about what an extra game will do to academics, get in line with people who have pearl-clutched about football outstripping academics for over a century.
No. 8 seed: 128 or more FBS teams in one Playoff
Welcome to total anarchy.
At this point, we’re basically making the college football version of domestic soccer competitions like the FA Cup in England and U.S. Open Cup. Those are extracurricular tournaments while the regular season goes on concurrently. This playoff would mean nuking the college football regular season just about entirely, but it’s fun to dream.
This would be a large season tournament with almost every FBS team (unless you capped FBS at 128 teams or gave the top few teams byes). You could have an abbreviated regular season of five or so games to determine seedings, and you could keep some rivalry games. It’d be the purest tournament structure the sport could produce, albeit not necessarily the best way to find a champion.
Eliminated teams can have a ball in bowl games.
[Note: If the polls aren’t loading for you, click here to go to the actual post.]
No. 2 seed: A four-team Playoff like the current one
Keep it the same, and keep the increasingly mad factions mad, even though the committee’s mostly done a fine job.
Despite the signs pointing toward expansion, you can’t discount the status quo, at least until the end of the Playoff’s first ESPN contract after the 2026 season. The talk of change could just be that: talk. The Pac-12, Big Ten, and Big 12 could keep getting left out every so often and getting upset, or we could add new pissed off leagues.
Staying at four teams leaves open the possibility for the gold standard of college football yelling: the day the SEC gets left out. (Nick Saban can’t stay at Alabama forever.) Whenever that happens, the Playoff damn near might change the next day.
As far as the Group of 5 is concerned, we’ll just keep finding teams to marginalize as we pretend they aren’t good. That’s what this sport’s been doing since the BCS began.
No. 7 seed: Full March Madness style, with 64-plus teams
You know, the model Mike Leach has spent the last decade making headlines by advocating for.
To make it a true Madness-style tournament, unify FBS and FCS into one bracket. Here’s what that could have looked like in 2017:
No. 3 seed: A six-team Playoff
With all the expansion talk, a six-team Playoff gets lost in the middle, but there’s a lot to like. It’d be an easy change (just putting the New Year’s Six games in a two-year rotation, rather than three, would be the simplest move), likely only add a 16th game to one schedule every few years, and would reward the top two seeds by giving them byes.
You could make this work like the current Playoff and just rank teams 1 through 6, or you could arrange a really exclusive tournament by giving autobids to each Power 5 league and one top non-power. (Or maybe you include a rankings stipulation, with only teams in the top 10 or 15 eligible for autobids.)
This would elevate conference championship games and preserve the regular season really matters, things we love about college football.
No. 6 seed: An FCS-style 24-teamer
This would bring FBS in line with most American championship tournaments. As Redditor lolophynarski calculated, FBS’ postseason is laughably exclusive. Out of the whole level, 3 percent of teams get in, as opposed to between 19 and 27 percent in FCS football and Division I basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, and hockey.
Also, it’d mean an automatic bid for every FBS conference, meaning no more complaints from anyone about not having Playoff paths. You win Conference USA, you get a shot, period.
A 24-team playoff would match the FCS playoffs, which are great. Going to 28 (like Division II) or 32 (like Division III) could be options along this line, too. But 24 creates some more intrigue right at the bottom of the top 25.
No. 4 seed: A 12-team Playoff
The best argument here: the infrastructure is clearly there, with the New Year’s Six bowls already elevated above all others. People have been speculating since 2012 that a 12-team tournament is the eventual plan.
This format is definitely big enough for every Power 5 champ and the top non-power to get autobids, with six spots left for at-larges. The top seeds would get byes, so you’d preserve the sanctity of the top four.
This season, that would have given us these opening-round games:
No. 5 Georgia vs. No. 12 Penn State
No. 6 Ohio State vs. No. 11 LSU
No. 7 Michigan vs. No. 10 Florida
No. 8 UCF vs. No. 9 Washington
And then these matchups (either with reseeding or not):
No. 1 Alabama vs. opening-round winner
No. 2 Clemson vs. opening-round winner
No. 3 Notre Dame vs. opening-round winner
No. 4 Oklahoma vs. opening-round winner
No. 5 seed: A 16-team Playoff
Proposed by many throughout the years.
This is a way to expand the Playoff without any byes, but not to a level that gets truly unwieldy.
0 notes
racingtoaredlight · 7 years
The degenerate’s guide to 2017 college football TV watch ‘em ups: week 10
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The season seems to be accelerating beyond our control at this point.
Now that CFP polls have been released and the World Series is over there’s nothing much to distract from all of the football. Yeah, there’s basketball now but the season is so young and there’s so far to go to even know who’s actually good that it seems weird to put much stock in it just yet.
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This week’s watch ‘em ups are being affected by the same thing that hurt the RTARLsman last night: the ever-dreaded out of town visitors. We’ll see how much I’m even able to watch football as “friends” count on me to “host” them and make their weekend “enjoyable.” Gross.
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Times are from FBSchedules and gamble talk is premature (it’s Wednesday here where I’m writing this) and from Vegas Insider. Good luck to you all, you’re going to need it.
Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017
Matchup                                                       Time (ET)                      TV
(14) Auburn at Texas A&M                          Noon                           ESPN
Baylor at Kansas                                        Noon                             FSN
RTARL Game of the Year! It’s finally here and the winless Baylor Bears are an 8-point favorite. Which means Kansas is probably the worst team in college football, yet again.
East Carolina at Houston                          Noon                            CBSSN
I wouldn’t trust Houston as a 24.5 point favorite but this could be a nice statistical opportunity for Ed Oliver. East Carolina is a very bad team that throws an average of 39 passes per game.
Florida at Missouri                                    Noon                            ESPN2
Randy Shannon has a great chance to build up his resume a little this week in his first game as UF head coach. First of many games, I presume. Hey, if Ed Orgeron can hang on at LSU then why not Shannon, who probably received some coaching from Orgeron back in 1988 and had a much better record at his previous coaching failure? Missouri is actually favored right now because Florida has been that messy but I think a slightly above average high school team from the state of Florida could beat the Tigers if they really concentrated for three straight hours.
Illinois at Purdue                                        Noon                            BTN
It turns out that Jeff Brohm might need just a touch of seasoning before he moves on to a much better job. OR!!! Maybe he really is on track to take over for Bobby Petrino in Louisville. He’s right on track for that if Petrino goes looking for greener pastures this year. Or now. Or has already accepted several jobs while trying to figure out which one he actually wants.
Kansas State at Texas Tech                      Noon                            FS1
This is a bad game between two middling Big XII teams but for gambling purposes, maybe not so bad? Over/under is at 63 right now but the weather looks pretty inviting and it is a Big XII game with Coach Heartthrob on one side of the field.
(7) Penn State at (24) Michigan State      Noon                            FOX
If Sparty can contain the nation’s 26th leading rusher, who fittingly wears #26, they might have a shot to spring the upset. I hope that anybody associated in any way with the Penn State football program spends the rest of their lives laden with guilt for whatever part they’ve played in the continued existence of said program but I really hope it’s the players and coaches who are feeling bad about themselves this week. There’s a lot of money on Penn State right now and Vegas is still trying to get people to bet Michigan State so what’s the rule here? Let’s go with stay away from the public money and put your faith in a kind universe that is also rooting for the green and white this week.
UMass at (16) Mississippi State               Noon                            SECN
The best tight end in the country takes on the worst top 20 team in the country, something’s got to give! UMass is going to get throttled. That’s what’s going to give.
(9) Wisconsin at Indiana                            Noon                              ABC
Indiana doesn’t have much, either as a state or as a football team, but they do a decent job of shutting down the run. Wisconsin is due for a reckoning. Seems like a good time for those two things to converge, no? No. Jonathan Taylor is like Rashaad Penny but twice as fast and Wisconsin should beat the spread for once even though it’s on a rapid rise throughout the week. 13.5 points right now, I’d take the Badgers up to about 18 and feel OK with it.
WKU at Vanderbilt                                      Noon                           ESPNU
Vanderbilt is a 10-point favorite playing at home but Western Kentucky might be a better team. My voice is going up at the end of the sentence in my head. Might be true? I don’t think so but it’s not crazy?
Syracuse at Florida State                          12:20 pm                      ACCN
FSU settled for a field goal at the end of the first half against Boston College last week and the players on the FSU sidelines took that as a signal the game was over. The offensive line being terrible was actually known before the season but the supposedly ultra-talented defense has looked like garbage most of the year, too. Derwin James looks like a Jabrill Peppers clone to me at this point and the QB situation is not great in Tallahassee. Now the running backs are starting to get hurt, too. Odds are that Florida State is just having extremely bad luck, similar to Notre Dame in 2016, but getting run over by Boston College isn’t really acceptable even in the midst of that.
Appalachian State at ULM                         3:00 pm                        ESPN3
Appy State as a 10-point road favorite might be a little dicey but that 61.5 O/U is interesting. It’s supposed to rain the day before so the field might be soggy but ULM has a tremendously bad defense that could easily give up 60 all on their own.
Georgia State at Georgia Southern         3:00 pm                        ESPN3
GSU is definitely going to win this. Fun Belt action at its finest!
Georgia Tech at Virginia                            3:00 pm                         RSN
UVA has turned back into UVA over the past couple of weeks but they were so good at pretending to be decent earlier in the season that this game has postseason implications! On this day, 27 years ago, UVA lost their two-week reign as the #1 team in college football when they dropped in both the AP and UPI polls following a last second loss to Georgia Tech at home. Fun fact about that game: the game was played on turf borrowed from the baseball stadium after vandals set fire to the football field’s regular turf. UVA’s season fell apart after that and Georgia Tech won half of a national championship by blowing out Nebraska in a bowl game, as was the tradition for teams winning national championships at the time. Getting back to this year’s game, if UVA loses and Miami beats Virginia Tech tonight, Miami wins the Coastal division. And UVA should lose.
New Mexico State at Texas State             3:00 pm                         ESPN3
A Sun Belt rivalry classic as the Aggies and the Bobcats battle it out for fourth worst team in the conference.
Rice at UAB                                                 3:00 pm                       CUSA.TV
My only thought on this is that I always think of Rice as a Big XII team. This is incorrect.
USF at UConn                                              3:00 pm                         ESPNU
USF blew a shot at a big, fancy bowl payout last week against Houston but UConn is a lot worse than Houston so let’s see how Charlie Strong gets his team motivated this week. If they hold it together for the rest of the year it’s still possible for them to end up as the lower conference rep in the former BCS bowls.
Army at Air Force                                         3:30 pm                        CBSSN
The Commander-in-Chief’s trophy is maybe up for grabs? Vegas still thinks Army is bad but they’ve won four in a row. Air Force has three in a row of their own and they’re favorited by 6.5 points at home but I’m not 100% clear on why AFA is that big of a favorite. 3 points maybe, just for being at home, but this is a full tilt option on option affair that should be down to the wire. Also, the O/U of 56 seems comically low to me. When Air Force and Navy played the final score was 48-45 in basically the same conditions.
Charlotte at Old Dominion                          3:30 pm                       ESPN3
Amazingly enough Baylor and Kansas is actually worse than this.
(15) Iowa State at West Virginia                 3:30 pm                        ESPN2
This will of course be the game where Will Grier looks like a future all-pro. Things never happen when you want them to happen.
Maryland at Rutgers                                    3:30 pm                        BTN
In terms of pure entertainment value this is way worse than Baylor and Kansas but I think both of these teams would be favored over either of those teams. And that’s not meant as a compliment to either of these teams.
North Texas at Louisiana Tech                   3:30 pm                    Stadium
This is how I’m imagining the cheering going in this game and I’ve got to let you know it’s very enjoyable as a thought.
Northwestern at Nebraska                          3:30 pm                       BTN
Nebraska is favored by 1 this week so that’s sort of like progress, right? If the Huskers can pull off a miracle win not only will they have a winning record but they will have beaten a power 5 team that has a winning record. Get that coach an extension!
(6) Ohio State at Iowa                                   3:30 pm                      ESPN
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program of hoping Ohio State fucks up and loses to a clearly inferior team.
South Carolina at (1) Georgia                      3:30 pm                      CBS
Georgia can win and clinch the SEC East but if they lose then South Carolina is in the running to steal the division. Has any SEC team in your life ever been perceived so poorly while being 6-2 as this South Carolina team? NC State, also 6-2, lost their season opener to South Carolina and it’s considered a bad loss. We are in some sort of transitional period here.
(4) Clemson at (20) NC State                        3:30 pm                      ABC
So much depends on the QB position here. Both QBs are going to have guys in their faces all game long and it’s going to be interesting to see how they each handle things. My gut says this is going to be low scoring and close until the end with Clemson not getting anywhere close to the rushing output Notre Dame got against the Wolfpack last week.
(21) Stanford at (25) Washington State       3:30 pm                      FOX
Bryce Love is a “gametime decision” again which probably means he’s not playing again and even though he’s injured I’m still blaming David Shaw for taking that little bit of sunshine away from us.
Wake Forest at (3) Notre Dame                    3:30 pm                     NBC
Another week another ACC opponent traveling from North Carolina to get blown the fuck out by Notre Dame. I have a very bad feeling about the way this season is shaping up.
Cincinnati at Tulane                                       4:00 pm                  ESPN3
I only mean I have a bad feeling about the Notre Dame being very good thing, though! I love Tulane getting to the middle of the pack on their way to conference contention in the coming years.
Coastal Carolina at Arkansas                        4:00 pm               SECN Alt.
Remember last week in the second quarter when twitter fired Bret Beilema? I liked that moment more than when they came back and won even though they were beating the racist south.
(5) Oklahoma at (11) Oklahoma State           4:00 pm                    FS1
BEDLAM!!!!!!!!! I think the matchup here actually favors OK State heavily in spite of the 2.5 point spread and the history and the fact that Oklahoma is the better overall team. I just think the Pokes have their strengths at exactly the points where the Sooners are weakest. Cue the final OU 73, OSU 12 but I’ve got a real hunch here and I’m giving it to you.
University of Mississippi, Oxford at Kentucky      4:00 pm         SECN
Mississippi was mighty impressive in blowing a 31-7 lead against Arkansas last week but for some reason I don’t think they’re a solid bet this week.
UL Lafayette at South Alabama                     4:00 pm                  ESPN3
I think USA is doing the same dumb thing they did last year where they start off terrible, win a bunch of games in a row, get some preseason hype to win the Sun Belt then maybe go through the process again.
Oregon State at California                            5:00 pm                 Pac-12N
Transitive property game of the week! The Antifa Bears will probably beat the Huckabeavs by 20 points and people will point at Stanford and laugh for last week’s stupid game but the results will really not be corollary at all.
Utah State at New Mexico                             5:30 pm                ATTSNRM
The Sheriff Lobos are favored by 4 in an extremely low stakes game that carries basically no implications for bowl bids or the MWC standings. This is what degeneracy looks like!
Hawaii at UNLV                                                6:00 pm    MWN/Spectrum PPV
Regardless of other options there is something very aesthetically displeasing about where UNLV plays and I never check on them because of it. It’s like the when the Rams were in St. Louis and the Edward Jones Dome made every game look like a high school championship being played on an Arena league field.
Colorado State at Wyoming                           7:00 pm                 CBSSN
CSU had to go and get whipped by Air Force while Bad Josh Allen went out and looked good for a week. Now my preconceptions are a shambles. I think Allen probably pulls himself together just long enough to go to the Browns at #1 or #2 next year and then reverts to form for the rest of his life.
Nevada at Boise State                                    7:00 pm                 ESPNU
Look at Boise right back in the driver’s seat for the MWC title. They were in a similar position at this point last year, too, for what it’s worth but this is probably the least likely place for them to screw up this year. At home, vs. Nevada, a 22.5-point favorite, with their 2-QB system the new talk of the conference, Boise should roll like the old days.
UTSA at FIU                                                       7:00 pm                Stadium
Butch Davis coaching against the program that Larry Coker built isn’t really an interesting storyline but I dig the fuck out of it. Both teams are surprisingly 5-2, with FIU’s version of surprise more good surprise and UTSA’s more bad surprise but here we are with HUGE!!!! CUSA title race implications. Again, more so on the FIU side than the UTSA side.
Texas at (8) TCU                                               7:15 pm                  ESPN
TCU ain’t shit. Texas isn’t, either, but Texas isn’t ranked highly. If the 7 point line and the 47 point O/U are confusing you then let me tell you that I don’t get it, either. This is nominally a defensive struggle in the making but let’s not kid ourselves on what we have here: a Big XII game happening in perfect weather under the bright lights.
(18) UCF at SMU                                               7:15 pm                  ESPN2
UCF scores a shit ton of points and Scott Frost is the anointed next great CFB coach but I’m not really ready to buy the book on them. SMU doesn’t exactly play defense but I’ve still got a feeling that they can run with UCF and at the very least keep things close. A 14.5-point line on the road for UCF seems a tad excessive given how low this program was in the very recent past.
Minnesota at Michigan                                   7:30 pm                    FOX
The posted lines for this game are hilariously B1G. Michigan is favored by 15.5 in a game with an O/U set at 41. So 28-13 or thereabouts is the expectation. I think the obits for the Harbaugh era in Michigan are crazily overblown here in year 3. If we’re still wondering why the offense sucks in 2019 then it’s probably too late for him but until then I think he’s got a shot to make his juggernaut yet.
Southern Miss at Tennessee                         7:30 pm                  SECN
Butch Jones, on the other hand... This guy is scum, an idiot, and a bad coach. That’s quite the triple threat! There was a time when UT being favored by 6.5 at home against Southern Miss would have made a lot of sense and not be an embarrassment for the Vols. 1989 was a long time ago, though, and for this program at this point in time, with all of this talk on the outside - things are looking grim.
UTEP at Middle Tennessee                             7:30 pm            beIN SPORTS
This year has been mostly a lost one for Richie James and the MTSU Blue Raiders but UTEP offers a decent shot at a blowout and could finally give James the kind of numbers he put up routinely last season.
(19) LSU at (2) Alabama                                     8:00 pm                  CBS
Leonard Fournette saw his numbers get worse every season against Alabama but Guice has a sneaky advantage over his predecessor - he’s only carried the ball twice ever against the Tide. Which seems weird considering how last season went but I don’t think anybody has considered LSU an offensive powerhouse or even nominally innovative on offense in quite some time. Matt Canada is making a bunch of money this year to be nominally innovative but there hasn’t been a lot to show for LSU’s money so far unless you count humiliating Mississippi. Big deal, though, even Bert can do that. Bama is favored by 21 and I don’t have a good reason for anyone to bet on LSU to beat the spread.
(13) Virginia Tech at (10) Miami, FL                  8:00 pm                 ABC
This gambles action, though, this one I’ve got feelings for. Miami and Virginia Tech are really close in almost every metric you can find. As far as head-to-head matchups go the objective differences between these two are as slight as is possible to get. And still, somehow, VPISU is favored by 3 on the road and the consensus is heavily with the Hokies. Is it just the UNC thing? Because their other shared matchup (Duke) produced startlingly similar results. Is Vegas counting on Miami to run out of luck? That doesn’t seem to me the way numbers are supposed to work. The Hokies are statistically better on defense and the teams are about even on offense but the Hurricanes have produced more big plays on both sides of the ball. Maybe the lines are predicated on Malik Rosier being more injured than Miami is letting on? I think the Canes take it and clinch their first ACC Coastal crown on the way to getting beat up next week by Notre Dame.
Colorado at Arizona State                                 9:00 pm                Pac-12N
Arizona State is, weirdly, still hanging around in the race for the Pac-12 South but they needed to beat USC last week for that chance to be realistic. They did not beat USC last week in any phase of the game. I hate Arizona State’s running game with a fiery passion and I hope the Buffs destroy them.
Oregon at (12) Washington                               10:00 pm                 FS1
UDub is in a precarious spot as far as national title hopes go but they can still get a Pac-12 title and major bowl bid out of this season with no help from anybody else. Chances are that the loss to Arizona State will continue to just look like a fluke that ruined loftier aspirations.
San Diego State at San Jose State                   10:30 pm               ESPNU
Rashaad Penny is still plugging away as the second most productive running back in the country but SDSU has two losses and needs a lot of help to even make the MWC championship game. That’s not a reason to give up on watching them but the Pac-12 After Dark offering that’s up 15 minutes after this one is probably a way better use of your time.
(22) Arizona at (17) USC                                      10:45 pm                ESPN
This is probably acting as the Pac-12 South championship game and with USC’s front 7 a little banged up it could also be the Khalil Tate “breakout” game. I don’t want to put my heart into Arizona too much here because the potential for USC to completely obliterate them seems credible but if Arizona does beat USC their next three games are extremely winnable.
BYU at Fresno State                                            10:45 pm               ESPN2
Fresno State was looking like a pretty good surprise team in the MWC until they lost to a very bad UNLV team last week. Now things are looking a little rough for them with Wyoming and Boise State still on the schedule. Vegas likes the Bulldogs by a lot (-14.5) but I don’t know how you trust a team that lost to UNLV against anybody.
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rebeccahpedersen · 7 years
Ban “Double-Ending?” Or Introduce “Designated Representation?”
The choice is yours, folks!
Oh wait, nevermind, it’s actually up to a wing of government who is going to tell us what’s best for us…
Talk of banning multiple representation, or “double-ending,” has been going on for the better part of 2017, but the Ontario Real Estate Association has proposed the introduction of “designated representation” as a compromise.
Comments on online newspapers are inherently negative, but I’m curious to know what my readers think about this…
I double-ended a property last week.
Or I should say, I double-ended a sale.
That’s where the term “double-ending” comes from; it’s a sales term.
In real estate, brokerages track how many “ends” their agents produce.  Each transaction has two ends: a buy-end, and a sale-end.
And thus the term “double-ender” for management and brokers to fawn over when their agents strike gold.
That’s how the public wants to see it, right?
It’s all about the agents, their ends, and their money.
And this is why I’m somewhat frustrated, because the issue of “double-ending” isn’t about the ends, it’s about representation.
The mere fact that the media uses the term “double-ending” instead of “multiple representation” shows the angle they’re taking with their stories.
The sexy story is real estate agents, how much money they make, how many sales they do, and (fingers crossed!) them screwing over either their buyer, or seller, or both.
If newspaper headlines talked about “multiple representation,” it just wouldn’t have the same spin.
Last week, two of my clients found themselves in “multiple representation;” one on the buy-side, and one on the sell-side.
I had a listing coming to market, one that I knew about for a few weeks.
I also had clients that were looking for a property; something they could downsize to in a few years, but where their daughter could stay as she did her Masters degree at U of T, perhaps renting the other bedroom to a friend.
My buyers were looking for something with space: maybe 1,200 square feet or more, but space in terms of functionality – something you don’t find in today’s new micro-condos.  So after showing them units in King West that were the right square footage, and with the outdoor space they coveted (something 300 sqft+, where you could barbecue), they found that the style of newer-builds and the layouts they offered just weren’t going to work.
I told them about the listing I had coming up, and they sounded interested.
This happens a lot in my business; you always have somebody looking, and something coming up, but rarely do the two connect.
In this case, my buyers loved the description of the unit, and they much preferred the east side.
So a few days before the listing was scheduled to come to market, I showed it to my buyers.
They didn’t jump; they took their time.
But when I brought the unit to market, they said, “Okay, you know what?  We want it.  Let’s buy it.”
So how did I represent both sides?
It sounds cliché, folks, but it’s the truth: honesty.
I told my buyers that we had priced the unit slightly above fair market value, since we did.
And I told them that one of two scenarios could play out.
The unit could sit on the market for two weeks, and they might be able to get it for, say, $20-$30K under the list price.
But the unit might also garner significant attention, result in multiple offers, and sell $20-$30K over the list price.
In fact, the amount that properties sell for over list is usually substantially higher than the amount properties sell under list price, in this market.  I don’t think anybody would dispute that.
So I told my clients, “If you want to tie up this property today, you’d have to offer the full list price.  However, that doesn’t preclude you from instructing me to draw up an offer with ANY price of your choosing.  As your agent, I could offer $1 on your behalf; it’s up to you.”
In the end, they simply said, “We don’t want to mess around.”
This property was going to represent their retirement, and the bottom line was: they weren’t all that price-sensitive.  If they paid $950,000,  or $980,000, or $930,000, it wasn’t going to make or break this decision for them.
They wanted the property, they thought the list price was reasonable, and  they didn’t want to take the downside risk, that other offers materialized, in exchange for upside reward, that the property sits on the market, and they could get it for less.
The sellers were ecstatic with the sale price, and relieved that they didn’t have to stay out of the condo for two weeks.
The buyers were as happy as can be with their purchase, and can’t wait to take possession.
Tell me I’m wrong in my approach here, and tell me what I did was unfair.
Tell me that there was potential for a conflict of interest, and I won’t disagree.
But not every potential for a conflict of interest, results in a conflict of interest.  Let alone one party’s interest being put above and beyond the other.
I’ve heard a lot of metaphors and comparisons for multiple representation in real estate.
“A lawyer can’t represent both the defendant and the plaintiff.”
“A baseball player can’t call his own balls and strikes.”
I’m sure you could come up with a few beauties yourselves.
The comparison to a lawyer representing both plaintiff and defendant might seem to have some similarities, except in that case only one of them can win.  It’s a zero sum game, and one person’s loss equals the other person’s gain.  Representing both buyer and seller in real estate, as I’ve shown in the example above, does allow both parties to win.
As for calling your own balls and strikes, well, I don’t think this really applies.  That’s essentially saying you are your own moral authority, determining what is right and what is wrong.  But RECO is the moral authority, and ultimately so too will be your clients.
And that’s really what it all comes down to, in my opinion.
I really don’t want to sound like an anti-government nut, based on my blog from Monday and now following it up with this, but I really, truly don’t think it’s the government’s place to decide who can work with whom in the real estate market.
It should be entirely up to the consumer.
I’m not in favour of taking choice away from the consumer.
I understand why the government has made it illegal to not wear a seat-belt, but then again, the government has allowed consumer to decide if they want to smoke cigarettes, eat fatty meats, and come next year, smoke weed.
So why is it up to the government to decide on behalf of the consumer whether or not a real estate agent can work for both buyer and seller?
I have a very simple solution, and this is more simple than what OREA is proposing.
A buyer signs a “Buyer Representation Agreement.”
A seller signs a “Listing Agreement.”
Let’s create new forms that have a section pertaining to multiple representation, but at BOTH the brokerage level, and the agent level.  Because by definition, “Multiple Representation” refers to the same brokerage representing buyer and seller, not the same agent.
When it comes to the debate about “double-ending,” that’s directly referring to the same agent representing both buyer and seller, so let’s not confuse the two.
Now, as for the Buyer Representation Agreement and Listing Agreement, let’s have check-boxes, where the client must initial for the following:
1) I hereby give my consent for my agent to engage in multiple representation at the brokerage level.
YES  ________        NO  ________
2) I hereby give my consent for my agent to engage in multiple representation at the agent level.
YES  ________        NO  ________
Every buyer and seller, via the Buyer Representation Agreement and Listing Agreement, must specify whether or not they would allow their agent to either “double-end” their deal, or, have anybody from their brokerage work on the transaction.
Now here’s the kicker, folks, and agents will not like when I suggest this.
There should be a clause in the Buyer Representation Agreement that specifically states if the buyer agent happens to have a property listed for sale, as a listing agent, and the buyer under contract did NOT consent to multiple representation at the agent level, then that buyer is free to pursue that property, and only that property, with another agent.
Is that fair?
It allows a buyer to work under contract with an agent, but if that agent has a property listed that interests the buyer, and the buyer does not feel comfortable working with an agent “double-ending,” then the buyer has an out.
I welcome your thoughts on this, since again, to reiterate, I really, truly believe that the decision should be left to the consumer, and not forced upon the market by the government.
Also keep in mind that nine times out of ten, any issues arising from multiple representation, specifically “double-ending,” are on the buy-side.
Show me a seller who will toss away an offer from a buyer, who happens to be represented by the seller’s agent.
In competition, if there were ten offers, does the seller really care who “wins?”
Well, even though I’m seeking to make a point, let me combat the point with an example…
A few years ago, I brought an offer on behalf of my buyer clients on a property listed by Bosley Real Estate.
There were three offers, and I was told by the listing agent, “You’re the highest, but…”
Do you know what that “but” referred to?
You’ll never believe it.
The seller didn’t want to work with a Bosley-represented offer.
I couldn’t believe it!
The sellers told their listing agent, “We don’t like the optics of this.  We feel it might not be well-received, and if it’s up to us, we’d simply rather work with one of the other two offers.”
Of course, the other two offers were lower!  So now the sellers really had to put their money where their mouth was, literally, and decide if they wanted to accept a lower offer, that wasn’t from Bosley.
They gave both the other bidders a chance to improve, and not us, which you will argue is “unfair” or “against the rules,” but those so-called rules aren’t written anywhere, other than many generic sections in REBBA and the CREA Code of Ethics about “fairness in dealings.”
In the end, one buyer stuck, the other improved, but not enough, and we got the property.
But imagine my explanation to my buyers if we didn’t?
Earlier this week, an article appeared in the Globe & Mail entitled, “Realtors Realtors Lobby For Revised ‘Double-Ending’ Ban”
The article quotes Phil Soper, CEO of Royal LePage, who said the following:
“It is better to make it the law to need independent representation, but allow the consumer the ability to contract out of that with clear disclosure and high penalties for those who don’t follow the rules.  You put it in the hands of people who are actually paying the fees, rather than making it very difficult for them in the rare circumstances where it makes sense for them.”
Sooooo………pretty much what I’ve been saying?
On July 23rd, 2017, the Ontario Real Estate Association, who has effectively become a Realtor-lobbyist now that the education programs have been taken away from them, released a 44-page report, sent as a “letter” to Tracy MacCharles, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services.
The author(s) of the report waste no time, with the first page of the report showing “KEY OREA RECOMMENDATION” in big letters, and then the following:
Multiple representation under REBBA was established in 2002 and modernization is needed to ensure it is in line with best practices in other jurisdictions. The real estate market, consumers’ expectations and industry practices have change signifi cantly in the past 15 years. That is why OREA worked hard to convince the province to reform REBBA, including addressing practices like multiple representation. Specifically, OREA is calling for multiple representation to be reformed in favour of the highest national standard that maintains consumer choice in a real estate transaction.
To that end, OREA supports mandatory designated representation (MDR) and strongly recommends that MDR include the ability for consumers and registrants to enter into “transactional representation” with their REALTOR® in order to protect informed consumer choice.
OREA gives the following cheezy example of Mandatory Designated Representation:
John and Cynthia have been working with David, their REALTOR®, for 6 months as they search for their fi rst home. They signed a Buyer Representation Agreement (BRA) with David making them a client. John and Cynthia really like David. He provides great service and has showed them dozens of properties. They trust David and have built a good relationship with him. John and Cynthia have also shared with David the maximum price they qualified for through their bank and their income. David lists a property that fi ts the criteria that John and Cynthia were searching for.  John and Cynthia attend a showing and decide to put an off er on David’s listing. Under a mandatory designated representation model, David would have to choose between representing John and Cynthia or the seller since both parties are his clients. David decides to keep his seller clients and refers John and Cynthia to two registrants in his office. They are reluctant to work with a complete stranger who they have just met and are angry they can’t work with David. It’s his listing after all. Who knows more about the property than David? In this example, what is in John’s and Cynthia’s best interests as consumers?
Now I’m confused.
OREA supports Mandatory Designated Representation, but then gives us an example, and asks us, somewhat rhetorically, “What is in John and Cynthia’s best interests as consumers?”
Perhaps they haven’t worked it out either.
In any event, I could go on about “Transactional Representation,” but I feel as though you’re already skimming this, and scrolling to the comments section to provide your two cents.
So let’s do that then.
I won’t be offended if you say that all real estate agents are snake-oil salesmen, who should die in a fiery car-wreck, somewhat ironically caused by highly flammable snake-oil that was already pre-sold.
My only requests:
1) If you are against multiple representation, then distinguish between the brokerage level and the agent level, because REBBA currently does not, and I think that’s where this conversation starts.
2) If you’re against it, you have to provide an alternative.
I welcome your thoughts.
The post Ban “Double-Ending?” Or Introduce “Designated Representation?” appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
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