lesoldatmort · 7 months
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Půlnočnice, Polednice, Klekánice
aka the nightwraith witch, the noonwraith witch and the twilight witch in czech, are old slavic witches which originally served the purpose to scare children (and people) who stayed outside their homes at these dangerous hours.
More (folk)lore, info and WIPs of this project on my P/treon.
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vidlak-z-vesnice · 2 months
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krchovsky · 1 year
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Květa 🌷
Polednice s pochmurnou minulostí. Měl jsem její příběh napsaný a připravený, že ho publikuji, ale asi si ho nechám na někdy jindy, až ho budu mít více dopilovaný.
Důsledkem traumatu způsobeným jejím manželem krade děti, které najde osamocené na polích. Nezabíjí je, ale bere je do své chatky uprostřed rozsáhlých bažin, kam se obyčejní lidé bojí. Sama si neuvědomuje, že to, co dělá, není správné. Má pocit, že u ní se budou mít děti mnohem lépe, než u jejich rodičů, jelikož se jim snaží ve všem vyhovět a dát jim dobrý život.
Často se stýká s dívkou, rusalkou, jménem Jelena. Vzhledem k tomu, že je od společnosti hodně izolovaná, Jelena je jediná, ke které si vytvoří silné pouto a velmi jí důvěřuje. Představuje pro ni někoho, s kým se po nešťastném (a hlavně nedobrovolném) manželství cítí konečně v bezpečí. Ráda s ní tráví volný čas na rozkvetlé louce, kde lehává s hlavou v jejím klíně mezi lučním kvítím. Nechává si laskat vlasy jejími prsty a v hrudi se při pohledu na její jemnou tvář posetou tmavými pihami probouzí neznámý, ale příjemný hřejivý pocit.
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hynku-vileme-jarmilo · 4 months
Polednice - Jiří Suchý, pro vaše potěšení
(Čumblr by o tomto skvostu měl vědět, doufám že ví)
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(Textový přepis po přerušení)
U lavice dítě stálo,
z plna hrdla zpívalo
Na tranzistor k tomu hrálo
do rytmu se kývalo.
Hudba kvičí nervy ničí
nepeče se pečeně
Co si syčí na vařiči
matka křičí zděšeně
Mléko prchá!Běda běda!
Nateklo mi do boty
Táta bude bez oběda
Pro tebe ty zlobo,Ty!
Zanech řvaní moje zlato
Hraj si ,tu máš kohouta!
Jedva,matka dořekla to
Bouch bác!Letí do kouta.
Podlily se krví oči
povalené matičce
Pozvedne se,povyskočí
a pak řekne kratičce
Pojď si proň,ty Polednice
pojď vem si ho tuláka
stojí,stojí u lednice
Malá,bledá,tváře divé
pod plachetkou osoba
vichřici se podobá
Vlivem síly odstředivé
plachetka když zvedne se
odhalí se hnáty křivé
Bože,to je recese.
Kde se vzala bledá má
pod plachetkou perzóna
do dnes nevím proč mi dala
dvojitýho nelsona
A pak řekla: naval dítě
nekoukej tak zarytě
na ta slova začla hbitě
honit dítě po bytě
Když pak celá rozechvělá
dítě v rohu lapila
pozval jsem jí,kdyby chtěla
by se se mnou napila
Nejprve se upejpala
pak se vrhla na whisky
Pro mě v domě nenechala
nic než prstů otisky
Od té doby dnes a denně
jak poledne udeří
malá,bledá neprodleně
narve se mi do dveří
Vypije mi slivovici
vypije i petrolej
proto nikdy Polednici
na dítě si nevolej
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antiela · 1 year
Drahý čumblre, zaslechla jsem něco o Polednici a Levan polce, déle mi trvalo vyzkoumat, jak to hodit do mp3 a sem, než to nahrát, je to bez doprovodu na první dobrou (s odstraněním většiny chyb) a je to na tom slyšet. Enjoy XD (Dále hlásím, že jsem nemocen s covidem, což na hlase nepřidá, zato na nudě ano) @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace
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legend-collection · 11 months
Poludnitsa is a character common to the various Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. She is referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Připołdnica in Upper Sorbian, and Полознича (Poloznicha) in Komi, Chirtel Ma in Yiddish. The plural form of this word is poludnitsy (or poludnici). Poludnitsa is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch". She was usually pictured as a young woman dressed in white that roamed field bounds. She assailed folk working at noon causing heatstrokes and aches in the neck, sometimes she even caused madness.
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Pic by Elena Samko
In some accounts, she symbolizes the midday star, thereby being the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa (the morning star; also called Utrenica), Vechorka (the evening star; also called Wieczornica/Vechernitsa) and Kupalnitsa (the night star; also called Nocnica/Nochnitsa); Poludnitsa is the second youngest among the sisters, with Zarya-Zarenitsa being the youngest and Kupalnitsa being the oldest.
Poludnitsa, who makes herself evident in the middle of hot summer days, takes the form of whirling dust clouds and carries a scythe, sickle or shears; most likely the shears would be of an older style, not akin to modern scissors. She will stop people in the field to ask them difficult questions or engage them in conversation. If anyone fails to answer a question or tries to change the subject, she will cut off their head or strike them with illness. She may appear as an old hag, a beautiful woman, or a 12-year-old girl, and she was useful in scaring children away from valuable crops. She is only seen on the hottest part of the day and is a personification of a sun-stroke.
According to some northern Russian regions, Poludnitsa has a giant frying pan in her hands, with which she either blocks the rye from the scorching sun's rays, or burns the rye along with the herbs during the flowering period. She may also appear at midnight and show a person how to find a flower that can make them invisible, as was believed in the Arkhangelsk Governorate.
Poludnitsa, according to beliefs, loves to dance. If she sees a girl lying down to rest in the field, she will wake her up and begin to persuade her to dance. If the girl agrees, she will be forced to dance until the evening dawn. Poludnitsa cannot be beaten in dancing; however, if such a girl is found, the noon spirit will present her with a rich dowry.
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“She’ll come back. She’ll come back and take. That solitude and heat, that’s her. She comes and takes. She takes a child, won’t return it.”
Polednice / The Noonday Witch (2016) dir. by Jiří Sádek.
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movie--posters · 2 years
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no-light-left-on · 1 month
Dishonored is haunting like a ghost story of old while Dishonored 2 is haunting like noon in the middle of July do you understand
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adzeb · 7 days
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Svatá Lucie noci upije (a dne nepřidá).
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bhaaliestspawn · 2 years
don’t know what kind of person i would be if dalai lama by rammstein didn’t exist
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secretspecialname · 4 months
Stále nemůžeš uvěřit, že ve tvé domovské dědině otevřeli zverimex. Patří jistému přistěhovalci z Německa, který přišel na stará kolena bydlet se svým vzdáleným českým příbuzenstvem. Jazyk mu zatím moc nejde, ale pár českých slůvek občas vyplodí.
I jdeš tedy dobnitř a prohlížíš si všechna ta krásná zvířátka, která tam má. Tvou pozornost si získá černý opeřenec v jedné z klícek. To je bez pochyby kos. Co dělá v kleci zrovna kos, to ti není tak docela jasné. Na kleci navíc chybí cenovka.
I otočíš se k majiteli obchodu, který je zároveň jediným prodavačem, a ptáš se svou vytříbenou němčinou na úrovni sedmáka, kolik tento fešný pták stojí.
Němec, zdá se, přeje si oplatit ti stejnou mincí a alespoň se pokusit imitovat tvou mateřštinu. Jeho oči se rozzáří, neboť pár slůvek si vybavuje. Podívá se tedy na tebe a dí:
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springsteens · 1 year
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🌾 Poludnitsa (from: Polden or Poluden, 'half-day' or 'midday') is a mythical character common to the various Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. She is referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Připołdnica in Upper Sorbian, and Полознича (Poloznicha) in Komi, Chirtel Ma in Yiddish.
🌾 She is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch". She was usually pictured as a young woman dressed in white that roamed field bounds. She assailed folk working at noon causing heatstrokes and aches in the neck, sometimes she even caused madness.
🌾 In some accounts, she symbolizes the midday star, thereby being the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa (the morning star; also called Utrenica), Vechorka (the evening star; also called Wieczornica/Vechernitsa) and Kupalnitsa (the night star; also called Nocnica/Nochnitsa); Poludnitsa is the second youngest among the sisters, with Zarya-Zarenitsa being the youngest and Kupalnitsa being the oldest.
🌾 Poludnitsa, who makes herself evident in the middle of hot summer days, takes the form of whirling dust clouds and carries a scythe, sickle or shears; most likely the shears would be of an older style, not akin to modern scissors. She will stop people in the field to ask them difficult questions or engage them in conversation. If anyone fails to answer a question or tries to change the subject, she will cut off their head or strike them with illness. She may appear as an old hag, a beautiful woman, or a 12-year-old girl, and she was useful in scaring children away from valuable crops. She is only seen on the hottest part of the day and is a personification of a sun-stroke.
🌾 Poludnitsa, according to beliefs, loves to dance. If she sees a girl lying down to rest in the field, she will wake her up and begin to persuade her to dance. If the girl agrees, she will be forced to dance until the “evening dawn“. Poludnitsa cannot be beaten in dancing; however, if such a girl is found, the noon spirit will present her with a rich dowry.
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krchovsky · 2 years
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Polednice a Pták Ohnivák 🌼
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
@the-aro-ace-arrow-ace wanted to hear Polednice sung to Ievan Polkka.
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 2
Hellion (@transjackkennedy) vs. Jindřiška Kovářová (@mist-the-wannabe-linguist)
131. Hellion (@transjackkennedy)
hellion is like really pathetic and toxic. he hit someone in the head with a rock and gave them amnesia because he was gay for them. hes canonically queer. he's a town mystery. he's the aromantic agender disabled rep no one wants. he walks out without paying his diner bills. he just took someone's house and left them to die in the woods and NO ONE noticed. he collects playing cards and pool balls. he's just some guy but if you made that guy terribly bad at understanding his emotions and let him nearly kill someone. he commits tax fraud and is the worst person in town,but at least he respects women. not enough to pay his DINER BILLS for them though. fucking asshole.
hellion is a pale humanoid with a horned sheep skull for a head. xe has a red sweater, tan pants, and a long brown coat. xe also has a stereotypical devil tail with a spade tip.
132. Jindřiška Kovářová (@mist-the-wannabe-linguist)
Jindřiška, or Jindra for short, is the daughter of the village blacksmith from a small village in Southern Moravia in the 1830s. She and her many siblings grew up around the forge and all were trained in the blacksmiths' art from a young age and Jindra is particularly proud of their trade. But though she loves her home, she longs to get out into the world as a true apprentice like her brothers, and she gets that chance when two rather odd travellers stop by to have their weapons repaired. Monster hunters, they say. Sure, why not - she directs them to a local tormented ghost, and after they help the unfortunate soul find peace and prepare to move on, she decides to join, captured by the promise of adventure. Jindra becomes an invaluable member of the team, as the two are foreigners unfamiliar with local folkloric beasts and human customs alike, she becomes their guide, translator, weapons repairer, and of course a fellow hunter. Things become temporarily a bit complicated on the revelation that one of her new friends is really a vampire and the main reason of their travels is the hope of somehow breaking his curse, but soon enough all three grow to be inseparable companions willing to give their life (if immortality allows) for each other.
A blacksmith by heart and soul, her skill is not limited to the forge and like many other persons of her trade as far as history remembers, Jindra is able to use certain simple spells and hexes, though if anyone asked her, she would deny doing any magic. To her, it's just ""something her da taught her.""
Jindra is almost never seen without her gigantic draft horse Saffron, she loves dance, resorts to making flower crowns whenever she needs to keep her hands occupied and there is no hammer and anvil in sight, has an ever growing collection of colorful ribbons, and as a Catholic, her typical method of facing dangers of the supernatural kind is such - first try the cross, then try the crossbow. She fears few things, but there is one being that is always sure to send chills down her spine. Ever since the tragic loss of a younger sibling, you never find her out in the fields at noon, as she does not want to risk coming face to face again with the one who people call Polednice.
A rather short and strongly built woman with a round face covered with freckles and a long braid of red hair. Typically wears a traditional dress, a way to show where she comes from and to remind her of her home no matter how far she goes. Always wears a little silver cross on her neck, a gift from her grandmother when she was a baby. She considers it her main protective charm.
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