#plus compline because i love compline
fictionadventurer · 7 months
Me, every time I fall away from praying the Liturgy of the Hours: That sounds like such a stressful commitment and so much work and I don't want to bother.
Me, every time I start praying the Liturgy of the Hours again: This is amazing and beautiful and so easy! Why don't I do this all the time?
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bitchiha · 4 years
may i request kiba nsfw headcanons and kakashi smut also ily lizzie mwah :33
Kiba NSFW HC’s
A/N: ily too anon!! So this is obv the Kiba NSFW and I’m currently working on a Kakashi smut. Also I combined this request with another one which was asking for Kiba w a biting / marking kink and I think that’s pretty spot on for him so I’ll just add that here as well!
Okay first things first, Kiba does not know how to be gentle.. like this fucker will really try okay, like he’ll try and kiss you softly, but it just gets him all flustered and before you know it your lips are bruised again. Same thing with sex like omfg he tries to make it savoury but his instincts just kick in and now you’re all bruised on the inside. He feels so bad afterwards, but you kind of like it and he can’t help it.
He’s a possessive little shit sometimes too. Like one time when you came home you smelled like Naruto and it got Kiba so pissed off lol. He’s like, “where’ve you been?” And you tell him you went to get ramen with Naruto and he’s being too pissy about it, which just leads to him fucking Narutos scent off of you and a shir ton of hickeys. That drive just makes his thrusts 10 times more aggressive and like you’re so worn out after because like I said, he cannot be gentle with regular sex so imagine just imagine the jealous sex..
Because he’s so possessive he always leaves marks on you. Like if you’re not marked up after a good fucking is that really Kiba laying next to you?
His favourite spot to leave marks is on your thighs. Likes when you wear skirts and you move your legs a certain direction, accidentally letting a few hickeys peek out. He gets a kick out of watching your flustered face as you desperately try and cover them.
When he’s eating you out, leading up to it he does a real good number on your thighs. They’re so soft and squishy and he’s biting them and sucking and licking and just he loses track of time, but your whimpers always snap him out of it. Then he gets down to business. He does the same thing with your tits and sometimes you have to claw at him to stop because it’s way too stimulating. He can’t be gentle so he’s sucking and biting down on your nipples like there is no tomorrow. PLUS!! He’s really good at massages so if your tits are sore afterwards he’ll make sure to rub them real nice for you.
Also like.. after he’s already did a number on your chest and you’re going at it again (like literally the next day because Kibas libido is >>>>) wear a lacey bra. His head will explode. He will go feral. Like He goes to lift your shirt off your head and then he has to pause at the sight of your tits because wow. They’re covered by this really fucking hot lacey white bra and hes drooling over how it contrasts with the purple and red marks he left all over you.. yah he’s a goner <3
As much as Kiba loves lingère on you, you don’t wear it for him very often. This is strictly because he always ruins the pieces. Once you wore this really cute matching set of a purple bra and panties and kiba ribbed the panties off you. Like straight up ripped them off you. In the moment you didn’t care because right after he ripped them off his dick was fucking you senseless, but the next morning you were pissed. He even managed to shred up the back of your bra. Like he just got irritated with the clasp and scratched it off you.
He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, lingère is hot and it’s meant to be ripped off you, right? Plus you can always buy a new set.. but when you show him the price tag after you’ve dug it out of the garbage his eyes pop out of his head. Who knew that small amount of fabric could cost so much??
Jealous sex is always the best. He just gets so worked up and he can go on for hours. If you piss him off enough he’ll be into orgasm denial, but for the most part he’s trying to show you how much better he is than whoever you tried to provoke him with, so he’ll try and make you cum as much as possible.
Anyway, I think Kibas loud in bed. I mean like I think he’s just the type to not care how loud he is?? Like he’s just horny and the only thing he’s thinking about is you. He wants to make sure that you’re loud too though. Don’t hold them back girl, let him hear it. Or don’t and he’ll try like 100 times harder to make you moan.
He groans a lot, but he also says dirty shit too and like I don’t think he even cares how dirty it is. Also he has a thing for claiming too, so expect a lot of talk with regards to that. “Taking by dick so well baby, so eager for me to claim you?” “You’re all mine.”
Uhm tbh I think you could just lay down forever and let Kiba just go at it.. like he just has so much energy that he doesn’t mind expelling it onto you. Of course he wouldn’t mind if you returned the favour every so often. Like don’t get me wrong he loves getting his dick sucked. More than most boys do.. and he also likes if you want to ride him too. Riding him is the best treat ever, bonus if you wanna dig your nails into his shoulders or chest. But for the most part he doesn’t mind doing majority of the work. He likes going down on you or just treating you because he gets so excited at the noises you make.
Kibas an ass and tits man. You cannot and will not change my mind. He likes cumming on them too LMFAOO. Like ok he likes cumming in you a lot — he has a breeding kink, but if you’re not into it or he’s not in the mood he’ll just let his load off on your tits. It doesn’t matter if he’s hitting from the back because he’ll just flip you over and finish himself off. Your ass works too though. You’ll scold him for doing it sometimes because he likes to make sure it’s all over your tits or your ass, but he’ll just shrug at your scolding and give you a smirk.
Okay back to the breeding kink omg.. let me collect myself for a second here.. Kiba is a dirty talker okay, but when he’s really getting into his breeding kink his dirty talk turns kinda soft?? “Look how pretty you are all filled up.” “You’re so gorgeous like this, so ready to have my kids.” I mean.. That’s pretty fucking nice man, I feel like he may also manage to be a tad bit gentle when he’s getting into the whole breeding thing, just because the idea of you having his kids makes him soft, but it just depends on his mood tbh. Sometimes he just flips a switch and just goes for hours like he’s on some next feral bullshit and other times he takes it a little slower.
I don’t think this really makes sense and I don’t really have much to go off of to prove this point but.. I think he’d be good at aftercare? Like he would always have to shower you in complinments after, please give him some too, “that was great babe, you did really good, so good.” Then he’ll help you clean up. He ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS, gets you a glass of water after sex. Probably drinks it halfway back to the bedroom and has to go and fill it up again, but the effort is what counts.
Uhm aftercare got me thinking of showers and now I think that he would also like shower sex. It’s kinda like what I said about kakashi in my NSFW headcanons for him, but I think Kiba would want to do it with you anywhere in your apartment: in the shower, on the bathroom sink, on the dinner table (WITH the dinner on it), on the coffee table, the couch... and do I really need to continue this? I think you all get it. It just ties into his claiming thing.
So when your friends are over and you’re eating snacks on the couch with pizza on the coffee table, it kinda makes him smirk because he’s like.. we did it on that coffee table lol
Also when either of you come home from mission, expect Kiba is gonna wanna fuck immediately. Like he’s not even halfway through the door but he’s taking his shirt off and telling you to do the same.
Ugh. Magnificent. Exquisite. Delectable. Like if he’s laying down, his head is titling back on the pillows, if he’s ontop his head is tilting down and all his fair falls in his face. He definitely squeezes his eyes shut and makes a little hissing sound, plus, he curses after. “Fuck, yeah right th-there.” “Shit, b-babe, I’m cumming.” Yes I believe he stutters when he cums. Don’t try me <3 AND ITS CUTE TOO. Okay also his mouth will fall open a little and it’s super hot because you can see his little canines peeking out.
This man
This man...
I am whore knee for this man.
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salty-ofthe-earth · 4 years
Hey! You had a post about how to discern religious life but it was erased, could you please post it again or help me? God bless you
Hi! So the original post about discerning religious life was posted from my personal blog, which was deleted when I entered the convent last August. As I have since discerned out of that community, the original post contained many particularities about my life which are no longer true. Below is what I wrote, but somewhat edited to reflect the current situation.
Vocational discernment can be split into two categories. There’s the general, the things that are good recommendations for anyone, and the particular, which has to do with how God particularly reveals His will to each person. God’s call to each person is as unique as they are, so no two vocation stories are the same. I’ll structure this post around general advice.
To reiterate: this is general advice. That means it’s usually a good idea, but there may be reasons why some of these aren’t possible or prudent in your particular circumstances. Being able to apply generalities to specific circumstances can be hard, which is why I recommend getting a spiritual director to do it for you.
Daily Eucharistic holy hour. Not everyone has access to the Blessed Sacrament, but if you can pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, whether exposed or in the Tabernacle, do so. If you can’t make an hour daily, aim for at least 20 minutes daily, and a weekly holy hour can’t hurt. But don’t lie to yourself about how much time you have; if you think something is important, then you’ll make time for it, no matter how busy you are. And if you want to marry Jesus? Well, you should try dating him, as our beloved chaplain has told me numerous times.
Daily Mass. Again, this can be easier or harder depending on your location. At college, it was a 30-minute walk, maximum, to daily Mass, and usually less. If you’re in the Middle Of Nowhere, the closest daily Mass might be an hour away, depending on the day of the week. Be prudent.
Daily Rosary. Entrusting one’s vocation to Mary is a good move, 10/10 recommend. For me, this was particularly fruitful when I shifted my prayer intention from knowing my vocation to praying specifically for a vocation to religious life. Granted, this prayer was said through a clenched jaw and gritted teeth. While I willed to have avocation, I didn’t desire one. (Don’t worry, that has since changed.)
Liturgy of the Hours. While this didn’t play a large part in my discernment (I lack consistency), praying the liturgy of the hours is quite fruitful and can offer insight. Those in religious life pray the liturgy of the hours every single day, so attuning yourself to the prayer of the Church makes the transition to religious life smoother, if in fact you’re called to religious life. Praying the liturgy of the hours steeps you in the prayer of the Church in a way that I can’t quite articulate. You can add in one of the “hours” (they aren’t a whole hour, closer to 15 minutes) at a time. I built the habit by starting with lauds and compline, then added vespers, though I’ve since lost the habit.
I am fortunate to have a good spiritual director. One of the things we did was one day sit down, and make a list of things I need to be holy, and the list looked a lot like active religious life. It’s hard to overstate the benefits of having direction from someone wiser and more objective than oneself. I’ll add the caveat, though, that you ought to be serious about your
If there’s a vocations director in your diocese, consider talking to him. If you’re a man considering seminary, then pull out your dang phone, call the dude, and have some coffee or something with him. At the very worst, you’ll have made friends with a priest (!!!). For women, the vocations director who will have a larger role is not the diocesan vocations director but the vocations director for the community/communities you look into.
Books. Read about religious life, about the priesthood, about vocational discernment, even about marriage if you find it beneficial. I’ve read And You Are Christ’s by Fr. Thomas Dubay, S.M. [found it mildly annoying,     and thus wrote a couple of salty comments in the margins, but it is theologically solid], Discerning Religious Life by Sr. Clare Matthiass, CFR [less substantive, but heavy on practicals, and comes with a discussion guide for discernment groups], and And Mary’s Yes Continues by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist [my personal fave, due to my Dominican leanings probably]; all on religious life/discernment. I read To Save a Thousand Souls by Fr. Brett Brannen, on discerning the priesthood and loved it. I never really got around to reading about marriage, though.
Talk to priests or religious! Visit them! If you want to be a sister but have never met one before, then go visit some nearby, and bring your friends. If you are in a place with a lot of young adults, see if you can get them to come to you.
Start or join a discernment group. “To work for another’s vocation is to secure your own,” according to JPII, I think. Women, get your women friends together. Men, get your men friends together. Pray for each other and discuss your possible futures. Read books together.
Go on retreat. I’ll wager that it’s impossible to hear the Lord’s voice amid the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day. You don’t have to go on a vocations retreat to escape into silence and listen for the Lord; many communities (monasteries or convents) will accept individual retreatants, and some have group retreats that are not for vocational discernment. If you have limited time or resources, you might not want to go on retreat unless it’s for vocational discernment with a community, but if you’re in the early stages of discernment, a pressure free weekend with some religious might be exactly what you need. Plus, that’ll be more opportunity to talk to priests or religious, our first item on the list!
Vocations retreats. This isn’t guaranteed. Oftentimes, communities will have you talk with the vocations director before going on retreat with them, and the vocations director may not think that such a retreat would be fruitful to you. I’ve been turned down multiple times for retreats with a couple of different communities. If you’re a woman, you might find that the thrice-yearly retreats hosted by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist are beneficial, since they’re geared toward women at any stage of discernment.
One thing that seriously inhibited my discernment was a strong attachment that I did not want to eliminate. I learned the hard way that until you let go of even the stickiest of your attachments, you can’t discern properly. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be discerning; it does mean that God isn’t going to give you an answer that you aren’t ready to hear. You should at least be able to relinquish everything if God asked you, although that doesn’t mean that you have to drop it all at the moment. I justified my refusal to detach in part because I had the potency to detach, and that was sufficient, right? Maybe in some cases, but I know that I needed the actuality of detachment and was too much of a coward for too long to do it.
Opposite-sex friendships
It’s unfashionable nowadays to caution restraint in opposite-sex friendships. In which case, call me  u g l y  because I’ve got some tea for you: you have to actually be careful about your opposite-sex friendships. Prudence governs this, as all things. Discernment is analogous to dating in that you’re trying to figure out if you ought to marry a particular Person. Furthermore, even though God is closer to you than you are to yourself, it especially bears similarities to a long-distance relationship. For one, if you decide you don’t want to hear from God, or deliberately make time to spend with Him, then it’s pretty easy for things to fade. God is a little subtler than showing up at your door with flowers; His romantic gestures are closer to giving you a sunny day you didn’t expect, and it takes fostering an awareness of the presence of God to notice them. Secondly, your relationship with God is supernatural. While we interact with God materially through the sacraments, and everything we encounter is an expression of His love for us, the physical presence typical of a romantic relationship isn’t there. This can make it easier to develop an attraction to someone new than it would be if you had someone that you bonded with on the more tangible natural level.
There is a natural attraction between the sexes. Intimacy between members of the opposite-sex tends toward the romantic. This doesn’t mean that every case of close opposite-sex friends is going to end in dating, but it does mean that one has to be prudent. If it���s hard to be friends with that cute dude from bio because you have a crush on him, it’s okay to give yourself distance. Sure, a saint would be able more intimately acquainted with someone and still not develop an attraction. The saints are also able to undergo torture and, like Christ, forgive their persecutors and ask God’s mercy for them. The rest of us aren’t quite that holy (yet), which is why it’s prudent for us to avoid, as far as we are able, occasions of anger. Furthermore, we don’t (or at least we shouldn’t) get overly frustrated with ourselves and think we’re terrible people because we find it hard to love people who hurt us. Likewise, you’re not a terrible person if you find it hard to be in a close friendship without being attracted to someone. If the close friend needs to become a casual friend, if the casual friend needs to become an acquaintance, that’s okay. However, the analogy to anger is not perfect, because that we should work to eradicate anger from within us (see Ephesians 4:31), being attracted to someone isn’t per se bad. If you’re seriously discerning (that is, you want to know for certain whether or not you’re called to religious life, and you won’t start dating unless you get an unequivocal “No,” from the Lord) then you have to shut that attraction down, because it will only drown out the opportunity to hear what the Lord is whispering to you. If dating is still on the table, then you need not be as strict. As Paul says,
“If you marry, however, you do not sin, nor does an unmarried woman sin if she marries; but such people will experience affliction in their earthly life, and I would like to spare you that.” – 1 Corinthians 7:28
If you’re not sure where you fall on the spectrum of “sorta looking into religious life” to “seriously discerning a call,” the rule of thumb that the good Padre uses for dating is that you shouldn’t start dating exclusively unless you think God is calling you to marry that person. I’d modify it slightly for discernment: you should start dating the Lord exclusively if you think He is calling you to religious life.  
Unfortunately, it is common that churches be locked during the day and thus unavailable for prayer. One thing you can do is talk to the priest, and ask if he’d be willing to unlock it so that you can pray. Even if you can’t pray with the Blessed Sacrament, setting aside time for contemplative prayer, perhaps with images to focus on, is important.
If you live in a rural area, don’t have your own transportation, have necessary work or obligations to your family that are incompatible with daily Mass times, or all of the above, it may not be reasonable to expect to go to daily Mass. But if you’re say, a college student in a big city with a flexible schedule and many nearby churches, then ax a couple of episodes of Netflix and go receive our Lord in the Eucharist.
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dcnativegal · 4 years
My “Spiritual Biography”
Written during Lent 2020 to share with our parish, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Lakeview Oregon.
The events in our lives happen in a sequence in time, but in their significance to ourselves, they find their own order…  the continuous thread of revelation.                              Eudora Welty
 My paternal great grandmother, Margaret Turner, converted to Christian Science in the late 1800s when the denomination was just starting. Mary Baker Eddy was a single mother, and lived in New England, apparently influenced by the Transcendentalists, and the spare liturgy of the Congregationalists and the Society of Friends. My grandmother, Ruth Turner Lincoln, kept the faith for her 90 plus years, and reared my dad and aunt in Christian Science as well. The 5 direct descendants of Ruth Turner Lincoln are none of us Christian Scientists now, but we were all molded by it.
My maternal grandmother tried Christian Science because my mother was, in my Nana’s words, a ‘high strung sensitive little stinker.’ Apparently, something about worship and the ideas of “The Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures” calmed my mother.
The unfortunate thing about “Christian Science” is that it was started before antibiotics. Mary Baker Eddy could not foresee any real purpose to the male-dominated medical science of the time, which had only morphine to show for its efforts. My mother died at age 55 of preventable medical problems, and her mother, who converted to help my mother, died at 65 after receiving zero treatment or rehabilitation following a stroke. It had been my turn to sleep in the next room to turn Nana in the night, and I was the one who found her dead, cold, in her bed. I was 15.
Is it any wonder that I am a medical social worker, bringing people to health care and health care to people?
God is truly brilliant at making lemonade out of lemons.
One profound gift of the otherwise short-sighted Mary Baker Eddy is her affirmation of the feminine aspects of God. Other mystics, including 14th Century writer Julian of Norwich, discerned the female and feminine aspects of God, too:  
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Here is Mary Baker Eddy’s version of the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father which art in heaven,  Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious,
Hallowed be Thy name.  Adorable One.
Thy kingdom come.  Thy kingdom is come; Thou art ever-present.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Enable us to know, — as in heaven, so on earth, — God is omnipotent, supreme.
Give us this day our daily bread; Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And Love is reflected in love;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
And God leadeth us not into temptation, but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.
From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 16–17
 This feminine language for God/ess was a gift from the faith of my chilhood. So, too, was a sense of loving prescence which expands beyond any denomination or religion and was a healthy part of my family culture.
If I had to choose only one motto, it would be this one by Thomas Merton: We are living in a world that is absolutely transparent, and God is shining through it all the time.
I recall being very small and stuck in an elevator in one of the many apartment buildings we lived in, wondering when someone would find me. I said to myself, there’s not a spot where God is not.I was rescued, of course, and the voice of a loving God, reassured a 4 year old in a sweet two line poem.
Whether it was my mother’s romanticized liberal politics, Sunday School teachers, or stories about Jesus forgiving 70 times 7, but somehow I absorbed a profound sense of God’s mercy, and therefore our duty to love even our ‘enemies.’ I remember when my bicycle was stolen for the umpteenth time, my mother admonished me to pray for the kid who stole it. I’m sure I was very grumpy about the whole thing but somehow it sunk in that even thieves are redeemable.  God shone through those bicycle thieves, and my mother’s forgiving idealism. My mother was crazy, (alas, Christian Science failed to heal either body or mind) but she could also be very loving.
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In high school I began hanging out at a community center attached to an Episcopal church on the grounds of the Washington National Cathedral, where presidents have funerals and a stained glass window has an actual moon rock embedded in the center.
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The Episcopal Church sucked me in, and the summer I turned 17, I attended a week-long camp in Orkney Springs West Virginia.  There I met a black man 9 years my senior, a seminarian, who introduced me to the parish I would call a second family for 40 years, until I moved to the Oregon Outback.   I joined St. Stephen & the Incarnation that fall, was baptized there at age 22, (since Christian Science doesn’t ‘do’ baptisms.) I worked as parish secretary before graduate school, was Senior Warden and then chair of the search committee twice over the decades. I met and married my one and only husband, and breastfed my children in its pews. My current partner, Valerie, started attending when she began to winter in DC. God shone through those windows and in the candles we lit every Sunday. Even when I was so depressed that I could only weep and walk around the edge of the sanctuary during worship, I knew I was home and I could share God there.
You know how Alice Walker said in The Color Purple, that people come to church to SHARE God and not find God. She also said, that God made the color purple and gets put out when we don’t stop and admire.
The Episcopal Church showed me that I love liturgy, with the words and song sweeping us to Holy Eucharist.  I love the Book of Common Prayer, especially this one prayer from Compline:
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.
St. Alban’s Pipeline Community Center had a youth group called Forum which provided discerning counselors to us addlepated adolescents. One of them suggested that I find a therapist. I was apparently the first self-referred teenager the clinic could remember (not court mandated or dragged in by a parent.) At age 16, I started seeing a woman who transformed my life, not the least reason of which was that she was wealthy and decided to put me through social work school ten years after I started to see her. I’ve gone on to find other deeply healing therapists: their names are Patricia, Kitty, Celia, and Darcy. God shone through each of them.
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Now after 34 years as a social worker, I am growing into a halfway decent psychotherapist here in Lake County. I feel in a way that I’ve been preparing for this job my entire life. And most days, I also feel profoundly inadequate to the task at hand.
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 Early in my social work life, I worked on an oncology floor where many of the patients I came to know, died. God shone through the nurses there, who were tough and funny, highly skilled and hardworking. God shone through the oncologists, and the residents and interns, the respiratory therapists and the phlebotomists, and an amazing aide named Adams. If you were dying, you wanted to be bathed by Adams. Sometimes it was harder to see God shining through the terrified patients and stunned family members. In my late 20s, I grappled with the problem of evil in the dying of people who did not want to die.  I came to appreciate the story of Job, rewritten in books like “Letter to the Man in the Fire” by Reynolds Price, and “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” by Rabbi Kirschner. I began to see that ‘shit happens’ and that the very same ‘shit’ is not a punishment, nor is it a lesson that the cancer patient somehow ‘chose’ to bring on themselves.
 I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy.            Louise Bogan
 God has shone through to me in the writings of Anne Lamott. She is one hilarious Christian:  
Unfortunately, change is not my strong suit. Neither is forgiveness, or letting go. Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it. But the willingness to let go comes from the pain: and pain makes us willing to change, and effort to change changes you, and jiggles the spirit, gets to it somehow, to our deepest, hardest, most beautiful, ruined parts. And then Spirit expands, because that is its nature, and it drags along the body, and finally, the mind.
                  Anne Lamott, Salon.com, 9/26/03
 God has shone through many films, including Best Picture of 2001, American Beauty in which these words are spoken while a guy is courting a girl, impressing her with something he’d filmed, a plastic bag blowing in a winter wind:
He says,
I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force wanted me to know that there’s no reason to be afraid, ever… Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it and my heart is going to cave in.
    Alan Ball, in screenplay of American Beauty via character of Ricky Fitts
[Here is the scene: https://youtu.be/V73598mBfKY]
When I was younger and before I became a mother, I discovered that famous letter the poet Rainer Marie Rilke wrote to a young man: I beg you...to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.  Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them.  And the point is, to live everything.  Live the questions now.  Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Now that I am 60, I am living my way into the answers. And the mysteries continue. How is it that the best place for me to be, right now, is in Lake County, with an old school butch from Bly, with whom I’ve been lovers nearly 9 years? How is it that both my offspring are fascinating, profoundly moral, gifted and mostly happy creatures doing good in the world? How is it that a woman came up to me in Safeway on Friday and told me that months ago I made a recommendation to her and she thanked me for the profound improvements in her life since she chose to follow it?
As Martin Luther King Jr put it, Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted. (From Strength to Love, 1963)
Thanks be to God. Amen.
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