#please lmk if you'd like anything changed!
alchemaxed · 11 months
@ravagercherri asked: 🍒 it started off as an easy enough task , to grab some kind of snack from the convenience store that lay a few blocks from her run down apartment she found home. It was hard when her machine made a hum that was loud enough to give her away. The air on Earth was much worse than it was on Knowhere , or in the safety of the ships. It’s rather pathetic that she has to crouch by an alleyway to wait for the owner to go on his ‘ be back in ten minutes ‘ walk. Then she’d be able to pick the lock and get in there ( this again , was so much easier when she knew what she was doing )
"I knew I recognized that sound!" Spot says, leaning out of a hole that's abruptly appeared directly in front of Cherri. Nothing in his stance or in the volume of his voice suggests any awareness that his friend is trying to be stealthy.
"...actually, I-- well, I didn't know what it was, but I thought it might be you! And I was right!"
Glancing around, he steps out fully from his spot and crouches down with her. Large, lanky, and covered with polka-dots, his attempt at making himself go unnoticed comes across as a little pitiable and a lot comical.
"What are you doing in an alley?" Whatever her motivations for sitting... alone... in a grimy little corner of the street... Spot's crossed paths with Cherri enough by now to know that her plan is bound to be interesting, if nothing else. Curiosity piqued and eager to be of help to one of the few people to have treated him with any decency since his incident, Spot perks up like an excited puppy and leans too far into Cherri's personal space.
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"Can I help?"
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lantern-icons · 2 months
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Spiderpunk from Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
Flag(s): Genderflir, Graysexual, and Finromantic
Shape(s): Circle with sparkles
Requested by: Anon
Anyone can use, credit appreciated but not required.
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balladetto · 8 months
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@hyaciiintho ( Link )
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     He hadn't wanted to circle back to this particular inn, but there was little choice with the air so humid — ripe with the promise of approaching rain. As he feared, they'd come at a bad time. "Tourist season," the innkeeper had explained ( then complained ) when he last saw her. Tonight, she just wryly smiles. "Lucky last room. Only one bed though."
     He takes the key, of course. A bedroll on polished floorboards will always be better than a bedroll on cold, wet dirt.
     The room is a decent size. Or it would be, usually, except it feels a lot smaller when there are two travellers staring at the same bed. When there's Link and...bigger Link. In the same space. Sharing the same time.
     He really can't wrap his head around it.
     He looks up at that older face. Not for the first or most likely last time since— this, he thinks he remembers being that sort of big. Remembers being in that sort of body.
     ( In truth, it's not something he can ever forget. Something he can put away, maybe; like trinkets in a drawer, or some book on a high shelf, or pieces of something shattered buried deep where no one can find them. Here, in the face of those eyes — the near exact shade of blue he catches in his reflection — it's like damning bloodstains on fresh, pale fabric. )
     He flexes the fingers of his left hand, curling them in one by one and pressing the tip of each nail into the meat of his palm. With his other, he motions towards the bed. "You— for you."
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tenth-god · 2 months
Despite having reason to visit the Underworld often through divine right, Hermes rarely finds himself in the presence of the lords of the dead.
Granted, he hardly ever has the time to be in anyone’s presence, save for Lord Zeus’s, but those who presided over the Underworld were exceptionally. He could understand—the dead were many, and few could handle a position among them, much less in charge of them. Even by divine right, it was a lot, and thus left for scarce interactions.
Still, any time he has the chance—whether it be by accident or purposely, by coincidence or summons—Hermes offers his respect.
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“It’s been some time, Lord Hades.” He greets the deity in front of him; the King of the Underworld, of Helheim, and Hermes’s own Uncle, though the latter he hardly ever uses to refer to him. He can’t say he’s ever even said the word around him.
Ah well. Formalities were a must, in his position, anyway. “I pray all has been well since last we met?”
Not that he expects to be told otherwise, as all gods hold pride, but again, it was a matter of formality. Not that he doesn’t care, however (though if he’s assumed to not, he won’t bother to correct it).
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popcultr · 5 months
CLOSED STARTER FOR @honcymoonfades
MUSE: finlay "finn" davies / 26 years old / social media star / pansexual
based on THIS image
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finn stares down at his phone, his stomach swirling with nerves, this was only going to get him in trouble, "i took you for granted. i was an asshole". he throws his phone across the bed, sitting there for a second, before grabbing it back, texting again,"but god damn you're the fucking love of my life".
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bcnes · 7 months
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@muutos sent — ❛ can’t sleep, doctor? ❜ (screaming, crying - from spock!)
Thank god the corridors are devoid of the night shift's usual skeleton crew for the moment, or he'd never be able to live down the noise he makes at the sound of Spock's voice piping up from somewhere over his shoulder. Dim as the lighting is (it still escapes McCoy why they'd even attempt to simulate a day and night cycle, it's not like he's falling for it), he can still make out the science officer peering at him from the doorway of Spock's quarters. McCoy supposes his pacing wouldn't escape the notice of those ears of his, in hindsight.
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"Christ, we oughta put a bell on you." Though he's entirely unsurprised that Spock should be awake at this hour. Whether that's because of a general Vulcan trait of needing less sleep or because of Spock's individual stubbornness, however, is harder to say. He rolls his shoulders, heart rate still just slightly through-the-roof, and runs a hand down his face with a weary sigh.
"No. Not for lack of trying," he adds, gruff at the unwelcome reminder of just how goddamn tired he is, and then folds his arms. "And before you even bother, I'm on gamma shift tomorrow - so I don't want to hear a word about how this'll impact my job efficiency, thank you. Believe me, I am aware."
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pestilight · 10 months
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sundial / accepting / @unblemisheddesertflower ( Yrelsi )
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"The past always has its hands around your neck, doesn't it?"
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     This is a truth better left with the dead, the way it rots amidst his thoughts.
     It used to feel enormous. Inescapable. Every piece of every memory, melded, looming like long, distorted shadows in the dusklight. Before this, he would flee from that grasp, reaching for something immutable of his own, and drown before he could touch the shoreline each time. Before this — before everything — those hands of the past were his: heavy, smothering, and stained through to the bone with cruor.
     Nowadays, they're smaller.
     They feel like hands he once held. Once kissed. Once treasured, revered, loved. When the past laces its fingers around his neck, he lets them burn brands into his flesh; lets them peel back layers to tear anything he might dare to protest with apart; lets them sink their bite into his veins — so firmly that they puncture and staunch all at once. They are cold, unforgiving, and entirely deserving to dole out all that they do.
     He smiles. A brittle wall: it shows, and means, nothing. Ally though Chieftain Yrelsi has proven to be, Rauru is not so heedless to think she asks this in any earnest concern for him. This polite distance is their kindness, sufficient in a war that offers and would offer them none. "Does it not make captives of us all?"
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handgiven · 6 months
❝ honestly i can’t sleep, so if you wanna stay up with me? ❞ ( from the staying the night prompts? )
staying the night prompts / @teengod
it's strange to see something divine confined to a body so small, so frail, yet mighty. to see your god condensed into a form that is not unnatural, for they were all made in their image, but it is nonetheless new. a child of the universe encasing a god, its molecules old as galaxies forming lips that learned to speak a cosmic blink ago, hands wielding creation when still they carry ghosts of memory of holding their parent's hand, eyes that see deep into the nature of things, a blink away from the eternal sleep that came before. a small form calling for dedication of a different kind, for protection that tugs at a cord in his chest left behind by a younger sister he failed to protect. an imprint in his chest left behind by a little girl who owed him her life.
of course, one must not look upon a god this way. god is not a child.
still, when she speaks and voices a simple request, there seems to be nothing more natural than to treat her this way. not as a lesser being, no, rather the opposite. with that deep understanding one may never bestow upon a god, but which emmanuel cannot help but inflict upon a human being when they so much as speak softly. he could almost forget it. almost. he gets lost, for a moment, but snaps back into the present, watching her, and swallowing his fear.
"— if you please. i could make us tea."
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bcnes-archived · 10 months
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@warpdelta ( Jinhwan ) sent ; “So, what’s the prognosis, Doc? Am I gonna live?” - from hurt / comfort starters
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McCoy arches an eyebrow, scoffing under his breath. "You're a medic, aren't you? Thought you were supposed to be crawling all over yourself to tell me exactly how you're doing, and then throw a fit when I disagree." His exasperated shake of the head is a muted gesture, not worth breaking his concentration as he rapidly absorbs all the data filtering on the holoPADD he's clutching. Doesn't keep him from muttering to himself, though.
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"Swear I don't know what it is about this profession that attracts the worst possible patients to it." Every single time one of his medical team gets sick it's a goddamn war to keep them down and recovering. Not that Leonard isn't just as guilty but he's the CMO now, dammit, he's allowed to be a hypocrite. "I'm impressed you're even bothering to ask," even though he doubts it was framed with complete severity. The man's hardly in a bad enough state to worry about anything close to dying.
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astralogus · 2 years
@erabundus​​​ ♡’d for a starter 
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mona flattens herself against a building, concealing her presence as she plans for her next course of action. the hydromancer hadn’t expected to come across that very same harbinger who spouted nonsense about the sky and stars being a lie. if anything, she had hoped that would be their only encounter after his absurd claim left a bitter taste in her mouth; a confrontation with him was the last thing she wanted. she did not need the stars to foretell what would happen should they cross paths once again, mona already knew that he’d only fan the flames of her ire should they converse. expelling a disgruntled sigh, the astrologist continues scrutinizing him, waiting with bated breath for an opportunity to abscond. 
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kozeriaii · 2 years
the rain comes suddenly, and grows from a light drizzle to a shower in the span of what feels like only several minutes; the streets are cleared of people in record speed, and although scaramouche fares slightly better than most due to the protection his hat offers, he still finds stray droplets hitting him when the breeze blows from different angles.
the rain only seems to be getting heavier, though, so he decides it’s time to take cover and wait out the worst of it before continuing his trek home. 
making his way to an nearby awning, he immediately notes two things when he’s close enough - one, that there’s already someone there taking shelter, and two, that there’s barely enough room for another.
but that doesn’t stop scaramouche from looking expectantly at the stranger, crossing his arms as he comes to a stop in front of the other. “well? are you going to move or what?”
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he only really waits for a second, though, before impatience wins out and he forces his way under the small cover, giving the other no choice but to move over unless the man wants to get smacked in the face by his hat (which he keeps on, even though it takes up precious space).
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refabled · 8 months
@underb4rd liked.
❝ I hate being here–– ❞ fable whispers this quietly, in confidence, as though worried about offending the delicate sensibilities of the underdark's many... varied denizens. ❝ gods –– I miss the sun. ❞ a pause as she considers the bard beside her, and flushes with embarrassment. ❝ I mean –– the underdark is lovely in its own way! ❞ her apologetic regret is instantly easy to see, fable's painful sincerity written in every line of her face.
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❝ I'm sorry if that was at all offensive, tenīr. I just miss breathing in the fresh air, is all. ❞ shakes her head and offers him a small smile. ❝ ...can we just pretend I didn't say any of that? ❞
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balladetto · 8 months
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@gloryseized ( Link )
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     In the end, the monster falls before he can.
     Which has to be a given, he feels, considering everything about him and everything about here — dying can't exactly be an option when there's so much to be fixed — though Link'd be lying if he said this wasn't a close call.
     He's recovering from a roll when it happens, having sliced through another one of its legs and looking to stick its eye full of arrows as it wobbles to adjust to a new heft. His bow is raised and drawn, aiming just as it aims for him with that strange light and those strange sounds, but something else strikes it before he can loose his shot. There's an explosion of bright blue that he yelps and has to shut his eyes at — dazzling and pretty even from behind his eyelids in the way he's thought only light arrows can be.
     Its noises reach a grinding, squealing peak. Like a death rattle, holding for one heartbeat; two heartbeats; three-four-five. Then his breaths are the only things he can hear in the silence that follows, big and heaving in his chest.
     Okay. That— yeah, okay.
     Taking stock comes first — and instinctively. The monster's done for. He's more tired than he'd like for it. He's got aches he can live with and scuffs he can brush off. There's a soreness to his skin that may speak of burns, but he's got potions. There's a tremor in his hands that gets worse the tighter he grips his bow, but that's just relief. Someone helped him.
     Someone helped him.
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flockrest · 9 months
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totk meme prompts / accepting / @regnantlight
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"I’m sure an answer will come to you. Wisdom takes time."
     It's the sorta advice he feels like he's always getting from his parents and Uncle Harth — and maybe that's why the embarrassment sticks, growing and growing 'til it's turned into something more annoyed than a guest like Princess Zelda deserves. He tries to keep it locked behind a grinding beak and narrowed eyes as his gaze drifts down to the side, but there's no stopping the giant sigh that escapes him.
     He wasn't tryna impress her or anything. Really. Tulin's Tornado still needs some work — a lotta work — something he knew before he got tossed right onto his beak in front of the princess of Hyrule for it, he just thought...with the stories she tells him of Master Revali when she visits sometimes, with her watching, maybe he'd...
     Whatever. It was a stupid idea.
     "I know," Tulin huffs, which is the sorta reply he's always giving back to his parents and Uncle Harth in moments like these. He shuffles in place, restless, though takes care to not dislodge the hold she has on the wing she's examining for "injuries" ( that she won't find 'cause he doesn't have any! ). "But does it gotta take so long?"
     It's been, like, two winters since he started on this technique. The answer's had more than enough time to come to him!
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popcultr · 5 months
MUSE: farrah shah / 25 years old / retail worker / pansexual
based on THIS plot
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farrah wasn't expecting to see the other when she answered the door, "what are you doing here?". she's confused, she quirks a brow, "i thought you'd runaway to be a superstar" farrah pauses, "you best come in. it's fuckin' freezing out there".
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
Seventeen's reaction to you not recognising them when drunk ♡
| genre: fluff
| warnings: mentions of drinking, pet names, cursing, lmk if i missed something
| w.c: 0.5k
| a/n: please reblog if you enjoyed, feedback is always appreciated✿
hhu version | performance unit ver.
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he got a call from your friends that you were drunk and rambling about how you missed him and so he came over to get you 
"I'M SUPER SHY, SUPER SHY BUT WAIT A MINU-" you were singing screaming at the top of your lungs
"Babe, come on let's go"
"Who are you, sir?"
the man was too stunned to speak
he tried to regain his composure
"I'm your boyfriend love"
"No, my boyfriend, is cute and adorable" you chirp "But-"
"But what sweetheart?" he asked, slowly guiding you to his car
"But he's always busy," you said yawning, as he buckled your seatbelt
he hums and decides, to take the week off to spend some time with you
would be complaining, when he got a call from your friends
but his heart will melt after he sees your clingy state
when he asked you to come home with him but you simply refused
"I'm sorry sir, but I have a boyfriend I love"
he wasn't surprised by your drunken behavior and tried to convince you that he was your boyfriend
"No, my boyfriend is way more handsome and stronger, no offense sir" 
he wasn't sure whether to take your words as an offense or a compliment
when you continued to ramble about how you had the best boyfriend ever and you weren’t planning on changing him or cheating on him
he'd gladly take you home pretending to be your boyfriend's friend
he's pouting when you can't recognize him referring to him as your designated driver
"Why are you following me to my front door, sir?"
"Umm...these days we are supposed to make sure our passengers get to their homes safely" 
You nod your head, as you try *keyword try* to punch in your house code
he's laughing seeing you struggle and decides to enter the code for you already thinking of an excuse as to how he knows the code
but what he does not expect is you swatting away his hands, saying that he's trying to take advantage of you
"Sir, you're making me feel uncomfortable, please leave or I'll call security," you said, taking out your phone
“Baby you’re so drunk, let me take care of you” he begs
All of a sudden the designated driver is gone here's your boyfriend
"Gyuuuu, you’re here” You smiled and wrapped your arms around him
you had a night out with some friends and your boyfriend was always the person to call when you got hammered 
one look and he knew you weren't sobering up tonight
he would take you into his arms and to his car
"Sir, I have a boyfriend, he is very strong. He will beat your ass if you try anything"
"I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind. And he'd kill me if I didn’t take care of you" he'd say chuckling
"He loves me so much" You would nod agreeing.
Vernon would use this as an opportunity "What about you? Do you love him?"
 "I love him this much" you'd say opening your arms like a small kid to show him how much.
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@kflixnet @k-labels
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