#playboyy ep10
blue-grama · 4 months
I was on another site that shall remain nameless (no it shall not, it was TikTok) and saw comments STILL stating that Playboyy doesn't have a plot??? Y'all. If anything, Playboyy has an excess of plot. Top 0.5% of BLs with plots. There are approximately 792 characters and they all have believable motivations and internecine relationships and sixteen layers of secrets. It's like hanging on with your fingernails just to keep up with the plot. Sheesh.
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scrollll · 4 months
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Writer: Give the viewers a scene where they will get curious what he is about to do, a hint of how much he will affect the plot
Viewer: Oh god, what is he reading, where are we going with this?
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Two things about the promo pics for episode 10:
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I saw the pic above and thought "Ok, they like to hide messages in these projected texts, right?" Ran it through the translator and... 😨
Captain might want to be a bit careful from now on...
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Also, in the info text for ep10 it says something about Jason coming back and donating money for an art exhibition. So am I right to assume that the hottie who's standing next to Zouey is daddy Jason?!
If evil why handsome? 👀
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bladdictedsworld · 4 months
Next time leave Puen alone
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This was very HOT (Protect your baby Aob)
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ryzelliah · 4 months
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Jason Lee
Who the fuck is he. His screen timing was like 5 minutes and he fucked the whole episode. He's influencing everyone's life.
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ihavejamsforsure · 3 months
What’s going on with Zouey?
And why is there a sudden chemistry between him and Nont? 🤨 I mean, the not just friends kind of chemistry. Was Zouey in love with Nant? Or what he has to hide? Will Teena be heartbroken at the end? And if Zouey has something to do with Nant’s case, how Nont will deal with this? Too many questions.
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scarefox · 4 months
to quote Dech
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(affectionate ... kind of)
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singto-prachaya · 4 months
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Playboyy EP10 gifs
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blmpff · 3 months
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When sex brings mysteries needed to be solved, a group of friends go explore the wicked world of young adults, expose shady business and discover their deepest darkest desires through chaotic sex and relationships. 18+
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-> favorite shots per episode:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8 - EP9 - EP10 EP11 - EP12 - EP13 - EP14
-> favorite scenes per episode:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8 - EP9 - EP10 EP11 - EP12 - EP13 - EP14
-> extra:
AobPuen appreciation posts Puen appreciation post ep7 title cards
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mygwenchan · 4 months
I have a feeling this episode will be a tough watch...
Right off the bat we're starting with violence and drama: Nont is loosing it after he finds out that Prom is the dog mask guy. I wonder if he even really registers that his dead brother made it to the top news of the day...
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Prom is just taking the punches. Probably because he feels guilty about everything that happened.
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In any case, we have two things confirmed: Prom is the one who wore the dog mask and Nant is really dead 😥
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Argh, Jason was really rough with Porsche... Poor guy 😥
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But! We also get some new information about Porche: His father used to be Jason's driver while his mom was the maid! And they are both dead due to a car crash. Yeah, I can see how it was super easy for Jason to adopt Porche. He probably looked like a good Samaritan to everyone, taking in the orphaned kid of his dead servants. Little did people know what Jason's true intentions were...
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Well, at least this situation leads to Porche doing some much needed self-reflection. I hope he'll treat Jump better from now on
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Ah, but Jump isn't so sure about his own feelings. That's valid. Porche has behaved in a pretty shitty way, that might not be easy to forgive. On the other hand though, Jump still seems to be kind of fond of him?
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And Jump finally gets his kiss, not from Tutor though, but from Porche :)
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And the happy moment is already over, because Jump was an ass and recorded the whole thing for Tutor. Ah man..
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Phop! Sweet Phop, I've missed you 🤗
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Oh? Who went missing? Nuth?
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Yah! Don't scare me like that! XD
But yeah, Nuth is me when I'm hyperfocusing on something lol Once that creative phase starts, there is no stopping it! Even a cutie like Phop can't do anything to distract Nuth
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Ohhh~ The script is done!
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Lmfao Nuth didn't even notice Phop was there the whole time. Poor Phop, and he tried so hard with his tongue and everything XD
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Why are they so cute, I'm soft 💕
And Nuth looks so happy, he's like a completely new person! Gone are the days of unstable depressed Nuth, now comes the time of cute lil sunshine Nuth! 🥰
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So I ran the script through the translator and even though it's a bit choppy, I think the ending of the story is that both protagonists (Nat/Nuth & Phop) are dead? Hmm...
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scrollll · 4 months
Just me, thinking about Jump asking Tutor to kiss him after Tutor told him to spy on Porsche for information.
Jumpa asking this hit me in the gut.
He wasn't asking for a kiss, he was asking for a confirmation. His voice asked for a kiss but he himself asked for a chance, for a little hope that he wasn't just a tool in Tutors eyes as well.
He was.
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Ha! Nant's old Facebook messages have been restored and wouldn't you know it, he was in contact with Tutor! And not only that, they were investigating daddy Jason!!!
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That probably means Nant was only pretending to be this sex crazy drug addict. He and Nont are indeed very much alike. Nant has investigated something as well!
On a side note: First is still alive, so that's good 😌
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Zouey? Zouey why are you looking like that?
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Yeah, he's hiding something! And it's most likely related to Nant and Jason! Zouey, what did you do?
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Something bad is about to happen...
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Oh no, here we go...
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First, baby, you might think you've found a hot guy to have kinky sex with but... Yeah, Aob is definitely planning to make you pay for what you've done to Puen! Better run boy! But oh no, you can't, cause you're tied up like a sausage
RIP First, it was nice knowing you 😭
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Ok, for now First is still into it
Not for long probably...
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This is so sad. You can tell that for a moment First thinks he's finally found someone who can match his energy, someone who likes it rough and knows no limits, just like him. Oh darling, you've entered to the wrong hotel room... It's a trap!
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Oh fuck, Aob don't... don't hit him ;;
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Now he's even pulling a gun on First. You better not kill him, Aob!
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Damn, I think First has found his match, but not in a sexy way 😦
I don't think he's going to visit the Playboyy club ever again omg
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Thing is though, maybe someone had to show First that he can't continue on like this. I just wish the boy would've gone to a proper therapist instead of having a run in with a very angry off Aob 😑
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mygwenchan · 4 months
There is a post credit scene! I almost missed it. Good thing I was scrolling through tumblr while listening to the end credits song. Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that there's an additional scene.
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OMG Nuth is getting the drugs from Aob! So much for not knowing anyone's face, eh? Aob might not be the big boss, but Nuth still could've told Nont that the drugs exchange happens at the Playboyy club.
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Ok, I didn't expect that. I though it might be Prom. But Aob... damn, I think given the fact that Aob also has a gun and he's Jason's ex baby... maybe Aob is more involved in Jason's illegal business than I thought 👀
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