#pintar (dbz)
fusionxkidxgotenks · 7 months
Halloween with Goten and Trunks (Open to All)
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"Oh boy! This is gonna be some Halloween this year!" Kid Trunks shouted as he was getting geared up in his own costume. His costume was similar to Buzz Lightyear from Star Command.
"So, we go to Mr. Satan's first, Trunks?" Goten asked to his best friend. His costume this year was similar to Woody from the Toy Story series. "Yeah, where else? Trunks asked to his best friend as they started to fly out to Mr. Satan's Mansion where Mr. Buu and Tommy are living with Hercule.
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laladbzland · 8 months
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turkish-pintar · 8 months
Pintar and Christie Monteiro
Pintar was taking a break from the fighting scene ever since he had been beaten by Krillin by letting him have a free punch to the gut, and having to become Marron's babysitter when he and Android 18 go out for errands.
He decided to travel out on his own, until his massive body size began to knock back a woman who appeared to be from Brazil.
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"I'm sorry, madam. I didn't see you down there because of my hulking frame." Pintar said putting both hands on his waistline.
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Krillin and Android 18 get some Easter candy for Marron, and the two of them drop off some at Pintar’s island home as a “thank-you” for babysitting Marron.
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supersaiyantist · 4 years
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bunny-flash-soldier · 6 years
Lily vs. Pintar
@turkish-pintar Lily Flyer had arrived on Papaya Island and heard of something called a World Tournament in this world where her friend, Mr. Buu lives. There she had participated in something outside of F-ZERO racing for her fighter training.
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ondemorremosanjos · 3 years
Shot In The Dark
Aqui estamos depois de praticamente cinco meses. Sim, eu acabei esquecendo dos textos dos outros meses. E também não tive tempo. Eu poderia fazer um mega ultra blaster ultimate texto, mas não vai dar não. Separei somente alguns pontos para escrever, daqueles que eu me lembro e que costumeiramente comento.
Este é um problema. Eu deixando de escrever mensalmente, ou até mesmo semanalmente, perdesse muita coisa. Escrevendo aos poucos poderia render um mega blaster hyper texto. Não vai ser o caso.
No começo do ano fiz a “promessa” de ler todos os mangás do DBZ lá do Prisma. Acho que terminei no começo de abril, ou no final de março. Foram mais ou menos 4 meses não contados corretamente. Mas foram ao todos os 42 mangás, dentro do padrão de 01 por dia… Às vezes mais por causa do arco bom. Li também O Mundo Assombrados Pelos Demônios do Sagan, mas daria um 6,5/10… O Pequeno Príncipe, que talvez eu olhe a animação para compreender totalmente. Talvez não tenha lido com a atenção 100%... Com os 42 mangás, dá para dizer que li 42 livros?
As minhas férias foram alguns dias antecipadas devido ao Coronga. Meu irmão sentiu os sintomas e fez o teste: positivou. Na verdade, foi o Pai o primeiro, mas ele não soube avaliar bem os sintomas, não prestou bem a atenção. No final, não deu em nada. Apenas tosse, falta do paladar e do olfato. Comigo não aconteceu nada, zero sintomas. Nem uma febre, tossinha, nem nada. O único problema foi ficar em casa sem poder fazer tudo que eu havia planejado. Ao menos, consegui pintar o meu quarto, limpar e organizar algumas coisas.
O Grêmio. Ahh o Grêmio… Proporcionando sempre um fiasco. Aqueles nego, pais de família, não negam um fiasco. A final da CdB já era um pouco esperado o resultado. Nós estávamos olhando de bobos mesmo. Já vinha a algum tempo o time não rendendo. Mas né, vai que em uma finalera os caras pipoquem. Já pipocaram uma vez… Até duas. Bom, na libertadores de novo mais um fiasco… Agora com a troca da casamata talvez as coisas melhorem.
No Prisma: a mesma bosta de sempre. Sempre em vias de abrir de verdade. Já remodelamos os serviços várias e várias vezes. Mas não sinto que esteja bom. Bem, na verdade, desde que uma colega saiu, essa parte intelectual caiu tudo para mim. A gurizada não vem contribuindo muito não. Fizeram até uns comitês para descentralizar algumas ações… KKJKJJKKJ… Tem coisa mais soviética do que um comitê? Ainda mais com o objetivo de descentralizar….
A Engenharia não dá trégua. Mas até estou gostando, porém não do tempo que estou despendendo para as atividades. Pouco tempo para ler, para estudar. Na verdade, tecnicamente abdiquei disso. Não consigo ver mais as videoaulas daquilo que gosto e fazer as minhas leituras adequadamente. Sinto que estou bastante atrasado. Também pelo tempo que sobra. Quase sempre só quero descansar e não ter nada muito intelectual para fazer, tipo: ficar jogando. Também tem a Ana.
Sinceramente, talvez acabe em uns 15 dias. Nós decidimos dar um tempo. Na verdade, ela decidiu. Eu não genuinamente não sei o que significa direito. Em certos momentos, tenho respostas amorosas e em outros momentos, duras e diretas. Não sinto mais um companheirismo, simplesmente uma enrolação. Talvez, como todas as outras vezes, falte um pouco de coragem. Também existe um pouco de hipocrisia, egoísmo… Uma vontade de controlar o outro. Me sinto um idiota, um capacho. Manda e obedece. Bom, são vários causos e levaria muito tempo até os conseguir contar todos. Contudo, em resumo, existem várias falhas. Tanto minhas quanto delas. Eu procurei na medida do possível corrigir as minhas. Muitas eras sobre comentários, e portanto, procurei ficar mais quieto ou então tentar me expressar da forma correta. Sempre me fiz presente fisicamente, e tentei melhorar em outros aspectos. Tipo nos comentários. Em grande parte gira em torno disso. Uma zoadinha mal interpretada, um comentário que não foi apreciado, etc. A critério de exemplo, logo no carnaval, na época das minhas férias, teve uma festinha de aniversário de uma conhecida. Fui convidado para tal festinha, contudo, já havia planejado ir jogar truco com a gurizada. O confronto de horário não iria ocorrer, afinal, a festinha era composta de uma janta e um karaokê. Começaria no início da noite e não ultrapassaria às 00h30min. O jogo de truco seria por volta deste mesmo 00h30min. Convidei ela, afinal, a gurizada iria e provavelmente levaria as suas namoradas juntas. Ocorreu tudo tranquilo até perto do horário previsto. E mais uma vez, em cima da hora, ela recusou. E ainda ouvi algo semelhante a: ”Nossa, você teve as suas férias e não pode me ver. Agora que tem a oportunidade de ficar comigo, decide ir jogar com os teus amigos…”. No mesmo momento cancelei a jogatina e fiquei com ela o resto da noite. Bom, nos finais de semanas seguintes eu sempre me encontrava com ela bebendo. E sempre ela estava bêbada, a ponto de quase passar mal, não conseguir conversar, tropeçar e esbarrar por aí, etc. A mesma pessoa que usou como argumento o momento para preferir o namoro ao invés dos amigos, se colocava em situações desagradáveis que não favoreciam o namoro. Somente nos finais de semana nós conseguimos nos encontrar e nem sequer eu conseguia aproveitar o momento sem um incômodo desagradável dela estar bêbada.
O principal, voltando ao companheirismo, são as várias vezes que o combinado não foi realizado. Várias vezes “dando para trás” em cima da hora. E conjuntamente com isso as desculpas. Desculpas e mais desculpas. Agora pensando, isso até pode ser um aspecto de uma personalidade mimada… Existem alguns elementos… Esse “tempo” não sei para o quê serve. Afinal, eu estava reclamando de que não existia uma contrapartida por parte dela. Não entendo bem se devo mudar algo, porque em síntese, eu sou a “parte queixosa”. A sensação de enrolação já persiste há muito tempo. Então é isso, aposto que não dura mais que 15 dias.
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wallturkey · 6 years
What If Vegeta Trained Gohan After The Cell Games?
This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figured Tumblr was a good place to put down the stories inside my head.
A few weeks after the Cell Games, Vegeta is at Capsule Corporation. He is still despondent after the death of his longtime rival. Without Kakarot, the urge to train is diminished. He still does so, but spends more and more time trying to figure out how to be a father. That is until Gohan walks in. Gohan is in Super Saiyan form, retaining his ability to stay in the transformed state indefinitely.
“What are you doing here?” Vegeta is incensed simply by the boy’s presence. It reminds him of the man he will never get to beat.
“I respect my father’s decision,” Gohan’s tone was respectful, but determined. “But he was wrong. His absence does not protect the Earth from danger. There will be new threats. If I want to be ready, I need to be stronger.” He locked eyes with Vegeta. “I need to embrace my heritage. I want to train with the rightful King of the Saiyans.”
Vegeta's eyes widened. His heart raced. All the old feelings returned. He had a new future. He smiled his vicious smile. “Prepare for punishment. I will make an elite Saiyan warrior out of you.”
Years pass. Gohan spends most of his time at Capsule Corp, training constantly. He spends an hour a day with Bulma being tutored to satiate Chi-Chi, who eventually visits as well, after Goten and Trunks have joined Vegeta and Gohan’s training. Because of this, all four of them become immensely powerful. All three boys have also learned under Bulma’s tutelage, keeping up their intelligence.
At Chi-Chi’s insistence, Gohan enrolls in Orange Star High School as he does in the anime. Day 1 starts as it does in DBZ proper. Gohan runs into bank robbers, goes Super Saiyan, and dispatches them easily. He returns to normal and goes to school. All goes well until Videl questions him. “The Gold Fighter was wearing a white shirt, a black vest, and red pants.”
“But he had gold hair.” Erasa chimed in.
“Like this?” Bolstered by the Saiyan pride fostered by Vegeta, Gohan transforms right there in the classroom, and brings the world to a halt. Gohan, the Gold Fighter is immediately a household name. It quickly comes out that he is the son of former World Martial Arts Champion Son Goku, and Videl steps in to help him handle the publicity... On the condition that he train her.
The next day, Videl arrives at Capsule Corp. Vegeta refuses to train her, so he focuses his attention on Goten and Trunks, who are decked in Bulma’s rendition of Saiyan armor. Gohan trains Videl, and within a day she learns the basics of ki control. The next day, she has taken to the air, if only barely. Suitably impressed, Vegeta steps in.
“Who are you?” He asked incredulously. “Very few earthlings are this naturally adept.”
Videl stood strong. “I’m the daughter of Mr. Satan, the World Martial Arts Champion!”
Vegeta stared, confused, before a sudden spark of realization hit him, and he burst into laughter. “That oaf? He’s about as strong as an Arlian beetle!”
“I know him!” Goten chimed in. “He’s the strongest guy on Earth not like us!”
Vegeta looked angry. “Then he isn’t strong.”
Videl mirrored his rage. “It’s his training that made me this good. If he learned this stuff he could outclass you!”
Vegeta laughed once more before regaining his poise. “I very much doubt that, girl. But you have potential. Keep it up and you could find yourself among Earth’s ACTUAL warriors. I will train you.”
Videl’s first instinct is to refuse, but seeing Goten and Trunks flying and firing blasts, throwing punches and kicks way above her head convinces her that she wants that power.
3 days into Vegeta’s training, Videl is almost destroyed, but feeling incredibly strong. Feeling bold, Gohan helps her up and wipes her hair from her face.
“You’ve come so far, Videl. I’m impressed!” Gohan smiled. “But you should consider cutting your hair.”
“You like girls with short hair?” Videl stared into Gohan’s eyes.
“Uh, I don’t know.” Gohan was stupefied. “But as a fighter your hair is just getting in the way.”
“And those pigtails make free weapons for your enemy.” Vegeta chided without looking.”
“WHAT’S IT MATTER TO YOU?” Videl yells before angrily leaving and flying off, not even realizing this was the first time she flew home on her own.
The next day the Saiyans were surprised to see Videl show up with the pixie-cut.
“Who’s the new boy?” Goten energetically blurted out.
Videl ignored him. “I have an idea!” All eyebrows quirked. “We should all enter the Tenkaichi Budokai!”
“The what?” Vegeta was already agitated.
“It’s the tournament my dad one decades ago.” Gohan replied.
“Videl’s dad won the last tournament, but that was before I was born.” Goten added.
“And why should we enter?” Vegeta scoffed.
“For one, first prize is 100 million Zeni.” Videl quickly added.
“My wife is heir to the biggest fortune on the planet. I don’t need money.”
“More importantly, I need someone to knock my dad off his high horse.”
Vegeta smiled. “That’s almost worth it.”
Videl got angry. “Come on! What will it take?”
“What if I join in?” A familiar voice echoed through the room.
Goten, Trunks, and Videl looked around confused as Vegeta and Gohan looked with sudden hope and excitement.
“It turns out that due to my heroic efforts in life, I've earned a bit of credit! I can spend a full day on Earth. I think I’ll use it to fight in the tournament!”
“At last! I can prove that I have surpassed you!” Vegeta shouted with glee.
Goku laughed. “You can try.”
Fast-forward to the tournament. Pretty much everything proceeds as normal, with a few changes. First, Gohan enters under his real name. Second, Tien enters the tournament as well, eliminating Mighty Mask from reaching the final 16. Third, as Gohan’s abilities are public knowledge, and speculation about his presence at the Cell Games has already started, the no-Super Saiyan rule isn’t instituted among the Z fighters.
Goten and Trunks dominate the Junior Division, and meet up in the finals. But this time, Trunks’ hubris gets the better of him, and Goten is victorious. In the exhibition, Goten takes to Mr. Satan’s antics, and hits him softly. Mr. Satan plays it up(although it did really hurt), and the “Let Goten win” narrative holds true.
The main tournament begins proper, and the 1st round looks like this:
Krillin Vs Pintar
Ma Jr(Piccolo) Vs Shin
Videl Vs Spopovitch
Gohan Vs Kibito
Vegeta Vs Goku
Tien Vs Yamu
18 Vs Jewel
Mr. Satan Vs Killa
Krillin eliminated Pintar with a single kick.
Piccolo again discovers Shin’s identity as the Supreme Kai, but at Gohan’s insistence goes through with the fight. It is an intense battle, but in the end Shin uses speed and tactics to outplay Piccolo and overpower him, winning by ringout.
Videl beats down Spopovitch, and once again kicks hard enough to spin his head around. He returns his head to proper position, then assaults Videl mercilessly. However, under Vegeta’s tutelage, Videl has grown smarter and tougher. A surprise energy blast blinds Spopovitch, and a swift kick gives Videl the win by ringout. She is still heavily hurt, and Goku retrieves Senzu Beans to help her out. Spopovitch almost attacks in rage, but Yamu reminds him of their mission.
Kibito once again asks to see Gohan’s power. Gohan goes full power Super Saiyan 2, then Yamu and Spopovitch attack. However, this time, Gohan overpowers Supreme Kai’s hold, and easily knocks away his attackers. Yamu is disqualified, but it doesn’t matter. Enraged at their failure, Babidi blows up their heads from afar. Kibito, unsure of how to proceed, forfeits the match.
After an intermission due to mysterious cranial combustions, Vegeta battles Goku. This battle is by far the most exciting of the 1st round. Vegeta and Goku both battle at full power Super Saiyan 2, shaking the very earth beneath them. Eventually, Goku uses Instant Transmission, which Vegeta specifically trained for. He counters the move, and drives Goku into the ground for a ringout. Vegeta is victorious.
Tien advances automatically due to Yamu’s disqualification and subsequent death.
18 eliminates Jewel with ease.
Mr. Satan, though rusty from lack of training, overpowers Killa and wins a hard-fought victory.
Between rounds, Supreme Kai explains what happened with Yamu and Spopovitch, about the wizard Babidi and their purpose here. Goku, hopeful for more fights, says he’ll go, but Vegeta convinces them to let the tournament play out first, as he doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to face Gohan, who he now views as Kakarot’s(and possibly his) superior.
Round Two begins.
Krillin faces the Supreme Kai, and although he puts up a decent fight, Shin defeats him handily.
Videl goes all-out against Gohan. He pulls his punches and avoids direct attacks, enraging her. Her ferocity is eventually enough to force him to go Super Saiyan, and he throws her out as gently as he can.
Tien battles Vegeta, and is enough to force Vegeta to Super Saiyan 2, where he easily beats Tien unconscious.
Before the final match of the 2nd round, 18 corners Mr. Satan. She reminds him that he’s screwed, period. She makes him an offer. She can make him look good in defeat for 50,000,000 Zeni, or she’ll throw the match for 100,000,000 Zeni. Mr. Satan, not wanting to face Vegeta, chooses the first. 18 fakes great effort, but knocks Mr. Satan out of the ring. The crowd immediately assumes he would rather give up his title than hit a woman, protecting his reputation.
Supreme Kai challenges Gohan in the Semi-Finals, and puts him through paces. However, he is no match for Gohan at Super Saiyan 2, and Gohan is victorious.
Vegeta, upon seeing 18 across the ring, remembers the humiliation she put him through in the Android Saga, and immediately assaults at Super Saiyan 2. 18 only holds out for a few minutes before Vegeta begins a vicious beatdown. He relentlessly hits her, years of aggression unleashed, to the dismay and boos of the crowd. Krillin screams for him to stop. Vegeta looks to mock him, but sees Gohan, his final opponent. He tosses 18 out of the ring, mercifully ending the fight.
There’s a short intermission as anticipation builds for the final match. People throughout the world are tuning in for the fight of the century. When the fight begins, Vegeta and Gohan both start at Full Power Super Saiyan 2. The fight is so intense most people have trouble following. Slow-Motion cameras are brought in just to capture clips of the battle. Things escalate when Vegeta attempts a Galick Gun, which becomes a full-on beam struggle as Gohan counters with a Masenko. Vegeta appears to have the advantage, pressing down on Gohan, until Gohan starts to transform. Vegeta abandons the struggle as Gohan goes Super Saiyan 3. Vegeta mocks Gohan, claiming him to be desperate. Gohan counters by telling Vegeta he already lost. Gohan transformed first, and he won’t give Vegeta the chance. Vegeta instantly realizes his error. He tries to go Super Saiyan 3, but Gohan eliminates him before he can do so.
Gohan wins the Tenkaichi Budokai.
Gohan accepts the title, but refers everything else to Chi-Chi, who is ecstatic. Goku locates Babidi’s hideout via Instant Transmission, and Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, 18, Videl, Kibito, and Shin warp to that location, with Goten and Trunks grabbing on at the last second to come along.
The door to Babidi’s hideout was open. Supreme Kai warns them of the obvious trap, but the team doesn’t care, and steps right in. Piccolo and Krillin protest Trunks and Goten coming along, but Vegeta intercedes.
“The boys are stronger than either of you. If you can go, they can go.”
They enter the hideout, and Pui Pui welcomes them. He explains the 3 fighters before Babidi system.at the Z Fighters have to beat 3 fighters on 3 levels to get to Babidi. Trunks aggressively steps forward to fight Pui Pui. They are transported to Pui Pui’s home, thinking the gravity(10 times that of Earth) gives him the advantage. However, under Vegeta’s tutelage Trunks has dealt with several hundred times Earth’s gravity, and quickly dispatches Pui Pui with the Galick Gun.
Goku gets the opportunity to fight Yakon, and defeats him by going Super Saiyan 2. Yakon eats so much light energy he explodes.
The final warrior is Dabura, and Gohan goes against him. At Super Saiyan 2 Gohan is easily outclassing Dabura, and Babidi is terrified that his plan is failing and he’ll be wiped out. He desperately urges Dabura to do something. Thinking quickly, Dabura turns and spits on Videl, turning her to stone. Gohan breaks down, and goes full rage mode, transforming to Super Saiyan 3. With an instantaneous strike, he decapitates Dabura.
In this moment, Babidi sees his chance, and enters Gohan’s mind. He latches on to Gohan’s rage and tries to awaken the darkness within him. Gohan fights and resists, but Babidi sees an opportunity in Gohan’s mind. Using his magic, he regrows Gohan’s tail and shows him a full moon. The entire team is terrified as they have to fight the most powerful force they have ever seen...
Majin Golden Great Ape Gohan.
The raging Golden Oozaru levels mountains and knocks the Z Fighters around effortlessly. Babidi woops in victory as his power needed to revive Majin Buu goes from zero to full instantly.
Trunks and Goten go Super Saiyan 2, Piccolo, Tien, Shin, Kibito, and Krillin charge up to full power, and Vegeta and Goku go Super Saiyan 3, and they are still barely holding on. They barely notice Majin Buu’s awakening, as they are relentlessly beat down. All seems lost until Vegeta sees Videl awakening from her petrification.
“Kakarot! The girl!”
Goku looks confused until he also sees Videl. He quickly grabs her and carries her up. Explaining the situation as best he can, he tells Videl she is the only one can reach him.
Videl calls out to Gohan, and does get his attention. After some loving words, and finally recognizing that she is okay, Gohan regains control.... and starts to transform.
His eyes go yellow, his hair grows long and red fur adorns his chest.
Gohan has gone Super Saiyan 4.
Everyone stands in awe of Gohan’s overwhelming power.
The team moves on to face Babidi, who transports everyone out of the hideout. He boasts about the awakening of Majin Buu, who looks around happily and yawns. Babidi commands Buu to destroy the Z Fighters, and Gohan obliterates Buu with a single ki blast. Babidi is shocked and scared frozen. Piccolo moves forward and chops Babidi in half. In his final breaths, Babidi pleads for mercy.
“Where was mercy when Buu was unleashed upon the galaxy?” Shin spat through gritted teeth. “Where was mercy when he slaughtered my fellow Kais?”
“Please... That was my father’s doing....”
“And you sought to set him loose on the universe once more. You give no mercy, and you shall receive none.”
And Shin annihilates Babidi.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, Buu reforms in front of everyone, and seems unfazed by the previous event.
“You strong! You play with Buu some more?” Buu’s stomach rumbles. “Buu Hungry!”
After much deliberation, Goku convinces the team that Buu might not be a threat so long as he is satiated. However, he burned most of his remaining time, and leaves to spend the rest of it with Chi-Chi and Goten. The rest take Buu to Capsule Corp for a post-tournament/post-saving the world feast.
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mar-killing · 4 years
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Mientras pintaba mis uñas mi hmno de 10 años me preguntó
hmno -Por qué te pintas ?
Yo- porque se ven lindas de negro
Hmno- aaa yo pensé que solo las niñas se pintaban.
Yo- ambos podemos pintar las uñas, cortar el pelo , quitar las cejas, dejar que crezcan bellos y no tener que cortarlos, todes podemos decidir que hacer o no hacer en nuestra cuerpa, la sociedad falla en tener normado "cosas de o para hombres" " cosas de o para niñas" cuando ambos pueden hacer lo mismo. Te acuerdas cuendo tenias 5 o 6 y veíamos My little pony ?
Hmno- si
Yo- dejamos de verlos por qué un día un primo tuyo dijo que eran dibujos para niñas y tu nunca más quisiste verlo..
Hmno- sii y recuerdo otros dibujos más
Yo - sipo veíamos varios y yo nunca te dije " esto tienes que ver pa q seai ma macho" de la misma manera q vimos dbz tenemos que ver las sailor moon o Doraemon o Pokémon en fin, lo que quiero que entiendas es que la sociedad no te diga ni te imponga que debes hacer o creer, aún eres pequeño y te tomarás con muchas acciones o comentarios sexistas en tu vida, según yo y como consejo lo esencial está en tus principios, respeto, amor y conciencia social.
Hmno- puedo pintarme una uña ?
Yo- jajaja te quiero mucho guacho loco.
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friendlyheartless · 7 years
Thoughts for a Zangya RP
Everyone in the DBZ Roleplay Community, while I was role-playing as Pintar and Mr. Buu, I had a thought of role-playing another DBZ character I like; Zangya. I was infatuated with her the moment I saw her in Bojack Unbound, Raging Blast 2 and the Budokai Tenkaichi series. However, I plan to make this Zangya different from the main timeline. Here's the difference: After Bojack had killed her during the battle with Gohan, she becomes returned back to life, but as one of the good guys. Human girl by day, Race of Hera girl by night. Like, reblog or reply for what you think.
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laladbzland · 1 year
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turkish-pintar · 1 year
Krillin and Android 18 drop by Pintar's island home, and they leave behind a Christmas present at his door. The small man knocks on the door before flying off with 18. (@muses-of-the-memory)
Pintar was asleep on his hammock after he was training himself, and eating his Christmas dinner with his own family, until he heard a knock on the door.
He looked around and saw a Christmas present, and he opened it to see a big sweater from Krillin and Android 18, who he saw flying off. Probably as a thanks for babysitting Marron. "Thanks, Shorty."
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 years
Android 18 was in her Christmas clothes and she had flown by to where Pintar, the humongous boaster who lost to her husband, Krillin was residing in.
She had to come by his place and give him something. Something that wasn't a finger flick to the forehead.
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aioinstagram · 6 years
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Dragon Ball Super 123 Dragon Ball Super : Épisode 123 un aperçu du pouvoir de Jiren … is Trending on Sunday January 14 2018 http://www.aioinstagram.com/dragon-ball-super-123-dragon-ball-super-episode-123-un-apercu-du-pouvoir-de-jiren-is-trending-on-sunday-january-14-2018/
melty.fr says: Dragon Ball Super : Épisode , un aperçu du pouvoir de Jiren … Télé Loisirs.fr says: Dragon Ball Super 123 : un épisode intense où Jiren monte en …
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… et pose les bases de la contre-attaque des deux Saiyans de lunivers 7, pour notre plus grand plaisir. Pendant ce temps, Freezer continue daffronter Dyspo et C-17 et Gohan sont toujours face à Toppo. Les deux guerriers décident de se donner chacun Dans lépisode précédent de Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta avait tout fait pour battre Jiren. Le guerrier saiyan avait libéré toute sa puissance avec un Final Flash final, qui na fait quégratigner le combattant de lunivers 11. Ce dernier sétait relevé
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Description: Avete visto l’episodio 123 di oggi? Cosa ne pensate? #DragonBallSuper episodio 123 Sub-ITA disponibile sul canale Telegram di @dblegacy.italia e sulla pagina Facebook di #DragonBallLegacyItalia Buona visione! #Nerdcomik • #DragonBall #Goku #gohan #gokuultrainstinct #vegeta #supersaiyan #jiren #dragonballsuperepisode123 #subita #dbsuper #dragonballsuper2017 #dragonballfan #ultrainstinctgoku #dragonballsuperitalia #dragonballz #DragonBallSuper123 #anime #dragonballanime #dragonballsuperanime #nerd #instadragonball #cartoon #manga #cartonianimati #gokuandvegeta
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Description: Supā Bejita !! #Vegeta #Bejita #DBZ #DragonBallZ #DragonBall #DBS #DBSuper #DragonBallSuper #DBS123 #DragonBallSuper123 #DBSuper123
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 3 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: How you gonna be an anime critic getting mad that people are criticisitng animation lol? People are stupid. #anime #otaku #dragonball #dragonballz #dragonballgt #DB #dbgt #DBZ #DBS #goku #vegeta #Jiren #dragonballsuper123 #animecritic
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 4 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Lol #DRAGONBALLSUPER123 #goku #vegeta #dragonballsuper #jiren #zenoh
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 5 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: This new form is absolutely sick. Does it make sense to call it “Super Saiyan Royal Blue” or something along those lines. There is an actual shade of blue called Royal Blue and it makes sense with #PrinceOfSaiyans and it’s unique to vegeta so far. #SuperSaiyanRoyalBlue
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 6 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: #DragonBallSuper123 #SuperSmashBros #Nintendo64 #Flush #Hammer #Comeback #Goku #Jiren
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 7 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Goku and Vegeta! . . Please follow:@dragonball_supergod . . #goku #chichi#vegeta #kakarot#bardock#dragonball#dragonballsuper #dbs#dbz #battle #mustwatch #japanese #awesome #follow #followers #dbs123 #dragonballsuper123 #evolve
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 8 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: ** #dragonballsuper #goku #vegeta #spoiler #dragonballsuper123
This Dragon Ball Super 123’s photo Trending 9 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: @joaquim_santoz @josrodolfofd @a_motabrito @francberredojr @gutialmeida Sabe a sensação que eu tive vendo o Jiren se defendendo e tomando na cara? Satisfação #dragonballsuper123 #dragonballsuper #akiratoryama Depois desse episódio deu vontade de pintar o cabelo de azul claro e fazer umas mechas azul-escuro #vegetafan
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vulcanlsj · 6 years
Rightful Heir Chapter 2 (DBZ Alternate Timeline Fanfic)
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z, or the characters of Akira Toriyama's creation. I do however, own the story, and the characters of my own creation.
Vulcan couldn't remember the rest of that night, because he fell asleep before Lenora showed up. He couldn't be awoken so she left.
Suddenly, a blaring alarm went off inside his pod. He looked to the navigation screen, and saw the asteroid belt of the system. Vulcan pushed the emergency control button, and a rod with a handle attached to it with a few controls popped out. Vulcan grabbed the flight stick, and yanked it hard to the right as he just barely missed an asteroid the size of a small moon. Vulcan followed the asteroid with his eyes, and almost didn't notice the asteroid in front of him smash into a smaller one, and break into thousands of pieces. He did notice the collision, and pulled back on the stick, maneuvering above the debris. He hit a lever to his left, and the pod lurched forward with tremendous force. After a few seconds, he released the accelerator, past some of the asteroids.
Then he saw the biggest asteroid he'd seen since he left the planet he'd been residing for the last 27 years. There was some sort happening inside the asteroid, bright lights, amazing colors... and he realized what the bright lights were for. The asteroid was about to explode due to volcanic activity. He saw some craters that were very deep, no, they weren't just deep, they were tunnels. He couldn't avoid this large asteroid, and even though his pod could survive the crash, there was no way he could take off again before the asteroid was obliterated. He did the only thing he could think of, and directed his pod into the large tunnel. As he was enveloped in the blackness of the hole, he couldn't see anything. Opening his senses, time seemed to slow down. He could hear the rumble of the volcanoes, and tremors of the quakes. He could see around him through his ki, and the tunnel became clear to him.
He pulled to the left, and missed a wall by inches, followed by a hard right to make the winding turn. The tunnel walls started to break down as molten lava seeped through them. Vulcan began making more harrowing maneuvers, and finally escaped the asteroid as it shattered into hundreds of thousands of pieces, the lava cooling and hardening almost instantly without a atmosphere to maintain the heat. Opening his eyes again, Vulcan could see that the asteroid field was behind him, with only small debris in front of him. He pushed the emergency control button again, and the flight stick retracted into the floor. He sat back, and took a deep breath. He could relax again.
Vulcan sat back up, and looked at his projected route to Earth. He could see no more immediate dangers in his path, so he activated the auto pilot again. He opened his senses again, this time reaching out to Earth. He could sense Vegeta, along with Raditz and Nappa. Even though he could not tell what they were up to, he knew that as long as the three were together, Vulcan would have a tough time taking out Vegeta. Which brought another thought, where was Kakarot? He sensed harder, and finally located his signature. He was far off from Vegeta and the rest of them. Vulcan figured that he was just training alone.
Vulcan began to wonder how strong Vegeta and his elites were. Were they Super Saiyans? He assumed that Vegeta would have to be, along with Kakarot. After Vulcan had fought with cosmic entities, he himself had reached Super Saiyan. He had even managed to surpass that, which was why he knew that other Saiyans would be able to do what he could do. But were Nappa and Raditz also Super Saiyans? He'd hoped so. He wanted to test out his Super Saiyan abilites against another. Vulcan smiled as he laid back in the seat, anxious to get to Earth.
Kakarot could not believe his ears. Vegeta had betrayed him? He was Vegeta's strongest warrior, he had even done what others thought that only Vegeta had done, become a Super Saiyan. Well, Vegeta might have taken that as a sign that he was not the strongest, but even then, Kakarot could not best Vegeta in a full fledged fight, let alone a serious sparring match. He looked at the child in front of him, no, he wasn't just any child, he was apparently his son. He had no knowledge of this, something that Vegeta had kept from him for nine years.
"Bardoku eh?" Kakarot asked the small Saiyan.
"Yes, named after a great Saiyan warrior that fell during the Saiyan/Ice-jinn war." Bardoku stood proudly looking at Kakarot. Little did he know that Bardock was really his grandfather, and the man standing in front of him was his father.
"Well, he was a great warrior. I only wish I had known him before he fell." Kakarot crinkled his nose at the next statement that came out of his mouth. "So your father is Vegeta?" Bardoku nodded his head. "So why haven't I seen you around? Or heard of you 'til now?"
"I guess it's because father wanted me to train more than he wanted me to interact with his subjects." Kakarot frowned at this. Vegeta had been successful in keeping this secret from everyone. Kakarot had decided to circle the planet a few times to clear his head today. He had this feeling that something was going to happen, and this must have been it. "He said that as soon as I was strong enough to be his heir, he would begin to teach me how to be a proper prince."
"Well, you certainly are a strong little one. Though something seems to be odd about you." Bardoku looked up at Kakarot with concern. "I can't place it, but there is definitely something odd." Kakarot could see the little one's worry. "But it's nothing that is bad, so don't dwell on it. I should probably let you back to you training so you can be Vegeta's next heir." Kakarot turned around swiftly, and strode down the hall away from his "son."
Bardoku watched as Kakarot walked down the hall, until he turned the corner and disappeared from sight. 'Yeah, I'll train hard, 'til I can kill you, and prove to Vegeta that I am strong enough to become his heir.' Bardoku's thought was disturbing, because he didn't know that Vegeta desired him to commit patricide. 'All I need to do is figure out your secret to becoming a Super Saiyan.'
A door opened and a female figure walked through it. A few human slaves could be seen picking up trash from the streets. One looked up at the armored Saiyan warrior, and was disgusted with her. She was part of Nappa's personal guard, so she only drew anger from the humans. Saiyans on the other hand almost worshiped her as much as they did the hulking Saiyan. If she was strong enough to be one of his guards, then she was desired as a mate to everyone. Only she never showed any desire to mate with any Saiyan. Almost as if she didn't want to bear an offspring to carry on the Saiyan legacy. In reality, she did want to bear a child, but she felt a connection with Saiyan that was long since dead. He had changed her life twenty-seven years ago. Unfortunately, he died this day that same year. As she remembered back to the day, she thought of how it started, with a royal cousin of Vegeta visiting Earth.
A woman walked into Vulcan's room, and activated the light panel. The light was blinding at first, so she could not see details of the contents. As her eyes adjusted to the room, she saw the bed, with a Saiyan passed out laying on it. Vulcan was still wearing his armor, and looked as though he drifted off as soon as he made contact with the bed. She scoffs, and spins around, walking out of the room. She walks down the hallways for a few minutes, until she reaches a door marked "Nappa" and stands to the right side.
"So Lenora," came from the man to the left of the door, "what did Vulcan-sama want from you? You seemed to be out of there quickly. Hardly anything could happen that fast."
"He was asleep, so I don't know." Lenora seemed disappointed, but the guard could not tell.
"Well, are you going to see what it was in the morning?"
"Mayhaps, did you hear about the tournament results for today? Kurilin took out that Pintar in ten seconds!" Lenora enjoyed talking about fights she heard about, or watched.
"Yeah, and then that Spopovitch smashed Stiener's head like a watermelon!" The other guard also enjoyed watching the tournament. He thought that Vegeta really had a great idea creating this tournament. Most Saiyans he knew were excited about the tournament, and were also curious to see if a human might have the possibility to join the ranks of the Saiyans.
Just then, Nappa opened the door, and walked out. He looked at the male guard, and then at Lenora. "Can we help you Nappa-sama?" asked Lenora.
"I just received word that there will be an exhibition match at the tournament tomorrow." That was normally a statement that Nappa would have smiled after, but he wasn't.
"That's great," said the male guard, "though you don't look all that excited."
"Well Zetsumie, that's because I've also received word that there is rumor of an assassination attempt tomorrow." Nappa seemed displaced by his own words.
"On who?" questioned Lenora.
"Vegeta and myself. Seems as though some humans have it in their head that if they take out Vegeta, they will be able to take the Earth back for themselves. I want you both there to prevent that from happening."
"Hai," was the response from both Lenora and Zetsumie.
"Good, I expect both of you there tomorrow. And maybe Vulcan can help us too, though I have a feeling he might have something to do with it. The humans didn't seem this confidant until there was word of his arrival."
Lenora's feelings suddenly became mixed. She was worried for the Saiyans on Earth if Vegeta and Nappa were eliminated, but she also had this odd feeling towards Vulcan. If Vulcan had something to do with this "rebellion" then she was obligated to prevent it. But this feeling about Vulcan also told her that she shouldn't interfere with this. She pushed her feeling for Vulcan out of her head for the time being, and looked at Nappa. "Vulcan won't be a problem, not if all of us are there tomorrow."
"Only you, Zetsumie, Vegeta and myself are going to be there besides Vulcan. Any more would bring suspicion from the Humans, and we don't want to postpone the "rebellion" we want to quash it."
"Understood Nappa-sama. We'll have no problem with Vulcan and a few humans."
"Good," was Nappa's reply. Just then two more guards appeared, to take Lenora and Zetsumie's posts. "Well, I'm going to get some rest before tomorrow. Be prepared."
"Hai," Lenora and Zetsumie then let the new guards take their posts, and retreated to their rooms for the night.
That was a week before Vulcan died. Lenora looked to Nappa's room. He had been with Vegeta and Raditz for a while, though it seemed Vegeta was now gone, and Raditz and Nappa were traveling to the northwest city from the capital. She was no longer Nappa's guard, so she didn't need to follow him everywhere he went. After he went Super Saiyan, he cut her loose because he thought that bodyguards were no longer necessary. After all, who could take on a Super Saiyan?
Suddenly she noticed a very familiar Ki in the solar system. Lenora looked up and tried to focus on it. She opened her senses and her memories to determine who the energy belongs to. Once she realized who it was, her jaw slacked and she was caught by surprise. Her only response is:
"Vulcan is alive?"
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muses-of-the-memory · 4 years
Pintar arrives at the Kame House, and hopes to babysit Marron again as he knocks on the door. (@turkish-pintar)
Android 18 had been giving Krillin some dinner at the Kame House, and she had heard a knock on the door. When she opened, she saw the humongous Turkish man Pintar.
“Oh, it’s you again, Pintar.” She said.
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