#pink fish carp eggs
mousetoe-wc · 7 months
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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mariacallous · 20 days
Some see gefilte fish as a delicacy, others as something too disgusting to contemplate. Either way, it would probably appear on most people’s short list of classic Ashkenazi foods. For good reason. It’s been part of the Eastern European Jewish diet for hundreds of years.
The funny thing is that gefilte fish didn’t start out as a Jewish food. The first mention of gefuelten hechden (stuffed pike) comes from a 700-year-old, non-Jewish, German cookbook. In it, poached and mashed fish was flavored with herbs and seeds, stuffed back into the fish skin from which it came, and roasted. It was a popular dish for Catholics during Lent, when eating meat was forbidden.
By the Middle Ages, that Catholic dish had migrated into the Jewish kitchen under the moniker gefilte (stuffed) fish. The rabbis considered fish to be the perfect food to kick off a Sabbath or holiday meal, since fish symbolize the coming of the Messiah and fertility. Plus, for the Jewish communities in Germany and Eastern Europe, it was easy to gain access to the fresh, sweet fish that is ground to make the dish. They were surrounded by well-stocked rivers, streams, and lakes.
Gefilte fish even satisfied some religious commandments. It is prohibited to light a fire and begin cooking on the Sabbath and most holidays. Gefilte fish, happily, can be made in advance of the Sabbath day, chilled, and eaten cold. There is also an injunction against picking bones from flesh on the Sabbath, as one might do when eating fish. With gefilte fish, you get the fish without the bones.
The downside of gefilte fish is that it takes a lot of time to prepare. That pain, though, is offset with economic gain: You need a relatively small amount of fish to feed many. Before the ground fish is cooked, it is mixed with seasonings, egg, and either bread or matzah meal to bind it and stretch the fish a little further. In poor families, the family cook might ask the fishmonger for just the fish head, skin, and bones. The skin would be stuffed with bread and other fillers, the bones and head would flavor the broth.
Given how time consuming it was to grind the fish and then return it to the skin, a new kind of stuffed fish eventually emerged — one that wasn’t stuffed at all. The name remained; the method changed. Fish was shaped into patties and poached in a seasoned fish broth.
Over time, gefilte fish became synonymous with the shtetl and with Sabbath and holiday meals. There were many permutations to the dish, some of which signaled where you were from. German Jews made it out of pike. Polish Jews used carp and/or whitefish. British Jews used saltwater fish like cod or haddock. Jews from southern Poland and northern Ukraine served a sweetened fish, since sugar beets were plentiful there. Lithuanian gefilte fish was heavy on the pepper. The Jews of Russia and Belarus put beets in their poaching liquid for a pink-tinged fish and broth.
As the Eastern European Jews left their shtetls, they brought their cuisine with them. Many of us have heard stories of fresh carp swimming in bathtubs on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. They were purchased from the fishmonger early in the week and left to frolic in the tub before their home sacrifice. Thursday’s fresh carp became Friday night’s first course. And it heralded the start of the Passover seder, too.
Over time, gefilte fish lost some of its appeal. Did you really want a carp in your bathtub waiting for its end? Did you really want your home reeking of the malodorous scent of fish? For some, preparing it was a triumph of old school cuisine. Others were happy to move on.
And that’s when some enterprising Jewish businessmen moved in to fill the gefilte fish void.
Shortly before the Second World War, Sidney Leibner, the son of a fish store owner, began selling ready-made gefilte fish under the name Mother’s Fish Products —first canned, and later in glass bottles. Mother’s was joined by Manischewitz, Mrs. Adler’s, Rokeach, and others. Old World met New in mass-produced jars of gefilte fish.
The bottled stuff was just palatable, but in the late 1970s, consumers were offered the chance to make their own, fresh gefilte fish without the fuss, muss, and odor: frozen loaves of ready-made gefilte fish swam in to save the day. All you had to do was boil water with carrots, onions, and celery, then pop in the frozen loaf.
As many of us have begun to look back to our roots, the food of the shtetl has made a comeback in recent years. Millennials Jeffrey Yoskowitz and Liz Alpern are leading the way with “their mission to reimagine Eastern European cuisine.” Their cookbook, “The Gefilte Manifesto,” is filled with old-world recipes including herbed gefilte fish, baked terrines of fish, and poached gefilte “quenelles,” as well as the original deal: Old World Stuffed Gefilte Fish.
As author Stephen King once wrote, “Sooner or later, everything old is new again.” As it is with life, so it is with gefilte fish.
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
Prefix Meanings - C
Calm - “Not showing or feeling strong emotions.” A calm cat; A quiet / stealthy cat
Canary - “A yellow finch with a melodious song.” A small cat; A yellow cat; A vocal cat; A cat who is musically gifted
Cardinal - “A songbird of the bunting family with a stout bill; the male is partly or mostly red in color.” A red cat; A vocal cat; A noticeable cat; A vain cat; A dramatic cat
Carp - “A deep-bodied freshwater fish, typically with barbels around the mouth.” A large cat; A grey cat; A yellow cat; A dark-furred cat; A spotted tabby; A speckled cat; A muscular cat; A strong cat
Cave / Cavern - “A large underground chamber, typically of natural origin, in a hillside or cliff.” A dark-furred cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; An introverted cat
Cedar - “Any of a number of conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber.” A brown cat; A reddish-brown cat; A sturdy cat; A cat with spiky fur
Chaffinch - “A finch with a bluish top to the head and dark wings and tail.” A brown cat; A cat with a dark back and tail; A vocal cat; A stealthy cat; A shy cat
Char / Charred - “Partially burn so as to blacken its surface.” A black cat; A grey cat; A dark-furred cat; A temperamental cat
Chasing - “Pursue in order to catch or catch up with.” An active cat; A playful cat
Cherry - “A small, round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red.” A red cat; A brown cat; A cheerful cat; An outgoing cat; A friendly cat
Chervil - “A plant of the parsley family, with small white flowers and delicate fern-like leaves that are used as a culinary herb.” A small cat; A gentle cat; An elegant cat; A calm cat; A quiet / stealthy cat
Chestnut - “A glossy brown nut that may be roasted and eaten ; A large tree that produces the edible chestnut, with serrated leaves and heavy timber.” A brown cat; A cat with spiky fur; A tough cat; A defensive cat
Chick - “A young bird, especially one newly hatched.” A small cat; A vocal cat
Chickadee - “A titmouse with a distinctive black cap and throat.” A small cat; A grey and black cat
Chicken - “A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat.” A skilled forager; A social cat; A loyal cat; A parental cat
Chipmunk - “A burrowing ground squirrel with cheek pouches and light and dark stripes running down the body.” A small cat; A brown cat; A tabby; A skilled tunneler
Chirp - “A short, sharp, high-pitched sound.” A vocal cat; A curious cat
Chive - “A widely cultivated plant related to the onion, with purple-pink flowers and dense tufts of long tubular leaves that are used as a culinary herb.” An elegant cat; A graceful cat; A cat with tufted ears
Chrysalis - “A dormant insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth.” A brown cat; A white cat; A grey cat; A tan cat; A dark-furred cat; A black cat; A tabby cat; A cat with great potential
Cicada - “A large insect with long transparent wings, occurring chiefly in warm countries. The male cicada makes a loud shrill droning noise.” A brown cat; A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A vocal cat
Cinder - “A small piece of partly burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it.” A grey cat; A black cat; A dark-furred cat
Cinnamon - “A warm, medium shade of brown.” A brown cat
Clay - “A stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. It can be molded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics.” A grey cat; A brown cat; A reddish-brown cat; A blue cat; A flexible cat
Clear - "Transparent; unclouded." A white cat; A very pale cat; An honest cat
Cliff - "A steep rock face." A daring cat; An adventurous cat; An impulsive cat; A cautious cat
Cloud / Clouded / Cloudy - “A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground.” A white cat; A grey cat; A graceful cat; A fluffy cat; A soft-furred cat; A daydreamer; A cat who is prone to wandering
Clover - “A plant in the pea family that has leaves that are typically three-lobed.” A kind cat; A sweet cat; A friendly cat; A social cat
Coal - “A combustible black or dark brown rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits and widely used as fuel.” A black cat; A dark grey cat
Cod - "A large marine fish with a small barbel on the chin." A large cat; A pale cat; A golden cat; A yellow cat; grey cat; A brown cat; A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A spotted cat
Cold - "Of or at a low or relatively low temperature ; Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; Unemotional." An aloof cat; A stoic cat; A temperamental cat
Comet - "A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun." A swift cat; A daydreamer; A noticeable cat; A bold cat
Comfrey - "A plant in the borage family, with large hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or white bell-shaped flowers." A blue cat; A pale grey cat; A white cat; A fluffy cat; A tall cat
Condor - "A large vulture with a bare head and mainly black plumage, living in mountainous places and spending much time soaring." A large cat; A black cat; A black and white cat; An aggressive cat; An intimidating cat
Conifer - "A tree that bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen." A large cat; A brown cat; A spiky-furred cat; A protective cat; A defensive cat
Copper - “A red-brown colour.” A reddish-brown cat
Cormorant - "A large diving bird with a long neck, long hooked bill, short legs, and mainly dark plumage. It typically breeds on coastal cliffs and is noted for its voracious appetite." A large cat; A black cat; A skilled diver; A skilled fisher; A skilled climber
Cornflower - "A slender Eurasian plant with flowers that are typically a deep, vivid blue." A slender cat; A blue cat; A grey cat; A black cat; A white cat; An attractive cat; A cheerful cat; A cat who stands out; A bold cat; A gentle cat; An elegant cat
Corvid - "A bird of the crow family." A black cat; A black and white cat; A blue cat; A brown cat; A cat with glossy / sleek fur; An intelligent cat; A vocal cat
Cotton - “A soft white fibrous substance that surrounds the seeds of a tropical and subtropical plant; the plant that is commercially grown for cotton products.” A white cat; A pale cat; A cat with thick fur; A cat with soft fur
Cougar - "A large wild cat with a plain tawny to grayish coat." A large cat; A golden-brown cat; A fierce cat; A noble cat
Cove - "A small sheltered bay." A small cat; A calm cat; An introverted cat
Coyote - "A wild dog that resembles the wolf." A brown cat; A grey cat; A grey-brown cat; A reddish-brown cat; A playful cat; A social cat; A friendly cat; An intelligent cat
Crab - “A crustacean with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers.” A red cat; An orange cat; A tough cat; A defensive cat
Crane - “A tall, long-legged, long-necked bird, typically with white or gray plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head.” A white cat; A tall cat; A long-legged cat; A persistent cat
Crawfish / Crayfish - “A nocturnal freshwater crustacean that resembles a small lobster and inhabits streams and rivers.” A small cat; A brown cat; A red cat; A tough cat; A defensive cat; A protective cat
Cream - “A very pale yellow or off-white color.” A pale cat; A cream cat
Creek - “A stream, brook, or minor tributary of a river.” A cat with winding markings; A calm cat; A vocal cat
Creeping - “Growing along the ground or other surface by means of extending stems or branches; to move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.” A quiet / stealthy cat; A skilled hunter
Cricket - “An insect related to the grasshoppers; the male produces a rhythmic chirping sound.” A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A long-legged cat; A vocal cat; A swift cat
Crimson - "Of a rich deep red color." A dark red cat
Crocodile - "A large predatory semi aquatic reptile, distinguished by long jaws, short legs, and a powerful tail." A large cat; A dark-furred cat; A tabby cat; A skilled hunter; A stealthy cat; A fierce cat; A strong cat
Crooked - "Bent or twisted out of shape or out of place." A tabby cat; A cat with crooked stripes
Crouch - “Adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down.” A small cat; A skilled hunter; A mischievous cat; A playful cat
Crow - “A large bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice.” A black cat; A dark-furred cat; An intelligent cat; A cat with glossy / shiny fur
Cuckoo - “A medium-sized long-tailed bird, typically with a gray or brown back and barred or pale underparts.” A grey cat; A brown cat; A cat with white spots; A cat with pointed features; A cat with a particularly long tail
Curlew - “A large wading bird of the sandpiper family, with a long down-curved bill, brown streaked plumage, and frequently a distinctive ascending two-note call.” A brown cat; A speckled cat; A speckled tabby; A tall cat; A protective cat; A cat prone to wandering
Cygnet - “A young swan.” A white cat; A grey cat; A fluffy cat; A youthful / childish cat
Cypress - “An evergreen coniferous tree with small rounded woody cones and flattened shoots bearing small needle-like leaves.” A brown cat; A spiky-furred cat; A defensive cat; A slender cat
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- C
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Campion-: "[noun] a plant of the pink family, typically having pink or white flowers with notched petals, found in both Eurasia and North America"
Canary-: "[noun] a mainly African finch with a melodious song, typically having yellowish-green plumage. One kind is popular as a pet bird and has been bred in a variety of colors, especially bright yellow"
Carapace-: "[noun] the hard upper shell of a turtle, crustacean, or arachnid; [noun] something regarded as a protective or defensive covering"
Cardinal-: "[noun] a New World songbird of the bunting family, with a stout bill and typically with a conspicuous crest. The male is partly or mostly red in color"
Carmine-: "[noun] a vivid crimson color"
Carnation-: "[noun] a double-flowered cultivated variety of clove pink, with gray-green leaves and showy pink, white, or red flowers"
Carp-: "[noun] a deep-bodied freshwater fish, typically with barbels around the mouth"
Catalpa-: "[noun] a tree with large heart-shaped leaves, clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers, and long, slender seed pods, native to North America and eastern Asia"
Caterpillar-: "[noun] the larva of a butterfly or moth, having a segmented wormlike body with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of appendages similar to legs. Caterpillars may be hairy, have warning coloration, or be colored to resemble their surroundings"
Cave-: "[noun] a large underground chamber, typically of natural origin, in a hillside or cliff"
Cavern-: "[noun] a cave, or a chamber in a cave, typically a large one"
Cedar-: "[noun] any of a number of conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber"
Chaffinch-: "[noun] a Eurasian and North African finch, typically with a bluish top to the head and dark wings and tail"
Chalk-: "[noun] a soft white limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures"
Chamomile-: "[noun] an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow flowers"
Chanterelle-: "[noun] an edible woodland mushroom with a yellow funnel-shaped cap and a faint smell of apricots, found in both Eurasia and North America"
Cheetah-: "[noun] a large spotted cat found in Africa and parts of Asia. It is the fastest animal on land"
Cherry-: "[noun] a small, round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red; [noun] the tree that bears the cherry fruit"
Chervil-: "[noun] a plant of the parsley family, with small white flowers and delicate fernlike leaves"
Chrysalis-: "[noun] a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth"
Chestnut-: "[noun] a glossy brown nut that may be roasted and eaten; [noun] the large European tree that produces the edible chestnut, which develops within a bristly case, with serrated leaves and heavy timber"
Chick-: "[noun] a young bird, especially one newly hatched"
Chickadee-: "[noun] a North American titmouse, in particular: the black-capped chickadee, with distinctive black cap and throat, and the similar but smaller Carolina chickadee"
Chicken-: "a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one"
Chicory-: "[noun] a blue-flowered Mediterranean plant of the daisy family, cultivated for its edible salad leaves and carrot-shaped root"
Chime-: "[noun] a melodious ringing sound, as produced by striking a bell; [verb] to make melodious ringing sounds"
Chinchilla-: "[noun] a small South American rodent with soft gray fur and a long bushy tail; [noun] a cat or rabbit of a breed with silver-gray or gray fur"
Chipmunk-: "[noun] a burrowing ground squirrel with cheek pouches and light and dark stripes running down the body, found in North America and northern Eurasia"
Chirp-: "[verb] (typically of a small bird or an insect) utter a short, sharp, high-pitched sound; [noun] a short, sharp, high-pitched sound"
Chive-: "[noun] a widely cultivated small Eurasian plant related to the onion, with purple-pink flowers and dense tufts of long tubular leaves"
Cicada-: "[noun] a large homopterous insect with long transparent wings, occurring chiefly in warm countries. The male cicada makes a loud shrill droning noise by vibrating two membranes on its abdomen"
Cinder-: "[noun] a small piece of partly burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it"
Cinnamon-: "[noun] an aromatic spice made from the peeled, dried, and rolled bark of a Southeast Asian tree; [noun] the tree which yields cinnamon"
Clam-: "[noun] a marine bivalve mollusk with shells of equal size"
Clay-: "[noun] a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil"
Clear-: "[adj] transparent; unclouded"
Cliff-: "[noun] a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea"
Cloud-: "[noun] a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground"
Cloudberry-: "[noun] a dwarf bramble that has white flowers and edible orange fruit and that grows on the mountains and moorlands of northern Eurasia and northern North America; [noun] the fruit of the cloudberry plant"
Clouded-: "[verb] (of the sky) become overcast with clouds (past tense); [verb] make or become less clear or transparent (past tense)"
Cloudy-: "[adj] (of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds; overcast; [adj] not transparent or clear"
Clove-: "[noun] the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as a pungent aromatic spice; [noun] the Indonesian tree from which cloves are obtained"
Clover-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant of the pea family that has dense, globular flower heads, and leaves that are typically three-lobed"
Cobweb-: "[noun] a spider's web"
Coal-: "[noun] a combustible black or dark brown rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits"
Coast-: "[noun] the part of the land near the sea; the edge of the land"
Cobalt-: "[noun] short for cobalt blue"
Cod-: "[noun] a large marine fish with a small barbel on the chin"
Cold-: "[noun] a low temperature, especially in the atmosphere, cold weather, a cold environment; [adj] of or at a low or relatively low temperature"
Coltsfoot-: "[noun] a Eurasian plant of the daisy family, with yellow flowers that appear in early spring, followed by large, heart-shaped leaves"
Comet-: "[noun] a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun"
Comfrey-: "[noun] a Eurasian plant of the borage family, with large hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or white bell-shaped flowers"
Condor-: "[noun] a large New World vulture with a bare head and mainly black plumage, living in mountainous country and spending much time soaring"
Cone-: "[noun] the dry fruit of a conifer, typically tapering to a rounded end and formed of a tight array of overlapping scales on a central axis which separate to release the seeds"
Conifer-: "[noun] a tree that bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen"
Coot-: "[noun] any of various slaty-black birds of the rail family that somewhat resemble ducks and have lobed toes and the upper mandible prolonged on the forehead as a horny frontal shield"
Copper-: "[noun] a reddish-brown color resembling the color of polished copper"
Coral-: "[noun] an essentially leafless Mexican shrub like a rush with bright-red flowers"
Coralbell-: "[noun] a perennial alumroot widely cultivated for its feathery spikes of tiny usually reddish bell-shaped flowers"
Cormorant-: "[noun] a large diving bird with a long neck, long hooked bill, short legs, and mainly dark plumage"
Corn-: "[noun] a North American cereal plant that yields large grains, or kernels, set in rows on a cob"
Corvid-: "[noun] a bird of the crow family"
Cotton-: "[noun] a soft white fibrous substance that surrounds the seeds of a tropical and subtropical plant and is used as textile fiber and thread for sewing; [noun] the plant that is commercially grown for cotton products"
Cougar-: "[noun] a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to grayish coat"
Cove-: "[noun] a small sheltered bay"
Cow-: "[noun] a fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of ox, kept to produce milk or beef"
Coyote-: "[noun] a wild dog that resembles the wolf, native to North America"
Crab-: "[noun] a crustacean with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers"
Crane-: "[noun] any large wading bird of the family Gruidae, characterized by long legs, bill, and neck and an elevated hind toe"
Crayfish-: "[noun] a nocturnal freshwater crustacean that resembles a small lobster and inhabits streams and rivers"
Cream-: "[noun] the thick white or pale yellow fatty liquid which rises to the top when milk is left to stand; [noun] a pale yellowish color that is close to white"
Creek-: "[noun] a stream, brook, or minor tributary of a river"
Crescent-: "[noun] the curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon"
Cricket-: "[noun] an insect related to the grasshoppers. The male produces a characteristic rhythmical chirping sound"
Crimson-: "[noun] a rich deep red color inclining to purple; [adj] of a rich deep red color inclining to purple"
Crooked-: "[adj] bent or twisted out of shape or out of place"
Crow-: "[noun] a large bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice"
Crowberry-: "[noun] an evergreen subshrub of subtemperate regions with an inedible tasteless black berry; [noun] the fruit of the crowberry shrub"
Crystal-: "[noun] a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces"
Cuckoo-: "[noun] a medium-sized long-tailed bird, typically with a gray or brown back and barred or pale underparts. Many cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of small songbirds"
Curl-: "[noun] something having a spiral or inwardly curved form, especially a lock of hair; [verb] form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape"
Curlew-: "[noun] a large wading bird of the sandpiper family, with a long down-curved bill, brown streaked plumage, and frequently a distinctive ascending two-note call"
Curly-: "[adj] made, growing, or arranged in curls or curves"
Currant-: "[noun] a small dried fruit made from a seedless variety of grape originally grown in the eastern Mediterranean region; [noun] a Eurasian shrub which produces small edible black, red, or white berries"
Cyclone-: "[noun] a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure; [noun] another term for a tropical storm"
Cygnet-: "[noun] a baby swan"
Cypress-: "[noun] an evergreen coniferous tree with small rounded woody cones and flattened shoots bearing small scale-like leaves"
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greekcookingmadeeasy · 8 months
Fish Roe Salad/Dip Aka Taramosalata With Black Ink And Stir-Fried Prawns
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Fish Roe Salad/Dip aka Taramosalata with black ink and stir-fried Prawns - Taramosalata me melani Soupias kai Garides tiganites
BY: Greek Cooking Made Easy                          
SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/greekcookingmadeeasy
Check My YouTube Video: HERE
Κοιτάξτε Επίσης Την Συνταγή Μου Σε YouTube Βίντεο, Το Λίνκ Είναι: ΕΔΩ
5-6 25 min.
Potato: 30 min. Moderate
Prawns: 4 min.
Taramosalata is the famous Greek, fluffy pink dip, a very tasty, salty and creamy dip/salad made out of tarama. Tarama is the Greek "caviar", the roe (i.e. tiny eggs) of either cod, carp or mullet.
For those who enjoy Taramosalata, this is the black, special, chic version made with potatoes! If you wonder how that color is achieved, you add black cuttlefish ink in the dip.
And then you serve it with stir-fried, caramelized prawns for a heavenly, exceptional meze.
Suitable for fasting.
Ingredients for the Taramosalata:
· 70 gr. / 2.5 oz Tarama (fish roe)
· 300 gr. / 10.5 oz / 1 large Potato or 2 medium size
· 1/4 cup / 50-60 ml fresh Lime Juice (or lemon)
· 15 ml / 1 tbsp. Onion, sweet variety
· almost 1 cup / 230 ml. Vegetable Oil (or light Olive Oil)
· 1 tbsp. Dill, finely chopped
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Ingredients for the Stir-fried Prawns and to make dip black:
· 200 gr. / 7 oz Prawns, frozen and thawed (headless, deveined)
· 30 ml / 2 tbsp. Olive oil
· 25 ml Soya Sauce
· 1 tbsp. fresh Coriander, finely chopped (for garnishing)
· 15 ml / 1 tbsp. Black cuttlefish ink
· 30 ml / 2 tbsp. Water, lukewarm
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A. Make the Taramosalata:
Tip: When buying tarama you should make sure it has a pleasant, spicy, salty smell and doesn’t smell rancid or “fishy”. There are 2 types of tarama: pink and white and you can use either to make Taramosalata (white being the most expensive but best quality).
Start by boiling the potato with its skin.
From the moment the water starts bubbling, lower heat and boil the potato for about 25'-30'.
Test if it's ready by inserting a large toothpick or skewer: it should come right through without problem.
Remove from heat and let potato cool down completely for an hour.
Then peel potato and cut it in slices.
Place potato slices in the bowl of an electric mixer (or blender) with the whisk attachment.
Add a bit of oil and start beating them together at medium speed.
When potatoes have started turning into mash, add the tarama (fish roe), lime juice and chopped onion in the mixer as well.
10.Continue beating (or blending), adding gradually the rest of the oil and the chopped dill.
11.Continue for about 10' more or until potato is completely mashed and dissolved in the dip and all ingredients are well blended together.
12.Stop the mixer.
13.Mix the dip a little bit with a spoon too.
14.Dissolve the black ink in a bowl with 2 tbsp. lukewarm water.
15.Add the dissolved black ink in the dip and mix them vigorously together for a min. or so until they are blended well and Taramosalata turns black.
16.Taramosalata is now ready! Pour it in an oval bowl and store it in the fridge covered with plastic wrap. It needs to chill for at least 2-3 h before serving.
B. Stir-fry the prawns:
17.Just before serving, place a pan or wok over high heat, pouring in the olive oil.
18.When it heats up, place the prawns in the pan and stir-fry them for 2' on one side, adding also the soya sauce. Stir to mix it in.
19.Flip prawns and stir-fry them on the other side as well.
20.When prawns are dark and caramelized, remove from heat, placing them immediately on one side of a round, large platter.
21.On the other side, place the oval bowl with the Taramosalata dip.
22.Finish by garnishing the chilled, black Taramosalata by placing the last 3-4 fried prawns on top.
C. Serving suggestion:
23.Serve Taramosalata with the stir-fried prawns, by decorating on top with some finely chopped fresh coriander.
Accompany it with warm homemade Lagana Flatbread (with tahini) as an exceptional Ouzo meze!
Enjoy this delicious, unique Greek dip!!
D. Storage info:
Taramosalata can be prepared ahead of time and be stored covered in the fridge for up to 1 week. Prawns need to be fried and consumed at the last minute.
E. General info about the process of getting tarama (Greek caviar):
Eggs are first removed from the fish, salted generously and then placed in barrels where they remain for a few days until they mature. Then, after removing the membrane that surrounds them, they are mixed and the result is the well-known product that we get from the supermarket or the grocery store.
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Check my YouTube Video: HERE
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Ταραμοσαλάτα με μελάνι σουπιάς και Γαρίδες Τηγανιτές
BY: Greek Cooking Made Easy
SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/greekcookingmadeeasy
5-6 25 min.
Πατάτα: 30 min. Μέτριο
Γαρίδες: 4 min.
Η Ταραμοσαλάτα είναι η διάσημη Ελληνική, αφράτη ροζ σαλάτα, μια πεντανόστιμη, αλμυρή και κρεμώδης σαλάτα/ντίπ φτιαγμένη από ταραμά. Ο ταραμάς είναι το ελληνικό "χαβιάρι", το αυγοτάραχο (δηλαδή τα μικροσκοπικά αυγά) είτε του βακαλάου, κυπρίνου ή μπαρμπουνιού.
Για όσους απολαμβάνουν την Ταραμοσαλάτα, αυτή είναι η μαύρη, σπέσιαλ, σικάτη εκδοχή φτιαγμένη με πατάτες! Αν αναρωτιέστε πώς επιτυγχάνεται αυτό το χρώμα, γίνεται προσθέτοντας μαύρο μελάνι σουπιάς.
Και μετά τη σερβίρετε με τηγανιτές, καραμελωμένες γαρίδες για έναν παραδεισένιο, εξαίσιο μεζέ.
Κατάλληλη για νηστεία.
Υλικά για την Ταραμοσαλάτα:
70 γρ. / 2,5 oz Ταραμάς
300 γρ. / 10,5 oz / 1 μεγάλη Πατάτα ή 2 μεσαίου μεγέθους
1/4 φλ. / 50-60 ml φρέσκος χυμός Λάιμ (ή λεμόνι)
15 ml / 1 κ.σ. ξερό, γλυκό Κρεμμύδι
σχεδόν 1 φλ. / 230 ml. Φυτικό Λάδι (ή ελαφρύ ελαιόλαδο)
1 κ.σ. Άνηθος, ψιλοκομμένος
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Υλικά για τις τηγανητές γαρίδες και για τη μαύρη Ταραμοσαλάτα:
200 γρ. / 7 oz Γαρίδες μεγάλες, κατεψυγμένες και αποψυγμένες (ακέφαλες και καθαρισμένες από το εντεράκι)
30 ml / 2 κ.σ. Ελαιόλαδο
25 ml Σάλτσα Σόγιας
1 κ.σ. φρέσκος Κόλιανδρος, ψιλοκομμένος (για το γαρνίρισμα)
15 ml / 1 κ.σ. Μαύρο μελάνι σουπιάς
30 ml / 2 κ.σ. Νερό, χλιαρό
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Α. Φτιάξτε την Ταραμοσαλάτα:
Συμβουλή: Όταν αγοράζετε ταραμά πρέπει να βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχει μια ευχάριστη, πικάντικη, αλμυρή μυρωδιά και δεν μυρίζει ταγκίλα ή ψαρίλα. Υπάρχουν 2 τύποι ταραμά: ροζ και άσπρος και μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε οποιοδήποτε από τους δύο για να φτιάξετε Ταραμοσαλάτα (ο άσπρος Ταραμάς είναι ακριβότερος πάντως αλλά καλύτερης ποιότητας).
Ξεκινήστε βράζοντας την πατάτα με τη φλούδα της.
Από τη στιγμή που το νερό αρχίσει να κοχλάζει, χαμηλώστε τη φωτιά και βράστε την πατάτα για 25'-30' περίπου.
Δοκιμάστε αν είναι έτοιμη τρυπώντας τη με μια μεγάλη οδοντογλυφίδα ή σουβλάκι: πρέπει να τη διαπερνά χωρίς πρόβλημα.
Αποσύρετε από τη φωτιά και αφήστε την πατάτα να κρυώσει εντελώς για μία ώρα.
Στη συνέχεια ξεφλουδίστε την πατάτα και κόψτε τη σε φέτες.
Τοποθετήστε τις φέτες στο μπολ ενός ηλεκτρικού μίξερ (ή μπλέντερ) με το εξάρτημα σύρμα.
Προσθέστε λίγο λάδι και αρχίστε να τα χτυπάμε μαζί σε μέτρια ταχύτητα.
Μόλις οι πατάτες αρχίσουν να γίνονται πουρές, προσθέστε στο μίξερ τον ταραμά, το χυμό λάιμ και το ψιλοκομμένο κρεμμύδι.
Συνεχίστε το ανακάτεμα, προσθέτοντας αργά και σταδιακά το υπόλοιπο λάδι και τον ψιλοκομμένο άνηθο.
Συνεχίστε για περίπου 10' ακόμα ή μέχρι να λιώσει τελείως η πατάτα και να διαλυθεί στο ντιπ και όλα τα υλικά να αναμειχθούν καλά.
Σταματήστε το μίξερ.
Ανακατέψτε λίγο το ντιπ και με ένα κουτάλι.
Διαλύστε το μαύρο μελάνι σε ένα μπολ με 2 κ.σ. χλιαρό νερό.
Προσθέστε το διαλυμένο μαύρο μελάνι στο ντιπ και ανακατέψτε τα δυνατά μαζί για ένα λεπτό περίπου μέχρι να ομογενοποιηθούν και η Ταραμοσαλάτα να γίνει μαύρη.
Η Ταραμοσαλάτα είναι πλέον έτοιμη! Αδειάστε τη σε ένα οβάλ μπολ και φυλάξτε τη στο ψυγείο καλυμμένη με πλαστική μεμβράνη. Πρέπει να κρυώσει για τουλάχιστον 2-3 ώρες πριν το σερβίρισμα.
Β. Τηγανίστε τις γαρίδες:
Λίγο πριν σερβίρετε, βάλτε ένα τηγάνι ή γουόκ πάνω από δυνατή φωτιά, ρίχνοντας μέσα το ελαιόλαδο.
Μόλις ζεσταθεί, ρίξτε τις γαρίδες στο τηγάνι και τσιγαρίστε τις για 2' από τη μία πλευρά, προσθέτοντας και τη σάλτσα σόγιας. Ανακατέψτε για να αναμειχθεί.
Αναποδογυρίστε τις γαρίδες και τηγανίστε τις και από την άλλη πλευρά.
Μόλις οι γαρίδες πάρουν χρώμα και καραμελώσουν, αποσύρετε τις από τη φωτιά, τοποθετώντας τις αμέσως στη μία πλευρά μιας στρογγυλής, μεγάλης πιατέλας.
Από την άλλη πλευρά, βάλτε το οβάλ μπολ με τη Ταραμοσαλάτα.
Ολοκληρώστε γαρνίροντας την κρύα, μαύρη Ταραμοσαλάτα ρίχνοντας από πάνω της τις τελευταίες 3-4 τηγανητές γαρίδες.
Γ. Πρόταση σερβιρίσματος:
Σερβίρετε την Ταραμοσαλάτα με τις τηγανιτές γαρίδες, διακοσμώντας από πάνω με λίγο κόλιανδρο ψιλοκομμένο.
Συνοδέψτε τη με ζεστή σπιτική Λαγάνα (με ταχίνι) σαν ένα εξαιρετικό ουζομεζέ!
Απολαύστε αυτό το νόστιμο, μοναδικό Ελληνικό ντιπ!!
Δ. Πληροφορίες φύλαξης:
Η ταραμοσαλάτα μπορεί να ετοιμαστεί εκ των προτέρων και να διατηρηθεί σκεπασμένη στο ψυγείο για έως και 1 εβδομάδα. Οι γαρίδες πρέπει να τηγανιστούν και να φαγωθούν την τελευταία στιγμή.
Ε. Γενικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη διαδικασία λήψης του ταραμά:
Τα αυγά αφαιρούνται πρώτα από τα ψάρια, αλατίζονται γενναιόδωρα και στη συνέχεια τοποθετούνται σε βαρέλια όπου μένουν για λίγες μέρες μέχρι να ωριμάσουν. Στη συνέχεια, μετά την αφαίρεση της μεμβράνης που τους περιβάλλει, αναμειγνύονται και το αποτέλεσμα είναι το γνωστό προϊόν που παίρνουμε από το σούπερ μάρκετ ή το παντοπωλείο.👌
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Κοιτάξτε επίσης την συνταγή μου σε YouTube βίντεο, το λίνκ είναι: ΕΔΩ
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Diet nr 10 .Recommending products, dishes.
 Soups cereal, vegetable, fruit, milk, on 1/2 portion for method. Fatness meat, fish,  of veal, beef, rabbit, cleaned from tensions, boiled, steamed, after frying. baking, carp of, cod, boiled as after frying.
Eggs dishes natural, 2 pieces/week, for dish, of white eggs, stewed, baked, omelets, snowflakes, meringues, fruit sauces, white, frying not, with fromage, tomato juice, spices as cinnamon, pink, bay leaf, fresh, dry greens, dill, leafs of petroselinum,  celery.
Porridge oats rubbing.
300 gr ready dish a milk 150 gr, water 110 gr, oats flakes 40 gr, sugar 7 gr, butter oil 5 gr.
Proteins 9.4 gr, fats 11.4 gr, carbohydrates 40.3 gr, energy value 286.7 kcal.
Dish use for diets nr 1, 1 b, 2,3, 4 b, 5 a, 5 p,  7-10, 7 b, 10 i.
Krupenik  porridge of buckwheat,
For 175 gr a ready dish are curd fat non 100 gr, buckwheat 50 gr, sugar 10 gr, egg 1/4 piece, butter oil 5 gr.
Proteins 25.2 gr, fats 7.5 gr, carbohydrates 41.4 gr, energy value 302.1 kkal, dish use for diets nr 1,2, 3, 4 b, 5, 5 a, 7-10, 10 c, 11, 15, 9 as sugar-free.
Carrot Korean.
Without a harmful cholesterol.
4 carrots, 2 onions, 2 garlics, 5 tbl.sp. sunflower oil, one tbl.sp. vinegar, read, black pepper grinded, 1/2 tea.sp. coriander, salt.
Carrot shred, salt, infuse at room, min 20, with hands knead carrot till juice, wash boiled water.Add vinegar, shred onion, add to carrot, sprinkle with pepper. Boil lead to a oil, add in carrot, sprinkle chopped garlic. Add grinded pepper black, coriander by taste. Mix all, add in jar of glass, at room keep opened for day. When carrot good  cooling put her as portions in salad dish and decorate green of petroselinum, olives or marinade cucumbers.
Diet nr 10.
Milk, milk products as natural whole milk, if a good enduring and sour milk, yogurts, natural curd, fromage, creams in dishes as for a calculation fats norms. Boiled and raw vegetables, pumpkin, beet, cauliflower, potato, limiting peas green, cabbage white, raw as ripe tomatoes, salad, cucumbers, shredding carrot, fresh greens, as dill, petroselinum.
And for cook omelet add in egg milk, shake, add in  form, spreaded with oil, and put in oven. As of white eggs shaken with milk, cook white eggs omelets.
Omelet natural stewed.
90 gr ready dish a egg one, milk 80 gr, butter oil 2 gr.
Proteins 6.8 gr, fats 8.2 gr, carbohydrates 3.12 gr, energy value 116.6 kcal.
Diet use for nr 1, 1 a, 1 b, 2,3, 4, 4 b, 4 v, 5, 7-10,  10 a, 10 i, 10 c, 11,15
White egg omelet.
50 gr ready dish are 2 white eggs, milk 60 gr, butter oil 2 gr.
Proteins 7.3 gr, fats 8.7 gr, carbohydrates 3.2 gr, energy value 118.9 kcal.
Dish use for diets nr 5, 5 a, 5 p, 7-10, 10 i.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/LSHdoP9 via https://ift.tt/Z4BFjtC
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gameguides · 1 year
HARVESTELLA Shipping Ledger
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Welcome to our HARVESTELLA Shipping Ledger guide. We will add price/unit for various items when shipping. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the HARVESTELLA game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let's take you to our HARVESTELLA guide. #HARVESTELLA
HARVESTELLA Shipping Ledger
We will add price/unit for various items when shipping.
Price Guide
We'll sort A-Z later and export it to a spreadsheet for sorting options. Just Ctrl+F for now. The second number is for GOLD/HQ ingredients. Contributions are appreciated. Item Name Grilla/unit (G) - Monolite Fragment 20G - Hard Skin 100G - Firelight Fruit 20G - Berry Juice 20G - Hard Stone 20G - Hard Lumber 30G - Star Crystal 100G - Vegetable Juice 45G - Carrop 115G - Cucumble 200G - Stellar Wheat 55G - Unionion 195G 245G - Fur 100G - Natural Pick 100G - Return Bell 20G - Repair Kit 50G - Mountain Stir Fry 40G - Wild Leaf 20G 30G - Cool Berry 20G 30G - Little Mushroom 20G 30G - Meat 20G 30G - Lumber 20G - Small Flame Core 20G - Pyro Liquid 50G - Copper Ore 20G - Rusty Metal 20G - Dress Lettuce 85G 105G - Black Pearl 500G - Pink Aloe 20G 30G - Flour 180G - Aero Orb 20G - Gazing Carp 55G 70G - Woolum Feed 5G - Cluffowl Feed 5G - Milk 50G - Soft Cotton 20G - Memoriam 60G - Strawbuddy 130G - Roly Poly Prawn 65G 85G - Golden Egg Salmon 70G 90G - Grass 35G 45G - Clay 20G - Cool Leaf 20G 30G - Nemean Tomato 65G 95G - Tingle Radish 530G 1,100G - Azure Sprat 85G - Quotidicrab 45G 60G - Eversweet Fish 50G - Octopus Traveler 90G 115G - Rosy Seabream 70G 90G - Argene Cabbage 320G - Flour Mill 20G - Fermenting Barrel 20G - Numblemon 95G 120G - Islet Watermelon 4,600G - Rainbow Bean 40G - Morrocorn 400G 500G - Shatollan Paprika 110G 135G - Egg 50 - Black Pepper 335 - Sudor Pepper 250G - Revol Pepper 265G - Syrup 695 - Aloe Juice 20 - Princess Chestnut 60G - Grouply Grapes 85G - Seatide Garlic 1,000G 2,000G - Bellhop 45G 55G - Lethe Hamburger and Egg 130G - Tomato Juice 60G - Curry Herbs 350G 435G - Marigoldfish 90G 95G - Cherry Salmon 75G 95G - Frosty Herring 60G 75G - Chilly Pollock 135G - Great King Tuna 660G 825G - Super Grouper 120G - Natural Woold 200G - Splendid Horn 300G - Premium Feather 250G - Cotton Feather 150G - Argentian 120G 150G - Withered Crops 5G - Coconut Meat Stir Fry 2,125G - Lumpotato 120G 150G Read the full article
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Delicacies Destiny: Featured Dishes
Ep 1: Carp Jumps Over the Dragon Gate, Soft Scrambled Eggs, Honey Jade Melon Soup, Wrapped Rice
Ep 2: Minced Meat with Steamed Bun, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Thousand Blessings Meat, Mount Su, Steamed Pudding, Black Chicken Soup, Double Flavored Fish, Chili Longjing Shrimp, Taichi Tofu
Ep 3: Golden Fish Maw Soup, Red Hairy Crab Roe Sauce
Ep 4, 5, 6: Crab Roe Imitation Sauce with Silver Noodles, Tofu Skin Dumplings, Goose Feet and Duck Tongue, Steamed Pink Crabs, Spring Rolls, Stir Fried Vegetables, Braised Beef with Soybeans, Five Vegetable Plate, Cold Elixir Fruit, Melon Milk with Bubbles, Cherry with Yam, Squirrel Fish, Stir Fried Roasted Duck with Bird's Nest
Ep 7, 8, 9: Longqing Cakes, Steamed Lobster, Pigeon Soup with Ginseng, Dumplings of Seven Delights, Chicken with Eggs, Sesame Oil Vegetables, Rose Syrup, Imperial Jujubes, Stewed Cattail in Milk Soup, Chili Oil Wonton
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Ep 10, 11, 12: Guangdong Roast Goose, Snacks of the 24 Solar Terms, 24 Solar Terms Wonton, Aiwowo, Milk Skin, Salt-baked Chicken
Ep 13, 16: Salted Soup Rice, Three Piece Chicken
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qierxing · 3 years
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Yan! Zhongli x Reader
Word Count: 2,837
How long can a man talk before he runs out of air?
Scratch that. How long can this man talk before you decide to strangle him?
"...as such, the rivers, plains, and mountains that are said to have been the remains of what is left of the dead gods remains…."
The intonation of Mr. Zhongli's voice nearly puts you to sleep at the ornate dining table, and if it weren't for the fact that you were at an esteemed establishment (even if you two were in a private room), you surely would've face planted and fallen asleep right there on the mahogany wood. But you don't, because it would be an insult to the very man (and the food) who invited you on this outing.
Mr. Zhongli is a respectable man and apparently, a good friend in your family's circles. Even though you've never met the man till now, even you're aware of his shining reputation; aunties giggling on how he's so charming and polite, cousins admiring his knowledge and strength, and other relatives likewise praising him to high Celestia and above.
And he is, you suppose, very handsome. His face is beautiful; high, defined cheekbones, molten amber eyes that glow warmly, pretty curved pink lips and nose to match. A good face, your auntie would say if she was here. An auspicious face.
“And that is how the geography of Liyue came to be...”
You're sure anyone in your position would be swooning over how his voice flowed like the trickling rivers that ran through Guili plains, but you just wished he would shut up at some point. Not even the delicious spread of food at the glass carousel wheel could distract from his tirade, and that was saying something.
Speaking of, why did he order so much food for only the two of you?
'In Liyue, you can always eat till you drop!' A saying that always echoed among the locals, and still holds true today. But even then, the intricately painted línglóng porcelain holding the remnants of steamed egg soup, roasted duck, squirrel fish, and more and more food, are way too excessive, even if he wanted to impress you.
You idly push around the Tianshu meat on your plate as he continues to drone on, wondering when you can politely excuse yourself without being rude.
"So, how was the dinner?" You internally groan as your mom's barely concealed excitement in her voice shows.
"Mama, we just sat there and talked." Well, Zhongli was the one doing most of the talking. But you weren't about to say that, not when you know a lecture awaits that answer.
"Isn't he a very handsome man?" Your mother's eyes gleam dangerously and a resigned sigh leaves your lips as she barrels on confidently. "Doesn't he seem like the perfect husband?!"
"Mama, it's ten in the morning…" What you wouldn’t give to eat your congee in peace.
"He is a respectable man, and quite knowledgeable to boot."
"Not you too, Baba!"
Your father merely chuckles as he continues reading the daily newspaper, and you roll your eyes as he continues chuckling behind the printed pages. Your mother swats at him to finish his porridge, turning to you with a frown on her wrinkled face. You brace yourself, knowing exactly what is coming next.
"[First Name], you're already of marriageable age, you should be looking for your future spouse! Your parents are growing old and when we die-"
"I will be perfectly fine without a husband." You cut her off, rubbing at your forehead. It was too early in the morning for this talk.
"Aiya, I don't want our only child to be by themselves! We will never know peace once we pass away, so much worry-"
You tune the rest of the lecture out, not even having the energy to refute her worries.
When you leave the house to take a walk, you meet the infamous Mr. Zhongli again.
"What a coincidence, I am also taking a walk to clear the mind. Would you perhaps like to join me?" And trapped by societal politeness, and the fact that this man did order you a three course meal the previous night, you agree.
So it's to your surprise that he does not immediately initiate dialogue as the both of you stroll leisurely through the stone gardens in Yunjin terrace, and a comfortable silence falls.
"You seem to have a lot on your mind." You turn to meet his gaze, and then away. Your frustration burns at you in the remainder of the morning's argument, but it dissipates at his concerned face. It is not his fault, you reason, that your mother wants you to court him for a possibility. For fortune. Despite the man's shortcomings, he is nothing but a gentleman.
"I don't want to pry but...I have heard that talking about your thoughts might ease your mind?"
You pause for a long time, breathing out your nose as you close your eyes.
"My parents want me to marry you." You've never been one to mince words, much to your mother's dismay at trying to teach you etiquette. "They think that you're a good match. And they're paranoid about me becoming a spinster."
There's silence for a moment and you open your eyes to not a face of disgust or shock, but rather one of musing.
"And you, [First Name]? What do you think?"
You turn your gaze to the water.
"Honestly? I don't know. I don't know you well enough to make that judgement. I know my parents are worried, but I don't want to get married for the sake of not being alone. I think it's rather selfish, to wish that solely for your partner."
The words tumble out of your mouth, one after another and you wonder how it is that it's easier to confess this to an acquaintance than your own parents.
"I was under the impression that people often like to pursue lasting romance in their lives. It's interesting to see this is not always true." Zhongli hums, hand coming to stroke his chin thoughtfully.
"Perhaps? I don't know. I've always been content with my friends." Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. "Who knows? Maybe I have yet to meet the right person."
Zhongli hums again in response, seemingly in deep thought with a small frown pulling at his lips. A silence falls once again, and an awkward atmosphere falls upon the both of you.
"Oh yes, I never did thank you for the delicious dinner last night." You note offhandedly, half distracted by the swimming carp in the clear pond water. The water trails are hypnotic, and they help take your mind off the stressful morning you had.
"It was nothing. For my friend's precious child, that was the least I could do." He modestly replies, and you deadpan. It was nothing? A three course meal at Xinyue Pavillion, nothing? You know that squirrel fish did not have a low price tag.
"Regardless, I'm very thankful for your generosity." After all, not many tolerated your blunt, forthright personality, least of all the potential suitors your mother always brought before you. The memory makes you feel guilty at the irritation you had back then at the dinner. "The next time, I insist we have dinner at Wanmin--I've heard their black back perch stew is to die for. My treat."
He hums, and turns to you with a heartbreaking smile, a far cry from his previous countenance. "Is that a promise?"
You raise your eyebrow, "What are you, Morax? Yes, it's a promise, unless you hate fish, I guess."
His amused chuckles are soft but light a warm hearth in your heart.
Your mother is growing more daring than you remember.
She shoves you out the door as if you're some kind of fancy wrapped gift to offer to Mr. Zhongli, and there's a manic glee in her eyes as she eyes you and him standing together like a couple.
"[First Name] has been looking forward to this, haven't you, sweetie?"
The Liyuen hanfu she forced you into were a different cut than the modern cheongsam dresses of the current trends. Archaic, if you dare call it that. While some traditionalists still donned hanfu, it was not as common to see it in the streets. When she was shoving you in the under robes, she muttered about how it was something passed down in the family. Which explained a lot. These days, hanfu like this were something of a rich antiquity.
You sigh deeply, tugging your translucent pibo around you tighter as you decide to humor her, if only to get her to stop embarrassing yourselves and leave faster.
"Yes, quite."
Zhongli hums, and when you turn to face him, you're almost unnerved at how his eyes sharpen and scan over you, pupils slit like a dragon's. The moment is gone in a flash and he merely smiles at you gently before taking your hand in his gloved one.
"In that case, shall we get going?"
The nightlife of Liyue is in full swing and Zhongli tugs you closer, and there's something intimate in the way he presses you firmly into his side, the warmth he exudes sending pleasurable tingles down your body.
"Do forgive me for being so bold, [First Name]," He addresses you so tenderly, that you blush when you look back up from your joined hands, "You look absolutely radiant tonight."
How is it this man manages to say such an embarrassing thing so smoothly? What is his secret? He doesn’t seem like the playboys that often loiter around the downtown area of the harbor. You look away, unable to meet his eyes that reflect the lanterns and make his pupils glow.
"T-Thank you, Zhongli, you're too kind."
His eyes never seem to leave you, even when taking in the lovely scenery of Liyue at night. For the bright lanterns glitter and glow on the ocean waves, but his own pupils are glued to your being when you look in your peripheral.
“Is there something on my face?” Tearing your eyes away from the street in front of you, you turn to meet his gaze straight on.
He merely smiles.
“No.” He pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, the gesture innocuous, but leaving a burning trail where his finger tips touch your skin. “I believe we have arrived.”
Thankfully you can excuse the burning in your cheeks and neck away with the spices that the Li cuisine favors. If anyone asks, it was the black back parch stew making you look flushed and out of sorts. Never mind the fact that Chef Mao looks quite amused at the fact you’re sputtering in response to his cheeky questions about you showing up with a man to your favored restaurant.
When you look up from checking to make sure your hanfu didn’t get any stains, Zhongli is uncorking a white bottle and pouring it into your cups. At your questioning look, he replies, “Dàqūjiǔ. The Li technique ferments wheat for about two to three months. This one in particular, has a fine aroma after being fermented for a while.”
“Hoh…” You chuckle at his explanation, “You really do know everything.”
“Hardly. I cannot say I know as much as the regular scholar…nonetheless, to good fortune!”
Echoing his cheer, you raise your cup and drink.
The alcohol burns your throat, and you’re reminded of your low alcohol tolerance. Yet, your fellow friend refills your cup just as easily, and who are you to refuse him? By the time you’re on your fourth cup, your world is spinning and you’ve developed a headache.
“Ahaha…wow...everything...is...moving…” You slur incomprehensibly and slump onto the bamboo table.
“Oh dear, we best get you back. In this condition, you’re too vulnerable.”
“No way...if I go back with you...my mom….she won’t let me…!” You raise your head from the cool table, but the effort of doing that makes you groan.
Zhongli all too easily picks you up bridal style, and after bidding goodbye to Chef Mao with a hefty bag of mora, he walks down the now empty streets of Liyue.
“Won’t let you what, dear heart?” He hums, stroking your face gently with the pad of his thumb.
“Won’t let me...let...us...ugh…”
“[First Name], do you like me?”
“Mmh...yeah…” Is all he gets, but the stilted, jagged answer is enough for him. The content smile that breaks his face belies the haunting glow of his molten eyes.
When you step out of the door of your bedroom, you're accosted by your sobbing mother.
"Ma-Mama?! What's the matter?" You frantically ask, pushing at her shoulders.
"Oh my sweet child, oh I'm so happy for you! When were you going to tell me, you brat?!"
"Tell you what?!"
"That you're marrying Zhongli, sweetie! Oh, this is such a momentous occasion--"
You're too shell shocked that you do not hear her next words. What? Marry? Zhongli? What on Teyvat was going on--
"--Hurry up, he's waiting for you in the living room!" You're snapped out of your daze when you're ushered hastily into the room, casual robes and all, right in front of the very person you had so many questions for.
The door shutting behind you does not muffle the excited chatter from your parents and you wince when you hear your mother excitedly bantering with your father. Turning and meeting an intense gaze, you feel like you’ve stepped into an arena with a monster.
"Zhongli, why are my parents under the impression we're marrying?"
His golden eyes crinkle in delight at your blunt words, "Because we are, my dear heart."
D-Dear heart?!
"I don't understand."
"What is there not to understand?" You step back as he rises from the cozy armchair he was given. It only just occurs to you how ridiculously tall this man is, and he towers over you, like a mountain.
"I believe we share a mutual attraction. After all, last night only proved it." He leans over and you flinch as he gently cups your face with a small smile.
"We've only known each other for a couple days!" You protest, leaning your face out of his hands. His smile dips into a displeased frown, hands falling to his sides.
"Why need more time to prove what is already there?" He tilts his head. “If this is a matter about your dowry, I’m sure I can help--”
“This isn’t about mora! Zhongli, this is moving way too fast--”
“Is that so? If I’m correct, I believe that your family’s come upon some hard times, no?” And you’re left breathless, struck silent. “Not down to the pits, but just one little slip and...well, your father’s business is already taking loans, isn’t it?”
Your teeth are grinding so hard against each other to the point where it echoes in your head.
“Marry me, [First Name], and you won’t have to worry about any of that. After all, I’ve always had enough good fortune to share. Are you so willing to crush your parent’s hopes and dreams for their child?”
“I-” Your mother’s tears on her weathered face come to mind, wrinkles from stress deeply indented in her skin. Your father, weary, veiny hands covered in scars from hard manual labor, shoulders slumped from his strength sapping. And you realize with a bone chilling fear that this man, this man was threatening to destroy the very foundation of your life.
He smiles upon seeing your uncertain visage, gritted teeth, clenched fists and trembling body.
"You'll look beautiful in red and gold."
How numb you feel!
Having to sit there while being dressed, being fawned over by your cousins, cried over by your mother and aunties, and your father and uncles chuckling over your good fortune. All the while, you cannot bring yourself to bring even the fakest smile to your face, only being able to muster up a sheepish smile, but it is of no concern, as everyone seems to mistake it for a shy front for a person about to marry their true love.
At least that’s how your mother is spinning it to your giggling aunties. And even when the festivities are over, you know that this is not the end.
Bare fingers trace your cheeks and lift your veil as a chaste kiss is placed on your lips.
This was supposed to be a day of joy.
Said fingers begin to trail down your body, and more sobs begin to shake your body. When you think about it, this might be the first time you felt his skin touch your own. Zhongli has always dressed conservatively, even covering his hands with his gloves. Thinking about it longer makes your skin crawl.
This was supposed to be--
Zhongli hums appreciatively into your collarbone as he slips your wedding garb off your shoulders, your world collapses and dims, with only a haunting amber light as your guide.
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cerealqueenll · 4 years
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town - Quiz Book Answers
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These are all the possible questions in the secret Quiz Book item in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town for the Switch. This has the new updated questions from the Switch release and it contains several new questions.
The book will give players a series of questions in a random order, and if you are able to answer 100 consecutively, you win a prize(?). The questions can appear in any order, can repeat in the same sequence, etc.
Questions in both versions of the game are the same!
Some questions may fall into several sections, so please be aware of that. This should be all available questions/answers in the book. If not, please contact me!
Shipping Questions
Of the crops on the following list, which ships for the highest price? Cabbage What is the shipping price of Elli Leaves? This item can’t be shipped What is the shipping price of an Ancient Fossil? 5,000G What is the shipping price of Carrots? 120G What is the shipping price of Black Grass? 10G What is the shipping price of Orichalcum? 50G What is the shipping price of a Ruby? 75G What is the shipping price of Yarn (G)? 2,000G What is the shipping price of a Large Fish? 200G What is the shipping price of Relax Tea Leaves? 1,000G What is the shipping price of a Hot Spring Egg? 80G What is the shipping price of an Emerald? 80G What is the shipping price of Fluorite? 65G What is the shipping price of a Brooch 1,800G What is the shipping price of Agate? 62G What is the shipping price of Cheese (M)? 380G
What is the shipping price of Chocolate? 50G
What is the shipping price of a Diamond? 100G
What is the shipping price of Scrap Ore? 1G
What is the shipping price of a Mushroom? 50G
What is the shipping price of Alexandrite? 10,000G
What is the shipping price of Peridot? 68G
What is the shipping price of Mayonnaise (P)?  450G
What is the shipping price of a Bamboo Shoot?  50G
What is the shipping price of Wild Grapes? 30G
What is the shipping price of Sandrose? 60G
What is the shipping price of White Grass? 150G
What is the shipping price of Spinach? 110G
What is the shipping price of a SUGDW Apple? 50G
What is the shipping price of a Pink Diamond? 10,000G
What is the shipping price of Cabbage? 250G
What is the shipping price of Corn? 85G
What is the shipping price of Sandrose? 60G
What is the shipping price of Pumpkins? 280G
*What is the shipping price of Green Peppers? 40G
What is the shipping price of Mithril? 40G
How many total items are there that can be shipped? 157
What is the shipping price of Topaz? 70G
What is the shipping price of Strawberries? 65G
What is the shipping price of an Amethyst? 60G
What is the shipping price of Moonstone? 55G
What is the shipping price of a True Magic Red Flower? 200G
TV Show Questions
In the “Mechabot” TV series, what day is Rory’s birthday? Dec. 25 
How many episodes are there in the TV show “Mechabot Ultror: The Autumn Breeze”? 47
In the TV show "Mechabot Ultror: The Autumn Breeze," what is the title of Episode 6? Morning of Battle
How many episodes are there in the TV show “Mechabot Ultror Zero”? 20
In the TV show “Mechabot Ultror Zero,” who does the team receive Mechbots from? A shining figure
How many episodes are there in the TV show “Swip-Swap”? 39
In the TV show “Swip-Swap,” what is the correct spelling of the female main character’s name? Adrienne 
In the TV show “Swip-Swap,” what is Adrian’s 4th period class? Math
In the TV show “Swip-Swap,” what is the name of Adrienne’s best female friend? Dani
In the TV Show “F-3.14 MGP,” what is the name of Bellis’ mech? Peretus
In the TV Show “F-3.14 MGP,” what kind of magic does Cosmos use? Dark Magic
In the TV show “Dear Princess,” where did the Legendary Hero go to defeat the previous Dark Lord? North
How many episodes are there in the TV show “Dear Princess”? 34 
How many episodes are there in the TV show “Card Collector Chisato”? 12 In the TV show “Card Collector Chisato,” how many cards does she have left to find by the end of Episode 6? 25
In the TV show “Tasty Time,” who wins the Fried Rice cook-off? Contestant A
In the TV show "Star Lily. Heart Snatcher ☆," what is the name of the stray puppy that Himeyuri found? Agapanthus
How many episodes are there in the TV show "Star Lily. Heart Snatcher ☆”? 25
In the TV show "Star Lily. Heart Snatcher ☆," what is the secret identity of Star Lily? Himeyuri
In the TV show "Star Lily. Heart Snatcher ☆," what is the name of Sakura’s grandmother?
Yamabuki Haruhi
In the TV show “Star Lily, Heart Snatcher ☆,” who won the final confrontation, Star Lily or Sakura? It’s a secret
In the TV show, “Emerald Academy - Maiden Memoirs,” what is the title of File 51? The Stumbling Maiden
*How many episodes are there in the TV show “Fairy and Me - Her Wish”? 36
In the TV show “Fairy and Me - Her Wish”, what dish did the girl make for the boy? Curry Rice
Stamina & Fatigue Questions
How much Stamina does eating Salad at the Inn restore? 20
How much Stamina does eating Spaghetti at the Beach Cafe restore? 40
How much Stamina does the Wild Grape Water at Dudley’s Inn restore? 1
How much Stamina does it take to use a Level 2 charge on the Cursed Axe? 20
What is the Stamina penalty if you eat a Poison Mushroom? -50
How much Stamina does eating Pizza at the Beach Cafe restore? 30
How much Stamina does eating Orange Grass restore? 0
How much Stamina does eating Shaved Ice at the Beach Cafe restore? 20
How much Stamina does eating Chocolate restore? 2
How much Stamina does eating Cookies at the Inn restore? 20
How much Stamina does eating a Hot Spring Egg restore? 4
How much Stamina does drinking Water at the Inn restore? *0
How much Stamina does eating Relax Tea Leaves restore? 2
How much Stamina does eating a HMSGB Apple restore? 2
How much Stamina does eating a Lunch Set at the Inn restore? 100
How much Stamina does eating a raw Medium Fish restore? 3
When you go to sleep with a True Magic Red Flower in your Vase, by how much does it boost your Fatigue recovery the next day? 10
How much Stamina does eating Apple Pie at the Inn restore? 50
How much Stamina does drinking Milk at the Inn restore? 20
How much Stamina does drinking Pineapple Juice at the Inn restore? 30
How much Stamina does eating Spinach restore? 3
How much Stamina does eating Cookies at the Inn restore? 20
How much Stamina does eating Roasted Corn at the Beach Cafe restore? 20
How much Stamina does an Orange Pastry restore? 27
How much Stamina does it take to use a Level 6 charge on a Blessed Sickle? 15
How much Stamina does eating Cheesecake at the Inn restore? 40
Fishing Questions
What is the maximum size Blotched Snakehead you can catch? 80cm
What is the maximum size Tuna you can catch? 250cm
What is the maximum size Sailfin Sandfish you can catch? 20cm
What is the maximum size Pike you can catch? 40cm
What is the maximum size Mahi-mahi you can catch? 180cm
What is the maximum size Squid you can catch? 50cm
What is the maximum size Fat Greenling you can catch? 40cm
What is the maximum size Loach you can catch? 12cm
You fish in the lake in spring and use a Level 5 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Rainbow Trout
You fish in the lake in spring and use a Level 1 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Bluegill
You fish in the lake in spring and use a Level 4 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Crucian Carp
You fish in the Hot Spring in autumn and use a Level 4 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Smelt
You fish in the ocean in winter and use a Level 1 chạrge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Sailfin Sandfish
You fish in the lake in spring and use a Level 1 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Bluegill
You fish in the ocean in winter and use a Level 7 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Fat Greenling
You fish in the ocean in autumn and use a Level 5 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Bonito Halibut
You fish in the ocean in winter and use a Level 5 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Seerfish
You fish in the Hot Spring in summer and use a Level 5 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Blotched Snakehead
You fish in the Hot Spring in winter and use a Level 1 charge on your Fishing Rod. What fish could you catch? Smelt
Which of the below can NOT be fished from the ocean? Coelacanth 
Weather Questions
What is the chance (%) that it will be sunny on any given spring day? About 70%
What is the chance (%) that it will be rainy on any given spring day? About 30%
What is the chance (%) that it will be rainy on any given summer day? About 10%
What is the chance (%) of a typhoon in summer? About 10%
What is the chance (%) that it will be sunny on any given autumn day? About 80%
What is the chance (%) that it will be rainy on any given autumn day? About 20%
What is the chance (%) that it will snow on any given winter day? About 40%
What is the chance (%) that there will be a typhoon on any given winter day? 0% chance
Expansion Questions
How much Lumber is required to change your home’s Mailbox? 150
How much Lumber is needed for your second home renovation? 600
How much Lumber is required to build the Bathroom? 300
How much Lumber is required to change your home’s Windows? 200
How much Lumber is needed to upgrade your Coop? 350
How much Lumber is needed to upgrade your Barn? 400
How much Lumber is required to build the Town Villa? 999
How much Lumber is required to expand your home the first time? 150
How much Lumber is needed to upgrade your Silo? 300
Store Price Questions
How much does Premium Grape Juice cost at Adge Winery? 300G
How much do Turnip Seeds cost at the General Store? 120G
How much does Dango Flour cost at the General Store? 100G
How much do Cucumber Seeds cost at the General Store? 200G
How much does Bread cost at the General Store? 100G
How much do Potato Seeds cost at the General Store? 150G
How much do Strawberry Seeds cost at the General Store? 150G
How much does a Grass Seedling cost at the General Store? 500G
How much do Earrings cost at the Forge? 1,000G
How much does a Milker cost at the Forge? 2,000G
How much does the Mayonnaise Maker cost at the Forge? 20,000G
How much do Clippers cost at the Forge? 1,800G
How much does a Brush cost at the Forge? 800G
How much does Chicken/Rabbit Feed cost at PoPoultry? 10G
How much does a chicken cost at PoPoultry? 1,500G
How much does an Angora rabbit cost at PoPoultry? 3,000G
How much does a Strawberry Cow cost at Yodel Ranch? 10,000G
How much does a sheep cost at Yodel Ranch? 4,000G
How much does a normal cow cost at Yodel Ranch? 5,000G
How much does Fodder cost at Yodel Ranch? 20G
How much does a Cow Breeding Kit cost at Yodel Ranch? 3,000G
Which of these Apples does Huang offer to sell to you? SUGDW
How much do Moondrop Flower Seeds cost at Huang’s shop? 500G
How much does a Truth Jewel cost at Huang's shop? 50,000G
How much does a Ball cost at Huang’s shop? 100G
How do Green Pepper Seeds cost Huang’s shop? 150G
How much does it cost to get an examination at the Clinic? 10G
*How much does a Stamina Booster XL cost at the Clinic?
Character Questions
What is the Harvest Goddess’ special cheer? Pan paka paaan!
When is Plum’s birthday? Spring 4
When is Saibara’s birthday? Spring 11
When is Blueberry’s birthday? Spring 15
When is Mugi’s birthday? Spring 17
When is Lillia’s birthday?  Spring 19 
When is Aqua’s birthday? Spring 26
When is Sasha’s birthday? Spring 30
When is Harris’ birthday? Summer 4
When is Basil’s birthday? Summer 11
When is Mint’s birthday?  Summer 16
When is Thomas’ birthday? Summer 25
When is Zack's birthday? Summer 29
When is Gotts’ birthday? Autumn 2
When is Yu’s birthday?  Autumn 5 
When is Sunny’s birthday? Autumn 10
When is Manna’s birthday? Autumn 11
When is Cherry’s birthday? Autumn 14
When is Carter’s birthday? Autumn 20
When is Anna’s birthday? Autumn 23
When is Dudley’s birthday? Winter 11
When is Ellen’s birthday? *Winter 13
When is Duke’s birthday? Winter 15
When is Pumpkin’s birthday? Winter 22
When is Mei’s birthday? Winter 26
When is Jeff’s birthday? Winter 29
General Mineral Town Questions
Which of the below if NOT found in the Mountain Villa? A TV
How many squares of tillable land are there on your farm? 1,075
How many bookshelves are there in the Library? 15
What cooking utensil goes on the very top right of the Kitchen? Oven
In the back room of the General Store, there is one painting. What is it of? My House
There are two paintings on the 2nd floor of PoPoultry. One is of a mountain. What is the other one? A flower
What greeting does the weather reporter on the TV in your Town Villa use? G’day, all!
How many beds are there in Yodel Ranch? 4
What message do you get when you examine the clock in Mayor Thomas’ house? Clock
How many streetlamps are there in Mineral Town? (Including the ones in Rose Plaza.) 22
When you go into the Bathroom in your house, how much time passes? 30 minutes
What background color is used for Wednesday on your Calendar? Yellow
How many potted plants are at the Clinic? 8
How many Feeding Bins are there in a renovated Barn? 18
Item Questions
If you hold a piece of Alexandrite in your hands outside, what color does it appear to be? Green
How many items are there with the word “Grass” in their name? 15
In “Milk (P),” what does the “P” stand for? Platinum
What is the chance (%) that any Magic Red Flower Seeds will actually bloom as a True Magic Red Flower? About 5%
Tool & Player Questions
If you equip the Pedometer and press the Tool Button, how many steps does it go up? (When carrying no items.) 1
On the Menu Screen, which tab is the furthest to the right? Relationships
When you enter your name, what is the maximum character count? 8
You use a Level 7 charge on your Sickle. How many squares will you harvest? 81 squares
Calendar Questions
What day of the week was Spring 1 in Year 1? Sunday
What day of the week was Summer 2 in Year 1? Wednesday
What day of the week was Summer 16 in Year 1? Wednesday
What day of the week was Autumn 1 in Year 1? Thursday
What day of the week will Spring 5 in Year 5 be? Monday
What day of the week will Summer 22 in Year 5 be? Saturday
What day of the week will Spring 20 in Year 10 be? Sunday
What day of the week will Autumn 10 in Year 10 be? Tuesday
What day of the week will Winter 3 in Year 12 be? Friday
What day of the week will Autumn 2 in Year 21 be? Thursday
What day of the week will Winter 20 in Year 30 be? Friday
What day of the week will Spring 20 in Year 47 be? Tuesday
What day of the week will Autumn 5 in Year 55 be? Saturday
What day of the week will Summer 20 in Year 75 be? Thursday
What day of the week will Summer 9 in Year 92 be? Wednesday
What day of the week will Spring 1 in Year 100 be? Monday
What day of the week will Autumn 10 in Year 100 be? Sunday
What day of the week will Summer 4 in Year 123 be? Monday
What day of the week will Winter 4 in Year 123 be? Friday
What day of the week will Winter 11 in Year 134 be? Tuesday
Holiday Questions
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Adamantite prize? 4
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Matsutake prize? 10
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Brooch prize? 18
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Diamond prize? 14
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Necklace prize? 20
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Sunblock prize? 30
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Lotion prize? 35
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Face Pack prize? 42
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Perfume prize? 150
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Dress prize? 250
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Power Berry prize? 900
How many medals must you earn in the Derby to trade for the Truth Jewel prize? 1000
What day is the Mochi Bonanza? Spring 1
What day is White Day? Spring 14
What day is the Spring Derby? Spring 18
What day is the Cooking Exhibition? Spring 22
What day is the Fetch Fest? Summer 1
What day is the Cluck-Cluck Clash? Summer 7
What day is the Moo-Moo Festival? Summer 20
What day is the Fireworks Festival? Summer 24
What day is the Concert? Autumn 3
What day is the Harvest Festival? Autumn 9
What day is the Moonlight Night? Autumn 13
What day is the Autumn Derby? Autumn 18
When is the Fluffy Festival? Autumn 21
What day is the Pumpkin Jamboree? August 30
What day is Valentine’s Day? Winter 14
What day is Starlight Night? Winter 24
What day is the Starlight Night gift giving? Winter 25
What day is the New Year’s Party? Winter 30
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #67
Brought to you by a marine biologist back in freshwater...
Finding a mate is hard. In the animal world, a lot of work is put into attracting a mate. You have to think, with competition basically everywhere, you have to do something to stand out. This kind of competition is the basis for evolution - not only do you have to survive, but you have to survive so well that a potential mate finds it sexy. Today’s fish, the Pale Chub, is trying to do just that:
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The Pale Chub is only available during a small portion of the day, but because they are available all year, you’re sure to have caught one by now. Like so many fish in ACNH, the Pale Chub (Zacco platypus) joins the Koi, Carp, the three Goldfish, Crucian Carp, Bitterling, and Dace in being yet another goddamn fish from Family Cyprinidae. Like I’ve already said now six times, this is a very diverse family, holding more members than any other vertebrate family. So explains, I guess? They are very common, shallow-water stream fish, native in China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.
Every Pale Chub you catch, though, will be a male in breeding colors. You see, normally the Pale Chub, is, well, pale - they’re a drab greenish gray with silvery scales, but come breeding season, the males change into the beautiful blue and pink you see in the game and below:
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His anal fin, the long, flowing fin on his underside, also grows longer. So, yeah, every Pale Chub you catch is an unlucky guy just looking to pick up chicks. Experiments have shown that, although these features are for breeding, it’s actually only the pink color the females are looking for. Nevertheless, the males expend energy to put on a show.
We’ve talked about sexual selection before when we talked about the Guppy, in that some traits are inherited for sexual purposes rather than for survival. This is true in so many species, the peacock being a great example in the bird world. This type of dating scene is called “mate selection”, in which one sex calls the shots and chooses their mate based on some trait or behavior the other has or performs. In the Pale Chub and lots of other animals, breeding is female choice, in which females get final say and are very picky in the males they choose to breed with. Females in the animal world will choose mates based on all kinds of things, from the male’s gorgeous colors, the songs he can sing, the resources he has acquired, how good he’s built a nest, the fights he’s won, etc. 
But why do males do all the work? Well, they don’t. Most species have female choice because females ultimately contribute the most energy (for fish, this is in the form of egg production, travel to nursery areas, and/or even parental care) to offspring. Females, therefore, must choose males who exhibit the very best traits (who is the strongest? the fastest? the smartest?) that can be passed on to the offspring. There are some instances in the animal world where these roles are reversed, where females compete for the eye of a male. These species, like sea horses, have parental care from the male, so it’s the male who gets to be choosy. 
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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hailingstorm · 4 years
Warrior Cats List of Prefixes
Sources for these names are from all the books, the official website's now retired games Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name and The New Prophecy Quest, the family tree, and the username/warrior name generator.
I've also included names that exist in the WC universe that aren't used for clan or tribe cats but could've been, along with realistically plausible fan-created names. They are marked with + at the end. So new suggestions are welcomed!
Last updated September 29th, 2022, for Onestar's Confession.
[ A ] - Acorn Adder Alder Amber Ant Apple Arch / Arched+ Ash / Ashen+ Aspen Auburn*
[ B ] - Badger Bark / Barked+ Barley+ Basil+ Bat Bay Bear+ Beaver+ Bee Beech Beetle Bella Berry Big Billy Birch Bird Black Blaze / Blazing+ Blizzard Bloom / Blooming+ Blossom / Blossoming+ Blue Bluebell Bone+ Boulder Bounce / Bouncing+ / Bouncy+ Bracken Bramble Branch+ Brave Breeze / Breezy+ Briar Bright Brindle / Brindled+ Bristle / Bristled+ / Bristling+ Broken Brook Brown Brush Bubble+ / Bubbling+ Bug Bumble Burn+ / Burnt+ / Burning+ Burr+ Buzzard
[ C ] - Carp+ Cedar Cherry Chestnut Chirp+ / Chirping+ Chive Cinder Cinnamon Claw / Clawed+ / Clawing+ Clear+ Cloud / Clouded+ / Cloudy+ Clover Coal+ Cobweb+ Cone Copper Crackle+ Crag+ Crawl+ / Crawling+ Creek Cricket Croak+ / Croaked + / Croaking+ Crooked / Crook+ Crouch / Crouched+ / Crouching+ Crow Curl / Curly / Curled+ Cypress
[ D ] - Daisy Daffodil+ Dancing+ Dandelion Dangle+ / Dangled+ / Dangling+ Dapple / Dappled+ / Dappling+ Dark Dash+ / Dashing+ Dawn Day+ Dead Deer Dew / Dewy+ Dirt+ / Dirty+ Doe Dot+ / Dotted+ / Dotty+ Dove Down Dragonfly+ Drift / Drifting+ Drizzle+ / Drizzling+ Duck Dusk Dust / Dusty+
[ E ] - Eagle Ebony Echo / Echoed+ / Echoing+ Eel Egg+ Elder Ember / Embering+
[ F ] - Falcon+ Fallen / Falling+ Fallow Fawn Feather / Feathered+ Fennel Fern Ferret Fidget / Fidgeting+ Fierce+ Fin Finch Fint; from the username/warrior name generator. Fir Fircone+ Fire / Fiery+ Fish+ / Fishy+ Flail / Flailing+ Flame / Flaming+ Flare+ / Flared+ / Flaring+ Flash / Flashing+ Flax Fleck+ / Flecked+ Fleet Flicker Flint Flip / Flipped+ / Flipping+ Flower / Flowered+ / Flowering+ Flurry+ Flutter / Fluttering+ Fly / Flying+ Fog / Fogged+ / Foggy+ Fox Freckle / Freckled+ Freeze+ / Freezing+ Fringe / Fringed+ Frog Frond Frost / Frosted+ / Frosty+ Frozen+ Furl+ / Furled+ Furze Fuzzy / Fuzz+
[ G ] - Gale Golden / Gold+ Goose Gorse Grass / Grassy+ Gravel / Gravelly+ Gray Green Growl+ / Growling+ Gull
[ H ] - Hail Half Hare Harry Harvey Hatch / Hatched+ / Hatching+ Haven Hawk Hay Hazel Heather Heavy Heron Hickory Hill Hollow Holly Honey Honeydew+ Hoot Hop / Hopping+ Hope Hornet+ Hound Howl+ / Howling+ Hunch+ / Hunched+ Husk+
[ I ] - Ice / Iced+ / Icy+ Icicle+ Ivy
[ J ] - Jackdaw+ Jagged / Jag+ Jay Jump / Jumping+ Juniper
[ K ] - Kestrel Kink / Kinked+ Kite Kit; from the username/warrior name generator.
[ L ] - Lake Lap+ / Lapping+ Larch Lark Lavender Leaf / Leafy+ Leopard Lichen Light Lightning Lily Lion Little Lit+ Lizard Log Long Lost Loud Low Lynx
[ M ] - Maggot Magpie+ Mallow Maple Marigold Marsh / Marshy+ Meadow Mellow+ / Mellowed+ Melt+ / Melted+ / Melting+ Midge Midnight+ Milk / Milky+ Minnow Mint / Minty+ Mist / Misty Mistle Mold+ / Moldy+ Mole Monkey Moon Morning Moss / Mossy Moth Mottle / Mottled+ Mouse Mouth+ Mud / Muddy Mumble / Mumbling+ Muzzle; from the username/warrior name generator. / Muzzled+ Myrtle
[ N ] - Nectar Needle Nettle Newt Night Nut / Nutty+ Nutmeg+
[ O ] - Oak Oat Odd Olive One Otter Owl
[ P ] - Pale Parsley Parsnip+ Patch / Patched+ Paw; from the username/warrior name generator. Peak; from the username/warrior name generator. Pear Pebble Pepper+ / Peppered+ Perch Petal Pigeon Pike Pine Pink; from the username/warrior name generator. Piper+ Plum Pod Pool / Pooling+ Poppy Pop+ / Popping+ Pounce / Pouncing+ Prickle / Prickled+ Primrose Puddle Pumpkin+ Purdy; from the username/warrior name generator.
[ Q ] - Quail Quick Quiet Quiver / Quivering
[ R ] - Rabbit Ragged Rain Raindrop+ Rainswept+ Rat Raven Red Reed Ridge Riley Ripple / Rippled+ Risen+ / Rising+ River Roach+ Robin Rock / Rocky; from the username/warrior name generator. Rook Root Rose / Rosy+ Rowan Rubble Running / Runner; from the username/warrior name generator. Rush / Rushing+ Russet Rustle+ / Rustling+ Rust+ / Rusted+ / Rusty+ Rye
[ S ] - Sage Sand / Sandy Scar+ / Scarred+ Scorch / Scorched+ Scratch+ / Scratched+ Sedge Seed Shade / Shaded+ Shadow Sharp Shattered; from the username/warrior name generator. / Shatter+ / Shattering+ Sheep Shell Shimmer / Shimmering+ Shining / Shine; from the username/warrior name generator. / Shiny+ Shire+ Shiver+ / Shivering; from the username/warrior name generator. Short Shred / Shredded+ Shrew Shy Silver Skink+ Skip+ / Skipping+ Skunk+ Sky Slate Sleek / Sleeked+ Sleet+ Slight Slip+ / Slipping+ Sloe Small Smoke / Smoked+ / Smoking+ / Smoky+ Smudge+ / Smudged+ Snag+ / Snagged+ Snail Snake Snap / Snapped+ / Snapping+ Sneeze / Sneezy+ Snip / Snipped+ Snook Snout; from the username/warrior name generator. Snow / Snowing+ / Snowy+ Snowdrop+ Snowfall+ Snowflake+ Soft Song Soot Sorrel Spark / Sparked+ / Sparking+ / Sparkling+ Sparrow Speckle / Speckled+ Speck; from the username/warrior name generator. / Specked+ Spider Spike / Spiked+ Spire Splash / Splashed+ / Splashing+ Splinter+ / Splintered+ / Splintering+ Spot / Spotted / Spotty+ Spring; from the username/warrior name generator. Squirrel Stag Starling Star; from the username/warrior name generator. Stem Step; from the username/warrior name generator. / Stepping+ Stick+ / Sticky+ Sting+ / Stinging+ Stoat Stone / Stoned+ / Stony+ Stork Storm / Stormy+ Stream Strike / Striked+ / Striking+ Stripe / Striped+ Strong+ Stumpy / Stump+ Sun / Sunny Swallow Swamp / Swampy+ Swan Sweet / Sweetened+ Swift
[ T ] - Tadpole+ Tail; from the username/warrior name generator. Tall Talon Tangle / Tangled+ Tansy Tawny Thistle Thorn / Thorny+ Thrift Thrush Thunder / Thundering+ Tiger Timber Tiny Toad Toe; from the username/warrior name generator. Tooth; from the username/warrior name generator. / Toothed+ / Toothy+ Torn Tree+ Trout Tuft; from the username/warrior name generator. Tulip Tumble / Tumbling+ Turtle Twig / Twigged+ Twist+ / Twisted+ / Twisting+ / Twisty+
[ U ] - None yet...
[ V ] - Vine Violet Viper+ Vixen Vole
[ W ] - Wasp Water+ / Watering+ Wave / Waving+ Weasel Web / Webbed+ Weed Wet Whisker / Whiskered+ Whisper / Whispering+ Whistle / Whistling+ White Whorl / Whorled+ Wild Willow Wind / Winded+ Wing; from the username/warrior name generator. / Winged+ Wish / Wishing+ Wolf Wood / Woody+ Woolly / Wool+ Wren
[ X ] - None yet...
[ Y ] - Yarrow Yellow / Yellowing+ Yew+ Yowl+ / Yowling+
[ Z ] - None yet...
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
my personal prefix list
Acanthus, Aconite, Acorn, Adder, Agate, Albatross, Alder, Algae, Alligator, Allium, Aloe, Alpine, Alyssum, Amaranth, Amaryllis, Amber, Anemone, Ant, Apple, Ash, Ashen, Asp, Aspen, Asphodel, Aster, Atlas, Auburn, Avocet, Azalea, Azure
Badger, Barberry, Bark, Barley, Basil, Bass, Bat, Bay, Bayberry, Beach, Bean, Bear, Beaver, Bee, Beech, Beetle, Berry, Betony, Billow, Birch, Bird, Bittern, Black, Blackberry, Blackbird, Blaze, Blazing, Bliss, Blister, Blizzard, Bloom, Blooming, Blossom, Blotch, Blotched, Blue, Bluebell, Blueberry, Bluebird, Boar, Bog, Bolt, Bone, Borage, Boulder, Bounce, Bowfin, Bracken, Bramble, Branch, Brass, Brave, Bream, Breeze, Briar, Bright, Brindle, Bristle, Broken, Bronze, Brook, Broom, Brown, Brush, Bubble, Buck, Bug, Bull, Bullfrog, Bumble, Burdock, Burn, Burnet, Burning, Burnt, Burr, Bush, Buttercup, Butterfly, Buzz, Buzzard
Calm, Canary, Cardinal, Carp, Cave, Cavern, Cedar, Chaffinch, Char, Charred, Chasing, Cherry, Chervil, Chestnut, Chick, Chickadee, Chicken, Chipmunk, Chirp, Chive, Chrysalis, Cicada, Cinder, Cinnamon, Clay, Clear, Cliff, Cloud, Clouded, Cloudy, Clover, Coal, Cobalt, Cobweb, Cold, Comet, Comfrey, Condor, Conifer, Copper, Cormorant, Cornflower, Corvid, Cotton, Cougar, Cove, Cow, Coyote, Crab, Crane, Crawfish, Crayfish, Cream, Creek, Creeping, Cricket, Crimson, Crocodile, Crooked, Crouch, Crow, Cuckoo, Curlew, Cygnet, Cypress
Daffodil, Daisy, Dancing, Dandelion, Dapple, Dappled, Dark, Dawn, Day, Dazzle, Deer, Dew, Doe, Dog, Dove, Dream, Drift, Drifting, Drizzle, Duck, Dune, Dusk, Dust, Dusty
Eagle, Ebony, Echo, Eddy, Eel, Egg, Egret, Eider, Elder, Elk, Elm, Ember, Ermine, Evening, Eventide, Ewe
Faith, Falcon, Fallen, Falling, Fallow, Fawn, Feather, Fen, Fennel,  Fern, Ferret, Fidget, Field, Fin, Finch, Fire, Firefly, Fish, Flake, Flame, Flare, Flash, Flax, Flea, Fleet, Flicker, Flight, Flint, Flood, Flounder, Flower, Flurry, Flutter, Fly, Flying, Foam, Fog, Forest, Fox, Foxglove, Freckle, Freckled, Freezing, Fritillary, Frog, Frost, Frozen, Fruit
Gale, Gardenia, Garlic, Garter, Gator, Gentle, Ginger, Glade, Gleaming, Glimmer, Glowing, Gloom, Goat, Golden, Goldfish, Goose, Gopher, Gorge, Gorse, Gosling, Grass, Gravel, Green, Grey, Grouse, Grove, Gull, Guppy, Gust
Hackberry, Haddock, Hail, Half, Hare, Harrier, Haven, Hawk, Hawthorn, Hay, Haze, Hazel, Heath, Heather, Heavy, Hedge, Hemlock, Hen, Heron, Herring, Hickory, Hidden, Hill, Hive, Hollow, Holly, Honey, Hop, Hope, Horizon, Hornet, Hound, Hush, Hyacinth, Hyssop
Ibis, Ice, Icy, Indigo, Iris, Ivory, Ivy
Jackdaw, Jagged, Jaguar, Jasmine, Jay, Jump, Jumping, Juniper
Kelp, Kestrel, Kindle, Kink, Kite, Knotweed, Koi
Lake, Lamb, Larch, Lark, Larkspur, Laurel, Lavender, Leaf, Leaping, Leech, Leek, Lemming, Leopard, Lichen, Light, Lightning, Lily, Lion, Linden, Little, Lizard, Lobelia, Locust, Long, Loon, Lost, Lotus, Loud, Lupine, Lynx
Mackerel, Magnolia, Magpie,  Mallard, Mallow, Mantis, Maple, Marble, Marbled, Marigold, Marmot, Marrow, Marsh, Marten, Mayflower, Meadow, Mellow, Merlin, Midge, Milkweed, Mink, Minnow, Mint, Mire, Mist, Mistle, Misty, Mole, Monarch, Moon, Moor, Moorhen, Moose, Morning, Mosquito, Moss, Mossy, Moth, Mottle, Mottled, Mountain, Mouse, Mud, Muddy, Mulberry, Mumble, Murky, Mushroom, Myrtle
Needle, Nettle, Newt, Night, Nut, Nuthatch
Oak, Oat, Ocean, Oleander, Olive, Orchid, Oriole, Osprey, Otter, Owl, Oyster
Pale, Pansy, Panther, Parsley, Parsnip, Partridge, Passerine, Patch, Pea, Peach, Pear, Pearl, Pebble, Peeper, Pelican, Peony, Pepper, Perch, Peregrine, Periwinkle, Petal, Petrel, Petunia, Pheasant, Pickerel, Pigeon, Pike, Pine, Pink, Pipit, Pitch, Plover, Plum, Poison, Pollen, Pond, Pool, Poplar, Poppy, Possom, Posy, Pounce, Prickle, Primrose, Puddle, Puffin, Pumpkin, Purple
Quail, Quick, Quiet
Rabbit, Raccoon, Ragged, Ragweed, Rain, Raining, Ram, Raspberry, Rat, Raven, Red, Reed, Ribbon, Ridge, Ripple, Rising, River, Robin, Rock, Rocky, Rook, Rooster, Root, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Rubble, Rue, Rumble, Running, Rush, Rushing, Russet, Rust, Rusty, Rye
Sable, Sage, Salamander, Salmon, Salvia, Sand, Sandwort, Sandy, Sap, Scarlet, Scorch, Scorched, Scorching, Scratch, Screech, Sea, Seal, Sedge, Seed, Senna, Serval, Shade, Shadow, Shale, Sharp, Shatter, Sheep, Shell, Shimmer, Shining, Shiver, Shore, Shrew, Shrike, Shrub, Shy, Silent, Silk, Silver, Singe, Singing, Skip, Skunk, Sky, Slate, Sleek, Sleeping, Sleepy, Sleet, Slight, Slip, Sloe, Slug, Sly, Small, Smoke, Smudge, Snag, Snail, Snake, Snap, Sneeze, Snow, Snowy, Soaring, Soft, Song, Soot, Sorrel, Spark, Sparrow, Speckle, Speckled, Spider, Splash, Splinter, Splotch, Spot, Spotted, Spring, Spruce, Squirrel, Stag, Starling, Stem, Stoat, Stone, Stork, Storm, Stormy, Strawberry, Stream, Strike, Striped, Sugar, Sun, Sunflower, Sunny, Swallow, Swamp, Swan, Sweet, Swift, Swirl, Sycamore
Tabby, Tall,  Talon, Tanager, Tangle, Tansy, Tawny, Teasel, Tempest, Tern, Thicket, Thistle, Thorn, Thrush, Thunder, Thyme, Tide, Tiger, Timber, Tiny, Toad, Topple, Torrent, Tortoise, Tree, Trout, Tulip, Tumble, Turkey, Turtle, Twig, Twilight, Twist, Twisted, Twitch
Umber, Ursinia
Valley, Velvet, Venom, Vervain, Vetch, Vine, Violet, Viper, Vixen, Vole, Vulture
Walnut, Wandering, Warble, Warbler, Wasp, Weasel, Web, Weed, Wet, Whirl, Whisker, Whisper, Whispering, Whistle, White, Whorl, Wild, Willow, Wind, Windy, Wish, Wisp, Wolf, Wood, Wool, Wooly, Worm, Wren
Yarrow, Yellow, Yew
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vulpixish-blog · 5 years
Just a few Facts On Goldfish
There is many different Facts on goldfish, like they originally came from China and that they were introduced to Europe in the early 17th century. These days they can be found everywhere in slow moving waters throughout rivers, lakes, ponds, freshwater pools and aquariums. You must be very eager to know more about this amazing fish.
 Goldfish are one of the most vibrant and versatile species of fish to keep weather your keeping them in a bowl, aquarium, or pond. They are the most attractive creature in an aquarium. They make any room pleasant and lively due to its attractive appearance and dynamic hypnotic movements. Facts on Goldfish
 Goldfish is a member of the carp family and some goldfish can grow very large if in the right environment. Goldfish are cold blooded and their metabolism rate depends upon the temperature of the water. These unique freshwater fish belong to the species Carassius auratus.
  Wild goldfish live in the ponds, lakes and other water holes and rivers. They can be found in still and moving water. They have many color variations the most common colors are gold, pink and bronze, black and silver. Their diet includes plankton, insects, detritus, larvae, worms, lettuce, plants, peas, tiny mammals, small birds, amphibians and reptiles. There is more than 500 species of goldfish found all over the world. Some major varieties of goldfish are Fantail e.g. comet, Bubble Eye, Black Moor, Panda Moor, etc. Facts on Goldfish
 Goldfish require subtropical to tropical climate. They live in the freshwaters with a temperature range of around 40-90°F. The size of a Goldfish is about 3 to 6 inches in length. Goldfish can grow up to 12 to 16 inches in size and weigh about 3 kg in weight. Its visual appearance depends upon environment location, temperature, food supply and many other factors. It has a paired pectoral and pelvic fins with one dorsal, anal and caudal fin. The average expected lifespan of a goldfish is about 5 to 10 years. Facts on Goldfish
 The reproduction cycle of goldfish is quite typical. It starts when mating occurs and the male fish mates with the female. The female can lays thousands of eggs and within 48-72 hours the eggs will hatch. In captivity breeding occurs in indoor pools or aquariums throughout the year. In their natural environments it takes place mostly during the summer. These fish usually become sexually mature at the age of 2 years. However, their period of maturation depends upon sufficient food supply, water temperature and many other environmental factors. Facts on Goldfish
 Goldfish usually like living in groups. If they are released back into the water in the wild, they can breed very rapidly. Their population can grow very large very quickly and can disturb any native population that might be in the same waters. They are considered to be pests for other fish populations. They make ideal aquarium fish for anyone who might want to keep fish.
 If you wish to keep your goldfish in the aquarium, then you should be very careful about their feeding, cleanliness and maintenance upkeep of the aquarium. You need to use a good water preparation chemical. Most goldfish don’t really like to live alone, so when buying keep in mind to buy at least two goldfish for in the aquarium or fishbowl. You can pick up fish food at any pet shop. Try to avoid over feeding the fish and add only enough food to be eaten completely within 5-10 minutes. Facts on Goldfish
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stardew-facts · 5 years
Leah: gifts
All Universal Loves
Goat Cheese: Soft cheese made from goat's milk. [Cheese Press]
Poppyseed Muffin: It has a soothing effect. [Cooking]
Salad: A healthy garden salad. [Cooking]
Stir Fry: Julienned vegetables on a bed of rice. [Cooking]
Truffle: A gourmet type of mushroom with a unique taste. [Pigs]
Vegetable Medley: This is very nutritious. [Cooking]
Wine: Drink in moderation. [Keg]
All Universal Likes (except:
Foraged Minerals other than Earth Crystal
Gems other than Diamond & Prismatic Shard
Carp Surprise, Cookie, Hashbrowns, Ice Cream, Pancakes, Pink Cake, Pizza, Rice Pudding, Survival Burger, & Tortilla)
All Eggs (except Void Egg)
All Fruit
All Milk
Chanterelle: A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. [Foraging]
Common Mushroom: Slightly nutty, with good texture. [Foraging]
Daffodil: A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. [Foraging]
Dandelion: Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. [Foraging]
Driftwood: A piece of wood from the sea. [Trash]
Hazelnut: That's one big hazelnut! [Foraging]
Holly: The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. [Foraging]
Leek: A tasty relative of the onion. [Foraging]
Morel: Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. [Foraging]
Purple Mushroom: A rare mushroom found deep in caves. [Foraging]
Snow Yam: This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. [Foraging]
Spring Onion: These grow wild during the spring. [Foraging]
Wild Horseradish: A spicy root found in the spring. [Foraging]
Winter Root: A starchy tuber. [Foraging]
All Universal Neutrals (except Bread, Fried Egg, and Truffle)
All Universal Dislikes (except Driftwood, Spring Onion, and Void Egg)
All Foraged Minerals (except Earth Crystal)
All Gems (except Diamond & Prismatic Shard)
Carp Surprise: It's bland and oily. [Cooking]
Cookie: Very chewy. [Cooking]
Fried Egg: Sunny-side up. [Cooking]
Ice Cream: It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this. [Cooking]
Pink Cake: There's little heart candies on top. [Cooking]
Rice Pudding: It's creamy, sweet, and fun to eat. [Cooking]
Seaweed: It can be used in cooking. [Fishing]
Survival Burger: A convenient snack for the explorer. [Cooking]
Tortilla: Can be used as a vessel for food or eaten by itself. [Cooking]
All Universal Hates (except Seaweed)
Bread: A crusty baguette. [Cooking]
Hashbrowns: Crispy and golden-brown! [Cooking]
Pancakes: A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes. [Cooking]
Pizza: It's popular for all the right reasons. [Cooking]
Void Egg: A jet-black egg with red flecks. It's warm to the touch. [Void Chicken]
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Diet nr 10 .Recommending products, dishes.
 Soups cereal, vegetable, fruit, milk, on 1/2 portion for method. Fatness meat, fish,  of veal, beef, rabbit, cleaned from tensions, boiled, steamed, after frying. baking, carp of, cod, boiled as after frying.
Eggs dishes natural, 2 pieces/week, for dish, of white eggs, stewed, baked, omelets, snowflakes, meringues, fruit sauces, white, frying not, with fromage, tomato juice, spices as cinnamon, pink, bay leaf, fresh, dry greens, dill, leafs of petroselinum,  celery.
Porridge oats rubbing.
300 gr ready dish a milk 150 gr, water 110 gr, oats flakes 40 gr, sugar 7 gr, butter oil 5 gr.
Proteins 9.4 gr, fats 11.4 gr, carbohydrates 40.3 gr, energy value 286.7 kcal.
Dish use for diets nr 1, 1 b, 2,3, 4 b, 5 a, 5 p,  7-10, 7 b, 10 i.
Krupenik  porridge of buckwheat,
For 175 gr a ready dish are curd fat non 100 gr, buckwheat 50 gr, sugar 10 gr, egg 1/4 piece, butter oil 5 gr.
Proteins 25.2 gr, fats 7.5 gr, carbohydrates 41.4 gr, energy value 302.1 kkal, dish use for diets nr 1,2, 3, 4 b, 5, 5 a, 7-10, 10 c, 11, 15, 9 as sugar-free.
Carrot Korean.
Without a harmful cholesterol.
4 carrots, 2 onions, 2 garlics, 5 tbl.sp. sunflower oil, one tbl.sp. vinegar, read, black pepper grinded, 1/2 tea.sp. coriander, salt.
Carrot shred, salt, infuse at room, min 20, with hands knead carrot till juice, wash boiled water.Add vinegar, shred onion, add to carrot, sprinkle with pepper. Boil lead to a oil, add in carrot, sprinkle chopped garlic. Add grinded pepper black, coriander by taste. Mix all, add in jar of glass, at room keep opened for day. When carrot good  cooling put her as portions in salad dish and decorate green of petroselinum, olives or marinade cucumbers.
Diet nr 10.
Milk, milk products as natural whole milk, if a good enduring and sour milk, yogurts, natural curd, fromage, creams in dishes as for a calculation fats norms. Boiled and raw vegetables, pumpkin, beet, cauliflower, potato, limiting peas green, cabbage white, raw as ripe tomatoes, salad, cucumbers, shredding carrot, fresh greens, as dill, petroselinum.
And for cook omelet add in egg milk, shake, add in  form, spreaded with oil, and put in oven. As of white eggs shaken with milk, cook white eggs omelets.
Omelet natural stewed.
90 gr ready dish a egg one, milk 80 gr, butter oil 2 gr.
Proteins 6.8 gr, fats 8.2 gr, carbohydrates 3.12 gr, energy value 116.6 kcal.
Diet use for nr 1, 1 a, 1 b, 2,3, 4, 4 b, 4 v, 5, 7-10,  10 a, 10 i, 10 c, 11,15
White egg omelet.
50 gr ready dish are 2 white eggs, milk 60 gr, butter oil 2 gr.
Proteins 7.3 gr, fats 8.7 gr, carbohydrates 3.2 gr, energy value 118.9 kcal.
Dish use for diets nr 5, 5 a, 5 p, 7-10, 10 i.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/LSHdoP9 via https://ift.tt/Z4BFjtC
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