#piek smut
lostalienchild · 1 year
I really wanna write some wlw x reader smut but I'm unsure of who rn. 😭😭 I wish we could do poles here. These are the characters I've had in mind that I think I'll start writing my next one-shot about.
Motoko kusanagi /the major Gits (she's not popular at all but she's always been my hugest crush
Pakunoda Hxh (do people still read hxh wlw?)
Shinobu Demon slayer (another mommy kink)
Piek and Yelena threesome Snk (another mommy kink thing 😭)
Daki Demon slayer (definitely a spoiled brat kink. She's never been told no so she won't ever take it from you)
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Of Rats and Men (Levi x Reader)
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Part III: Fighting For You (Us the Duo)
part I here
part II here part IV here
ao3 link here
Excerpt: "Tomorrow, they would get up, (Y/N) would pack her things, and they would pretend none of this had ever happened. They would each go to work, and when— not if, they too often worked too closely together for that— they saw each other in their discharge of their duties, then they would greet one another cordially and act as though they were nothing more than casual acquaintances. They had done it many times before, but now— now there was finality to the act that had not been present before. This was truly the last time they would be together like this."
Description: This is a tale of Staff Sergeant Levi Ackerman and ADA!Reader, and how they desperately try to convince themselves and everyone else that they aren't in love (and, of course, they fail miserably) while trying to take down the biggest crime syndicate in Shiganshina: the Marley family. Also, there are songs involved in the chapter titles.
Warnings: Smut, angst, Cop!AU, Happy ending, conflict of interest, MINORS DNI, non-graphic violence
Marley's biggest, best safehouse was a mansion on a hill just outside Shiganshina. The outside was made of solid stone except for a few windows on every floor, all of which could be sealed with titanium plates. The inside, however, was luxury itself— the softest carpet, the most expensive furniture, and the loveliest and rarest paintings from every era in living memory hanging on the wall.
It was here that the whole of the upper level of the Family was gathered to discuss a shipment that was to be made in two weeks. Eren, who had worked his way to the top of the food chain, was leaning against a cold stone wall, his arms folded as Reiner gave him the details of the car bombing at the SPD precinct.
"Really? Porco? I didn't really peg him for an expert in explosives."
Eren kept his face open and curious to disguise the burning need for vengeance that welled in his chest. Porco was a slimy, cowardly underling with no conscience and even less substance; to think that he was the reason (Y/N) almost died was galling.
Reiner grinned, and Eren wanted to hit him.
"That's because Piek pegs him."
Eren grunted. Everyone knew that Piek had a thing for Porco— except Porco himself, naturally— and, naturally, interpersonal relationships had been the first Intel that Eren had passed back to SPD, so it was safe to say that even Porco's enemies knew more about his love life than he himself did.
"So, why the ADA?" Eren asked, tugging at his eyepatch. "I mean, I get that she was in charge of Annie's case and that she's a general pain in the ass, but why to try and take her out? It's not like she poses much of a threat to the Family anyway."
Reiner was silent for a moment, pausing to consider Eren. Eren stared right back, keeping his expression carefully neutral.
"She's tenacious— her willpower inspires others, and attacking a public figure like her always rattles everyone involved," Reiner replied carefully, his honey-gold eyes giving Eren a suspicious once-over, "But the real reason she was targeted? Our rat had a sneaking suspicion that she and Sergeant Ackerman are… involved."
"I should hope so," Eren replied smoothly. "They work together to decide when and how to arrest our people."
Reiner gave Eren a nasty, suggestive grin, and Eren's heart sank to the pit of his stomach.
"Not that kind of involved. I meant involved as in romantically involved."
Marley knew. Marley knew about Levi's affair, and they intended to use it as leverage. Eren had to consciously work to keep his frantically beating heart from leaping into his throat.
"Seriously?" Outwardly, Eren was all wonder, his one visible eye growing wide. "How did he know?"
"He's got good intuition." Reiner thought for a moment, then added, "It's also not improbable that he has other eyes to look for him— people watching their houses, bugging their phones, the whole works."
Eren nodded, and felt strangely relieved that his suspicions were correct. Marley's possession of an inside man would be the only thing he could have thought of that would reveal what Levi and (Y/N) shared. In truth, the only reason Eren even knew about the clandestine relationship between his sergeant and the ADA was because he'd known Levi long enough to know what to look and listen for in his daily life to indicate an attachment; outside of having several years of experience or being told directly, Eren couldn't possibly imagine how someone would so much as suspect Levi and his paramour of being more than colleagues at best, and irritable acquaintances at best.
"Must be a hell of a guy."
Eren was eager to probe for information on the Marleyan rat inside SPD, and oddly enough, Reiner seemed eager to provide it.
"Yeah, he's amazing, a real tactical genius," said Reiner, smiling distantly, as if speaking of a superhero he wasn't entirely sure was real. "You gotta be a real beast of a man to work with the pigs day in and day out like he does. I can't imagine what that would do to me."
In his younger days, Eren would have been chomping at the bit to defend SPD after a comment like that; fresh out of the Academy, Eren would have blown his cover all to hell by stomping on Reiner's face until it looked like ground beef. Now, all Eren had to do was inhale, then exhale, and all the anger was gone. What was left was determination, the kind that was as cold as steel and twice as strong.
"Probably kill you," Eren said off-handedly, and Reiner gave him a look.
"You sure are a funny one, Eren Jaeger. What would you know about pigs?"
Eren shrugged. "Not a whole lot. I do know that they say we have a pig in sheep's clothing around here though. Y'know, someone undercover, feeding them info."
Reiner frowned. "I think that's why we're here."
This was news to Eren.
“Yeah. Boss thinks somebody’s been leaking locations. Somebody here.”
Eren fought against the urge to close his eyes and pray Mikasa and Armin would find enough of him to bury.
“Any suspects that you know of?”
Reiner shrugged. “Boss is secretive, but… between you and me, I think he suspects the Azumabito. That’s why there are so many of them here today.”
“I see.”
The Boss—Theo Magath— wasn’t too far from the mark. The Azumabito Clan had long been informants for SPD in exchange for certain favors, but they weren’t the ones who had bugged the mansion, Magath’s home, and various other places deep in Marleyan territory. If someone had found the bugs… well, Eren was newest to the fold. It wouldn’t be hard for Boss to deduce the source of them.
“Well, on that note, I’m going to take a piss,” said Eren, stuffing his hands in his pockets to feel the comforting smoothness of the burner phone in his pocket. “Don’t let Boss start the meeting without me. I wanna look the bastard traitor in the eyes when he’d revealed and ask him what gave him the fucking right to rat on his family.”
With that, he turned and walked casually to the nearest bathroom. He locked the door behind him, and once he was sure no one was listening, he dialed Levi’s number.
That was the sergeant’s warmest greeting, and Eren was somehow comforted by its coldness.
“Cronus is ready to eat his children,” said Eren as quietly as he could. “It’s time the titans fell.”
There was no change in Levi’s tone; he was the very essence of stoicism.
Eren gave it, and despite the crash in the background from Levi’s end, he believed Levi when he replied,
“We’ll be there. Stay alive, brat.”
Eren squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself with a hand on either side of the porcelain sink in front of him. He could do this; if his cover was already blown, then the only thing he needed to do for the next hour was survive. His commanding officer's last words to him echoed in in head over and over again—
"Stay alive."
"Stay alive."
"Stay alive."
"Mislabeled evidence?!"
(Y/N) was raging, a woman on the warpath as she grabbed Jean Kirschstein by his lapels.
"The best and only chance we had to take on Marley besides our U.C.s was to make a deal with Annie Leonhart, and that chance was squandered by mislabeled evidence?"
(Y/N) and Detective Jean Kirschstein were standing in the middle of Levi's office— an honor reserved for only the most trusted of the SPD— and, unsurprisingly, they were using their precious time in the best office in the building to argue.
"Oi, I labeled everything myself, I triple checked every single ziplock baggie, every piece of glass, every photo!" Jean tried to jerk away, but Levi knew from experience what kind of grip that woman had. As it was, Jean only made himself look silly, a large, squirming child in (Y/N)'s unrelenting grip. "There's no way it was mislabeled, and besides, how can a judge throw out a solid case on those grounds?"
"It doesn't matter how— she can and she did, and if you didn't mislabel the evidence, then for fuck's sake, find me the bastard who did!"
"I hate to interrupt," said Levi, tightening the last strap on his Kevlar vest, "But we have a situation."
(Y/N) turned immediately to him, her brows furrowed, and Levi wanted desperately to embrace her. "Please tell me it's dirt on the Leonhart case."
Levi shook his head. "Nothing that good. Eren requested backup. He thinks his cover might be blown."
Jean's hands were in white-knuckled fists at his side, and (Y/N) paled at the news.
"Kirschstein, get your ass in gear, we roll in five," said Levi. He paused for a moment, considering, then added, "Counselor, I would advise staying at the precinct for now. It's safer for both you and your protective detail."
At that, (Y/N)'s eyes blazed, and Levi fought against a sigh.
"Like hell I will. Get me a vest, I'm coming with you."
A headache began to form behind Levi's eyes.
"This isn't a discussion. If you don't carry a badge, you aren't going. Do what you will otherwise, but you're not going anywhere near Marley."
"I'm going because you and your team keep fucking up," she replied tersely, her arms crossed. "If I'm there, I can keep you people from bungling everything."
Levi scowled, only halfway for show.
"Out of the question. You'll distract my team and get one of us killed."
Translation: I'll be so worried about trying to keep you safe that I won't be able to do my job.
"You can give me a vest and let me go with you, or I'll go without a vest and be it upon your head if something happens." (Y/N)'s look told him that she was deadly serious. "I'm going, Levi. Don't try to stop me."
Levi sighed. He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this, but in the end, he'd known it would.
"Alright," he relented, nodding at Jean Kirschstein to go and fetch the vest. "Whatever you say."
As soon as Jean left, Levi allowed the magnetism between himself and (Y/N) to pull him in, and even though he knew exactly what he was planning to do, he touched her face before he even realized he'd intended to.
"You drive me crazy," he told her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I can't ever tell if I want to kiss or strangle you.'
"Let's try both of them and see how you feel," (Y/N) suggested with a mischievous grin, and Levi noted that for all that they had mutually agreed that separation was necessary, (Y/N) was always willing to take, and take, and take from him anything that she could get her hands on— which just so happened to be everything, even Levi's very own heart. "Y'know, for science."
Levi smiled at that, grabbing (Y/N)'s wrists as she leaned forward, closing her eyes for a kiss. For a moment, Levi was sorely tempted— it had been days since he'd last been this close to her— but at the last moment, he used one fluid motion to twist (Y/N) around and slip one handcuff over her wrist. The other handcuff, he closed over the drawer handle of a locked filing cabinet, and (Y/N) whirled to face him, impassioned.
"Bastard!" she raged, her eyes full of hurt. "I can't believe you would—"
"Would what?" he snapped, crowding her so that their noses were almost touching. "Protect you from doing something stupid?"
"Would use our relationship like it's— like it's a weakness!"
It is a weakness, Levi wanted to say, but that was a conversation for another time.
"I could have knocked you out, pistol-whipped you right here in my office. I decided that this was kinder." At (Y/N)'s cold look, he added, "If you come after me, I won't hesitate a second time."
Levi backed away then, and as he did, he was rewarded with the full view of (Y/N) in all her reckless, untamable glory. Her blouse was rumpled, bunched up from being flush against him, and her chest heaved with the anger that was seething inside her; her eyes were bright and wild, like that of a she-wolf whose paw was caught in a hunter's trap, and Levi thought he had never been more in love than he was in that exact moment.
"When I get back, you can do whatever you want to me," he said, stepping close enough to press a kiss to her forehead, but no father. "But for now, I just need you here to come back to."
"I'll hold you to that," (Y/N) replied, worry coloring her expression for a brief moment. "Come back to me so I can slap your stupid, handsome face, Levi Ackerman."
Levi took that to mean "I love you."
"I will."
Thus, Levi would have made his exit, but on his way out, he bumped into Zeke Jaeger. Zeke Jaeger… who was moving to enter Levi's office, where (Y/N) was handcuffed. Levi thought that was strange indeed, as no one except himself, (Y/N), and a precious few others had access to that particular office— a list which explicitly excluded Zeke. Levi's office was the most secure place in the entire precinct, and for good reason.
"Can I help you?" Levi asked, standing firmly in the doorway as Zeke peered down at him with those creepy Jaeger eyes. Levi wanted to kick him.
"Yes, Sergeant," Zeke replied coolly, all ice in the face of Levi's flaming distrust. "I was coming to tell you that we're ready to leave as soon as you are."
"Fine. Leave."
Zeke Jaeger stood before Levi a few seconds longer than was necessary, then turned on his heel to stride out of the room. Levi should have followed immediately, but he lingered for a moment, his long-held suspicions gaining substance as he considered Zeke Jaeger's character.
"I don't trust him," (Y/N) said from across the room, echoing Levi's own thoughts. "Levi, I can't explain it, but— promise me you won't depend on him for anything, or be alone with him. He's dangerous."
(Y/N)'s expression was fervent, her eyes pleading, and Levi couldn't hold back a smile.
"I always said you were the smartest person working with the SPD," he told her, his heart swelling with fondness. "I'll be careful. That, I promise you."
With that, Levi took his leave, only taking enough time to grab a face shield before loading up with his team and pulling out, tires screeching and engine roaring.
Hang in there, Eren, he thought as he willed the car to go faster. Help is on the way.
Zeke Jaeger disliked Sergeant Ackerman on principle. Although Zeke supposed he could acknowledge and perhaps even appreciate the skill set that made Sergeant Ackerman a cut above— he could outrun, outshoot, and outthink nearly anyone on the force with a very few exceptions— but Zeke would certainly have found it easier to admire those traits ever they not attached to such an unpleasant little man— an unpleasant little man that Zeke would likely be obliged to kill one day.
"Jean, your skills as a sniper are unparalleled in the force," Levi was saying, turning to a tall, lanky cadet whose face was reminiscent of a horse. "I don't care how many trees you have to climb— if you have to fucking levitate to get a good vantage point, then I expect you to do so. Understood?"
Jean nodded. "Yes, Sergeant."
Levi prattled on talking about this strategy and that strategy, but Zeke wasn't really listening. His hand was buried deep in his pocket, typing a message to Theo Magath.
Your rat thinks he's been found out, said the message. We're coming in with a team now. Take account of who's acting jumpy.
Before he could hit send, though, Levi's eye met his own, and Zeke froze. The Sergeant's eyes— small, cold, and calculating— bore into him, and Levi Ackerman's answering scowl was unmatched with anything Zeke had ever seen.
"Stop playing with your dick through your pocket, you fucking pervert," Levi snapped. "I don't need anyone acting twitchy, especially a mean bastard like you."
Zeke shrugged, all innocence.
"Maybe if you told us the identity of your U.C.s, we wouldn't be so twitchy. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I’d feel much better knowing who I wasn’t supposed to be shooting at.”
At once, Levi’s eyes widened in outrage, even as a few around them tentatively nodded their agreement. Either unknowing or uncaring of his men’s falling morale, Levi lunged forward at Zeke, grabbing him by the front of his vest.
“You will never know the identity of my undercover officers,” he growled, his eyes never leaving Zeke’s. “If you ever ask me about the identity of my undercovers, I’m going to assume that you’re a rat, feeding information to Marley, and if I ever so much as suspect that of you, I’ll break your back under my foot and jerk off thinking about it later. Understood?”
Zeke nodded ever-so-slightly, and Levi released him slowly, leaving no doubt whatsoever about his sincerity. As soon as the sergeant’s eyes were off of him, Zeke shoved his hand back in his pocket and sent the text that he’d been typing earlier, deciding to add one last bit before hitting the send button.
If you get a shot at Sergeant Levi Ackerman, take it. He’s the biggest threat to Marley that walks this earth.
Zeke wanted to attach a photo, but he didn’t have time; Sasha Braus drove the armored vehicle like a twelve year-old at a go-kart race, and they were at what Zeke had supposed to be the most secret and secure safe house in all of Marley’s territory before he even knew what was happening. Soon, Levi’s team was unloading, and a S.W.A.T. team wasn’t far behind. As Levi barked orders, Zeke could only hope his message had gotten through in time. If not, it would be a sad day for Marley indeed.
“I want this place surrounded,” Levi said, “Give me eyes everywhere I can get them; wait for my signal, then we go in.”
The S.W.A.T. captain tried to speak to Levi, clearly miffed that he hadn’t been the one to give the orders, but Levi strode right past him, dismissing his authority as though it held only the weight of a wet sheet of paper.
“Jaeger, you stay close to me,” Levi ordered, not even deigning to glance in Zeke’s direction as he spoke. “There won’t be any laurels for you today— if you're so scared of shooting someone you aren't supposed to, you'll need me as a babysitter.”
Damn Levi Ackerman and his powers of perception; Zeke’s job would have been made so much easier if someone more stupid had been made Sergeant.
There was silence for a long moment as everyone got into position, and Levi’s eyes never left the front door of the mansion. Zeke wished he knew whether or not his message had been received— it would have given him great comfort to know that there was a reason that the steel shutters weren’t raised to prevent a sniper’s bullet— but he supposed there was no worrying about it now. All their fates lay in the hands of Levi Ackerman.
At length, Levi looked down to check his phone, typed a message, then said into his radio, “Fire at will. This is our best and only chance to save our U.C.”
The grassy hilltop exploded in gunfire. Zeke, completely, utterly in shock, couldn’t believe his eyes. Such an order could hardly be considered legal— it was completely and utterly against the law to order policemen to open fire without even the slightest hint of imminent danger present— and yet the sergeant had taken matters into his own hands, essentially going rogue in order to protect his inside man. It was completely unheard of in the history of the SPD for an officer of Levi’s rank to go this far against protocol, and Zeke could never have predicted it, not in a million years.
“Bust that front door down!” Levi called to the S.W.A.T. team, who stood at the ready with a battering ram. “We’re going in!” As directed, the S.W.A.T. team heaved the ram against the door, and it burst wide open like the maws of hell itself— only, instead of fire and brimstone, they were met with gunfire raining down like hail.
Fine, Zeke thought, stopping in his tracks behind Levi, who was moving to enter the fray. If he can go rogue, so can I.
Abruptly, Zeke changed course, headed for the opposite side of the hill where he knew there was a secret exit, but even as he moved, he felt Levi’s gaze land squarely on him, heavy as lead and sharp as a knife’s point.
“Jaeger,” he began, his tone a grisly warning, but Zeke was already too far gone. He sprinted around the hill, stretching his legs as far as they would go, knowing but not caring that Levi was gaining on him with every twist and turn.
If he catches me, he’s going to kill me, Zeke thought absently as he found the tunnel and entered it, not bothering to look behind him. If he kills me, then all my efforts will be in vain.
That would not do. Generally, Zeke was neutral about the matter of his survival, but that of his cause… he would make any sacrifice to ensure its success.
Zeke reached into his pocket, fingering the ridges of the grenade he’d stolen from the armory. He couldn’t risk Levi killing him, or ratting him out to their superiors; the best way to ensure that neither alternative took place was to take Levi out of the equation entirely.
“Jaeger!” Levi rounded the corner, his gun trained on Zeke. “Put your hands in the air or I’ll—”
Zeke didn’t even need to think about it. He pulled the pin, lobbed the grenade, and turned back down the tunnel.
In his hurry, Zeke missed the fact that a shadowy figure was pressed against the side of the tunnel.
(Y/N) had just managed to free herself from the handcuffs Levi had left her in when a call came through on her cell from Hange. Worry pulling at the pit of her stomach, (Y/N) answered, and it was worse than she could possibly have imagined.
“Levi’s in the hospital,” Hange said, forgoing a greeting. “He’s in critical condition, they’re taking him into surgery now. I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, but I thought you should—”
“I’m on my way,” (Y/N) replied, her heart racing. “If you get a chance, tell him—”
She choked, unable to finish her sentence, but Hange saved her the trouble.
“I will,” said Hange, swift and sure. “I’ll tell him. Just get here in one piece. He’ll need you when he wakes up. If he wakes up.”
Hange’s tone— worried, frightened— didn’t bode well. (Y/N) refused to acknowledge the possibility that Levi wouldn’t make it. He had promised her. He’d promised.
“I’ll be there.” (Y/N) felt totally and entirely numb. “See you soon.”
In retrospect, (Y/N) had no idea how she made it to the hospital unscathed. She barely retained any memory of the drive, and once she arrived at the emergency room demanding to see Levi, the only thought she had was of his well-being.
“Ma’am, you really can’t go back there,” said the receptionist, standing from his desk. “We don’t even know what room Sergeant Ackerman will be in once he’s out of surgery, and since you aren’t a family member—”
“Hange!” (Y/N) cried out, caring little whether security decided to throw her out on her ass or not. “Hange, I’m here!”
As if summoned by some otherworldly magic, Hange appeared just around the corner.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” said Hange to the receptionist with a strained smile. “She’s with me, she can take my place in the waiting room.”
The receptionist looked doubtful, but allowed (Y/N) to proceed. Hange held her arms open to (Y/N), and the ADA allowed herself to fall into the other woman’s arms, holding onto her like a life preserver in the middle of the ocean.
“There’s a girl,” said Hange, patting (Y/N)’s back as they embraced. Whispering, she added, “He asked for you when I found him.”
“Oh, God,” (Y/N) choked out, and she realized that she was crying. “Can you take me to him?”
Hange shook her head. “He’s in surgery. The best we can do is stay in the waiting room— that is, if our receptionist friend here is permitting?”
The receptionist looked at the two women for a long time, then sighed.
“Fine,” he replied, “But if anyone asks, you never spoke to me.”
(Y/N) nodded gratefully, and Hange led her to the waiting room by the hand. They sat together in tense silence, and (Y/N) couldn’t stop her hands from shaking. In the back of her mind, she had always known something like this might happen, but to experience it so suddenly was unexpected and terrifying. How Hange seemed to keep herself together, (Y/N) would never know; suddenly, she understood what Levi must have felt when she was targeted by Marley, and she forgave him for everything he had ever said to her in a fit of protective, possessive anger.
“I hate this place,” said Hange, looking up at the once-white ceiling tiles. “This is the same waiting room they put Levi and I in when Erwin lost his arm.”
(Y/N) nodded, remembering. Those had been the early days, when she and Levi were just figuring out who and what they were to each other. During that time, there had been screaming matches followed by the best sex (Y/N)’d ever had, quickies in the bathrooms at work during particularly gruelling days to let off steam, and all other manner of wild, passionate shenanigans, but the most wrecked she’d ever seen Levi was after that operation. He’d been a shaking, furious, bloodthirsty mess after the incident, and at night, when he’d wake up in cold sweat after another horrific dream, she’d find him sitting up on what had become his side of the bed, trembling with fear and anger and helplessness. On those nights, (Y/N) would bring him a glass of water, make him drink it, and then sit silently at his side; if he chose, Levi would talk to her about what he was feeling, and if not, he would reach out with his pinkie finger to touch her own. It was in those moments, the ones where only the tender skin of their smallest fingers and the very essence of their hearts were touching, that (Y/N) had decided that she might, in fact, have gotten a little out of her depth with the whole “fucking a cop” thing.
It was in those moments that she’d realized she loved Levi more than anyone else she’d ever been with.
“He’s going to be okay,” (Y/N) said, apropos of nothing. “Levi, he’s a fighter. He wouldn’t die on us now.”
Hange looked at her a little strangely, then huffed a laugh.
“I don’t guess you’re wrong,” she replied. “I’ve just seen a lot more people die fighting the titans of Marley than I ever thought I would.”
(Y/N) reached out and clasped Hange’s hand once more, and they stayed that way for a long while. Half an hour passed and there was still no news; Hange went to get some coffee a few minutes after that. Thirty more minutes, and (Y/N) began to feel a little queasy. A full forty-five minutes later, and Hange’s name was called out by a young woman in a white coat.
“My name is Dr. Stankowitz, and I have good news for you, ladies,” she told them, flipping papers on her chart. “Mr. Ackerman is stabilized, but we’re keeping him medicated for the moment so that he’ll rest. I could give you more information about the extent of his injuries and explain the recovery process to you, but you seem pretty anxious to see him, so I’ll bring you back before I go more in-depth. Sound good?”
Hange nodded and thanked her, and she and (Y/N) trailed anxiously behind the doctor as she led them to the room Levi had been moved to. The stark, empty walls of the ICU seemed to stretch on forever before Dr. Stankowitz stopped in front of a doorway, but once (Y/N) was to enter, she wasn’t sure she would have the strength to accept what she might find there. As if she could sense (Y/N)’s sudden reluctance, Dr. Stankowitz put her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder and said,
“It’s not as bad as all that. Your sergeant was extremely lucky— a grenade caught him at close range, but thanks to his face and body being shielded by his gear, his injuries are as minimal as they can be in a situation like this. Thankfully, he doesn’t have as much burnt tissue as we might have expected, but he did sustain multiple lacerations that cost him one eye and a few of his fingers. He’ll be alright, though, and so will you.”
(Y/N) swallowed thickly, but nodded. Steeling her nerves, she slipped quietly into the room behind Hange, who was already seated by Levi’s side, holding one of his hands in her own, and when (Y/N) came close enough to see Levi’s face, she was both pained and relieved. A long suture went from above Levi’s right eyebrow down over his eye, ending only on the bottom left side of his face. There was another, more shallow laceration closer to his ear on his right cheek, but what concerned (Y/N) most was the hand that Hange was holding— Levi’s right hand— which was missing the index and middle fingers.
“He looks so grumpy,” Hange smiled a bit sadly, tears welling in her eyes for the first time since (Y/N) had seen her. “He looks like he could sit up and scold us at any moment.”
(Y/N) nodded, but before she could reply, Dr. Stankowitz cleared her throat.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but now that you’ve seen that Sergeant Ackerman is on the mend, the hospital’s policy is that only one visitor is allowed at the time to allow maximum rest and recovery for our patients.” The doctor looked pained for a moment, then her features smoothed back into a neutral mask of professionalism. “I’m sure you understand.”
(Y/N) nodded, moving to go— after all, what good could she do Levi by staying around and crying when she could be working this case?— but Hange stopped her, standing and straightening her blazer.
“You stay,” said Hange, wiping her eyes. “I’ve got to do the paperwork on this. You take care of him, and we’ll focus on catching whoever’s behind it.”
“Alright,” said (Y/N), unable to argue with much of anything in her current state. “Be careful out there, Hange.”
Hange nodded, patted (Y/N)’s shoulder in farewell, then made her exit. Dr. Stankowitz said something in regards to hospital visiting hours, then departed as well, leaving (Y/N) well and truly alone with Levi’s broken but resting body.
Or, at least she would have been alone, had a figure not stepped out from behind another the curtain of another section meant for a different patient, casting its own shadow over her as she took up Hange’s seat next to Levi.
“… Eren?” asked (Y/N), blinking up at the much older-looking version of the police cadet she’d known before. “What are you doing here?”
Eren glanced around as if to make sure they were alone, then tugged his baseball cap further down over his eyes and said, “I know who the rat is.”
It took (Y/N) a moment to process what she’d just been told, but once she did, she launched herself to her feet, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
“Who is it?” she demanded, her hands balled into white-knuckled fists at her side. “I want to find and kill the bastard myself!”
A dangerous glint rose in Eren’s eyes, and he put his hands on both of her shoulders, grounding her.
“I know who it is, but before I tell you, I want to run a plan past you and see if it could be admissible as evidence.”
Eren spoke at length, and (Y/N) listened carefully as he described his plan in detail. Once he finished, (Y/N) sat in stunned silence, flabbergasted by how stupidly simple it seemed, yet how effective. If they managed to pull this off well enough, the two of them could take down Marley with one blow. Sure, Internal Affairs might roast her alive over a fire made of paperwork, but what was a little bureaucratic scolding compared to sweet justice with a side of vengeance?
“And you’re sure this will work?”
Eren nodded. “I’ve seen it a hundred times if I’ve seen it once. It won’t be easy, though, and even if we manage to pull it off and survive, Sarge is gonna kill us.”
(Y/N) glanced over at Levi, took in the angry, puckered, pinkened flesh that ripped its way across his face, the missing fingers, and the pallor of his complexion, and her decision was made.
“I can handle Levi,” she said, determined. “I’ll do anything if it means we can take Marley down.”
Eren nodded. “I’ll be in touch. ”
With that, Eren took his leave, and for the first time in a long time, (Y/N) felt hopeful that they would finally be able to destroy Marley for good.
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