#picture worth a thousand words
bragonte · 1 year
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a picture worth 1,000,000 words
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theeconfession · 21 days
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team-avia · 18 days
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"Who do you think you are, running around leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart"
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
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Photos of David and Georgia at the TV BAFTAs last night. Presented without comment...
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peanuts-fan · 8 months
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class report
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dinosaurwithablog · 29 days
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"We are not amused!!" That cat's expression says it all. How adorable 😍 🤣🤣🤣😍 I'm still giggling. My cat would never tolerate that.
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issalesnunes · 26 days
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Maybe my Bridgerton obsession is getting to me, but this image is definitely a Renaissance painting.
The camera angle focused on Penélope, the expression on her face, the contrasting colors!
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iloveprettyboysblog · 2 years
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Lt. Bradley Bradshaw vs Rooster Bradshaw 💞💕
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ironunderstands · 3 months
It’s such an untalked about form of whiplash where someone interprets the same thing as you, and it’s reasonable they came to that conclusion, but in such an entirely different tone than you would that completely jarrs you back to reality. Like I read a fic today about the Final Victory lightcone, and in it Ratio doesn’t find Aventurine shooting himself 3 times impressive enough (he calculated the odds of dying weren’t high enough to prove anything), so he pulls the trigger two more times, and aventurine isn’t at all phase about it. And like it was very well written and reasonably in character, but that’s not my Dr. Ratio or Aventurine. I had a moment where I was like “people see them like this!?!”
A scene I interpreted as a display of Aventurines sheer desperation to get anyone on his side to the point of suicidal behavior, and Ratio not doing anything about it because he was so in shock at both the consequences of his actions (berating Aventurine earlier and making him feel as though he had no other choice), and being unable to move and stop him because of that and the whole “what the ever loving fuck is happening right now”…
…Into a completely different one, one where Ratio willingly accepts Aventurines challenge and pulls the trigger two more times because 3 isn’t enough to prove Aventurine could be the final victor, all while calculating what would happen if the bullet was in that gun and if he could save him. For his part, Aventurines “provocative gaze” which I interpreted as desperation (and maybe Aventurines suicidal tendencies peaking through) masked as overconfidence (which ratio would see right through and would cause him to freeze) into a genuine challenge (the underlying suicidal tendencies are still there).
And like, neither of these are wrong in my eyes. We don’t get to see how the actual scene played out, we only have the Lightcone, its description, the context and our understanding of Dr. Ratio’s and Aventuine’s characters. Personally I lean towards my interpretation being the more canon one because Dr. Ratio (as narcissistic as he is) genuinely cares for others well being (also his leaked voicelines ab Aventurine make me feel this way) and I don’t think he would care about the point Aventurine is trying to prove if it would cause him to die, so I think the only reality in which he is holding that gun to Aventurine’s chest is out of shock.
But like, if you don’t view Ratio or Aventurine like I do, which is completely reasonable, the other interpretation makes sense. Unless we see this actual scene play out, both possibilities co-exist but one of them is so brazenly different from my interpretation of the scene that I can’t really reconcile with it. I love when others perspectives do that to me
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Just a reminder!
If you have to get your inspection done and you don’t know or trust the mechanic. Take as many pictures of your undercarriage and engine and really everything as possible.
Some mechanics will be honest with you, some aren’t and always get an itemized list of any work they say it needs.
Your filters take ~10 min to change and cost roughly $10.
My sister just got her inspection and they wanted to charge her $70 to change her filters.
They also told her she needed new tires….the day after they were changed.
This has been a random PSA. You may now continue your tomfoolery.
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mfs really have the audacity to be like "ppl are projecting homoeroticism onto tomgreg" as if they haven't worn matching outfits for three gay straight seasons and aren't constantly doing shit like
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but what do i know
sources: 1 stripedlily, 2 paddockbunny, 3 togansweep, 4 lousolverson, 5 lousolverson, 6 wambs, 7 lousolverson, 8 castiel, 9 lousolverson, 10 divorcedtom, 11 lousolverson, 12 livelovecaliforniadreams, 13 tenor, 14 falldanboy
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warpspeedchiic · 1 year
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just gonna leave this here. happy monday everyone
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auseyre · 1 month
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As someone who's college experience consisted of going to class and going home, IDK if this is common in the West or the US(outside of frats/sors) or if it's just a Thai thing or what but I love, love, love how much effort they put into taking care of the incoming students and setting them up for success.
It's legitimately one of the things that changed my mind about not watching University BLs after Bad Buddy. Sky made himself sick trying to make everything perfect for the juniors, and then I was all teary-eyed about a chicken dance!
The way they all worship Payu in the Architecture school with good reason -- he goes out of his way even after he's already graduated and working to look out for them. (Look y'all the scene where he left the protractor? and note for Rain melted my heart into goo).
UWMA and Between Us got me with this too. Like I grew up watching shows and movies where if you didn't bully and torment a freshman what were you even in college for, okay? It's such a lovely unexpected little pleasure of watching these shows.
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aiura-stan · 2 months
0-4 is here, never fear.
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I figured it out. Saiki keeps repeating himself so that the time loop reveal is more impactful. Or something. He is mentally preparing us for the neverending comedy shenanigans to get serious. Let’s pretend that’s Asou sensei’s intent.
This chapter is entitled “Chapter four: Precognition,” so I look forward to seeing how it addresses this very interesting power of his.
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I have always liked that Saiki’s precognition is only totally random snippets without context (and comes along with a headache.) That’s a good limitation to put on a power like that, and it makes a good hole in which to plug Aiura further down the line (if you’ll excuse the strange wording.) Saiki then says “It would be the best power if only I could see exactly where I wanted to in the future…” So he thinks Aiura’s power is the best power…
I do like how this manga gets kind of meta in terms of: there’s the repeating format of “I am a psychic, but my abilities suck and here’s why…” but with a different ability each time, and a totally different character as well. It does give these first chapters a bit of a time loop feel. I wonder if a fan or an editor made some kind of comment in this vein to Asou sensei and he decided to run with it. I mean, he probably just thought of it as a convenient format to use, taking into consideration that a lot of people would be starting off by reading chapter two, or three or even four instead of chapter one of his first manga, since it was brand new at the time. And since the releases were pretty spaced out. Anyways.
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I love how much fate just literally hands him very distinctive people. Even when Saiki isn’t accidentally doing things to attract them or being way too kind, he still ends up in all these scenarios where nothing but fate could make him collide with all of these people. Makes me think of the episode where Saiki is watching TV and it’s just one person that he knows after another.
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XD Nendou conquered the slit…
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I can’t decide if this is sarcasm or if Saiki likes human body part shaped objects. Judging from all of his earlier rants about muscles being gross, I’m going with sarcasm.
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The fact that Saiki went out of his way just to do that for Nendou is touching. And very extra. I know it was because he thought Nendou would die otherwise, but still. He didn’t have to follow up with a text. That part was just to spare Nendou’s feelings.
He swapped her cell phone and the bowling ball… I guess those two items cost the same amount, a flip phone and a bowling ball… hmm.
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Also I like Nendou having more emotional intelligence than Saiki. All of his friends have something that he doesn’t have; maybe that’s the common thread between them (aside from them all being a little strange.)
Alrighty! That’s the end of 0-4. See you all tomorrow for 0-5. 💫
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marosii · 1 year
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Hunter x Hunter is too complicated to explain so I’ve created a visual aid. Hope this helps
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sharmoota-job · 1 year
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Can't stop thinking about this picture of Michael with a tiny Jimmy 🥺
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