#philippe is THE babygirl
unanchored-ship · 1 month
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a eugene of savoy and the first philippe ever drawn i think
do not ask why eugene is 👉👈 i was probably high while drawing that
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tanevcolton28 · 11 days
Look at babygirl and grubi😍😩
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snekjin · 2 years
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top liner Phil ✨
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zxveau · 1 year
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bookmauls · 7 months
Potentially drama-starting take:
Pawel Sasko doesn't like Takemura.
BEFORE YOU GET MAD AT ME, TUMBLR, THIS ISN'T A PERSONAL ATTACK. I think Pawel did an amazing job with 2077, and I have utmost respect for him.
Regardless, I have thoughts:
I've been following meta analysis by writers about their games as a hobby since I was a kid. I recently got into CP 2077 because of how open and transparent Powel and Philipp have been about the development process and their own writing process, and I really appreciate the layers of story-telling they add to V and the cast of 2077.
However, I get the feeling Powel is apathetic or antipathic towards Takemura. I have to say I understand how he feels, because when your art is consumed, enjoyed and analysed in ways you don't expect it can feel a little alienating.
You put all your effort into THESE romances and story arcs for THESE characters, and a chunk of the fandom adores this last-minute addition who you weren't super invested in to begin with. Or the guy who lives in their head. I would feel super frustrated.
I think Powel avoided Takemura romance because he felt icky about it. That's fine. As a writer, he shouldn't have to write what he doesn't enjoy. What I wish he did instead was leave a romance arc to another writer and set out hard limits for content and characterisation, then share his thoughts with the rest of the writing team.
But I have to say, the best thing CDPR could have done is rolled with the fandom on this. Hell, Bioware did with Garrus, and femshep/garrus is still the biggest ship in the ME fandom. Garrus is babygirl and peeps are still grateful to bioware for indulging the fanbase. Takemura was a missed opportunity.
This is me talking out of my arse. Shoulda-coulda-woulda is easy for me to say. But I would have appreciated it if the idea of "goro gets giggty with V BUT another writer handles it bc it's not my cuppa tea," was given to the community, rather than just not including any new romance content.
It probably never would have happened, because time, budget, story prioritization etc. But Takemura has been done dirty, out of neglect. Not maliciously so, but the removal of lines, bugs (no post-Wakako jig-jig street shopping, eye-bugs, texts not triggering,) and his appearance in Phantom liberty (LITERALLY THE HAIRLINE THO.) All point to an unintended lack of care.
Again, I don't think there's any malicious intent, just different priorities. All too often, majority femme fanbases like v/takemura remain underserved, while the masc fans are better catered to and receive new content for Panam. (At least as far as I know, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
In the end, all that matters to the execs of CDPR is turning a profit, so CDPR can remain in business. I get it, but fans don't forget goodwill. I hope CDPR will throw us a boner in the future.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 1 month
meant to send this yesterday but I fell asleep so 😈 every now and then I think about how Robert and Giselle's lives would've gone if they hadn't found each other and it had me wondering what you think Adam and Belle's might be? I believe you've mentioned Adam knew he had to eventually marry and have kids, do you think he would've ever come to love them in a weird way, or would he have just stayed distant? and what would happen to Maurice and Belle 👁️👁️
okay so for belle and maurice. i truly think belle would have stayed in the village, until maurice died. which, not to be BLEAK, but historical evidence dictates that maurice probably would have lived only another like. Maybe ten years. MAYBE. which is so sad i’m sorry!!!!! a beautiful bonus of belle & adam marrying is that both belle and maurice’s qualities of life improve IMMENSELY. they go from poverty to royalty. better food, better hygiene resources, better mental health in general like ?? Thriving. so in the Real post-canon world, fear not. maurice lives longggg and even gets to become a great-grandfather before he goes 💙
BUT OKAY IN THIS AWFUL WORLD?? WHERE MY BELOVEDS DO NOT MEET????? yeah okay so, belle obviously wants to get outta town. we know this. but she really is not going leave maurice behind. they’re so bonded, and she clearly worries about him a lot. she’s like, DISTRAUGHT being at the castle, not because of her own safety, but because her father is home alone!!!! “he’s never been on his own”!!! (which always makes me laugh endearingly a little. like babygirl what do you think he was doing all those years before you were born 😭 he has been on his own PLENTY. but from her perspective i totally understand. he’s the center of her world, he’s never been alone To Her, because he’s always with her!!!!! augh. beloveds.)
ANYWAY, belle and maurice would just continue their lives. i guess in this divergence, maurice just doesn’t get lost on the way to the market? he goes and comes back the next day and things just carry on ? and in this same universe, adam never got cursed of course, but we’ll get into that shortly. so, some years go by. gaston definitely Continues pursuing belle, which is annoying, and i fear he’d get more aggressive, but i could also see him getting bored and moving on. (maybe even moving away 😍🤞 but that’s unlikely since he’s so worshiped here. but maybe people get bored of him too! idk.) regardless, maybe some ten years post the movie point in the timeline, maurice gets sick and slowly fades away. belle’s at his bedside to the very end. maurice is constantly telling her to not fret about him, to go on, go live your life now. forget me. but she, of course, continues caring for him until his last breath. she’s devastated. père robert comforts her and the funeral is small but nice.
after THAT (i can’t believe you just made me write that. biting you for your crimes.) belle grieves for a period of time, but her father’s words keep ringing in her mind. “go live your life, go on, go live.” so she eventually finds the strength to do so. she never loved this village, and this village Certainly never really loved her, but she knew her father felt safest here, so she stayed. but now that his story has ended, perhaps hers can begin. she sells everything she can, including the cottage itself, packs up clothes and books and special trinkets in saddlebags and a rucksack, hugs père robert and madame dupont (the dressmaker) and maybe a few others goodbye, hops on philippe’s back, and takes off.
i don’t think she completely knows where to go. but her heart keeps leading toward paris. she has to see. she has to know where her roots were laid. she has to know what her life was supposed to be like, had her mother lived. she had enough money to get by fairly easily, staying in inns and places along the way. meeting people, learning lots. she eventually lands in paris, and it really is a whole new world. i like to think that she finds her bearings here, somehow. maybe she’s able to get some education, since paris is more progressive than the small towns. MAYBE she gets the chance to open her own book shop. being in the city is a culture shock for her, for SURE, but she’s nothing if not determined to face a challenge.
she probably settles in paris, but definitely saves enough money to take little trips to other towns and cities, as well as maybe even getting to see italy. (MAYBE even getting to board a ship to that “america” place everyone seems so hot and bothered about.) (oh this may be obvious but batb universe is an alternate reality where the french revolution doesn’t happen. i’m not letting my babies get guillotined?? although, in This au, with adam and belle never having met… maybe it still would have. idk🤗) also i do like to think that belle would have met someone in paris and gotten married! i don’t think it was important to her AT ALL, but i can definitely see her having some cute little love story with a nice lad who kept frequenting her book shop. maybe they marry and have a couple kiddos. but also maybe not! i’m a huge fan of spinster!belle as well. and i know she’d kick ass and be content as one. (though i knoooow she longs for romance. so i’ll give her the cute bookshop guy. as a treat ❤️)
WELL WELL WELL… let’s check in with the local bitchass prince. shall we?
okay so. SO. yeah, adam never being cursed, never given an opportunity for change… he just fully becomes his father. the council was getting progressively more annoyed with him about not marrying someone, and i think within a year or two, they push on him some other laws that are like hey if you Don’t get married you’re actually subject to just fully lose the entire kingdom. you don’t wanna lose your precious ✨Things✨ do you? and adam, groaning like a child, is like “no…😒” so! the council finds some princess from an allied kingdom. i’m being vague on purpose because political history is not my speciality and i also Don’t Super Care. but hey! princess from allied kingdom! hello! adam meets his bride on their wedding day. neither of them are thrilled about it but she’s probably more willing to Do Their Duty than he is.
they get married and she’s pregnant not before too long. i can’t imagine adam feels too much about it. they have a son, (and the whole country collectively sighs in relief) and he’s probably named louis after adam’s father :/ or maybe antoine after his grandfather. anyway. gahhhh this is so tough to watch.
okay but the thing is, even if adam doesn’t feel AS connected to his son here, i still know that he’s not going to be harsh with him the way louis was with him. the reason he didn’t want to have children is because he knew how his father treated him was Wrong, but he had no idea how to be gentle either. his wife can see that he Wants to know what to do with their son, but he just doesn’t have the skills and tools. and unfortunately, his wife doesn’t really understand him enough to get through to him. he rejects any kind of emotional vulnerability with her. so, to ensure he doesn’t Harm the boy, adam is just absent a lot. he spends more and more time in paris and versailles. he has mistresses and still finds ways to indulge. he DOES his king duties but only precisely what he needs to do, nothing more.
he comes back every now and then to still “be around” and such. he and his wife probably have a few more children over time. they have daughters and sons. princesses and princes. he knows what to do with them even less when they’re children, not having ANY idea how to interact with children, and not having the complete love & care for them to even try. he’s not cruel or hateful toward them, he’s just. not emotionally present. they’re not afraid of him, they just don’t feel anything from him. it’s much of the same with his wife (unless she tries to Talk about anything too personal. then he’s vicious and argues angrily. they can sometimes talk about work subjects if he’s in a good mood (though that’s boring) and they may even have some intellectual talks too ! she’s educated and he does appreciate that in her. but overall they’re just never super close because she doesn’t get him and he never tries to get her.)
his sons go to boarding school and university to be educated young men, his daughters are taught by governesses and go to finishing school to be fine young ladies.
adam is just :/ depressed. and I’M DEPRESSED WRITING THIS!!!!!! BITING YOU AGAIN!!!! but anyway yeah he’s just kind of :// going through the motions. i know there’s another universe where he becomes just as cruel as his father was, but i really can’t bear the thought. (and that world i presented also assumes that his wife would be a nice person, willing to endure him for their duty. there’s also a world where she’s just as awful and it’s even messier than we could possibly imagine!!!) but the fact is, adam DOES have good in him. we KNOW he does. and maybe he doesn’t end up finding a soulmate to help him fully bring it out, but i Know him and i KNOW that having a partner who is at least kind to him, and having children, Would be able to shift something in him just a bit. just enough not to be cruel to them… even if he never finds the skills to be fully loving with them 😭
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chaberkowepole · 9 months
I did it, I read the entire first Philippic, my head is now spinning, it took one hour, Cicero babygirl I love you but why
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margridarnauds · 2 years
What’s one upcoming book, film or tv show that you’re really excited about?
I'm actually really excited for the Canel+ Marie Antoinette -- Me and @vivelareine have talked about it and, even though I have a lot of reservations (like...a lot), I'm still ultimately excited to see *what* they do with it. It could very likely lead to me rolling my eyes, but the bonus of watching 18th century media for Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d'Orléas, alias "Philippe Égalité" is that....I'm rarely disappointed.
Alright, allow me to rephrase: I'm regularly disappointed, but at least I got what I came for and, given how rarely he shows up, my standards are low. Joseph Schildkraut Philippe wearing a full face of makeup and prancing around the court like an evil, judgemental, masochistic fairy? I love him. Mitsuo Yoshihara Philippe owning the stage and effortlessly belting out a song with rock elements while also being a fake bitch? Love of my life. Rose of Versailles Philippe wearing a dramatic black cloak and killing people? 10/10. Innocent's Philippe and his....everything? Babygirl, the best thing about that particular manga. Jean-Claude Dreyfuss' Philippe hopelessly bumbling around painted on sets while bearing an almost uncanny resemblance to the real thing at times while getting shouted at by Lucy Russell in French? Iconic.
Basically, everyone else here might lose, including historical!Philippe, but I'M going to win no matter how bad or good this ends up being, which, imo, is very girlboss of me, just like the creators of this TV show wanted. (Well...not exactly, but close enough.) And I get to see my boy.
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I ask not that he be accurate but please, oh TV gods, let him be entertaining and to live up to the goth rococo aesthetic that his first promo photo promises and that his predecessors have pulled off so well, forever amen.
Also starring:
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The Girl Who Bullied You In High School as Marie Antoinette
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Conflicted Sexy Hero From A Revolutionary War Novel Cover as Louis XVI
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Christian Grey as Fersen
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Guy Who Is Clearly Not Getting Paid Enough as Mercy
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Thorunn Vikings as Madame du Barry (For once I'm being serious, it is actually Gaia Weiss, hitting me firmly in the face with my #JusticeForThorunn days)
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George Warleggan as Provence
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James Purefoy as Marc Antony Louis XV, a Roman French politician with a reputation for the high life and numerous love affairs, including one notoriously intelligent woman who was as much a business and political partner as a wife mistress and whose final choice of partner created trouble for the Republic of Rome French monarchy.
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goldentangerines · 1 year
never feeling quite as loved as when my best friend forever wants to know something and asks about philipp ii of macedonia and his not-grave. i am born to deliver information about one-eyed babygirl crippled guys who have been dead for 2359 slutty slutty years and their extended family and nothing else
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unanchored-ship · 1 month
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philippes first appearance on me blog woo
brought to you by church whiteboard :3
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tanevcolton28 · 7 months
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Hims so happy
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lemoncakedragon · 7 years
Prequel to One Last Goodbye
Hey! So, here’s the prequel to One Last Goodbye. New readers, READ THIS FIRST before reading this chapter. Little note at the end for you guys but I hope you enjoy this!
Goodnight Babygirl
Clothes everywhere. Spilling out of drawers, flung across the bed, just everywhere. Packing was Camila’s kryptonite. She’s the type that over packs for any trip. A three-day trip would look like a month and half stay according to all the contents in Camila’s suitcase. She just wanted to be ready for anything.
But the frustrated look on Camila’s face now said something different.
She had no idea what to pack. A weekend getaway to Vegas for her 21st birthday should’ve been easy to pack for, but that was before she started to see Lauren in a new light just weeks ago.
“This is probably the worst idea you could’ve agreed to, Camila. Great job,” she said sarcastically to herself. For the past 45 minutes, she had been going through every piece of clothing she owned. Nothing.
Nothing she owned was good enough. Enough to turn heads, yes, but not enough to turn the one head she wanted.
Lauren is beautiful. Even at a young age, people always knew she would be one of those pretty popular girls that has a bitch attitude because they always get what they want.
But Camila knew her better. Yeah, Lauren was a bitch to those she didn’t like but she always took care of the close circle of friends she had. Whether it was picking them up from a bar at four in the morning, or going out of her way to pick up someone from the airport an hour away, she would never say no to those that mattered.
Every time she’s with her, every bone in her body turns to jelly. She’s a wreck whenever Lauren is close, and yet, she never felt more alive. How everyone and everything ceased to exist whenever she was in the picture, how she hung on to every word she said, every little thing Lauren did because she couldn’t get enough of her–she hasn’t felt this way in a long time.
Camila sat down in front of her empty suitcase. She needed to get this done quickly. Her flight leaves in five hours and she needed to be at the airport in three to meet Lauren.
“Come on, Camila. You passed the bar exam with flying colors. Packing is nothing compared to that.” She gave herself a small fist pump and dove right into it.
To say Camila was nervous was an understatement. Her palms were sweating and she couldn’t stop fidgeting. It hasn’t even been five minutes since her driver dropped her off. The last text she got from Lauren was her saying she was ten minutes away.
Camila’s internal battle with her mind and her heart was exhausting. She wanted to stop thinking about her feelings and enjoy her weekend but how? Alcohol, a touchy-drunk Lauren, and the amount of butterflies erupting from her stomach would definitely do her no good if she spilled the pot full of feelings. She needed to be alert and on her best behavior but…then what? If she accomplished not doing something she’ll regret this weekend, then the likelihood of going home with Lauren still a friend was in her favor. She shook her head. She wasn’t ready to think ahead, She just needed to focus on getting through this weekend.
Camila was so deep into her thoughts; she didn’t notice Lauren come in through the automatic doors in her Philipp Plein black boots, Lucky Brand black jeans, and 1975 concert shirt. Strutting through the airport like she owned the place. Her family was rich enough that they could.
And then there she was, standing in front of Camila with excitement in her eyes and a beautiful smile on her face.
“Ready to go?” She said with enthusiasm. Too much for Camila’s liking but she did her best to hide whatever struggle she was going through. She felt dainty fingers interlace with hers; the butterflies in her stomach erupting in full force.  
With a deep breath she looked at Lauren, “Of course! Let’s go.”
They got in quite late on Friday night.
It was nice though. Check-in lines were also almost nonexistent and the room was ready when they got there. Her father tried to book the penthouse, but at the peak of travel season, the deluxe suite was the next best thing. One room, one bed…lovely.
“Camila, look at this view! Wow. The Strip looks amazing!”
Camila walked over to the giant window of their suite and stood next to Lauren. She was right. The view was amazing. The different colored lights, hordes of people still walking around made this city look so alive. However, unknown to Lauren, Camila felt that it paled in comparison to the beauty of Lauren right beside her.
Lauren wrapped her arm around Camila’s waist and pulled her closer.
“I’m going to go gamble a little. You wanna come or are you going to sleep?”
Camila thought about it. Having Lauren this close to her left her unable to think clearly. She needed the sleep. She didn’t get any on the flight. She turned and looked at Lauren.
“I think I’m going to sleep, so that we can get an early start tomorrow. Pool day?”
Lauren smiled as she headed over to her suitcase. Taking all the warmth and butterflies with her. Camila could now breathe a little.
“Yeah. Sounds good to me.”
Camila stood there by the window and listened to Lauren zip up her suitcase and walk towards the door.
“Okay, well, I’m off. Goodnight baby girl. See you in the morning. Oh! Happy birthday!” Lauren’s smile was dazzling. Camila’s breath hitched and her mind went blank.
“Oh-h, thanks…” She said blushing and shyly looking down at the floor.  She heard Lauren chuckle and open the door. Camila looked up just as Lauren walked out the door. Camila smiled so wide it started to hurt her. Lauren has never failed to wish her happy birthday for the past eight years. And she never failed to wish her goodnight with her special words of endearment, baby girl.
She’s not quite sure how she ended up here with Lauren.
One minute they’re enjoying fruity cocktails by the pool, the next they’re getting ready to hit all the big clubs.
And after that, she barely remembers. But somehow she found herself with a very drunk and touchy lauren sitting on a bench in front of Caesars Palace, with a yard long margarita in hand.
Every part of her body was warm, and her head was starting to spin. Drinking a yard long margarita with 16 shots of tequila was probably not the best idea, but Camila was tired of trying to control herself. Lauren was very drunk. She probably wouldn’t remember anything in the morning anyway.
“Now that college is over, do you think about the future?”
Camila stopped drinking. That was out of the blue. But Camila had an answer. Before they came to Vegas, she got an email saying she was accepted into Miami University’s law program. She was also accepted for an internship with a big law firm that specializes in merging companies. She was on her way to becoming a big money making lawyer. Exactly like her grandfather wanted.
“Yeah, I want to be a lawyer. Make money. Be happy?”
Lauren was staring at her with clouded eyes. She thought about Camila’s answer. Lauren reached over and cradled Camila’s hand. She played with Camila’s ring finger, almost like she was imagining there was a ring there.
“Well, yeah. But what about like a family and the kids you’re going to have? How many would you have and what would their names be?”
It’s not the first time Camila has thought about this.
“I at least want one and if it’s a girl, I’d name her Madison. After Madison Beer from high school.”
Lauren smiled as she let the name sink in. Madison was a good friend from high school. She had classes with Lauren and Camila until her junior year. She died before winter break due to pancreatic cancer. Camila and Lauren were there the day she passed.
“She’d be here with us on this trip. It was always just the three of us. Even in the end, it was always just the three of us.” Camila spoke softly.
Lauren stared hard at Camila. She knew it was true. The three of them were best friends. If Camila and Lauren could maintain their friendship from high school through college, Maddie would have too.
“I like that.” Lauren took the yard long cup from Camila and took a big gulp. She then looked back at Camila, “If both of us aren’t married by the time we’re 35, then we should just get married to each other.”
There was no hesitation or doubt in what Lauren just said. Even with clouded eyes, her whole demeanor was serious.
Camila was dumbfounded.
“I’m serious. I’ve never been able to find anyone as trustworthy and when I’m with you, I never feel lonely. Like, there is never a dull moment with you, Camz. You’re my soulmate.”
Camila just continued to stare. She didn’t know what to do. Every wall she tried to build, dissipated.
“I-I…Lern…You’re drunk.” She tried to play it off. Lauren was never really an honest drunk.
“I’m serious Camz. I could marry you right now to prove it.”
Blank. Camila’s mind just went blank. This never happens to her. She doesn’t know if it’s the alcohol or if she should really get her hopes up. Her chest constricted at the thought of what she was planning on doing.
She took the yard long cup from Lauren. Three big sips of liquid courage was all it took.
“Lauren…I really like you. I’m not sure if I love you, love you but I know I’m close to it.”
Camila took a deep breath and held it. She watched Lauren digest her answer. With clouded eyes, Lauren stared at Camila again and said, “So then let’s get married. I mean my parents love you and they always want me to marry someone successful. You’re on your way to being successful. So, why not? I trust you.”
Camila took three more gulps of alcohol. It wasn’t hitting her hard enough yet.
“Okay. Then let’s get married.” She laughed with a huge smile on her face. She felt as light as a feather. The greatest weight was lifted off her chest. Lauren laughed and smiled along with her.
“Okay, but we probably need to walk ‘cause I’m out of money and I don’t think we can afford a cab in this town.” She laughed again. Her eyes were still clouded with a drunken haze, but Camila didn’t think too much of it.
Camila drank what was left of the yard long and they started walking to the nearest chapel. As they walked holding hands, Camila couldn’t help smiling. The state of Nevada just recently voted for same sex marriages to be issued just a month ago. Camila chuckled at the timing of it all.
Walking wasn’t as bad as she thought. Still hand in hand, Camila and Lauren must have walked at least a mile before they saw the nearest chapel coming up. Camila was on cloud nine. She was now picturing a future with Lauren. A nice Miami apartment, a little girl named Maddie running around, Lauren trying to chase her while on the phone with her mother-in-law. Camila, coming home after a big trial, scooping her little girl up and tickling her till she couldn’t breathe. Lauren coming over to give her a welcome home kiss. And after a bedtime story and a kiss goodnight, Camila would lay in Lauren’s arms listening to the baby monitor and the soft gentle breathing of her lover. A perfect life. This is what she wanted.
Camila’s head was starting to spin more now. The alcohol was getting to her. The chapel was no more than a few steps in front of them when Camila felt a tug on her hand.
“Wait. Camz, where are we going?”
Camila turned around and looked at Lauren. There was no more haze clouding her eyes. The emerald green irises were now crystal clear and full of confusion and curiosity.
“We’re heading to the chapel remember? We’re getting married!”
Camila continued smiling and looked at Lauren. She waited to see if the confusion from Lauren’s face would disappear. It didn’t.
“What? Camz, why are we getting married? We’re both girls. We can’t get married.”
“But we can. Nevada just passed a law not too long ago and…I love you. Didn’t you want to marry me?”
Lauren said nothing. Shock was evident on her face. She stared down at her toes peeking through her Louboutins. She looked back up at Camila.
“No, Camz. We can’t get married. I-I… Look, why don’t we go back to the hotel? We should sleep this off. We have an early flight tomorrow… ”
Even in her intoxicated state, Camila’s chest tightened to a point where it was hard to breathe. Lauren let go of her hand and turned around to head back to the hotel. Not once looking back at Camila.
The walk back was full of silence. Neither of them knew how to handle this situation. Camila could feel herself start to have a better footing on the ground. The alcohol was starting to lose its effect.
And now, almost completely sober, Camila realized what she had done. She gave her heart away only to get it back in pieces. Lauren has yet to turn around and damn well made sure to keep at least five and a half steps in front of Camila. She got the feeling that if Lauren could, she would’ve ran.
Entering the lobby of their hotel, Camila had ran through every possible scenario she could think of and with each passing silence, every happy ending scenario faded. What was she supposed to say? She wanted to say sorry…but there was no point. She wasn’t sorry she fell in love with Lauren. She could never be. But she knew that if she valued this friendship more, she would try to blame it on the alcohol and play it off as if nothing happened.
Camila was so deep into thought; she was brought back by the sound of Lauren putting the key card into the door. Camila watched her push it wide enough so she wouldn’t have to hold the door open for her, trying to keep as much distance as she could.
This was it. She needed to confront Lauren. She needed to know where they stood. The word sorry was on the edge of her tongue, but instead her heart was going to do all the talking.
“I love you, Lauren. No matter what, I don’t think that’s going to change.”
Lauren froze with her back still towards Camila. A good ten seconds passed before Lauren finally turned around and looked at her.
The drunken haze was completely gone and the only thing Camila could see in Lauren’s eyes was confusion.
“I know. I love you too… just not the way you want me to.”
The pain in Camila’s chest got worse. Her idea of having a “perfect life” with Lauren, shattered. She didn’t cry. Her body was too numb to understand the feelings of rejection. In the back of her mind, she still had hope. Maybe not for a relationship, but for their friendship. They’ve been through thick and thin before, they had to survive this. They would. Right?
The look in Lauren’s eyes told her differently.
“We need to sleep. I-I-I’m going to bed. Goodnight ba—Camila.”
She walked past Camila and went straight into the bathroom behind her.
And it finally hit her. Camila knew that, that this was the last goodnight she would ever get from Lauren.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This is kinda the final chapter to One Last Goodbye. I know, it’s kinda weird considering it’s a prequel. But hey, Camren really fucks you up. Anyways, I have a couple of drabbles coming up based on some BTS Camren moments from an insider I knew. Don’t know how true the moments are since it’s Camren and this ship has been through hell and back. But it makes for great fanfiction ideas even if they end up being not true (my delusion ass gonna hope they are). Okay…well, I hope you liked this, thanks guys!
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Wife, we have made the most beautiful baby girl! #baby #babygirl #adorable #imadad #lovebeingadad (at Philippe Landing of Safety Harbor)
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tanevcolton28 · 26 days
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Gru has a perfect face card and it doesn’t deny
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tanevcolton28 · 4 months
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MY GOD GRUBI this man is too sexy
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tanevcolton28 · 3 months
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Grubi is the king of winning SO
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