#phan mental illness
puppygirldanhowell · 2 months
dick game so good the dude that actively argues against souls and love calls you his soulmate on the reg
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whenever dan and phil say words i remember misha collins coming out as straight and think, maybe if we’re really good, that could be dnp too 🙏
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le-fandom-prince · 2 months
the whiskers come from within
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maribird444 · 4 months
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submit some good ones guys🙏🏼🙏🏼
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gracious333 · 2 months
Well chat unfortunately spiders have crawled inside and made themselves a home where light once was
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lesbianphan · 5 months
To procrastinate studying I went through some of my opinion tag and holy fuck was I annoying in my early twenties loool how did I get a following back then?? and lots of anons? like wow!!
I'm still super opinionated, but at least I just shrug stuff off and don't care about EVERY SINGLE TINY THING like omg get a life nerd
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kameonerd566 · 7 months
My blog turns 10 years old this month I want to make something extra cringe to celebrate >.< I can't believe I've been blogging for a decade now
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antiadvil · 3 days
what are some phancoded songs?
okay i have been sitting on this for a while bc i feel like all of my suggestions are basic but i've been emboldened by the recent phan song posting. a lot of the songs on my phlaylist i added because i associate them with wad/ii/etc but here are the ones i can actually lyrically defend:
the tortured poet's department (taylor swift): look. this song is way more toxic than i usually like to imagine dan and phil. but some lyrics are just SO. look.
But you're in self-sabotage mode Throwing spikes down on the road But I've seen this episode and still loved the show
imagine: it is 2010. dan is saying he doesn't know if he and phil should move in together because phil makes him too happy and complacent in life. self sabotage mode!! throwing spikes down on the road!!
Who else decodes you? And who's gonna hold you like me? And who's gonna know you, if not me?
like. when you just click with someone. and you're like: this is it for me. if they leave me i will never love or be loved again. one of the things i like about this song is just how intense it is- i think it captures the intensity of their relationship (especially their early relationship) or at least, the intensity i feel about their relationship lmao
I chose this cyclone with you
this is probably my favorite lyric on the song and i think it's something many mentally ill people want to hear from our partners: you're an intense, dramatic mess, but you're my intense, dramatic mess, and i love you.
they don't know about us (one direction): okay this one is a little more self explanatory and like, thank god, because if i go to that level of depth on every song i'm going to be here all night.
They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the I love you's But I bet you, if they only knew (They don't know) They would just be jealous of us They don't know about the up all nights They don't know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right (They don't know) Baby, they don't know about, they don't know about us
like. you get it right? it's just. it's just them
that's so us (allie x): this one is sooo basic but i just had to put it. "we've been a wreck together since 2009." <3333333333
danny don't you know (ninja sex party) just has some really crazy parallels lmao, i saw someone use its lyrics once for a gifset and i was never able to unsee it:
Hey little Danny, don’t you cry I am you from much later in your life I know your hair is wild, I know you have no style
Danny, don’t you know that you are cool as fuck on the inside? You’re just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29
Now you’re on tour and they want more! You step on stage and they come alive No one cares that you’re 35 You’re a rock star on a centaur! Where'd he get a centaur? You’re still a nerdy kid inside But now you’ve finally found your tribe Hear the crowd roar! Give ‘em what they came for!
like!!! they even got the hair!!! (dan has always had a sense of style though i think. not always a good one. but he had one)
sinners (lauren aquilina): this song just reminds me a lot of how dan talks about his internalized homophobia (and of my own experiences with that).
And judgement taught us that our hearts were wrong
The rules say our emotions don't comply But we'll defy the rules until we die
The world may disapprove But my world is only you
You showed me feelings I've never felt before We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door And how can you expect me not to eat When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
yeah this is like half the song. deal with it. like. i think there can be something very healing about entering into a queer relationship with someone who makes you feel loved and safe after years of being told that was wrong. "how can you expect me not to eat / when the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?" when i was young i had a very powerful sort of reverse conversion experience, where i had been struggling to make sense of catholic teachings on homosexuality because like... it just didn't seem that bad. but everyone around me was saying it was. parents, teachers, family friends. and i was like, 14, and at that age, you kind of assume that adults do know more than you. they wouldn't all be against this if there was no reason, right? and then i fell in love with a girl and i was just like. wow. okay. these people are just wrong?? because this feels so good and normal and right?? like. yeah. the forbidden fruit tastes good. and is good for you, actually.
the alchemy (taylor swift) is just like, a power couple song. i don't know that any lyrics are super specifically phan coded (phoded if you will) like i just hear anything about love and go "oh my god that's so dan and phil coded." but:
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat
These blokes warm the benches We've been on a winning streak
like! they are THE youtube couple sorry everyone else is just trying to be as cool as them.
'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me
Where's the trophy? He just comes runnin' over to me
boncas anyone????
okay this is like so long and i have so many chores to do so i'll cut it here but not without adding still into you (paramore). self explanatory
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pixies-and-poets · 4 months
Ogh please please please vampire!phantom with something... soft : ]
It was the early hours of the morning. The poet yawned and slid a paw under his glasses to rub his weary eyes. He hadn't been at the castle for long, and... he wasn't exactly sure what his long-term sleep schedule was going to be. Right now, in these hours, his circadian rhythm was more of a circadian cacophony.
He had once been an early riser, and it went against all of his old habits to fall asleep with the sunrise. And yet these days that's when sleep invariably came upon him... easier than sleep had ever come before, and scarcely voluntary... because, after all, that was when his Lord fed. Sleep came freely, the drowsiness rushing into him, after the world's most effective acupuncture routine had drained him of just enough of his lifeblood. And so he slept all day, and was awake and working on his writing all night, and that was that. Still, his body was getting used to the demands imposed upon it, and--
A knock on his bedchamber door awoke the writer from his musings. "My Lord? Is that you?"
"Oui, mon poète. May I enter?"
"Most happily you may," said Woodrow. But as the door opened, he continued, "You are back early, my Lord. There are hours yet before sunrise. Are you tired?"
"Ah, no, mon cœur. It's just... I had a particular desire."
Woodrow blushed, but before he worked up enough sensibility to ask what this desire was exactly, the vampire continued.
"Do you have any fear of heights?"
"Heights!" repeated the poet. "Not as such... I try to keep myself away from high places due to my ill fortune.... but no, I do not dread them naturally. In fact, I once wore stilts of my own volition..." It would be most unfortunate if he DID have this fear, he thought to himself, considering the permanent growth spurt the Fates had granted him.
The vampire, who did not know all of the writer's past, took this to mean he had extended his already unusual tallness, and laughed at the mental image. "I should have liked to see it! But, well, let us waste no more time then- there are things I'd like YOU to see. Come-" and with that he floated towards the room's large window.
Woodrow was slightly confused, as he already gazed out this window frequently. But then Lord Phan undid the latch, and cast the panes open.
Before the poet knew what was happening, he was snatched up in the vampire's grasp, held tight to his chest. His wings unfurled with a loud leathery flap, and the two of them shot out through the opening.
The wings, of course, were unnecessary for the ghost's flight, but they did help with speed... and thus they rocketed upward, towards the crescent moon. As they reached great heights at great velocity, the poet's instinct was to scream- this was a little more than a normal fear of heights would account for - but he swallowed it, and clutched at the vampire's cravat, looking downwards at the castle becoming smaller and smaller.
Soon enough the vampire stopped. The air at this height was chill and moist, and the vampire himself was no less cold, but held so tightly and protectively in his claws, the poet felt warm. And safe. He looked down at Spooky Trails as he had never seen it... rivers and creeks winding through forest, ruined abbeys and derelict villages, and Lord Phan's castle itself, with the grand stage in its courtyard and the Moon Gate further on. Even the occasional creature moved about, both corporeal and spectral, so small that he could scarcely make out their species- just that the glowing white dots were likely Boos. To those below, the Phantom would also be a barely-discernible speck, the poet effectively invisible and the vampire's glowing belly looking like just another star in the sky.
"It's beautiful from up here," said the poet in awe.
"Yes," said the vampire. "I wanted to show you my domain as I see it. The idea came to me when I was in flight. I noticed you often write about birds in your work, so... I surmised that perhaps you might enjoy the bird's eye view. Or the bat's, as it were. You are part of my world, and thus ought to see my world."
"Oh, my Lord, I... thank you."
"You are certain you aren't afraid?"
"I'm never afraid when you're here."
The vampire purred at this, and nuzzled into the poet's neck. Freeing his arms from under the Phantom's grasp, the poet loosened his own collar, starting with the ribbon that held it tight. He looked back down at the world below him, and felt the familiar sting in his neck. Perhaps it was just the intensity of the setting, the dizziness of the heights and the thinness of the air, that made the experience seem extra intense; but the vampire seemed especially amorous tonight, the little licks and the hungry suction at the poet's veins just the right amount of passion tempered by tenderness. He sighed, reaching up a hand absentmindedly to stroke the vampire's cheek and play with his hair, but soon his vision went fuzzy and his paw fell limp.
Lord Phan finished his work, and held the man in his arms tighter than ever, now barely conscious and floppy as a ragdoll. Soon he would flutter back down to the window and lay him into bed. For now he held him, supporting his head close to his own chest, feeling the warmth of the poet's body on his exterior and the even more intense heat of his freshly given blood inside him. Indeed, the satisfaction was external and internal....
He looked down at the world below. A world that recently he was seeing in a new way, illuminated and given vibrancy by the work of his favorite poet. A world that was better than he had ever known it could be.
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puppygirldanhowell · 1 month
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they have the opportunity to do the funniest fucking thing
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so dnp are fully on here looking at our posts that we aren’t even tagging them in on the one platform that phannies don’t wanna be interacted with or perceived on and then sticking them in videos cool. that’s cool. that’s fine. i don’t feel nauseous and paranoid at all. i’m not locking all my doors and checking my attic and pulling down my blinds. i’m fine and normal.
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daydreaming-sunflower · 2 months
H, M & W! <3
H: How would you describe your writing style?
i feel like this is very difficult to do i am curious what the people who read what i write would say. i would like to have some options to choose from ajsdhkasjdh but hmmmm let's see i did a uquiz once that said that i write from melancholy and often times i do think there is something a little sad bubbling somewhere underneath my writing maybe the real answer is Healing My Teenage Mental Illnesses and Adult Worries through gay amature literature and the aesthetics
M: What's the weirdest AU scenario you've ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
depends on what is considered weird i suppose! i come up with random ideas all the time and most of them sadly don't get turned into stories but i suppose maybe my ice cream truck fic is pretty weird? probably the strangest one vibe-wise of ones i've published. the other day i was discussing fic possibilities based on a post i reblogged about whether giving head to a fae person could trap you with them also...
W: What is your favourite pairing to write? Favorite pairing to read?
i mean i think based on my track record the obvious answer is larry but i have written and not posted also some other ones and they all have their charm. one day i am hoping to write a zouis fic! now with reading i am honestly not very picky, although again i feel like since i am most active in the 1d fandom out of all fandoms i am in track record wise it's also probably larry but i do love phan and also zouis and also other fandom fics as well, i mostly like to notice how different the headcanon dynamics are for different pairings in different fandoms, like a typical (genre) fic for one fandom ship has a completely different vibe and contains different tropes and dynamics than for a different ship and i find that so fun
fanfic writer ask meme
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
ok here we go
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Five Interesting Nonfiction Books
"The Tale of Kieu: A Bilingual Edition of Nguyen Du's Truyen Kieu" by Nguyen Du
Since its publication in the early nineteenth century, this long narrative poem has stood unchallenged as the supreme masterpiece of Vietnamese literature. Thông’s new and absorbingly readable translation (on pages facing the Vietnamese text) is illuminated by notes that give comparative passages from the Chinese novel on which the poem was based, details on Chinese allusions, and literal translations with background information explaining Vietnamese proverbs and folk sayings.(Amazon)
2. "Where the Ashes Are: The Odyssey of a Vietnamese Family" by Nguyen Qui Duc"
Nguyen, less one of his siblings, an older sister who suffers from mental illness, leaves Viet Nam as a refugee in 1975, while his parents stay behind for different reasons. His father, in particular, as a high ranking South Vietnamese governmental official, subsists in prison for many years. Nguyen’s re-writing of his father’s experiences are interesting in that it obviously would have taken an immense amount of interviewing and temporal reconstruction. Nguyen also relies upon poems that his father had written during his time in prison to help nuance the incredible challenges of his life as a prisoner; his constant movement, the endless monotonous days, and the persistent interrogation remind me much of Xiaoda Xiao’s work on life in prisons during and after China’s Cultural Revolution. His mother tries to remake her life in the post-war regime and maintains a steadfast hope that she will be reunited with her husband.(DVAN)
3. "The Mountains Sing" by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
It’s a sweeping multigenerational story of Tran Dieu Lan and her family’s life from the 1920s to the present. Tran’s family was originally from the North. During the communist land reforms, her family was forced to migrate to Hanoi.(The Bamboo Traveler)
4. "Eating Viet Nam: Dispatches from a Blue Plastic Table" by Graham Holliday
A journalist and blogger takes us on a colorful and spicy gastronomic tour through Viet Nam in this entertaining, offbeat travel memoir, with a foreword by Anthony Bourdain.
Growing up in a small town in northern England, Graham Holliday wasn’t keen on travel. But in his early twenties, a picture of Hanoi sparked a curiosity that propelled him halfway across the globe. Graham didn’t want to be a tourist in an alien land, though; he was determined to live it. An ordinary guy who liked trying interesting food, he moved to the capital city and embarked on a quest to find real Vietnamese food. In Eating Viet Nam, he chronicles his odyssey in this strange, enticing land infused with sublime smells and tastes.(Amazon)
5. "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien
Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, of the Alpha Company, carries various reminders of his love for Martha, a girl from his college in New Jersey who has given no indication of returning his love. Cross carries her letters in his backpack and her good-luck pebble in his mouth. After a long day’s march, he unwraps her letters and imagines the prospect of her returning his love someday. Martha is an English major who writes letters that quote lines of poetry and never mention the war. Though the letters are signed “Love, Martha” Cross understands that this gesture should not give him false hope. He wonders, uncontrollably, about whether or not Martha is a virgin. He carries her photographs, including one of her playing volleyball, but closer to his heart still are his memories. They went on a single date, to see the movie Bonnie and Clyde. When Cross touched Martha’s knee during the final scene, Martha looked at him and made him pull his hand back. Now, in Vietnam, Cross wishes that he had carried her up the stairs, tied her to the bed, and touched her knee all night long. He is haunted by the cutting knowledge that his affection will most likely never be returned.(Sparknotes)
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hadeschan · 5 months
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item # K22B54
RARE Pra Sip That, Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Don Yai Hom, Lang Jaan Yant, Nua Pong Bailan, Yook Ton. A Buddha amulet with bas-relief of 10 Buddha or Buddha performs “Yamakapatihara”, the twin miracle. In the back is with a hand-engraving Yant U (Unalome), and a Buddho cabalistic writings by Luang Phor Ngern himself. The amulet is a shape of a Phan-tai (rice paddy field ploughing tool). Made from mainly ash after burning Holy Buddhist Palm Leaf Scriptures, blended with many types of holy powder. Made by Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province, as the early work of his Pra Sip That amulet around BE 2480 (CE 1937).
BEST FOR: Pra Sip That has power to create high-level mental hallucinations, Illusion, delusion, and manipulation while you are confronting the enemy or person with intent to do harm. As well as confusion inducement to encourage customers to buy whatever you are selling. Pra Sip That helps flip your bad life or bad luck to the better one, and reward you whatever you wish for. It helps bring success in life and in career, and endless food with wealth & prosperity. Klawklad Plodpai (it helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Long Hon Hai Tua (a power of invisibility in the eyes of your enemies or people with bad intentions), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you). Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Wealth & Prosperity, Maha Laap (it brings lucky wealth). Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic). It warns danger coming ahead, and prevents illness, injury, violence, and security threats, and people with bad intentions.
The Yamaka Pātihāriya
The miracle of the “double appearances”. When the Buddha laid down a rule forbidding the exercise of supernatural powers by monks - following on the miracle performed by Pindola Bhāradvāja -  the heretics went about saying that henceforth they would perform no miracles except with the Buddha. Bimbisāra reported this to the Buddha, who at once accepted the challenge, explaining that the rule was for his disciples and did not apply to himself. He, therefore, went to Sāvatthi, the place where all Buddhas perform the Miracle. In reply to Pasenadi, the Buddha said he would perform the miracle at the foot of the Gandamba tree on the full moon day of Asālha [in July]. This was in the seventh year after the Enlightenment (DA.i.57).
The heretics therefore uprooted all mango trees for one league around, but, on the promised day, the Buddha went to the king’s garden, accepted the mango offered by Ganda, and caused a marvelous tree to sprout from its seed. The people, discovering what the heretics had done, attacked them, and they had to flee helter-skelter. It was during this flight that Pūrana Kassapa committed suicide. The multitude, assembled to witness the miracle, extended to a distance of thirty six leagues. The Buddha created a jewelled walk in the air by the side of the Gandamba. When the Buddha’s disciples knew what was in his mind, several of them offered to perform miracles and so refute the insinuations of the heretics. Among such disciples were Gharanī, Culla Anātthapindika, Cīrā, Cunda, Uppalavannā and Moggallāna.
The Buddha refused their offers and related the Kanhausabha and Nandivisāla Jātakas. Then, standing on the jewelled walk, he proceeded to perform the Yamaka-pātihāriya (Twin Miracle), so called because it consisted in the appearance of phenomena of opposite character in pairs -  e.g., producing flames from the upper part of the body and a stream of water from the lower, and then alternatively. Flames of fire and streams of water also proceeded alternatively from the right side of his body and from the left. DA.l.57; DhA.iii.214f. explains how this was done. From every pore of his body rays of six colors darted forth, upwards to the realm of Brahmā and downwards to the edge of the Cakkavāla. The Miracle lasted for a long while, and as the Buddha walked up and down the jeweled terrace he preached to the multitude from time to time. It is said that he performed miracles and preached sermons during sixteen days, according to the various dispositions of those present in the assembly. At the conclusion of the Miracle, the Buddha, following the example of his predecessors, made his way, in three strides, to Tāvatimsa, there to preach the Abhidhamma Pitaka to his mother, now born as a devaputta.
The Twin Miracle is described at DA.i.57, and in very great detail at DhA.iii.204; see also J.iv.263ff. The DhA. version appears to be entirely different from the Jātaka version; the latter is very brief and lacks many details, especially regarding Pindola’s miracle and the preaching of the Abhidhamma in Tāvatimsa. The account given in Dvy. (143-66) is again different; the Miracle was evidently repeatedly performed by the Buddha (see, e.g., Candanamālā), and it is often referred to - e.g., J.i.77, 88, 193; Ps.i.125; SNA.i.36; AA.i.71; MA.ii.962; Mil. 349; Vsm.390; PvA.137; Dāthāvamsa i.50. The miracle was also performed by the Buddha’s relics; see, .e.g., Mhv.xvii.52f.; Sp.i.88, 92.
It is said (Mil.349) that two hundred millions of beings penetrated to an understanding of the Dhamma at the conclusion of the Miracle.
The Twin Miracle can only be performed by the Buddha. Mil.106.
Nua Pong Bailan
Nua Pong Bailan is the Buddha amulet that contains mainly ashes after burning Buddhist Palm Leaf Holy Scriptures. Those scriptures were used by monks for studying and praying for sometimes. The process of making holy powder out of them is to set up a bonfire at the special area with auspicious astronomical time. Then monks would sit around the bonfire and pray holy mantras until those scriptures burn into ashes. An amulet made from Pong Bailan is believed to have high power of Metta Maha Niyom (helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you).
Pra Phan-tai is an amulet in shape of rice paddy field ploughing tool, Thais believe that it could flip the earth to be ready for rice farming, so it could turn your bad life to be ready to the next best one.
Yant U or Unalome
Yant U or Yant Unalome, unalome cabalistic writing represents the path to enlightenment in the Buddhist culture. The spirals are meant to symbolize the twists and turns in life, and the straight lines the moment one reaches enlightenment or peace and harmony. The dots at the end of the symbol represent death, or the moment we fade to nothing.
Yant Buddho
Yant Buddho cabalistic writing, the meaning of "Buddho" is "the one who is awakened" or "the one who knows". In the Buddhist context, it is used as an epithet for the Buddha, signifying his attainment of enlightenment or Nirvana. The recitation of Buddho is a characteristic meditation method of the Thai forest tradition, and it can even be regarded to be the label of this meditation tradition. “Recitation of Buddho” is one of ten “recollections of the Buddha” in Visuddhimagga. The Buddho cabalistic writing has magic power of longevity, Klawklad Plodpai (bringing safety, and pushes you away from all danger), and Metta Maha Niyom (helping bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you),
Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Don Yai Hom (BE 2433 to BE 2520)
Lung Phor Ngern of Wat Don Yai Hom born Ngern Duangphu on September 16, BE 2433 (CE1890) at Don Yai Hom, Mueang Nakhon Pathom District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Ngern’s father was Archan Phrom, the famous White Robe Master. Ngern ordained as Buddhist monk at Wat Don Yao Hom on May 18, BE 2453 (CE 1910) at the age of 20 under the care of Luang Phor Huay, the abbot of Wat Don Yai Hom at that time. After years of study the Pāli Canon of the Theravāda tradition, Luang Phor Ngern was on his pilgrimage to the north of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos for decades, later Luang Phor Ngern came back to Wat Don Yai Hom, and was promoted to the abbot in BE 2466 (CE 1923).
Luang Phor Ngern was a famous guru monk of Nakhon Pathom Province, and attended countless of consecration / Blessing Ceremonies and rituals of  batches of amulets. And many Royal Thai Police Officers require the amulets made by Luang Phor Ngern, especially the policemen who stationed at Nakhon Pathom Province, they are all wearing amulets of Luang Phor Ngern.
The amulets made by Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Don Yai Hom have high power of Kongkraphan (making you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Maha-ut (stopping gun from shooting at you), and Metta Maha Niyom (helping bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you).
Luang Phor Ngern passed away on January 13, BE 2520 (CE), 87 years old, and 67 years as Buddhist monk.
DIMENSION: 7.00 cm high / 4.70 cm wide / 1.10 cm thick
item # K22B54
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly / PAYNOW
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prophetmuhammad · 11 months
I'm so sick of Dan Howell you go to his channel and it's just him constantly complaining that he hates his job like get a real job then???
I get that the phandom was insane but he literally gets so mad about it and then his most recent upload is blatant phan clickbait. He knows everyone's sick of his content except phannies who are still obsessed over whether or not Dan and Phil are in a relationship. So he creates the problem then acts like the evil phannies are torturing his poor soul. Just like he always has I'm realising.
Like I don't hate him but I'm so fucking sick of constant complainers... leave his ass Phil you're a sweet pea and he's a negative nancy who's been rehashing the same self deprecating jokes since forever😒
I ship Dan Howell with employment. Literally go on the dole if you can't get a normal job then that's what everyone else who's too mentally ill to work has to do
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