#peter hale teen wolf
lunar-eclipse-tales · 8 months
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The way I am cackling right now 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Art by teabag.cartoon on Instagram
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soulofapatrick · 4 months
Under the Mistletoe - Peter Hale x Femae Reader
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Summary: Peter has to step outside during christmas celebrations and you follow him
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: None, just some pure Christmas fluff
Y/N’s POV 
The Stilinski living room is an embodiment of cozy chaos—warmly lit by twinkling lights and filled with laughter that bounces off the walls. We're all gathered, the whole pack, tightly nestled onto every available surface. Couches are claimed by some, while others opt for the floor, sharing pillows and throws in a haphazard but comfortable manner. It's crowded, but the festive cheer keeps us close, shoulders brushing and smiles exchanged.
From the doorway, Dad, Melissa and Peter stand, observing the scene with amused expressions. Dad’s eyes crinkle at the corners as he leans against the doorframe, a mug of something warm in his hand, as Erica and Liam bicker over who the gift in Malia’s hand is for. Melissa exchanges a fond glance with him, her lips curving into a soft smile, while Peter’s gaze holds a mixture of amusement and something else—a tinge of sadness. 
Peter’s eyes meet mine across the room, a brief but charged connection that sends an unexpected warmth cascading through me. Caught in the intensity of his gaze, I can’t help but feel my cheeks flush, and I quickly avert my eyes, focusing instead on the gift being launched my way by Scott. 
As I peel away the layers of wrapping paper, a soft chuckle escapes me when I uncover a hoodie. But not just any hoodie—its a simple yet heartwarming statement piece. In bold letters, it reads “Best Pack Mom Ever!” 
The room erupts into laughter and cheers, a chorus of voices expressing their approval and amusement at the gift. I can’t help but grin, feeling a warm rush of gratitude and affection for this pack that feels more and more like family with each passing day. Without a thought I pull it over my head and melt with love as it’s so fluffy and warm and oversized. 
Glancing up again, I catch Peter’s eyes once again, this time softened with a gentle smile that reaches them. There’s a subtle depth in his gaze, a silent understanding that tugs at my heartstrings. His subtle nod and the ghost of a reassuring smile sends a flutter of warmth through me, easing any lingering nervousness. 
Despite the festive cheer enveloping the room, a lingering sense of melancholy in Peter’s eyes doesn’t escape my notice. His smile, though warm, carries a weight that speaks volumes, and I can’t shake the feeling of a hidden sorrow behind it. As the laughter and chatter of the pack fills the air once more, I see Peter swallow hard, a visible lump forming in his throat. Without a word, he turns and quietly slips away, his departure unnoticed amidst the joyful chaos. 
Squashed between Derek and Jordan, I feel a nudge of worry from the latter as I shift to get up. Patting Jordan’s knee with a reassuring smile, I offer a quick “I’ll be right back Jor.” Before making my way out onto the small front porch, where Peter stands, cloaked in shadows. 
The night air is crisp, filled with a serene quiet that contrasts sharply with the festive buzz indoors. Outside, the world feels different—quieter, more contemplative—and it seems to match Peter’s pensive demeanour. 
“Peter?” I call softly, stepping closer, the faint glow of the porch light casting a gentle illumination around us. He turns slightly at the sound of my voice, the moonlight painting his features in soft contrasts. There’s a vulnerability in the way he holds himself, a rawness that I’ve seldom seen, “I didn’t mean to intrude.” I offer, feeling a pang of uncertainty about stepping into his private moment.
His age meets mine a mixture of surprise and something akin to gratitude flickering in those intense blue eyes, “You didn’t,” he assures, his voice carrying a hint of appreciation. 
Feeling the unspoken weight between us, I cautiously move closer until I’m standing at his side. Peter remains still, his gaze fixed on the horizon, his forearms resting against the edge of the porch. Without a word, I lean in, resting my head gently against his shoulder, a silent offering of comfort. 
There’s a momentary pause, a heartbeat of anticipation, before Peter slowly turns his head, his breath brushing against my hair. Without a word, he leans in, burying his face in the soft strands, a subtle but profound gesture of seeking solace in the simple closeness. The wolves of the pack seem to do it a lot, as if they’re memorising my scent. I don’t mind it at this point, quite used to it and just wanting to make Peter smile again. 
His strong arms, once unmoving, now wraps around me, pulling me closer into a gentle embrace. I feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a reassurance admits the silent turmoil within him. 
Gently pulling back after a moment, just enough to meet his gaze, I sense a shift in peter’s demeanour. The shadow of sadness is still present, lingering in the depths of his bright blue eyes, but it’s fading, giving way to something else—something that sends my heart racing and my usually eloquent words scattering like autumn leaves. 
His features, usually etched with an air of intensity and determination, soften in this moment of vulnerability. There’s a depth to his gaze that draws me in, an unspoken understanding that feels like a whispered secret shared between us. 
I find myself entranced by the subtle play of moonlight on his angular features—the chiseled jawline, the faint scars, and those piercing eyes that seem to hold entire galaxies within them. It’s a sight I’ve admired from afar, a magnetic pull that has stirred a quiet longing within me for longer than I can remember. 
My throat feels dry as I wet my sudden parched lips, nerves fluttering like a flurry of butterflies in my stomach. Being this close to him, feeling the warmth of his embrace and seeing the vulnerability in his expression, stirs emotions I’ve kept carefully hidden—a rush of affection and an undeniable attraction that refuses to be ignored. 
As the moment lingers, I feel the shift in Peter—a subtle but distinct change in his demeanour. His suave facade seems to resurface, a shield to conceal the vulnerability he had briefly allowed me to see. 
His hand lifts, cupping my cheek in a gesture that sends shivers down my spine. The rough pad of his thumb grazes over my bottom lip, a barely-there touch that ignites a flurry of sensations. I catch the flicker in his bright eyes, the way they linger on my lips before meeting my gaze once more. There’s a hesitation in his expression, a hint of conflict that dances in those intense blue eyes. "I should stop," he murmurs, his voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and restraint, a self-imposed barrier he seems hesitant to breach.
The words hang between us, heavy with unspoken desires and emotions. My heart races, caught between the yearning to lean into his touch and the fear of misunderstanding his intentions. 
Caught in the charged atmosphere between us, my heart pounds louder in my ears, an erratic rhythm matching the intensity of the moment. With a surge of boldness fuelled by emotions I can no longer suppress, I act on impulse.
Without a second thought, I rise onto my tiptoes, closing the distance between us. My hands find their place on his shoulders, seeking support and anchoring myself as our lips finally meet. There’s a tender urgency in the kiss, a mingling of hesitance and longing, a culmination of unspoken emotions and desires. 
Peter’s arms, strong and reassuring, wrap around me in response—one securely around my waist, drawing me closer, while the other cradles my head, holding me gently but firmly. 
The touch of our lips sparks an electric current that courses through me, sending tingles down my spine and causing my entire being to tremble. His lips are soft against mine, a perfect harmony of warmth and reassurance, igniting a fire that spreads through every fibre of my being.
In that moment, there's a convergence of emotions—a sense of familiarity mingled with the exhilaration of something new and exhilarating. The kiss feels like coming home, yet exploring uncharted territory, a blend of comfort and passion that leaves me breathless. 
I feel the tension in Peter's embrace ease, a silent affirmation of reciprocation. His kiss holds a tenderness that speaks volumes, a silent confession of emotions that words fail to express. It's a moment suspended in time, a revelation of desires and an acknowledgment of a connection that had silently thrived between us.
With a gentle breath against my lips, Peter murmurs, his voice barely audible yet carrying a weight of amusement, "There's mistletoe above us.”
A soft chuckle escapes me, muffled against the warmth of our lingering kiss. It's a rare sight, seeing a genuine smile grace Peter's lips, a fleeting but captivating moment that feels like a precious gift. 
Breaking the kiss, we share a brief, lighthearted glance upward, confirming the small sprig of mistletoe hanging just overhead. It's an almost serendipitous detail, adding a whimsical touch to this unexpected but undeniably cherished moment. Our gazes meet again, and the air between us crackles with a newfound energy, a playful warmth contrasting the depth of emotions we've just shared. There's a silent understanding, an unspoken agreement to cherish this rare moment of vulnerability and connection.
Peter's thumb brushes over my cheek, a tender gesture that holds a promise of more unspoken conversations yet to come. His gaze lingers on mine, a silent reassurance in those intense blue eyes.
"I didn't expect this," he admits softly, a trace of vulnerability coloruing his tone, a rare glimpse of the man behind the walls he usually upholds, “I didn’t expect you to want me back, to feel the same way with our age gap.” 
“I don’t care about that Creeperwolf,” I reply, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips, feeling the weight of the unspoken but shared sentiment between us, “Now come back inside and celebrate with me.” 
“The others…” 
“Peter Angus Hale, when have you cared what others think of you?” 
“Alright Love, lead the way.” 
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Teen Wolf Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
I unapologetically love Peter Hale so much. This man is so effortlessly fucking funny. He’s a clown, a slut, a man’s man, has all the rizz. He threatened to fuck Scott’s mom - but never actually did - and brings it up sometimes just to piss Scott off. He’s a little shit, a menace, a lil good boy. He loves Derek (in his own, weird psychopathic, way). He’s a fucking asshole
I love him so much
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Always,Only. You. 31.1
Talia had taken Y/N in to her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek, Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other, to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him, but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact, you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
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Beacon Hills High School
Cora stayed hidden in the corner of the hall by Erica’s locker. When the bell rang and the halls began to fill with other students, she waited until she saw her friend before popping out.
“Cora.” Erica smiled at her. “I thought we were meeting after school to talk to the animal doctor?”
She ignored her friend's question. “Where’s Isaac?”
“He had history. This way.” She said and began walking. “What's going on?”
“Nothing.” She answered, but Erica could tell there was something wrong with her friend.
Erica frowned at her fiend but stayed quiet. They found Isaac with Allison at her locker. Cora rolled her eyes and waited for him to finally spot them to call him over.
“Isn’t it weird he’s dating Allison and Scott still took him into his pack.”
Cora scoffed. “Isaac is never going to be a part of his pack.” She stated rather coldly.
“Cora.” Erica softly slapped her arm.
She sighed and continued, “I mean, every beta has as much say who their alpha is, just as much as the alpha does. All alphas are superior but it doesnt mean every beta succumbs to them when they have someone else they are loyal to. When you’re part of a pack your loyalty is everything. Isaac is loyal to Scott but,” she looked to Erica now, “he wouldn’t die for him.”
“Who wouldn’t die for who?” Isaac asked as he approached the girls.
“Nothing.” Cora replies before Erica could get a chance to.
She suddenly gets this uneasy feeling they’re being watched and motions her friends to follow her.
“I went to see Deaton.” She finally shares. “Someone from Satomi's pack stopped by not that long ago, looking for Y/N. He told Deaton where they could be found, in case she ever stopped by."
"Thats good news. But why would you go without us?" Eric asked.
“What’d he say about the fly?” Isaac asks next.
Cora looks over her shoulder, not at him particularly, but to find the source of who she felt was watching them. She didn't spot anyone obvious and turned her attention back to Isaac. “What fly?”
“Cora, the fly.” Isaac tells her.
She stopped suddenly and blinked a couple times at him. "It's gone." She finally told them. "I woke up this morning and the thing turned to ash as soon as the light hit it." She explained.
Erica and Isaac glanced at each other.
"You don't believe me?" Cora asked angrily.
"No, of course we do." Erica answered, stepping in front of Isaac to prevent him from speaking. "We believe you. So what do we do?"
"We go find Satomi's pack. And we ask her what she knows about the nogitsune."
"Are we even sure she'll know anything about it?" Isaac asked.
Just then the school bell rings, causing the students to scramble the halls once again.
"We won't know unless we ask." She looks over her shoulder again, "be careful. The twins have been following us." She tells them. She uses the opportunity of the crowded halls to sneak away from her friends.
“Cora, wait.” Isaac reached out for her wrist but she slipped her hand away from his grasp. He looked down at Erica.
She gave him a knowing glare.
Isaac didn’t need to ask. He didn’t need to say anything either. He already knew what had to be done.
Erica squeezed his arm, as a gesture of encouragement and gratitude before going after Cora.
As the halls slowly emptied, Isaac turned around. Instantly, he noticed the twins at the end of the hall staring at him.
Isaac smirked to himself, and waited.
———————— 🐾 ————————
Eichen House
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”
You woke up, startled by his voice. The room was dark, save for the single light that shined from above you. You closed your eyes, and blinked rapidly to adjust your vision to the dim brightness.
Once you had gained it back, you noticed your arms strapped down to wooden armrests with chains at the wrists. You attempted to break them free, but failed.
“What the hell?” You muttered to yourself. That’s when you noticed your legs were bound at the ankles as well.
“I knew you would get out of control.” His voice came from behind. You turned your head just as he was walking from behind you and in to view, until he was standing in front of you.
“Nobody believed me.”
“Derek.” your voice was shaky. Your heart pounded in your chest so fast you could hear thumping in your ears.
You were terrified. You now knew what was happening. You’ve been here before. In this dark, dingy, cold room. With a Hale, also.
“Derek,” you whimpered, “please.”
“See, you tried to convince everyone, that I was wrong. That following in my mom’s footsteps would be the end.” He took a few steps closer to you. “And yet here we are.”
“I didn’t mean it.” You told him. “Derek, I swear.”
Of course, you don’t remember saying any of that. But you were terrified. You wanted to get out of this nightmare. But this, this wasn't Derek either.
“I didn’t mean it.” The tears cascaded down your cheeks as you begged. “Please, Derek. I didn’t—,”
“Of course you didn’t.” He remarked sarcastically. “Just like you didn’t mean to kill Ennis. Kali. Wait, no, you wanted to kill them.” He stepped forward again.
“I was just protecting everyone—,”
Derek scoffed out a dry chuckle. “Right.” He nodded, “right.” He took another couple steps forward as he continued, “you’re not on trial here, sweetheart.” He stated. “That excuse isn’t going to work. This was no accident, it wasn't to protect anyone. You wanted to do this. That’s why everyone’s decided. Well, most of us who are left.”
“What?” You genuinely asked. “What are you talking about?!”
Derek ignored your question and began walking, painfully slow, around the chair. “Cora. Peter. Scott. Isaac.” He announced all their names, slowly leaving your peripheral. “Even Sheriff Stilinksi.”
You inhaled a shuddering breath, “Derek,” you sobbed, “I’m sorry! Please, just please! Don’t do this!”
“You killed Stiles.” Derek stated. He was now out of you but you knew he was standing right behind you. “Not another werewolf, Y/N. But a human.”
“No,” you shook your head, “no, I wouldn’t.”
“But you did.” He clarifies. “That’s why we decided to put you down.”
“Put me down?” You spat through your sobs. “Like some kind of animal?!”
“Exactly.” He lowered the band over your head. You inhaled a breath, forcing yourself to gain and keep your composure. You gripped the end of the armrests so tight, your knuckles turned three shades lighter.
This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.
You were dreaming. Of course you were.
“It’s all just a bad dream.” You whispered to yourself as you closed your eyes.
Just then, a hand squeezed your shoulder. You opened your eyes, feeling the same ice cold feeling from when Stiles touched your shoulder the night at the hospital. You turned and he was staring right at you, smiling wickedly.
"You have no idea." he told you, just right before the shock coursed through your entire body.
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You splashed your face with cold water a few times before rubbing at your face gently with your palms. Your brain was pulsating in your skull so hard it felt like it might explode. You kept you head lowered for a moment, and when you finally looked up, you stared at your reflection in the mirror.
The scratches had already healed themselves. You only knew that by the torn up clothing on your body and the dried blood. You had no idea what had happened.
You had woken up on the sofa to Peter tending to a wound on your thigh. Brett was tending to Lori, and when he had realized you were awake, he helped his sister to her feet and took her to another room. Away from you. Ethan and Aiden were sitting against the wall, healing themselves, but also staring at you. An unknown expression on their faces.
Your hands gripped the sides of the sink as you stared at yourself. You hated your eyes. You hated what you have become. You hated everything that has transpired since coming back to Beacon Hills. Without realizing at first, you had formed a fist and raised it, ready to punch at your own reflection, until a soft knock came from the bathroom door.
You didn't answer, but you lowered your fists.
"Come on out." The muffled voice came from the other side. "We need to talk."
The heavy footsteps retreated. You stared at you reflection a little longer before grabbing you sunglasses again and putting them on.
You stepped out into the den of the penthouse. The twins were standing behind the couch that Brett and Lori were sitting on. He had his back turned to you, but when he noticed the teens' eyes avert away form him, he turned to face you.
You were a little embarrassed to ask what happened, and felt asking him why he was there would be an insult to his help. But the air in the room was different.
Something was wrong.
"What's going on?" You asked the group.
"Your pack is missing." Peter stated.
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eddiemsguitar · 6 months
Stiles: Derek I lost the thing!
Derek: What thing?
Stiles: Y'know the thing!
Derek: *turns around holding Eli*
Stiles: *relieved* Oh there he is!
Peter: Boy you better run
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voidstilesplease · 30 days
Derek: I come in peace.
Stiles: I'm peace.
The Hale Pack:
The Alpha Pack:
The Pack who owns the territory:
Every other creature in the vicinity:
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Peter: Are you having sex with Derek? Stiles: If I were having sex with Derek, do you think I'll keep quiet about it? Derek: You're not very quiet about it. The neighbors complained again.
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milkcryptid · 9 months
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allisxnargent · 1 year
if you don’t think that cora would get on a plane so fast to get custody of her nephew rather than have him be raised by scott and an argent then you’re wrong
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TEEN WOLF as movie posters | Season 01 |
Here you can find all the individual posts ✨
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 6 months
Noah: Stiles is at that age where he only has one thing on his mind.
Chris: Boys?
Stiles: Homicide.
Peter: That’s my boy.
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moonch8ld · 2 months
Stiles: What time is it?
Derek: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Derek: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Derek: It’s 2 am
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Always, Only. You 29.2
Talia had taken Y/N in to her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek , Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other , to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him , but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact , you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
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"You live here?" Brett asked as you three walked into Deucalion's penthouse. "Alone?"
"No," you answered, closing the door behind you. "My place is too small. Deucalion left me the keys, lease is under my name and he's paid for the rest of the year so." You shrugged. "It's home for now."
Lori, Brett's sister turned around with a grin on her face. "Thank you for letting us stay with you." She thanked you for the hundredth time again.
"Dont thank me yet. Thank me when you're safely back with your pack."
Lori glanced at Brett almost disappointed. You decided not to acknowledge it. It would be safer for them in the long run if they didn't attach themselves to you.
"Anyway, there are two extra bedrooms in the back. Take your pick and, uh, don't worry about what was left behind. The owners wont miss it at all."
You stood under the shower head, allowing the cold water to cascade down your skin. Although you were exhausted, you had barely gotten any rest last night. You were up all night thinking about everything. Hunters, Stiles, Oni, Nogitsune, and the uneasy feeling something big was coming.
What worried you more was your newfound status. You were always part of a pack, never the one leading one. Even though this was only temporary, it would be a matter of time before more came. And then you'd have to step up. You just wished you didn't have to do it alone.
“Good morning.” Lori greeted you. She was at the stove placing the food on a plate. “I hope you dont mind. We helped ourselves.”
“Good morning.” You greeted back. Brett was at the table already eating. "Morning," you greeted him. You turned your attention back to Lori, "not at all. Help yourselves to whatever." You walked over to the counter to begin preparing your cup of coffee.
“Shouldn’t you two be leaving for school soon?”
"Devenford Prep is holding lacrosse tryouts today." Brett answered. He got up to put his plate in the sink and then leaned back against the breakfast counter to look at you with his arms crossed.
You glanced at him over your shoulder, "Ok? What does that have to do with school?"
"Everything." He stated plainly.
You frowned as you finished preparing your coffee. You turned around now to face the two teenagers. You looked over at Lori first. She gave you an apologetic look before standing up and walking over to put her own plate in the sink.
“Uhm, ok?” You sighed. “You can take my car. Just be careful, ok.”
"You know Devenford Prep is on the other side of town, right? I dont know how to drive." He stated matter of factly.
You sighed, growing annoyed. "Devenford is a private school, right? Why are they holding open tryouts?"
"They need lacrosse players." He explained. "I can get in on scholarship."
"Using your werewolf abilities? Thats cheating."
"Not if I worked hard." He stood up straight and uncrossed his arms. "Four months ago I didn't know anything about lacrosse. I know I can get in on skill alone."
You smirked as you looked at Lori. You had to admit, you admired his confidence a little bit. She nodded at you, as if agreeing with her brother. "Ok. Let's go then."
The car ride to Devenford Prep was awkward, to say the least. You could still sense a bit of hostility from Brett. Lori, on the other hand, tried to ask you more about yourself. But whenever the conversation started to get a little too comfortable for Brett's liking he would butt in to change the subject or just look at Lori to get her to stop talking.
Out of the two, you figured Lori was the best to talk to. You had already agreed to take them in for the time being. But you wanted-- needed to know why Deucalion put so much effort in convincing them to come to you and not Scott.
You and Lori sat side by side on the bleachers, watching as the coach spoke to the teenage boys. You were a little nervous for him for some reason. You could tell the other students had an issue with him trying out as well. As the boys broke the huddle and moved further away from you, you decided now was your chance to find out.
"So, what sparked his sudden interest in lacrosse?" You casually ask Lori.
She shrugged, "boredom, I guess. He watched a game once and started practicing the next day."
"Why play for Devenford? Does your school not have a lacrosse team?"
"We do. But Brett says this school would be better."
"Oh." You stated. "Whats wrong with your school?"
"I don't know. Brett's pretty popular."
"What about you? Are you…pretty popular?"
Lori shrugged. "Not...really. But its ok. I have my brother...well had my brother. I know he's going to get in." She smiled.
"It doesn't bother you? At all?"
"No. Why would it?"
"I don't know." You answered, questioningly. "If he gets in...where does that leave you?"
"Brett's always watching out for me. So in a way, I think he might be doing this for me, too."
"Really?" You asked now curiously. "What about your parents?"
"Our parents died in a fire a long time ago." She spoke slowly as she looked down at her hands, already fidgeting with her fingers. "Satomi took us in when she found us. She's great, but Brett has always been the one taking care of me. We're all we have left, you know." She finally looked at you.
"Yeah," you nodded sympathetically. For a moment you pictured Derek's face. "I know exactly what you mean."
You turned your attention back to the tryouts. You spotted Brett on the right side of the field, alone. Across from him you noticed four boys glance at each other. The coach hasn't blown the whistle yet and the four boys rushed at Brett knocking him back a few feet.
"Oh shit." You whispered.
The coach blew the whistle and ran towards the boys. You watched worriedly as Brett removed his helmet and then quickly got up to face the four boys. The biggest of the boys took off his helmet laughing and high-fived the other boys. Brett slowly walked towards him.
"Oh no. He's not gonna wolf out, is he?"
"He's mad but he wont fight." She stated. "He doesn't believe in violence, unless he really needs to."
Brett laughed at the four boys and put his helmet back on. You watched the boys get back in to position for their play. You were now eager to see what he was going to do. The coach blew the whistle again and this time Brett took off. He easily avoided each of the boys as they rushed him, trying to stop him from reaching the goal. The bigger of the boys stood his ground in front of the goal. Brett picked up his pace, used the side of his body knock the kid on his back and scored.
The rest of the tryouts, Brett had the other boys out of breath and tripping over their own feet.
Brett walked out in to the living room as he dried his hair with a towel. You noticed him as you shut the dishwasher door. "It was really generous of them to give Lori a scholarship." You said out loud to get his attention.
He only glanced at you but didn't say a word. He looked over at the sofa and then around the living room in confusion.
"I took your uniform to the dry cleaners." You told him. "And thats for you." You gestured to the new lacrosse gear. "A gift.. for making it on to the team."
He looked at you a bit taken aback. "Thanks.." he replied. He then grabbed the lacrosse stick to examine it.
"Is she the reason you learned how to play?" You walked out of the kitchen towards the living room.
"She was having trouble making friends at our old school." He answered. "They were bullies. I didn't want her to keep going through that." He set the lacrosse stick down and grabbed the helmet.
"Really? You never thought of, you know, doing something to stop them? Why go through all the trouble of learning a sport you were never interested and trying out for a different school?"
Brett set down his lacrosse helmet and stared at you. "It wasn't trouble." He told you. "I did it because I wanted to do it for the both of us. Teaching those losers a lesson would have been too easy. They aren't worth it. Trust me." He was a little angry now.
"Oh-ok." You hold your hands up to mean no harm. "I was just curious. I mean it must've made you upset when you first found out. I hear you two are pretty close."
"How did you deal with it? You've got quite a hot head on you, I noticed."
"Me?" He scoffed with a smirk. "You want to know what makes your scent strong? Your anger."
"Ok, fine." You crossed your arms. "I'm asking for advice here, kid. Watching you during the tryouts, kind of had me thinking maybe Deucalion had another reason of sending you to me. Besides us having a few things in common."
"Like what?"
You sighed. You weren't sure if this kid was actually oblivious or if he enjoyed having you practically beg him for help. "Control. Without using anger. Better yet, controlling my anger."
"Satomi taught us how to meditate. We use a mantra."
"Can you teach me?"
Brett looked stunned at first and then nodded at you. He gestured for you to help him move the furniture to create a big enough space in the center of the room.
"Why do you want to learn how to do this?" He asked you. "Do you really think that's why he convinced us to come find you?"
"I've developed a bit of an anger issue." You halfheartedly joke. "I don't know, it's just a guess really." You finished moving around the furniture and sat in the center of the room across from Brett.
"I was taught anger is the best emotion for control. It's easier. So you could imagine how many angry individuals i've been around growing up." You chuckle softly. "I cant run away from what I am. No matter how much I would like to.” you admitted.
"Beacon Hills is really going to need more than one protector. So if I'm going to embrace what I am.. I want to do it my way. Not out of other people's fears."
Brett nodded in acknowledgment. "It took Lori and I months to master it. So don't feel discouraged."
You giggled slightly. "You sound like you've taught this before."
"No," he shook his head, "never. I just remember how I felt when I started. I was easily frustrated. I really tried to fight it; fighting it just made it worse." He then inhaled a breath and closed his eyes. "Start with a clear mind."
You copied him. He took another set of deep breaths and then, "what three things cannot long be hidden?" He asked quietly. You weren't sure if you had to answer at first until Brett answered himself, "the sun, the moon, the truth." A deep breath.
"The sun, the moon, the truth." you repeated.
"Slower." He instructed. "What three things cannot long be hidden?"
"The sun," you answered this time, slowly, "the moon, the truth." A deep breath. Brett got quiet but you could still hear him taking his breaths. So you did the same. It took a while but you felt your body relax, as if you were melting away.
"Now think about the things that have made you angry. Triggers." he spoke softly. "Spark your anger and then use the mantra to calm yourself." He spoke calmly.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" You kept your eyes closed. You were worried now, but somehow your body remained relaxed.
"I trust you."
You inhaled a deep breath. Then you thought back, on every occasion you have gotten angry. The fire, Talia and Deaton, Deucalion, Jennifer, Kali and Ennis. You inhaled another deep breath. Your heart began to beat faster. "The sun, the moon, the truth." You chanted quietly. "The sun," a breath, "the moon," another breath, "the truth."
Then your mind drifted to Derek. You thought about earlier, before you shifted. Somehow, remembering the incident now, it didn’t make you angry. Instead, it hurt. It made you sad. You repeated the mantra in your head again.
Then more memories with Derek flashed in your mind. Special ones. You inhaled a shaky breath. You imagined Derek's hands all over you, you were practically starting to feel them. The warmth of his palms gently caressing up your arms, to softly graze down your back. The way he'd squeeze you gently just to feel you closer to him.
"The sun," you mumbled, your breathing getting heavier as you remembered the feeling of Derek on top of you, "the moon. The truth."
You were startled out of your daze by big hands grabbing your shoulders. You opened your eyes to see Brett staring at you, awkwardly. Your eyes trailed from his eyes, down to his lips, to his neck then back up to his eyes. Realizing what you were feeling, you closed your mouth and gently pushed him away from you.
"I think that's enough for today."
Brett chuckled and helped you up to your feet. "Sounds like someone needs a cold shower."
You glared at the young man. "I'm going to pick up your uniforms."
The voice in your head was screaming, begging you to turn back. But your body had a mind of its own. Before you realized where you were going, you were already in the elevator going up to his floor.
You stepped out of the elevator, made your way to his door and knocked. After a minute or so there was no answer, so you knocked again. The door slid open. You heart was pumping, eager to see Derek.
"Peter." you were surprised to see him.
"Y/N." He was just as surprised as you were. Without a warning, Peter grabbed you and embraced you in a tight hug.
You froze at first, then Peter's scent filled your nostrils. Your eyes fluttered closed and your hands felt up his back and you grabbed his shoulders. You turned your face inwards to the crook of Peter's neck and inhaled his scent again. His scent was intoxicating, it was making you feel warm inside, you accidentally let out a low whimper as indulged in Peter’s scent.
Peter noticed and he leaned away a bit to look at you. Your faces were so close you could feel his breath fanning your face. You gripped tighter at his shirt, pulling him closer to you. He brought one hand up to caress your cheek, then to the temples of your sunglasses.
You immediately turned away as you felt him pull the sunglasses from your face. "Uhm," you gently pushed him back as you stepped away from him and pressed the sunglasses back up the bridge of your nose, "is Derek here?"
Peter cleared his throat. "yeah," he answered. He gestured you to enter the loft. He didn't say anything else as he slid the loft door shut behind you.
"Peter," You heard Derek's voice first and then he appeared descending the spiral staircase. "who was at the door?" He froze when he saw you descending the stairs towards the center of the loft.
You looked around the room, "is Cora here?" You already knew the answer though. You began stripping yourself of your jacket as you approached Derek.
"She's out with Erica and Isaac. They're actually looking for you," he spoke slowly, watching you carefully. "Is everything ok?"
You were already in front of him. "Fine." You all but whispered, you wrapped your arms around his neck, instinctively Derek placed his hands on either side of your waist. Derek's scent was different from Peter's. It wasn't intoxicating. It was fresh, nostalgic; almost like home.
You slowly leaned in, Derek noticed and grabbed your waist to pull you in and kissed you. The tiny hairs on your body stood up as if your body had been ignited with electricity as soon as your lips met. Without removing himself from you, Derek guided you towards the bed. When he hit the edge of his bed he spun around, still holding your waist, and laid you down on his bed.
You moved your hands down his chest to the hem of his shirt, to pull it over his head. Derek put his hands over yours to stop you and pulled back a bit.
"What?" you breathed.
Derek didn't say a word, instead, he grabbed the sunglasses and slowly removed them from your eyes. You allowed him but you kept your eyes closed. "Open them." he gently instructed.
"Y/N," he kept his soft, "open your eyes. Please."
You exhaled a deep breath and slowly opened your eyes. Derek stared down at you, one his hands cupping your face as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek. "I'm sorry."
You removed his hand from your face, went to gently grab him by the neck and pushed him to the side so you could straddle him on the bed. You removed your shirt and tossed it behind you.
"I didn't come here for sorry." You reached behind your back for your bra strap, undid it, and then slowly and teasingly pulled it off your body and dropped it next to you on the bed.
Derek swallowed dryly, as he lustfully looked at you and down your chest. He sat up a bit and removed his own shirt. He stayed here, hands reaching up your back as he pulled you in closer to kiss you.
You whimpered out when you felt him softly drag his nails down your back. "Fuck," you moaned, "Derek." Your hands found the button of his jeans, and you hastily worked on unbuttoning them
Derek wasted no time and did the same. He spun to lay you down on the bed again. In one quick motion he got his and your jeans and undergarments off and settled himself between your legs.
You breathed heavily as you watched him. He hooked his arms behind your knees and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed.
"Are you just going to stare?" You asked, losing patience. Derek softly chuckled. He leaned down, simultaneously slowly inserting himself as he kissed you. You let out a sigh of relief and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He thrusted himself in and out of you slowly. He moved one of his hands to the side of your head and gripped the sheets tightly and he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Your hand found it's way to the top of Derek's head and you gently pulled and tugged on his short hair, earning a soft(sexy) moan from him.
"Faster." you moaned. "Fuck, Derek. Faster."
He did as you told. He could feel you getting closer and he pulled back to look down at you. He watched you, listened, made sure he was giving you exactly what you wanted.
"Oh fuck," you whimpered. Yo stared up at Derek, his eyes glowed blue a moment as he rode out his climax with you.
He laid down beside you to catch his breath. He kissed your cheek, and pulled you in closer to him.
You turned you head to look at him, softly caressing his cheek. "I have to go." You whispered.
Derek blinked lazily. "Stay." He whispered. "Please," he breathed, "stay with me." Derek's eyes slowly closed, and you watched him quickly fall asleep.
You untangled yourself out of his grip and grabbed your clothes to get dressed. You searched his pants for his phone and typed your new number into his phone. You looked back at Derek sleeping on his bed. You deleted your number in his phone and put it back where you had found it. You looked back at Derek one last time before leaving and sliding the loft door closed behind you.
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49311grayson · 1 month
[TW/Sterek] Expression
Stiles: That's ridiculous, Derek doesn't have a crush on me.
Lydia: Yes he definitely does.
Stiles: Really?
Lydia: How can you be so dumb to see that?
Stiles: I don't know, maybe it's because he kept shoving me against the wall and giving me those intense stares like he's ready to rip my throat out!
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Now correct me if I’m wrong, but as someone who’s thinking of watching Teen Wolf, from what I’ve seen it seems to be:
(Group of outcast teenagers have gotten themselves involved in deadly supernatural shenanigans)
Derek, standing there silently, unhelpfully:…
Stiles:…we don’t need an adult but if we did we would need an adultier adult
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kordyceps · 3 months
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Now that I've got a little collection... Here are the full banner artworks for chapters 3, 4, 5, & 6 of my Steter fanfic, Mutiny of the Hardest Order. :D
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