#pediatric nappy rash cream
cigalahmedpharm · 1 year
Babe Pediatric Nappy Rash Cream is a must-have product for parents with newborns or toddlers. Nappy rash is a known problem that can cause discomfort and pain to babies. However, with Babe Pediatric Nappy Rash Cream, you can soothe and heal your baby's delicate skin without having any fear of harmful chemicals.
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babydiapring · 1 year
The Best Diaper Rash Creams for Babies
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A freshly diapered baby may be a image of perfection. however that unquiet, cracked redness that comes from a wet nappy? Not such a lot. These soothing dermatitis creams will facilitate.
Does your baby have heat irritated skin and raised red bumps on their diaper area? they are most likely plagued by dermatitis. Before you blame your novice parenting skills, grasp that dermatitis is universal. It's usually caused by pee, poop, or the diaper itself rubbing against your baby's vacant bottom. Thankfully, Boughen creams will facilitate. Here's your guide to selecting.
How to Use Diaper Rash Cream
Preventing Diaper Rash: to forestall dermatitis, apply a thick layer of dermatitis cream to dried skin throughout every amendment. this may kind a barrier between your baby's skin and their diaper contents. "Think of diaper paste as a defend that sits between the skin and therefore the contents of the diaper. If the paste is not fouled, no got to rub it off throughout changes; merely add a lot of paste on prime," says the yank Academy of pediatrics (AAP). on the far side that, amendment diapers promptly once your baby poops, and concerning each 3 to four hours otherwise. certify to dry your baby's bottom utterly once every diaper amendment.
Treating Diaper Rash: typically, despite your best intentions, your baby can get a dermatitis anyway. the simplest dermatitis creams will facilitate soothe the realm, particularly once applied at the primary signs of irritation. Clean your baby's rash with a mild preparation rather than wipes—or a minimum of select wipes while not alcohol or fragrance—to stop additional irritating the rash, says the AAP. If your baby's rash looks uncomfortable, offer them a shower and allow them to play naked, while not a diaper, to assist clear it up.
If a rash reddens and worsens inside every day, or if spots escape around it, see a baby doctor. they could advocate Associate in Nursing anti-fungal cream, prescription antibiotic, or Cortef ointment (but do not use any of those things while not a doctor's approval) .
You Can Find the full Guide at Baby-Diapering Our official site
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hanlonlgbt-blog · 4 years
Learn 10 Health Tips For Your Baby Before Attack
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Rubella or German Measles:
It’s sometimes  mentioned   because the  3-day measles  also . It affects the skin and lymph nodes. It’s not  an equivalent  virus that cause measles. It can  undergo  a pregnant woman’s bloodstream to infect her unborn baby. Rubella infection may begin with 1 or 2 days of mild fever (99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37.2 to 37.8 degrees Celsius) and swollen, tender lymph nodes, usually  within the back of the neck or behind the baby’s ears. On the second or third day, a rash appears that begins on the baby’s face and spreads downward.  because it  spreads down the body,  it always  clears on the face. This rash  is usually   the primary  sign of illness that a parent notices. The rubella rash can  appear as if  many other viral rashes. It appears as either pink or light red spots,  which can  merge  to make  evenly colored patches. The rash can itch and lasts up  to three  days.  because the  rash passes, the affected skin occasionally sheds in very fine flakes. Its importance  is that the  potential effects on an unborn baby if infection is acquired during early pregnancy. The introduction of the MMR vaccine has reduced the incidence of primary rubella infection,  and therefore the  number of severely affected unborn babies. The  time period  is 14-21 days, fever  is usually  mild,  and youngsters   don't  feel particularly unwell, unlike measles infection. Woman who  could also be  pregnant ��shouldn't   inherit  contact with infected children.
occurs  most frequently   within the  late winter and early spring,  is extremely  contagious and if exposed to an infected  loved one , about 80% to 90%  of these   during a  household who haven't had chickenpox will  catch on . However, immunization  of youngsters  with the chickenpox vaccine that's now available  is predicted  to decrease cases of the disease dramatically over  subsequent  few years.
Although it's more common in kids under the age of 15, anyone, including babies, can get chickenpox.  an individual  usually has  just one  episode of chickenpox in his or her lifetime. But the virus that causes chickenpox can lie dormant within the body  and may  cause  a special   sort of   exanthem  later in life called shingles, also  mentioned  as herpes-zoster. It’s usually  a light  illness in children. The  time period  is 14-16 days, and there are often no symptoms  aside from  the rash. The rash generally only lasts 8-10 days. Some children develop  a light  fever  within the  first 2-3 days. The spots appear in crops, first as small bumps, and rapidly  becoming  little blisters. The blisters soon dry and crust, and scabs form over  the highest . Keep your child from scratching them or it  could lead on  to scarring. Calamine creams are useful  to assist  relieve any itching from the spots.
Roseola Infantum:
Affects babies under two. The baby will have a high fever, but appear well otherwise,  and three  or 4 days later the temperature will rapidly drop to normal. At  this point , after the fever has gone, a faint rash appears which only lasts 1 or 2 days  at the most . There  are not any  complications.
Coughs and Colds:
Most children will have  a minimum of  six respiratory infections  annually . These are  nearly always  mild, last only  a couple of  days and  haven't any  consequences. Children will simply get a blocked, runny nose, may have  a light  fever and feel slightly unwell. In young babies (who are nose breathers) feeding can become difficult for  a few  of days. Children should be treated with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen if  they need  a fever,  and should  be helped by nasal decongestants.  there's  rarely  a requirement  for antibiotics. Occasionally coughing, especially  in the dark  times  are often   the most  symptom of asthma,  and youngsters  with persistent nocturnal coughs should see a doctor. Sore Throat, Pharingitis and Tonsillitis:  quite common between the ages of 4-7 years old. Symptoms include pain while swallowing and eating, earache, and fever. Giving them soft food to eat  and much  of fluids. Children should see a doctor if  they need  a fever too. Pharyngitis is caused by viruses  then   won't  always require antibiotic treatment. Tonsillectomies are rarely performed now.
quite common  in children and babies. It  are often  associated or caused by chest infections, colds and coughs. Sometimes  there's  no infection  within the  ear, pain is  thanks to  the  Eustachian tube  being blocked. When blocked it doesn’t maintain  the right  pressure  within the  ear. Where  there's   a real  infection, Otits Media, or  tympanic cavity  Infection, the eardrum becomes red and inflamed  and may  cause the baby  to possess  a fever. Babies may become irritable or hold their hands over their ears. If  you think  your baby has an ear infection,  you ought to  see a doctor.
Vomiting and Diarrhea: 
quite common , especially if  you're taking  your baby on travels to foreign countries.  within the US and other developed nations, vomiting and diarrhea are commonly caused by viral infections. and Diarrhea will often be watery.  it's going to  be difficult  to differentiate  from urine  during a  nappy. Your baby or child will usually only  vomit   a really  short time.  it's  important to treat them  directly  to avoid your baby becoming dehydrated. Younger babies are more vulnerable than older children. Dehydration initially causes children to become fretful, then lethargic, with sunken eyes and lax dry skin. Severe dehydration causes young children to become prostrate with deeply sunken eyes and cold mottled skin. Mild dehydration  are often  treated  reception . Children should  tend  oral rehydration fluids,  which may  be bought at your local Pharmacy. These are powders containing salts and sugar and which are dissolved in water.  they permit  prompt reversal of dehydration, and are  simpler  than water alone. No food should  tend   for twenty-four  hours, after  which era   the traditional  diet  are often gradually restarted. Moderate to severe dehydration requires hospitalization for intravenous fluid therapy. In tropical countries, adding salt to  Coca Cola  also acts meningitis  is typically  mild,  and infrequently  causes any  future  problems.
Sticky Eyes:
 quite common  in young babies. Usually  there's  no underlying infection,  and straightforward  salt-water washes are sufficient.  cotton  soaked in saline should be used 2-3 times per day.  the matter  goes away  during a  few days, but  are often  recurring. Conjunctivitis in babies is caused by infections, which do require antibiotic treatment.  the attention  will usually be red and inflamed with pus,  instead of  simply sticky with yellow secretions.  during this  case  you ought to  see your doctor  therefore the  eye  are often  swabbed and appropriate antibiotics started.
All children get fevers and it’s usually caused by common viruses  like  'flu, spotty illnesses like measles or ear and chest infections. Children feel uncomfortable  once they  get hot, often cry, need comforting and lose their appetite.  they ought to   tend Paracetamol- based elixirs (Calpol in England) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pediatric elixirs like Ibuprofen to lower the temperature. Keep your baby cool with damp tepid, not cold, sponges. Aspirin  shouldn't  be used  for youngsters .  you ought to  not exceed the recommended daily dose of any medication. Most causes of fever will resolve within 2-3 days.  you ought to  see your doctor  just in case  your baby requires antibiotics where an infection is present, but  this is often  not usually an emergency. However, if your child becomes drowsy, complains of headaches or neck stiffness, is  impatient of  light or develops a blotchy dark rash, or multiple small spots,  you ought to  call your doctor immediately. Convulsions: Occasionally babies between three months and five years will have a Febrile Convulsion,  a quick  fit with jerky movements of arms and legs, lasting  but  ten minutes,  and usually  occurs at  the start  of febrile illnesses. Febrile convulsions  aren't  epilepsy,  don't  continue through childhood, and  don't  cause or imply any  kind of brain damage. Children should be laid on their front and their necks extended, cooled and treated with appropriate antibiotics. A rash  also can  be  related to  febrile illnesses.
a standard   virus infection , often with no symptoms  in the least . The  time period  is 16-21 days, after which children become febrile and feel unwell and lethargic. At this stage the baby’s face may  swell ,  thanks to  enlargement of the parotid salivary glands over the angle of the jaw,  slightly below  the ears. Older children may complain of earache and difficulty in swallowing,  and therefore the  swollen glands are often tender and painful.  there's  no specific treatment,  and therefore the  swelling subsides  during a  few days. The MMR vaccine has reduced the incidence of mumps infection. Meningitis  may be a  common complication,  during which   the kid  has headache, a stiff neck and intolerance  of sunshine , but  may be a  very rare occurrence.
Much less common since the introduction of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine  within the  UK and US. Measles  may be a  very  communicable disease . The  time period  is around 10 days, after  which era  children become febrile, snuffly, may cough,  and should develop Conjunctivitis (red eyes). After three or four days a florid reddish rash appears, starting on the face and head, then spreading  right down to  cover your baby’s  whole body. The rash can become blotchy. It begins to fade by the 4th day,  and therefore the  baby gradually improves. Paracetamol preparations (Calpol  within the  UK) can help reduce the fever, and relieve many of the symptoms.  there's no specific treatment. Pneumonia and ear infections are common complications, which should be treated promptly. Children who become drowsy, start vomiting or complain of headache should be taken to a doctor, as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)  may be a  rare but well recognized complication of measles occurring 7-10 days after the onset of the illness.
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enfantetparent · 5 years
Baby's Health : Tips Parents Must Know
Baby's Health : Tips Parents Must Know
Baby's Health : Tips Parents Must Know
   There are consistently worries about a baby’s  health. Numerous guardians blow up to the littlest issue, yet parents  truly can't be too cautious with regards to baby’s  health. Perceiving the indications to the most well-known ailments is critical to early determination and treatment.
For our baby's health we should know :
Rubella or German Measles
Roseola Infantum
Hacks and Colds
Ear infection
Heaving and Diarrhea
Clingy Eyes
Rubella or German Measles:
 It's occasionally alluded to as the 3-day measles too. It influences the skin and lymph hubs. It's not a similar infection that reason measles. It can go through a pregnant lady's circulatory system to taint her unborn child.
  Rubella disease may start with 1 or 2 days of gentle fever (99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37.2 to 37.8 degrees Celsius) and swollen, delicate lymph hubs, for the most part in the back of the neck or behind the infant's ears. On the second or third day, a rash creates the impression that starts on the endearing face's and spreads descending. As it spreads down the body, it more often than not clears on the face. This rash is frequently the principal indication of sickness that a parent takes note.
  The rubella rash can look like numerous other viral rashes. It shows up as either pink or light red spots, which may converge to shape equally shaded patches. The rash can tingle and endures as long as 3 days. As the rash passes, the influenced skin once in a while sheds in fine drops.
  Its significance is the potential impacts on an unborn infant if contamination is procured during early pregnancy.
  The presentation of the MMR immunization has diminished the frequency of essential rubella contamination, and the quantity of seriously influenced unborn children. The brooding time frame is 14-21 days, fever is frequently gentle, and youngsters don't feel especially unwell, in contrast to measles disease. Lady who might be pregnant ought not come into contact with tainted youngsters.
  It happens regularly in the pre-spring and late-winter, is infectious and whenever presented to a contaminated relative, about 80% to 90% of those in a family unit who haven't had chickenpox will get it. Be that as it may, inoculation of kids with the chickenpox immunization that is currently accessible is relied upon to diminish instances of the malady drastically throughout the following couple of years.
  In spite of the fact that it's increasingly basic in children younger than 15, anybody, including babies, can get chickenpox. An individual normally has just a single scene of chickenpox in their lifetime. In any case, the infection that causes chickenpox can lie lethargic inside the body and can cause an alternate sort of skin emission further down the road called shingles, likewise alluded to as herpes-zoster.
  It's typically a gentle ailment in kids. The hatching time frame is 14-16 days, and there are frequently no manifestations other than the rash. The rash by and large just endures 8-10 days. A few youngsters build up a mellow fever in the initial 2-3 days. The spots show up in harvests, first as little knocks, and quickly changing into little rankles. The rankles before long dry and covering, and scabs structure over the top. Shield your youngster from scratching them or it could prompt scarring. Calamine creams are valuable to help diminish any tingling from the spots.
Roseola Infantum:
   It Affects babies under two. The infant will have a high fever, however show up well generally, and 3 or after 4 days the temperature will quickly drop to ordinary. Right now, after the fever has gone, a black out rash shows up which just endures 1 or 2 days all things considered. There are no inconveniences.
Hacks and Colds:
   Most kids will have at any rate six respiratory diseases every year. These are quite often gentle, last just a couple of days and have no results. Youngsters will essentially get a blocked, runny nose, may have a gentle fever and feel somewhat unwell. In youthful infants (who are nose breathers) encouraging can end up hard for a few days. Youngsters ought to be treated with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen on the off chance that they have a fever, and might be helped by nasal decongestants. There is seldom a requirement for anti-infection agents. Sometimes hacking, particularly during the evening times can be the principle side effect of asthma, and kids with persevering nighttime hacks should see a specialist.
   Sore Throat, Pharingitis and Tonsillitis: Very basic between the ages of 4-7 years of age. Indications incorporate torment while gulping and eating, ear infection, and fever. Giving them delicate sustenance to eat and loads of liquids. Kids should see a specialist in the event that they have a fever as well. Pharyngitis is brought about by infections thus won't generally require anti-infection treatment. Tonsillectomies are once in a while performed now.
Ear infection:
   Very normal in youngsters and children. It very well may be related or brought about by chest diseases, colds and hacks. In some cases there is no contamination in the ear, torment is because of the Eustachian Tube being blocked. At the point when blocked it doesn't keep up the right weight in the ear.
   Where there is a genuine disease, Otits Media, or Middle Ear Infection, the eardrum winds up red and kindled and can make the infant have a fever. Children may wind up crabby or hold their hands over their ears. On the off chance that you speculate your child has an ear disease, you should see a specialist.
Heaving and Diarrhea:
   Very normal, particularly on the off chance that you take your child on movements to outside nations. In the US and other created countries, spewing and looseness of the bowels are generally brought about by viral contaminations. furthermore, Diarrhea will regularly be watery. It might be hard to recognize from pee in a nappy.
  Your infant or youngster will generally just be wiped out an extremely brief time. It is imperative to treat them immediately to maintain a strategic distance from your infant getting to be dried out. More youthful infants are more helpless than more seasoned youngsters.
  Parchedness at first makes kids become unstable, at that point lazy, with indented eyes and careless dry skin. Extreme drying out makes little youngsters become prostrate with profoundly indented eyes and cold mottled skin. Mellow lack of hydration can be treated at home. Youngsters ought to be given oral rehydration liquids, which can be purchased at your neighborhood Pharmacy.
  These are powders containing salts and sugar and which are disintegrated in water. They permit brief inversion of drying out, and are more viable than water alone. No nourishment ought to be allowed for 24 hours, at which point the ordinary eating routine can be bit by bit restarted. Moderate to extreme parchedness requires hospitalization for intravenous liquid treatment. In tropical nations, adding salt to coca cola additionally acts meningitis is typically mellow, and infrequently causes any long haul issues.
Clingy Eyes:
  Very normal in youthful children. For the most part there is no basic disease, and basic salt-water washes are adequate. Cotton fleece absorbed saline ought to be utilized 2-3 times each day. The issue leaves in a couple of days, yet can be repeating.
  Conjunctivitis in infants is brought about by contaminations, which do require anti-toxin treatment. The eye will ordinarily be red and kindled with discharge, instead of essentially clingy with yellow emissions. For this situation you should see your PCP so the eye can be swabbed and proper anti-microbials began.
  All youngsters get fevers and it's normally brought about by regular infections, for example, 'influenza, spotty diseases like measles or ear and chest contaminations. Youngsters feel awkward when they get hot, regularly cry, need encouraging and lose their craving. They ought to be given Paracetamol-based elixirs (Calpol in England) or non-steroidal mitigating pediatric elixirs like Ibuprofen to bring down the temperature.
   Keep your child cool with sodden lukewarm, not cold, wipes. Ibuprofen ought not be utilized for kids. You ought not surpass the prescribed day by day portion of any drug. Most reasons for fever will resolve inside 2-3 days. You should see your PCP on the off chance that your child requires anti-toxins where a disease is available, yet this isn't typically a crisis. In any case, if your kid ends up tired, grumbles of cerebral pains or neck solidness, is narrow minded of light or builds up a smeared dim rash, or various little spots, you should call your primary care physician right away.
  Occasionally pampers between a quarter of a year and five years will have a Febrile Convulsion, a concise fit with jerky developments of arms and legs, enduring under ten minutes, and by and large happens toward the start of febrile diseases. Febrile seizures are not epilepsy, don't proceed through youth, and don't cause or infer any kind of cerebrum harm. Kids ought to be laid on their front and their necks expanded, cooled and treated with suitable anti-infection agents. A rash can likewise be related with febrile sicknesses.
  A typical viral disease, frequently without any indications by any means. The brooding time frame is 16-21 days, after which youngsters become febrile and feel unwell and torpid. At this stage the endearing face's may swell up, because of augmentation of the parotid salivary organs over the edge of the jaw, just beneath the ears. More established youngsters may grumble of ear infection and trouble in gulping, and the swollen organs are regularly delicate and difficult. There is no particular treatment, and the swelling dies down in a couple of days. The MMR antibody has decreased the rate of mumps contamination. Meningitis is a typical confusion, where the tyke has cerebral pain, a hardened neck and narrow mindedness of light, however is an extremely uncommon event.
  Much less normal since the presentation of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) immunization in the UK and US. Measles is an exceptionally irresistible ailment. The hatching time frame is around 10 days, at which point youngsters become febrile, snuffly, may hack, and may create Conjunctivitis (red eyes). Following three or four days a colorful rosy rash shows up, beginning the face and head, at that point spreading down to cover your infant's entire body. The rash can wind up smudged. It starts to blur by the fourth day, and the child step by step improves. Paracetamol arrangements (Calpol in the UK) can help decrease the fever, and alleviate a significant number of the indications. There is no particular treatment. Pneumonia and ear contaminations are regular intricacies, which ought to be dealt with instantly. Kids who become sluggish, start regurgitating or whine of cerebral pain ought to be taken to a specialist, as encephalitis (aggravation of the cerebrum) is an uncommon yet all around perceived intricacy of
   New parents need some direction and help with raising a solid and upbeat child. We have assembled the accompanying assets which you can use as a guide as you raise your new child. We trust this data causes you and your new baby
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evodex · 6 years
11 Essential Items Which You Need To Buy Before Bringing Your Baby Home From Hospital
As soon as you enter into your 9th month of pregnancy, goosebumps start coming out on thinking of your bundle of joy and you start imagining the day when you will bring your little one at home from the hospital. Also, you are in doubt what are the essential things to buy for the baby before delivery.
But bringing your baby is not enough, you must have to do few things in advance for a smooth transition from hospital to home. As a new parent, you may not have the clarity about to do things and you are seeking some guidance or help from your family or friends.
This was the case with me, I had no clarity what to do and what not to do before admitting in the hospital for delivery. Today, I am sharing a list of things which you can do well in advance before your infant arrival.
This article will be a great help for the parents who are taking care of their infant alone.
List of essential items which you need to buy before bringing your baby home from the hospital
  1. Grooming and medical kit for infants:
A grooming and medical kit help new parents to have all essential stuff in one place. Basically, it includes grooming stuff like a nail clipper, baby comb and hairbrush and medical stuff like nasal aspirators for taking care of baby’s stuffy nose, digital thermostat to check baby’s temperature,  medical spoon and syringes to give medicines easily.
Sharing a photo of one which we had at home.
Click Here to see more details about Deluxe Baby Healthcare and Grooming Kit
  2. Essential Baby Clothes
All clothes which you are going to use for your baby should be super soft and washed before use. Buy the minimum set of clothes (like 8 sets) which have bodysuits/rompers, vests, cotton/warm t-shirts, bottoms, cap, socks and woolen depending upon the weather, wrapping cotton or warm sheets.
Don’t forget to buy washcloths/burping cloths to clean your baby face and neck area after every feeding.
3. Newborn Diapers
You need a good stack of diapers or nappies for countless changes during the first few days. You will feel that your baby is doing the continuous pee and poop after a few minutes. It’s completely up to you that whether you want to use disposable diapers or reusable diapers for your baby. If you are using baby diapers then order newborn size diapers well in advance before the arrival of your baby.
Click here to see all the available brands for newborn size diapers
Don’t buy too many packets of newborn sized diapers as baby outgrows fast. Once you are sure about the diaper size for your baby then you can order the same.
4. Baby Mittens:
Image source: Amazon India
Don’t forget to buy mitten, it’s very useful as your little one has baby claws and it’s really difficult to cut it. Use the baby mittens so the baby wouldn’t scratch his/her face and mother during feeding sessions.
You can buy 2-3 tops which have inbuilt mittens along with full sleeves. If you didn’t find it in the market then buy mittens separately. You will thank me for this tip for sure
Click Here to see the colorful mittens for your baby
5. Car Seat For Baby
As per the survey, car seats reduce the risk of injury by 71% to 82% and reduce the risk of death by 28% in comparison to children in seat belts alone. In foreign countries, it is must buy before taking your baby home from the hospital. But here, it’s not the compulsion, but for the safety of our baby, we must buy it if we are traveling a lot in the car.
Click Here to the best convertible car seat for your newborn
Best Car Seat is a convertible car seat. For infants, position in the car will be rear facing seat and when they have grown up to toddlers, you can use it as forward facing car set.
  6. Comfortable bedding for infants
Baby bedding should be comfortable, waterproof and soft. Try to use cotton stuff for bedding. If you are planning to buy a cradle for the baby then a bassinet cradle or three-sided crib (one side can be attached to your bed) can be a good option. Also, purchase bed linen & waterproof sheets for the crib. Buy baby blankets and sheets according to the season. 
Swaddler and wrapping sheets: if it’s winter then buy thin blankets in which you can swaddle baby completely.
40in x 40in size blanket is perfect to swaddle for newborn.
7. Nursing Stuff
Nursing Pillow
Few mothers need nursing pillows badly and some are comfortable to breastfeed the baby without a nursing pillow. With the help of a nursing pillow, you can set comfortable pose to feed your baby. If you don’t want to buy it then you can take the extra pillows to sit comfortably for nursing your little one.
Click here to see the best and effective nursing pillow
  Image Credit: Amazon India
Nursing bras are found very useful for breastfeeding your baby comfortably. 
Nipple Cream 
Nipple cream is one of the essential stuff for breastfeeding moms. When I first time nursed my son, I had sore nipples after it, it was hurting. Then the hospital nurse gave me nipple cream and told me how to use. It was really helpful for me to get relief from sore and painful nipples.
Click here to see most effective and cocoa butter based nipple cream
  8. Mosquito Repellent Net
Before your newborn comes home from the hospital, your house must be clean, ventilated and dust free. Your house must be dirt and mosquito free. I am not saying to clean it every day after baby arrival but try to keep it dust and mosquito free. You can also use mosquito repeller net for baby. It really helps to keep the mosquitoes away from your little one.
9. Buy Bath Stuff for your baby
As you are going to give the bath to your baby soon so you must have all essential bathing stuff for the baby. Like baby bathing tub, body wash, baby oil, baby cream and moisture, baby towel.
Try to go for the known brand whose baby stuff is good in use.
Click here to see the comfortable bather seat for your baby
10. Buy cleaning wipes and rash cream
To clean your baby after every poop, you can use wet wipes with lukewarm water. Also, use rash cream if you feel baby having rashes because of frequent poops and diaper.
I used “Desitin Rapid Relief Cream for Diaper Rash”  for my son.
11. Breast Pump
Breast pump really helps moms to establish a good milk supply and prevent breast engorgement. You can buy manual or electric pump based on your personal preferences. I personally used the Electric Medela Breast Pump which helped me to express milk and feed the baby even when I was not around through a good quality feeder. It is specially very useful for working moms who soon gonna join her office after delivery.
Click here to easy to use & noise-free electric breast pump
Other Essential Things to Do at home
#1 Balanced room temperature and room lights
As baby coming from mother’s womb which is too cozy & dark for babies to feel relax and secure. And outside world is totally different, so we must try to make outside world cozy for your newborn as well.
Too much cold or too much hot room temperature can make baby feel uncomfortable.  Extra bright lights in the room can be a reason for baby’s discomfort and fussiness. Everything in the house should be soothing for your baby.
So, if you are using the bright lights in the room where your baby going to stay for next few months then change it.
#2 Pediatric Appointment
don’t forget to take baby’s first checkup appointment before leaving the hospital. Usually, you have to visit a doctor within 3-5 days after birth. The doctor will check baby’s growth(weight, head size, height). Also, you can consult the doctor regarding baby’s feed, popping, sleeping hours & more.
There are many other baby stuff like a baby stroller, bouncer, walker, toys, books which you need to buy as per baby’s needs. No need to buy all the stuff in a hurry. Go slow and buy wisely. Think what you baby actually needs. 
Being a first-time parent is an experience in itself, you will soon learn from your own experiences( good or bad). You can definitely welcome your little one with decorated room and house with balloons to welcome your bundle of joy
  The post 11 Essential Items Which You Need To Buy Before Bringing Your Baby Home From Hospital appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Essential Items Which You Need To Buy Before Bringing Your Baby Home From Hospital published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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