opera-ghosts · 10 months
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Here we see this antique postcard from 1916 with a nice pencil drawing from the famous young Composer, Pianist, Conductor, Teacher and Writer Franz Liszt (1811-1886).
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jt1674 · 4 months
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onlyusash1 · 3 months
Unleashing the Superpowers of Teachers: How They Shape our Future
Teaching is an extraordinary superpower that not everyone possesses. It takes a special individual, armed with knowledge, passion, and an unwavering dedication to nurturing young minds. Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future, inspiring greatness, and creating a positive impact on society as a whole. One of the most powerful tools in their arsenal is the ability to recognize and seize teachable moments.
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Definition and Concept of Teachable Moments
Teachable moments are those magical instances where a teacher spots an opportunity for an impromptu lesson or a deeper exploration of a specific topic, catching their students' attention and transforming it into a valuable learning experience. These moments often arise unexpectedly and require educators to be receptive, flexible, and open-minded to seize the opportunity.
Uncovering Teachable Moments in Real-Life Scenarios
In the journey of education, teachers frequently encounter a plethora of teachable moments that can shape students' character, knowledge, and outlook on the world. By recognizing and embracing these opportunities, educators can create transformative learning experiences. Let's explore ten teachable moments that every teacher should be aware of:
The magic of curiosity: Igniting students' interest and promoting critical thinking.
Curiosity is the key to unlocking a world of knowledge. Encouraging students' natural curiosity not only ignites their interest but also cultivates critical thinking skills and a hunger for lifelong learning. As a teacher, taking the time to nurture and explore students' questions can pave the way for exciting discoveries and profound connections.
Addressing mistakes positively: Encouraging resilience and growth mindset.
Mistakes are not failures but stepping stones toward growth. By viewing mistakes as valuable learning opportunities, teachers can instill resilience and a growth mindset in their students. Cultivating an environment where mistakes are embraced rather than feared creates a safe space for students to take risks, learn from their errors, and strengthen their problem-solving skills.
Celebrating diversity: Embracing differences and fostering inclusivity.
Every classroom is a melting pot of unique cultures, perspectives, and experiences. By creating an inclusive and multicultural learning environment, teachers can celebrate diversity and teach empathy and understanding. Encouraging students to share their backgrounds and experiences fosters respect, empathy, and a sense of belonging among peers.
Recognizing emotions: Nurturing emotional intelligence in students.
Emotional intelligence is a fundamental life skill that contributes to personal and academic success. Teachers have the ability to help students recognize and manage their emotions, fostering self-awareness and empathy. By cultivating emotional intelligence, students develop the necessary tools to navigate challenges, communicate effectively, and build healthy relationships.
Navigating conflicts: Teaching conflict resolution and communication skills.
Conflicts are inevitable in any classroom setting. Rather than avoiding them, teachers can capitalize on conflicts to teach valuable lessons in conflict resolution, effective communication, and compromise. By empowering students with the skills to navigate conflicts peacefully, educators equip them to become capable problem solvers in various aspects of their lives.
Connecting to the world: Integrating real-world examples in curriculum.
Education should not exist in a vacuum but instead should connect to the real world. By integrating real-world examples into the curriculum, teachers help students see the relevance and practical application of their learning. This approach fosters a deeper understanding, engagement, and motivation, as students see how the knowledge gained in the classroom can impact their lives outside of it.
Cultivating empathy: Encouraging compassion and understanding.
Empathy is a vital skill that allows students to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering compassion and understanding. Teachers can create opportunities to encourage empathy in the classroom by fostering a safe space for open dialogue, practicing active listening, and engaging students in discussions that explore different perspectives and experiences.
Gratitude and mindfulness: Practicing gratitude and self-reflection.
In a fast-paced and demanding world, teaching students the power of gratitude and mindfulness can be transformative. By incorporating practices of gratitude and self-reflection in the classroom, teachers help students develop resilience, emotional well-being, and a positive outlook on life. Encouraging students to express gratitude and reflect on their achievements and personal growth nurtures a mindset of appreciation and self-awareness.
Building resilience: Exposing students to challenges and teaching resilience.
Life is full of challenges, and the ability to bounce back from adversity is a crucial life skill. teachers can foster resilience by presenting students with manageable challenges and supporting them in overcoming obstacles. By providing a safe space where failure is viewed as an opportunity for growth, educators prepare students to embrace challenges head-on and develop resilience that will serve them throughout their lives.
Problem-solving through teamwork: Enhancing collaboration skills.
In today's interconnected world, collaboration and teamwork are essential skills. By promoting group activities and projects, teachers facilitate the development of problem-solving and collaboration skills. Encouraging students to work together helps them understand the value of diverse perspectives, effective communication, and cooperation, leaving them well-equipped for future professional and personal endeavors.
Strategies for Maximizing Teachable Moments in the Classroom
To fully harness the power of teachable moments as an educator, implementing effective strategies is essential. Here are some strategies to help teachers maximize teachable moments in their classrooms:
Being attentive and present in students' experiences.
Being attentive and present in the classroom allows teachers to recognize and capitalize on teachable moments as they arise. By observing students' actions, listening actively, and responding genuinely, teachers create opportunities for spontaneous learning that aligns with students' interests and needs.
Building positive relationships with students.
Strong teacher-student relationships are the foundation for effective teaching and learning. By building positive relationships with students, teachers gain insights into their passions, anxieties, and learning styles. This deeper connection enables teachers to identify teachable moments that resonate with each student's unique characteristics, making the learning experience more personal and impactful.
Creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment.
A safe and inclusive classroom environment sets the stage for teachable moments to flourish. By fostering a sense of belonging, open-mindedness, and respect, teachers encourage students to express their thoughts and opinions freely. Students feel comfortable sharing their ideas, questions, and concerns, leading to richer discussions and valuable teachable moments.
Incorporating flexibility and spontaneity in lesson plans.
Teachable moments often require flexibility in lesson plans. By allowing room for spontaneity and adapting to unexpected opportunities, teachers embrace the dynamic nature of learning. Flexibility enables educators to seize teachable moments that may arise during a lesson or as a result of a student's question or observation.
Active listening and empathy towards students' needs.
Listen with intent, and your students will teach you as much as you teach them. Active listening allows teachers to understand students' perspectives, interests, and challenges. By empathizing with students' needs and experiences, teachers can uncover unique teachable moments and tailor lessons to address specific learning objectives while nurturing personal growth.
Benefits and Impact of Effective Teachable Moments on Students' Development
The impact of effective teachable moments extends far beyond the classroom walls. By nurturing a growth mindset, promoting critical thinking and emotional intelligence, and fostering empathy and resilience, teachers provide students with essential life skills that contribute to their personal and professional development.
Effective teachable moments empower students to become active learners, engage with their education, and pursue their passions with confidence. Students leave the classroom equipped with the tools necessary to navigate challenges, embrace diversity, and positively impact their communities.
Teachers possess an extraordinary ability to shape and inspire young minds. By embracing teachable moments, educators can create transformative learning experiences that have a lasting impact on students' development. The recognition and utilization of teachable moments not only enhance academic achievement but also build essential life skills, nurture wellbeing, and foster social awareness.
As teachers, let us strive to unleash the superpower within us and embrace the teachable moments that present themselves daily in our classrooms. By doing so, we contribute to creating a future generation that is adaptable, empathetic, and empowered to transform the world.
Please Visit For More Info; https://pedagogue.app/
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pedagogueapp · 5 months
Pedagogue is a social media network where educators can learn and grow. It's a safe space where they can share advice, strategies, tools, hacks, resources, etc., and work together to improve their teaching skills and the academic performance of the students in their charge. If you want to collaborate with educators from around the globe, facilitate remote learning, etc., sign up for a free account today and start making connections.
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Address: 910 Goddin St. Suite 401, Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: 601-630- 5238
Website: https://pedagogue.app
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alexanderpianist · 1 year
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Диплом лауреата II премии одной из моих зарубежных учениц из Калифорнии. Занимаемся дистанционно, ну и очно - когда, бывает, получается встретиться Москве. 31-й ежегодный Открытый музыкальный конкурс США, категория "Сокровищница романтических композиторов, средняя группа 2". A diploma of II prize winner of one of my foreign students from California. We are studying remotely, sometimes face-to-face in Moscow. The 31st Annual United States Open Music Competition. Treasury of romantic composers intermediate group 2. #учительфортепиано #урокифортепиано #учительмузыки #преподавательмузыки #преподавательфортепиано #преподаватель #репетитор #школамузыки #музыкальнаяшкола #урокимузыки #teacher #pedagogue #MusicSchool #SchoolOfMusic #MusicLessons #MusicTeacher #PianoTeacher #PianoLessons #PianoPedagogue #фортепиано #пианист #музыкант #классическаямузыка #классика #piano #pianist #musician #classicalmusic #classics #concertpianist https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq1Uh0poR-Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inazuma-fulgur · 1 year
Not so hot take: if you do something regularly (and often) you can explain it to others and argue on it. Yeah there are some tricks how to better help others understand but generally that's it
Teachers and educators attempting to pretend they're special because they can do that are a scam.
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beybuniki · 29 days
I wonder how your version of touya would deal w young shouto misbehaving
you mean the todoroki visit au one? tbh that interpretation of dabi is a very ooc one, i like this one for a very santizied au where he stays relatively unharmed mentally (i love this setting for silly scenarios). i guess that toya would stay out of shoto's upbringing: his mother is mentally well and present and does the upbringing, touya is allowed to be lazy and a bit mean and maybe make some comments from the sidelines (as all older siblings to), otherwise i don't see him take his role as an older brother too seriously. the youngest of a big group of siblings usually get coddled or a lot of attention in general, i don't think the toya in that family dynamic would feel the need to act authoritative with shoto
also mrs. todoroki doesn't believe in punishment because neither do I :D
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thetwelfthcrow · 5 months
Lewis with children >>>>>>
yes pls he's sooo cute with them. for every sponsor event just let him hang w children and he'll have the time of his life. he's such a fun uncle in all the videos we've seen. he's also a true child at heart and he can just do whatever and the kids'll love it.
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opera-ghosts · 1 month
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ONCE UPON A TIME: “Tristan and Isolde”, Cologne Opera Festival on June 11, 1911. The wonderful scene photo from the second act shows the American Edyth Walker (1867-1950) as Isolde. Jacques Urlus sang Tristan, Paul Bender sang King Marke and Margarete Matzenauer sang Brangäne. Max von Schillings conducted. The production was done by Alexander d’Arnals and the set was created by Hans Wildermann.
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ikeuverse · 1 year
hey! i'm a pedagogy student, and here in my country (i'm from brazil) may 20th is celebrated as pedagogue's day. distinct from teachers' day which is october 15th. they are two professions that move towards the same goal and i'm immensely happy to say that pedagogy shrank me.
in the future i want to become a professional in the field of education to bring respectful and more humane teaching to our children.
happy pedagogue day! ✨️💜
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onlyusash1 · 3 months
The Superpowers of Exceptional Teachers: Unleash Your Potential!
Teaching is not merely a profession; it is a calling that requires constant growth, learning, and adaptability. As teachers, we strive to create engaging and transformative learning experiences for our students while continuously honing our skills and staying abreast of the latest educational trends. Professional development, therefore, is of paramount importance.
Today, we want to introduce you to a game-changing tool that can revolutionize your professional growth - curated resources. Imagine having a personal assistant who sifts through the vast ocean of educational materials and handpicks the most valuable ones for you. That's exactly what curated resources bring to the table - saving you time and effort while offering you a treasure trove of relevant and impactful materials.
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The Power of Curated Resources
Before we dive into the practical aspects of accessing and using curated resources, let's understand their significance in the world of education. Curated resources refer to a selection of high-quality, reliable, and pertinent materials that are handpicked by experts or educators themselves. These resources cover a wide range of topics, from lesson plans and teaching strategies to professional development resources and classroom activities.
The beauty of curated resources lies in their ability to save teachers countless hours of searching, sifting, and evaluating materials. Instead of being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content available online, curated resources offer a streamlined and efficient way of accessing the most relevant and impactful materials for your specific needs.
Moreover, curated resources have a profound impact on your professional growth and classroom practices. By tapping into these resources, you have the opportunity to enhance your teaching skills, discover innovative approaches, and diversify your instructional strategies. As a result, your students benefit from a more engaging and effective learning experience.
Strategies for Curating Resources
Now that we understand the immense power of curated resources, let's explore some strategies for finding and utilizing them effectively.
The first step is to explore various platforms and websites that offer curated resources. Educational platforms such as Teachers Pay Teachers, Edutopia, and Share My Lesson are excellent places to start. These platforms feature a vast array of resources created and shared by fellow educators, making it easier for you to find materials specifically tailored to your needs.
However, it's crucial to ensure that the sources you rely on are reliable and trustworthy. Always look for resources that have been peer-reviewed, backed by research, or endorsed by reputable educational organizations. Additionally, joining professional learning communities, both online and offline, can provide you with valuable insights and recommendations for curated resources.
Curated Resources for Different Subjects and Teaching Levels
As teachers, we know that different subjects and grade levels have unique requirements and challenges. To cater to the diverse needs of educators, curated resources are available for every teaching context.
If you're a primary school teacher, websites like Scholastic, Teach Starter, and ReadWriteThink offer a wide range of curated resources, including lesson plans, reading materials, and interactive activities. These resources are designed to engage young learners while aligning with the curriculum.
For secondary school teachers, subject-specific curated resources are invaluable. Websites like Khan Academy, Mathletics, and TED-Ed offer curated resources that cover various subjects, from mathematics and science to history and language arts. Additionally, online forums and communities for subject-area teachers allow for collaboration and the sharing of curated resources.
Special education teachers also have access to curated resources designed specifically for their classrooms. Websites like Understood, National Center for Learning Disabilities, and Autism Speaks provide resources, lesson plans, and strategies that cater to the unique needs of students with disabilities.
Personalizing Curated Resources
While curated resources offer a wealth of ready-to-use materials, personalization is key to optimizing their effectiveness. As educators, we know that each classroom and teaching situation is unique, requiring flexibility and adaptation.
When using curated resources, take the time to modify and tailor them to meet your specific teaching style and classroom environment. Consider your students' backgrounds, learning styles, and interests. Assess the appropriateness of the resource in achieving your specific learning objectives. By customizing curated resources, you can enhance their relevance and effectiveness.
Feedback and reflection also play a crucial role in personalizing curated resources. As you implement these resources in your classroom, continuously evaluate their impact and collect feedback from your students. Use this feedback to fine-tune and adjust the resources to better meet the needs of your students.
Embracing Technology for Curated Resources
In today's digital age, technology serves as a powerful ally for accessing and utilizing curated resources. Educational apps, online platforms, and digital tools enhance the flexibility and interactivity of curated resources, boosting student engagement and motivation.
Platforms like Nearpod, Kahoot, and Edpuzzle allow you to transform curated resources into interactive and multimedia experiences. These tools enable you to incorporate quizzes, videos, and interactive activities into your lessons, providing a dynamic and immersive learning environment.
Additionally, technology can help you curate resources efficiently. Tools like Pinterest, Symbaloo, and Diigo provide bookmarking and organizing features, allowing you to save and categorize valuable resources for future use.
The Impact of Curated Resources on Teaching Pedagogy
Curated resources have the potential to transform teaching practices and elevate student achievement. Let's hear some success stories of teachers who have embraced curated resources.
Ms. Anderson, an elementary school teacher, integrated curated resources into her literacy instruction. By utilizing curated reading materials, worksheets, and interactive games, she noticed that her students became more engaged and their reading fluency significantly improved. By leveraging these curated resources, Ms. Anderson was able to create a classroom environment focused on student learning and growth.
Mr. Rodriguez, a high school physics teacher, revamped his lessons by incorporating curated resources such as virtual labs, simulations, and real-world examples. His students not only developed a deeper understanding of physics concepts but also discovered their passion for the subject. By adopting curated resources, Mr. Rodriguez was able to foster an inquiry-based learning approach that sparked curiosity and excitement among his students.
It's important to recognize that curated resources are not stagnant. Education is an ever-evolving field, and the resources we use must reflect the latest research and practices. As teachers, we need to continuously curate and update our resources to ensure they align with current educational trends and standards.
Dear colleagues, we hope this exploration of curated resources has inspired you to unlock new opportunities for growth and learning. Utilizing curated resources is not only a time-saver but also a means of enhancing your teaching practices, personalizing your instruction, and fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment for your students.
As you embark on your curated resource journey, remember to share your discoveries and insights with your fellow educators. Let's create a collaborative learning community where we uplift and support one another. Together, we can unleash our full potential and provide our students with the exceptional education they deserve!
Please Visit For More Info; https://pedagogue.app/
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sovereign-tempest · 2 years
@fellstcr liked this post for a short starter!
“Good morning,” Dimitri smiled. It was just past dawn, and the King had not slept much. Not that that was not the norm for him. Though, he took joy in being awake long before his duties took hold, it meant he could take time for himself - no matter how short. So here he was, walking through the Royal gardens and taking in the dew-glittered dawn. Dimitri hadn’t expected to meet anyone aside some early rising staff, let alone his esteemed guest. “I hope your chambers were suitable.”
It was easier to host Byleth here at the castle while they had business here. It had been some time since they last met; several months. They had kept in contact via letters...how Dimitri had forgotten just how much grace she radiated was beyond him. “We did not have much time to speak privately when you arrived yesterday...but it is very good to see you again.”
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fovarosiblog · 2 years
Már a tanév első napján, csütörtökön újrakezdődtek a tiltakozások az iskolákban, a budapesti Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium több mint 30 tanára, a Kőbányai Széchenyi István Magyar-Német Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola 12 tanára nem veszi fel ma a munkát.
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sweetpipoca · 2 months
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oharaslair · 5 months
oh yeah i graduated btw
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the-music-keeper · 11 months
Change of plans. Remember when I said I wanted to look up Harvard information this week? Yeah, we're not going to do that. We're going to look at info for The Ohio State University instead.
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