prosports · 1 month
Exploring Lebert Fitness Parallettes
A utility bench is an important tool for strength training as it provides stability and versatility for a wide range of exercises. With adjustable settings, it allows for targeted workouts for various muscle groups, making it an essential addition to any home or commercial gym setup.
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womenindiplomacyday · 7 months
From "Meaningful participation" to "Intentional Women-Led Mediation". Insights from Intersecting Crises.
Building on the impetus from the Secretary General's New Agenda for Peace, the panel discussion will bring together the members of the Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks, representatives of Permanent Missions of the UN Member States and the donor community to facilitate an exchange of experiences among women mediators' networks in addressing intersecting crises, such as climate change, intensifying natural disasters, and the recent COVID pandemic. 
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Based on shared experiences, participants will jointly explore evidence-based recommendations through which women-led mediation work can be intentionally and effectively supported in policy and practice using the opportunities presented by the annual UNSC Open Debate on WPS, the New Agenda for Peace, and the upcoming 2025 UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR).
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rocks-in-space · 6 months
This episode of Burrow's End was absolutely incredible (I just started watching D20 and I'm losing it. This isn't scripted how is it so incredible? Like one of the best-"written" things I've ever seen).
So much happened, but I have to wonder if the whole stoats possibly intentionally causing a nuclear meltdown was in any way inspired by the time a weasel (and later, a marten) temporarily shut down the CERN Large Hadron Collider by chewing through wires.
See this article, which contains the incredible line, "It is unclear whether the animals are trying to stop humanity from unlocking the secrets of the universe."
Raccoons also once attacked the Fermilab particle accelerator, leading to this official report from the lab:
"At 1:24 a.m., Operations reported a raccoon attack in the Linac gallery. It seemed to be a coordinated effort. Fortunately, by 1:53 AM, a joint force of operators and Pbar experts managed to drive the raccoons out of their hastily made fortifications. Then at 4:18 p.m., the raccoons made what some thought to be a counterattack on the Division Headquarters, but others believed it to be only a simple reconnaissance incursion. No raccoons were either injured or captured during these encounters. Operator losses were low."
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twoflips-threetwists · 11 months
Hi ! What is kenta's career story ?
It's hard to fully explain but basically he's part of what gets called the "golden generation" of jpnmags who were born in 1996 (kenzo, kazuma, wataru, kenta and fuya)
Now obvs we know kenzo kazuma and wataru ended up all being super successful
Kenta was just as good, like super promising, very talented. But unfortunately he was also like. The biggest flop the world has ever seen. In 2017 he qualified in 1st to the all Japan AA final- beating both kenzo and kohei. He ended up dropping right off the podium to 6th or 7th (like Teppei this year but unlike Teppei this year did not make s grand recovery at NHK). PH used to be his best event (or joint best with pbars) but it became so massively inconsistent for him (see: making the 2018 Asian Games PH EF then scoring sub 11 in the final). Also at some point recently he went "I think I want to be better at rings" and randomly became one of the best rings guys in Japan?? Which is not a super high level lmao but very impressive how he did that.
Last year in November he and Teppei posted an ig story saying they wanted to go to worlds together in 2023 and literally discussed it with my friends like "lmao impossible it would take a miracle to even get one of them there".
This year he places 11th at all Japan- pretty good result for him, nothing really out of the ordinary, he scored sub 13 on PH both days. Then at NHK he randomly enters GOAT mode, has the best competition of his ENTIRE LIFE to end up 4th less than 0.1 away from an automatic spot (behind Teppei, his son and heir to the kingdom of floppery btw). So he has a great chance to make the team but he needs to hit 2 PH at event championships routines to drop those 12s to make it a sure thing. Which seems unlikely, given his entire career so far. But nope... he did it. And he's going to worlds for the first time at the age of 27.
Meanwhile Kenzo who is the same age as him has been retired for 2 years. Kenta is the oldest Japanese gymnast to being going to his first worlds since at least 2005, possibly further. I can't find any recent gymnasts who went to their first worlds at older than 27 (if anyone can lmk???)
Idk it's just crazy bc watching him you eventually just kind of accept he's a flop and that it'll never happen for him. Except it did.
I keep thinking of how to compare it to someone that would put it into perspective for people but there's really no story out there that compares. Like even Teppei making the team feels like UGH FINALLY and he's only 22. Imagine if he kept flopping for 5 more years and THEN made a team. It's just a beautiful story. There is a reason basically every Japanese gymnast was posting specifically to congratulate Kenta, it's huge. In the interviews after team selection he said "Sorry for making you all wait so long, thank you for waiting" like it's just so beautiful
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a-simakova · 8 months
i can confidently say that pbars and floor are the most boring mag events
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freifraufischer · 1 year
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Someone should have a word with USAG's streaming camera production people. The pbars angle was zoomed out btw. Earlier in the competition it was cutting them off at the knees. If you fell on high bar you fell into the void out of the camera shot.
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I have never done a single pbars skill in my life but I think it would be really fun to do a bhavsar
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chusofullout · 2 years
Caloy's technique on vault (and on floor and pbars) is stunning tbh. During the AA, Tim was saying something about judges retroactively lowering other gymnasts' scores after seeing how clean Yulo was.
Since this news was coming from Tim Daggett, who knows that actually happened, but if it did I say: As They Should
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icelandspario · 2 months
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AG PBars Elite Cup 2023
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pouncequick · 7 months
I wish I understood pbars better. I really enjoy watching it (and I’m not usually afraid someone is going to die). But it’s different enough from all the women’s events that I don’t really know the skills or have a great sense of difficulty or how a routine might be looking to upgrade. It takes a lot of the savor out of it, and I don’t have a great sense of who to root for beyond sentimentality.
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hookechoes · 8 months
jade's gymnastics has never been my fav but i love seeing her so happy
also idk much about pbars but that french guy's set was MESSY as fuck, no way it should have gotten an 8.3 E lmfao lmfao
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frentmeister · 9 months
Last- & Performance-Testing für einen Chatbot
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Grundsätzlich verhält sich ein Last- und Performancetest eines Chatbots nicht anders als eben andere Last- und Performancetest auch. Für einen einfachen weg habe ich ein Python Skript geschrieben, welches auf einfacher weise  einen gezielten Test auf ein Chatbot System durcführt. Aktuell wird hier nur eine GET-Anfrage ausgeführt, aber weiter unterhalb findet ihr auch eine geupdatete Version, das neben dem GET-Befehl auch den POST-Befehl ausführt. Anpassungen sind in Arbeit und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr dazu Vorschläge habt.  
Wie nutzte ich das Skript?
  Konfiguration: - Ändert die url Variable, um die URL eures Chatbots anzugeben. - Passt die num_users Variable an, um die Anzahl der simulierten Benutzer festzulegen. - Passt die num_threads Variable an, um die Anzahl der Threads festzulegen (obwohl diese Variable im aktuellen Skript nicht verwendet wird). - Passt die http_method Variable an, um die HTTP-Methode festzulegen (obwohl das Skript derzeit nur GET-Anfragen unterstützt). - Passt die think_time Variable an, um die Denkzeit zwischen den Anfragen festzulegen. Ausführung: - Führt das Skript aus. Es wird die angegebene Anzahl von Benutzern simulieren, die Anfragen an den Chatbot senden. - Die Fortschrittsleiste zeigt den Fortschritt des Tests an. - Nach Abschluss des Tests werden statistische Daten wie Durchschnitt, Median, Varianz, Standardabweichung und die 95. und 99. Perzentile der Antwortzeiten angezeigt. - Ein Histogramm der Antwortzeiten wird ebenfalls angezeigt. Analyse: - Überprüft die statistischen Daten, um zu verstehen, wie euer Chatbot unter Last reagiert. - Das Histogramm gibt euch eine visuelle Vorstellung von der Verteilung der Antwortzeiten. Fehlerbehandlung: - Das Skript protokolliert Fehler in einer Datei namens logfile.log im Verzeichnis Load_and_Performance_Tooling/Logging/. Überprüft diese Datei, wenn während des Tests Fehler auftreten. import aiohttp import asyncio import time import statistics import logging import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime from tqdm import tqdm # Author: Frank Rentmeister # URL: https:meinchatbot.com # Date: 2023-08-23 # Version: 2.0 # Description: Load and Performance Tooling (Asynchronous with Progressbar) # Set the log level to DEBUG to log all messages LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s - %(threadName)s - %(thread)d - %(lineno)d - %(funcName)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, filename='Load_and_Performance_Tooling/Logging/logfile.log', filemode='w') logger = logging.getLogger() # Configuration Parameters url = "https://meinchatbot.com" num_users = 200 num_threads = 10 http_method = "GET" think_time = 2 # Define a function to calculate statistical data def calculate_statistics(response_times): mean_response_time = statistics.mean(response_times) median_response_time = statistics.median(response_times) variance_response_time = statistics.variance(response_times) stddev_response_time = statistics.stdev(response_times) percentile_95 = np.percentile(response_times, 95) percentile_99 = np.percentile(response_times, 99) return { 'mean': mean_response_time, 'median': median_response_time, 'variance': variance_response_time, 'stddev': stddev_response_time, '95_percentile': percentile_95, '99_percentile': percentile_99 } # Define a function to simulate a user making a request async def simulate_user_request(session, response_times, pbar): try: start_timestamp = datetime.now() async with session.get(url) as response: # Assume only GET requests for simplicity response_time = datetime.now() - start_timestamp response.raise_for_status() response_times.append(response_time.total_seconds()) pbar.update(1) # Update the progress bar await asyncio.sleep(think_time) # Implementing the think time except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") pbar.update(1) # Update the progress bar even if there's an error # Define a function to run the load test asynchronously async def run_load_test(): start_timestamp = datetime.now() response_times = with tqdm(total=num_users, desc="Progress", position=0, bar_format="{l_bar}{bar:20}{r_bar}{bar:-10b}", colour="green") as pbar: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) num_successful_requests = len(response_times) num_failed_requests = num_users - num_successful_requests print(f"Number of successful requests: {num_successful_requests}") print(f"Number of failed requests: {num_failed_requests}") stats = calculate_statistics(response_times) print(f"Mean Response Time: {stats:.3f} seconds") print(f"Median Response Time: {stats:.3f} seconds") print(f"Variance of Response Times: {stats:.3f}") print(f"Standard Deviation of Response Times: {stats:.3f}") print(f"95th Percentile of Response Times: {stats:.3f} seconds") print(f"99th Percentile of Response Times: {stats:.3f} seconds") # Create a histogram of response times plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.hist(response_times, bins=20, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black') plt.title('Response Time Distribution') plt.xlabel('Response Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.grid(True) plt.show() # Run the load test asynchronously asyncio.run(run_load_test())     Read the full article
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gizkalord · 9 months
ZJY with 16+ on pbars again 💀 how
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petnews2day · 1 year
Amazon Black Friday pet deal: Treat your dog with a Furbo pet camera and save more than $60
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/pbar
Amazon Black Friday pet deal: Treat your dog with a Furbo pet camera and save more than $60
Amazon Looking for the perfect holiday gift for pet owners? Check out this post-Black Friday deal on the Furbo dog camera.  This camera can help you stay connected with your pets while you’re away from home. It features two-way audio and wide-angle video. The best part? You can use the Furbo app to toss your […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/pbar #DogNews
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a-simakova · 8 months
watching these people tear down HB and Pbars so they can put up the WAG apparatuses is actually so entertaining
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freifraufischer · 1 year
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This tangent comes from a thread that is unbelievably dumb on so many levels but I figured I’d share the accusation of sexism.  I was the first one to point out that if you had to get rid of an apparatus in the course of harmonizing the two sports (since 6 is really the most you can reasonably expect people to do) pbars should probably be one because women’s hips cause issues.  Usually people people just suggest rings and pommel horse because those are not very popular to watch.
Someone (second comment) who does mixed events explained.  
Women did traditionally do pbars historically but if you look at their routines they’re very different than today but similarly men’s pbars routines from before about 40-45 years ago also looked very different because there was a pretty rapid evolution of routines in the sport.  Those who follow MAG will be unsurprised to learn that that progression was driven by the Chinese.
For context this is Bart Conner’s 1978 PBars routine 
and this is Sawao Kato’s 1972 PBars routine
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