#pawn x arisen
linashirou · 15 days
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used @maejiun_sht base as reference
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 months
Soul love
Masterlist - DD2 masterlist
Summary: a few drabbles that will be loosely connected to each other about the pawn falling in love with his Arisen
Notes: gender neutral version right after the original chapter :)
Part 1
Part 2
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On his way back from the tavern counter, balancing two large mugs of ale in his hands, he abruptly halted as his gaze landed on Brant's hand resting on your shoulder. A tender smile adorned the face of the guard captain as he whispered something in your ear. In that moment, a sudden pang shot through his stomach, followed by a crushing weight on his chest, his breaths growing heavy and uncomfortable. Panic surged within him as this unfamiliar sensation kept his body in a tight hold. His surroundings faded from his mind, not paying attention to anything but the pain and the dark fog that encroached upon his thoughts. Was this the unknown illness that plagued the pawns? Would he turn against you? Hurt you? The mere thought filled him with dread, as he was devoted to you, bound by an oath to protect you, he couldn't bear the idea of becoming the very cause of your pain or distress. The chaos in his mind grew louder and untamed, threatening to consume everything within him until your voice cut through the chaos, bringing him back to the reality of the tavern he was standing in, still clutching the mugs of ale and with Brant nowhere in sight anymore.
"Are you alright?", you asked in a gentle tone, your concern evident.
He simply blinked at you, lips parting but words failed him.
"Let’s go to our room and finish the drinks there", you suggested, a gentle smile on your face as you led him up the stairs.
You closed the door behind you and silently observed him as he sat down on the bed. As his eyes found yours and he recognised the sorrow in them, his voice finally found its way back to him.
"I am terribly sorry master, I should not have given you reason to worry", his breath hitched, "certainly not about me."
His words pained you. You were aware of the distinction between being a pawn and being the Arisen and yet, it never prevented you from seeing him in a different light, from believing that there had to be more to him, that there was something unique about him, something that set him apart from the other pawns you encountered on your journey to Vernworth. The way he spoke and the secret glances he stole when he thought you weren't looking, it clearly set him apart from other pawns. And then this weird moment just downstairs in the tavern, all of it convinced you that there had to be more to a pawn's personality than what people gave them credit for. You took the mugs from his grasp and carefully placed them on the table next to the bed. As you settled down beside him, a subtle grin formed on your face as you noticed his eyes following you.
"How many times do I need to tell that you shouldn't call me master", you sighed, "you're not my slave."
"But I'm merely a pawn...your pawn, Arisen", his usually confident voice now tinged with uncertainty.
"No you're more than my pawn", feeling a pang in your chest as you noticed the sadness filling his eyes, "you're my friend and I like you, even when you're acting like an idiot sometimes."
You playfully slapped him on the shoulder, rolling your eyes feinting annoyance which finally provoked a genuine smile with him.
"Well if I recall correctly that would make me your idiot."
There it was, that slightly mischievous personality you had grown fond of over time, never shying away from a friendly banter and always eager to make you laugh.
"Mine indeed and if I recall correctly that will grant me the right to punish you for saying such stupid things."
Without giving him a moment to contemplate the meaning behind your words, you pounced on him, forcefully knocking him onto his back. Straddling him, you began mercilessly tickling him, causing laughter to fill the room. He desperately kicked his feet and flailed his arms, attempting to signal for you to stop. Only when tears streamed down his face and he struggled to catch his breath amid fits of laughter did you finally cease the tickling.
"Mercy Arisen! Have mercy I beg of you!", he pleaded, still chuckling.
"Only if you tell me what happened in the tavern."
He sighed, taking a moment to consider whether it was worth hiding anything from you before ultimately deciding it was futile and proceeded to explain what he experienced in detail. He expected you to jump up, create some distance between you, or even scream at him in preparation for a fight, assuming he had been afflicted by whatever cursed illness had befallen him but to his surprise you started laughing, loud carefree amused giggles erupting from your beautiful lips.
"Arisen pardon my question but why are you so amused? I fear I'm sick, befallen by some cursed illness."
"You really don't understand it?", you asked chuckling as he shook his head, "oh silly, you're just jealous."
"Jealous? Like a human? But it cannot be! You must be mistaken!"
Confusion mingled with his thoughts, questions emerging from the back of his mind as how he, a mere pawn, was able to experience such a profoundly human emotion. As he kept replaying all those nights at camp in his mind, you're explanation made sense all over sudden. Although it rose one final question he didn't dare to ask out loud. If he felt jealous when he saw you with someone else, did that mean you meant more to him? You laid down beside him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, keeping your lips pressed against him for a tiny moment while you felt the heat rushed to your face.
"You needn't be jealous about anyone", you murmured, "let's get some sleep."
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GN version
On his way back from the tavern counter, balancing two large mugs of ale in their hands, they abruptly halted as their gaze landed on Brant's hand resting on your shoulder. A tender smile adorned the face of the guard captain as he whispered something in your ear. In that moment, a sudden pang shot through their stomach, followed by a crushing weight on their chest, their breaths growing heavy and uncomfortable. Panic surged within them as this unfamiliar sensation kept their body in a tight hold. Their surroundings faded from their mind, not paying attention to anything but the pain and the dark fog that encroached upon their thoughts. Was this the unknown illness that plagued the pawns? Would they turn against you? Hurt you? The mere thought filled them with dread, as they were devoted to you, bound by an oath to protect you, they couldn't bear the idea of becoming the very cause of your pain or distress. The chaos in their mind grew louder and untamed, threatening to consume everything within them until your voice cut through the chaos, bringing them back to the reality of the tavern they were standing in, still clutching the mugs of ale and with Brant nowhere in sight anymore.
"Are you alright?", you asked in a gentle tone, your concern evident.
They simply blinked at you, lips parting but words failed them.
"Let’s go to our room and finish the drinks there", you suggested, a gentle smile on your face as you led them up the stairs.
You closed the door behind you and silently observed them as they sat down on the bed. As their eyes found yours and they recognised the sorrow in them, their voice finally found its way back to them.
"I am terribly sorry master, I should not have given you reason to worry", their breath hitched, "certainly not about me."
Their words pained you. You were aware of the distinction between being a pawn and being the Arisen and yet, it never prevented you from seeing them in a different light, from believing that there had to be more to them, that there was something unique about them, something that set them apart from the other pawns you encountered on your journey to Vernworth. The way they spoke and the secret glances they stole when they thought you weren't looking, it clearly set them apart from other pawns. And then this weird moment just downstairs in the tavern, all of it convinced you that there had to be more to a pawn's personality than what people gave them credit for. You took the mugs from their grasp and carefully placed them on the table next to the bed. As you settled down beside them, a subtle grin formed on your face as you noticed their eyes following you.
"How many times do I need to tell that you shouldn't call me master", you sighed, "you're not my slave."
"But I'm merely a pawn...your pawn, Arisen", their usually confident voice now tinged with uncertainty.
"No you're more than my pawn", feeling a pang in your chest as you noticed the sadness filling his eyes, "you're my friend and I like you, even when you're acting like an idiot sometimes."
You playfully slapped them on the shoulder, rolling your eyes feinting annoyance which finally provoked a genuine smile with them.
"Well if I recall correctly that would make me your idiot."
There it was, that slightly mischievous personality you had grown fond of over time, never shying away from a friendly banter and always eager to make you laugh.
"Mine indeed and if I recall correctly that will grant me the right to punish you for saying such stupid things."
Without giving them a moment to contemplate the meaning behind your words, you pounced on them, forcefully knocking him onto their back. Straddling them, you began mercilessly tickling them, causing laughter to fill the room. They desperately kicked their feet and flailed their arms, attempting to signal for you to stop. Only when tears streamed down their face and they struggled to catch their breath amid fits of laughter did you finally cease the tickling.
"Mercy Arisen! Have mercy I beg of you!", they pleaded, still chuckling.
"Only if you tell me what happened in the tavern."
They sighed, taking a moment to consider whether it was worth hiding anything from you before ultimately deciding it was futile and proceeded to explain what they experienced in detail. They expected you to jump up, create some distance between you, or even scream at them in preparation for a fight, assuming they had been afflicted by whatever cursed illness had befallen them but to their surprise you started laughing, loud carefree amused giggles erupting from your beautiful lips.
"Arisen pardon my question but why are you so amused? I fear I'm sick, befallen by some cursed illness."
"You really don't understand it?", you asked chuckling as he shook his head, "oh silly, you're just jealous."
"Jealous? Like a human? But it cannot be! You must be mistaken!"
Confusion mingled with their thoughts, questions emerging from the back of their mind as how they, a mere pawn, were able to experience such a profoundly human emotion. As they kept replaying all those nights at camp in their mind, your explanation made sense all over sudden. Although it rose one final question they didn't dare to ask out loud. If they felt jealous when they saw you with someone else, did that mean you meant more to them? You laid down beside them and placed a gentle kiss on their cheek, keeping your lips pressed against them for a tiny moment while you felt the heat rushed to your face.
"You needn't be jealous about anyone", you murmured, "let's get some sleep."
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Part 3
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bearlytolerant · 1 month
Did a hot springs photo shoot with the side you don’t have to pay for and got this gem:
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inkywarden · 1 month
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they’re on a date, look there’s a candle and everything
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arisenreborn · 2 months
Found this on the wiki, figured I'd share here as well for anyone who wants to get those pawn blushies!
Pawns also have Affinity, and there is a minor change (but pretty big emotionally) in the ending if you max it out. Max is 1000 and Love state is 620. There seems to be a hard gate of 200 per session. So exit game and start up again.
Talk with your pawn, each time +2, has cooldown of like 10minutes.
Highfive with your pawn, each time +5, has cooldown of like 10minutes.
Go to the hot spring, each time +10, has cooldown of like 10minutes.
Go to the barber , each time +50, has cooldown of like 10minutes.
Tested Sphinx quest gives +20
Pawn death favorability will -25 each time
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doireannsstuff · 2 months
Both if you can !
Arisen, Awakened: Part One (F! Arisen x M! Main Pawn)
A/N: This will actually be in two parts! Part one is fluffy goodness, part two will be the smut. Hope you enjoy!
Pawns are just that-Pawns; at least that is what everyone had been taught to believe. Their duty was to protect the Arisen, to throw themselves into danger so that their charge could fulfill their sacred duty. They were vessels, a mere means to an end, born to a life devoid of emotions and free will.
Why then, did the Arisen now occupy his every waking thought?
He was plagued by unexplainable feelings; there was a pain in his chest, as if he had been kicked square in his ribs by an ox. But the pain was much deeper, reaching places within him that no mortal instrument could ever hope to achieve.
It was a pain of the heart; one caused by the very one he was meant to protect.
There were moments between them when he thought he saw something when she looked at him; he thought, or perhaps simply hoped, that he had caught her looking at him when she thought he didn't notice.
Throughout their journey, subtle changes appeared in her demeanor when they were alone, such as the way her expression would soften ever so slightly when they spoke, or the way she would fix him with an intense gaze he could never quite figure out.
He allowed his thoughts to wander as he made his way down the dirt road, taking the familiar path towards the coastline. A lone figure stood on the pier, staring absently into the dark vastness of the ocean. He recognized the figure immediately, having dreamed of it nearly every night since their fates became intertwined.
The Arisen-his Arisen-stood at the pier's edge, her eyebrow cocked in the same way that it always did when she was deep in thought. It was moments like this that he was struck with how truly beautiful she was; when she thought that nobody was looking. He approached her slowly, his footsteps alerting her to his presence so as not to startle her.
She glanced over her shoulder, offering a small smile that sent a pleasant shiver through him.
"Good evening Master," he said, stepping next to her.
She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply in feigned annoyance. “I have asked you repeatedly to call me by my name. Being called ‘master’ makes me feel as if I should be holding a whip and shouting orders.”
“Apologies,” he said, inclining his head slightly. “I am afraid some habits are not so easily shed.”
“Such as throwing yourself headlong towards an ogre, perchance?” Her tone was teasing, yet there was a biting undertone that held a hint of sincerity.
“It is my duty to protect you,” he said automatically. “It is my duty and privilege to protect your person, even at the cost of-”
“Dont,” she interrupted, “finish that sentence.” She turned to face him. “The last thing I need to add to my ever growing list of worries is having your head removed from your body due to misplaced heroics.”
"My head remains firmly attached to my shoulders, I assure you. I did not die, as you can plainly see."
"But you could have!" She said, stepping closer to him. “My mental safety should be just as important to you as my physical well being, and how do you think I would fare if you were suddenly stripped from me?”
A strange sensation coursed through him at her words. She was worried for him, for his safety; she was the one he was meant to protect, yet her thoughts were focused on his well being. He refused to allow his heart to wander the same path as his mind, lest the wound of rejection prove to be his downfall.
"Better I should abandon you to an ogre’s clutches?" He said, doing his best to remain neutral. “I would be a poor pawn indeed to allow my charge to be trampled on the floor of a cave.”
She shook her head slightly, raising her eyes to meet his. "It's not just the ogre. I hardly find it agreeable that you and those of your ilk are expected to throw yourselves at every blade that points itself at me. Nobody bats an eye at the sacrifices you’re expected to make, and I cannot pretend I am indifferent to the dangers you face all in the name of an ancient duty."
The Arisen’s tone was unlike any he had yet heard from her. He held her gaze, desperately trying to avoid reading anything other than a mutual respect for one another. But the softness of her gaze, and the way she chewed her bottom lip as she always did when preturbed left little room for interpretation.
The Arisen cared for him, and fates preserve him, he cared for her as well.
It went against the very nature of his kind, but his heart could no longer deny the ache it felt when he thought of her. He cared for her, and for once he had not the strength to fight against this foe.
The corners of his mouth twitched, and before he stop it he felt himself breaking into the first genuine smile in his known memory.
"Pray tell, what is so funny?" She said acidly.
“Forgive me, Arisen. It is simply…amusing, that you yet feel it merely my duty to keep you from harm.”
The Arisen looked at him in confusion. "What are you saying?"
"I am saying, that standing between you and anything trying to harm you is exactly where I want to be standing."
The Arisen’s breath hitched slightly, eyes widening in surprise at his confession.
He stepped closer, feeling emboldened by her reaction. "I am saying that I care about your safety and happiness more than my own.”
There was a softness to his voice that he had never heard from himself, a quiet vulnerability that was surprising even to him.
Her eyes searched his face, eyebrows knitting together as she pondered his words. He could see the thoughts working in her mind, and he prayed she was not about to shy away from him.
He took a tentative step towards her, his expression softening as he continued. "I am saying, that despite everything in my nature saying it’s impossible, I have fallen hopelessly and unflinchingly in love with you."
She closed her eyes at his words, letting the full weight of them crash into her like the waves of the ocean.
He was painfully aware that they were much closer than they had been a moment ago, closer than they had ever been save for when she was tending his wounds.
He slowly reached out, gently cupping her face and running his thumb over her bottom lip. She leaned into his touch, her lips parting slightly.
"I cannot bear to lose you,” she said in a quivering voice.
"You will not lose me Arisen.”
"Swear it," she said, her eyes snapping to his. “Swear to me that you will not rush headlong into danger. Swear to me you will remain at my side, no matter what obstacle we might face.”
"I swear it. I will remain steadfastly by your side, no matter what comes."
He met her eyes, silently asking permission before leaning in and placing the softest whisper of a kiss on her lips.
The world around them faded away as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her firmly yet gently close to him. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart that beat rapidly in his chest, a stark contrast to the silence of her own heart.
He deepened the kiss, allowing the last of the walls to crumble. If there was one thing he had learned over the past year, it was how precious and fleeting life truly was. He would not allow himself to put his desires on hold for any longer, not when there was a chance the moment would be taken from him forever.
Lightning flashed overhead, followed immediately by the booming of thunder. The rain immediately turned into a downpour, soaking them both to the bone. The Arisen was soon shivering, her teeth chattering against the chill.
He took her by the hand, leading her down the familiar path towards her small home. He knew this was not like the countless other times he had visited her home, and the thought both excited and frightened him.
He opened the door, allowing her to enter first before stepping in behind her.
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lisa-and-shadow · 6 days
I don’t know if you’re taking requests (no obligation here!) but in case you are,
7. I still can’t get you out of my mind even though I’m probably long gone from yours.
For Lyra and Gariad ☺️
The sun was beginning to set and the sky over the campsite was painted in streaks of orange and peach, which made the moonflowers' otherworldly glow even more bright in the waning daylight.
Gariad stood with the two other pawns that the Arisen, Lyra, had summoned for their journey. But he was hers and hers alone. And standing here now, watching her speak with the guard captain Beren he felt a pang of what he could only describe as possessiveness flare up inside him.
Seeing her smile and laugh so freely with someone else when she had shared so many smiles on the road that were just for him. He gritted his teeth.
Beren towered over Lyra, a great warrior of a beastren, and he gently placed his oversized hand on her shoulder as they spoke. Lyra leaned into his embrace, closing the gap between them.
Gariad cleared his throat, causing her to startle, “Arisen, the day grows short. Should we not be going?”
One of the other pawns spoke up immediately, “It is not our place to hurry the Arisen.”
Gariad shot him a withering glare, and the mage cowered, bowing his head.
Lyra excused herself from Beren’s side and walked over to the group of pawns, “We’re going to make camp here tonight. You can set up the tent over there.” She gestured to a spot a fair distance away from Beren’s tent. Turning, she began to walk back to the guard captain.
Gariad spoke up, “Will you not be joining us?” His tone was strained.
Lyra stopped, pausing silently before she turned to face her pawn. She looked over his shoulder to the others, who stood awkwardly, glancing at each other. “Would you two please set up the tent? I would speak to Gariad in private for a moment.”
She took a few steps until she was face to face with Gariad, looking up at him. He did not try to hide his displeasure, with his furrowed brow and mirthless smirk. But having her this close, his thoughts drifted to the scent of her hair and how invitingly soft her lips looked. He could feel his ire wane.
“Do you have something to say? You seem rather upset.”
“I merely inquired so I could best serve you, Arisen. Tis my duty after all,” Gariad replied with a sigh. He wondered if all he was meant for was duty and service.
Lyra raised her brows, incredulous, “For some reason I doubt that, Gariad.” She placed her hand on his forearm, “I know you worry about me. But I’ll be fine here. I promise.”
She searched his eyes for a moment, her expression seemed almost… hopeful.
His head swam with thoughts of all the things he wanted to say to her. All the feelings he wanted to express. But he dared not. He was afraid. Afraid she wouldn’t feel the same way. That she would reject him as nothing but the butcher’s blade he was. A weapon to be wielded in battle and then put away. The thought of it made his blood run cold and a stone form in his belly. No, no he couldn’t risk it. 
He simply nodded.
“Goodnight then, Gariad.” Lyra smiled at him, squeezing his arm before leaving to walk back to Beren’s tent.
Gariad stalked away to the campsite the pawns had set up, ignoring them as they sat around the fire. He paused only long enough to shuck off the necessary parts of his armor to allow for sleep. He crawled into the tent and lay down upon his bedroll, curling up on his side. 
He lay there for what felt like an eternity thinking of the Arisen. Of Lyra. His Lyra. He wondered if she thought of him at all that night. 
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brinnybee · 1 day
finally digging in to Dragon's Dogma 2!!
I love my ladies so much, immediate ship, ahhhh 💙
anyroad, my Arisen, Violethe, and her beautiful strong jaguar-lady pawn-wife, Eshfa.
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(i need more beastren content, they are so cool)
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dd-wyd · 12 hours
The emotes mod is out. I found something broken and I have mischief on my mind...
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fangbangerghoul · 2 days
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I'll let you drag me to Hell if you'll hold my hand
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Tell me this is real and it will never end
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This is not what I came here to find Memories show that I'm outta time
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See a shadow, don't know if it's mine But I see you, I see you
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I see you, I see you, I see you, I see you
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I'll let you drag me to Hell if you'll hold my hand
Lyrics from Deja Reve by GG Magree (thanks @bearlytolerant I am obsessed with the song)
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tracalopsitte · 26 days
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i love my two silly little goobers <3
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linashirou · 9 days
Snippet sunday
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I was taggged by @arisenreborn and it's my first time doing this! tagging: @kleiner-ghost @hc-svnt-dracones95 and anyone else with something they're working on!
Here is a segment I like in my fanfic "Saphire Hearted", chapter 5. Remember that the hyphen is a dialogue:
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"I could swear that Hal was still looking at him, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. When the innkeeper was far enough away, he asked as I sipped a glass of sangria.
- So, does William feel something towards your person?
The sangria tried to get up my nose and I tried to stop myself from laughing.
- What's that? No, Hal! Not all the men are trying to flirt with me or anything like that!
- Why is he so close to you then?
- Well, he was my boss. I used to work in this place. In that kitchen.
- I don't believe you...
- Do you think I am interested in William?
- I realize he's an older man. But I can see that he might appeal to many women. 
He straightened up, eyes fixed on him.
He must be making comparisons.
- I understand the way you are thinking. After all, William could be quite desirable to many women; he owns and operates his own lands, he's widowed, childless, and young enough to remarry...
His eyes penetrated me.
- But you're missing something. Women in our society are just objects, like pawns. We are just currency to be exchanged for money, work or land. All in order to guarantee a better and more sustainable life for our offspring... Couples are not made from love.
He sipped sangria and tasted it.
- I don't want to live that way. I have faith that one day women will be able to choose what they do for themselves and who they love. Not just to be a part of a stingy system that doesn't take care of them. Maybe that's why the dragon picked me. Perhaps it's a punishment, because I have a very different way of thinking."
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 months
Soul love
Masterlist - DD2 masterlist
Summary: a few drabbles that will be loosely connected to each other about the pawn falling in love with his Arisen
Warnings: SMUT (18+)
Notes: gender neutral version right after the original chapter :) I apologise, it being my first time writing a GN version of a story I lack the experience to write GN smut, I shortened certain passages a bit and the pawn still has a penis in the GN version (but they/them pronouns are used for pawn)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Part 4
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You awoke from a strange dream as someone gently roused you, the instant your eyes opened the last fragment of its memory lost forever. Brant took a step away, his face brightening when he saw that you were in good health.
"Your Majesty, I came to see whe'er you were alright", he whispered.
You wondered for a brief moment why the guard captain spoke in hushed tones until you turned your head to the side. Your pawn was still asleep, one arm wrapped around your waist. He looked peaceful, with one side of his face nestled into the pillow and a faint smile playing on his lips. Whatever dream held him, it seemed to be a pleasant one. A wave of relief washed over you as you realised that he was unharmed. He had yet to wake up, but he appeared serene and free from physical harm. There was nothing more you could have asked for.
"I'm well, thank you", you turned towards Brant who nodded in response.
He informed you about the alarming news that Sven had shared with him after the coronation and explained in great detail what he believed needed to be done. He advised you to travel to Batthal soon. You nodded, attempting to ignore the gripping sensation in your stomach. Those were concerning news and the travel to Batthal would be a long and arduous one, especially after the events of last night.
"Will you require my aid with anything else, Your Majesty?", Brant asked.
"We will manage but we shall take today to rest before resuming our travels to Batthal."
"As you wish", the guard captain bowed respectfully before leaving through the front door.
"Arisen?", his voice still groggy and muffled through pillow.
You felt your pawn stir beside you, his grip on your waist tightening, pulling you closer as he locked you in a snug embrace.
"How are you feeling?", you asked softly, as if afraid of the answer.
The corners of his mouth curled into the most content and loving smile you've ever seen on him before he pecked your lips.
"Much better. I was afraid t'is would be my demise but something shattered the grip of the voice."
He spoke with uncertainty, yet his eyes betrayed the truth he dared not voice, fearing it would fracture the bond between you. You decided it was best to let the matter rest, you both were aware of your situation whether spoken aloud or not, you both felt the love that was growing with each passing moment.
"I decided that we shall take a day of respite. We have earned it before embarking on our journey to Batthal.", you informed him, recounting the information shared by Brant.
"The entire day?", his brow furrowing slightly in confusion.
You simply nodded and slid out of the bed, sauntering to the chest at the opposite side of the room.
"Ha!", you exclaimed triumphantly after a brief search, holding up a generously-sized bottle filled to the brim with an amber liquid.
"Newt liquor?", he asked, still slightly confused about what you were trying to get at.
"Yes, this and a visit to the bathhouse."
"No!", you interjected firmly, "yesterday had been draining and we must allow ourselves this respite from our duties to continue with new found strength."
"As you wish", he answered, calling you by your name for the first time.
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You were already soaking in the steaming water within of the secluded space you had claimed for the afternoon. Nervously you took a deep gulp from the liquor. As your pawn, he held a unique bond with you, one that had been forming for some time now and still, this held an unfamiliar edge to it. You'd planned this to be a calm day to replenish your energy but it felt different all over sudden, a hidden desire for more slowly breaking through the collected surface. Your trail of thoughts got interrupted when the door opened and he stepped inside, all bare save for a scant towel loosely draped around his waist. You swallowed, unable to divert your gaze from the sight of his alluring, near flawless physique. Without his braids, his long white hair fell freely down on his shoulders, a large tattoo of two black dragons silhouettes spitting fire at a dark blue tower adorned his chest along with a darker line of hair trailing from his navel down to the edge of the towel.
"Arisen", he cleared his throat, unsure on how to proceed.
You felt a blush spreading on your cheeks as you turned your gaze away, almost shivering in anticipation as you heard the towel drop on the floor and the gentle waves of the water rippled against your soft skin while he sank down into the pool, sitting next to you. To ease your jittery nerves, you swiftly took another swig from the liquor before offering the bottle to him. He gladly accepted and drank half of it, earning a chuckle from you.
"What?", he asked, an impish grin playing on his lips.
"You'll come to regret that later."
"But this I won't regret", came his resolute reply as he leaned in and kissed you.
The taste of the liquor on his lips was as intoxicating as it was thrilling and your lips parted in a half moan, his tongue slipping past them to deepen the kiss. The need for air forced both of you apart, panting slightly as his eyes found yours. There was a fire in them, burning ever so brightly since the incident at the palace. Whatever happened there had strengthened his resolve to be with you, not only to serve but also to love you. It had become his wish, his dream and his own will and you were more than willing to indulge him as you felt the same way. Neither the lack of a heart nor the world falling apart would prevent this love from flourishing.
He could feel the slow haze of the alcohol clouding his mind, dismantling the so carefully guarded walls hiding his true self as his fingers trailed along your thighs. He dug his fingers into the side of your hips and lifted you up on the edge of the pool. You gasped in surprise, spreading your legs instinctively for him to settle in between.
"Arisen, I desire you", he breathed, edging closer, his hard length pressing against your folds.
You moaned his name as your head fell back. You longed to feel him, for him to consume you, make you his as he was yours. You bucked your hips and he glided into you effortlessly, drawing out a long sinful moan from the both of you. As if made solely for you, his cock filled you up perfectly. His name spilled from your lips like a sacred chant, each thrust hitting that sweet spot time and again.
"Arisen", he groaned, followed by your name in a dangerously low groan.
Desire. It burnt like a wildfire through his veins, a searing heat coursing through every fibre of his body, urging him to thrust harder and faster, chasing the elusive and yet rapidly approaching feeling of his high. The way your walls clenched around his length drove him to the brink of madness, it controlled him, commanded him to continue, until the pleasure overtook his mind. The sound of skin slapping on skin, mingling with the ripples of water at every movement, were equally enticing and maddening to you. It epitomised the culminating love and desire you craved from each other. Suddenly everything became too much for you as the pleasure he bestowed upon you overwhelmed your entire body and you came undone, moaning his name while your hands dug into the soft skin of his butt cheeks, squeezing them tight, holding him in place. He succumbed to his own pleasure shortly after, a deep growl erupted from his chest, his cock twitching inside you, filling you with his seed. With heavy breaths he lifted you up and sank down in the warm water of the pool, leaving only your heads above the surface. He pecked your lips before tenderly resting his forehead against yours, all the while holding you in a tight embrace.
"You are my heart's desire, my Arisen", he murmured.
The ache in his heart was unbearable and yet it was so exquisitely beautiful - an untamed love coursing through every fibre of his body until it reached the very core of his soul. A soul...something he was presumed not to possess, but of its existence, he was resolutely sure, he did possess one and it loved you as vast and profound as the universe.
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GN version
You awoke from a strange dream as someone gently roused you, the instant your eyes opened the last fragment of its memory lost forever. Brant took a step away, his face brightening when he saw that you were in good health.
"Your Majesty, I came to see whe'er you were alright", they whispered.
You wondered for a brief moment why the guard captain spoke in hushed tones until you turned your head to the side. Your pawn was still asleep, one arm wrapped around your waist. They looked peaceful, with one side of their face nestled into the pillow and a faint smile playing on their lips. Whatever dream held them, it seemed to be a pleasant one. A wave of relief washed over you as you realised that they were unharmed. They had yet to wake up, but they appeared serene and free from physical harm. There was nothing more you could have asked for.
"I'm well, thank you", you turned towards Brant who nodded in response.
He informed you about the alarming news that Sven had shared with him after the coronation and explained in great detail what he believed needed to be done. He advised you to travel to Batthal soon. You nodded, attempting to ignore the gripping sensation in your stomach. Those were concerning news and the travel to Batthal would be a long and arduous one, especially after the events of last night.
"Will you require my aid with anything else, Your Majesty?", Brant asked.
"We will manage but we shall take today to rest before resuming our travels to Batthal."
"As you wish", the guard captain bowed respectfully before leaving through the front door.
"Arisen?", their voice still groggy and muffled through pillow.
You felt your pawn stir beside you, their grip on your waist tightening, pulling you closer as they locked you in a snug embrace.
"How are you feeling?", you asked softly, as if afraid of the answer.
The corners of their mouth curled into the most content and loving smile you've ever seen on them before they pecked your lips.
"Much better. I was afraid t'is would be my demise but something shattered the grip of the voice."
They spoke with uncertainty, yet their eyes betrayed the truth he dared not voice, fearing it would fracture the bond between you. You decided it was best to let the matter rest, you both were aware of your situation whether spoken aloud or not, you both felt the love that was growing with each passing moment.
"I decided that we shall take a day of respite. We have earned it before embarking on our journey to Batthal.", you informed them, recounting the information shared by Brant.
"The entire day?", their brow furrowing slightly in confusion.
You simply nodded and slid out of the bed, sauntering to the chest at the opposite side of the room.
"Ha!", you exclaimed triumphantly after a brief search, holding up a generously-sized bottle filled to the brim with an amber liquid.
"Newt liquor?", they asked, still slightly confused about what you were trying to get at.
"Yes, this and a visit to the bathhouse."
"No!", you interjected firmly, "yesterday had been draining and we must allow ourselves this respite from our duties to continue with new found strength."
"As you wish", they answered, calling you by your name for the first time.
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You were already soaking in the steaming water within of the secluded space you had claimed for the afternoon. Nervously you took a deep gulp from the liquor. As your pawn, they held a unique bond with you, one that had been forming for some time now and still, this held an unfamiliar edge to it. You'd planned this to be a calm day to replenish your energy but it felt different all over sudden, a hidden desire for more slowly breaking through the collected surface. Your trail of thoughts got interrupted when the door opened and they stepped inside, all bare save for a scant towel loosely draped around their waist. You swallowed, unable to divert your gaze from the sight of his alluring, near flawless physique. Without the braids, their long hair fell freely down on their shoulders, a large tattoo adorned their chest.
"Arisen", they cleared their throat, unsure on how to proceed.
You felt a blush spreading on your cheeks as you turned your gaze away, almost shivering in anticipation as you heard the towel drop on the floor and the gentle waves of the water rippled against your soft skin while they sank down into the pool, sitting next to you. To ease your jittery nerves, you swiftly took another swig from the liquor before offering the bottle to them. They gladly accepted and drank half of it, earning a chuckle from you.
"What?", they asked, an impish grin playing on their lips.
"You'll come to regret that later."
"But this I won't regret", came their resolute reply as they leaned in and kissed you.
The taste of the liquor on their lips was as intoxicating as it was thrilling and your lips parted in a half moan, their tongue slipping past them to deepen the kiss. The need for air forced both of you apart, panting slightly as their eyes found yours. There was a fire in them, burning ever so brightly since the incident at the palace. Whatever happened there had strengthened their resolve to be with you, not only to serve but also to love you. It had become their wish, their dream and their own will and you were more than willing to indulge them as you felt the same way. Neither the lack of a heart nor the world falling apart would prevent this love from flourishing.
They could feel the slow haze of the alcohol clouding their mind, dismantling the so carefully guarded walls hiding their true self as his fingers trailed along your thighs. They dug his fingers into the side of your hips and lifted you up on the edge of the pool. You gasped in surprise, spreading your legs instinctively for them to settle in between.
"Arisen, I desire you", they breathed, edging closer, their hard length pressing against your folds.
You moaned his name as your head fell back. You longed to feel him, for them to consume you, make you his as he was yours. You bucked your hips and he glided into you effortlessly, drawing out a long sinful moan from the both of you. As if made solely for you, their cock filled you up perfectly. Their name spilled from your lips like a sacred chant, each thrust hitting that sweet spot time and again.
"Arisen", they groaned, followed by your name in a dangerously low groan.
Desire. It burnt like a wildfire through their veins, a searing heat coursing through every fibre of their body, urging them to thrust harder and faster, chasing the elusive and yet rapidly approaching feeling of their high. The way your walls clenched around their length drove them to the brink of madness, it controlled them, commanded them to continue, until the pleasure overtook their mind. The sound of skin slapping on skin, mingling with the ripples of water at every movement, were equally enticing and maddening to you. It epitomised the culminating love and desire you craved from each other. Suddenly everything became too much for you as the pleasure he bestowed upon you overwhelmed your entire body and you came undone, moaning their name while your hands dug into the soft skin of their butt cheeks, squeezing them tight, holding him in place. They succumbed to their own pleasure shortly after, a deep growl erupted from his chest, their cock twitching inside you. With heavy breaths they lifted you up and sank down in the warm water of the pool, leaving only your heads above the surface. They pecked your lips before tenderly resting their forehead against yours, all the while holding you in a tight embrace.
"You are my heart's desire, my Arisen", they murmured.
The ache in their heart was unbearable and yet it was so exquisitely beautiful - an untamed love coursing through every fibre of their body until it reached the very core of their soul. A soul...something they were presumed not to possess, but of its existence, they was resolutely sure, they did possess one and it loved you as vast and profound as the universe.
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This was the last part of the story for now :) thanks a lot for reading these few loosely connected chapters <3
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7 notes · View notes
bearlytolerant · 1 month
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“Wait. There’s a bit of ichor I see.”
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“There. That’s more like it.”
(featuring @lisa-and-shadow’s Gariad who would always put up with their flirting)
4 notes · View notes
inkywarden · 1 month
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If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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arisenreborn · 2 months
THE WAY MY JAW DROPPED i'm gonna have to throw everyone else who blushes at her in the brine sorry everyone
35 notes · View notes