#pascal finette
gabrealness · 2 months
Es lebe die Neugier. Silicon Valley Insider Pascal Finette zu gast im New Work Chat #214
In der neuen Folge meines Podcasts New Work Chat spreche ich mit dem Innovationsexperten und Tech Founder Pascal Finette. Pascal ist CEO von be radical. und lebt seit gut 20 Jahren in den USA. Er gilt nicht nur als deutscher Internet Pionier, sondern auch als Silicon Valley Insider. Wir sprechen über seinen spannenden Weg mit Stationen bei eBay Deutschland, Mozilla, Google und der Singularity…
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mydevelopment21 · 2 years
Quer ser desenvolver sua liderança? Implore por feedback!
Endeavor Brasil | Publicado em: 11 de junho, 2015
O Unreasonable Institute é um programa de 5 semanas para empreendedores que estão solucionando os maiores problemas do mundo. São doze empreendedores de todas as partes do mundo que vão para o Colorado, nos EUA, onde eles são conectados com mentores e investidores e têm acesso aos recursos necessários para escalar seu impacto.  
Peça para seus colegas de trabalho, chefe, subordinados, clientes, pessoas do seu círculo social… Peça feedback sem filtro, brutalmente honesto. Peça a verdade.
Mas olha… a verdade dói. Nós escutamos coisas que não gostamos de escutar. Levamos para o lado pessoal (e às vezes o feedback é dado de uma forma que realmente é pessoal). Só que quase sempre, quanto mais ele dói, mais próximo está da verdade.
Quando você receber um feedback, primeiro agradeça. Essa pessoa acabou de te dar um grande presente: ela te disse algo que você pode usar para se tornar melhor no que faz, ou se tornar uma pessoa melhor no geral. Depois, distancie-se emocionalmente desse feedback. Ele não é um julgamento sobre você como um todo, mas um reflexo sobre como você agiu em uma situação ou contexto específico.
Disseque-o como um cirurgião. Filtre-o em meio ao ruído e identifique a verdadeira razão desse feedback – geralmente, não é o que nos contaram, mas um ponto muito mais profundo e subjetivo. Reflita sobre ele e decida, por si mesmo, se você concorda ou não com ele (desligado das suas emoções, apenas como observador dos fatos). Pode ser que você discorde e o deixe de lado, o que é ok – nem todo feedback é algo que você quer ou precisa absorver. Mas pode ser que você encontre uma pontinha de verdade que vai fazer você pensar diferente naquela determinada situação.
Agora encene, na sua cabeça, de que outra maneira você teria lidado com essa situação, com base no feedback que você acabou de processar. O que você faz aqui é, efetivamente, construir novos caminhos mentais. Você treina seu cérebro para agir diferente da próxima vez que um contexto parecido aparecer. É o que atletas chamam de “visualização”.
Em pouco tempo, você vai ter incorporado uma mudança de comportamento à sua vida, que pode te tornar um melhor líder, parceiro, empreendedor… E cuidado: isso vicia! Logo logo, você vai estar implorando por um feedback.
Pascal Finette é diretor do Startup Lab da Singularity University.
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juliepouic · 3 years
How to create a pitch deck for early-stage startups
A few years ago, I wrote a post about how to create a strong pitch deck. I recently shared a slightly edited version with a few entrepreneurs I'm advising and thought it might be helpful to others so I'm posting it here. It's dated but I think the advice still holds up.
Note: The article links to advice written only by men (and mostly white men) but since investors are mostly white men, the biases and blind spots might actually work in your favor... I’ve been thinking quite a bit about advice for pitching as a person of color so I hope to have a post on that topic soon.
How to create a pitch deck for early-stage startups 
A basic pitch deck should follow Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule – this ensure you include all the important elements of a pitch, without being overwhelming. If you’re looking for details on what should go on each page, one of my favorite posts about pitch decks is Pascal Finette’s What Every Entrepreneur Should Learn About Pitching.
If you already have a deck and need some inspiration to take it to the next level, the links below can help you fine tune your pitch:
Nextview ventures has put together a fairly exhaustive slide deck template, tailored specifically to seed-stage ventures. It’s a great resource, especially if you are not very comfortable with powerpoint.
If you’re looking for ideas on how to tell a story during your pitch, Jason Shen has identified 11 different pitch archetypes and outlined which kinds of startups should use which story outline.
At New Media Ventures, here are the 3 things I cared the most about:
Just enough information. A pitch deck should contain only the essentials. I have limited time to review each deck and would rather be intrigued than overwhelmed. I would also rather have a discussion, and be able to share feedback rather than spend all of the meeting time on listening to a pitch.
Clearly explain what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for. Sounds basic enough, right? This is where I often see entrepreneurs fail. As a founder, you know more about your company than anyone else does, so it can be easy to think you’re being clear when you’re not. User stories can be a great tool for explain what you do: “Meet Maria… Maria is… Maria has this problem… With our solution, she will be able to…”. It’s simple and easy to understand.
Tailored. While you definitely shouldn’t create a deck from scratch for each potential investor, it pays to do your research ahead of time and add some details about how your work aligns with the priorities of the person you're pitching, either in writing or in your voice-over.
Good luck pitching!
For reference, here’s the original post I wrote by in 2015.
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copyewriting · 4 years
Pascal Finette: How a German drill sergeant used Sheer Grit to became a world renowned entrepreneur #digital#marketing #business replug.link/13bc8ba0
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newdashclarity · 4 years
Thought for Friday: The Hidden Value of Exponential Change
Here’s a video from Pascal Finette of Singularity U on “Understanding the linear and exponential deception”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwlDfrW81gI (13:32) [DraperTV, 2-Jul-2016].
In the video Finette shows that, in general, people have an inability to think and understand exponentially. He notes that we live in anatural world where change is linear and predictable and this is how our thinking has evolved. In innovation cycles such as the current technology and information / knowledge cycles the change is exponential and challenges our way of thinking. He notes that exponential change starts slow and often resulting in disappointment. By building momentum the change eventually reaches a point of crossover with our linear thought process, a point of acceptance. From this point onwards the change moves past our linear thinking to chaos and amazement at the speed and complexity of the change. The value comes from capitalising on this chaos and amazement. For us, this is part of stakeholder engagement, organisational change management, management controls and risk management.
Some things to consider:
How we change our conceptual understanding of the world We can reset the end position of our linear thinking line
Intuition as a powerful tool Intuition by-passes analytical reasoning and may be a gateway to exponential thinking  
Knowledge retention and rote learning as an automated function Opening up opportunity for critical thinking and situational engagement. Paving the way to broader or narrower horizons
What exponential change is now part of your every-day? What has it saved you? What has it cost you?
How does this thinking apply to you as a Project Manager? What are your teams and stakeholders dreaming of that others cannot grasp? What linear thinking needs to be challenged to move forward? How will you tell the story of exponential change to your stakeholders? What risk profile needs to be agreed to accommodate the innovation cycles you manage? What is an appropriate delivery method to manage this change? How are you forecasting the value of the change? Does this forecast match where the change is on the exponential curve?
Why is this important? Good question. If we are not equipped to understand exponentially then regularly adjusting our linear thinking based on our situation and how we interpret it resets our point of acceptance. This resetting of the point of acceptance constructs a historical exponential curve. We may not be able to predict the future exponential curve though we will be equipped to dream, design, build, utilise from the current point of acceptance as a leap into this new future. In this way we may contribute to this exponential change and reap the value it offers.  After all, is this not the nature of a learning mindset?  
For further reading:
What is Intuition, And How Do We Use It?, Francis P. Cholle, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-intuitive-compass/201108/what-is-intuition-and-how-do-we-use-it  (900 words)  [Psychology Today, 31-Aug-2011]
Sawyer, the collaborative robot https://youtu.be/WWbjo5LuWRs  (3:15) [Rethink Robotics, https://www.rethinkrootics.com, 7-Feb-2017]
Applied robotics in New Zealand https://www.roboticsplus.co.nz
IBM Watson https://www.ibm.com/watson
Inviting you to have a view / read and to have a chat with me about your thoughts.
[Originally posted internally in my role as Project Management Practice Lead at The Warehouse Group.]
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Im ds-Podcast Startup-Insider liefern OMR-Podcast-Legende Sven Schmidt und ds-Chefredakteur Alexander Hüsing Woche für Woche spannende Insider-Infos aus der deutschen Startup-Szene. In jeder Ausgabe gibt es exklusive Neuigkeiten, die bisher zuvor nirgendwo zu lesen oder hören waren. Zu guter Letzt kommentiert das dynamische Duo der deutschen Startup-Szene in jeder Ausgabe offen, schonungslos und ungefiltert die wichtigsten Startup- und Digital-News aus Deutschland. Pro Ausgabe erreicht der Startup-Insider-Podcast derzeit über alle Plattformen hinweg rund 5.000 Hörer. Startup-Insider #38 – Unsere Themen Softbank investiert 500 Millionen in GetYourGuide #EXKLUSIV +++ Wie erwartet investiert Softbank, gerade erst bei Wirecard an Bord gegangen, in das Berliner Grownup GetYourGuide. Uns liegen nun exklusiv alle Details zum Mega-Investment vor! Der japanische Technologieriese Softbank, der auch bei Auto1 investiert hat, pumpt imposante 500 Millionen Euro in GetYourGuide. Die Bewertung der Jungfirma, die von Johannes Reck und Tao Tao gegründet wurde, steigt dabei auf 1,6 Milliarden Euro. Damit ist GetYourGuide nun ein waschechtes Unicorn! Tourlane bekommt mehr Geld von Sequoia #EXKLUSIV +++ Der US-Geldgeber Sequoia Capital, der hierzulande zuvor nur durch ein Investment in 6wunderkinder aufgefallen ist, investierte kürzlich gemeinsam (Sonder-Podcast) mit den Altinvestoren 24 Millionen Dollar in das Cyber-Reisebüro Tourlane. Nun stehen weitere Investoren bei Tourlane Schlange, alle wollen auch investieren, um Tourlane noch schneller nach vorne zu bringen. Sequoia und Mit-Investor Spark lassen die Tür aber zu und machen stattdessen selbst mehr Geld locker – bei einer höheren Bewertung. Goldman Sachs kümmert sich um Smava #EXKLUSIV +++ Zunächst berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass das Berliner FinTech smava, ein Kreditvermittler, zum Verkauf stehe. Kurz darauf meldete sich smava-Mitgründer Alexander Artopé zu Wort und verkündete über die Nachrichtenagentur dpa-AFX Pläne für einen IPO. Nun wird klar: Beides stimmt! Goldman Sachs platziert das FinTech derzeit in einem sogenannten “dualen Prozess”, bei dem ein Verkauf ausgelotet und gleichzeitig ein IPO vorbereitet wird, im Markt. Eyeo fährt üppige Millionengewinne ein #EXKLUSIV +++ Mit Adblock Plus betreibt das Kölner Unternehmen eyeo, das 2011 gegründet wurde, einen der beliebtesten Werbeblocker überhaupt. “Wir generieren bei eyeo nahezu alle unsere Umsätze außerhalb Deutschlands”, sagte Mitgründer Till Faida gerade in unserem Köln-Interview. Nun wird klar, wie erfolgreich das Startup tatsächlich ist: Bei einem Rohergebnis von knapp 35 Millionen, erwirtschaftete das Unternehmen 2016 einen Gewinn in Höhe von 17,2 Millionen. Ein Mega-Erfolg auch für Super Angel Tim Schumacher. Warum Masterplan Frank Thelen bezahlt #EXKLUSIV +++ Das Bochumer Startup Masterplan, ein B2B-Lernangebot rund um das Thema Digitalisierung, heuert Vox-Löwe Frank Thelen als Speaker an. Erstmals zahlt die Jungfirma, die unter anderem von Tengelmann Ventures und DVH Ventures finanziell unterstützt wird, dabei für einen Speaker. Andere bekannte Experten wie Project A-Macher Florian Heinemann, Pascal Finette oder mymuesli-Gründer Max Wittrock stellten sich bisher kostenlos vor die Masterplan-Kamera. Vier VCs planen neue Fonds #EXKLUSIV +++ Mit btov Partners, Tengelmann Ventures, DVH Ventures und Heartcore Capital (früher als Sunstone Capital bekannt) legen gleich vier bekannte Geldgeber derzeit neue Fonds auf. Spannend dabei: Die beiden Corporate-Geldgeber Tengelmann Ventures und DVH Ventures öffnen sich nun für externe Investoren. Gerade Tengelmann Ventures, inzwischen als TEV positioniert, kann bisher extrem große Erfolge vorweisen – siehe zalando, Delivery Hero und Co. Billie vor großer Investmentrunde #EXKLUSIV +++ Seit 2017 sind die beiden Zencap-Gründer Christian Grobe und Matthias Knecht mit dem Factoring-Startup Billie unterwegs. Bekannte Geldgeber wie Creandum, Rocket Internet, Speedinvest, Avala Capital und Picus Capital von Alexander Samwer investierten bereits mehr als 13 Millionen Euro in die Jungfirma, die vor allem kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen die Vorfinanzierung ihrer Rechnungen ermöglichen möchte. Nun steht eine üppige Finanzierungsrunde an. Neue Infos zum Abgang von Finn Hänsel bei Movinga #EXKLUSIV +++ Wie bereits berichtet, tritt Finn Hänsel beim jungen Umzugsdienst Movinga ab. Der Movinga-Retter, der das Startup mit katastrophalen Strukturen und 30,6 Millionen Verlust (2016) übernahm, will sich künftig auf das Trendthema Cannabis stürzen. Im vergangenen ds-Podcast hatten wir bereits über die Hintergründe des Abgangs gesprochen. Nun wird zudem klar, dass insbesondere Movinga-Investor Earlybild, in Form von Henrik Brandis, für den Abgang verantwortlich sein soll. Startup-Insider #38– Unser Podcast der Woche Abonnieren: Die Podcasts von deutsche-startups.de könnt ihr ganz leicht bei SoundCloud abonnieren und abspielen. Ansonsten bei Spotify und iTunes zuhören. Anregungen bitte an [email protected]. Hier entlang zu unserem anonymen Briefkasten. Foto (oben): Shutterstock
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webart-studio · 5 years
The Future Is Now: GLC Emcee Pascal Finette Shares Knowledge for Entrepreneurs – Octane Weblog – The official weblog of the Entrepreneurs' Group
We’re bringing EO members and non-members behind the scenes of 2019 EO International Management Convention Macau (GLC) as we profile the occasion’s emcee, Pascal Finette. Pascal was a tech entrepreneur earlier than there was even an online browser. He’s a famend speaker, creator, founder and revolutionary who loves working with changemakers who’ve the need—and capability—to make issues higher.
As co-founder at Radical Ventures and Singularity College’s chair for entrepreneurship and open innovation, Pascal is concentrated on creating new enterprise fashions for achievement and positively embracing disruption. So, it follows that—like many EO members—he believes the issues of the world will solely be solved by social entrepreneurs: People tackling age-old challenges with essentially new improvements and completely different views. He invests in these pioneering options via his nonprofit group, Mentor for Good.
Identified for his direct, no-nonsense strategy to work, he additionally based the “GyShiDo” (Get Your S%#& Executed) motion and publishes the self-proclaimed opinionated publication and weblog, The Heretic.
Phrases to stay—and be taught—by
From The Heretic, we now have compiled three of Pascal’s high nuggets of knowledge for fellow entrepreneurs.
1. It isn’t sophisticated.
I hear method too many entrepreneurs pitch stuff that I don’t perceive—and I’m certain they don’t perceive both. I get it. It’s a aggressive world on the market. We have to stand out. Even so, I can’t stand folks speaking an important sport with out delivering, making issues extra sophisticated than they’re or weaponizing language to make themselves sound smarter.
Here’s a radical and heretical piece of recommendation: Stand out by being the one one who doesn’t make issues sound sophisticated. As a substitute, use easy, plain language. Attempt it. You’ll quickly see that you’re one of many few folks others really perceive, and you can be compelled to obviously talk (and, subsequently, utterly perceive) the essence of what you might be recommending—which is an extremely highly effective option to grow to be well-known in your readability and integrity.
2. Meet along with your clients, not your colleagues.
Positive, some conferences are vital. Most conferences, nevertheless, undergo from a sequence of deficits: having too many individuals, operating too lengthy, missing clear follow-up and (possibly probably the most egregious fault) resulting in extra conferences.
However as an alternative of advising you on what’s apparent (prune your attendee record, create an agenda, outline clear subsequent steps on the conclusion of each assembly), I’ll provide a radical thought: For each extra or pointless assembly, make all contributors spend the identical period of time as they spent within the assembly really speaking and problem-solving with a buyer. I wager you cash that you’ll have fewer, shorter and extra targeted conferences. Plus, your organization efficiency will go up as everyone focuses on the one factor that actually issues: The shopper!
3. Much less is extra.
Enable me to rant for a second (you will note why it issues in a second). Whereas exploring the outdated city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, I sat down at a restaurant and noticed a household of 4 watching their cellphones. The one interruption from the relations mindlessly scrolling via their social media feeds was when considered one of them shared a very humorous posting. It was a tragic sight to behold. Nevertheless, I’m not targeted on our quickly deteriorating social interactions. I’m speaking about enterprise. To be extra exact: I’m revealing probably the most highly effective enterprise behavior of extremely profitable folks.
I’m lucky to be round very completed people. And one factor they’ve in frequent? Spending hardly any time on social media—or on every other low-value actions.
I’m not telling you something new right here. You’ve heard it earlier than: Concentrate on what issues. But, too many people are nonetheless spending an excessive amount of time on issues that don’t serve us. Think about Dieter Rams’ design philosophy: “Much less, however higher.”
In case you are feeling caught within the present paradigm (don’t fret, I used to be there, too), could I recommend studying Cal Newport’s guide, Digital Minimalism? Learn it with a watch towards your productiveness.  And keep in mind: Your productiveness is what lies between you and constructing the issues that matter!
GLC is EO’s flagship management occasion, providing unparalleled studying and networking alternatives. For those who’re able to take your entrepreneurial journey to the subsequent degree, discover the various advantages of EO membership.
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source https://webart-studio.com/the-future-is-now-glc-emcee-pascal-finette-shares-knowledge-for-entrepreneurs-octane-weblog-the-official-weblog-of-the-entrepreneurs-group/
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firstmoveronline · 6 years
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Tech-Guru Pascal Finette zur Voice-Revolution: "Die Zukunft wird uns schneller und härter treffen als wir denken" © Diconium Alexa lernt und lernt und lernt - und wird sich bald als Assistent im Alltag der Verbraucher durchzusetzen. Doch was bedeutet das alles für den Handel und die Hersteller? Wenn sich jemand damit auskennt, dann Pascal Finette. .... mehr lesen: Horizont (Quelle)
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"Ok, gostamos de voce, aqui tem dez milhões de dólares. O que você faz? E eu posso garantir que 99% dos empreendedores não faria ideia". Pascal Finette Singularity University. - - WWW.DOUGLASNAKAZAWA.COM (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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alimennova · 6 years
#marketing La digitalización de nuestra vida es el mando a distancia de nuestra inteligencia https://t.co/ECpTaQjfDf PuroMarketing - Pascal Finette, además de profesor invitado en diversas universidades y Escuelas de Negocios, CEO de Frastrack y conferenciante, es miembro de l…
#marketing La digitalización de nuestra vida es el mando a distancia de nuestra inteligencia https://t.co/ECpTaQjfDf PuroMarketing - Pascal Finette, además de profesor invitado en diversas universidades y Escuelas de Negocios, CEO de Frastrack y conferenciante, es miembro de l…
— MhablaN (@mhablan) June 26, 2018
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fantasticradiouk · 6 years
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@ey_global with Pascal Finette @pfinette, VP at @singularityu, will share his thoughts at #InnovationRealized 2018 end of April in Amsterdam. #DigitalEY #innovation #technology #entrepreneurship #tech #biz #leadership
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topicprinter · 7 years
Howdy everyone!I came across this website on Producthunt that offers a centralised website with contacts of experts (such as Joel Gascoigne from Buffer and Pascal Finette from Singularity University) that offer their time to talk to you and give you their advice for free. In case anyone is interested :) http://mentorsclub.xyz/Keep up the good work!
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rustincoburn · 7 years
Which causes me to ask: What are you doing that might be seen as counterintuitive but is the right thing to do?
- Pascal Finette
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handelsroute · 7 years
10 YEARS Handelsroute ToTheValley
I just got off the phone with a gentleman who owns a digital agency and who is considering joining one of our trips ToTheValley. While discussing this Silicon Valley trip in June it dawned on me….. We are celebrating 10 years of our ToTheValley trade missions!
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Since 2007 we bring entrepreneurs and corporate managers to the Valley. We introduce them to new technologies, new business opportunities, new contacts, a soft landing or their digital transformation strategy. In addition there is this unexpected bonus of spending time with your peers and debate how to overcome challenges, setting new goals, sharing network or often starting new ventures. Quite some new business ideas started in the bus on route 101.
Sadly the Valley has become overrun with innovation tourism and some companies have decided to limit their open door policy. However our solid network still allows us to make valuable connections between Dutch and Valley businesses. (I promise I will keep bringing stroopwafels!)
People often ask how we create an itinerary. Probably it would be most efficient to execute a 10 year re-run of a schedule that works, but we wouldn’t have lasted 10 years if that was the strategy. The basic principle of every trip is that we have to love it ourselves. Our own curiosity to discover new business models, innovation and technology has to be satisfied. And considering our recurring customers and referrals I think that turns out to be a solid benchmark.
Over the past 10 years there were of course many Valley highlights. And I am sincerely grateful to all those amazing smart, creative and passionate people who fitted meetings into their busy schedules and shared their knowledge and stories with us. I want to mention a few personal favorites, but note it is a very incomplete list;
Professor Ousama Khatib has opened up SAIL and introduced us into the world of robotics and haptics, Maarten Sierhuis hosted us at NASA and with his colleagues shared the MARS pathfinder exploration project, Singularity University Pascal Finette is exponentially good at sharing growth strategies, Mike Olson the amazing entrepreneur/storyteller of Cloudera, Stacey d’Amico who recently opened the doors to Andreessen&Horowitz and great portfolio companies like Tanium, Capriza, Okta, Onshape, Peter Laanen the Dutch Valley legend opened even more doors, René Bonvanie from Palo Alto networks got me thinking more about security, Ralph Pais and Heather Gates who made legal and stuff actually really compelling and many, many, many, more……
And I didn’t even mention all our fantastic partners (like RVO.nl and Digital Gateway.eu, and clients who I have a hard time to keep up with since I traveled with hundreds. But please know you are always in traveling with me in spirit (and in my rolodex brain) and I will always keep connecting you.
Thanks for the past 10 years, it is a great ongoing journey.
Hope to see you in June - Sandra
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