#paperstars 23
the-everqueen · 1 year
got a call from [institution redacted] that they accepted me for the postdoc and they'll send an offer letter next week!
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sweettsubaki · 5 years
I'm trying to pinpoint the age of the characters we've got personal info on. I'm only going off info we get within the show (bc my internet connection’s pretty bad rn) so if you've got informations from interviews / official websites or just a different reasoning don't hesitate to add stuff so we can discuss it.
I’m going off the idea that S1 and S2 happen within 3 months to a year (I’m personally more partial to 4-5 months).
EDIT : I forgot to put my conclusions about Cookie Booker and I forgot Paperstar actually gave us more precision so, since I’m rewatching the series so I could make a “general Season 1&2 timeline”, I thought it might be useful to add it to this post. I’ll edit this post with S1 and S2 Timelines when I’m done rewatching the show (it should be done by sunday at most). I’m not using my computer to do it tho so it’s a bit messy. Tho it might only change things by a few months but not by much. (huge thanks to @bunnyblob for reminding me of Cookie)
EDIT 2 : I reblogged this post with the timeline 
Below the cut are Shadow-San, Carmen, Zack & Ivy, Player, Julia and Graham/Gray/Crackle. (When I can I try to find their age at the beginning of the flashback in the first episode and their current age)
Let’s start with Shadow-san. Thanks to s2 we know he was somewhere in his 20′s when Carmen’s dad died 20 years before the series so I’d say he’s in his 40′s?
Carmen would be around 20/21. Shadow-san brought her to Vile island 20 years ago. She couldn’t walk yet, so unless she was a bit late, she should have been 1 year old at most. Thanks to Gray’s storyline we also can guess than she was around 18-19 when she started V.I.L.E. Academy. (At first I thought she was 16-19 because of her im/maturity but then...Her immaturity in some scene make sense given her fairly sheltered life before she entered the academy)...I’ll explain the 2 years difference below, in his paragraph which is last because it’s the longest and he’s the one who appears the less in the series...
Zack and Ivy. These two are either twins or they’re just around a year apart. They’re younger than Carmen but seem to be around the age Carmen was when she started V.I.L.E Academy so I’d say around 19-20.
Player’s the youngest, quite obviously. He’s still in school. He was quite clearly in middle school in the flashback (1rst year of high school at most), probably around 13-15; and he seems to still be in high school in the main story. So he’s younger than 18 but older than 15. I’m partial to 16-17 due to his voice and general looks.
Julia starts her job around the same time as the series (2 weeks). In France you have to have at least a degree (Bac +3, which means 3 years) before you can think to pass the exam (+ an 18 months long formation). Based on that I’d say she’s at least 22/23
Gray/Graham/Crackle takes a bit more guess but he’s also the one that gives us a good timeline to judge how much time happened between the 1st episode flashback and the main series. He says he’s missing about a year (or a bit more than a year, I can’t remember the exact phrasing). If he says that, it means that there’s at most 2 years between his last memory and the time he “woke up”.Here’s why : we know V.I.L.E training lasts about a year. We know that at the very least a month passed between the moment Black Sheep was captured in Marocco and Carmen escaped, and we know that she met Zack and Ivy soon after (it was her first job, but it probably took Player some time to decipher the first files so lets give them 2 months tops), we also know that Zack, Ivy, Carmen and Player heve been around each other enough to get quite used to each other but not enough that some of their habits might still seem weird (Episode 3 I think, when Player comments on Ivy and Zack being too annoying) so I’d add about a month or two.  Which would make the scene in the train happen about a year and 5-6 months after he started V.I.L.E Academy at most, a year and 1 months at least (if you consider that Carmen stayed on Vile Island for 2 weeks and that she met Z&I a week after and the scene in Paris happened a week later). If you take into account the fact that in episode 6 of S1 he seems to have had some time to settle in and either get back to his old habits or create new ones, I’d say about two months have passed since he “woke up”. So at that point of the story I’d say it’s been between a year and a half to 2 years between the 1st episode flashback and the main story.  Now on to finding his real age. I’d say his age when he started V.I.L.E Academy was around 19-20 at least. For one thing we know that V.I.L.E Academy has a minimum age which Carmen at around 18 was too young for (if she was closer to 19 then the minimum age might be 20). We also know he was already working when he was recruited by V.I.L.E so he had at least a certificate II by age 20, maybe a certificate III (I think it takes 2 years to complete while certificate II takes a year, it’s been a couple of years since I looked it up so it’s a bit fuzzy). I know you can get an apprenticeship for certificate II but I’m not sure for certificate III. If anyone who knows the australian system could shed some light, please do so. Anyway, if he got an apprenticeship and passed/got his Certificate II. Anyway, following this, he could have very well been employed for a few months if he was 20 when V.I.L.E invited him. Which would make him around 22 at least in the main stories. Now this allows us to guess the youngest he could be. From his looks, he seems to be in his early to mid 20′s so I’d say at most in the main storyline he’d be 25.  So he was 20-23 when recruited by V.I.L.E and 22-25 in the main storyline and gives him a 2 to 5 years difference with Carmen.
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rainbownightmares · 5 years
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Today was an interesting day, I went to the museum of tolerance and little Tokyo with my boyfriend. We passed by the cecil hotel which amazed me.
Also i kept forgetting to post past paperstars so
March 4 ate at brothers restaurant where I was blessed with pasta with danny boy
March 23 Anifest squirtle cosplay with Matt, Steph, and her nephrew
April 13 did karoke and cosplay at mall with the squad
April 28 first amity city role play
April 29 watched endgame with daniel
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the-everqueen · 1 year
DOCTOR [surname redacted]
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the-everqueen · 1 year
ordered my first compression top to experiment with gender euphoria
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the-everqueen · 8 months
small victories today:
i got paid! almost a month into this position! but now i feel like my job is "real"
i sent an email i'd been procrastinating
i went grocery shopping, with an actual list
(on the eventual menu: kale salad, roasted cauliflower with walnuts)
i preordered the Peele edited horror anthology
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the-everqueen · 1 year
got the postdoc offer letter this morning, just sent in my acceptance.
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the-everqueen · 1 year
some good things that happened this week:
the colleague and i went out to dinner to celebrate me being finished with graduate school (for now...) and it was delicious
the event that i helped organize for my part-time job went fairly well
(this despite my supervisor trying to make last-minute requests of catering, coming almost an hour late from the time we'd scheduled to meet, and leaving me to handle set up for the reception ALL BY MYSELF an hour prior)
i'm a finalist for yet another postdoc and the committee seemed to really like me. also i gave an hour-long interview and i think i passed for human
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the-everqueen · 1 year
made pan-fried tofu and charred scallions for dinner
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the-everqueen · 1 year
i ordered palak paneer because i wanted to, not because i was desperate and out of food
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the-everqueen · 1 year
some good things that happened today:
realized that i can ask for things (i generally get anxious about doing this because - obviously - my existence is a burden)
rode my bike to and from queer movie night (i'm getting more confident! my legs no longer quiver when i stand in the saddle going uphill!)
saw a huge vulture in my neighborhood who seemed very healthy (i like vultures)
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the-everqueen · 1 year
did the postdoc interview.
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the-everqueen · 1 year
got a callback to interview for a postdoc
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the-everqueen · 1 year
back from the conference! my presentation went well (not to brag but i do think i'm a very good reader) and i got lots of people after coming up to tell me their hadestown thoughts. sadly no weird/interesting questions in the q&a but i think the premise of "this musical is about dead brown girls" maybe forecloses that.
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the-everqueen · 1 year
had a tiny breakthrough last night (thx to the gf) about like...self-framing and how i conceive of myself vs how other ppl conceive of me. i've been conditioned to assume ppl think the worst of me, even in casual situations, but that's unfair to them. most ppl aren't like that. also...there's no harm in being a smidge kinder to myself in these casual moments, but there's so much harm in using it as a chance to grind myself down.
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the-everqueen · 1 year
had my first ac-job phone interview. no idea how it went, feels like i blacked out and talked very fast for about 30 min straight. i do know that i was Enthusiastic (i want this job).
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