Dark Forest Resident: Omenstar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Omenshine, Star-follower, The Leader We Do Not Speak Of, The Devout Believer in The Stars
Gender: trans tom
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: unnamed Mother, unnamed Father, Falconcurl (sister), Zaprose (niece), Bearkit (grandnephew)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, unnamed apprentice
Clan: Coastclan
Rank: Leader
Characteristics: silent, devout believer in Starclan, extremely stoic, believed he was divine/chosen by Starclan, would go to extreme lengths for them
Number of Victims: 36
Number of Murders: 34
Murder Method: clawing
Known Victims: nearly the entirety of Palmclan, a good amount of Cliffclan cats
Victim Profile: cats who were part of other Clans that his medic claimed would destroy Coastclan
Cause of Death: throat ripped out by Falconcurl
Cautionary Tale: do not let your beliefs cloud your judgment
Omenstar was always a very religious tom. He thanked Starclan for the prey he caught and ate, he followed the warrior code as much as he could, and he overall strived to be as good as he could be to make those watching above proud. 
He knew he couldn’t enforce his beliefs onto others, but he always tried so hard to listen to what Starclan advised, to what his medicine cat told him Starclan said.
So when Palmclan and Coastclan went to war, Finsplash, his medicine cat, told him that they had recieved an important message from Starclan, detailing Coastclan’s end by Palmclan, and how it would occur if they didn’t do something. 
They needed to stop Palmclan no matter what, even if it meant ending lives. 
Omenstar prepared his cats for war, and through many moons of it, he refused to show any mercy. Prisoners were taken from each Clan, one of which even joining Coastclan in the midst of the chaos. Perhaps Fieldbite knew he’d be spared if he joined Coastclan. It didn’t stop Omenstar from ensuring he was not a spy however, with Warmgrin–one of his own who was taken prisoner by Palmclan–preaching his innocence. Omenstar respected that, especially considering the recent history with the two Clans.
Regardless, as the war continued, Palmclan was losing cats.
Eventually, all that remained of Palmclan was cats who fled to Cliffclan and begged to join Coastclan, and those who fled the Clans entirely, taking shelter far, far away. Omenstar felt like the Stars themselves as he led his cats into battle, believing so strongly that he was chosen by Starclan for this task. He was divine!
Starclan wouldn’t have chosen him for something so extreme if he wasn’t. So as Palmclan’s era ended, the Clan experienced peace once more. Many lives were lost in the process, including most of his own, but alas. That is what war is like, is it not? 
Eventually, Finsplash came to him with another prophecy: Cliffclan was plotting against them! They needed to attack first! And Finsplash would never lie about such a prophecy, so Omenstar got his Clan ready to attack once again.
Cliffclan had lost several of their own, a lot more than Coastclan had. But one of the cats had taken his second-to-last life, and this was something he could only share with the most trusted of cats. 
So as he went to his sister, nursing her own kit at the time of this war, he confessed to her that he only had one life left and that he wished for her to keep it a secret from the Clan. It would be important for them to believe their leader is as strong as ever–Then the next thing he knew, he was bleeding out on the floor, with Falconcurl quietly sobbing apologies, a chunk of his neck ripped out by her teeth.
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Additional Information:
–Submission by @umbranoxs​
-.His nose and tear ducts are bleeding as a bit of revenge from beyond the grave for every Palmclan and Cliffclan cat he killed. The blood makes it hard for him to see, so he often has his eyes closed.
–The stick crown he wears was made by Falconcurl when they were newly made warriors. It’s his most prized possession.
–He was wrapped in thorny vines when he was buried as a belief that it would keep his spirit from haunting Coastclan. They passed on as “shackles” of sorts in his afterlife, where if he stays still for too long they start to dig into the ground and he has to use some of his strength to get them out. He can’t take them off, so he just has to deal with it.
–Finsplash lied about the Cliffclan prophecy, just wanting to cause a bit of chaos. While the Palmclan prophecy was true, it was more like “Palmclan and Coastclan will be destroyed if the Clans keep fighting, do something to stop it” instead of “Palmclan will destroy Coastclan, do anything at any costs to stop it” like they implied.
–While being a very stoic cat, waking up in the Dark Forest just broke him. He believed so firmly that he was divine, he was chosen by Starclan, that being abandoned, “betrayed” by them just broke him into a sobbing wreck. When he’s alone, he breaks his facade of being stoic to silently curse the Stars for what they’ve done to him.
–Falconcurl had to retire early from the trauma of the wars and killing her own brother, the two were always extremely close and she can’t go anywhere in Coastclan territory without being reminded of a memory of the two together. His memory haunts her and the rest of Coastclan.
–Coastclan doesn’t refer to him by name unless it’s in hushed whispers, instead referring to him as one of the couple of aliases above.
--False Idol by Ivycomb is his theme and voice claim. (WARNING FOR I BELIEVE SPOILERS FOR THE GAME CULT OF THE LAMB)
–Likely has a den somewhere in the Dark Forest COVERED in the vines that stay stuck to his fur, he prefers to stay there as nobody will disturb him. Probably has trust issues with everyone in the Dark Forest, so his thorn-covered den is his own way of keeping others at paw’s length. Can’t go near him if he’s hiding inside a den that painfully brushes at your fur every time you enter!
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clayclayton332 · 9 months
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The Current Leaders of my warrior cats Clans, Shellstar leader of Oasis Clan, ThimbleStar leader of Dune Clan, BarnTail leader of PalmClan, and JayStar leader of MangroveClan. I’m not sure they actually would use the star suffix due too their ancestors not being star clan, It’s mostly based on the Sea and Horizon and Sun and Moon. The equivalent too The dark forest is The depths.
ThimbleStar is a Sand Cat and BarnTail is a mainecoon. The rest are unspecified meow meows!!!
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squirrelfight · 2 years
Going to talk about oc Spotlight <3333
At first she was nothing more than a joke oc because of her name, she's a cat who wants to be given constant attention therefore her name is Spotlight
But it's not just her, it's her actions she wants to bring attention to.
It all started after her first outing as a Palmclan apprentice, her mentor (who as im writing this..doesn't have a name...but their placeholder name can be Fawnsight). Fawnsight was supposed to show Spotpaw the territory and they were doing just as that, until a squirrel caught their attention, they told Spotpaw to sit still while they go catch it real quick. Spotpaw, being outside of camp for the first time, did not sit still. At least not the whole time. The spot her & Fawnsight were one was an elevated area with almost a flat cliff side (it's not that far from the ground level). Underneath, behind leaves of bushes and trees but not hidden enough for Spotpaw to see, was a training session with two older apprentices and their mentors. Spotpaw watched as they trained, feeling more excited for the future days of training with Fawnsight until she felt like she had to go back to the area she was told to wait at otherwise Fawnsight would be mad (Spotpaw's thoughts- Fawnsight wouldn't really be mad). But when she turns around, her hindpaw slips and she rolls down the side of the hill into the bushes. Apparently she didn't make enough noise to distract the cats from their training but now she really had to get back. As she looked for ways to climb back up (and failing by just sliding back down on paths she thought were it), a sudden yowl caught her attention, one of the apprentices had lost consciousness suddenly as they were in the water and were bring dragged away by the current! But luckily our main character was quick on her feet and ran to the water and pulled them out (not..easily of course but she still caught hold of them). As the other cats clustered around, making sure the older apprentice was still breathing, Spotpaw caught sight of her mentor looking down from the hill with a very panicked expression.
Back at camp, the apprentice was taken to the medic's den while Spotpaw and Fawnsight was requested to talk to Blackberrystar about the events. To Spotpaw's surprise, Fawnsight was the only one in trouble and Spotpaw was praised for what she did today. After the talk, after the news as spread around camp, Spotpaw was being showered in appreciation and was being called a hero. No cat paid attention to Fawnsight and there was no 'ifs or 'whats' surrounding the other apprentice's health, the only talk was about Spotpaw (though most of it could have very much been exaggerated by the receiver).
So that's what laid out the plan for Spotpaw's future, she was going to be a hero, she was going to save cats. But...accidents don't always happen, what happened that one day was a mere coincidence with her being in the area, if she wasn't the apprentice was going to be rescued by one of the warriors. None of this crossed Spotlight's mind at all, her only desire was to be deemed a hero over and over again.
"Palmclan has had an awful run with luck these past moons" "Good thing Spotlight was around to help them". Coincidences. Everytime these bad things happened and Spotlight was around just so happened to be concidences...afterall why wouldn't they be?
From rock falls, to dog chases, whatever it was, Spotlight was going to save that cat and if she failed and the cat was injured or killed, it didn't matter to her, she just paid attention to the results that mattered to her.
One instances however, a hawk was spotted circling around camp and a kit, Cloudykit wasn't in the nursery and was in a very bad hiding spot. Spotlight hurried over and stood over Cloudykit blocking the hawk's view from the kit. But Cloudykit apparently wasn't the target which was proven when the hawk swooped down and grabbed the deputy Fernfeather, who was also trying to save Cloudykit, and flew away with him. It shook the clan to it's core and to Spotlight's dismay, no cat paid attention to her heroic deed of saving Cloudykit. She was given a "quick" thank-you by Cloudykit's mother but it didn't matter to Spotlight. She did something in front of the clan! Nobody was appreciating her saving Cloudykit :/.
Days after, the leader approaches Spotlight and asks her what she thinks about the deputy position. She is a talented warrior and her reputation is one of the best. "Deputy?" Spotlight was not expecting to be considered for that rank and the next would be leader, the clan knew enough that Blackberrystar was chipping away at his lives, but it was still a very big and sudden promotion that Spotlight wasn't so sure she was ready for. Blackberrystar told her there's no rush and he has other candidates. From her expression and her hesitation, Blackberrystar is already sure of the answer. So he makes another cat deputy. When Spotlight finds this out, she tracks Blackberrystar down and snaps at him, who was he to decide that she wasn't ready? Blackberrystar wasn't all that surprised by was a bit offended that she would openly show how immature she was and was even more certain he made the right choice, he left after that. Spotlight was still pissed but being deputy wasn't in plan, she was just a savior, the clan's hero, not the clan's deputy.
One of her clanmates, (i forgot his name...:( it was very pretty one.... going to give him a placeholder name of Cinderface) has high suspicion surrounding Spotlight, surely everything she's been apart of couldn't just be her being in the right place at the right time...right? He's even more convinced when he has to stop two apprentices from trying to hunt down the hawk that killed Fernfeather (do note Fernfeather wasn't taken back to the nest, he was too heavy for the hawk and was dropped still within the territory, but was already dead). When Cinderface and his patrol sees Spotlight approaching the area, he demands to know what she's doing there. Spotlight tells him she talked with Rustpaw about the hawk and "even thought she told him not to" she knew he wouldn't be convinced so she wanted to make sure he didn't do anything...rash. Cinderface isn't convinced, he doesn't know exactly whats going on in her head but he knows something is stirring in there. "If she was really worried, she would have been hear before the patrol was" but she was just arriving when they already wrapped things up with Rustpaw and his partner in crime (another apprentice, not important to give a name to).
Eventually the new leader (also..no name) starts siding with Cinderface and a lot other warriors that have joined his more cautious approach on Spotlight which leads to Spotlight's exile. The leader holds a meeting and tells Spotlight that thought she doesn't have any witnesses to her apparent harmful actions, she's using this as a test of sorts, if things calm down and less and less "accidents" happen; after 2 moons of hoped for peace, Spotlight will be allowed back in the clan. Spotlight's whole world is being ripped away from her, she needed to protect her clan! She couldn't believe the leader, she hadn't done anything (that can be proven) wrong! Why was she being punished? And for 2 moons? How was she supposed to live away from the clan for 2 whole moons? "Hopefully that's all it takes. Sorry things have to happen this way but I want the future of Palmclan to be safer and if this is what calls for it..."
Less and less cats have been falling victim to these "natural disasters" but Spotlight is still out there. She been seen just over the border, watching with expression that strike pity in those who don't believe the leader. She still feels like she helped Palmclan, and she has made it her duty to still help beyond the border.
She meets her end during a fox attack, two cats on an outing are attacked and Spotlight races across the border and tries to save the cats like she's always done. The fox catches her and throws her against a tree, she dies almost instant due to head trauma. (or maybe she like...jumped onto the fox's snout and it shook her hard enough to send her flying...idk but she dies so).
Idk all the events that lead to this but she's in the Dark Forest now, but not just the dark forest; she is trapped within a cave thats been funneling memories against the reflective stones that show everything she's done and who she has hurt in the process of "saving". She's been put in this cave by Cinderface and others, mostly victims of what she's done; cats who have died or were gravely injured by her actions or those who had a loved one fall to those fates.
This all happens a long time so she's been in this cave for generations upon generations. The stuff she's watching has lost it's meaning and she no longer recognizes what she's watching or who these cats are. She knows she's in these things but doesn't remember where they are from. She only knows her name, what she liked to do and that a certain cat is the one who brought all of this to her.
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violentshine · 1 year
was working on the smokeseed butterflypaw thingy when another story prompt i had forgotten all about reared its head & now it's all i can think about after i finish this writing bit i'll work on the other one which is about smokepaw going with mothstar to palmclan because smokepaw needs to "trade herbs"
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shiftingsandsrp · 2 years
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The final trees!! From top left to bottom right: TideClan, BluffClan, PalmClan, and Hurricanestar’s family!!
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fossilpaw · 4 years
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whitenose (left) and tapiocawave (right) have a lot of history behind them.
tapiocawave is an elegantly rebellious shecat who's mother is whitenose. whitenose is from tideclan, the father of tapiocawave being from bluffclan. this was whitenose's second failed relationship.
whitenose had a failed marriage back in her home clan with a tom named featherswoop. she had two adult children with him.
whitenose moves on to flipclaw of bluffclan, and she has kits with him. tapiocakit is taken away from her at birth, forced into bluffclan, and flipclaw is exiled. after a moon on the run, whitenose and flipclaw break up. she returns to her home clan, tideclan, and her two adult children are estatic. she tells the clan that her kitten died, and everything is calm..
25 moons pass, and whitenose has a run in with a bluffclan patrol. in it is her ex-mates, flipclaw, brother, runningwhisp. they flirt together for a passing moment, then part. runningwhisp continues to visit whitenose in secret, and they fall madly in love. whitenose becomes pregnant, and knows that every relationship she's had being a mother has failed. out of fear and denial, she gives birth 3 moons later, and leaves the kitten at the palmclan border.
tapiocawave has no idea of her half siblings existence. she hates her mother and father with every ounce of rage inside her, as well as the leader who exiled flipclaw. when she discovers this new kitten.. she won't be happy.
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theislandsclans · 5 years
Applications are open!
New characters have been created and are open for role players! Please read the rules before joining! palmclan applications - here!
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cinderclan applications - here!
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artbybird · 6 years
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a work in progress, let me know if you are interested in helping me with the designing.
palmclan- a beachside clan a clan that would rather resolve conflicts peacefully than with violence, palmclan is a rather calm and unified clan. Their belief in the ancestors is not as strong as cinderclan, making them more opinionated and factual.
cinderclan- a mountainside clan a clan of nobility and strength. the clans faith in the ancestors and in each other is highly respected, the clan follows the ancestors with honor and steadfast belief.
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murkshade · 7 years
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Some pals from Palmclan
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windsnocturne-blog · 7 years
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Petrelstar, a warriors OC for a concept I posted about on Twitter about a Clan that lives on a tropical resort!
He’s based on the black-capped petrel bird!
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I HAVE HAD OMENSTAR THOUGHTS. I might write something about it soon but
Omenstar finds Finsplash in the dark forest, and is relieved to see a familiar face he trusts but is confused as to why they're there. Finsplash, feeling like because Omenstar's vines that Omen's harmless, admits they lied about the prophecies and everything that happened- The genocide of Palmclan, trying to end Cliffclan too, was just because Finsplash was bored and wanted some havoc.
Omenstar is so in shock that he doesn't even realize until he hears their neck go "crack" that he snapped and attacked the former medic, and that he truly has nobody. He truly was abandoned by the stars.
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gougarpaw · 3 years
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of a gray cat sitting near a large body of water. There is a green forest behind the cat, with two palm trees sticking out of the forest. The cat is sitting on a sandy beach with a few stones scattered across it. It is night, and there are small stars dotting the sky. The words “Shifting Sands” is written across the piece in black text with a white outline. End Description.]
☆ there’s something in the water... ☆ 
welcome to the island of shifting sands!! a warrior cats roleplay based on a tropical island, focused on the three different clans that inhabit it. 
there’s bluffclan, large cats with sharp claws who are able to scale cliffs with ease and call the rugged terrain their home, 
tideclan, who live on the sandy coast and have webbed paws that make them efficient and elegant swimmers,
and palmclan, who live in the heart of the rainforest and as a result are excellent hunters and have an extensive knowledge on the plants there.
just remember to heed the warning: there are voices in the jungle.
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gamingkilledthecat · 5 years
hey guys i dont normally advertise things but recently, a roleplay i am very active on has moved to discord and is in need of new members!
it is a Warriors RP of course and is called Adventures of the Shore. The studio was orginally created on scratch on the 6th of April, 2018, and had over 200 members and followers as well as over 15,000 comments. The desc. states:
“AOTS is a roleplaying studio which takes a lot of inspiration from the ‘Warrior Cats’ series by Erin Hunter. The territory is based around the coast of Wales, with a huge rocky mountainous cliff, a lush forest, a small town, and sandy beach and an island set off the coast. There are four clans who live here- Gladeclan, Shellclan, Breezeclan, and Palmclan.”
Scratch is a kid-friendly website, and as such, is very sensitive to certain things or words, which causes the site to constantly ban the creator and the managers for being strict with their rules. Because of the bans, the studio is in the process of moving.
Due to the move from Scratch to Discord, many roleplayers cannot join due to issues such as inactivity, being unable to download it, or being restricted from it. Therefore, more members are likely needed! i’d be quite sad to see the roleplay die after all this time, especially after all this time and with more plots in the future.
If you’d like to join, here are the links to both the original studio on Scratch (to learn more) and the move announcement with the link to the Discord:
Scratch Studio
Announcement + Discord link
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violentshine · 3 years
The Dark Forest (oc-universe)
Every cat that dies, go on trail to be judge if their actions in life grant them their sprit’s rest in Starclan or the Dark Forest
The Dark Forest is surrounded in Starclan, giving the chance for those who wish to be redeemed to be given time. They can be given a task or a redone trail to see if they changed. The chance of redemption is not given to every dark forest spirit. 
Those who commit horrendous crimes; ie: planned murder*, conspiring to destroy/tear apart a clan(s), they can be striped of their warrior name and given a “dark forest” name- may sometimes reflect the crime that landed them in the dark forest
Those cats also are cursed with an altered body image, showing extreme deformities and/or exaggerate their wounds. Though, this can only be seen by Starclan cats and living cats, but if they want, they can show it to other dark forest cats. 
Before the trails, if a cat didn’t think they did any bad in their time of life, they went to Starclan. But, that was problematic and the higher ranks of Starclan came together and thought to do trails so they’re sure a cat goes where they’re supposed to.
*killing another cat can be justified but if someone kills just to kill then that lands them in the dark forest
Current Dark Forest Residents:
This guy’s name is not that anymore. (tbd)
The Wisher*
Unnamed cats
This version of The Dark Forest only applies to Vineclan, Oreclan, Moorclan and Palmclan 
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shiftingsandsrp · 2 years
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Sunchaser Battling his inner demons
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theislandsclans · 5 years
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Ibisstar and Flamesong of Palmclan!
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